local E, L, V, P, G = unpack(select(2, ...)); --Import: Engine, Locales, PrivateDB, ProfileDB, GlobalDB local AB = E:GetModule('ActionBars') local UF = E:GetModule('UnitFrames') local Misc = E:GetModule('Misc') local Bags = E:GetModule('Bags') local Skins = E:GetModule('Skins') local _G = _G local pairs, type, unpack, assert = pairs, type, unpack, assert local tremove, tContains, tinsert, wipe = tremove, tContains, tinsert, wipe local format, error = format, error local CreateFrame = CreateFrame local IsAddOnLoaded = IsAddOnLoaded local MoneyFrame_Update = MoneyFrame_Update local UnitIsDeadOrGhost, InCinematic = UnitIsDeadOrGhost, InCinematic local PurchaseSlot, GetBankSlotCost = PurchaseSlot, GetBankSlotCost local SetCVar, EnableAddOn, DisableAddOn = SetCVar, EnableAddOn, DisableAddOn local ReloadUI, PlaySound, StopMusic = ReloadUI, PlaySound, StopMusic local StaticPopup_Resize = StaticPopup_Resize local GetBindingFromClick = GetBindingFromClick local AutoCompleteEditBox_OnEnterPressed = AutoCompleteEditBox_OnEnterPressed local AutoCompleteEditBox_OnTextChanged = AutoCompleteEditBox_OnTextChanged local ChatEdit_FocusActiveWindow = ChatEdit_FocusActiveWindow local STATICPOPUP_TEXTURE_ALERT = STATICPOPUP_TEXTURE_ALERT local STATICPOPUP_TEXTURE_ALERTGEAR = STATICPOPUP_TEXTURE_ALERTGEAR local YES, NO, OKAY, CANCEL, ACCEPT, DECLINE = YES, NO, OKAY, CANCEL, ACCEPT, DECLINE -- GLOBALS: ElvUIBindPopupWindowCheckButton local DOWNLOAD_URL = 'https://www.tukui.org/download.php?ui=elvui' E.PopupDialogs = {} E.StaticPopup_DisplayedFrames = {} E.PopupDialogs.ELVUI_UPDATE_AVAILABLE = { text = L["ElvUI is five or more revisions out of date. You can download the newest version from www.tukui.org. Get premium membership and have ElvUI automatically updated with the Tukui Client!"], hasEditBox = 1, OnShow = function(self) self.editBox:SetAutoFocus(false) self.editBox.width = self.editBox:GetWidth() self.editBox:Width(220) self.editBox:SetText(DOWNLOAD_URL) self.editBox:HighlightText() ChatEdit_FocusActiveWindow() end, OnHide = function(self) self.editBox:Width(self.editBox.width or 50) self.editBox.width = nil end, hideOnEscape = 1, button1 = OKAY, OnAccept = E.noop, EditBoxOnEnterPressed = function(self) ChatEdit_FocusActiveWindow() self:GetParent():Hide() end, EditBoxOnEscapePressed = function(self) ChatEdit_FocusActiveWindow() self:GetParent():Hide() end, EditBoxOnTextChanged = function(self) if self:GetText() ~= DOWNLOAD_URL then self:SetText(DOWNLOAD_URL) end self:HighlightText() self:ClearFocus() ChatEdit_FocusActiveWindow() end, OnEditFocusGained = function(self) self:HighlightText() end, showAlert = 1, } E.PopupDialogs.ELVUI_EDITBOX = { text = E.title, button1 = OKAY, hasEditBox = 1, OnShow = function(self, data) self.editBox:SetAutoFocus(false) self.editBox.width = self.editBox:GetWidth() self.editBox:Width(280) self.editBox:AddHistoryLine('text') self.editBox.temptxt = data self.editBox:SetText(data) self.editBox:HighlightText() self.editBox:SetJustifyH('CENTER') end, OnHide = function(self) self.editBox:Width(self.editBox.width or 50) self.editBox.width = nil self.temptxt = nil end, EditBoxOnEnterPressed = function(self) self:GetParent():Hide() end, EditBoxOnEscapePressed = function(self) self:GetParent():Hide() end, EditBoxOnTextChanged = function(self) if self:GetText() ~= self.temptxt then self:SetText(self.temptxt) end self:HighlightText() self:ClearFocus() end, OnAccept = E.noop, whileDead = 1, preferredIndex = 3, hideOnEscape = 1, } E.PopupDialogs.CLIENT_UPDATE_REQUEST = { text = L["Detected that your ElvUI OptionsUI addon is out of date. This may be a result of your Tukui Client being out of date. Please visit our download page and update your Tukui Client, then reinstall ElvUI. Not having your ElvUI OptionsUI addon up to date will result in missing options."], button1 = OKAY, OnAccept = E.noop, showAlert = 1, } E.PopupDialogs.CONFIRM_LOSE_BINDING_CHANGES = { text = CONFIRM_LOSE_BINDING_CHANGES, button1 = OKAY, button2 = CANCEL, OnAccept = function() AB:ChangeBindingProfile() AB.bindingsChanged = nil end, OnCancel = function() local isChecked = ElvUIBindPopupWindowCheckButton:GetChecked() ElvUIBindPopupWindowCheckButton:SetChecked(not isChecked) end, whileDead = 1, showAlert = 1, } E.PopupDialogs.TUKUI_ELVUI_INCOMPATIBLE = { text = L["Oh lord, you have got ElvUI