local parent, ns = ... local global = GetAddOnMetadata(parent, 'X-oUF') local _VERSION = '@project-version@' if(_VERSION:find('project%-version')) then _VERSION = 'devel' end local oUF = ns.oUF local Private = oUF.Private local argcheck = Private.argcheck local error = Private.error local print = Private.print local unitExists = Private.unitExists local styles, style = {} local callback, objects, headers = {}, {}, {} local elements = {} local activeElements = {} local PetBattleFrameHider = CreateFrame('Frame', (global or parent) .. '_PetBattleFrameHider', UIParent, 'SecureHandlerStateTemplate') PetBattleFrameHider:SetAllPoints() PetBattleFrameHider:SetFrameStrata('LOW') RegisterStateDriver(PetBattleFrameHider, 'visibility', '[petbattle] hide; show') -- updating of "invalid" units, function edited by ElvUI local function enableTargetUpdate(object) object.onUpdateFrequency = object.onUpdateFrequency or 0.1 object.__eventless = true object:SetScript('OnUpdate', function(self, elapsed) if not self.unit then return elseif self.elapsed and self.elapsed > self.onUpdateFrequency then self:UpdateAllElements('OnUpdate') self.elapsed = 0 else self.elapsed = (self.elapsed or 0) + elapsed end end) end Private.enableTargetUpdate = enableTargetUpdate local function updateActiveUnit(self, event, unit) -- Calculate units to work with local realUnit, modUnit = SecureButton_GetUnit(self), SecureButton_GetModifiedUnit(self) -- _GetUnit() doesn't rewrite playerpet -> pet like _GetModifiedUnit does. if(realUnit == 'playerpet') then realUnit = 'pet' elseif(realUnit == 'playertarget') then realUnit = 'target' end if(modUnit == 'pet' and realUnit ~= 'pet') then modUnit = 'vehicle' end if(not unitExists(modUnit)) then return end -- Change the active unit and run a full update. if(Private.UpdateUnits(self, modUnit, realUnit)) then self:UpdateAllElements('RefreshUnit') return true end end local function iterateChildren(...) for i = 1, select('#', ...) do local obj = select(i, ...) if(type(obj) == 'table' and obj.isChild) then updateActiveUnit(obj, 'iterateChildren') end end end local function onAttributeChanged(self, name, value) if(name == 'unit' and value) then if(self.hasChildren) then iterateChildren(self:GetChildren()) end if(not self:GetAttribute('oUF-onlyProcessChildren')) then updateActiveUnit(self, 'OnAttributeChanged') end end end local frame_metatable = { __index = CreateFrame('Button') } Private.frame_metatable = frame_metatable for k, v in next, { --[[ frame:EnableElement(name, unit) Used to activate an element for the given unit frame. * self - unit frame for which the element should be enabled * name - name of the element to be enabled (string) * unit - unit to be passed to the element's Enable function. Defaults to the frame's unit (string?) --]] EnableElement = function(self, name, unit) argcheck(name, 2, 'string') argcheck(unit, 3, 'string', 'nil') local element = elements[name] if(not element or self:IsElementEnabled(name)) then return end if(element.enable(self, unit or self.unit)) then activeElements[self][name] = true if(element.update) then table.insert(self.__elements, element.update) end end end, --[[ frame:DisableElement(name) Used to deactivate an element for the given unit frame. * self - unit frame for which the element should be disabled * name - name of the element to be disabled (string) --]] DisableElement = function(self, name) argcheck(name, 2, 'string') local enabled = self:IsElementEnabled(name) if(not enabled) then return end local update = elements[name].update for k, func in next, self.__elements do if(func == update) then table.remove(self.