local E, L, V, P, G = unpack(select(2, ...)); --Import: Engine, Locales, PrivateDB, ProfileDB, GlobalDB local tinsert, tremove, next, wipe, ipairs = tinsert, tremove, next, wipe, ipairs local select, tonumber, type, unpack, strmatch = select, tonumber, type, unpack, strmatch local modf, atan2, ceil, floor, abs, sqrt, mod = math.modf, atan2, ceil, floor, abs, sqrt, mod local format, strsub, strupper, gsub, gmatch = format, strsub, strupper, gsub, gmatch local tostring, pairs, utf8sub, utf8len = tostring, pairs, string.utf8sub, string.utf8len local CreateFrame = CreateFrame local UnitPosition = UnitPosition local GetPlayerFacing = GetPlayerFacing local BreakUpLargeNumbers = BreakUpLargeNumbers local GetScreenWidth, GetScreenHeight = GetScreenWidth, GetScreenHeight local C_Timer_After = C_Timer.After E.ShortPrefixValues = {} E.ShortPrefixStyles = { TCHINESE = {{1e8,'億'}, {1e4,'萬'}}, CHINESE = {{1e8,'亿'}, {1e4,'万'}}, ENGLISH = {{1e12,'T'}, {1e9,'B'}, {1e6,'M'}, {1e3,'K'}}, GERMAN = {{1e12,'Bio'}, {1e9,'Mrd'}, {1e6,'Mio'}, {1e3,'Tsd'}}, KOREAN = {{1e8,'억'}, {1e4,'만'}, {1e3,'천'}}, METRIC = {{1e12,'T'}, {1e9,'G'}, {1e6,'M'}, {1e3,'k'}} } E.GetFormattedTextStyles = { CURRENT = '%s', CURRENT_MAX = '%s - %s', CURRENT_PERCENT = '%s - %.1f%%', CURRENT_MAX_PERCENT = '%s - %s | %.1f%%', PERCENT = '%.1f%%', DEFICIT = '-%s', } function E:BuildPrefixValues() if next(E.ShortPrefixValues) then wipe(E.ShortPrefixValues) end E.ShortPrefixValues = E:CopyTable(E.ShortPrefixValues, E.ShortPrefixStyles[E.db.general.numberPrefixStyle]) E.ShortValueDec = format('%%.%df', E.db.general.decimalLength or 1) for _, style in ipairs(E.ShortPrefixValues) do style[3] = E.ShortValueDec..style[2] end local dec = tostring(E.db.general.decimalLength or 1) for style, str in pairs(E.GetFormattedTextStyles) do E.GetFormattedTextStyles[style] = gsub(str, '%d', dec) end end --Return short value of a number function E:ShortValue(value, dec) local abs_value = value<0 and -value or value local decimal = dec and format('%%.%df', tonumber(dec) or 0) for i = 1, #E.ShortPrefixValues do if abs_value >= E.ShortPrefixValues[i][1] then if decimal then return format(decimal..E.ShortPrefixValues[i][2], value / E.ShortPrefixValues[i][1]) else return format(E.ShortPrefixValues[i][3], value / E.ShortPrefixValues[i][1]) end end end return format('%.0f', value) end function E:IsEvenNumber(num) return num % 2 == 0 end -- http://www.wowwiki.com/ColorGradient function E:ColorGradient(perc, ...) if perc >= 1 then return select(select('#', ...) - 2, ...) elseif perc <= 0 then return ... end local num = select('#', ...) / 3 local segment, relperc = modf(perc*(num-1)) local r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2 = select((segment*3)+1, ...) return r1+(r2-r1)*relperc, g1+(g2-g1)*relperc, b1+(b2-b1)*relperc end -- Text Gradient by Simpy function E:TextGradient(text, ...) local msg, len, idx = '', utf8len(text), 0 for i = 1, len do local x = utf8sub(text, i, i) if strmatch(x, '%s') then msg = msg .. x idx = idx + 1 else local num = select('#', ...) / 3 local segment, relperc = modf((idx/len)*num) local r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2 = select((segment*3)+1, ...) if not r2 then msg = msg .. E:RGBToHex(r1, g1, b1, nil, x..'|r') else msg = msg .. E:RGBToHex(r1+(r2-r1)*relperc, g1+(g2-g1)*relperc, b1+(b2-b1)*relperc, nil, x..'