local E, L, V, P, G = unpack(select(2, ...)); --Import: Engine, Locales, PrivateDB, ProfileDB, GlobalDB local MC = E:GetModule('ModuleCopy') local pairs, next, type = pairs, next, type local format, error = format, error -- GLOBALS: ElvDB --This table to reserve settings names in E.global.profileCopy. Used in export/imports functions --Plugins can add own values for their internal settings for safechecks here MC.InternalOptions = { selected = true, movers = true, } --Default template for a config group for a single module. --Contains header, general group toggle (shown only if the setting actually exists) and imports button. --Usage as seen in ElvUI_OptionsUI\modulecopy.lua function MC:CreateModuleConfigGroup(Name, section, pluginSection) local config = { order = 10, type = 'group', name = Name, args = { header = E.Libs.ACH:Header(Name, 0), general = { order = 1, type = 'toggle', name = L["General"], }, spacer = E.Libs.ACH:Spacer(-4), import = { order = -3, type = 'execute', name = L["Import Now"], func = function() E.PopupDialogs.MODULE_COPY_CONFIRM.text = format(L["You are going to copy settings for |cffD3CF00\"%s\"|r from |cff4beb2c\"%s\"|r profile to your current |cff4beb2c\"%s\"|r profile. Are you sure?"], Name, E.global.profileCopy.selected, ElvDB.profileKeys[E.mynameRealm]) E.PopupDialogs.MODULE_COPY_CONFIRM.OnAccept = function() MC:ImportFromProfile(section, pluginSection) end E:StaticPopup_Show('MODULE_COPY_CONFIRM') end, }, export = { order = -2, type = 'execute', name = L["Export Now"], func = function() E.PopupDialogs.MODULE_COPY_CONFIRM.text = format(L["You are going to copy settings for |cffD3CF00\"%s\"|r from your current |cff4beb2c\"%s\"|r profile to |cff4beb2c\"%s\"|r profile. Are you sure?"], Name, ElvDB.profileKeys[E.mynameRealm], E.global.profileCopy.selected) E.PopupDialogs.MODULE_COPY_CONFIRM.OnAccept = function() MC:ExportToProfile(section, pluginSection) end E:StaticPopup_Show('MODULE_COPY_CONFIRM') end, }, }, } if pluginSection then config.args.general.hidden = function(info) return E.global.profileCopy[pluginSection][section][ info[#info] ] == nil end config.get = function(info) return E.global.profileCopy[pluginSection][section][ info[#info] ] end config.set = function(info, value) E.global.profileCopy[pluginSection][section][ info[#info] ] = value end else config.args.general.hidden = function(info) return E.global.profileCopy[section][ info[#info] ] == nil end config.get = function(info) return E.global.profileCopy[section][ info[#info] ] end config.set = function(info, value) E.global.profileCopy[section][ info[#info] ] = value end end return config end function MC:CreateMoversConfigGroup() local config = { header = E.Libs.ACH:Header(L["On screen positions for different elements."], 0), spacer = E.Libs.ACH:Spacer(200), import = { order = 201, type = 'execute', name = L["Import Now"], func = function() E.PopupDialogs.MODULE_COPY_CONFIRM.text = format(L["You are going to copy settings for |cffD3CF00\"%s\"|r from |cff4beb2c\"%s\"|r profile to your current |cff4beb2c\"%s\"|r profile. Are you sure?"], L["Movers"], E.global.profileCopy.selected, ElvDB.profileKeys[E.mynameRealm]) E.PopupDialogs.MODULE_COPY_CONFIRM.OnAccept = function() MC:CopyMovers('import') end E:StaticPopup_Show('MODULE_COPY_CONFIRM') end, }, export = { order = 202, type = 'execute', name = L["Export Now"], func = function() E.PopupDialogs.MODULE_COPY_CONFIRM.text = format(L["You are going to copy settings for |cffD3CF00\"%s\"|r from your current |cff4beb2c\"%s\"|r profile to |cff4beb2c\"%s\"|r profile. Are you sure?"], L["Movers"], ElvDB.profileKeys[E.mynameRealm], E.global.profileCopy.selected) E.PopupDialogs.MODULE_COPY_CONFIRM.OnAccept = function() MC:CopyMovers('export') end E:StaticPopup_Show('MODULE_COPY_CONFIRM') end, }, } for