local E, L, V, P, G = unpack(select(2, ...)); --Import: Engine, Locales, PrivateDB, ProfileDB, GlobalDB local CH = E:GetModule('Chat') local LO = E:GetModule('Layout') local Skins = E:GetModule('Skins') local LSM = E.Libs.LSM local _G = _G local gsub, strfind, gmatch, format, max = gsub, strfind, gmatch, format, max local ipairs, sort, wipe, date, time, difftime = ipairs, sort, wipe, date, time, difftime local pairs, unpack, select, tostring, pcall, next, tonumber, type = pairs, unpack, select, tostring, pcall, next, tonumber, type local strlower, strsub, strlen, strupper, strtrim, strmatch = strlower, strsub, strlen, strupper, strtrim, strmatch local tinsert, tremove, tconcat = tinsert, tremove, table.concat local Ambiguate = Ambiguate local BetterDate = BetterDate local BNGetNumFriendInvites = BNGetNumFriendInvites local BNGetNumFriends = BNGetNumFriends local CreateFrame = CreateFrame local FlashClientIcon = FlashClientIcon local GetAchievementInfo = GetAchievementInfo local GetAchievementInfoFromHyperlink = GetAchievementInfoFromHyperlink local GetBNPlayerCommunityLink = GetBNPlayerCommunityLink local GetBNPlayerLink = GetBNPlayerLink local GetChannelName = GetChannelName local GetChatWindowInfo = GetChatWindowInfo local GetCursorPosition = GetCursorPosition local GetCVar, GetCVarBool = GetCVar, GetCVarBool local GetGuildRosterMOTD = GetGuildRosterMOTD local GetInstanceInfo = GetInstanceInfo local GetItemInfoFromHyperlink = GetItemInfoFromHyperlink local GetMouseFocus = GetMouseFocus local GetNumGroupMembers = GetNumGroupMembers local GetPlayerCommunityLink = GetPlayerCommunityLink local GetPlayerInfoByGUID = GetPlayerInfoByGUID local GetPlayerLink = GetPlayerLink local GetRaidRosterInfo = GetRaidRosterInfo local GMChatFrame_IsGM = GMChatFrame_IsGM local GMError = GMError local hooksecurefunc = hooksecurefunc local InCombatLockdown = InCombatLockdown local IsAltKeyDown = IsAltKeyDown local IsInRaid, IsInGroup = IsInRaid, IsInGroup local IsShiftKeyDown = IsShiftKeyDown local PlaySound = PlaySound local PlaySoundFile = PlaySoundFile local RemoveExtraSpaces = RemoveExtraSpaces local RemoveNewlines = RemoveNewlines local ToggleFrame = ToggleFrame local ToggleQuickJoinPanel = ToggleQuickJoinPanel local UnitExists, UnitIsUnit = UnitExists, UnitIsUnit local UnitGroupRolesAssigned = UnitGroupRolesAssigned local IsActivePlayerMentor = IsActivePlayerMentor local UnitName = UnitName local C_DateAndTime_GetCurrentCalendarTime = C_DateAndTime.GetCurrentCalendarTime local C_PlayerMentorship_IsActivePlayerConsideredNewcomer = C_PlayerMentorship.IsActivePlayerConsideredNewcomer local C_BattleNet_GetAccountInfoByID = C_BattleNet.GetAccountInfoByID local C_BattleNet_GetFriendAccountInfo = C_BattleNet.GetFriendAccountInfo local C_BattleNet_GetFriendGameAccountInfo = C_BattleNet.GetFriendGameAccountInfo local C_BattleNet_GetFriendNumGameAccounts = C_BattleNet.GetFriendNumGameAccounts local C_ChatInfo_GetChannelRuleset = C_ChatInfo.GetChannelRuleset local C_Club_GetInfoFromLastCommunityChatLine = C_Club.GetInfoFromLastCommunityChatLine local C_LFGList_GetActivityInfo = C_LFGList.GetActivityInfo local C_LFGList_GetSearchResultInfo = C_LFGList.GetSearchResultInfo local C_SocialGetLastItem = C_Social.GetLastItem local C_SocialIsSocialEnabled = C_Social.IsSocialEnabled local C_SocialQueue_GetGroupMembers = C_SocialQueue.GetGroupMembers local C_SocialQueue_GetGroupQueues = C_SocialQueue.GetGroupQueues local C_VoiceChat_GetMemberName = C_VoiceChat.GetMemberName local C_VoiceChat_SetPortraitTexture = C_VoiceChat.SetPortraitTexture local ChatChannelRuleset_Mentor = Enum.ChatChannelRuleset.Mentor local SOCIAL_QUEUE_QUEUED_FOR = gsub(SOCIAL_QUEUE_QUEUED_FOR, ':%s?$', '') --some language have `:` on end local BNET_CLIENT_WOW = BNET_CLIENT_WOW local LFG_LIST_AND_MORE = LFG_LIST_AND_MORE local UNKNOWN = UNKNOWN -- GLOBALS: ElvCharacterDB CH.GuidCache = {} CH.ClassNames = {} CH.Keywords = {} CH.PluginMessageFilters = {} CH.Smileys = {} CH.TalkingList = {} local lfgRoles = {} local throttle = {} local PLAYER_REALM = E:ShortenRealm(E.myrealm) local PLAYER_NAME = format('%s-%s', E.myname, PLAYER_REALM) local DEFAULT_STRINGS = { GUILD = L["G"], PARTY = L["P"], RAID = L["R"], OFFICER = L["O"], PARTY_LEADER = L["PL"], RAID_LEADER = L["RL"], INSTANCE_CHAT = L["I"], INSTANCE_CHAT_LEADER = L["IL"], PET_BATTLE_COMBAT_LOG = _G.PET_BATTLE_COMBAT_LOG, } local hyperlinkTypes = { achievement = true, apower = true, currency = true, enchant = true, glyph = true, instancelock = true, item = true, keystone = true, quest = true, spell = true, talent = true, unit = true } local tabTexs = { '', 'Selected', 'Highlight' } local historyTypes = { -- the events set on the chats are still in FindURL_Events, this is used to ignore some types only CHAT_MSG_WHISPER = 'WHISPER', CHAT_MSG_WHISPER_INFORM = 'WHISPER', CHAT_MSG_BN_WHISPER = 'WHISPER', CHAT_MSG_BN_WHISPER_INFORM = 'WHISPER', CHAT_MSG_GUILD = 'GUILD', CHAT_MSG_GUILD_ACHIEVEMENT = 'GUILD', CHAT_MSG_OFFICER = 'OFFICER', CHAT_MSG_PARTY = 'PARTY', CHAT_MSG_PARTY_LEADER = 'PARTY', CHAT_MSG_RAID = 'RAID', CHAT_MSG_RAID_LEADER = 'RAID', CHAT_MSG_RAID_WARNING = 'RAID', CHAT_MSG_INSTANCE_CHAT = 'INSTANCE', CHAT_MSG_INSTANCE_CHAT_LEADER = 'INSTANCE', CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL = 'CHANNEL', CHAT_MSG_SAY = 'SAY', CHAT_MSG_YELL = 'YELL', CHAT_MSG_EMOTE = 'EMOTE' -- this never worked, check it sometime. } local canChangeMessage = function(arg1, id) if id and arg1 == '' then return id end end function CH:MessageIsProtected(message) return message and (message ~= gsub(message, '(:?|?)|K(.-)|k', canChangeMessage)) end function CH:RemoveSmiley(key) if key and (type(key) == 'string') then CH.Smileys[key] = nil end end function CH:AddSmiley(key, texture) if key and (type(key) == 'string' and not strfind(key, ':%%', 1, true)) and texture then CH.Smileys[key] = texture end end local rolePaths = { TANK = E:TextureString(E.Media.Textures.Tank, ':15:15:0:0:64:64:2:56:2:56'), HEALER = E:TextureString(E.Media.Textures.Healer, ':15:15:0:0:64:64:2:56:2:56'), DAMAGER = E:TextureString(E.Media.Textures.DPS, ':15:15') } local specialChatIcons do --this can save some main file locals local x, y = ':16:16',':13:25' local ElvBlue = E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatLogos.ElvBlue,y) local ElvGreen = E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatLogos.ElvGreen,y) local ElvOrange = E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatLogos.ElvOrange,y) --local ElvPink = E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatLogos.ElvPink,y) local ElvPurple = E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatLogos.ElvPurple,y) local ElvRed = E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatLogos.ElvRed,y) local ElvYellow = E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatLogos.ElvYellow,y) local ElvSimpy = E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatLogos.ElvSimpy,y) local Bathrobe = E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatLogos.Bathrobe,x) local MrHankey = E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatLogos.MrHankey,x) local Rainbow = E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatLogos.Rainbow,x) local Hibiscus = E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatLogos.Hibiscus,x) local Clover = E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatLogos.Clover,x) local GoldShield = E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatLogos.GoldShield,x) local DeathlyH = E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatLogos.DeathlyHallows,x) local Gem = E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatLogos.Gem,x) --[[ Simpys Thing: new icon color every message, in order then reversed back, repeating of course local a, b, c = 0, false, {ElvRed, ElvOrange, ElvYellow, ElvGreen, ElvBlue, ElvPurple, ElvPink} (a = a - (b and 1 or -1) if (b and a == 1 or a == 0) or a == #c then b = not b end return c[a]) ]] local itsElv, itsMis, itsMel, itsSimpy, itsTheFlyestNihilist do --Simpy Chaos: super cute text coloring function that ignores hyperlinks and keywords local e, f, g = {'||','|[Cc].-|[Rr]','|[TA].-|[ta]','|H.-|h.-|h'}, {}, {} local prettify = function(t,...) return gsub(gsub(E:TextGradient(gsub(gsub(t,'%%%%','\27'),'\124\124','\26'),...),'\27','%%%%'),'\26','||') end local protectText = function(t, u, v) local w = E:EscapeString(v) local r, s = strfind(u, w) while f[r] do r, s = strfind(u, w, s) end if r then tinsert(g, r) f[r] = w end return gsub(t, w, '\24') end local specialText = function(t,...) local u = t for _, w in ipairs(e) do for k in gmatch(t, w) do t = protectText(t, u, k) end end t = prettify(t,...) if next(g) then if #g > 1 then sort(g) end for n in gmatch(t, '\24') do local _, v = next(g) t = gsub(t, n, f[v], 1) tremove(g, 1) f[v] = nil end end return t end --Simpys Ghoulish: A366CC, 88E032, 33BDBE, 88E032, A366CC local SimpyColors = function(t) return specialText(t, 0.63,0.40,0.80, 0.63,0.40,0.80, 0.53,0.87,0.19, 0.53,0.87,0.19, 0.20,0.74,0.74, 0.20,0.74,0.74, 0.53,0.87,0.19, 0.53,0.87,0.19, 0.63,0.40,0.80, 0.63,0.40,0.80) end --Detroit Lions: Honolulu Blue to Silver [Elv: I stoles it @Simpy] local ElvColors = function(t) return specialText(t, 0,0.42,0.69, 0.61,0.61,0.61) end --Rainbow: FD3E44, FE9849, FFDE4B, 6DFD65, 54C4FC, A35DFA, C679FB, FE81C1 local MisColors = function(t) return specialText(t, 0.99,0.24,0.26, 0.99,0.59,0.28, 1.00,0.87,0.29, 0.42,0.99,0.39, 0.32,0.76,0.98, 0.63,0.36,0.98, 0.77,0.47,0.98, 0.99,0.50,0.75) end --Light Spring: 50DAD3, 56E580, D8DA33, DFA455, EE8879, F972D1, B855DF, 50DAD3 local MelColors = function(t) return specialText(t, 0.31,0.85,0.82, 0.33,0.89,0.50, 0.84,0.85,0.20, 0.87,0.64,0.33, 0.93,0.53,0.47, 0.97,0.44,0.81, 0.72,0.33,0.87, 0.31,0.85,0.82) end --Class: Normal to Negative (Orange->Blue, Red->Cyan, etc) local nm = function(c) return max(1-c,0.15) end local NihiColors = function(class) local c = _G.RAID_CLASS_COLORS[class] local c1,c2,c3, n1,n2,n3 = c.r,c.g,c.b, nm(c.r), nm(c.g), nm(c.b) return function(t) return specialText(t, c1,c2,c3, n1,n2,n3, c1,c2,c3, n1,n2,n3) end end itsSimpy = function() return ElvSimpy, SimpyColors end itsElv = function() return ElvBlue, ElvColors end itsMel = function() return Hibiscus, MelColors end itsMis = function() return Rainbow, MisColors end itsTheFlyestNihilist = function(class) local icon, prettyText = E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatLogos['Fox'..class],x), NihiColors(strupper(class)) return function() return icon, prettyText end end end specialChatIcons = { -- Elv ['Elv-Spirestone'] = itsElv, ['Elvz-Spirestone'] = itsElv, ['Fleshlite-Spirestone'] = itsElv, ['Elvidan-Spirestone'] = itsElv, ['Elvilas-Spirestone'] = itsElv, ['Fraku-Spirestone'] = itsElv, ['Jarvix-Spirestone'] = itsElv, ['Watermelon-Spirestone'] = itsElv, ['Zinxbe-Spirestone'] = itsElv, ['Whorlock-Spirestone'] = itsElv, -- Blazeflack ['Blazii-Silvermoon'] = ElvBlue, -- Priest ['Chazii-Silvermoon'] = ElvBlue, -- Shaman -- Affinity ['Affinichi-Illidan'] = Bathrobe, ['Affinitii-Illidan'] = Bathrobe, ['Affinity-Illidan'] = Bathrobe, ['Uplift-Illidan'] = Bathrobe, -- Tirain (NOTE: lol) ['Tierone-Spirestone'] = 'Dr. ', ['Tirain-Spirestone'] = MrHankey, ['Sinth-Spirestone'] = MrHankey, ['Tee-Spirestone'] = MrHankey, -- Mis (NOTE: I will forever have the picture you accidently shared of the manikin wearing a strapon burned in my brain) ['Misdîrect-Spirestone'] = itsMis, ['Misoracle-Spirestone'] = itsMis, ['MisLight-Spirestone'] = itsMis, ['MisDivine-Spirestone'] = itsMis, ['MisMayhem-Spirestone'] = itsMis, ['Mismonk-Spirestone'] = itsMis, ['Misillidan-Spirestone'] = itsMis, ['Mispel-Spirestone'] = itsMis, ['Misdecay-Spirestone'] = itsMis, ['Mislust-Spirestone'] = itsMis, ['Misdivine-Spirestone'] = itsMis, ['Mislight-Spirestone'] = itsMis, -- Luckyone ['Luckyone-LaughingSkull'] = Clover, ['Luckypriest-LaughingSkull'] = Clover, ['Luckymonkas-LaughingSkull'] = Clover, ['Luckydk-LaughingSkull'] = Clover, ['Luckyhunter-LaughingSkull'] = Clover, ['Unluckyone-LaughingSkull'] = Clover, ['Notlucky-LaughingSkull'] = Clover, ['Luckymage-LaughingSkull'] = Clover, ['Luckydh-LaughingSkull'] = Clover, ['Luckywl-LaughingSkull'] = Clover, ['Luckyrogue-LaughingSkull'] = Clover, ['Luckypala-LaughingSkull'] = Clover, -- NihilisticPandemonium ['Dirishia-WyrmrestAccord'] = itsTheFlyestNihilist('Warlock'), ['Xanikani-WyrmrestAccord'] = itsTheFlyestNihilist('Mage'), ['Rikanza-WyrmrestAccord'] = itsTheFlyestNihilist('Monk'), ['Onaguda-WyrmrestAccord'] = itsTheFlyestNihilist('Druid'), ['Cerishia-WyrmrestAccord'] = itsTheFlyestNihilist('Priest'), ['Vellilara-WyrmrestAccord'] = itsTheFlyestNihilist('DemonHunter'), ['Sayalia-WyrmrestAccord'] = itsTheFlyestNihilist('DeathKnight'), ['Pakasta-WyrmrestAccord'] = itsTheFlyestNihilist('Paladin'), ['Orlyrala-WyrmrestAccord'] = itsTheFlyestNihilist('Shaman'), ['Scerila-WyrmrestAccord'] = itsTheFlyestNihilist('Rogue'), ['Ralaniki-WyrmrestAccord'] = itsTheFlyestNihilist('Hunter'), ['Moyanza-WyrmrestAccord'] = itsTheFlyestNihilist('Warrior'), ['Erasaya-WyrmrestAccord'] = itsTheFlyestNihilist('DeathKnight'), ['Linabla-WyrmrestAccord'] = itsTheFlyestNihilist('Druid'), ['Dirikoa-WyrmrestAccord'] = itsTheFlyestNihilist('Hunter'), ['Elaedarel-WyrmrestAccord'] = itsTheFlyestNihilist('Warlock'), ['Alydrer-WyrmrestAccord'] = itsTheFlyestNihilist('Warlock'), ['Issia-WyrmrestAccord'] = itsTheFlyestNihilist('Priest'), ['Leitara-WyrmrestAccord'] = itsTheFlyestNihilist('Warrior'), ['Cherlyth-WyrmrestAccord'] = itsTheFlyestNihilist('Druid'), ['Tokashami-WyrmrestAccord'] = itsTheFlyestNihilist('Shaman'), ['Millop-WyrmrestAccord'] = itsTheFlyestNihilist('Hunter'), ['Aeondalew-WyrmrestAccord'] = itsTheFlyestNihilist('DeathKnight'), -- Merathilis ['Asragoth-Shattrath'] = ElvPurple, -- [Alliance] Warlock ['Brítt-Shattrath'] = ElvBlue, -- [Alliance] Warrior ['Damará-Shattrath'] = ElvRed, -- [Alliance] Paladin ['Jazira-Shattrath'] = ElvBlue, -- [Alliance] Priest ['Jústice-Shattrath'] = ElvYellow, -- [Alliance] Rogue ['Maithilis-Shattrath'] = ElvGreen, -- [Alliance] Monk ['Mattdemôn-Shattrath'] = ElvPurple, -- [Alliance] DH ['Melisendra-Shattrath'] = ElvBlue, -- [Alliance] Mage ['Merathilis-Shattrath'] = ElvOrange, -- [Alliance] Druid ['Merathilîs-Shattrath'] = ElvBlue, -- [Alliance] Shaman ['Róhal-Shattrath'] = ElvGreen, -- [Alliance] Hunter -- Simpy ['Arieva-Cenarius'] = itsSimpy, -- Hunter ['Buddercup-Cenarius'] = itsSimpy, -- Rogue ['Cutepally-Cenarius'] = itsSimpy, -- Paladin ['Ezek-Cenarius'] = itsSimpy, -- DK ['Glice-Cenarius'] = itsSimpy, -- Warrior ['Kalline-Cenarius'] = itsSimpy, -- Shaman ['Puttietat-Cenarius'] = itsSimpy, -- Druid ['Simpy-Cenarius'] = itsSimpy, -- Warlock ['Twigly-Cenarius'] = itsSimpy, -- Monk ['Imsobeefy-Cenarius'] = itsSimpy, -- [Horde] Shaman ['Imsocheesy-Cenarius'] = itsSimpy, -- [Horde] Priest ['Imsojelly-Cenarius'] = itsSimpy, -- [Horde] DK ['Imsojuicy-Cenarius'] = itsSimpy, -- [Horde] Druid ['Imsopeachy-Cenarius'] = itsSimpy, -- [Horde] DH ['Imsosalty-Cenarius'] = itsSimpy, -- [Horde] Paladin ['Imsospicy-Cenarius'] = itsSimpy, -- [Horde] Mage ['Imsonutty-Cenarius'] = itsSimpy, -- [Horde] Hunter ['Imsotasty-Cenarius'] = itsSimpy, -- [Horde] Monk ['Imsosaucy-Cenarius'] = itsSimpy, -- [Horde] Warlock ['Imsodrippy-Cenarius'] = itsSimpy, -- [Horde] Rogue ['Bunne-CenarionCircle'] = itsSimpy, -- [RP] Warrior ['Loppie-CenarionCircle'] = itsSimpy, -- [RP] Monk ['Loppybunny-CenarionCircle'] = itsSimpy, -- [RP] Mage ['Rubee-CenarionCircle'] = itsSimpy, -- [RP] DH ['Wennie-CenarionCircle'] = itsSimpy, -- [RP] Priest -- Melbelle (Simpys Bestie) ['Melbelle-Bladefist'] = itsMel, -- Hunter ['Deathchaser-Bladefist'] = itsMel, -- DH ['Alyosha-Cenarius'] = itsMel, -- Warrior ['Dãwn-Cenarius'] = itsMel, -- Paladin ['Faelen-Cenarius'] = itsMel, -- Rogue ['Freckles-Cenarius'] = itsMel, -- DK ['Lõvi-Cenarius'] = itsMel, -- Priest ['Melbelle-Cenarius'] = itsMel, -- Druid ['Perìwìnkle-Cenarius'] = itsMel, -- Shaman ['Pìper-Cenarius'] = itsMel, -- Warlock ['Spãrkles-Cenarius'] = itsMel, -- Mage ['Alybones-Cenarius'] = itsMel, -- [Horde] DK ['Alyfreeze-Cenarius'] = itsMel, -- [Horde] Mage ['Alykins-Cenarius'] = itsMel, -- [Horde] DH ['Alyrage-Cenarius'] = itsMel, -- [Horde] Warrior ['Alysneaks-Cenarius'] = itsMel, -- [Horde] Rogue ['Alytotes-Cenarius'] = itsMel, -- [Horde] Shaman -- Lulupeep (Nihilist's wife) ['Arïä-WyrmrestAccord'] = DeathlyH, ['Belladonnä-WyrmrestAccord'] = DeathlyH, ['Cadense-WyrmrestAccord'] = DeathlyH, ['Cäydence-WyrmrestAccord'] = DeathlyH, ['Esmæ-WyrmrestAccord'] = DeathlyH, ['Falorya-WyrmrestAccord'] = DeathlyH, ['Fufus-WyrmrestAccord'] = DeathlyH, ['Gemmä-WyrmrestAccord'] = DeathlyH, ['Lilliës-WyrmrestAccord'] = DeathlyH, ['Louisianagrl-WyrmrestAccord'] = DeathlyH, ['Lulupeep-WyrmrestAccord'] = DeathlyH, ['Nolalove-WyrmrestAccord'] = DeathlyH, ['Onyxnovä-WyrmrestAccord'] = DeathlyH, ['Rukíá-WyrmrestAccord'] = DeathlyH, ['Songbïrd-WyrmrestAccord'] = DeathlyH, ['Vidiä-WyrmrestAccord'] = DeathlyH, -- Quickhanz (Nihilist's absolute bestie) ['Zandahanz-Area52'] = GoldShield, -- AcidWeb ['Livarax-BurningLegion'] = Gem, ['Filevandrel-BurningLegion'] = Gem, ['Akavaya-BurningLegion'] = Gem, } end function CH:ChatFrame_OnMouseScroll(delta) local numScrollMessages = CH.db.numScrollMessages or 3 if delta < 0 then if IsShiftKeyDown() then self:ScrollToBottom() elseif IsAltKeyDown() then self:ScrollDown() else for _ = 1, numScrollMessages do self:ScrollDown() end end elseif delta > 0 then if IsShiftKeyDown() then self:ScrollToTop() elseif IsAltKeyDown() then self:ScrollUp() else for _ = 1, numScrollMessages do self:ScrollUp() end end if CH.db.scrollDownInterval ~= 0 then if self.ScrollTimer then CH:CancelTimer(self.ScrollTimer, true) end self.ScrollTimer = CH:ScheduleTimer('ScrollToBottom', CH.db.scrollDownInterval, self) end end end function CH:GetGroupDistribution() local _, instanceType = GetInstanceInfo() if instanceType == 'pvp' then return '/bg ' end if IsInRaid() then return '/ra ' end if IsInGroup() then return '/p ' end return '/s ' end function CH:InsertEmotions(msg) for word in gmatch(msg, '%s-%S+%s*') do word = strtrim(word) local pattern = E:EscapeString(word) local emoji = CH.Smileys[pattern] if emoji and strmatch(msg, '[%s%p]-'..pattern..'[%s%p]*') then local base64 = E.Libs.Base64:Encode(word) -- btw keep `|h|cFFffffff|r|h` as it is msg = gsub(msg, '([%s%p]-)'..pattern..'([%s%p]*)', (base64 and ('%1|Helvmoji:%%'..base64..'|h|cFFffffff|r|h') or '%1')..emoji..'%2') end end return msg end function CH:GetSmileyReplacementText(msg) if not msg or not CH.db.emotionIcons or strfind(msg, '/run') or strfind(msg, '/dump') or strfind(msg, '/script') then return msg end local outstr = '' local origlen = strlen(msg) local startpos = 1 local endpos, _ while(startpos <= origlen) do local pos = strfind(msg,'|H',startpos,true) endpos = pos or origlen outstr = outstr .. CH:InsertEmotions(strsub(msg,startpos,endpos)) --run replacement on this bit startpos = endpos + 1 if pos ~= nil then _, endpos = strfind(msg,'|h.-|h',startpos) endpos = endpos or origlen if startpos < endpos then outstr = outstr .. strsub(msg,startpos,endpos) --don't run replacement on this bit startpos = endpos + 1 end end end return outstr end function CH:CopyButtonOnMouseUp(btn) local chat = self:GetParent() if btn == 'RightButton' and chat:GetID() == 1 then ToggleFrame(_G.ChatMenu) else CH:CopyChat(chat) end end function CH:CopyButtonOnEnter() self:SetAlpha(1) end function CH:CopyButtonOnLeave() local chat = self:GetParent() if _G[chat:GetName()..'TabText']:IsShown() then self:SetAlpha(0.35) else self:SetAlpha(0) end end function CH:ChatFrameTab_SetAlpha(_, skip) if skip then return end local chat = CH:GetOwner(self) self:SetAlpha((not chat.isDocked or self.selected) and 1 or 0.6, true) end do local charCount function CH:CountLinkCharacters() charCount = charCount + (strlen(self) + 4) -- 4 is ending '|h|r' end local repeatedText function CH:EditBoxOnTextChanged() local text = self:GetText() local len = strlen(text) if (not repeatedText or not strfind(text, repeatedText, 1, true)) and InCombatLockdown() then local MIN_REPEAT_CHARACTERS = CH.db.numAllowedCombatRepeat if len > MIN_REPEAT_CHARACTERS then local repeatChar = true for i = 1, MIN_REPEAT_CHARACTERS, 1 do local first = -1 - i if strsub(text,-i,-i) ~= strsub(text,first,first) then repeatChar = false break end end if repeatChar then repeatedText = text self:Hide() return end end end if len == 4 then if text == '/tt ' then local Name, Realm = UnitName('target') if Name then Name = gsub(Name,'%s','') if Realm and Realm ~= '' then Name = format('%s-%s', Name, E:ShortenRealm(Realm)) end end if Name then _G.ChatFrame_SendTell(Name, self.chatFrame) else _G.UIErrorsFrame:AddMessage(E.InfoColor .. L["Invalid Target"]) end elseif text == '/gr ' then self:SetText(CH:GetGroupDistribution() .. strsub(text, 5)) _G.ChatEdit_ParseText(self, 0) end end -- recalculate the character count correctly with hyperlinks in it, using gsub so it matches multiple without gmatch charCount = 0 gsub(text, '(|cff%x%x%x%x%x%x|H.-|h).-|h|r', CH.CountLinkCharacters) if charCount ~= 0 then len = len - charCount end self.characterCount:SetText(len > 0 and (255 - len) or '') if repeatedText then repeatedText = nil end end end function CH:EditBoxOnKeyDown(key) --Work around broken SetAltArrowKeyMode API. Code from Prat and modified by Simpy if (not self.historyLines) or #self.historyLines == 0 then return end if key == 'DOWN' then self.historyIndex = self.historyIndex - 1 if self.historyIndex < 1 then self.historyIndex = 0 self:SetText('') return end elseif key == 'UP' then self.historyIndex = self.historyIndex + 1 if self.historyIndex > #self.historyLines then self.historyIndex = #self.historyLines end else return end self:SetText(strtrim(self.historyLines[#self.historyLines - (self.historyIndex - 1)])) end function CH:EditBoxFocusGained() if not _G.LeftChatPanel:IsShown() then _G.LeftChatPanel.editboxforced = true _G.LeftChatToggleButton:OnEnter() self:Show() end end function CH:EditBoxFocusLost() if _G.LeftChatPanel.editboxforced then _G.LeftChatPanel.editboxforced = nil if _G.LeftChatPanel:IsShown() then _G.LeftChatToggleButton:OnLeave() self:Hide() end end self.historyIndex = 0 end function CH:UpdateEditboxFont(chatFrame) local style = GetCVar('chatStyle') if style == 'classic' and CH.LeftChatWindow then chatFrame = CH.LeftChatWindow end if chatFrame == _G.GeneralDockManager.primary then chatFrame = _G.GeneralDockManager.selected end local id = chatFrame:GetID() local font = LSM:Fetch('font', CH.db.font) local _, fontSize = _G.FCF_GetChatWindowInfo(id) local editbox = _G.ChatEdit_ChooseBoxForSend(chatFrame) editbox:FontTemplate(font, fontSize, 'NONE') editbox.header:FontTemplate(font, fontSize, 'NONE') if editbox.characterCount then editbox.characterCount:FontTemplate(font, fontSize, 'NONE') end -- the header and text will not update the placement without focus if editbox and editbox:IsShown() then editbox:SetFocus() end end function CH:StyleChat(frame) local name = frame:GetName() local tab = CH:GetTab(frame) local id = frame:GetID() local _, fontSize = _G.FCF_GetChatWindowInfo(id) local font, size, outline = LSM:Fetch('font', CH.db.font), fontSize, CH.db.fontOutline frame:FontTemplate(font, size, outline) frame:SetTimeVisible(CH.db.inactivityTimer) frame:SetMaxLines(CH.db.maxLines) frame:SetFading(CH.db.fade) tab.Text:FontTemplate(LSM:Fetch('font', CH.db.tabFont), CH.db.tabFontSize, CH.db.tabFontOutline) if frame.styled then return end frame:SetFrameLevel(4) frame:SetClampRectInsets(0,0,0,0) frame:SetClampedToScreen(false) frame:StripTextures(true) _G[name..'ButtonFrame']:Kill() local scrollTex = _G[name..'ThumbTexture'] local scrollToBottom = frame.ScrollToBottomButton local scroll = frame.ScrollBar local editbox = frame.editBox if scroll then scroll:Kill() scrollToBottom:Kill() scrollTex:Kill() end --Character count local charCount = editbox:CreateFontString(nil, 'ARTWORK') charCount:FontTemplate() charCount:SetTextColor(190, 190, 190, 0.4) charCount:Point('TOPRIGHT', editbox, 'TOPRIGHT', -5, 0) charCount:Point('BOTTOMRIGHT', editbox, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', -5, 0) charCount:SetJustifyH('CENTER') charCount:Width(40) editbox.characterCount = charCount for _, texName in pairs(tabTexs) do _G[name..'Tab'..texName..'Left']:SetTexture() _G[name..'Tab'..texName..'Middle']:SetTexture() _G[name..'Tab'..texName..'Right']:SetTexture() end hooksecurefunc(tab, 'SetAlpha', CH.ChatFrameTab_SetAlpha) if not tab.left then tab.left = _G[name..'TabLeft'] end tab.Text:ClearAllPoints() tab.Text:Point('LEFT', tab, 'LEFT', tab.left:GetWidth(), 0) tab:Height(22) if tab.conversationIcon then tab.conversationIcon:ClearAllPoints() tab.conversationIcon:Point('RIGHT', tab.Text, 'LEFT', -1, 0) end local a, b, c = select(6, editbox:GetRegions()); a:Kill(); b:Kill(); c:Kill() _G[name..'EditBoxLeft']:Kill() _G[name..'EditBoxMid']:Kill() _G[name..'EditBoxRight']:Kill() editbox:SetAltArrowKeyMode(CH.db.useAltKey) editbox:SetAllPoints(_G.LeftChatDataPanel) editbox:HookScript('OnTextChanged', CH.EditBoxOnTextChanged) CH:SecureHook(editbox, 'AddHistoryLine', 'ChatEdit_AddHistory') --Work around broken SetAltArrowKeyMode API editbox.historyLines = ElvCharacterDB.ChatEditHistory editbox.historyIndex = 0 editbox:HookScript('OnKeyDown', CH.EditBoxOnKeyDown) editbox:Hide() editbox:HookScript('OnEditFocusGained', CH.EditBoxFocusGained) editbox:HookScript('OnEditFocusLost', CH.EditBoxFocusLost) for _, text in pairs(editbox.historyLines) do editbox:AddHistoryLine(text) end --copy chat button local copyButton = CreateFrame('Frame', format('ElvUI_CopyChatButton%d', id), frame) copyButton:EnableMouse(true) copyButton:SetAlpha(0.35) copyButton:Size(20, 22) copyButton:Point('TOPRIGHT', 0, -4) copyButton:SetFrameLevel(frame:GetFrameLevel() + 5) frame.copyButton = copyButton local copyTexture = frame.copyButton:CreateTexture(nil, 'OVERLAY') copyTexture:SetInside() copyTexture:SetTexture(E.Media.Textures.Copy) copyButton.texture = copyTexture copyButton:SetScript('OnMouseUp', CH.CopyButtonOnMouseUp) copyButton:SetScript('OnEnter', CH.CopyButtonOnEnter) copyButton:SetScript('OnLeave', CH.CopyButtonOnLeave) CH:ToggleChatButton(copyButton) _G.QuickJoinToastButton:Hide() _G.GeneralDockManagerOverflowButtonList:CreateBackdrop('Transparent') Skins:HandleNextPrevButton(_G.GeneralDockManagerOverflowButton, 'down', nil, true) frame.styled = true end function CH:GetChatTime() local unix = time() local realm = not CH.db.timeStampLocalTime and C_DateAndTime_GetCurrentCalendarTime() if realm then -- blizzard is weird realm.day = realm.monthDay realm.min = date('%M', unix) realm.sec = date('%S', unix) realm = time(realm) end return realm or unix end function CH:AddMessage(msg, infoR, infoG, infoB, infoID, accessID, typeID, isHistory, historyTime) local historyTimestamp --we need to extend the arguments on AddMessage so we can properly handle times without overriding if isHistory == 'ElvUI_ChatHistory' then historyTimestamp = historyTime end if CH.db.timeStampFormat and CH.db.timeStampFormat ~= 'NONE' then local timeStamp = BetterDate(CH.db.timeStampFormat, historyTimestamp or CH:GetChatTime()) timeStamp = gsub(timeStamp, ' ', '') timeStamp = gsub(timeStamp, 'AM', ' AM') timeStamp = gsub(timeStamp, 'PM', ' PM') if CH.db.useCustomTimeColor then local color = CH.db.customTimeColor local hexColor = E:RGBToHex(color.r, color.g, color.b) msg = format('%s[%s]|r %s', hexColor, timeStamp, msg) else msg = format('[%s] %s', timeStamp, msg) end end if CH.db.copyChatLines then msg = format('|Hcpl:%s|h%s|h %s', self:GetID(), E:TextureString(E.Media.Textures.ArrowRight, ':14'), msg) end self.OldAddMessage(self, msg, infoR, infoG, infoB, infoID, accessID, typeID) end function CH:UpdateSettings() for _, name in ipairs(_G.CHAT_FRAMES) do _G[name..'EditBox']:SetAltArrowKeyMode(CH.db.useAltKey) end end local removeIconFromLine do local raidIconFunc = function(x) x = x~='' and _G['RAID_TARGET_'..x];return x and ('{'..strlower(x)..'