__elements, k) break end end activeElements[self][name] = nil return elements[name].disable(self) end, --[[ frame:IsElementEnabled(name) Used to check if an element is enabled on the given frame. * self - unit frame * name - name of the element (string) --]] IsElementEnabled = function(self, name) argcheck(name, 2, 'string') local element = elements[name] if(not element) then return end local active = activeElements[self] return active and active[name] end, --[[ frame:Enable(asState) Used to toggle the visibility of a unit frame based on the existence of its unit. This is a reference to `RegisterUnitWatch`. * self - unit frame * asState - if true, the frame's "state-unitexists" attribute will be set to a boolean value denoting whether the unit exists; if false, the frame will be shown if its unit exists, and hidden if it does not (boolean) --]] Enable = RegisterUnitWatch, --[[ frame:Disable() Used to UnregisterUnitWatch for the given frame and hide it. * self - unit frame --]] Disable = function(self) UnregisterUnitWatch(self) self:Hide() end, --[[ frame:IsEnabled() Used to check if a unit frame is registered with the unit existence monitor. This is a reference to `UnitWatchRegistered`. * self - unit frame --]] IsEnabled = UnitWatchRegistered, --[[ frame:UpdateAllElements(event) Used to update all enabled elements on the given frame. * self - unit frame * event - event name to pass to the elements' update functions (string) --]] UpdateAllElements = function(self, event) local unit = self.unit if(not unitExists(unit)) then return end assert(type(event) == 'string', "Invalid argument 'event' in UpdateAllElements.") if(self.PreUpdate) then --[[ Callback: frame:PreUpdate(event) Fired before the frame is updated. * self - the unit frame * event - the event triggering the update (string) --]] self:PreUpdate(event) end for _, func in next, self.__elements do func(self, event, unit) end if(self.PostUpdate) then --[[ Callback: frame:PostUpdate(event) Fired after the frame is updated. * self - the unit frame * event - the event triggering the update (string) --]] self:PostUpdate(event) end end, } do frame_metatable.__index[k] = v end local function onShow(self) if(not updateActiveUnit(self, 'OnShow')) then return self:UpdateAllElements('OnShow') end end local function updatePet(self, event, unit) local petUnit if(unit == 'target') then return elseif(unit == 'player') then petUnit = 'pet' else -- Convert raid26 -> raidpet26 petUnit = unit:gsub('^(%a+)(%d+)', '%1pet%2') end if(self.unit ~= petUnit) then return end if(not updateActiveUnit(self, event)) then return self:UpdateAllElements(event) end end local function updateRaid(self, event) local unitGUID = UnitGUID(self.unit) if(unitGUID and unitGUID ~= self.unitGUID) then self.unitGUID = unitGUID self:UpdateAllElements(event) end end local function initObject(unit, style, styleFunc, header, ...) local num = select('#', ...) for i = 1, num do local object = select(i, ...) local objectUnit = object:GetAttribute('oUF-guessUnit') or unit local suffix = object:GetAttribute('unitsuffix') object.__elements = {} object.style = style object = setmetatable(object, frame_metatable) -- Expose the frame through oUF.objects. table.insert(objects, object) -- We have to force update the frames when PEW fires. object:RegisterEvent('PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD', object.UpdateAllElements, true) -- Handle the case where someone has modified the unitsuffix attribute in -- oUF-initialConfigFunction. if(suffix and not objectUnit:match(suffix)) then objectUnit = objectUnit .. suffix end if(not (suffix == 'target' or objectUnit and objectUnit:match('target'))) then object:RegisterEvent('UNIT_ENTERED_VEHICLE', updateActiveUnit) object:RegisterEvent('UNIT_EXITED_VEHICLE', updateActiveUnit) -- We don't need to register UNIT_PET for the player unit. We register it -- mainly because UNIT_EXITED_VEHICLE and UNIT_ENTERED_VEHICLE doesn't always -- have pet information when they fire for party and raid units. if(objectUnit ~= 'player') then object:RegisterEvent('UNIT_PET', updatePet) end end if(not header) then -- No header means it's a frame created through :Spawn(). object:SetAttribute('*type1', 'target') object:SetAttribute('*type2', 'togglemenu') -- No need to enable this for *target frames. if(not (unit:match('target') or suffix == 'target')) then object:SetAttribute('toggleForVehicle', true) end -- Other boss and target units are handled by :HandleUnit(). if(suffix == 'target') then enableTargetUpdate(object) else oUF:HandleUnit(object) end else -- update the frame when its prev unit is replaced with a new one -- updateRaid relies on UnitGUID to detect the unit change object:RegisterEvent('GROUP_ROSTER_UPDATE', updateRaid, true) if(num > 1) then if(object:GetParent() == header) then object.hasChildren = true else object.isChild = true end end if(suffix == 'target') then enableTargetUpdate(object) end end activeElements[object] = {} -- ElvUI: styleFunc on headers break before this is set when they try to enable elements before it's set. Private.UpdateUnits(object, objectUnit) styleFunc(object, objectUnit, not header) object:HookScript('OnAttributeChanged', onAttributeChanged) -- NAME_PLATE_UNIT_ADDED fires after the frame is shown, so there's no -- need to call UAE multiple times if(not object.isNamePlate) then object:SetScript('OnShow', onShow) end for element in next, elements do object:EnableElement(element, objectUnit) end for _, func in next, callback do func(object) end -- Make Clique kinda happy if(not object.isNamePlate) then _G.ClickCastFrames = ClickCastFrames or {} ClickCastFrames[object] = true end end end local function walkObject(object, unit) local parent = object:GetParent() local style = parent.style or style local styleFunc = styles[style] local header = parent:GetAttribute('oUF-headerType') and parent -- Check if we should leave the main frame blank. if(object:GetAttribute('oUF-onlyProcessChildren')) then object.hasChildren = true object:HookScript('OnAttributeChanged', onAttributeChanged) return initObject(unit, style, styleFunc, header, object:GetChildren()) end return initObject(unit, style, styleFunc, header, object, object:GetChildren()) end --[[ oUF:RegisterInitCallback(func) Used to add a function to a table to be executed upon unit frame/header initialization. * self - the global oUF object * func - function to be added --]] function oUF:RegisterInitCallback(func) table.insert(callback, func) end --[[ oUF:RegisterMetaFunction(name, func) Used to make a (table of) function(s) available to all unit frames. * self - the global oUF object * name - unique name of the function (string) * func - function or a table of functions (function or table) --]] function oUF:RegisterMetaFunction(name, func) argcheck(name, 2, 'string') argcheck(func, 3, 'function', 'table') if(frame_metatable.__index[name]) then return end frame_metatable.__index[name] = func end --[[ oUF:RegisterStyle(name, func) Used to register a style with oUF. This will also set the active style if it hasn't been set yet. * self - the global oUF object * name - name of the style * func - function(s) defining the style (function or table) --]] function oUF:RegisterStyle(name, func) argcheck(name, 2, 'string') argcheck(func, 3, 'function', 'table') if(styles[name]) then return error('Style [%s] already registered.', name) end if(not style) then style = name end styles[name] = func end --[[ oUF:SetActiveStyle(name) Used to set the active style. * self - the global oUF object * name - name of the style (string) --]] function oUF:SetActiveStyle(name) argcheck(name, 2, 'string') if(not styles[name]) then return error('Style [%s] does not exist.', name) end style = name end --[[ oUF:GetActiveStyle() Used to get the active style. * self - the global oUF object --]] function oUF:GetActiveStyle() return style end do local function iter(_, n) -- don't expose the style functions. return (next(styles, n)) end --[[ oUF:IterateStyles() Returns an iterator over all registered styles. * self - the global oUF object --]] function oUF.IterateStyles() return iter, nil, nil end end local getCondition do local conditions = { raid40 = '[@raid26,exists] show;', raid25 = '[@raid11,exists] show;', raid10 = '[@raid6,exists] show;', raid = '[group:raid] show;', party = '[group:party,nogroup:raid] show;', solo = '[@player,exists,nogroup:party] show;', } function getCondition(...) local cond = '' for i = 1, select('#', ...) do local short = select(i, ...) local condition = conditions[short] if(condition) then cond = cond .. condition end end return cond .. 