|r') idx = idx + 1 end end end return msg end -- quick convert function: (nil or table to populate, 'ff0000', '00ff00', '0000ff', ...) to get (1,0,0, 0,1,0, 0,0,1, ...) function E:HexsToRGBs(rgb, ...) if not rgb then rgb = {} end for i = 1, select('#', ...) do local x, r, g, b = #rgb, E:HexToRGB(select(i, ...)) rgb[x+1], rgb[x+2], rgb[x+3] = r/255, g/255, b/255 end return unpack(rgb) end --Return rounded number function E:Round(num, idp) if type(num) ~= 'number' then return num, idp end if idp and idp > 0 then local mult = 10 ^ idp return floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult end return floor(num + 0.5) end --Truncate a number off to n places function E:Truncate(v, decimals) return v - (v % (0.1 ^ (decimals or 0))) end --RGB to Hex function E:RGBToHex(r, g, b, header, ending) r = r <= 1 and r >= 0 and r or 1 g = g <= 1 and g >= 0 and g or 1 b = b <= 1 and b >= 0 and b or 1 return format('%s%02x%02x%02x%s', header or '|cff', r*255, g*255, b*255, ending or '') end --Hex to RGB function E:HexToRGB(hex) local a, r, g, b = strmatch(hex, '^|?c?(%x%x)(%x%x)(%x%x)(%x?%x?)|?r?$') if not a then return 0, 0, 0, 0 end if b == '' then r, g, b, a = a, r, g, 'ff' end return tonumber(r, 16), tonumber(g, 16), tonumber(b, 16), tonumber(a, 16) end --From http://wow.gamepedia.com/UI_coordinates function E:FramesOverlap(frameA, frameB) if not frameA or not frameB then return end local sA, sB = frameA:GetEffectiveScale(), frameB:GetEffectiveScale() if not sA or not sB then return end local frameALeft, frameARight, frameABottom, frameATop = frameA:GetLeft(), frameA:GetRight(), frameA:GetBottom(), frameA:GetTop() local frameBLeft, frameBRight, frameBBottom, frameBTop = frameB:GetLeft(), frameB:GetRight(), frameB:GetBottom(), frameB:GetTop() if not (frameALeft and frameARight and frameABottom and frameATop) then return end if not (frameBLeft and frameBRight and frameBBottom and frameBTop) then return end return ((frameALeft*sA) < (frameBRight*sB)) and ((frameBLeft*sB) < (frameARight*sA)) and ((frameABottom*sA) < (frameBTop*sB)) and ((frameBBottom*sB) < (frameATop*sA)) end function E:GetScreenQuadrant(frame) local x, y = frame:GetCenter() local screenWidth = GetScreenWidth() local screenHeight = GetScreenHeight() if not (x and y) then return 'UNKNOWN', frame:GetName() end local point if (x > (screenWidth / 3) and x < (screenWidth / 3)*2) and y > (screenHeight / 3)*2 then point = 'TOP' elseif x < (screenWidth / 3) and y > (screenHeight / 3)*2 then point = 'TOPLEFT' elseif x > (screenWidth / 3)*2 and y > (screenHeight / 3)*2 then point = 'TOPRIGHT' elseif (x > (screenWidth / 3) and x < (screenWidth / 3)*2) and y < (screenHeight / 3) then point = 'BOTTOM' elseif x < (screenWidth / 3) and y < (screenHeight / 3) then point = 'BOTTOMLEFT' elseif x > (screenWidth / 3)*2 and y < (screenHeight / 3) then point = 'BOTTOMRIGHT' elseif x < (screenWidth / 3) and (y > (screenHeight / 3) and y < (screenHeight / 3)*2) then point = 'LEFT' elseif x > (screenWidth / 3)*2 and y < (screenHeight / 3)*2 and y > (screenHeight / 3) then point = 'RIGHT' else point = 'CENTER' end return point end function E:GetXYOffset(position, forcedX, forcedY) local default = E.Spacing local x, y = forcedX or default, forcedY or forcedX or default if position == 'TOP' then return 0, y elseif position == 'TOPLEFT' then return x, y elseif position == 'TOPRIGHT' then return -x, y elseif position == 'BOTTOM' then return 0, -y elseif position == 'BOTTOMLEFT' then return x, -y elseif position == 'BOTTOMRIGHT' then return -x, -y elseif position == 'LEFT' then return -x, 0 elseif position == 'RIGHT' then return x, 0 elseif position == 'CENTER' then return 0, 0 end end function E:GetFormattedText(style, min, max, dec) if max == 0 then max = 1 end if style == 'CURRENT' or ((style == 'CURRENT_MAX' or style == 'CURRENT_MAX_PERCENT' or style == 'CURRENT_PERCENT') and min == max) then return format(E.GetFormattedTextStyles.CURRENT, E:ShortValue(min, dec)) else local useStyle = E.GetFormattedTextStyles[style] if not useStyle then return end if style == 'DEFICIT' then local deficit = max - min return (deficit > 0 and format(useStyle, E:ShortValue(deficit, dec))) or '' elseif style == 'CURRENT_MAX' then return format(useStyle, E:ShortValue(min, dec), E:ShortValue(max, dec)) elseif