local parent, ns = ... local oUF = ns.oUF local Private = oUF.Private local enableTargetUpdate = Private.enableTargetUpdate local function updateArenaPreparationElements(self, event, elementName, specID) local element = self[elementName] if(element and self:IsElementEnabled(elementName)) then if(element.OverrideArenaPreparation) then --[[ Override: Health.OverrideArenaPreparation(self, event, specID) Used to completely override the internal update function for arena preparation. * self - the parent object * event - the event triggering the update (string) * specID - the specialization ID for the opponent (number) --]] --[[ Override: Power.OverrideArenaPreparation(self, event, specID) Used to completely override the internal update function for arena preparation. * self - the parent object * event - the event triggering the update (string) * specID - the specialization ID for the opponent (number) --]] element.OverrideArenaPreparation(self, event, specID) return end element:SetMinMaxValues(0, 1) element:SetValue(1) if(element.UpdateColorArenaPreparation) then --[[ Override: Health:UpdateColor(specID) Used to completely override the internal function for updating the widget's colors during arena preparation. * self - the Health element * specID - the specialization ID for the opponent (number) --]] --[[ Override: Power:UpdateColor(specID) Used to completely override the internal function for updating the widget's colors during arena preparation. * self - the Power element * specID - the specialization ID for the opponent (number) --]] element:UpdateColorArenaPreparation(specID) else -- this section just replicates the color options available to the Health and Power elements local r, g, b, t, _ -- if(element.colorPower and elementName == 'Power') then -- FIXME: no idea if we can get power type here without the unit if(element.colorClass) then local _, _, _, _, _, class = GetSpecializationInfoByID(specID) t = self.colors.class[class] elseif(element.colorReaction) then t = self.colors.reaction[2] elseif(element.colorSmooth) then _, _, _, _, _, _, r, g, b = unpack(element.smoothGradient or self.colors.smooth) elseif(element.colorHealth and elementName == 'Health') then t = self.colors.health end if(t) then r, g, b = t[1], t[2], t[3] end if(r or g or b) then element:SetStatusBarColor(r, g, b) local bg = element.bg if(bg) then local mu = bg.multiplier or 1 bg:SetVertexColor(r * mu, g * mu, b * mu) end end end if(element.PostUpdateArenaPreparation) then --[[ Callback: Health:PostUpdateArenaPreparation(event, specID) Called after the element has been updated during arena preparation. * self - the Health element * event - the event triggering the update (string) * specID - the specialization ID for the opponent (number) --]] --[[ Callback: Power:PostUpdateArenaPreparation(event, specID) Called after the element has been updated during arena preparation. * self - the Power element * event - the event triggering the update (string) * specID - the specialization ID for the opponent (number) --]] element:PostUpdateArenaPreparation(event, specID) end end end local function updateArenaPreparation(self, event) if(not self:GetAttribute('oUF-enableArenaPrep')) then return end if(event == 'ARENA_OPPONENT_UPDATE' and not self:IsEnabled()) then self:Enable() self:UpdateAllElements('ArenaPreparation') self:UnregisterEvent(event, updateArenaPreparation) -- show elements that don't handle their own visibility if(self:IsElementEnabled('Auras')) then if(self.Auras) then self.Auras:Show() end if(self.Buffs) then self.Buffs:Show() end if(self.Debuffs) then self.Debuffs:Show() end end if(self.Portrait and self:IsElementEnabled('Portrait')) then self.Portrait:Show() end elseif(event == 'PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD' and not UnitExists(self.unit)) then -- semi-recursive call for when the player zones into an arena updateArenaPreparation(self, 'ARENA_PREP_OPPONENT_SPECIALIZATIONS') elseif(event == 'ARENA_PREP_OPPONENT_SPECIALIZATIONS') then if(self.PreUpdate) then self:PreUpdate(event) end local id = tonumber(self.id) if(not self:IsEnabled() and GetNumArenaOpponentSpecs() < id) then -- hide the object if the opponent leaves self:Hide() end local specID = GetArenaOpponentSpec(id) if(specID) then if(self:IsEnabled()) then -- disable the unit watch so we can forcefully show the object ourselves self:Disable() self:RegisterEvent('ARENA_OPPONENT_UPDATE', updateArenaPreparation) end -- update Health and Power (if available) with "fake" data updateArenaPreparationElements(self, event, 'Health', specID) updateArenaPreparationElements(self, event, 'Power', specID) -- hide all other (relevant) elements (they have no effect during arena prep) if(self.Auras) then self.Auras:Hide() end if(self.Buffs) then self.Buffs:Hide() end if(self.Debuffs) then self.Debuffs:Hide() end if(self.Castbar) then self.Castbar:Hide() end if(self.CombatIndicator) then self.CombatIndicator:Hide() end if(self.PartyIndicator) then self.PartyIndicator:Hide() end if(self.GroupRoleIndicator) then self.GroupRoleIndicator:Hide() end if(self.Portrait) then self.Portrait:Hide() end if(self.PvPIndicator) then self.PvPIndicator:Hide() end if(self.RaidTargetIndicator) then self.RaidTargetIndicator:Hide() end self:Show() self:UpdateTags() end if(self.PostUpdate) then self:PostUpdate(event) end end end -- Handles unit specific actions. function oUF:HandleUnit(object, unit) local unit = object.unit or unit if(unit == 'target') then object:RegisterEvent('PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED', object.UpdateAllElements, true) elseif(unit == 'mouseover') then object:RegisterEvent('UPDATE_MOUSEOVER_UNIT', object.UpdateAllElements, true) elseif(unit == 'focus') then object:RegisterEvent('PLAYER_FOCUS_CHANGED', object.UpdateAllElements, true) elseif(unit:match('boss%d?$')) then object:RegisterEvent('INSTANCE_ENCOUNTER_ENGAGE_UNIT', object.UpdateAllElements, true) object:RegisterEvent('UNIT_TARGETABLE_CHANGED', object.UpdateAllElements) elseif(unit:match('arena%d?$')) then object:RegisterEvent('ARENA_OPPONENT_UPDATE', object.UpdateAllElements, true) object:RegisterEvent('ARENA_PREP_OPPONENT_SPECIALIZATIONS', updateArenaPreparation, true) object:SetAttribute('oUF-enableArenaPrep', true) -- the event handler only fires for visible frames, so we have to hook it for arena prep object:HookScript('OnEvent', updateArenaPreparation) elseif(unit:match('%w+target')) then enableTargetUpdate(object) end end