'hide' end end local function generateName(unit, ...) local name = 'oUF_' .. style:gsub('^oUF_?', ''):gsub('[^%a%d_]+', '') local raid, party, groupFilter, unitsuffix for i = 1, select('#', ...), 2 do local att, val = select(i, ...) if(att == 'oUF-initialConfigFunction') then unitsuffix = val:match('unitsuffix[%p%s]+(%a+)') elseif(att == 'showRaid') then raid = val ~= false and val ~= nil elseif(att == 'showParty') then party = val ~= false and val ~= nil elseif(att == 'groupFilter') then groupFilter = val end end local append if(raid) then if(groupFilter) then if(type(groupFilter) == 'number' and groupFilter > 0) then append = 'Raid' .. groupFilter elseif(groupFilter:match('MAINTANK')) then append = 'MainTank' elseif(groupFilter:match('MAINASSIST')) then append = 'MainAssist' else local _, count = groupFilter:gsub(',', '') if(count == 0) then append = 'Raid' .. groupFilter else append = 'Raid' end end else append = 'Raid' end elseif(party) then append = 'Party' elseif(unit) then append = unit:gsub('^%l', string.upper) end if(append) then name = name .. append .. (unitsuffix or '') end -- Change oUF_LilyRaidRaid into oUF_LilyRaid name = name:gsub('(%u%l+)([%u%l]*)%1', '%1') -- Change oUF_LilyTargettarget into oUF_LilyTargetTarget name = name:gsub('t(arget)', 'T%1') name = name:gsub('p(et)', 'P%1') name = name:gsub('f(ocus)', 'F%1') local base = name local i = 2 while(_G[name]) do name = base .. i i = i + 1 end return name end do local function styleProxy(self, frame, ...) return walkObject(_G[frame]) end -- There has to be an easier way to do this. local initialConfigFunction = [[ local header = self:GetParent() local frames = table.new() table.insert(frames, self) self:GetChildList(frames) for i = 1, #frames do local frame = frames[i] local unit -- There's no need to do anything on frames with onlyProcessChildren if(not frame:GetAttribute('oUF-onlyProcessChildren')) then RegisterUnitWatch(frame) -- Attempt to guess what the header is set to spawn. local groupFilter = header:GetAttribute('groupFilter') if(type(groupFilter) == 'string' and groupFilter:match('MAIN[AT]')) then local role = groupFilter:match('MAIN([AT])') if(role == 'T') then unit = 'maintank' else unit = 'mainassist' end elseif(header:GetAttribute('showRaid')) then unit = 'raid' elseif(header:GetAttribute('showParty')) then unit = 'party' end local headerType = header:GetAttribute('oUF-headerType') local suffix = frame:GetAttribute('unitsuffix') if(unit and suffix) then if(headerType == 'pet' and suffix == 'target') then unit = unit .. headerType .. suffix else unit = unit .. suffix end elseif(unit and headerType == 'pet') then unit = unit .. headerType end frame:SetAttribute('*type1', 'target') frame:SetAttribute('*type2', 'togglemenu') frame:SetAttribute('oUF-guessUnit', unit) end local body = header:GetAttribute('oUF-initialConfigFunction') if(body) then frame:Run(body, unit) end end header:CallMethod('styleFunction', self:GetName()) local clique = header:GetFrameRef('clickcast_header') if(clique) then clique:SetAttribute('clickcast_button', self) clique:RunAttribute('clickcast_register') end ]] --[[ oUF:SpawnHeader(overrideName, template, visibility, ...) Used to create a group header and apply the currently active style to it. * self - the global oUF object * overrideName - unique global name to be used for the header. Defaults to an auto-generated name based on the name of the active style and other arguments passed to `:SpawnHeader` (string?) * template - name of a template to be used for creating the header. Defaults to `'SecureGroupHeaderTemplate'` (string?) * visibility - macro conditional(s) which define when to display the header (string). * ... - further argument pairs. Consult [Group Headers](http://wowprogramming.com/docs/secure_template/Group_Headers.html) for possible values. In addition to the standard group headers, oUF implements some of its own attributes. These can be supplied by the layout, but are optional. * oUF-initialConfigFunction - can contain code that will be securely run at the end of the initial secure configuration (string?) * oUF-onlyProcessChildren - can be used to force headers to only process children (boolean?) --]] function oUF:SpawnHeader(overrideName, template, visibility, ...) if(not style) then return error('Unable to create frame. No styles have been registered.') end template = (template or 'SecureGroupHeaderTemplate') local isPetHeader = template:match('PetHeader') local name = overrideName