moverName, data in pairs(E.CreatedMovers) do if not G.profileCopy.movers[moverName] then G.profileCopy.movers[moverName] = false end config[moverName] = { order = 1, type = 'toggle', name = data.mover.textString, get = function() return E.global.profileCopy.movers[moverName] end, set = function(_, value) E.global.profileCopy.movers[moverName] = value; end } end for moverName, data in pairs(E.DisabledMovers) do if not G.profileCopy.movers[moverName] then G.profileCopy.movers[moverName] = false end config[moverName] = { order = 1, type = 'toggle', name = data.mover.textString, get = function() return E.global.profileCopy.movers[moverName] end, set = function(_, value) E.global.profileCopy.movers[moverName] = value; end } end return config end function MC:CopyTable(CopyFrom, CopyTo, CopyDefault, module) for key, value in pairs(CopyTo) do if type(value) ~= 'table' then if module == true or (type(module) == 'table' and (module.general == nil or (not CopyTo.general and module.general))) then --Some dark magic of a logic to figure out stuff --This check is to see if the profile we are copying from has keys absent from defaults. --If key exists, then copy. If not, then clear obsolite key from the profile. if CopyDefault[key] ~= nil then CopyTo[key] = CopyFrom[key] or CopyDefault[key] else CopyFrom[key] = nil end end else if module == true then --Copy over entire section of profile subgroup E:CopyTable(CopyTo, CopyDefault) E:CopyTable(CopyTo, CopyFrom) elseif type(module) == 'table' and module[key] ~= nil then --Making sure tables actually exist in profiles (e.g absent values in ElvDB.profiles are for default values) CopyFrom[key], CopyTo[key] = MC:TablesExist(CopyFrom[key], CopyTo[key], CopyDefault[key]) --If key exists, then copy. If not, then clear obsolite key from the profile. --Someone should double check this logic. Cause for single keys it is fine, but I'm no sure bout whole tables @Darth if CopyFrom[key] ~= nil then MC:CopyTable(CopyFrom[key], CopyTo[key], CopyDefault[key], module[key]) else CopyTo[key] = nil end end end end end --[[ * Valid copy templates should be as follows: G.profileCopy[YourOptionGroupName] = { [SubGroupName1] = true, [SubGroupName2] = true, ... } * For example: G.profileCopy.auras = { general = true, buffs = true, debuffs = true, cooldown = true, } * 'general' key can refer to a similar named subtable or all non-table variables inside your group * If you leave the table as G.profileCopy[YourOptionGroupName] = {}, this will result in no valid copy template error. * If set to G.profileCopy[YourOptionGroupName] = true, then this will copy everything without selecting any particular subcategory from your settings table. * Plugins can use 'pluginSection' argument to determain their own table if they keep settings apart from core ElvUI settings. -- Examples S&L uses 'sle' table, MerathilisUI uses 'mui' table, BenikUI uses 'benikui' and core table ]] function MC:TablesExist(CopyFrom, CopyTo, CopyDefault) if not CopyFrom then CopyFrom = CopyDefault end if not CopyTo then CopyTo = CopyDefault end return CopyFrom, CopyTo end function MC:ImportFromProfile(section, pluginSection) --Some checks for the occasion someone passes wrong stuff if not section then error('No profile section provided. Usage MC:ImportFromProfile("section")') end if not pluginSection and MC.InternalOptions[section] then error(format('Section name could not be "%s". This name is reserved for internal setting'), section) end if pluginSection and (MC.InternalOptions[pluginSection] and MC.InternalOptions[pluginSection][section]) then error(format('Section name for plugin group "%s" could not be "%s". This name is reserved for internal setting'), pluginSection, section) end local module = pluginSection and