local parent, ns = ... local oUF = ns.oUF local Private = oUF.Private local argcheck = Private.argcheck local error = Private.error local validateUnit = Private.validateUnit local frame_metatable = Private.frame_metatable -- Original event methods local registerEvent = frame_metatable.__index.RegisterEvent local registerUnitEvent = frame_metatable.__index.RegisterUnitEvent local unregisterEvent = frame_metatable.__index.UnregisterEvent local isEventRegistered = frame_metatable.__index.IsEventRegistered -- to update unit frames correctly, some events need to be registered for -- a specific combination of primary and secondary units local secondaryUnits = { UNIT_ENTERED_VEHICLE = { pet = 'player', }, UNIT_EXITED_VEHICLE = { pet = 'player', }, UNIT_PET = { pet = 'player', }, } function Private.UpdateUnits(frame, unit, realUnit) if(unit == realUnit) then realUnit = nil end if(frame.unit ~= unit or frame.realUnit ~= realUnit) then -- don't let invalid units in, otherwise unit events will end up being -- registered as unitless if(frame.unitEvents and validateUnit(unit)) then local resetRealUnit = false for event in next, frame.unitEvents do if(not realUnit and secondaryUnits[event]) then realUnit = secondaryUnits[event][unit] resetRealUnit = true end local registered, unit1, unit2 = isEventRegistered(frame, event) -- we don't want to re-register unitless/shared events in case -- someone added them by hand to the unitEvents table if(not registered or unit1 and (unit1 ~= unit or unit2 ~= realUnit)) then -- BUG: passing explicit nil units to RegisterUnitEvent -- makes it silently fall back to RegisterEvent, using '' -- instead of explicit nils doesn't cause this behaviour registerUnitEvent(frame, event, unit, realUnit or '') end if(resetRealUnit) then realUnit = nil resetRealUnit = false end end end frame.unit = unit frame.realUnit = realUnit frame.id = unit:match('^.-(%d+)') return true end end local function onEvent(self, event, ...) if(self:IsVisible()) then return self[event](self, event, ...) end end local event_metatable = { __call = function(funcs, self, ...) for _, func in next, funcs do func(self, ...) end end, } --[[ Events: frame:RegisterEvent(event, func, unitless) Used to register a frame for a game event and add an event handler. OnUpdate polled frames are prevented from registering events. * self - frame that will be registered for the given event. * event - name of the event to register (string) * func - a function that will be executed when the event fires. Multiple functions can be added for the same frame and event (function) * unitless - indicates that the event does not fire for a specific unit, so the event arguments won't be matched to the frame unit(s). Obligatory for unitless event (boolean) --]] function frame_metatable.__index:RegisterEvent(event, func, unitless) -- Block OnUpdate polled frames from registering events except for -- UNIT_PORTRAIT_UPDATE and UNIT_MODEL_CHANGED which are used for -- portrait updates. if(self.__eventless and event ~= 'UNIT_PORTRAIT_UPDATE' and event ~= 'UNIT_MODEL_CHANGED') then return end argcheck(event, 2, 'string') argcheck(func, 3, 'function') local curev = self[event] local kind = type(curev) if(curev) then if(kind == 'function' and curev ~= func) then self[event] = setmetatable({curev, func}, event_metatable) elseif(kind == 'table') then for _, infunc in next, curev do if(infunc == func) then return end end table.insert(curev, func) end if(unitless or self.__eventless) then -- re-register the event in case we have mixed registration registerEvent(self, event) if(self.unitEvents) then self.unitEvents[event] = nil end end else self[event] = func if(not self:GetScript('OnEvent')) then self:SetScript('OnEvent', onEvent) end if(unitless or self.__eventless) then registerEvent(self, event) else self.unitEvents = self.unitEvents or {} self.unitEvents[event] = true -- UpdateUnits will take care of unit event registration for header -- units in case we don't have a valid unit yet local unit1, unit2 = self.unit if(unit1 and validateUnit(unit1)) then if(secondaryUnits[event]) then unit2 = secondaryUnits[event][unit1] end registerUnitEvent(self, event, unit1, unit2 or '') end end end end --[[ Events: frame:UnregisterEvent(event, func) Used to remove a function from the event handler list for a game event. * self - the frame registered for the event * event - name of the registered event (string) * func - function to be removed from the list of event handlers. If this is the only handler for the given event, then the frame will be unregistered for the event (function) --]] function frame_metatable.__index:UnregisterEvent(event, func) argcheck(event, 2, 'string') local cleanUp = false local curev = self[event] if(type(curev) == 'table' and func) then for k, infunc in next, curev do if(infunc == func) then curev[k] = nil break end end if(not next(curev)) then cleanUp = true end end if(cleanUp or curev == func) then self[event] = nil if(self.unitEvents) then self.unitEvents[event] = nil end unregisterEvent(self, event) end end