style == 'PERCENT' or style == 'CURRENT_PERCENT' or style == 'CURRENT_MAX_PERCENT' then if dec then useStyle = gsub(useStyle, '%d', tonumber(dec) or 0) end local perc = min / max * 100 if style == 'PERCENT' then return format(useStyle, perc) elseif style == 'CURRENT_PERCENT' then return format(useStyle, E:ShortValue(min, dec), perc) elseif style == 'CURRENT_MAX_PERCENT' then return format(useStyle, E:ShortValue(min, dec), E:ShortValue(max, dec), perc) end end end end function E:ShortenString(str, numChars, dots) local bytes = #str if bytes <= numChars then return str else local len, pos = 0, 1 while pos <= bytes do len = len + 1 local c = str:byte(pos) if c > 0 and c <= 127 then pos = pos + 1 elseif c >= 192 and c <= 223 then pos = pos + 2 elseif c >= 224 and c <= 239 then pos = pos + 3 elseif c >= 240 and c <= 247 then pos = pos + 4 end if len == numChars then break end end if len == numChars and pos <= bytes then return strsub(str, 1, pos - 1)..(dots and '...' or '') else return str end end end function E:AbbreviateString(str, allUpper) local newString = '' for word in gmatch(str, '[^%s]+') do word = utf8sub(word, 1, 1) --get only first letter of each word if allUpper then word = strupper(word) end newString = newString..word end return newString end function E:WaitFunc(elapse) local i = 1 while i <= #E.WaitTable do local data = E.WaitTable[i] if data[1] > elapse then data[1], i = data[1] - elapse, i + 1 else tremove(E.WaitTable, i) data[2](unpack(data[3])) if #E.WaitTable == 0 then E.WaitFrame:Hide() end end end end E.WaitTable = {} E.WaitFrame = CreateFrame('Frame', 'ElvUI_WaitFrame', _G.UIParent) E.WaitFrame:SetScript('OnUpdate', E.WaitFunc) --Add time before calling a function function E:Delay(delay, func, ...) if type(delay) ~= 'number' or type(func) ~= 'function' then return false end -- Restrict to the lowest time that the C_Timer API allows us if delay < 0.01 then delay = 0.01 end if select('#', ...) <= 0 then C_Timer_After(delay, func) else tinsert(E.WaitTable,{delay,func,{...}}) E.WaitFrame:Show() end return true end function E:StringTitle(str) return gsub(str, '(.)', strupper, 1) end E.TimeThreshold = 3 E.TimeColors = { --aura time colors [0] = '|cffeeeeee', --days [1] = '|cffeeeeee', --hours [2] = '|cffeeeeee', --minutes [3] = '|cffeeeeee', --seconds [4] = '|cfffe0000', --expire (fade timer) [5] = '|cff909090', --mmss [6] = '|cff707070', --hhmm } E.TimeFormats = { -- short / indicator color [0] = {'%dd', '%d%sd|r'}, [1] = {'%dh', '%d%sh|r'}, [2] = {'%dm', '%d%sm|r'}, [3] = {'%ds', '%d%ss|r'}, [4] = {'%.1fs', '%.1f%ss|r'}, [5] = {'%d:%02d', '%d%s:|r%02d'}, --mmss [6] = {'%d:%02d', '%d%s:|r%02d'}, --hhmm } for _, x in pairs(E.TimeFormats) do x[3] = gsub(x[1], 's$', '') -- 1 without seconds x[4] = gsub(x[2], '%%ss', '%%s') -- 2 without seconds end E.TimeIndicatorColors = { [0] = '|cff00b3ff', [1] = '|cff00b3ff', [2] = '|cff00b3ff', [3] = '|cff00b3ff', [4] = '|cff00b3ff', [5] = '|cff00b3ff', [6] = '|cff00b3ff', } local DAY, HOUR, MINUTE = 86400, 3600, 60 --used for calculating aura time text local DAYISH, HOURISH, MINUTEISH = HOUR * 23.5, MINUTE * 59.5, 59.5 --used for caclculating aura time at transition points local HALFDAYISH, HALFHOURISH, HALFMINUTEISH = DAY/2 + 0.5, HOUR/2 + 0.5, MINUTE/2 + 0.5 --used for calculating next update times -- will return the the value to display, the formatter id to use and calculates the next update for the Aura function E:GetTimeInfo(s, threshhold, hhmm, mmss) if s < MINUTE then if s >= threshhold then return floor(s), 3, 0.51 else return s, 4, 0.051 end elseif s < HOUR then if mmss and s < mmss then return s/MINUTE, 5, 0.51, s%MINUTE else local minutes = floor((s/MINUTE)+.5) if hhmm and s < (hhmm * MINUTE) then return s/HOUR, 6, minutes > 1 and (s - (minutes*MINUTE - HALFMINUTEISH)) or (s - MINUTEISH), minutes%MINUTE else return ceil(s / MINUTE), 2, minutes > 1 and (s - (minutes*MINUTE - HALFMINUTEISH)) or (s - MINUTEISH) end end elseif s < DAY then if mmss and s < mmss then return s/MINUTE, 5, 0.51, s%MINUTE elseif hhmm and s < (hhmm * MINUTE) then local minutes = floor((s/MINUTE)+.5) return s/HOUR, 6, minutes > 1 and (s - (minutes*MINUTE - HALFMINUTEISH)) or (s - MINUTEISH), minutes%MINUTE else local hours = floor((s/HOUR)+.5) return ceil(s / HOUR), 1, hours > 1 and (s - (hours*HOUR - HALFHOURISH)) or (s - HOURISH) end else local days = floor((s/DAY)+.5) return ceil(s / DAY), 0, days > 1 and (s - (days*DAY - HALFDAYISH)) or (s - DAYISH) end end function E:GetDistance(unit1, unit2) local x1, y1, _, map1 = UnitPosition(unit1) if not x1 then return end local x2, y2, _, map2 = UnitPosition(unit2) if not x2 then return end if map1 ~= map2 then return end local dX = x2 - x1 local dY = y2 - y1 local distance = sqrt(dX * dX + dY * dY) return distance, atan2(dY, dX) - GetPlayerFacing() end --Money text formatting, code taken from Scrooge by thelibrarian ( http://www.wowace.com/addons/scrooge/ ) local COLOR_COPPER, COLOR_SILVER, COLOR_GOLD = '|cffeda55f', '|cffc7c7cf', '|cffffd700' local ICON_COPPER = [[|TInterface\MoneyFrame\UI-CopperIcon:12:12|t]] local ICON_SILVER = [[|TInterface\MoneyFrame\UI-SilverIcon:12:12|t]] local ICON_GOLD = [[|TInterface\MoneyFrame\UI-GoldIcon:12:12|t]] function E:FormatMoney(amount, style, textonly) local coppername = textonly and L["copperabbrev"] or ICON_COPPER local silvername = textonly and L["silverabbrev"] or ICON_SILVER local goldname = textonly and L["goldabbrev"] or ICON_GOLD local value = abs(amount) local gold = floor(value / 10000) local silver = floor(mod(value / 100, 100)) local copper = floor(mod(value, 100)) if not style or style == 'SMART' then local str = '' if gold > 0 then str = format('%d%s%s', gold, goldname, (silver > 0 or copper > 0) and ' ' or '') end if silver > 0 then str = format('%s%d%s%s', str, silver, silvername, copper > 0 and ' ' or '') end if copper > 0 or value == 0 then str = format('%s%d%s', str, copper, coppername) end return str end if style == 'FULL' then if gold > 0 then return format('%d%s %d%s %d%s', gold, goldname, silver, silvername, copper, coppername) elseif silver > 0 then return format('%d%s %d%s', silver, silvername, copper, coppername) else return format('%d%s', copper, coppername) end elseif style == 'SHORT' then if gold > 0 then return format('%.1f%s', amount / 10000, goldname) elseif silver > 0 then return format('%.1f%s', amount / 100, silvername) else return format('%d%s', amount, coppername) end elseif style == 'SHORTINT' then if gold > 0 then return format('%d%s', gold, goldname) elseif silver > 0 then return format('%d%s', silver, silvername) else return format('%d%s', copper, coppername) end elseif style == 'CONDENSED' then if gold > 0 then return format('%s%d|r.%s%02d|r.%s%02d|r', COLOR_GOLD, gold, COLOR_SILVER, silver, COLOR_COPPER, copper) elseif silver > 0 then return format('%s%d|r.%s%02d|r', COLOR_SILVER, silver, COLOR_COPPER, copper) else return format('%s%d|r', COLOR_COPPER, copper) end elseif style == 'BLIZZARD' then if gold > 0 then return format('%s%s %d%s %d%s', BreakUpLargeNumbers(gold), goldname, silver, silvername, copper, coppername) elseif silver > 0 then return format('%d%s %d%s', silver, silvername, copper, coppername) else return format('%d%s', copper, coppername) end elseif style == 'BLIZZARD2' then if gold > 0 then return format('%s%s %02d%s %02d%s', BreakUpLargeNumbers(gold), goldname, silver, silvername, copper, coppername) elseif silver > 0 then return format('%d%s %02d%s', silver, silvername, copper, coppername) else return format('%d%s', copper, coppername) end end -- Shouldn't be here; punt return self:FormatMoney(amount, 'SMART') end