}') or '' end local stripTextureFunc = function(w, x, y) if x=='' then return (w~='' and w) or (y~='' and y) or '' end end local hyperLinkFunc = function(w, x, y) if w~='' then return end local emoji = (x~='' and x) and strmatch(x, 'elvmoji:%%(.+)') return (emoji and E.Libs.Base64:Decode(emoji)) or y end local fourString = function(v, w, x, y) return format('%s%s%s', v, w, (v and v == '1' and x) or y) end removeIconFromLine = function(text) text = gsub(text, [[|TInterface\TargetingFrame\UI%-RaidTargetingIcon_(%d+):0|t]], raidIconFunc) --converts raid icons into {star} etc, if possible. text = gsub(text, '(%s?)(|?)|[TA].-|[ta](%s?)', stripTextureFunc) --strip any other texture out but keep a single space from the side(s). text = gsub(text, '(|?)|H(.-)|h(.-)|h', hyperLinkFunc) --strip hyperlink data only keeping the actual text. text = gsub(text, '(%d+)(.-)|4(.-):(.-);', fourString) --stuff where it goes 'day' or 'days' like played; tech this is wrong but okayish return text end end local function colorizeLine(text, r, g, b) local hexCode = E:RGBToHex(r, g, b) return format('%s%s|r', hexCode, text) end local copyLines = {} function CH:GetLines(frame) local index = 1 for i = 1, frame:GetNumMessages() do local message, r, g, b = frame:GetMessageInfo(i) if message and not CH:MessageIsProtected(message) then --Set fallback color values r, g, b = r or 1, g or 1, b or 1 --Remove icons message = removeIconFromLine(message) --Add text color message = colorizeLine(message, r, g, b) copyLines[index] = message index = index + 1 end end return index - 1 end function CH:CopyChat(frame) if not _G.CopyChatFrame:IsShown() then local _, fontSize = _G.FCF_GetChatWindowInfo(frame:GetID()) if fontSize < 10 then fontSize = 12 end _G.FCF_SetChatWindowFontSize(frame, frame, 0.01) _G.CopyChatFrame:Show() local lineCt = CH:GetLines(frame) local text = tconcat(copyLines, ' \n', 1, lineCt) _G.FCF_SetChatWindowFontSize(frame, frame, fontSize) _G.CopyChatFrameEditBox:SetText(text) else _G.CopyChatFrame:Hide() end end function CH:GetOwner(tab) if not tab.owner then tab.owner = _G[format('ChatFrame%s', tab:GetID())] end return tab.owner end function CH:GetTab(chat) if not chat.tab then chat.tab = _G[format('ChatFrame%sTab', chat:GetID())] end return chat.tab end function CH:TabOnEnter(tab) tab.Text:Show() if tab.conversationIcon then tab.conversationIcon:Show() end if not CH.db.hideCopyButton then local chat = CH:GetOwner(tab) if chat and chat.copyButton and GetMouseFocus() ~= chat.copyButton then chat.copyButton:SetAlpha(0.35) end end end function CH:TabOnLeave(tab) tab.Text:Hide() if tab.conversationIcon then tab.conversationIcon:Hide() end if not CH.db.hideCopyButton then local chat = CH:GetOwner(tab) if chat and chat.copyButton and GetMouseFocus() ~= chat.copyButton then chat.copyButton:SetAlpha(0) end end end function CH:ChatOnEnter(chat) CH:TabOnEnter(CH:GetTab(chat)) end function CH:ChatOnLeave(chat) CH:TabOnLeave(CH:GetTab(chat)) end function CH:HandleFadeTabs(chat, hook) local tab = CH:GetTab(chat) if hook then if not CH.hooks or not CH.hooks[chat] or not CH.hooks[chat].OnEnter then CH:HookScript(chat, 'OnEnter', 'ChatOnEnter') CH:HookScript(chat, 'OnLeave', 'ChatOnLeave') end if not CH.hooks or not CH.hooks[tab] or not CH.hooks[tab].OnEnter then CH:HookScript(tab, 'OnEnter', 'TabOnEnter') CH:HookScript(tab, 'OnLeave', 'TabOnLeave') end else if CH.hooks and CH.hooks[chat] and CH.hooks[chat].OnEnter then CH:Unhook(chat, 'OnEnter') CH:Unhook(chat, 'OnLeave') end if CH.hooks and CH.hooks[tab] and CH.hooks[tab].OnEnter then CH:Unhook(tab, 'OnEnter') CH:Unhook(tab, 'OnLeave') end end local focus = GetMouseFocus() if not hook then CH:TabOnEnter(tab) elseif focus ~= tab and focus ~= chat then CH:TabOnLeave(tab) end end function CH:ChatEdit_SetLastActiveWindow(editbox) local style = editbox.chatStyle or GetCVar('chatStyle') if style == 'im' then editbox:SetAlpha(0.5) end end function CH:FCFDock_SelectWindow(_, chatFrame) if chatFrame then CH:UpdateEditboxFont(chatFrame) end end function CH:ChatEdit_ActivateChat(editbox) if editbox and editbox.chatFrame then CH:UpdateEditboxFont(editbox.chatFrame) end end function CH:ChatEdit_DeactivateChat(editbox) local style = editbox.chatStyle or GetCVar('chatStyle') if style == 'im' then editbox:Hide() end end function CH:UpdateEditboxAnchors() local cvar = (type(self) == 'string' and self) or GetCVar('chatStyle') local classic = cvar == 'classic' local leftChat = classic and _G.LeftChatPanel local bottomheight, topheight = 1, 0 local width = classic and 0 or 5 local panel_height = 22 for _, name in ipairs(_G.CHAT_FRAMES) do local frame = _G[name] local editbox = frame and frame.editBox if not editbox then return end editbox.chatStyle = cvar local anchorTo = leftChat or frame editbox:ClearAllPoints() if CH.db.editBoxPosition == 'BELOW_CHAT' then if not classic then bottomheight, topheight = 6, -4 end editbox:Point('TOPLEFT', anchorTo, 'BOTTOMLEFT', -width, topheight) editbox:Point('BOTTOMRIGHT', anchorTo, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', width, -(panel_height+bottomheight)) else if not classic then bottomheight, topheight = 5, 3 end editbox:Point('BOTTOMLEFT', anchorTo, 'TOPLEFT', -width, topheight) editbox:Point('TOPRIGHT', anchorTo, 'TOPRIGHT', width, panel_height+bottomheight) end end end function CH:FindChatWindows() if not CH.db.panelSnapping then return end local left, right = CH.LeftChatWindow, CH.RightChatWindow -- they already exist just return them :) if left and right then return left, right end local docker = _G.GeneralDockManager.primary for _, name in ipairs(_G.CHAT_FRAMES) do local chat = _G[name] if (chat.isDocked and docker) or chat:IsShown() then if not left and E:FramesOverlap(chat, _G.LeftChatPanel) then left = chat elseif not right and E:FramesOverlap(chat, _G.RightChatPanel) then right = chat end -- if both are found just return now, don't wait if left and right then return left, right end end end -- none or one was found return left, right end function CH:GetDockerParent(docker, chat) if not docker then return end local _, relativeTo = chat:GetPoint() if relativeTo == docker then return docker:GetParent() end end function CH:UpdateChatTab(chat) local fadeLeft, fadeRight if CH.db.fadeTabsNoBackdrop then local both = CH.db.panelBackdrop == 'HIDEBOTH' fadeLeft = (both or CH.db.panelBackdrop == 'RIGHT') fadeRight = (both or CH.db.panelBackdrop == 'LEFT') end if chat == CH.LeftChatWindow then CH:GetTab(chat):SetParent(_G.LeftChatPanel or _G.UIParent) chat:SetParent(_G.LeftChatPanel or _G.UIParent) CH:HandleFadeTabs(chat, fadeLeft) elseif chat == CH.RightChatWindow then CH:GetTab(chat):SetParent(_G.RightChatPanel or _G.UIParent) chat:SetParent(_G.RightChatPanel or _G.UIParent) CH:HandleFadeTabs(chat, fadeRight) else local docker = _G.GeneralDockManager.primary local parent = CH:GetDockerParent(docker, chat) -- we need to update the tab parent to mimic the docker CH:GetTab(chat):SetParent(parent or _G.UIParent) chat:SetParent(parent or _G.UIParent) if parent and docker == CH.LeftChatWindow then CH:HandleFadeTabs(chat, fadeLeft) elseif parent and docker == CH.RightChatWindow then CH:HandleFadeTabs(chat, fadeRight) else CH:HandleFadeTabs(chat, CH.db.fadeUndockedTabs and CH:IsUndocked(chat, docker)) end end end function CH:UpdateChatTabs() for _, name in ipairs(_G.CHAT_FRAMES) do CH:UpdateChatTab(_G[name]) end end function CH:ToggleChatButton(button) if button then button:SetShown(not CH.db.hideCopyButton) end end function CH:ToggleCopyChatButtons() for _, name in ipairs(_G.CHAT_FRAMES) do CH:ToggleChatButton(_G[name].copyButton) end end function CH:RefreshToggleButtons() _G.LeftChatToggleButton:SetAlpha(E.db.LeftChatPanelFaded and CH.db.fadeChatToggles and 0 or 1) _G.RightChatToggleButton:SetAlpha(E.db.RightChatPanelFaded and CH.db.fadeChatToggles and 0 or 1) _G.LeftChatToggleButton:SetShown(not CH.db.hideChatToggles and E.db.datatexts.panels.LeftChatDataPanel.enable) _G.RightChatToggleButton:SetShown(not CH.db.hideChatToggles and E.db.datatexts.panels.RightChatDataPanel.enable) end function CH:IsUndocked(chat, docker) if not docker then docker = _G.GeneralDockManager.primary end local primaryUndocked = docker ~= CH.LeftChatWindow and docker ~= CH.RightChatWindow return not chat.isDocked or (primaryUndocked and ((chat == docker) or CH:GetDockerParent(docker, chat))) end function CH:Unsnapped(chat) if chat == CH.LeftChatWindow then CH.LeftChatWindow = nil elseif chat == CH.RightChatWindow then CH.RightChatWindow = nil end end function CH:ClearSnapping() CH.LeftChatWindow = nil CH.RightChatWindow = nil end function CH:SnappingChanged(chat) CH:Unsnapped(chat) if chat == _G.GeneralDockManager.primary then for _, frame in ipairs(_G.GeneralDockManager.DOCKED_CHAT_FRAMES) do CH:PositionChat(frame) end else CH:PositionChat(chat) end end function CH:ShowBackground(background, show) if not background then return end if show then background.Show = nil background:Show() else background:Kill() end end function CH:PositionChat(chat) CH.LeftChatWindow, CH.RightChatWindow = CH:FindChatWindows() local docker = _G.GeneralDockManager.primary if chat == docker then local iconParent, chatParent = CH:GetAnchorParents(chat) _G.GeneralDockManager:SetParent(chatParent) if CH.db.pinVoiceButtons and not CH.db.hideVoiceButtons then CH:ReparentVoiceChatIcon(iconParent or chatParent) end end CH:UpdateChatTab(chat) if chat:IsMovable() then chat:SetUserPlaced(true) end if chat.FontStringContainer then chat.FontStringContainer:ClearAllPoints() chat.FontStringContainer:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', chat, 'TOPLEFT', -1, 1) chat.FontStringContainer:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', chat, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', 1, -1) end if chat:IsShown() then -- that chat font container leaks outside of its frame -- we cant clip it, so lets force that leak sooner so -- i can position it properly, patch: 8.3.0 ~Simpy chat:Hide() chat:Show() end local BASE_OFFSET = 32 if chat == CH.LeftChatWindow then local LOG_OFFSET = chat:GetID() == 2 and (_G.LeftChatTab:GetHeight() + 4) or 0 chat:ClearAllPoints() chat:SetPoint('BOTTOMLEFT', _G.LeftChatPanel, 'BOTTOMLEFT', 5, 5) chat:SetSize(CH.db.panelWidth - 10, CH.db.panelHeight - BASE_OFFSET - LOG_OFFSET) CH:ShowBackground(chat.Background, false) elseif chat == CH.RightChatWindow then local LOG_OFFSET = chat:GetID() == 2 and (_G.LeftChatTab:GetHeight() + 4) or 0 chat:ClearAllPoints() chat:SetPoint('BOTTOMLEFT', _G.RightChatPanel, 'BOTTOMLEFT', 5, 5) chat:SetSize((CH.db.separateSizes and CH.db.panelWidthRight or CH.db.panelWidth) - 10, (CH.db.separateSizes and CH.db.panelHeightRight or CH.db.panelHeight) - BASE_OFFSET - LOG_OFFSET) CH:ShowBackground(chat.Background, false) else -- show if: not docked, or ChatFrame1, or attached to ChatFrame1 CH:ShowBackground(chat.Background, CH:IsUndocked(chat, docker)) end end function CH:PositionChats() _G.LeftChatPanel:Size(CH.db.panelWidth, CH.db.panelHeight) if CH.db.separateSizes then _G.RightChatPanel:Size(CH.db.panelWidthRight, CH.db.panelHeightRight) else _G.RightChatPanel:Size(CH.db.panelWidth, CH.db.panelHeight) end LO:RepositionChatDataPanels() -- dont proceed when chat is disabled if not E.private.chat.enable then return end for _, name in ipairs(_G.CHAT_FRAMES) do CH:PositionChat(_G[name]) end end function CH:Panel_ColorUpdate() local panelColor = CH.db.panelColor self:SetBackdropColor(panelColor.r, panelColor.g, panelColor.b, panelColor.a) end function CH:Panels_ColorUpdate() local panelColor = CH.db.panelColor _G.LeftChatPanel.backdrop:SetBackdropColor(panelColor.r, panelColor.g, panelColor.b, panelColor.a) _G.RightChatPanel.backdrop:SetBackdropColor(panelColor.r, panelColor.g, panelColor.b, panelColor.a) if _G.ChatButtonHolder then _G.ChatButtonHolder:SetBackdropColor(panelColor.r, panelColor.g, panelColor.b, panelColor.a) end end function CH:UpdateChatTabColors() for _, name in ipairs(_G.CHAT_FRAMES) do local tab = CH:GetTab(_G[name]) CH:FCFTab_UpdateColors(tab, tab.selected) end end E.valueColorUpdateFuncs[CH.UpdateChatTabColors] = true function CH:ScrollToBottom(frame) frame:ScrollToBottom() CH:CancelTimer(frame.ScrollTimer, true) end function CH:PrintURL(url) return '|cFFFFFFFF[|Hurl:'..url..'|h'..url..'|h]|r ' end function CH:FindURL(event, msg, author, ...) if not CH.db.url then msg = CH:CheckKeyword(msg, author) msg = CH:GetSmileyReplacementText(msg) return false, msg, author, ... end local text, tag = msg, strmatch(msg, '{(.-)}') if tag and _G.ICON_TAG_LIST[strlower(tag)] then text = gsub(gsub(text, '(%S)({.-})', '%1 %2'), '({.-})(%S)', '%1 %2') end text = gsub(gsub(text, '(%S)(|c.-|H.-|h.-|h|r)', '%1 %2'), '(|c.-|H.-|h.-|h|r)(%S)', '%1 %2') -- http://example.com local newMsg, found = gsub(text, '(%a+)://(%S+)%s?', CH:PrintURL('%1://%2')) if found > 0 then return false, CH:GetSmileyReplacementText(CH:CheckKeyword(newMsg, author)), author, ... end -- www.example.com newMsg, found = gsub(text, 'www%.