E.global.profileCopy[pluginSection][section] or E.global.profileCopy[section] if not module then error(format('Provided section name "%s" does not have a template for profile copy.', section)) end --Starting digging through the settings local CopyFrom = pluginSection and (ElvDB.profiles[E.global.profileCopy.selected][pluginSection] and ElvDB.profiles[E.global.profileCopy.selected][pluginSection][section] or P[pluginSection][section]) or ElvDB.profiles[E.global.profileCopy.selected][section] local CopyTo = pluginSection and E.db[pluginSection][section] or E.db[section] local CopyDefault = pluginSection and P[pluginSection][section] or P[section] --Making sure tables actually exist in profiles (e.g absent values in ElvDB.profiles are for default values) CopyFrom, CopyTo = MC:TablesExist(CopyFrom, CopyTo, CopyDefault) if type(module) == 'table' and next(module) then --This module is not an empty table MC:CopyTable(CopyFrom, CopyTo, CopyDefault, module) elseif type(module) == 'boolean' then --Copy over entire section of profile subgroup E:CopyTable(CopyTo, CopyDefault) E:CopyTable(CopyTo, CopyFrom) else error(format('Provided section name "%s" does not have a valid copy template.', section)) end E:StaggeredUpdateAll(nil, true) end function MC:ExportToProfile(section, pluginSection) --Some checks for the occasion someone passes wrong stuff if not section then error('No profile section provided. Usage MC:ExportToProfile("section")') end if not pluginSection and MC.InternalOptions[section] then error(format('Section name could not be "%s". This name is reserved for internal setting'), section) end if pluginSection and MC.InternalOptions[pluginSection][section] then error(format('Section name for plugin group "%s" could not be "%s". This name is reserved for internal setting'), pluginSection, section) end local module = pluginSection and E.global.profileCopy[pluginSection][section] or E.global.profileCopy[section] if not module then error(format('Provided section name "%s" does not have a template for profile copy.', section)) end --Making sure tables actually exist if not ElvDB.profiles[E.global.profileCopy.selected][section] then ElvDB.profiles[E.global.profileCopy.selected][section] = {} end if not E.db[section] then E.db[section] = {} end --Starting digging through the settings local CopyFrom = pluginSection and E.db[pluginSection][section] or E.db[section] local CopyTo = pluginSection and ElvDB.profiles[E.global.profileCopy.selected][pluginSection][section] or ElvDB.profiles[E.global.profileCopy.selected][section] local CopyDefault = pluginSection and P[pluginSection][section] or P[section] if type(module) == 'table' and next(module) then --This module is not an empty table MC:CopyTable(CopyFrom, CopyTo, CopyDefault, module) elseif type(module) == 'boolean' then --Copy over entire section of profile subgroup E:CopyTable(CopyTo, CopyDefault) E:CopyTable(CopyTo, CopyFrom) else error(format('Provided section name "%s" does not have a valid copy template.', section)) end end function MC:CopyMovers(mode) if not E.db.movers then E.db.movers = {} end --Nothing was moved in cutrrent profile if not ElvDB.profiles[E.global.profileCopy.selected].movers then ElvDB.profiles[E.global.profileCopy.selected].movers = {} end --Nothing was moved in selected profile local CopyFrom, CopyTo if mode == 'export' then CopyFrom, CopyTo = E.db.movers, ElvDB.profiles[E.global.profileCopy.selected].movers else CopyFrom, CopyTo = ElvDB.profiles[E.global.profileCopy.selected].movers or {}, E.db.movers end for moverName in pairs(E.CreatedMovers) do if E.global.profileCopy.movers[moverName] then CopyTo[moverName] = CopyFrom[moverName] end end E:SetMoversPositions() end function MC:Initialize() self.Initialized = true end E:RegisterModule(MC:GetName())