and Tukui both enabled at the same time. Select an addon to disable."], OnAccept = function() DisableAddOn('ElvUI'); ReloadUI() end, OnCancel = function() DisableAddOn('Tukui'); ReloadUI() end, button1 = 'ElvUI', button2 = 'Tukui', whileDead = 1, hideOnEscape = false, } E.PopupDialogs.DISABLE_INCOMPATIBLE_ADDON = { text = L["Do you swear not to post in technical support about something not working without first disabling the addon/module combination first?"], OnAccept = function() E.global.ignoreIncompatible = true end, OnCancel = function() local popup = E.PopupDialogs.INCOMPATIBLE_ADDON E:StaticPopup_Hide('DISABLE_INCOMPATIBLE_ADDON') E:StaticPopup_Show('INCOMPATIBLE_ADDON', popup.button1, popup.button2) end, button1 = L["I Swear"], button2 = DECLINE, whileDead = 1, hideOnEscape = false, } E.PopupDialogs.INCOMPATIBLE_ADDON = { text = L["INCOMPATIBLE_ADDON"], OnAccept = function() local popup = E.PopupDialogs.INCOMPATIBLE_ADDON; popup.accept(popup) end, OnCancel = function() local popup = E.PopupDialogs.INCOMPATIBLE_ADDON; popup.cancel(popup) end, button3 = L["Disable Warning"], OnAlt = function() E:StaticPopup_Hide('INCOMPATIBLE_ADDON') E:StaticPopup_Show('DISABLE_INCOMPATIBLE_ADDON') end, whileDead = 1, hideOnEscape = false, } E.PopupDialogs.CONFIG_RL = { text = L["One or more of the changes you have made require a ReloadUI."], button1 = ACCEPT, button2 = CANCEL, OnAccept = ReloadUI, whileDead = 1, hideOnEscape = false, } E.PopupDialogs.GLOBAL_RL = { text = L["One or more of the changes you have made will effect all characters using this addon. You will have to reload the user interface to see the changes you have made."], button1 = ACCEPT, button2 = CANCEL, OnAccept = ReloadUI, whileDead = 1, hideOnEscape = false, } E.PopupDialogs.PRIVATE_RL = { text = L["A setting you have changed will change an option for this character only. This setting that you have changed will be uneffected by changing user profiles. Changing this setting requires that you reload your User Interface."], button1 = ACCEPT, button2 = CANCEL, OnAccept = ReloadUI, whileDead = 1, hideOnEscape = false, } E.PopupDialogs.RESET_UF_UNIT = { text = L["Accepting this will reset the UnitFrame settings for %s. Are you sure?"], button1 = ACCEPT, button2 = CANCEL, OnAccept = function(_, data) if data and data.unit then UF:ResetUnitSettings(data.unit) if data.mover then E:ResetMovers(data.mover) end if data.unit == 'raidpet' then UF:CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup(data.unit, nil, nil, true) end if IsAddOnLoaded('ElvUI_OptionsUI') then local ACD = E.Libs.AceConfigDialog if ACD and ACD.OpenFrames and ACD.OpenFrames.ElvUI then ACD:SelectGroup('ElvUI', 'unitframe', data.unit) end end else E:Print(L["Error resetting UnitFrame."]) end end, whileDead = 1, hideOnEscape = false, } E.PopupDialogs.RESET_UF_AF = { text = L["Accepting this will reset your Filter Priority lists for all auras on UnitFrames. Are you sure?"], button1 = ACCEPT, button2 = CANCEL, OnAccept = function() for unitName, content in pairs(E.db.unitframe.units) do if content.buffs then content.buffs.priority = P.unitframe.units[unitName].buffs.priority end if content.debuffs then content.debuffs.priority = P.unitframe.units[unitName].debuffs.priority end if content.aurabar then content.aurabar.priority = P.unitframe.units[unitName].aurabar.priority end end end, whileDead = 1, hideOnEscape = false, } E.PopupDialogs.RESET_NP_AF = { text = L["Accepting this will reset your Filter Priority lists for all auras on NamePlates. Are you sure?"], button1 = ACCEPT, button2 = CANCEL, OnAccept = function() for unitType, content in pairs(E.db.nameplates.units) do if content.buffs and content.buffs.filters then content.buffs.filters.priority = P.nameplates.units[unitType].buffs.filters.priority end if content.debuffs and content.debuffs.filters then content.debuffs.filters.priority = P.nameplates.units[unitType].debuffs.filters.priority end end end, whileDead = 1, hideOnEscape = false, } E.PopupDialogs.DELETE_GRAYS = { text = format('|cffff0000%s|r', L["Delete gray items?"]), button1 = YES, button2 = NO, OnAccept = function() Bags:VendorGrays(true) end, OnShow = function(self) MoneyFrame_Update(self.moneyFrame, E.PopupDialogs.DELETE_GRAYS.Money) end, timeout = 4, whileDead = 1, hideOnEscape = false, hasMoneyFrame = 1, } E.PopupDialogs.BUY_BANK_SLOT = { text = CONFIRM_BUY_BANK_SLOT, button1 = YES, button2 = NO, OnAccept = PurchaseSlot, OnShow = function(self) MoneyFrame_Update(self.moneyFrame, GetBankSlotCost()) end, hasMoneyFrame = 1, hideOnEscape = 1, } E.PopupDialogs.CANNOT_BUY_BANK_SLOT = { text = L["Can't buy anymore slots!"], button1 = ACCEPT, whileDead = 1, } E.PopupDialogs.NO_BANK_BAGS = { text = L["You must purchase a bank slot first!"], button1 = ACCEPT, whileDead = 1, } E.PopupDialogs.RESETUI_CHECK = { text = L["Are you sure you want to reset every mover back to it's default position?"], button1 = ACCEPT, button2 = CANCEL, OnAccept = function() E:ResetAllUI() end, whileDead = 1, } E.PopupDialogs.HARLEM_SHAKE = { text = L["ElvUI needs to perform database optimizations please be patient."], button1 = OKAY, OnAccept = function() if E.isMassiveShaking then E:StopHarlemShake() else E:BeginHarlemShake() return true end end, whileDead = 1, } E.PopupDialogs.HELLO_KITTY = { text = L["ElvUI needs to perform database optimizations please be patient."], button1 = OKAY, OnAccept = function() E:SetupHelloKitty() end, whileDead = 1, } E.PopupDialogs.HELLO_KITTY_END = { text = L["Do you enjoy the new ElvUI?"], button1 = L["Yes, Keep Changes!"], button2 = L["No, Revert Changes!"], OnAccept = function() E:Print(L["Type /hellokitty to revert to old settings."]) StopMusic() SetCVar('Sound_EnableAllSound', E.oldEnableAllSound) SetCVar('Sound_EnableMusic', E.oldEnableMusic) end, OnCancel = function() E:RestoreHelloKitty() StopMusic() SetCVar('Sound_EnableAllSound', E.oldEnableAllSound) SetCVar('Sound_EnableMusic', E.oldEnableMusic) end, whileDead = 1, } E.PopupDialogs.DISBAND_RAID = { text = L["Are you sure you want to disband the group?"], button1 = ACCEPT, button2 = CANCEL, OnAccept = function() Misc:DisbandRaidGroup() end, whileDead = 1, } E.PopupDialogs.CONFIRM_LOOT_DISTRIBUTION = { text = CONFIRM_LOOT_DISTRIBUTION, button1 = YES, button2 = NO, hideOnEscape = 1, } E.PopupDialogs.RESET_PROFILE_PROMPT = { text = L["Are you sure you want to reset all the settings on this profile?"], button1 = YES, button2 = NO, hideOnEscape = 1, OnAccept = function() E:ResetProfile() end, } E.PopupDialogs.RESET_PRIVATE_PROFILE_PROMPT = { text = L["Are you sure you want to reset all the settings on this profile?"], button1 = YES, button2 = NO, hideOnEscape = 1, OnAccept = function() E:ResetPrivateProfile() end, } E.PopupDialogs.WARNING_BLIZZARD_ADDONS = { text = L["It appears one of your AddOns have disabled the AddOn Blizzard_CompactRaidFrames. This can cause errors and other issues. The AddOn will now be re-enabled."], button1 = OKAY, hideOnEscape = false, OnAccept = function() EnableAddOn('Blizzard_CompactRaidFrames'); ReloadUI(); end, } E.PopupDialogs.APPLY_FONT_WARNING = { text = L["Are you sure you want to apply this font to all ElvUI elements?"], OnAccept = function() local font = E.db.general.font local fontSize = E.db.general.fontSize E.db.bags.itemLevelFont = font E.db.bags.itemLevelFontSize = fontSize E.db.bags.countFont = font E.db.bags.countFontSize = fontSize E.db.nameplates.font = font --E.db.nameplate.fontSize = fontSize --Dont use this because nameplate font it somewhat smaller than the rest of the font sizes --E.db.nameplate.buffs.font = font --E.db.nameplate.buffs.fontSize = fontSize --Dont use this because nameplate font it somewhat smaller than the rest of the font sizes --E.db.nameplate.debuffs.font = font --E.db.nameplate.debuffs.fontSize = fontSize --Dont use this because nameplate font it somewhat smaller than the rest of the font sizes E.db.actionbar.font = font --E.db.actionbar.fontSize = fontSize --This may not look good if a big font size is chosen E.db.auras.buffs.countFont = font E.db.auras.buffs.countFontSize = fontSize E.db.auras.buffs.timeFont = font E.db.auras.buffs.timeFontSize = fontSize E.db.auras.debuffs.countFont = font E.db.auras.debuffs.countFontSize = fontSize E.db.auras.debuffs.timeFont = font E.db.auras.debuffs.timeFontSize = fontSize E.db.chat.font = font E.db.chat.fontSize = fontSize E.db.chat.tabFont = font E.db.chat.tabFontSize = fontSize E.db.datatexts.font = font E.db.datatexts.fontSize = fontSize E.db.general.minimap.locationFont = font E.db.tooltip.font = font E.db.tooltip.fontSize = fontSize E.db.tooltip.headerFontSize = fontSize E.db.tooltip.textFontSize = fontSize