([_A-Za-z0-9-]+)%.(%S+)%s?', CH:PrintURL('www.%1.%2')) if found > 0 then return false, CH:GetSmileyReplacementText(CH:CheckKeyword(newMsg, author)), author, ... end -- example@example.com newMsg, found = gsub(text, '([_A-Za-z0-9-%.]+)@([_A-Za-z0-9-]+)(%.+)([_A-Za-z0-9-%.]+)%s?', CH:PrintURL('%1@%2%3%4')) if found > 0 then return false, CH:GetSmileyReplacementText(CH:CheckKeyword(newMsg, author)), author, ... end -- IP address with port newMsg, found = gsub(text, '(%d%d?%d?)%.(%d%d?%d?)%.(%d%d?%d?)%.(%d%d?%d?)(:%d+)%s?', CH:PrintURL('%1.%2.%3.%4%5')) if found > 0 then return false, CH:GetSmileyReplacementText(CH:CheckKeyword(newMsg, author)), author, ... end -- IP address newMsg, found = gsub(text, '(%d%d?%d?)%.(%d%d?%d?)%.(%d%d?%d?)%.(%d%d?%d?)%s?', CH:PrintURL('%1.%2.%3.%4')) if found > 0 then return false, CH:GetSmileyReplacementText(CH:CheckKeyword(newMsg, author)), author, ... end msg = CH:CheckKeyword(msg, author) msg = CH:GetSmileyReplacementText(msg) return false, msg, author, ... end function CH:SetChatEditBoxMessage(message) local ChatFrameEditBox = _G.ChatEdit_ChooseBoxForSend() local editBoxShown = ChatFrameEditBox:IsShown() local editBoxText = ChatFrameEditBox:GetText() if not editBoxShown then _G.ChatEdit_ActivateChat(ChatFrameEditBox) end if editBoxText and editBoxText ~= '' then ChatFrameEditBox:SetText('') end ChatFrameEditBox:Insert(message) ChatFrameEditBox:HighlightText() end local function HyperLinkedCPL(data) if strsub(data, 1, 3) == 'cpl' then local chatID = strsub(data, 5) local chat = _G[format('ChatFrame%d', chatID)] if not chat then return end local scale = chat:GetEffectiveScale() --blizzard does this with `scale = UIParent:GetScale()` local cursorX, cursorY = GetCursorPosition() cursorX, cursorY = (cursorX / scale), (cursorY / scale) local _, lineIndex = chat:FindCharacterAndLineIndexAtCoordinate(cursorX, cursorY) if lineIndex then local visibleLine = chat.visibleLines and chat.visibleLines[lineIndex] local message = visibleLine and visibleLine.messageInfo and visibleLine.messageInfo.message if message and message ~= '' then message = gsub(message, '|c%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x(.-)|r', '%1') message = strtrim(removeIconFromLine(message)) if not CH:MessageIsProtected(message) then CH:SetChatEditBoxMessage(message) end end end end end local function HyperLinkedSQU(data) if strsub(data, 1, 3) == 'squ' then if not _G.QuickJoinFrame:IsShown() then ToggleQuickJoinPanel() end local guid = strsub(data, 5) if guid and guid ~= '' then _G.QuickJoinFrame:SelectGroup(guid) _G.QuickJoinFrame:ScrollToGroup(guid) end end end local function HyperLinkedURL(data) if strsub(data, 1, 3) == 'url' then local currentLink = strsub(data, 5) if currentLink and currentLink ~= '' then CH:SetChatEditBoxMessage(currentLink) end end end local SetHyperlink = _G.ItemRefTooltip.SetHyperlink function _G.ItemRefTooltip:SetHyperlink(data, ...) if strsub(data, 1, 3) == 'cpl' then HyperLinkedCPL(data) elseif strsub(data, 1, 3) == 'squ' then HyperLinkedSQU(data) elseif strsub(data, 1, 3) == 'url' then HyperLinkedURL(data) else SetHyperlink(self, data, ...) end end local hyperLinkEntered function CH:OnHyperlinkEnter(frame, refString) if InCombatLockdown() then return end local linkToken = strmatch(refString, '^([^:]+)') if hyperlinkTypes[linkToken] then _G.GameTooltip:SetOwner(frame, 'ANCHOR_CURSOR') _G.GameTooltip:SetHyperlink(refString) _G.GameTooltip:Show() hyperLinkEntered = frame end end function CH:OnHyperlinkLeave() if hyperLinkEntered then hyperLinkEntered = nil _G.GameTooltip:Hide() end end function CH:OnMouseWheel(frame) if hyperLinkEntered == frame then hyperLinkEntered = false _G.GameTooltip:Hide() end end function CH:ToggleHyperlink(enable) for _, frameName in ipairs(_G.CHAT_FRAMES) do local frame = _G[frameName] local hooked = CH.hooks and CH.hooks[frame] and CH.hooks[frame].OnHyperlinkEnter if enable and not hooked then CH:HookScript(frame, 'OnHyperlinkEnter') CH:HookScript(frame, 'OnHyperlinkLeave') CH:HookScript(frame, 'OnMouseWheel') elseif not enable and hooked then CH:Unhook(frame, 'OnHyperlinkEnter') CH:Unhook(frame, 'OnHyperlinkLeave') CH:Unhook(frame, 'OnMouseWheel') end end end function CH:DisableChatThrottle() wipe(throttle) end function CH:ShortChannel() return format('|Hchannel:%s|h[%s]|h', self, DEFAULT_STRINGS[strupper(self)] or gsub(self, 'channel:', '')) end function CH:HandleShortChannels(msg) msg = gsub(msg, '|Hchannel:(.-)|h%[(.-)%]|h', CH.ShortChannel) msg = gsub(msg, 'CHANNEL:', '') msg = gsub(msg, '^(.-|h) '..L["whispers"], '%1') msg = gsub(msg, '^(.-|h) '..L["says"], '%1') msg = gsub(msg, '^(.-|h) '..L["yells"], '%1') msg = gsub(msg, '<'.._G.AFK..'>', '[|cffFF0000'..L["AFK"]..'|r] ') msg = gsub(msg, '<'.._G.DND..'>', '[|cffE7E716'..L["DND"]..'|r] ') msg = gsub(msg, '^%['.._G.RAID_WARNING..'%]', '['..L["RW"]..']') return msg end function CH:GetBNFirstToonClassColor(id) if not id then return end for i = 1, BNGetNumFriends() do local accountInfo = C_BattleNet_GetFriendAccountInfo(i) if accountInfo and (accountInfo.gameAccountInfo and accountInfo.gameAccountInfo.isOnline) and accountInfo.bnetAccountID == id then local numGameAccounts = C_BattleNet_GetFriendNumGameAccounts(i) if numGameAccounts and numGameAccounts > 0 then for y = 1, numGameAccounts do local gameAccountInfo = C_BattleNet_GetFriendGameAccountInfo(i, y) local className = gameAccountInfo and gameAccountInfo.className if className and className ~= '' and (gameAccountInfo.clientProgram == BNET_CLIENT_WOW) then return className --return the first toon's class end end end break end end end function CH:GetBNFriendColor(name, id, useBTag) local accountInfo = C_BattleNet_GetAccountInfoByID(id) if not accountInfo then return name end local battleTag, isBattleTagFriend, gameAccountInfo = accountInfo.battleTag, accountInfo.isBattleTagFriend, accountInfo.gameAccountInfo local BATTLE_TAG = battleTag and strmatch(battleTag,'([^#]+)') local TAG = (useBTag or CH.db.useBTagName) and BATTLE_TAG local Class if not (gameAccountInfo and gameAccountInfo.gameAccountID) then local firstToonClass = CH:GetBNFirstToonClassColor(id) if firstToonClass then Class = E:UnlocalizedClassName(firstToonClass) else return TAG or name, isBattleTagFriend and BATTLE_TAG end end if not Class then Class = gameAccountInfo and gameAccountInfo.className and E:UnlocalizedClassName(gameAccountInfo.className) end local Color = E:ClassColor(Class) return (Color and format('|c%s%s|r', Color.colorStr, TAG or name)) or TAG or name, isBattleTagFriend and BATTLE_TAG end local PluginIconsCalls = {} function CH:AddPluginIcons(func) tinsert(PluginIconsCalls, func) end function CH:GetPluginIcon(sender) for _, func in ipairs(PluginIconsCalls) do local icon = func(sender) if icon and icon ~= '' then return icon end end end function CH:AddPluginMessageFilter(func, position) if position then tinsert(CH.PluginMessageFilters, position, func) else tinsert(CH.PluginMessageFilters, func) end end --Modified copy from FrameXML ChatFrame.lua to add CUSTOM_CLASS_COLORS (args were changed) function CH:GetColoredName(event, _, arg2, _, _, _, _, _, arg8, _, _, _, arg12) local chatType = strsub(event, 10) local subType = strsub(chatType, 1, 7) if subType == 'WHISPER' then chatType = 'WHISPER' elseif subType == 'CHANNEL' then chatType = 'CHANNEL'..arg8 end --ambiguate guild chat names arg2 = Ambiguate(arg2, (chatType == 'GUILD' and 'guild') or 'none') local info = arg12 and _G.ChatTypeInfo[chatType] if info and _G.Chat_ShouldColorChatByClass(info) then local data = CH:GetPlayerInfoByGUID(arg12) local classColor = data and data.classColor if classColor then return format('\124cff%.2x%.2x%.2x%s\124r', classColor.r*255, classColor.g*255, classColor.b*255, arg2) end end return arg2 end --Copied from FrameXML ChatFrame.lua and modified to add CUSTOM_CLASS_COLORS local seenGroups = {} function CH:ChatFrame_ReplaceIconAndGroupExpressions(message, noIconReplacement, noGroupReplacement) wipe(seenGroups) local ICON_LIST, ICON_TAG_LIST, GROUP_TAG_LIST = _G.ICON_LIST, _G.ICON_TAG_LIST, _G.GROUP_TAG_LIST for tag in gmatch(message, '%b{}') do local term = strlower(gsub(tag, '[{}]', '')) if not noIconReplacement and ICON_TAG_LIST[term] and ICON_LIST[ICON_TAG_LIST[term]] then message = gsub(message, tag, ICON_LIST[ICON_TAG_LIST[term]] .. '0|t') elseif not noGroupReplacement and GROUP_TAG_LIST[term] then local groupIndex = GROUP_TAG_LIST[term] if not seenGroups[groupIndex] then seenGroups[groupIndex] = true local groupList = '[' for i = 1, GetNumGroupMembers() do local name, _, subgroup, _, _, classFileName = GetRaidRosterInfo(i) if name and subgroup == groupIndex then local classColorTable = E:ClassColor(classFileName) if classColorTable then name = format('\124cff%.2x%.2x%.2x%s\124r', classColorTable.r*255, classColorTable.g*255, classColorTable.b*255, name) end groupList = groupList..(groupList == '[' and '' or _G.PLAYER_LIST_DELIMITER)..name end end if groupList ~= '[' then groupList = groupList..']' message = gsub(message, tag, groupList, 1) end end end end return message end -- copied from ChatFrame.lua local function GetPFlag(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11, arg12, arg13, arg14, arg15, arg16, arg17) -- Renaming for clarity: local specialFlag = arg6; --local zoneChannelID = arg7; --local localChannelID = arg8; if specialFlag ~= '' then if specialFlag == 'GM' or specialFlag == 'DEV' then -- Add Blizzard Icon if this was sent by a GM/DEV return '|TInterface\\ChatFrame\\UI-ChatIcon-Blizz:12:20:0:0:32:16:4:28:0:16|t ' elseif specialFlag == 'GUIDE' then if C_PlayerMentorship_IsActivePlayerConsideredNewcomer() then return _G.NPEV2_CHAT_USER_TAG_GUIDE .. ' ' -- possibly unable to save global string with trailing whitespace... end elseif specialFlag == 'NEWCOMER' then if IsActivePlayerMentor() then return _G.NPEV2_CHAT_USER_TAG_NEWCOMER end else return _G['CHAT_FLAG_'..specialFlag] end end return ""; end function CH:ChatFrame_MessageEventHandler(frame, event, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11, arg12, arg13, arg14, arg15, arg16, arg17, isHistory, historyTime, historyName, historyBTag) -- ElvUI Chat History Note: isHistory, historyTime, historyName, and historyBTag are passed from CH:DisplayChatHistory() and need to be on the end to prevent issues in other addons that listen on ChatFrame_MessageEventHandler. -- we also send isHistory and historyTime into CH:AddMessage so that we don't have to override the timestamp. if strsub(event, 1, 8) == 'CHAT_MSG' then if arg16 then return true end -- hiding sender in letterbox: do NOT even show in chat window (only shows in cinematic frame) local notChatHistory, historySavedName --we need to extend the arguments on CH.ChatFrame_MessageEventHandler so we can properly handle saved names without overriding if isHistory == 'ElvUI_ChatHistory' then if historyBTag then arg2 = historyBTag end -- swap arg2 (which is a |k string) to btag name historySavedName = historyName else notChatHistory = true end local chatType = strsub(event, 10) local info = _G.ChatTypeInfo[chatType] --If it was a GM whisper, dispatch it to the GMChat addon. if arg6 == 'GM' and chatType == 'WHISPER' then return end local chatFilters = _G.ChatFrame_GetMessageEventFilters(event) if chatFilters then for _, filterFunc in next, chatFilters do local filter, newarg1, newarg2, newarg3, newarg4, newarg5, newarg6, newarg7, newarg8, newarg9, newarg10, newarg11, newarg12, newarg13, newarg14 = filterFunc(frame, event, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11, arg12, arg13, arg14) if filter then return true elseif newarg1 then arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11, arg12, arg13, arg14 = newarg1, newarg2, newarg3, newarg4, newarg5, newarg6, newarg7, newarg8, newarg9, newarg10, newarg11, newarg12, newarg13, newarg14 end end end -- data from populated guid info local nameWithRealm, realm local data = CH:GetPlayerInfoByGUID(arg12) if data then realm = data.realm nameWithRealm = data.nameWithRealm end -- fetch the name color to use local coloredName = historySavedName or CH:GetColoredName(event, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11, arg12, arg13, arg14) local channelLength = strlen(arg4) local infoType = chatType if chatType == 'COMMUNITIES_CHANNEL' or ((strsub(chatType, 1, 7) == 'CHANNEL') and (chatType ~= 'CHANNEL_LIST') and ((arg1 ~= 'INVITE') or (chatType ~= 'CHANNEL_NOTICE_USER'))) then if arg1 == 'WRONG_PASSWORD' then local _, popup = _G.StaticPopup_Visible('CHAT_CHANNEL_PASSWORD') if popup and strupper(popup.data) == strupper(arg9) then return -- Don't display invalid password messages if we're going to prompt for a password (bug 102312) end end local found = false for index, value in pairs(frame.channelList) do if channelLength > strlen(value) then -- arg9 is the channel name without the number in front... if ((arg7 > 0) and (frame.zoneChannelList[index] == arg7)) or (strupper(value) == strupper(arg9)) then found = true infoType = 'CHANNEL'..arg8 info = _G.ChatTypeInfo[infoType] if chatType == 'CHANNEL_NOTICE' and (arg1 == 'YOU_LEFT') then frame.channelList[index] = nil frame.zoneChannelList[index] = nil end break end end end if not found or not info then return true end end local chatGroup = _G.Chat_GetChatCategory(chatType) local chatTarget if chatGroup == 'CHANNEL' then chatTarget = tostring(arg8) elseif chatGroup == 'WHISPER' or chatGroup == 'BN_WHISPER' then if not(strsub(arg2, 1, 2) == '|K') then chatTarget = strupper(arg2) else chatTarget = arg2 end end if _G.FCFManager_ShouldSuppressMessage(frame, chatGroup, chatTarget) then return true end if