or generateName(nil, ...) local header = CreateFrame('Frame', name, PetBattleFrameHider, template) header:SetAttribute('template', 'SecureUnitButtonTemplate, SecureHandlerStateTemplate, SecureHandlerEnterLeaveTemplate') for i = 1, select('#', ...), 2 do local att, val = select(i, ...) if(not att) then break end header:SetAttribute(att, val) end header.style = style header.styleFunction = styleProxy header.visibility = visibility -- Expose the header through oUF.headers. table.insert(headers, header) -- We set it here so layouts can't directly override it. header:SetAttribute('initialConfigFunction', initialConfigFunction) header:SetAttribute('_initialAttributeNames', '_onenter,_onleave,refreshUnitChange,_onstate-vehicleui') header:SetAttribute('_initialAttribute-_onenter', [[ local snippet = self:GetAttribute('clickcast_onenter') if(snippet) then self:Run(snippet) end ]]) header:SetAttribute('_initialAttribute-_onleave', [[ local snippet = self:GetAttribute('clickcast_onleave') if(snippet) then self:Run(snippet) end ]]) header:SetAttribute('_initialAttribute-refreshUnitChange', [[ local unit = self:GetAttribute('unit') if(unit) then RegisterStateDriver(self, 'vehicleui', '[@' .. unit .. ',unithasvehicleui]vehicle; novehicle') else UnregisterStateDriver(self, 'vehicleui') end ]]) header:SetAttribute('_initialAttribute-_onstate-vehicleui', [[ local unit = self:GetAttribute('unit') if(newstate == 'vehicle' and unit and UnitPlayerOrPetInRaid(unit) and not UnitTargetsVehicleInRaidUI(unit)) then self:SetAttribute('toggleForVehicle', false) else self:SetAttribute('toggleForVehicle', true) end ]]) header:SetAttribute('oUF-headerType', isPetHeader and 'pet' or 'group') if(Clique) then SecureHandlerSetFrameRef(header, 'clickcast_header', Clique.header) end if(header:GetAttribute('showParty')) then self:DisableBlizzard('party') end if(visibility) then local type, list = string.split(' ', visibility, 2) if(list and type == 'custom') then RegisterAttributeDriver(header, 'state-visibility', list) header.visibility = list else local condition = getCondition(string.split(',', visibility)) RegisterAttributeDriver(header, 'state-visibility', condition) header.visibility = condition end end return header end end --[[ oUF:Spawn(unit, overrideName) Used to create a single unit frame and apply the currently active style to it. * self - the global oUF object * unit - the frame's unit (string) * overrideName - unique global name to use for the unit frame. Defaults to an auto-generated name based on the unit (string?) oUF implements some of its own attributes. These can be supplied by the layout, but are optional. * oUF-enableArenaPrep - can be used to toggle arena prep support. Defaults to true (boolean) --]] function oUF:Spawn(unit, overrideName, overrideTemplate) -- ElvUI adds overrideTemplate argcheck(unit, 2, 'string') if(not style) then return error('Unable to create frame. No styles have been registered.') end unit = unit:lower() local name = overrideName or generateName(unit) local object = CreateFrame('Button', name, PetBattleFrameHider, overrideTemplate or 'SecureUnitButtonTemplate') Private.UpdateUnits(object, unit) self:DisableBlizzard(unit) walkObject(object, unit) object:SetAttribute('unit', unit) RegisterUnitWatch(object) return object end --[[ oUF:SpawnNamePlates(prefix, callback, variables) Used to create nameplates and apply the currently active style to them. * self - the global oUF object * prefix - prefix for the global name of the nameplate. Defaults to an auto-generated prefix (string?) * callback - function to be called after a nameplate unit or the player's target has changed. The arguments passed to the callback are the updated nameplate, if any, the event that triggered the update, and the new unit (function?) * variables - list of console variable-value pairs to be set when the player logs in (table?) --]] function oUF:SpawnNamePlates(namePrefix, nameplateCallback, nameplateCVars) argcheck(nameplateCallback, 3, 'function', 'nil') argcheck(nameplateCVars, 4, 'table', 'nil') if(not style) then return error('Unable to create frame. No styles have been registered.') end if(oUF_NamePlateDriver) then