local E, L, V, P, G = unpack(select(2, ...)); --Import: Engine, Locales, PrivateDB, ProfileDB, GlobalDB -- Credit: ls- (lightspark) local abs, next, Lerp = abs, next, Lerp local tonumber, assert = tonumber, assert local activeObjects = {} local handledObjects = {} local TARGET_FPS = 60 local AMOUNT = 0.33 local function clamp(v, min, max) min = min or 0 max = max or 1 if v > max then return max elseif v < min then return min end return v end local function isCloseEnough(new, target, range) if range > 0 then return abs((new - target) / range) <= 0.001 end return true end local frame = CreateFrame('Frame') local function onUpdate(_, elapsed) for object, target in next, activeObjects do local new = Lerp(object._value, target, clamp(AMOUNT * elapsed * TARGET_FPS)) if isCloseEnough(new, target, object._max - object._min) then new = target activeObjects[object] = nil end object:SetValue_(new) object._value = new end end local function bar_SetSmoothedValue(self, value) value = tonumber(value) assert(value, 'bar_SetSmoothedValue requires (value) to be a number.') self._value = self:GetValue() activeObjects[self] = clamp(value, self._min, self._max) end local function bar_SetSmoothedMinMaxValues(self, min, max) min, max = tonumber(min), tonumber(max) assert(min and max, 'bar_SetSmoothedMinMaxValues requires (min and max) to be a number.') self:SetMinMaxValues_(min, max) if self._max and self._max ~= max then local ratio = 1 if max ~= 0 and self._max and self._max ~= 0 then ratio = max / (self._max or max) end local target = activeObjects[self] if target then activeObjects[self] = target * ratio end local cur = self._value if cur then self:SetValue_(cur * ratio) self._value = cur * ratio end end self._min = min self._max = max end local function SmoothBar(bar) bar._min, bar._max = bar:GetMinMaxValues() bar._value = bar:GetValue() if not bar.SetValue_ then bar.SetValue_ = bar.SetValue bar.SetValue = bar_SetSmoothedValue end if not bar.SetMinMaxValues_ then bar.SetMinMaxValues_ = bar.SetMinMaxValues bar.SetMinMaxValues = bar_SetSmoothedMinMaxValues end if not frame:GetScript('OnUpdate') then frame:SetScript('OnUpdate', onUpdate) end handledObjects[bar] = true end local function DesmoothBar(bar) if activeObjects[bar] then bar:SetValue_(activeObjects[bar]) activeObjects[bar] = nil end if handledObjects[bar] then handledObjects[bar] = nil end if bar.SetValue_ then bar.SetValue = bar.SetValue_ bar.SetValue_ = nil end if bar.SetMinMaxValues_ then bar.SetMinMaxValues = bar.SetMinMaxValues_ bar.SetMinMaxValues_ = nil end if not next(handledObjects) then frame:SetScript('OnUpdate', nil) end end function E:SetSmoothingAmount(amount) AMOUNT = clamp(amount, 0.2, 0.8) end function E:SetSmoothing(bar, enable) if enable then SmoothBar(bar) else DesmoothBar(bar) end end