E.db.tooltip.smallTextFontSize = fontSize E.db.tooltip.healthBar.font = font --E.db.tooltip.healthbar.fontSize = fontSize -- Size is smaller than default E.db.unitframe.font = font --E.db.unitframe.fontSize = fontSize -- Size is smaller than default E.db.unitframe.units.party.rdebuffs.font = font E.db.unitframe.units.raid.rdebuffs.font = font E.db.unitframe.units.raid40.rdebuffs.font = font E:StaggeredUpdateAll(nil, true) end, OnCancel = function() E:StaticPopup_Hide('APPLY_FONT_WARNING'); end, button1 = YES, button2 = CANCEL, whileDead = 1, hideOnEscape = false, } E.PopupDialogs.MODULE_COPY_CONFIRM = { button1 = ACCEPT, button2 = CANCEL, whileDead = 1, hideOnEscape = false, } E.PopupDialogs.SCRIPT_PROFILE = { text = L["You are using CPU Profiling. This causes decreased performance. Do you want to disable it or continue?"], button1 = L["Disable"], button2 = L["Continue"], OnAccept = function() SetCVar('scriptProfile', 0) ReloadUI() end, OnCancel = E.noop, showAlert = 1, whileDead = 1, hideOnEscape = false, } E.PopupDialogs.ELVUI_CONFIG_FOUND = { text = L["You still have ElvUI_Config installed. ElvUI_Config has been renamed to ElvUI_OptionsUI, please remove it."], button1 = ACCEPT, whileDead = 1, hideOnEscape = false, } local MAX_STATIC_POPUPS = 4 function E:StaticPopup_OnShow() PlaySound(850); --IG_MAINMENU_OPEN local dialog = E.PopupDialogs[self.which] local OnShow = dialog.OnShow if OnShow then OnShow(self, self.data) end if dialog.hasMoneyInputFrame then _G[self:GetName()..'MoneyInputFrameGold']:SetFocus() end if dialog.enterClicksFirstButton or dialog.hideOnEscape then self:SetScript('OnKeyDown', E.StaticPopup_OnKeyDown) end -- boost static popups over ace gui if IsAddOnLoaded('ElvUI_OptionsUI') then local ACD = E.Libs.AceConfigDialog if ACD and ACD.OpenFrames and ACD.OpenFrames.ElvUI then self.frameStrataIncreased = true self:SetFrameStrata('FULLSCREEN_DIALOG') local popupFrameLevel = self:GetFrameLevel() if popupFrameLevel < 100 then self:SetFrameLevel(popupFrameLevel+100) end end end end function E:StaticPopup_EscapePressed() local closed = nil for _, frame in pairs(E.StaticPopup_DisplayedFrames) do if frame:IsShown() and frame.hideOnEscape then local standardDialog = E.PopupDialogs[frame.which] if standardDialog then local OnCancel = standardDialog.OnCancel local noCancelOnEscape = standardDialog.noCancelOnEscape if OnCancel and not noCancelOnEscape then OnCancel(frame, frame.data, 'clicked') end frame:Hide() else E:StaticPopupSpecial_Hide(frame) end closed = 1 end end return closed end function E:StaticPopupSpecial_Hide(frame) frame:Hide() E:StaticPopup_CollapseTable() end function E:StaticPopup_CollapseTable() local displayedFrames = E.StaticPopup_DisplayedFrames local index = #displayedFrames while ( ( index >= 1 ) and ( not displayedFrames[index]:IsShown() ) ) do tremove(displayedFrames, index) index = index - 1 end end function E:StaticPopup_SetUpPosition(dialog) if not tContains(E.StaticPopup_DisplayedFrames, dialog) then local lastFrame = E.StaticPopup_DisplayedFrames[#E.StaticPopup_DisplayedFrames] dialog:ClearAllPoints() if lastFrame then dialog:Point('TOP', lastFrame, 'BOTTOM', 0, -4) else dialog:Point('TOP', E.UIParent, 'TOP', 0, -100) end tinsert(E.StaticPopup_DisplayedFrames, dialog) end end function E:StaticPopupSpecial_Show(frame) if frame.exclusive then E:StaticPopup_HideExclusive() end E:StaticPopup_SetUpPosition(frame) frame:Show() end function E:StaticPopupSpecial_Hide(frame) frame:Hide() E:StaticPopup_CollapseTable() end --Used to figure out if we can resize a frame function E:StaticPopup_IsLastDisplayedFrame(frame) for i=#E.StaticPopup_DisplayedFrames, 1, -1 do local popup = E.StaticPopup_DisplayedFrames[i] if popup:IsShown() then return frame == popup end end return false end function E:StaticPopup_OnKeyDown(key) if GetBindingFromClick(key) == 'TOGGLEGAMEMENU' then return E:StaticPopup_EscapePressed() end local dialog = E.PopupDialogs[self.which] if dialog then if key == 'ENTER' and dialog.enterClicksFirstButton then local i, frameName = 1, self:GetName() local button = _G[frameName..'Button'..i] while button do if button:IsShown() then E:StaticPopup_OnClick(self, i) return end i = i + 1 button = _G[frameName..'Button'..i] end end end end function E:StaticPopup_OnHide() PlaySound(851); --IG_MAINMENU_CLOSE E:StaticPopup_CollapseTable() local