
163 lines
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2020-11-13 14:27:50 -05:00
local E, L, V, P, G = unpack(select(2, ...)); --Import: Engine, Locales, PrivateDB, ProfileDB, GlobalDB
local LSM = E.Libs.LSM
local _G = _G
local min, max = min, max
local strmatch = strmatch
local function SetFont(obj, font, size, style, sr, sg, sb, sa, sox, soy, r, g, b)
if not obj then return end
obj:SetFont(font, size, style)
if sr and sg and sb then
obj:SetShadowColor(sr, sg, sb, sa)
if sox and soy then
obj:SetShadowOffset(sox, soy)
if r and g and b then
obj:SetTextColor(r, g, b)
elseif r then
local chatFontHeights = {6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}
function E:UpdateBlizzardFonts()
local NORMAL = E.media.normFont
local NUMBER = E.media.normFont
local COMBAT = LSM:Fetch('font', E.private.general.dmgfont)
local NAMEFONT = LSM:Fetch('font', E.private.general.namefont)
local BUBBLE = LSM:Fetch('font', E.private.general.chatBubbleFont)
_G.CHAT_FONT_HEIGHTS = chatFontHeights
if (E.eyefinity or E.ultrawide) then COMBAT = E.Media.Fonts.Invisible end -- set an invisible font for xp, honor kill, etc
if E.private.general.replaceNameFont then _G.UNIT_NAME_FONT = NAMEFONT end
if E.private.general.replaceCombatFont then _G.DAMAGE_TEXT_FONT = COMBAT end
if E.private.general.replaceBlizzFonts then
local size = E.db.general.fontSize
local enormous = size * 1.9
local mega = size * 1.7
local huge = size * 1.5
local large = size * 1.3
local medium = size * 1.1
local small = size * 0.9
local tiny = size * 0.8
local s = not E.private.general.unifiedBlizzFonts
local mono = strmatch(E.db.general.fontStyle, 'MONOCHROME') and 'MONOCHROME' or ''
local thick, outline = mono..'THICKOUTLINE', mono..'OUTLINE'
SetFont(_G.ChatBubbleFont, BUBBLE, E.private.general.chatBubbleFontSize, E.private.general.chatBubbleFontOutline) -- 13
SetFont(_G.AchievementFont_Small, NORMAL, s and small or size) -- 10 Achiev dates
SetFont(_G.BossEmoteNormalHuge, NORMAL, 24) -- Talent Title
SetFont(_G.CoreAbilityFont, NORMAL, 26) -- 32 Core abilities(title)
SetFont(_G.DestinyFontHuge, NORMAL, 32) -- Garrison Mission Report
SetFont(_G.DestinyFontMed, NORMAL, 14) -- Added in 7.3.5 used for ?
SetFont(_G.Fancy12Font, NORMAL, 12) -- Added in 7.3.5 used for ?
SetFont(_G.Fancy14Font, NORMAL, 14) -- Added in 7.3.5 used for ?
SetFont(_G.Fancy22Font, NORMAL, s and 22 or 20) -- Talking frame Title font
SetFont(_G.Fancy24Font, NORMAL, s and 24 or 20) -- Artifact frame - weapon name
SetFont(_G.FriendsFont_11, NORMAL, 11)
SetFont(_G.FriendsFont_Large, NORMAL, s and large or size) -- 14
SetFont(_G.FriendsFont_Normal, NORMAL, size) -- 12
SetFont(_G.FriendsFont_Small, NORMAL, s and small or size) -- 10
SetFont(_G.FriendsFont_UserText, NORMAL, size) -- 11
SetFont(_G.Game10Font_o1, NORMAL, 10, 'OUTLINE')
SetFont(_G.Game120Font, NORMAL, 120)
SetFont(_G.Game12Font, NORMAL, 12) -- PVP Stuff
SetFont(_G.Game13FontShadow, NORMAL, s and 13 or 14) -- InspectPvpFrame
SetFont(_G.Game15Font_o1, NORMAL, 15) -- CharacterStatsPane (ItemLevelFrame)
SetFont(_G.Game16Font, NORMAL, 16) -- Added in 7.3.5 used for ?