chatGroup == 'WHISPER' or chatGroup == 'BN_WHISPER' then if frame.privateMessageList and not frame.privateMessageList[strlower(arg2)] then return true elseif frame.excludePrivateMessageList and frame.excludePrivateMessageList[strlower(arg2)] and ((chatGroup == 'WHISPER' and GetCVar('whisperMode') ~= 'popout_and_inline') or (chatGroup == 'BN_WHISPER' and GetCVar('whisperMode') ~= 'popout_and_inline')) then return true end end if frame.privateMessageList then -- Dedicated BN whisper windows need online/offline messages for only that player if (chatGroup == 'BN_INLINE_TOAST_ALERT' or chatGroup == 'BN_WHISPER_PLAYER_OFFLINE') and not frame.privateMessageList[strlower(arg2)] then return true end -- HACK to put certain system messages into dedicated whisper windows if chatGroup == 'SYSTEM' then local matchFound = false local message = strlower(arg1) for playerName in pairs(frame.privateMessageList) do local playerNotFoundMsg = strlower(format(_G.ERR_CHAT_PLAYER_NOT_FOUND_S, playerName)) local charOnlineMsg = strlower(format(_G.ERR_FRIEND_ONLINE_SS, playerName, playerName)) local charOfflineMsg = strlower(format(_G.ERR_FRIEND_OFFLINE_S, playerName)) if message == playerNotFoundMsg or message == charOnlineMsg or message == charOfflineMsg then matchFound = true break end end if not matchFound then return true end end end if (chatType == 'SYSTEM' or chatType == 'SKILL' or chatType == 'CURRENCY' or chatType == 'MONEY' or chatType == 'OPENING' or chatType == 'TRADESKILLS' or chatType == 'PET_INFO' or chatType == 'TARGETICONS' or chatType == 'BN_WHISPER_PLAYER_OFFLINE') then frame:AddMessage(arg1, info.r, info.g, info.b, info.id, nil, nil, isHistory, historyTime) elseif chatType == 'LOOT' then -- Append [Share] hyperlink if this is a valid social item and you are the looter. if arg12 == E.myguid and C_SocialIsSocialEnabled() then local itemID, creationContext = GetItemInfoFromHyperlink(arg1) if itemID and C_SocialGetLastItem() == itemID then arg1 = arg1 .. ' ' .. _G.Social_GetShareItemLink(creationContext, true) end end frame:AddMessage(arg1, info.r, info.g, info.b, info.id, nil, nil, isHistory, historyTime) elseif strsub(chatType,1,7) == 'COMBAT_' then frame:AddMessage(arg1, info.r, info.g, info.b, info.id, nil, nil, isHistory, historyTime) elseif strsub(chatType,1,6) == 'SPELL_' then frame:AddMessage(arg1, info.r, info.g, info.b, info.id, nil, nil, isHistory, historyTime) elseif strsub(chatType,1,10) == 'BG_SYSTEM_' then frame:AddMessage(arg1, info.r, info.g, info.b, info.id, nil, nil, isHistory, historyTime) elseif strsub(chatType,1,11) == 'ACHIEVEMENT' then -- Append [Share] hyperlink if arg12 == E.myguid and C_SocialIsSocialEnabled() then local achieveID = GetAchievementInfoFromHyperlink(arg1) if achieveID then arg1 = arg1 .. ' ' .. _G.Social_GetShareAchievementLink(achieveID, true) end end frame:AddMessage(format(arg1, GetPlayerLink(arg2, ('[%s]'):format(coloredName))), info.r, info.g, info.b, info.id, nil, nil, isHistory, historyTime) elseif strsub(chatType,1,18) == 'GUILD_ACHIEVEMENT' then local message = format(arg1, GetPlayerLink(arg2, ('[%s]'):format(coloredName))) if C_SocialIsSocialEnabled() then local achieveID = GetAchievementInfoFromHyperlink(arg1) if achieveID then local isGuildAchievement = select(12, GetAchievementInfo(achieveID)) if isGuildAchievement then message = message .. ' ' .. _G.Social_GetShareAchievementLink(achieveID, true) end end end frame:AddMessage(message, info.r, info.g, info.b, info.id, nil, nil, isHistory, historyTime) elseif chatType == 'IGNORED' then frame:AddMessage(format(_G.CHAT_IGNORED, arg2), info.r, info.g, info.b, info.id, nil, nil, isHistory, historyTime) elseif chatType == 'FILTERED' then frame:AddMessage(format(_G.CHAT_FILTERED, arg2), info.r, info.g, info.b, info.id, nil, nil, isHistory, historyTime) elseif chatType == 'RESTRICTED' then frame:AddMessage(_G.CHAT_RESTRICTED_TRIAL, info.r, info.g, info.b, info.id, nil, nil, isHistory, historyTime) elseif chatType == 'CHANNEL_LIST' then if channelLength > 0 then frame:AddMessage(format(_G['CHAT_'..chatType..'_GET']..arg1, tonumber(arg8), arg4), info.r, info.g, info.b, info.id, nil, nil, isHistory, historyTime) else frame:AddMessage(arg1, info.r, info.g, info.b, info.id, nil, nil, isHistory, historyTime) end elseif chatType == 'CHANNEL_NOTICE_USER' then local globalstring = _G['CHAT_'..arg1..'_NOTICE_BN'] if not globalstring then globalstring = _G['CHAT_'..arg1..'_NOTICE'] end if not globalstring then GMError(('Missing global string for %q'):format('CHAT_'..arg1..'_NOTICE_BN')) return end if arg5 ~= '' then -- TWO users in this notice (E.G. x kicked y) frame:AddMessage(format(globalstring, arg8, arg4, arg2, arg5), info.r, info.g, info.b, info.id, nil, nil, isHistory, historyTime) elseif arg1 == 'INVITE' then frame:AddMessage(format(globalstring, arg4, arg2), info.r, info.g, info.b, info.id, nil, nil, isHistory, historyTime) else frame:AddMessage(format(globalstring, arg8, arg4, arg2), info.r, info.g, info.b, info.id, nil, nil, isHistory, historyTime) end if arg1 == 'INVITE' and GetCVarBool('blockChannelInvites') then frame:AddMessage(_G.CHAT_MSG_BLOCK_CHAT_CHANNEL_INVITE, info.r, info.g, info.b, info.id, nil, nil, isHistory, historyTime) end elseif chatType == 'CHANNEL_NOTICE' then local accessID = _G.ChatHistory_GetAccessID(chatGroup, arg8); local typeID = _G.ChatHistory_GetAccessID(infoType, arg8, arg12); if arg1 == 'YOU_CHANGED' and C_ChatInfo_GetChannelRuleset(arg8) == ChatChannelRuleset_Mentor then _G.ChatFrame_UpdateDefaultChatTarget(frame) _G.ChatEdit_UpdateNewcomerEditBoxHint(frame.editBox) else if arg1 == 'YOU_LEFT' then _G.ChatEdit_UpdateNewcomerEditBoxHint(frame.editBox, arg8) end local globalstring if arg1 == 'TRIAL_RESTRICTED' then globalstring = _G.CHAT_TRIAL_RESTRICTED_NOTICE_TRIAL else globalstring = _G['CHAT_'..arg1..'_NOTICE_BN'] if not globalstring then globalstring = _G['CHAT_'..arg1..'_NOTICE'] if not globalstring then GMError(('Missing global string for %q'):format('CHAT_'..arg1..'_NOTICE')) return end end end frame:AddMessage(format(globalstring, arg8, _G.ChatFrame_ResolvePrefixedChannelName(arg4)), info.r, info.g, info.b, info.id, accessID, typeID, isHistory, historyTime) end elseif chatType == 'BN_INLINE_TOAST_ALERT' then local globalstring = _G['BN_INLINE_TOAST_'..arg1] if not globalstring then GMError(('Missing global string for %q'):format('BN_INLINE_TOAST_'..arg1)) return end local message if arg1 == 'FRIEND_REQUEST' then message = globalstring elseif arg1 == 'FRIEND_PENDING' then message = format(_G.BN_INLINE_TOAST_FRIEND_PENDING, BNGetNumFriendInvites()) elseif arg1 == 'FRIEND_REMOVED' or arg1 == 'BATTLETAG_FRIEND_REMOVED' then message = format(globalstring, arg2) elseif arg1 == 'FRIEND_ONLINE' or arg1 == 'FRIEND_OFFLINE' then local accountInfo = C_BattleNet_GetAccountInfoByID(arg13) if not accountInfo then return end local client = accountInfo.gameAccountInfo and accountInfo.gameAccountInfo.clientProgram if client and client ~= '' then local characterName = _G.BNet_GetValidatedCharacterName(accountInfo.gameAccountInfo.characterName, accountInfo.battleTag, client) or '' local characterNameText = _G.BNet_GetClientEmbeddedTexture(client, 14)..characterName local linkDisplayText = ('[%s] (%s)'):format(arg2, characterNameText) local playerLink = GetBNPlayerLink(arg2, linkDisplayText, arg13, arg11, chatGroup, 0) message = format(globalstring, playerLink) else local linkDisplayText = ('[%s]'):format(arg2) local playerLink = GetBNPlayerLink(arg2, linkDisplayText, arg13, arg11, chatGroup, 0) message = format(globalstring, playerLink) end else local linkDisplayText = ('[%s]'):format(arg2) local playerLink = GetBNPlayerLink(arg2, linkDisplayText, arg13, arg11, chatGroup, 0) message = format(globalstring, playerLink) end frame:AddMessage(message, info.r, info.g, info.b, info.id, nil, nil, isHistory, historyTime) elseif chatType == 'BN_INLINE_TOAST_BROADCAST' then if arg1 ~= '' then arg1 = RemoveNewlines(RemoveExtraSpaces(arg1)) local linkDisplayText = ('[%s]'):format(arg2) local playerLink = GetBNPlayerLink(arg2, linkDisplayText, arg13, arg11, chatGroup, 0) frame:AddMessage(format(_G.BN_INLINE_TOAST_BROADCAST, playerLink, arg1), info.r, info.g, info.b, info.id, nil, nil, isHistory, historyTime) end elseif chatType == 'BN_INLINE_TOAST_BROADCAST_INFORM' then if arg1 ~= '' then frame:AddMessage(_G.BN_INLINE_TOAST_BROADCAST_INFORM, info.r, info.g, info.b, info.id, nil, nil, isHistory, historyTime) end else local body if chatType == 'WHISPER_INFORM' and GMChatFrame_IsGM and GMChatFrame_IsGM(arg2) then return end local showLink = 1 if strsub(chatType, 1, 7) == 'MONSTER' or strsub(chatType, 1, 9) == 'RAID_BOSS' then showLink = nil else arg1 = gsub(arg1, '%%', '%%%%') end -- Search for icon links and replace them with texture links. arg1 = CH:ChatFrame_ReplaceIconAndGroupExpressions(arg1, arg17, not _G.ChatFrame_CanChatGroupPerformExpressionExpansion(chatGroup)) -- If arg17 is true, don't convert to raid icons --Remove groups of many spaces arg1 = RemoveExtraSpaces(arg1) --ElvUI: Get class colored name for BattleNet friend if chatType == 'BN_WHISPER' or chatType == 'BN_WHISPER_INFORM' then coloredName = historySavedName or CH:GetBNFriendColor(arg2, arg13) end local playerLink local playerLinkDisplayText = coloredName local relevantDefaultLanguage = frame.defaultLanguage if chatType == 'SAY' or chatType == 'YELL' then relevantDefaultLanguage = frame.alternativeDefaultLanguage end local usingDifferentLanguage = (arg3 ~= '') and (arg3 ~= relevantDefaultLanguage) local usingEmote = (chatType == 'EMOTE') or (chatType == 'TEXT_EMOTE') if usingDifferentLanguage or not usingEmote then playerLinkDisplayText = ('[%s]'):format(coloredName) end local isCommunityType = chatType == 'COMMUNITIES_CHANNEL' local playerName, lineID, bnetIDAccount = arg2, arg11, arg13 if isCommunityType then local isBattleNetCommunity = bnetIDAccount ~= nil and bnetIDAccount ~= 0 local messageInfo, clubId, streamId = C_Club_GetInfoFromLastCommunityChatLine() if messageInfo ~= nil then if isBattleNetCommunity then playerLink = GetBNPlayerCommunityLink(playerName, playerLinkDisplayText, bnetIDAccount, clubId, streamId, messageInfo.messageId.epoch, messageInfo.messageId.position) else playerLink = GetPlayerCommunityLink(playerName, playerLinkDisplayText, clubId, streamId, messageInfo.messageId.epoch, messageInfo.messageId.position) end else playerLink = playerLinkDisplayText end else if chatType == 'BN_WHISPER' or chatType == 'BN_WHISPER_INFORM' then playerLink = GetBNPlayerLink(playerName, playerLinkDisplayText, bnetIDAccount, lineID, chatGroup, chatTarget) elseif ((chatType == 'GUILD' or chatType == 'TEXT_EMOTE') or arg14) and (nameWithRealm and nameWithRealm ~= playerName) then playerName = nameWithRealm playerLink = GetPlayerLink(playerName, playerLinkDisplayText, lineID, chatGroup, chatTarget) else playerLink = GetPlayerLink(playerName, playerLinkDisplayText, lineID, chatGroup, chatTarget) end end local message = arg1 if arg14 then --isMobile message = _G.ChatFrame_GetMobileEmbeddedTexture(info.r, info.g, info.b)..message end -- Player Flags local pflag = GetPFlag(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11, arg12, arg13, arg14, arg15, arg16, arg17) local chatIcon, pluginChatIcon = specialChatIcons[playerName], CH:GetPluginIcon(playerName) if type(chatIcon) == 'function' then local icon, prettify = chatIcon() if prettify and not CH:MessageIsProtected(message) then message = prettify(message) end chatIcon = icon or '' end -- LFG Role Flags local lfgRole = lfgRoles[playerName] if lfgRole and (chatType == 'PARTY_LEADER' or chatType == 'PARTY' or chatType == 'RAID' or chatType == 'RAID_LEADER' or chatType == 'INSTANCE_CHAT' or chatType == 'INSTANCE_CHAT_LEADER') then pflag = pflag..lfgRole end -- Special Chat Icon if chatIcon then pflag = pflag..chatIcon end -- Plugin Chat Icon if pluginChatIcon then pflag = pflag..pluginChatIcon end if usingDifferentLanguage then local languageHeader = '['..arg3..'] ' if showLink and (arg2 ~= '') then body = format(_G['CHAT_'..chatType..'_GET']..languageHeader..message, pflag..playerLink) else body = format(_G['CHAT_'..chatType..'_GET']..languageHeader..message, pflag..arg2) end else if not showLink or arg2 == '' then if chatType == 'TEXT_EMOTE' then body = message else body = format(_G['CHAT_'..chatType..'_GET']..message, pflag..arg2, arg2) end else if chatType == 'EMOTE' then body = format(_G['CHAT_'..chatType..'_GET']..message, pflag..playerLink) elseif chatType == 'TEXT_EMOTE' and realm then if info.colorNameByClass then body = gsub(message, arg2..'%-'..realm, pflag..gsub(playerLink, '(|h|c.-)|r|h$','%1-'..realm..'|r|h'), 1) else body = gsub(message, arg2..'%-'..realm, pflag..gsub(playerLink, '(|h.-)|h$','%1-'..realm..'|h'), 1) end elseif chatType == 'TEXT_EMOTE' then body = gsub(message, arg2, pflag..playerLink, 1) elseif chatType == 'GUILD_ITEM_LOOTED' then body = gsub(message, '$s', GetPlayerLink(arg2, playerLinkDisplayText)) else body = format(_G['CHAT_'..chatType..'_GET']..message, pflag..playerLink) end end end -- Add Channel if channelLength > 0 then body = '|Hchannel:channel:'..arg8..'|h['.._G.ChatFrame_ResolvePrefixedChannelName(arg4)..']