dialog = E.PopupDialogs[self.which] local OnHide = dialog.OnHide if OnHide then OnHide(self, self.data) end self.extraFrame:Hide() if dialog.enterClicksFirstButton then self:SetScript('OnKeyDown', nil) end -- static popup was boosted over ace gui, set it back to normal if self.frameStrataIncreased then self.frameStrataIncreased = nil self:SetFrameStrata('DIALOG') local popupFrameLevel = self:GetFrameLevel() if popupFrameLevel > 100 then self:SetFrameLevel(popupFrameLevel-100) end end end function E:StaticPopup_OnUpdate(elapsed) local info = E.PopupDialogs[self.which] if self.timeleft and self.timeleft > 0 then self.timeleft = self.timeleft - elapsed if self.timeleft <= 0 then if not info.timeoutInformationalOnly then self.timeleft = nil if info.OnCancel then info.OnCancel(self, self.data, 'timeout') end self:Hide() end return end end if self.startDelay then self.startDelay = self.startDelay - elapsed if self.startDelay <= 0 then self.startDelay = nil local name = self:GetName() local text = _G[name..'Text'] text:SetFormattedText(info.text, text.text_arg1, text.text_arg2) _G[name..'Button1']:Enable() StaticPopup_Resize(self, self.which) return end end if info.OnUpdate then info.OnUpdate(self, elapsed) end end function E:StaticPopup_OnClick(index) if not self:IsShown() then return end local which = self.which local info = E.PopupDialogs[which] if not info then return nil end local hide = true if index == 1 then local OnAccept = info.OnAccept if OnAccept then hide = not OnAccept(self, self.data, self.data2) end elseif index == 3 then local OnAlt = info.OnAlt if OnAlt then OnAlt(self, self.data, 'clicked') end else local OnCancel = info.OnCancel if OnCancel then hide = not OnCancel(self, self.data, 'clicked') end end if hide and (which == self.which) then -- can self.which change inside one of the On* functions??? self:Hide() end end function E:StaticPopup_EditBoxOnEnterPressed() local EditBoxOnEnterPressed, which, dialog local parent = self:GetParent() if parent.which then which = parent.which dialog = parent elseif parent:GetParent().which then -- This is needed if this is a money input frame since it's nested deeper than a normal edit box which = parent:GetParent().which dialog = parent:GetParent() end if not self.autoCompleteParams or not AutoCompleteEditBox_OnEnterPressed(self) then EditBoxOnEnterPressed = E.PopupDialogs[which].EditBoxOnEnterPressed if EditBoxOnEnterPressed then EditBoxOnEnterPressed(self, dialog.data) end end end function E:StaticPopup_EditBoxOnEscapePressed() local EditBoxOnEscapePressed = E.PopupDialogs[self:GetParent().which].EditBoxOnEscapePressed if EditBoxOnEscapePressed then EditBoxOnEscapePressed(self, self:GetParent().data) end end function E:StaticPopup_EditBoxOnTextChanged(userInput) if not self.autoCompleteParams or not AutoCompleteEditBox_OnTextChanged(self, userInput) then local EditBoxOnTextChanged = E.PopupDialogs[self:GetParent().which].EditBoxOnTextChanged if EditBoxOnTextChanged then EditBoxOnTextChanged(self, self:GetParent().data) end end end function E:StaticPopup_FindVisible(which, data) local info = E.PopupDialogs[which] if not info then return nil end for index = 1, MAX_STATIC_POPUPS, 1 do local frame = _G['ElvUI_StaticPopup'..index] if frame and frame:IsShown() and (frame.which == which) and (not info.multiple or (frame.data == data)) then return frame end end return nil end function E:StaticPopup_Resize(dialog, which) local info = E.PopupDialogs[which] if not info then return nil end local text = _G[dialog:GetName()..'Text'] local editBox = _G[dialog:GetName()..'EditBox'] local button1 = _G[dialog:GetName()..'Button1'] local maxHeightSoFar, maxWidthSoFar = (dialog.maxHeightSoFar or 0), (dialog.maxWidthSoFar or 0) local width = 320 if dialog.numButtons == 3 then width = 440 elseif info.showAlert or info.showAlertGear or info.closeButton then -- Widen width = 420 elseif info.editBoxWidth and info.editBoxWidth > 260 then width = width + (info.editBoxWidth - 260) end if width > maxWidthSoFar then dialog:Width(width) dialog.maxWidthSoFar = width end local height = 32 + (text and text:GetHeight() or 0) + 8 + button1:GetHeight() if info.hasEditBox then height = height + 8 + editBox:GetHeight() elseif info.hasMoneyFrame then height = height + 16 elseif info.hasMoneyInputFrame then height = height + 22 end if