SetFont(_G.Game18Font, NORMAL, 18) -- MissionUI Bonus Chance
SetFont(_G.Game24Font, NORMAL, 24) -- Garrison Mission level (in detail frame)
SetFont(_G.Game30Font, NORMAL, 30) -- Mission Level
SetFont(_G.Game40Font, NORMAL, 40)
SetFont(_G.Game42Font, NORMAL, 42) -- PVP Stuff
SetFont(_G.Game46Font, NORMAL, 46) -- Added in 7.3.5 used for ?
SetFont(_G.Game48Font, NORMAL, 48)
SetFont(_G.Game48FontShadow, NORMAL, 48)
SetFont(_G.Game60Font, NORMAL, 60)
SetFont(_G.Game72Font, NORMAL, 72)
SetFont(_G.GameFont_Gigantic, NORMAL, 32) -- Used at the install steps
SetFont(_G.GameFontHighlightMedium, NORMAL, s and medium or 15) -- 14 Fix QuestLog Title mouseover
SetFont(_G.GameFontHighlightSmall2, NORMAL, s and small or size) -- 11 Skill or Recipe description on TradeSkill frame
SetFont(_G.GameFontNormalHuge2, NORMAL, s and huge or 24) -- 24 Mythic weekly best dungeon name
SetFont(_G.GameFontNormalLarge, NORMAL, s and large or 16) -- 16
SetFont(_G.GameFontNormalLarge2, NORMAL, s and large or 15) -- 18 Garrison Follower Names
SetFont(_G.GameFontNormalMed1, NORMAL, s and medium or 14) -- 13 WoW Token Info
SetFont(_G.GameFontNormalMed2, NORMAL, s and medium or medium) -- 14 Quest tracker
SetFont(_G.GameFontNormalMed3, NORMAL, s and medium or 15) -- 14
SetFont(_G.GameFontNormalSmall2, NORMAL, s and small or 12) -- 11 MissionUI Followers names
SetFont(_G.GameTooltipHeader, NORMAL, size) -- 14
SetFont(_G.InvoiceFont_Med, NORMAL, s and size or 12) -- 12 Mail
SetFont(_G.InvoiceFont_Small, NORMAL, s and small or size) -- 10 Mail
SetFont(_G.MailFont_Large, NORMAL, 14) -- 10 Mail
SetFont(_G.Number11Font, NORMAL, 11)
SetFont(_G.Number11Font, NUMBER, 11)
SetFont(_G.Number12Font, NORMAL, 12)
SetFont(_G.Number12Font_o1, NUMBER, 12, 'OUTLINE')
SetFont(_G.Number13Font, NUMBER, 13)
SetFont(_G.Number13FontGray, NUMBER, 13)
SetFont(_G.Number13FontWhite, NUMBER, 13)
SetFont(_G.Number13FontYellow, NUMBER, 13)
SetFont(_G.Number14FontGray, NUMBER, 14)
SetFont(_G.Number14FontWhite, NUMBER, 14)
SetFont(_G.Number15Font, NORMAL, 15)
SetFont(_G.Number18Font, NUMBER, 18)
SetFont(_G.Number18FontWhite, NUMBER, 18)
SetFont(_G.NumberFont_Outline_Huge, NUMBER, s and huge or 28, thick) -- 30
SetFont(_G.NumberFont_Outline_Large, NUMBER, s and large or 15, outline) -- 16
SetFont(_G.NumberFont_Outline_Med, NUMBER, medium, 'OUTLINE') -- 14
SetFont(_G.NumberFont_OutlineThick_Mono_Small, NUMBER, size, 'OUTLINE') -- 12
SetFont(_G.NumberFont_Shadow_Med, NORMAL, s and medium or size) -- 14 Chat EditBox
SetFont(_G.NumberFont_Shadow_Small, NORMAL, s and small or size) -- 12
SetFont(_G.NumberFontNormalSmall, NORMAL, s and small or 11, 'OUTLINE') -- 12 Calendar, EncounterJournal
