local E, L, V, P, G = unpack(select(2, ...)); --Import: Engine, Locales, PrivateDB, ProfileDB, GlobalDB local _G = _G local tinsert, strfind, strmatch = tinsert, strfind, strmatch local select, tonumber, format = select, tonumber, format local next, max, wipe = next, max, wipe local utf8sub = string.utf8sub local UnitIsUnit = UnitIsUnit local GetCVarBool = GetCVarBool local GetItemInfo = GetItemInfo local GetAverageItemLevel = GetAverageItemLevel local GetInventoryItemLink = GetInventoryItemLink local GetInventoryItemTexture = GetInventoryItemTexture local GetInspectSpecialization = GetInspectSpecialization local RETRIEVING_ITEM_INFO = RETRIEVING_ITEM_INFO local ITEM_SPELL_TRIGGER_ONEQUIP = ITEM_SPELL_TRIGGER_ONEQUIP local ESSENCE_DESCRIPTION = GetSpellDescription(277253) local MATCH_ITEM_LEVEL = ITEM_LEVEL:gsub('%%d', '(%%d+)') local MATCH_ITEM_LEVEL_ALT = ITEM_LEVEL_ALT:gsub('%%d(%s?)%(%%d%)', '%%d+%1%%((%%d+)%%)') local MATCH_ENCHANT = ENCHANTED_TOOLTIP_LINE:gsub('%%s', '(.+)') local X2_INVTYPES, X2_EXCEPTIONS, ARMOR_SLOTS = { INVTYPE_2HWEAPON = true, INVTYPE_RANGEDRIGHT = true, INVTYPE_RANGED = true, }, { [2] = 19, -- wands, use INVTYPE_RANGEDRIGHT, but are 1H }, {1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15} function E:InspectGearSlot(line, lineText, slotInfo) local enchant = strmatch(lineText, MATCH_ENCHANT) if enchant then slotInfo.enchantText = enchant slotInfo.enchantTextShort = utf8sub(enchant, 1, 18) local lr, lg, lb = line:GetTextColor() slotInfo.enchantColors[1] = lr slotInfo.enchantColors[2] = lg slotInfo.enchantColors[3] = lb end local itemLevel = lineText and (strmatch(lineText, MATCH_ITEM_LEVEL_ALT) or strmatch(lineText, MATCH_ITEM_LEVEL)) if itemLevel then slotInfo.iLvl = tonumber(itemLevel) local tr, tg, tb = _G.ElvUI_ScanTooltipTextLeft1:GetTextColor() slotInfo.itemLevelColors[1] = tr slotInfo.itemLevelColors[2] = tg slotInfo.itemLevelColors[3] = tb end end function E:CollectEssenceInfo(index, lineText, slotInfo) local step = 1 local essence = slotInfo.essences[step] if essence and next(essence) and (strfind(lineText, ITEM_SPELL_TRIGGER_ONEQUIP, nil, true) and strfind(lineText, ESSENCE_DESCRIPTION, nil, true)) then for i = 5, 2, -1 do local line = _G['ElvUI_ScanTooltipTextLeft'..index - i] local text = line and line:GetText() if text and (not strmatch(text, '^[ +]')) and essence and next(essence) then local r, g, b = line:GetTextColor() essence[4] = E:RGBToHex(r, g, b) essence[5] = text step = step + 1 essence = slotInfo.essences[step] end end end end function E:GetGearSlotInfo(unit, slot, deepScan) local tt = E.ScanTooltip tt:SetOwner(_G.UIParent, 'ANCHOR_NONE') tt:SetInventoryItem(unit, slot) tt:Show() if not tt.slotInfo then tt.slotInfo = {} else wipe(tt.slotInfo) end local slotInfo = tt.slotInfo if deepScan then slotInfo.gems, slotInfo.essences = E:ScanTooltipTextures() if not tt.enchantColors then tt.enchantColors = {} else wipe(tt.enchantColors) end if not tt.itemLevelColors then tt.itemLevelColors = {} else wipe(tt.itemLevelColors) end slotInfo.enchantColors = tt.enchantColors slotInfo.itemLevelColors = tt.itemLevelColors for x = 1, tt:NumLines() do local line = _G['ElvUI_ScanTooltipTextLeft'..x] if line then local lineText = line:GetText() if x == 1 and lineText == RETRIEVING_ITEM_INFO then return 'tooSoon' else E:InspectGearSlot(line, lineText, slotInfo) E:CollectEssenceInfo(x, lineText, slotInfo) end end end else local firstLine = _G.ElvUI_ScanTooltipTextLeft1:GetText() if firstLine == RETRIEVING_ITEM_INFO then return 'tooSoon' end local colorblind = GetCVarBool('colorblindmode') and 4 or 3 for x = 2, colorblind do local line = _G['ElvUI_ScanTooltipTextLeft'..x] if line then local lineText = line:GetText() local itemLevel = lineText and (strmatch(lineText, MATCH_ITEM_LEVEL_ALT) or strmatch(lineText, MATCH_ITEM_LEVEL)) if itemLevel then slotInfo.iLvl = tonumber(itemLevel) end end end end tt:Hide() return slotInfo end --Credit ls & Acidweb function E:CalculateAverageItemLevel(iLevelDB, unit) local spec = GetInspectSpecialization(unit) local isOK, total, link = true, 0 if not spec or spec == 0 then isOK = false end -- Armor for _, id in next, ARMOR_SLOTS do link = GetInventoryItemLink(unit, id) if link then local cur = iLevelDB[id] if cur and cur > 0 then total = total + cur end elseif GetInventoryItemTexture(unit, id) then isOK = false end end -- Main hand local mainItemLevel, mainQuality, mainEquipLoc, mainItemClass, mainItemSubClass, _ = 0 link = GetInventoryItemLink(unit, 16) if link then mainItemLevel = iLevelDB[16] _, _, mainQuality, _, _, _, _, _, mainEquipLoc, _, _, mainItemClass, mainItemSubClass = GetItemInfo(link) elseif GetInventoryItemTexture(unit, 16) then isOK = false end -- Off hand local offItemLevel, offEquipLoc = 0 link = GetInventoryItemLink(unit, 17) if link then offItemLevel = iLevelDB[17] _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, offEquipLoc = GetItemInfo(link) elseif GetInventoryItemTexture(unit, 17) then isOK = false end if mainItemLevel and offItemLevel then if mainQuality == 6 or (not offEquipLoc and X2_INVTYPES[mainEquipLoc] and X2_EXCEPTIONS[mainItemClass] ~= mainItemSubClass and spec ~= 72) then mainItemLevel = max(mainItemLevel, offItemLevel) total = total + mainItemLevel * 2 else total = total + mainItemLevel + offItemLevel end end -- at the beginning of an arena match no info might be available, -- so despite having equipped gear a person may appear naked if total == 0 then isOK = false end return isOK and format('%0.2f', E:Round(total / 16, 2)) end function E:GetPlayerItemLevel() return format('%0.2f', E:Round((select(2, GetAverageItemLevel())), 2)) end do local iLevelDB, tryAgain = {}, {} function E:GetUnitItemLevel(unit) if UnitIsUnit('player', unit) then return E:GetPlayerItemLevel() end if next(iLevelDB) then wipe(iLevelDB) end if next(tryAgain) then wipe(tryAgain) end for i = 1, 17 do if i ~= 4 then local slotInfo = E:GetGearSlotInfo(unit, i) if slotInfo == 'tooSoon' then tinsert(tryAgain, i) else iLevelDB[i] = slotInfo.iLvl end end end if next(tryAgain) then return 'tooSoon', unit, tryAgain, iLevelDB end return E:CalculateAverageItemLevel(iLevelDB, unit) end end