info.hasItemFrame then height = height + 64 end if info.hasCheckButton then height = height + 32 end if height > maxHeightSoFar then dialog:Height(height) dialog.maxHeightSoFar = height end end function E:StaticPopup_OnEvent() self.maxHeightSoFar = 0 E:StaticPopup_Resize(self, self.which) end local tempButtonLocs = {}; --So we don't make a new table each time. function E:StaticPopup_Show(which, text_arg1, text_arg2, data) local info = E.PopupDialogs[which] if not info then return nil end if UnitIsDeadOrGhost('player') and not info.whileDead then if info.OnCancel then info.OnCancel() end return nil end if InCinematic() and not info.interruptCinematic then if info.OnCancel then info.OnCancel() end return nil end if info.cancels then for index = 1, MAX_STATIC_POPUPS, 1 do local frame = _G['ElvUI_StaticPopup'..index] if frame:IsShown() and (frame.which == info.cancels) then frame:Hide() local OnCancel = E.PopupDialogs[frame.which].OnCancel if OnCancel then OnCancel(frame, frame.data, 'override') end end end end -- Pick a free dialog to use, find an open dialog of the requested type local dialog = E:StaticPopup_FindVisible(which, data) if dialog then if not info.noCancelOnReuse then local OnCancel = info.OnCancel if OnCancel then OnCancel(dialog, dialog.data, 'override') end end dialog:Hide() end if not dialog then -- Find a free dialog local index = 1 if info.preferredIndex then index = info.preferredIndex end for i = index, MAX_STATIC_POPUPS do local frame = _G['ElvUI_StaticPopup'..i] if frame and not frame:IsShown() then dialog = frame break end end --If dialog not found and there's a preferredIndex then try to find an available frame before the preferredIndex if not dialog and info.preferredIndex then for i = 1, info.preferredIndex do local frame = _G['ElvUI_StaticPopup'..i] if frame and not frame:IsShown() then dialog = frame break end end end end if not dialog then if info.OnCancel then info.OnCancel() end return nil end dialog.maxHeightSoFar, dialog.maxWidthSoFar = 0, 0 -- Set the text of the dialog local text = _G[dialog:GetName()..'Text'] text:SetFormattedText(info.text, text_arg1, text_arg2) -- Show or hide the close button if info.closeButton then local closeButton = _G[dialog:GetName()..'CloseButton'] if info.closeButtonIsHide then closeButton:SetNormalTexture([[Interface\Buttons\UI-Panel-HideButton-Up]]) closeButton:SetPushedTexture([[Interface\Buttons\UI-Panel-HideButton-Down]]) else closeButton:SetNormalTexture([[Interface\Buttons\UI-Panel-MinimizeButton-Up]]) closeButton:SetPushedTexture([[Interface\Buttons\UI-Panel-MinimizeButton-Down]]) end closeButton:Show() else _G[dialog:GetName()..'CloseButton']:Hide() end -- Set the editbox of the dialog local editBox = _G[dialog:GetName()..'EditBox'] if info.hasEditBox then editBox:Show() if info.maxLetters then editBox:SetMaxLetters(info.maxLetters) editBox:SetCountInvisibleLetters(info.countInvisibleLetters) end if info.maxBytes then editBox:SetMaxBytes(info.maxBytes) end editBox:SetText('') if info.editBoxWidth then editBox:Width(info.editBoxWidth) else editBox:Width(130) end else editBox:Hide() end -- Show or hide money frame if info.hasMoneyFrame then _G[dialog:GetName()..'MoneyFrame']:Show() _G[dialog:GetName()..'MoneyInputFrame']:Hide() elseif info.hasMoneyInputFrame then local moneyInputFrame = _G[dialog:GetName()..'MoneyInputFrame'] moneyInputFrame:Show() _G[dialog:GetName()..'MoneyFrame']:Hide() -- Set OnEnterPress for money input frames if info.EditBoxOnEnterPressed then moneyInputFrame.gold:SetScript('OnEnterPressed', E.StaticPopup_EditBoxOnEnterPressed) moneyInputFrame.silver:SetScript('OnEnterPressed', E.StaticPopup_EditBoxOnEnterPressed) moneyInputFrame.copper:SetScript('OnEnterPressed', E.StaticPopup_EditBoxOnEnterPressed) else moneyInputFrame.gold:SetScript('OnEnterPressed', nil) moneyInputFrame.silver:SetScript('OnEnterPressed', nil) moneyInputFrame.copper:SetScript('OnEnterPressed', nil) end else _G[dialog:GetName()..'MoneyFrame']:Hide() _G[dialog:GetName()..'MoneyInputFrame']:Hide() end -- Show or hide item button if info.hasItemFrame then _G[dialog:GetName()..'ItemFrame']:Show() if data and type(data) == 'table' then _G[dialog:GetName()..'ItemFrame'].link = data.link _G[dialog:GetName()..'ItemFrameIconTexture']:SetTexture(data.texture) local nameText = _G[dialog:GetName()..'ItemFrameText'] nameText:SetTextColor(unpack(data.color