local E, L, V, P, G = unpack(select(2, ...)); --Import: Engine, Locales, PrivateDB, ProfileDB, GlobalDB local DT = E:GetModule('DataTexts') local format, strjoin, abs = format, strjoin, abs local GetBlockChance = GetBlockChance local GetBonusBarOffset = GetBonusBarOffset local GetDodgeChance = GetDodgeChance local GetInventoryItemID = GetInventoryItemID local GetInventorySlotInfo = GetInventorySlotInfo local GetItemInfo = GetItemInfo local GetParryChance = GetParryChance local UnitLevel = UnitLevel local BOSS = BOSS local BLOCK_CHANCE = BLOCK_CHANCE local DODGE_CHANCE = DODGE_CHANCE local MISS_CHANCE = MISS_CHANCE local PARRY_CHANCE = PARRY_CHANCE local STAT_CATEGORY_ENHANCEMENTS = STAT_CATEGORY_ENHANCEMENTS local displayString, lastPanel, targetlv, playerlv local basemisschance, leveldifference, dodge, parry, block, unhittable local AVD_DECAY_RATE, chanceString = 1.5, '%.2f%%' local function IsWearingShield() local slotID = GetInventorySlotInfo('SecondaryHandSlot') local itemID = GetInventoryItemID('player', slotID) if itemID then local _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, itemEquipLoc = GetItemInfo(itemID) return itemEquipLoc == 'INVTYPE_SHIELD' end end local function OnEvent(self) targetlv, playerlv = UnitLevel('target'), E.mylevel basemisschance = E.myrace == 'NightElf' and 7 or 5 if targetlv == -1 then leveldifference = 3 elseif targetlv > playerlv then leveldifference = (targetlv - playerlv) elseif targetlv < playerlv and targetlv > 0 then leveldifference = (targetlv - playerlv) else leveldifference = 0 end if leveldifference >= 0 then dodge = (GetDodgeChance() - leveldifference * AVD_DECAY_RATE) parry = (GetParryChance() - leveldifference * AVD_DECAY_RATE) block = (GetBlockChance() - leveldifference * AVD_DECAY_RATE) basemisschance = (basemisschance - leveldifference * AVD_DECAY_RATE) else dodge = (GetDodgeChance() + abs(leveldifference * AVD_DECAY_RATE)) parry = (GetParryChance() + abs(leveldifference * AVD_DECAY_RATE)) block = (GetBlockChance() + abs(leveldifference * AVD_DECAY_RATE)) basemisschance = (basemisschance+ abs(leveldifference * AVD_DECAY_RATE)) end local unhittableMax = 100 local numAvoidances = 4 if dodge <= 0 then dodge = 0 end if parry <= 0 then parry = 0 end if block <= 0 then block = 0 end if E.myclass == 'DRUID' and GetBonusBarOffset() == 3 then parry = 0 numAvoidances = numAvoidances - 1 end if not IsWearingShield() then block = 0 numAvoidances = numAvoidances - 1 end unhittableMax = unhittableMax + ((AVD_DECAY_RATE * leveldifference) * numAvoidances) local avoided = (dodge+parry+basemisschance) --First roll on hit table determining if the hit missed local blocked = (100 - avoided)*block/100 --If the hit landed then the second roll determines if the his was blocked local avoidance = (avoided+blocked) unhittable = avoidance - unhittableMax if E.global.datatexts.settings.Avoidance.NoLabel then self.text:SetFormattedText(displayString, avoidance) else self.text:SetFormattedText(displayString, E.global.datatexts.settings.Avoidance.Label ~= '' and E.global.datatexts.settings.Avoidance.Label or L["AVD: "], avoidance) end --print(unhittableMax) -- should report 102.4 for a level differance of +3 for shield classes, 101.2 for druids, 101.8 for monks and dks lastPanel = self end local function OnEnter() DT.tooltip:ClearLines() local rightString = targetlv > 1 and strjoin('', ' (', L["lvl"], ' ', targetlv, ')') or targetlv == -1 and strjoin('', ' (', BOSS, ')') or strjoin('', ' (', L["lvl"], ' ', playerlv, ')') DT.tooltip:AddDoubleLine(L["Avoidance Breakdown"], rightString) DT.tooltip:AddLine(' ') DT.tooltip:AddDoubleLine(DODGE_CHANCE, format(chanceString, dodge), 1, 1, 1) DT.tooltip:AddDoubleLine(PARRY_CHANCE, format(chanceString, parry), 1, 1, 1) DT.tooltip:AddDoubleLine(BLOCK_CHANCE, format(chanceString, block), 1, 1, 1) DT.tooltip:AddDoubleLine(MISS_CHANCE, format(chanceString, basemisschance), 1, 1, 1) DT.tooltip:AddLine(' ') DT.tooltip:AddDoubleLine(L["Unhittable:"], (unhittable > 0 and '+' or '')..format(chanceString, unhittable), 1, 1, 1, (unhittable < 0 and 1 or 0), (unhittable > 0 and 1 or 0), 0) DT.tooltip:Show() end local function ValueColorUpdate(hex) displayString = strjoin('', E.global.datatexts.settings.Avoidance.NoLabel and '' or '%s', hex, '%.'..E.global.datatexts.settings.Avoidance.decimalLength..'f%%|r') if lastPanel then OnEvent(lastPanel) end end E.valueColorUpdateFuncs[ValueColorUpdate] = true DT:RegisterDatatext('Avoidance', STAT_CATEGORY_ENHANCEMENTS, {'UNIT_TARGET', 'UNIT_STATS', 'UNIT_AURA', 'ACTIVE_TALENT_GROUP_CHANGED', 'PLAYER_TALENT_UPDATE', 'PLAYER_EQUIPMENT_CHANGED'}, OnEvent, nil, nil, OnEnter, nil, L["Avoidance Breakdown"], nil, ValueColorUpdate)