return error('oUF nameplate driver has already been initialized.') end local style = style local prefix = namePrefix or generateName() -- Because there's no way to prevent nameplate settings updates without tainting UI, -- and because forbidden nameplates exist, we have to allow default nameplate -- driver to create, update, and remove Blizz nameplates. -- Disable only not forbidden nameplates. NamePlateDriverFrame:HookScript('OnEvent', function(_, event, unit) if(event == 'NAME_PLATE_UNIT_ADDED' and unit) then self:DisableBlizzard(unit) end end) local eventHandler = CreateFrame('Frame', 'oUF_NamePlateDriver') eventHandler:RegisterEvent('NAME_PLATE_UNIT_ADDED') eventHandler:RegisterEvent('NAME_PLATE_UNIT_REMOVED') eventHandler:RegisterEvent('PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED') eventHandler:RegisterEvent('UNIT_FACTION') if(IsLoggedIn()) then if(nameplateCVars) then for cvar, value in next, nameplateCVars do SetCVar(cvar, value) end end else eventHandler:RegisterEvent('PLAYER_LOGIN') end eventHandler:SetScript('OnEvent', function(_, event, unit) if(event == 'PLAYER_LOGIN') then if(nameplateCVars) then for cvar, value in next, nameplateCVars do SetCVar(cvar, value) end end elseif(event == 'PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED') then local nameplate = C_NamePlate.GetNamePlateForUnit('target') if(nameplateCallback) then nameplateCallback(nameplate and nameplate.unitFrame, event, 'target') end -- UAE is called after the callback to reduce the number of -- ForceUpdate calls layout devs have to do themselves if(nameplate) then nameplate.unitFrame:UpdateAllElements(event) end elseif(event == 'UNIT_FACTION' and unit) then local nameplate = C_NamePlate.GetNamePlateForUnit(unit) if(not nameplate) then return end if(nameplateCallback) then nameplateCallback(nameplate.unitFrame, event, unit) end elseif(event == 'NAME_PLATE_UNIT_ADDED' and unit) then local nameplate = C_NamePlate.GetNamePlateForUnit(unit) if(not nameplate) then return end if(not nameplate.unitFrame) then nameplate.style = style nameplate.unitFrame = CreateFrame('Button', prefix..nameplate:GetName(), nameplate) nameplate.unitFrame:EnableMouse(false) nameplate.unitFrame.isNamePlate = true Private.UpdateUnits(nameplate.unitFrame, unit) walkObject(nameplate.unitFrame, unit) else Private.UpdateUnits(nameplate.unitFrame, unit) end nameplate.unitFrame:SetAttribute('unit', unit) if(nameplateCallback) then nameplateCallback(nameplate.unitFrame, event, unit) end -- UAE is called after the callback to reduce the number of -- ForceUpdate calls layout devs have to do themselves nameplate.unitFrame:UpdateAllElements(event) elseif(event == 'NAME_PLATE_UNIT_REMOVED' and unit) then local nameplate = C_NamePlate.GetNamePlateForUnit(unit) if(not nameplate) then return end nameplate.unitFrame:SetAttribute('unit', nil) if(nameplateCallback) then nameplateCallback(nameplate.unitFrame, event, unit) end end end) end --[[ oUF:AddElement(name, update, enable, disable) Used to register an element with oUF. * self - the global oUF object * name - unique name of the element (string) * update - used to update the element (function?) * enable - used to enable the element for a given unit frame and unit (function?) * disable - used to disable the element for a given unit frame (function?) --]] function oUF:AddElement(name, update, enable, disable) argcheck(name, 2, 'string') argcheck(update, 3, 'function', 'nil') argcheck(enable, 4, 'function', 'nil') argcheck(disable, 5, 'function', 'nil') if(elements[name]) then return error('Element [%s] is already registered.', name) end elements[name] = { update = update; enable = enable; disable = disable; } end oUF.version = _VERSION --[[ oUF.objects Array containing all unit frames created by `oUF:Spawn`. --]] oUF.objects = objects --[[ oUF.headers Array containing all group headers created by `oUF:SpawnHeader`. --]] oUF.headers = headers if(global) then if(parent ~= 'oUF' and global == 'oUF') then error('%s is doing it wrong and setting its global to "oUF".', parent) elseif(_G[global]) then error('%s is setting its global to an existing name "%s".', parent, global) else _G[global] = oUF end end