--[[ Name: LibBase64-1.0 Author(s): ckknight (ckknight@gmail.com) Website: http://www.wowace.com/projects/libbase64-1-0/ Description: A library to encode and decode Base64 strings License: MIT ]] local MAJOR, MINOR = 'LibBase64-1.0-ElvUI', 2 local LibBase64 = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR) if not LibBase64 then return end local wipe, type, error, format, strsub, strchar, strbyte, tconcat = wipe, type, error, format, strsub, strchar, strbyte, table.concat local _chars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/' local byteToNum, numToChar = {}, {} for i = 1, #_chars do numToChar[i - 1] = strsub(_chars, i, i) byteToNum[strbyte(_chars, i)] = i - 1 end local t = {} local equals_byte = strbyte("=") local whitespace = { [strbyte(" ")] = true, [strbyte("\t")] = true, [strbyte("\n")] = true, [strbyte("\r")] = true, } --- Encode a normal bytestring into a Base64-encoded string -- @param text a bytestring, can be binary data -- @param maxLineLength This should be a multiple of 4, greater than 0 or nil. If non-nil, it will break up the output into lines no longer than the given number of characters. 76 is recommended. -- @param lineEnding a string to end each line with. This is "\r\n" by default. -- @usage LibBase64.Encode("Hello, how are you doing today?") == "SGVsbG8sIGhvdyBhcmUgeW91IGRvaW5nIHRvZGF5Pw==" -- @return a Base64-encoded string function LibBase64:Encode(text, maxLineLength, lineEnding) if type(text) ~= "string" then error(format("Bad argument #1 to `Encode'. Expected string, got %q", type(text)), 2) end if maxLineLength then if type(maxLineLength) ~= "number" then error(format("Bad argument #2 to `Encode'. Expected number or nil, got %q", type(maxLineLength)), 2) elseif (maxLineLength % 4) ~= 0 then error(format("Bad argument #2 to `Encode'. Expected a multiple of 4, got %s", maxLineLength), 2) elseif maxLineLength <= 0 then error(format("Bad argument #2 to `Encode'. Expected a number > 0, got %s", maxLineLength), 2) end end if lineEnding == nil then lineEnding = "\r\n" elseif type(lineEnding) ~= "string" then error(format("Bad argument #3 to `Encode'. Expected string, got %q", type(lineEnding)), 2) end local currentLength = 0 for i = 1, #text, 3 do local a, b, c = strbyte(text, i, i+2) local nilNum = 0 if not b then nilNum, b, c = 2, 0, 0 elseif not c then nilNum, c = 1, 0 end local num = a * 2^16 + b * 2^8 + c local d = num % 2^6;num = (num - d) / 2^6 c = num % 2^6;num = (num - c) / 2^6 b = num % 2^6;num = (num - b) / 2^6 a = num % 2^6 t[#t+1] = numToChar[a] t[#t+1] = numToChar[b] t[#t+1] = (nilNum >= 2) and "=" or numToChar[c] t[#t+1] = (nilNum >= 1) and "=" or numToChar[d] currentLength = currentLength + 4 if maxLineLength and (currentLength % maxLineLength) == 0 then t[#t+1] = lineEnding end end local s = tconcat(t) wipe(t) return s end local t2 = {} --- Decode a Base64-encoded string into a bytestring -- this will raise an error if the data passed in is not a Base64-encoded string -- this will ignore whitespace, but not invalid characters -- @param text a Base64-encoded string -- @usage LibBase64.Encode("SGVsbG8sIGhvdyBhcmUgeW91IGRvaW5nIHRvZGF5Pw==") == "Hello, how are you doing today?" -- @return a bytestring function LibBase64:Decode(text) if type(text) ~= "string" then error(format("Bad argument #1 to `Decode'. Expected string, got %q", type(text)), 2) end for i = 1, #text do local byte = strbyte(text, i) if not (whitespace[byte] or byte == equals_byte) then local num = byteToNum[byte] if not num then wipe(t2) error(format("Bad argument #1 to `Decode'. Received an invalid char: %q", strsub(text, i, i)), 2) end t2[#t2+1] = num end end for i = 1, #t2, 4 do local a, b, c, d = t2[i], t2[i+1], t2[i+2], t2[i+3] local nilNum = 0 if not c then nilNum, c, d = 2, 0, 0 elseif not d then nilNum, d = 1, 0 end local num = a * 2^18 + b * 2^12 + c * 2^6 + d c = num % 2^8;num = (num - c) / 2^8 b = num % 2^8;num = (num - b) / 2^8 a = num % 2^8 t[#t+1] = strchar(a) if nilNum < 2 then t[#t+1] = strchar(b) end if nilNum < 1 then t[#t+1] = strchar(c) end end wipe(t2) local s = tconcat(t) wipe(t) return s end function LibBase64:IsBase64(text) if type(text) ~= "string" then error(format("Bad argument #1 to `IsBase64'. Expected string, got %q", type(text)), 2) end if #text % 4 ~= 0 then return false end for i = 1, #text do local byte = strbyte(text, i) if not (whitespace[byte] or byte == equals_byte) then local num = byteToNum[byte] if not num then return false end end end return true end