|h '..body end if CH.db.shortChannels and (chatType ~= 'EMOTE' and chatType ~= 'TEXT_EMOTE') then body = CH:HandleShortChannels(body) end for _, filter in ipairs(CH.PluginMessageFilters) do body = filter(body) end local accessID = _G.ChatHistory_GetAccessID(chatGroup, chatTarget) local typeID = _G.ChatHistory_GetAccessID(infoType, chatTarget, arg12 or arg13) local alertType = notChatHistory and not CH.SoundTimer and not strfind(event, '_INFORM') and CH.db.channelAlerts[historyTypes[event]] if alertType and alertType ~= 'None' and arg2 ~= PLAYER_NAME and (not CH.db.noAlertInCombat or not InCombatLockdown()) then CH.SoundTimer = E:Delay(5, CH.ThrottleSound) PlaySoundFile(LSM:Fetch('sound', alertType), 'Master') end frame:AddMessage(body, info.r, info.g, info.b, info.id, accessID, typeID, isHistory, historyTime) end if notChatHistory and (chatType == 'WHISPER' or chatType == 'BN_WHISPER') then _G.ChatEdit_SetLastTellTarget(arg2, chatType) FlashClientIcon() end if notChatHistory and not frame:IsShown() then if (frame == _G.DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME and info.flashTabOnGeneral) or (frame ~= _G.DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME and info.flashTab) then if not _G.CHAT_OPTIONS.HIDE_FRAME_ALERTS or chatType == 'WHISPER' or chatType == 'BN_WHISPER' then if not _G.FCFManager_ShouldSuppressMessageFlash(frame, chatGroup, chatTarget) then _G.FCF_StartAlertFlash(frame) --This would taint if we were not using LibChatAnims end end end end return true end end function CH:ChatFrame_ConfigEventHandler(...) return _G.ChatFrame_ConfigEventHandler(...) end function CH:ChatFrame_SystemEventHandler(frame, event, message, ...) return _G.ChatFrame_SystemEventHandler(frame, event, message, ...) end function CH:ChatFrame_OnEvent(...) if CH:ChatFrame_ConfigEventHandler(...) then return end if CH:ChatFrame_SystemEventHandler(...) then return end if CH:ChatFrame_MessageEventHandler(...) then return end end function CH:FloatingChatFrame_OnEvent(...) CH:ChatFrame_OnEvent(...) _G.FloatingChatFrame_OnEvent(...) end local function FloatingChatFrameOnEvent(...) CH:FloatingChatFrame_OnEvent(...) end function CH:ChatFrame_SetScript(script, func) if script == 'OnMouseWheel' and func ~= CH.ChatFrame_OnMouseScroll then self:SetScript(script, CH.ChatFrame_OnMouseScroll) end end function CH:SetupChat() if not E.private.chat.enable then return end for _, frameName in ipairs(_G.CHAT_FRAMES) do local frame = _G[frameName] local id = frame:GetID() CH:StyleChat(frame) _G.FCFTab_UpdateAlpha(frame) if id ~= 2 and not frame.OldAddMessage then --Don't add timestamps to combat log, they don't work. --This usually taints, but LibChatAnims should make sure it doesn't. frame.OldAddMessage = frame.AddMessage frame.AddMessage = CH.AddMessage end if not frame.scriptsSet then if id ~= 2 then frame:SetScript('OnEvent', FloatingChatFrameOnEvent) end frame:SetScript('OnMouseWheel', CH.ChatFrame_OnMouseScroll) hooksecurefunc(frame, 'SetScript', CH.ChatFrame_SetScript) frame.scriptsSet = true end end CH:ToggleHyperlink(CH.db.hyperlinkHover) local chat = _G.GeneralDockManager.primary _G.GeneralDockManager:ClearAllPoints() _G.GeneralDockManager:Point('BOTTOMLEFT', chat, 'TOPLEFT', 0, 3) _G.GeneralDockManager:Point('BOTTOMRIGHT', chat, 'TOPRIGHT', 0, 3) _G.GeneralDockManager:Height(22) _G.GeneralDockManagerScrollFrame:Height(22) _G.GeneralDockManagerScrollFrameChild:Height(22) CH:PositionChats() if not CH.HookSecured then CH:SecureHook('FCF_OpenTemporaryWindow', 'SetupChat') CH.HookSecured = true end end local function PrepareMessage(author, message) if author and author ~= '' and message and message ~= '' then return strupper(author) .. message end end function CH:ChatThrottleHandler(arg1, arg2, when) local msg = PrepareMessage(arg1, arg2) if msg then for message, object in pairs(throttle) do if difftime(when, object.time) >= CH.db.throttleInterval then throttle[message] = nil end end if not throttle[msg] then throttle[msg] = {time = time(), count = 1} else throttle[msg].count = throttle[msg].count + 1 end end end function CH:ChatThrottleBlockFlag(author, message, when) local msg = (author ~= PLAYER_NAME) and (CH.db.throttleInterval ~= 0) and PrepareMessage(author, message) local object = msg and throttle[msg] return object and object.time and object.count and object.count > 1 and (difftime(when, object.time) <= CH.db.throttleInterval), object end function CH:ChatThrottleIntervalHandler(event, message, author, ...) local blockFlag, blockObject = CH:ChatThrottleBlockFlag(author, message, time()) if blockFlag then return true else if blockObject then blockObject.time = time() end return CH:FindURL(event, message, author, ...) end end function CH:CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL(event, message, author, ...) return CH:ChatThrottleIntervalHandler(event, message, author, ...) end function CH:CHAT_MSG_YELL(event, message, author, ...) return CH:ChatThrottleIntervalHandler(event, message, author, ...) end function CH:CHAT_MSG_SAY(event, message, author, ...) return CH:ChatThrottleIntervalHandler(event, message, author, ...) end function CH:ThrottleSound() CH.SoundTimer = nil end local protectLinks = {} function CH:CheckKeyword(message, author) local letInCombat = not CH.db.noAlertInCombat or not InCombatLockdown() local letSound = not CH.SoundTimer and (CH.db.keywordSound ~= 'None' and author ~= PLAYER_NAME) and letInCombat for hyperLink in gmatch(message, '|%x+|H.-|h.-|h|r') do protectLinks[hyperLink] = gsub(hyperLink,'%s','|s') if letSound then for keyword in pairs(CH.Keywords) do if hyperLink == keyword then CH.SoundTimer = E:Delay(5, CH.ThrottleSound) PlaySoundFile(LSM:Fetch('sound', CH.db.keywordSound), 'Master') letSound = false -- dont let a second sound fire below break end end end end for hyperLink, tempLink in pairs(protectLinks) do message = gsub(message, E:EscapeString(hyperLink), tempLink) end local rebuiltString local isFirstWord = true for word in gmatch(message, '%s-%S+%s*') do if not next(protectLinks) or not protectLinks[gsub(gsub(word,'%s',''),'|s',' ')] then local tempWord = gsub(word, '[%s%p]', '') local lowerCaseWord = strlower(tempWord) for keyword in pairs(CH.Keywords) do if lowerCaseWord == strlower(keyword) then word = gsub(word, tempWord, format('%s%s|r', E.media.hexvaluecolor, tempWord)) if letSound then -- dont break because it's recoloring all found CH.SoundTimer = E:Delay(5, CH.ThrottleSound) PlaySoundFile(LSM:Fetch('sound', CH.db.keywordSound), 'Master') letSound = false -- but dont let additional hits call the sound end end end if CH.db.classColorMentionsChat then tempWord = gsub(word,'^[%s%p]-([^%s%p]+)([%-]?[^%s%p]-)[%s%p]*$','%1%2') lowerCaseWord = strlower(tempWord) local classMatch = CH.ClassNames[lowerCaseWord] local wordMatch = classMatch and lowerCaseWord if wordMatch and not E.global.chat.classColorMentionExcludedNames[wordMatch] then local classColorTable = E:ClassColor(classMatch) if classColorTable then word = gsub(word, gsub(tempWord, '%-','%%-'), format('\124cff%.2x%.2x%.2x%s\124r', classColorTable.r*255, classColorTable.g*255, classColorTable.b*255, tempWord)) end end end end if isFirstWord then rebuiltString = word isFirstWord = false else rebuiltString = rebuiltString..word end end for hyperLink, tempLink in pairs(protectLinks) do rebuiltString = gsub(rebuiltString, E:EscapeString(tempLink), hyperLink) protectLinks[hyperLink] = nil end return rebuiltString end function CH:AddLines(lines, ...) for i = select('#', ...), 1, -1 do local x = select(i, ...) if x:IsObjectType('FontString') and not x:GetName() then tinsert(lines, x:GetText()) end end end function CH:ChatEdit_OnEnterPressed(editBox) editBox:ClearHistory() -- we will use our own editbox history so keeping them populated on blizzards end is pointless local chatType = editBox:GetAttribute('chatType') local chatFrame = chatType and editBox:GetParent() if chatFrame and (not chatFrame.isTemporary) and (_G.ChatTypeInfo[chatType].sticky == 1) then if not CH.db.sticky then chatType = 'SAY' end editBox:SetAttribute('chatType', chatType) end end function CH:SetChatFont(dropDown, chatFrame, fontSize) if not chatFrame then chatFrame = _G.FCF_GetCurrentChatFrame() end if not fontSize then fontSize = dropDown.value end chatFrame:FontTemplate(LSM:Fetch('font', CH.db.font), fontSize, CH.db.fontOutline) CH:UpdateEditboxFont(chatFrame) end CH.SecureSlashCMD = { '^/rl', '^/tar', '^/target', '^/startattack', '^/stopattack', '^/assist', '^/cast', '^/use', '^/castsequence', '^/cancelaura', '^/cancelform', '^/equip', '^/exit', '^/camp', '^/logout' } function CH:ChatEdit_AddHistory(_, line) -- editBox, line line = line and strtrim(line) if line and strlen(line) > 0 then for _, command in next, CH.SecureSlashCMD do if strmatch(line, command) then return end end for index, text in pairs(ElvCharacterDB.ChatEditHistory) do if text == line then tremove(ElvCharacterDB.ChatEditHistory, index) break end end tinsert(ElvCharacterDB.ChatEditHistory, line) if #ElvCharacterDB.ChatEditHistory > CH.db.editboxHistorySize then tremove(ElvCharacterDB.ChatEditHistory, 1) end end end function CH:UpdateChatKeywords() wipe(CH.Keywords) local keywords = CH.db.keywords keywords = gsub(keywords,',%s',',') for stringValue in gmatch(keywords, '[^,]+') do if stringValue ~= '' then CH.Keywords[stringValue] = true end end end function CH:PET_BATTLE_CLOSE() if not CH.db.autoClosePetBattleLog then return end -- closing a chat tab (or window) in combat = chat tab (or window) goofs.. -- might have something to do with HideUIPanel inside of FCF_Close if InCombatLockdown() then CH:RegisterEvent('PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED', 'PET_BATTLE_CLOSE') return else -- we can take this off once it goes through once CH:UnregisterEvent('PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED') end for _, frameName in ipairs(_G.CHAT_FRAMES) do local chat = _G[frameName] local tab = CH:GetTab(chat) local text = tab and tab.Text:GetText() if text and strmatch(text, DEFAULT_STRINGS.PET_BATTLE_COMBAT_LOG) then _G.FCF_Close(chat) break -- we found it, dont gotta keep lookin' end end end function CH:FCF_Close(chat) -- clear these off when it's closed, used by FCFTab_UpdateColors local tab = CH:GetTab(chat) tab.whisperName = nil tab.classColor = nil end function CH:UpdateFading() for _, frameName in ipairs(_G.CHAT_FRAMES) do local frame = _G[frameName] if frame then frame:SetTimeVisible(CH.db.inactivityTimer) frame:SetFading(CH.db.fade) end end end function CH:DisplayChatHistory() local data = ElvCharacterDB.ChatHistoryLog if not (data and next(data)) then return end if not CH:GetPlayerInfoByGUID(E.myguid) then E:Delay(0.1, CH.DisplayChatHistory) return end for _, chat in ipairs(_G.CHAT_FRAMES) do for _, d in ipairs(data) do if type(d) == 'table' then for _, messageType in pairs(_G[chat].messageTypeList) do local historyType, skip = historyTypes[d[50]] if historyType then -- let others go by.. if not CH.db.showHistory[historyType] then skip = true end -- but kill ignored ones end if not skip and gsub(strsub(d[50],10),'_INFORM','') == messageType then if d[1] and not CH:MessageIsProtected(d[1]) then CH:ChatFrame_MessageEventHandler(_G[chat],d[50],d[1],d[2],d[3],d[4],d[5],d[6],d[7],d[8],d[9],d[10],d[11],d[12],d[13],d[14],d[15],d[16],d[17],'ElvUI_ChatHistory',d[51],d[52],d[53]) end end end end end end end tremove(_G.ChatTypeGroup.GUILD, 2) function CH:DelayGuildMOTD() local delay, checks, delayFrame, chat = 0, 0, CreateFrame('Frame') tinsert(_G.ChatTypeGroup.GUILD, 2, 'GUILD_MOTD') delayFrame:SetScript('OnUpdate', function(df, elapsed) delay = delay + elapsed if delay < 5 then return end local msg = GetGuildRosterMOTD() if msg and strlen(msg) > 0 then for _, frame in ipairs(_G.CHAT_FRAMES) do chat = _G[frame] if chat and chat:IsEventRegistered('CHAT_MSG_GUILD') then CH:ChatFrame_SystemEventHandler(chat, 'GUILD_MOTD', msg) chat:RegisterEvent('GUILD_MOTD') end end df:SetScript('OnUpdate', nil) else -- 5 seconds can be too fast for the API response. let's try once every 5 seconds (max 5 checks). delay, checks = 0, checks + 1 if checks >= 5 then df:SetScript('OnUpdate', nil) end end end) end function CH:SaveChatHistory(event, ...) local historyType = historyTypes[event] if historyType then -- let others go by.. if not CH.db.showHistory[historyType] then return end -- but kill ignored ones end if CH.db.throttleInterval ~= 0 and (event == 'CHAT_MSG_SAY' or event == 'CHAT_MSG_YELL' or event == 'CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL') then local message, author = ... local when = time() CH:ChatThrottleHandler(author, message, when) if CH:ChatThrottleBlockFlag(author, message, when) then return end end if not CH.db.chatHistory then return end local data = ElvCharacterDB.ChatHistoryLog if not data then return end local tempHistory = {} for i = 1, select('#', ...) do tempHistory[i] = select(i, ...) or false end if #tempHistory > 0 and not CH:MessageIsProtected(tempHistory[1]) then tempHistory[50] = event tempHistory[51] = CH:GetChatTime() local coloredName, battleTag if tempHistory[13] > 0 then coloredName, battleTag = CH:GetBNFriendColor(tempHistory[2], tempHistory[13], true) end if battleTag then tempHistory[53] = battleTag end -- store the battletag, only when the person is known by battletag, so we can replace arg2 later in the function tempHistory[52] = coloredName or CH:GetColoredName(event, ...) tinsert(data, tempHistory) while #data >= CH.db.historySize do tremove(data, 1) end end end function CH:GetCombatLog() local LOG = _G.COMBATLOG -- ChatFrame2 if LOG then return LOG, CH:GetTab(LOG) end end function CH:FCFDock_UpdateTabs(dock) if dock == _G.GeneralDockManager then local logchat, logchattab = CH:GetCombatLog() dock.scrollFrame:ClearAllPoints() dock.scrollFrame:Point('RIGHT', dock.overflowButton, 'LEFT') dock.scrollFrame:Point('TOPLEFT', (logchat.isDocked and logchattab) or CH:GetTab(dock.primary), 'TOPRIGHT') end end function CH:FCF_SetWindowAlpha(frame, alpha) frame.oldAlpha = alpha or 1 end function CH:CheckLFGRoles() if not CH.db.lfgIcons or not IsInGroup() then return end wipe(lfgRoles) local playerRole = UnitGroupRolesAssigned('player') if playerRole then lfgRoles[PLAYER_NAME] = rolePaths[playerRole] end local unit = (IsInRaid() and 'raid' or 'party') for i = 1, GetNumGroupMembers() do if UnitExists(unit..i) and not UnitIsUnit(unit..i, 'player') then local role = UnitGroupRolesAssigned(unit..i) local name, realm = UnitName(unit..i) if role and name then name = (realm and realm ~= '' and name..'