or {1, 1, 1, 1})) nameText:SetText(data.name) if data.count and data.count > 1 then _G[dialog:GetName()..'ItemFrameCount']:SetText(data.count) _G[dialog:GetName()..'ItemFrameCount']:Show() else _G[dialog:GetName()..'ItemFrameCount']:Hide() end end else _G[dialog:GetName()..'ItemFrame']:Hide() end -- Set the miscellaneous variables for the dialog dialog.which = which dialog.timeleft = info.timeout dialog.hideOnEscape = info.hideOnEscape dialog.exclusive = info.exclusive dialog.enterClicksFirstButton = info.enterClicksFirstButton -- Clear out data dialog.data = data -- Set the buttons of the dialog local button1 = _G[dialog:GetName()..'Button1'] local button2 = _G[dialog:GetName()..'Button2'] local button3 = _G[dialog:GetName()..'Button3'] local button4 = _G[dialog:GetName()..'Button4'] do --If there is any recursion in this block, we may get errors (tempButtonLocs is static). If you have to recurse, we'll have to create a new table each time. assert(#tempButtonLocs == 0); --If this fails, we're recursing. (See the table.wipe at the end of the block) tinsert(tempButtonLocs, button1) tinsert(tempButtonLocs, button2) tinsert(tempButtonLocs, button3) tinsert(tempButtonLocs, button4) for i=#tempButtonLocs, 1, -1 do --Do this stuff before we move it. (This is why we go back-to-front) tempButtonLocs[i]:SetText(info['button'..i]) tempButtonLocs[i]:Hide() tempButtonLocs[i]:ClearAllPoints() --Now we possibly remove it. if not (info['button'..i] and ( not info['DisplayButton'..i] or info['DisplayButton'..i](dialog))) then tremove(tempButtonLocs, i) end end local numButtons = #tempButtonLocs --Save off the number of buttons. dialog.numButtons = numButtons if numButtons == 3 then tempButtonLocs[1]:Point('BOTTOMRIGHT', dialog, 'BOTTOM', -72, 16) elseif numButtons == 2 then tempButtonLocs[1]:Point('BOTTOMRIGHT', dialog, 'BOTTOM', -6, 16) elseif numButtons == 1 then tempButtonLocs[1]:Point('BOTTOM', dialog, 'BOTTOM', 0, 16) end for i=1, numButtons do if i > 1 then tempButtonLocs[i]:Point('LEFT', tempButtonLocs[i-1], 'RIGHT', 13, 0) end local width = tempButtonLocs[i]:GetTextWidth() if width > 110 then tempButtonLocs[i]:Width(width + 20) else tempButtonLocs[i]:Width(120) end tempButtonLocs[i]:Enable() tempButtonLocs[i]:Show() end wipe(tempButtonLocs) end -- Show or hide the alert icon local alertIcon = _G[dialog:GetName()..'AlertIcon'] if info.showAlert then alertIcon:SetTexture(STATICPOPUP_TEXTURE_ALERT) if button3:IsShown() then alertIcon:Point('LEFT', 24, 10) else alertIcon:Point('LEFT', 24, 0) end alertIcon:Show() elseif info.showAlertGear then alertIcon:SetTexture(STATICPOPUP_TEXTURE_ALERTGEAR) if button3:IsShown() then alertIcon:Point('LEFT', 24, 0) else alertIcon:Point('LEFT', 24, 0) end alertIcon:Show() else alertIcon:SetTexture() alertIcon:Hide() end -- Show or hide the checkbox local checkButton = _G[dialog:GetName()..'CheckButton'] local checkButtonText = _G[dialog:GetName()..'CheckButtonText'] if info.hasCheckButton then checkButton:ClearAllPoints() checkButton:Point('BOTTOMLEFT', 24, 20 + button1:GetHeight()) if info.checkButtonText then checkButtonText:SetText(info.checkButtonText) checkButtonText:Show() else checkButtonText:Hide() end checkButton:Show() else checkButton:Hide() end if info.StartDelay then dialog.startDelay = info.StartDelay() button1:Disable() else dialog.startDelay = nil button1:Enable() end editBox.autoCompleteParams = info.autoCompleteParams editBox.autoCompleteRegex = info.autoCompleteRegex editBox.autoCompleteFormatRegex = info.autoCompleteFormatRegex editBox.addHighlightedText = true -- Finally size and show the dialog E:StaticPopup_SetUpPosition(dialog) dialog:Show() E:StaticPopup_Resize(dialog, which) if info.sound then PlaySound(info.sound) end return dialog end function E:StaticPopup_Hide(which, data) for index = 1, MAX_STATIC_POPUPS, 1 do local dialog = _G['ElvUI_StaticPopup'..index] if dialog.which == which and (not data or (data == dialog.data)) then dialog:Hide() end end end function E:StaticPopup_CheckButtonOnClick() local which = self:GetParent().which local info = E.PopupDialogs[which] if not info then return nil end self:SetChecked(self:GetChecked()) if info.checkButtonOnClick then info.checkButtonOnClick(self) end end -- Static popup secure buttons local SecureButtons = {} local SecureOnEnter = function(s) s.text:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1) end local SecureOnLeave = function(s) s.text:SetTextColor(1, 0.17, 0.26) end function E:StaticPopup_CreateSecureButton(popup, button, text, macro) local btn = CreateFrame('Button', nil, popup, 'SecureActionButtonTemplate, BackdropTemplate') btn:SetAttribute('type', 'macro') btn:SetAttribute('macrotext', macro) btn:SetAllPoints(button) btn:Size(button:GetSize()) btn:HookScript('OnEnter', SecureOnEnter) btn:HookScript('OnLeave', SecureOnLeave) Skins:HandleButton(btn) local t = btn:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY', btn) t:Point('CENTER', 0, 1) t:FontTemplate(nil, nil, 'NONE') t:SetJustifyH('CENTER') t:SetText(text) btn.text = t btn:SetFontString(t) btn:SetTemplate(nil, true) SecureOnLeave(btn) return btn end function E:StaticPopup_GetAllSecureButtons() return SecureButtons end function E:StaticPopup_GetSecureButton(which) return SecureButtons[which] end function E:StaticPopup_PositionSecureButton(popup, popupButton, secureButton) secureButton:SetParent(popup) secureButton:SetAllPoints(popupButton) secureButton:Size(popupButton:GetSize()) end function E:StaticPopup_SetSecureButton(which, btn) if SecureButtons[which] then error('A secure StaticPopup Button called `'..which..'` already exists.') end SecureButtons[which] = btn end function E:Contruct_StaticPopups() E.StaticPopupFrames = {} for index = 1, MAX_STATIC_POPUPS do E.StaticPopupFrames[index] = CreateFrame('Frame', 'ElvUI_StaticPopup'..index, E.UIParent, 'StaticPopupTemplate, BackdropTemplate') E.StaticPopupFrames[index]:SetID(index) --Fix Scripts E.StaticPopupFrames[index]:SetScript('OnShow', E.StaticPopup_OnShow) E.StaticPopupFrames[index]:SetScript('OnHide', E.StaticPopup_OnHide) E.StaticPopupFrames[index]:SetScript('OnUpdate', E.StaticPopup_OnUpdate) E.StaticPopupFrames[index]:SetScript('OnEvent', E.StaticPopup_OnEvent) _G['ElvUI_StaticPopup'..index..'EditBox']:SetScript('OnEnterPressed', E.StaticPopup_EditBoxOnEnterPressed) _G['ElvUI_StaticPopup'..index..'EditBox']:SetScript('OnEscapePressed', E.StaticPopup_EditBoxOnEscapePressed) _G['ElvUI_StaticPopup'..index..'EditBox']:SetScript('OnTextChanged', E.StaticPopup_EditBoxOnTextChanged) _G['ElvUI_StaticPopup'..index..'CheckButton'] = CreateFrame('CheckButton', 'ElvUI_StaticPopup'..index..'CheckButton', _G['ElvUI_StaticPopup'..index], 'UICheckButtonTemplate, BackdropTemplate') _G['ElvUI_StaticPopup'..index..'CheckButton']:SetScript('OnClick', E.StaticPopup_CheckButtonOnClick) --Skin E.StaticPopupFrames[index].Border:StripTextures() E.StaticPopupFrames[index]:SetTemplate('Transparent') for i = 1, 4 do local button = _G['ElvUI_StaticPopup'..index..'Button'..i] button:SetFrameLevel(button:GetFrameLevel() + 1) button:SetScript('OnClick', function(btn) E.StaticPopup_OnClick(btn:GetParent(), btn:GetID()) end) Skins:HandleButton(button) end _G['ElvUI_StaticPopup'..index..'CheckButton']:Size(24) _G['ElvUI_StaticPopup'..index..'CheckButtonText']:FontTemplate(nil, nil, '') _G['ElvUI_StaticPopup'..index..'CheckButtonText']:SetTextColor(1,0.17,0.26) _G['ElvUI_StaticPopup'..index..'CheckButtonText']:Point('LEFT', _G['ElvUI_StaticPopup'..index..'CheckButton'], 'RIGHT', 4, 1) Skins:HandleCheckBox(_G['ElvUI_StaticPopup'..index..'CheckButton']) _G['ElvUI_StaticPopup'..index..'EditBox']:SetFrameLevel(_G['ElvUI_StaticPopup'..index..'EditBox']:GetFrameLevel()+1) Skins:HandleEditBox(_G['ElvUI_StaticPopup'..index..'EditBox']) Skins:HandleEditBox(_G['ElvUI_StaticPopup'..index..'MoneyInputFrameGold']) Skins:HandleEditBox(_G['ElvUI_StaticPopup'..index..'MoneyInputFrameSilver']) Skins:HandleEditBox(_G['ElvUI_StaticPopup'..index..'MoneyInputFrameCopper']) _G['ElvUI_StaticPopup'..index..'EditBox'].backdrop:Point('TOPLEFT', -2, -4) _G['ElvUI_StaticPopup'..index..'EditBox'].backdrop:Point('BOTTOMRIGHT', 2, 4) _G['ElvUI_StaticPopup'..index..'ItemFrameNameFrame']:Kill() _G['ElvUI_StaticPopup'..index..'ItemFrame']:GetNormalTexture():Kill() --_G['ElvUI_StaticPopup'..index..'ItemFrame']:SetTemplate() --_G['ElvUI_StaticPopup'..index..'ItemFrame']:StyleButton() _G['ElvUI_StaticPopup'..index..'ItemFrameIconTexture']:SetTexCoord(unpack(E.TexCoords)) _G['ElvUI_StaticPopup'..index..'ItemFrameIconTexture']:SetInside() end E:SecureHook('StaticPopup_SetUpPosition') E:SecureHook('StaticPopup_CollapseTable') end