SetFont(_G.PriceFont, NORMAL, 13)
SetFont(_G.PVPArenaTextString, NORMAL, 22, outline)
SetFont(_G.PVPInfoTextString, NORMAL, 22, outline)
SetFont(_G.QuestFont, NORMAL, size) -- 13
SetFont(_G.QuestFont_Enormous, NORMAL, s and enormous or 24) -- 30 Garrison Titles
SetFont(_G.QuestFont_Huge, NORMAL, s and huge or 15) -- 18 Quest rewards title(Rewards)
SetFont(_G.QuestFont_Large, NORMAL, s and large or 14) -- 14
SetFont(_G.QuestFont_Shadow_Huge, NORMAL, s and huge or 15) -- 18 Quest Title
SetFont(_G.QuestFont_Shadow_Small, NORMAL, s and size or 14) -- 14
SetFont(_G.QuestFont_Super_Huge, NORMAL, s and mega or 22) -- 24
SetFont(_G.ReputationDetailFont, NORMAL, size) -- 10 Rep Desc when clicking a rep
SetFont(_G.SpellFont_Small, NORMAL, 10)
SetFont(_G.SubSpellFont, NORMAL, 10) -- Spellbook Sub Names
SetFont(_G.SubZoneTextFont, NORMAL, 24, outline) -- 26 World Map(SubZone)
SetFont(_G.SubZoneTextString, NORMAL, 25, outline) -- 26
SetFont(_G.SystemFont_Huge1, NORMAL, 20) -- Garrison Mission XP
SetFont(_G.SystemFont_Huge1_Outline, NORMAL, 18, outline) -- 20 Garrison Mission Chance
SetFont(_G.SystemFont_Large, NORMAL, s and 16 or 15)
SetFont(_G.SystemFont_Med1, NORMAL, size) -- 12
SetFont(_G.SystemFont_Med3, NORMAL, medium) -- 14
SetFont(_G.SystemFont_Outline, NORMAL, s and size or 13, outline) -- 13 Pet level on World map
SetFont(_G.SystemFont_Outline_Small, NUMBER, s and small or size, 'OUTLINE') -- 10
SetFont(_G.SystemFont_OutlineThick_Huge2, NORMAL, s and huge or 20, thick) -- 22
SetFont(_G.SystemFont_OutlineThick_WTF, NORMAL, s and enormous or 32, outline) -- 32 World Map
SetFont(_G.SystemFont_Shadow_Huge1, NORMAL, 20, outline) -- Raid Warning, Boss emote frame too
SetFont(_G.SystemFont_Shadow_Huge3, NORMAL, 22) -- 25 FlightMap
SetFont(_G.SystemFont_Shadow_Huge4, NORMAL, 27, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 1, -1)
SetFont(_G.SystemFont_Shadow_Large, NORMAL, 15)
SetFont(_G.SystemFont_Shadow_Large2, NORMAL, 18) -- Auction House ItemDisplay
SetFont(_G.SystemFont_Shadow_Large_Outline, NUMBER, 20, 'OUTLINE') -- 16
SetFont(_G.SystemFont_Shadow_Med1, NORMAL, size) -- 12
SetFont(_G.SystemFont_Shadow_Med2, NORMAL, s and medium or 14.3) -- 14 Shows Order resourses on OrderHallTalentFrame
SetFont(_G.SystemFont_Shadow_Med3, NORMAL, medium) -- 14
SetFont(_G.SystemFont_Shadow_Small, NORMAL, small) -- 10
SetFont(_G.SystemFont_Small, NORMAL, s and small or size) -- 10
SetFont(_G.SystemFont_Tiny, NORMAL, s and tiny or size) -- 09
SetFont(_G.Tooltip_Med, NORMAL, size) -- 12
SetFont(_G.Tooltip_Small, NORMAL, s and small or size) -- 10
SetFont(_G.ZoneTextString, NORMAL, s and enormous or 32, outline) -- 32