-'..realm) or name..'-'..PLAYER_REALM lfgRoles[name] = rolePaths[role] end end end end function CH:SocialQueueIsLeader(playerName, leaderName) if leaderName == playerName then return true end for i = 1, BNGetNumFriends() do local accountInfo = C_BattleNet_GetFriendAccountInfo(i) if accountInfo and accountInfo.gameAccountInfo and accountInfo.gameAccountInfo.isOnline then local numGameAccounts = C_BattleNet_GetFriendNumGameAccounts(i) if numGameAccounts then for y = 1, numGameAccounts do local gameAccountInfo = C_BattleNet_GetFriendGameAccountInfo(i, y) if gameAccountInfo and (gameAccountInfo.clientProgram == BNET_CLIENT_WOW) and (accountInfo.accountName == playerName) then playerName = gameAccountInfo.characterName if gameAccountInfo.realmName and gameAccountInfo.realmName ~= E.myrealm then playerName = format('%s-%s', playerName, E:ShortenRealm(gameAccountInfo.realmName)) end if leaderName == playerName then return true end end end end end end end local socialQueueCache = {} local function RecentSocialQueue(TIME, MSG) local previousMessage = false if next(socialQueueCache) then for guid, tbl in pairs(socialQueueCache) do -- !dont break this loop! its used to keep the cache updated if TIME and (difftime(TIME, tbl[1]) >= 300) then socialQueueCache[guid] = nil --remove any older than 5m elseif MSG and (MSG == tbl[2]) then previousMessage = true --dont show any of the same message within 5m -- see note for `message` in `SocialQueueMessage` about `MSG` content end end end return previousMessage end function CH:SocialQueueMessage(guid, message) if not (guid and message) then return end -- `guid` is something like `Party-1147-000011202574` and appears to update each time for solo requeue, otherwise on new group creation. -- `message` is something like `|cff82c5ff|Kf58|k000000000000|k|r queued for: |cff00CCFFRandom Legion Heroic|r ` -- prevent duplicate messages within 5 minutes local TIME = time() if RecentSocialQueue(TIME, message) then return end socialQueueCache[guid] = {TIME, message} --UI_71_SOCIAL_QUEUEING_TOAST = 79739; appears to have no sound? PlaySound(7355) --TUTORIAL_POPUP E:Print(format('|Hsqu:%s|h%s|h', guid, strtrim(message))) end function CH:SocialQueueEvent(_, guid, numAddedItems) -- event, guid, numAddedItems if not CH.db.socialQueueMessages then return end if numAddedItems == 0 or not guid then return end local players = C_SocialQueue_GetGroupMembers(guid) if not players then return end local firstMember, numMembers, extraCount, coloredName = players[1], #players, '' local playerName, nameColor = _G.SocialQueueUtil_GetRelationshipInfo(firstMember.guid, nil, firstMember.clubId) if numMembers > 1 then extraCount = format(' +%s', numMembers - 1) end if playerName and playerName ~= '' then coloredName = format('%s%s|r%s', nameColor, playerName, extraCount) else coloredName = format('{%s%s}', UNKNOWN, extraCount) end local queues = C_SocialQueue_GetGroupQueues(guid) local firstQueue = queues and queues[1] local isLFGList = firstQueue and firstQueue.queueData and firstQueue.queueData.queueType == 'lfglist' if isLFGList and firstQueue and firstQueue.eligible then local activityID, name, leaderName, fullName, isLeader if firstQueue.queueData.lfgListID then local searchResultInfo = C_LFGList_GetSearchResultInfo(firstQueue.queueData.lfgListID) if searchResultInfo then activityID, name, leaderName = searchResultInfo.activityID, searchResultInfo.name, searchResultInfo.leaderName isLeader = CH:SocialQueueIsLeader(playerName, leaderName) end end if activityID or firstQueue.queueData.activityID then fullName = C_LFGList_GetActivityInfo(activityID or firstQueue.queueData.activityID) end if name then CH:SocialQueueMessage(guid, format('%s %s: [%s] |cff00CCFF%s|r', coloredName, (isLeader and L["is looking for members"]) or L["joined a group"], fullName or UNKNOWN, name)) else CH:SocialQueueMessage(guid, format('%s %s: |cff00CCFF%s|r', coloredName, (isLeader and L["is looking for members"]) or L["joined a group"], fullName or UNKNOWN)) end elseif firstQueue then local output, outputCount, queueCount = '', '', 0 for _, queue in pairs(queues) do if type(queue) == 'table' and queue.eligible then local queueName = (queue.queueData and _G.SocialQueueUtil_GetQueueName(queue.queueData)) or '' if queueName ~= '' then if output == '' then output = gsub(queueName, '\n.+','') -- grab only the first queue name queueCount = queueCount + select(2, gsub(queueName, '\n','')) -- collect additional on single queue else queueCount = queueCount + 1 + select(2, gsub(queueName, '\n','')) -- collect additional on additional queues end end end end if output ~= '' then if queueCount > 0 then outputCount = format(LFG_LIST_AND_MORE, queueCount) end CH:SocialQueueMessage(guid, format('%s %s: |cff00CCFF%s|r %s', coloredName, SOCIAL_QUEUE_QUEUED_FOR, output, outputCount)) end end end local FindURL_Events = { 'CHAT_MSG_WHISPER', 'CHAT_MSG_WHISPER_INFORM', 'CHAT_MSG_BN_WHISPER', 'CHAT_MSG_BN_WHISPER_INFORM', 'CHAT_MSG_BN_INLINE_TOAST_BROADCAST', 'CHAT_MSG_GUILD_ACHIEVEMENT', 'CHAT_MSG_GUILD', 'CHAT_MSG_OFFICER', 'CHAT_MSG_PARTY', 'CHAT_MSG_PARTY_LEADER', 'CHAT_MSG_RAID', 'CHAT_MSG_RAID_LEADER', 'CHAT_MSG_RAID_WARNING', 'CHAT_MSG_INSTANCE_CHAT', 'CHAT_MSG_INSTANCE_CHAT_LEADER', 'CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL', 'CHAT_MSG_SAY', 'CHAT_MSG_YELL', 'CHAT_MSG_EMOTE', 'CHAT_MSG_AFK', 'CHAT_MSG_DND', 'CHAT_MSG_COMMUNITIES_CHANNEL', } function CH:DefaultSmileys() local x = ':16:16' if next(CH.Smileys) then wipe(CH.Smileys) end -- new keys CH:AddSmiley(':angry:', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.Angry,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':blush:', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.Blush,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':broken_heart:', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.BrokenHeart,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':call_me:', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.CallMe,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':cry:', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.Cry,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':facepalm:', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.Facepalm,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':grin:', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.Grin,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':heart:', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.Heart,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':heart_eyes:', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.HeartEyes,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':joy:', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.Joy,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':kappa:', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.Kappa,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':middle_finger:', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.MiddleFinger,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':murloc:', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.Murloc,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':ok_hand:', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.OkHand,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':open_mouth:', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.OpenMouth,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':poop:', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.Poop,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':rage:', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.Rage,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':sadkitty:', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.SadKitty,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':scream:', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.Scream,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':scream_cat:', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.ScreamCat,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':slight_frown:', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.SlightFrown,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':smile:', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.Smile,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':smirk:', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.Smirk,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':sob:', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.Sob,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':sunglasses:', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.Sunglasses,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':thinking:', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.Thinking,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':thumbs_up:', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.ThumbsUp,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':semi_colon:', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.SemiColon,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':wink:', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.Wink,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':zzz:', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.ZZZ,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':stuck_out_tongue:', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.StuckOutTongue,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.StuckOutTongueClosedEyes,x)) -- Darth's keys CH:AddSmiley(':meaw:', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.Meaw,x)) -- Simpy's keys CH:AddSmiley('>:%(', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.Rage,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':%$', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.Blush,x)) CH:AddSmiley('<\\3', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.BrokenHeart,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':\'%)', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.Joy,x)) CH:AddSmiley(';\'%)', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.Joy,x)) CH:AddSmiley(',,!,,', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.MiddleFinger,x)) CH:AddSmiley('D:<', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.Rage,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':o3', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.ScreamCat,x)) CH:AddSmiley('XP', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.StuckOutTongueClosedEyes,x)) CH:AddSmiley('8%-%)', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.Sunglasses,x)) CH:AddSmiley('8%)', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.Sunglasses,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':%+1:', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.ThumbsUp,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':;:', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.SemiColon,x)) CH:AddSmiley(';o;', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.Sob,x)) -- old keys CH:AddSmiley(':%-@', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.Angry,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':@', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.Angry,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':%-%)', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.Smile,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':%)', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.Smile,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':D', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.Grin,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':%-D', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.Grin,x)) CH:AddSmiley(';%-D', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.Grin,x)) CH:AddSmiley(';D', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.Grin,x)) CH:AddSmiley('=D', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.Grin,x)) CH:AddSmiley('xD', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.Grin,x)) CH:AddSmiley('XD', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.Grin,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':%-%(', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.SlightFrown,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':%(', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.SlightFrown,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':o', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.OpenMouth,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':%-o', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.OpenMouth,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':%-O', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.OpenMouth,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':O', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.OpenMouth,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':%-0', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.OpenMouth,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':P', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.StuckOutTongue,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':%-P', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.StuckOutTongue,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':p', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.StuckOutTongue,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':%-p', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.StuckOutTongue,x)) CH:AddSmiley('=P', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.StuckOutTongue,x)) CH:AddSmiley('=p', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.StuckOutTongue,x)) CH:AddSmiley(';%-p', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.StuckOutTongueClosedEyes,x)) CH:AddSmiley(';p', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.StuckOutTongueClosedEyes,x)) CH:AddSmiley(';P', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.StuckOutTongueClosedEyes,x)) CH:AddSmiley(';%-P', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.StuckOutTongueClosedEyes,x)) CH:AddSmiley(';%-%)', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.Wink,x)) CH:AddSmiley(';%)', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.Wink,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':S', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.Smirk,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':%-S', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.Smirk,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':,%(', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.Cry,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':,%-%(', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.Cry,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':\'%(', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.Cry,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':\'%-%(', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.Cry,x)) CH:AddSmiley(':F', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.MiddleFinger,x)) CH:AddSmiley('<3', E:TextureString(E.Media.ChatEmojis.Heart,x)) CH:AddSmiley('|r%s%s<|r', ARROW1 = '%s>|r %s %s<|r', ARROW2 = '%s<|r%s%s>|r', ARROW3 = '%s<|r %s %s>|r', BOX = '%s[|r%s%s]|r', BOX1 = '%s[|r %s %s]|r', CURLY = '%s{|r%s%s}|r', CURLY1 = '%s{|r %s %s}|r', CURVE = '%s(|r%s%s)|r', CURVE1 = '%s(|r %s %s)|r', } function CH:FCFTab_UpdateColors(tab, selected) if not tab then return end if tab:GetParent() == _G.ChatConfigFrameChatTabManager then if selected then tab.Text:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1) end local name = GetChatWindowInfo(tab:GetID()) if name then tab.Text:SetText(name) end tab:SetAlpha(1) -- for some reason blizzard likes to change the alpha here? idk else -- actual chat tab and other local chat = CH:GetOwner(tab) if not chat then return end tab.selected = selected local whisper = tab.conversationIcon and chat.chatTarget local name = chat.name if whisper and not tab.whisperName then tab.whisperName = gsub(E:StripMyRealm(name), '([%S]-)%-[%S]+', '%1|cFF999999*|r') end if selected then if CH.db.tabSelector == 'NONE' then tab:SetFormattedText(CH.TabStyles.NONE, tab.whisperName or name) else local color = CH.db.tabSelectorColor local hexColor = E:RGBToHex(color.r, color.g, color.b) tab:SetFormattedText(CH.TabStyles[CH.db.tabSelector] or CH.TabStyles.ARROW1, hexColor, tab.whisperName or name, hexColor) end if CH.db.tabSelectedTextEnabled then local color = CH.db.tabSelectedTextColor tab.Text:SetTextColor(color.r, color.g, color.b) return -- using selected text color end end if whisper then if not selected then tab:SetText(tab.whisperName or name) end if not tab.classColor then local classMatch = CH.ClassNames[strlower(name)] if classMatch then tab.classColor = E:ClassColor(classMatch) end end if tab.classColor then tab.Text:SetTextColor(tab.classColor.r, tab.classColor.g, tab.classColor.b) end else if not selected then tab:SetText(name) end tab.Text:SetTextColor(unpack(E.media.rgbvaluecolor)) end end end function CH:GetAvailableHead() for _, ChatHead in ipairs(CH.ChatHeadFrame) do if not ChatHead:IsShown() then return ChatHead end end end function CH:GetHeadByID(memberID) for _, ChatHead in ipairs(CH.ChatHeadFrame) do if ChatHead.memberID == memberID then return ChatHead end end end function CH:ConfigureHead(memberID, channelID) local frame = CH:GetAvailableHead() if not frame then return end frame.memberID = memberID frame.channelID = channelID C_VoiceChat_SetPortraitTexture(frame.Portrait.texture, memberID, channelID) local memberName = C_VoiceChat_GetMemberName(memberID, channelID) local r, g, b = _G.Voice_GetVoiceChannelNotificationColor(channelID) frame.Name:SetText(memberName or '') frame.Name:SetVertexColor(r, g, b, 1) frame:Show() end function CH:DeconfigureHead(memberID) -- memberID, channelID local frame = CH:GetHeadByID(memberID) if not frame then return end frame.memberID = nil frame.channelID = nil frame:Hide() end function CH:VoiceOverlay(event, ...) if event == 'VOICE_CHAT_CHANNEL_MEMBER_SPEAKING_STATE_CHANGED' then local memberID, channelID, isTalking = ... if isTalking then CH.TalkingList[memberID] = channelID CH:ConfigureHead(memberID, channelID) else CH.TalkingList[memberID] = nil CH:DeconfigureHead(memberID, channelID) end elseif event == 'VOICE_CHAT_CHANNEL_MEMBER_ENERGY_CHANGED' then local memberID, channelID, volume = ... local frame = CH:GetHeadByID(memberID) if frame and channelID == frame.channelID then frame.StatusBar.anim.progress:SetChange(volume) frame.StatusBar.anim.progress:Play() frame.StatusBar:SetStatusBarColor(E:ColorGradient(volume, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0)) end --[[elseif event == 'VOICE_CHAT_CHANNEL_TRANSMIT_CHANGED' then local channelID, isTransmitting = ... local localPlayerMemberID = C_VoiceChat.GetLocalPlayerMemberID(channelID) if isTransmitting and not CH.TalkingList[localPlayerMemberID] then CH.TalkingList[localPlayerMemberID] = channelID CH:ConfigureHead(localPlayerMemberID, channelID) end]] end end function CH:SetChatHeadOrientation(position) local point, relativePoint, offset = 'TOP', 'BOTTOM', -E.Border*3 if position == 'BOTTOM' then -- This is never used. Maybe was supposed to be an option at one point? point, relativePoint, offset = 'BOTTOM', 'TOP', E.Border*3 end for i, ChatHead in ipairs(CH.ChatHeadFrame) do ChatHead:ClearAllPoints() ChatHead:Point(point, i == 1 and CH.ChatHeadFrame or CH.ChatHeadFrame[i - 1], relativePoint, 0, offset) end end function CH:GetPlayerInfoByGUID(guid) local data = CH.GuidCache[guid] if not data then local ok, localizedClass, englishClass, localizedRace, englishRace, sex, name, realm = pcall(GetPlayerInfoByGUID, guid) if not (ok and englishClass) then return end if realm == '' then realm = nil end -- dont add realm for people on your realm local shortRealm, nameWithRealm = realm and E:ShortenRealm(realm) if name and name ~= '' then nameWithRealm = (shortRealm and name..'-'..shortRealm) or name..'-'..PLAYER_REALM end -- move em into a table data = { localizedClass = localizedClass, englishClass = englishClass, localizedRace = localizedRace, englishRace = englishRace, sex = sex, name = name, realm = realm, nameWithRealm = nameWithRealm -- we use this to correct mobile to link with the realm as well } -- add it to ClassNames if name then CH.ClassNames[strlower(name)] = englishClass end if nameWithRealm then CH.ClassNames[strlower(nameWithRealm)] = englishClass end -- push into the cache CH.GuidCache[guid] = data end -- we still need to recheck this each time because CUSTOM_CLASS_COLORS can change if data then data.classColor = E:ClassColor(data.englishClass) end return data end function CH:ResetEditboxHistory() ElvCharacterDB.ChatEditHistory = {} end function CH:ResetHistory() ElvCharacterDB.ChatHistoryLog = {} end function CH:Initialize() if ElvCharacterDB.ChatHistory then ElvCharacterDB.ChatHistory = nil end --Depreciated if ElvCharacterDB.ChatLog then ElvCharacterDB.ChatLog = nil end --Depreciated CH:DelayGuildMOTD() -- Keep this before `is Chat Enabled` check CH.db = E.db.chat if not E.private.chat.enable then -- if the chat module is off we still need to spawn the dts for the panels -- if we are going to have the panels show even when it's disabled CH:PositionChats() CH:Panels_ColorUpdate() return end CH.Initialized = true if not ElvCharacterDB.ChatEditHistory then ElvCharacterDB.ChatEditHistory = {} end if not ElvCharacterDB.ChatHistoryLog or not CH.db.chatHistory then ElvCharacterDB.ChatHistoryLog = {} end _G.ChatFrameMenuButton:Kill() CH:SetupChat() CH:DefaultSmileys() CH:UpdateChatKeywords() CH:UpdateFading() CH:CheckLFGRoles() CH:Panels_ColorUpdate() CH:HandleChatVoiceIcons() CH:UpdateEditboxAnchors() E:UpdatedCVar('chatStyle', CH.UpdateEditboxAnchors) CH:SecureHook('GetPlayerInfoByGUID') CH:SecureHook('ChatEdit_SetLastActiveWindow') CH:SecureHook('ChatEdit_DeactivateChat') CH:SecureHook('ChatEdit_ActivateChat') CH:SecureHook('ChatEdit_OnEnterPressed') CH:SecureHook('FCFDock_UpdateTabs') CH:SecureHook('FCF_Close') CH:SecureHook('FCF_SetWindowAlpha') CH:SecureHook('FCFTab_UpdateColors') CH:SecureHook('FCFDock_SelectWindow') CH:SecureHook('FCF_SetChatWindowFontSize', 'SetChatFont') CH:SecureHook('FCF_SavePositionAndDimensions', 'SnappingChanged') CH:SecureHook('FCF_UnDockFrame', 'SnappingChanged') CH:SecureHook('FCF_DockFrame', 'SnappingChanged') CH:SecureHook('FCF_ResetChatWindows', 'ClearSnapping') CH:SecureHook('RedockChatWindows', 'ClearSnapping') CH:RegisterEvent('UPDATE_CHAT_WINDOWS', 'SetupChat') CH:RegisterEvent('UPDATE_FLOATING_CHAT_WINDOWS', 'SetupChat') CH:RegisterEvent('GROUP_ROSTER_UPDATE', 'CheckLFGRoles') CH:RegisterEvent('SOCIAL_QUEUE_UPDATE', 'SocialQueueEvent') CH:RegisterEvent('PET_BATTLE_CLOSE') if E.private.general.voiceOverlay then CH:RegisterEvent('VOICE_CHAT_CHANNEL_MEMBER_SPEAKING_STATE_CHANGED', 'VoiceOverlay') CH:RegisterEvent('VOICE_CHAT_CHANNEL_MEMBER_ENERGY_CHANGED', 'VoiceOverlay') CH:RegisterEvent('VOICE_CHAT_CHANNEL_TRANSMIT_CHANGED', 'VoiceOverlay') CH:RegisterEvent('VOICE_CHAT_COMMUNICATION_MODE_CHANGED', 'VoiceOverlay') CH:RegisterEvent('VOICE_CHAT_CHANNEL_MEMBER_REMOVED', 'VoiceOverlay') CH:RegisterEvent('VOICE_CHAT_CHANNEL_REMOVED', 'VoiceOverlay') CH:RegisterEvent('VOICE_CHAT_CHANNEL_DEACTIVATED', 'VoiceOverlay') _G.VoiceActivityManager:UnregisterAllEvents() end if _G.WIM then _G.WIM.RegisterWidgetTrigger('chat_display', 'whisper,chat,w2w,demo', 'OnHyperlinkClick', function(frame) CH.clickedframe = frame end) _G.WIM.RegisterItemRefHandler('url', HyperLinkedURL) _G.WIM.RegisterItemRefHandler('squ', HyperLinkedSQU) _G.WIM.RegisterItemRefHandler('cpl', HyperLinkedCPL) end for _, event in pairs(FindURL_Events) do _G.ChatFrame_AddMessageEventFilter(event, CH[event] or CH.FindURL) local nType = strsub(event, 10) if nType ~= 'AFK' and nType ~= 'DND' and nType ~= 'COMMUNITIES_CHANNEL' then CH:RegisterEvent(event, 'SaveChatHistory') end end if CH.db.chatHistory then CH:DisplayChatHistory() end CH:BuildCopyChatFrame() -- Editbox Backdrop Color hooksecurefunc('ChatEdit_UpdateHeader', function(editbox) local chatType = editbox:GetAttribute('chatType') if not chatType then return end local ChatTypeInfo = _G.ChatTypeInfo local info = ChatTypeInfo[chatType] local chanTarget = editbox:GetAttribute('channelTarget') local chanName = chanTarget and GetChannelName(chanTarget) --Increase inset on right side to make room for character count text local insetLeft, insetRight, insetTop, insetBottom = editbox:GetTextInsets() editbox:SetTextInsets(insetLeft, insetRight + 30, insetTop, insetBottom) if not editbox.backdrop then editbox:CreateBackdrop(nil, true) editbox.backdrop:SetAllPoints() end if chanName and (chatType == 'CHANNEL') then if chanName == 0 then editbox.backdrop:SetBackdropBorderColor(unpack(E.media.bordercolor)) else info = ChatTypeInfo[chatType..chanName] editbox.backdrop:SetBackdropBorderColor(info.r, info.g, info.b) end else editbox.backdrop:SetBackdropBorderColor(info.r, info.g, info.b) end end) --Chat Heads Frame CH.ChatHeadFrame = CreateFrame('Frame', 'ElvUIChatHeadFrame', E.UIParent) CH.ChatHeadFrame:Point('TOPLEFT', E.UIParent, 'TOPLEFT', 368, -210) CH.ChatHeadFrame:Size(200, 20) E:CreateMover(CH.ChatHeadFrame, 'VOICECHAT', L["Voice Overlay"]) CH.maxHeads = 5 CH.volumeBarHeight = 3 local CHAT_HEAD_HEIGHT = 40 for i = 1, CH.maxHeads do local chatHead = CreateFrame('Frame', 'ElvUIChatHeadFrame'..i, CH.ChatHeadFrame) chatHead:Width(CH.ChatHeadFrame:GetWidth()) chatHead:Height(CHAT_HEAD_HEIGHT) chatHead.Portrait = CreateFrame('Frame', nil, chatHead, 'BackdropTemplate') chatHead.Portrait:Width(CHAT_HEAD_HEIGHT - CH.volumeBarHeight) chatHead.Portrait:Height(CHAT_HEAD_HEIGHT - CH.volumeBarHeight - E.Border*2) chatHead.Portrait:Point('TOPLEFT', chatHead, 'TOPLEFT') chatHead.Portrait:SetTemplate() chatHead.Portrait.texture = chatHead.Portrait:CreateTexture(nil, 'OVERLAY') chatHead.Portrait.texture:SetTexCoord(0.15, 0.85, 0.15, 0.85) chatHead.Portrait.texture:SetInside(chatHead.Portrait) chatHead.Name = chatHead:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY') chatHead.Name:FontTemplate(nil, 20) chatHead.Name:Point('LEFT', chatHead.Portrait, 'RIGHT', 2, 0) chatHead.StatusBar = CreateFrame('StatusBar', nil, chatHead) chatHead.StatusBar:Point('TOPLEFT', chatHead.Portrait, 'BOTTOMLEFT', E.Border, -E.Spacing*3) chatHead.StatusBar:Width(CHAT_HEAD_HEIGHT - E.Border*2 - CH.volumeBarHeight) chatHead.StatusBar:Height(CH.volumeBarHeight) chatHead.StatusBar:CreateBackdrop() chatHead.StatusBar:SetStatusBarTexture(E.media.normTex) chatHead.StatusBar:SetMinMaxValues(0, 1) chatHead.StatusBar.anim = _G.CreateAnimationGroup(chatHead.StatusBar) chatHead.StatusBar.anim.progress = chatHead.StatusBar.anim:CreateAnimation('Progress') chatHead.StatusBar.anim.progress:SetEasing('Out') chatHead.StatusBar.anim.progress:SetDuration(.3) chatHead:Hide() CH.ChatHeadFrame[i] = chatHead end CH:SetChatHeadOrientation('TOP') end E:RegisterModule(CH:GetName())