local E, L, V, P, G = unpack(select(2, ...)) --Import: Engine, Locales, PrivateDB, ProfileDB, GlobalDB --Global Settings G.general = { UIScale = 0.64, locale = E:GetLocale(), eyefinity = false, ultrawide = false, smallerWorldMap = true, allowDistributor = false, smallerWorldMapScale = 0.9, fadeMapWhenMoving = true, mapAlphaWhenMoving = 0.2, fadeMapDuration = 0.2, WorldMapCoordinates = { enable = true, position = 'BOTTOMLEFT', xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0 }, AceGUI = { width = 960, height = 730 }, disableTutorialButtons = true, showMissingTalentAlert = false, commandBarSetting = 'ENABLED_RESIZEPARENT' } G.classtimer = {} G.chat = { classColorMentionExcludedNames = {} } G.bags = { ignoredItems = {} } G.datatexts = { customPanels = {}, customCurrencies = {}, settings = { Agility = { Label = '', NoLabel = false }, Armor = { Label = '', NoLabel = false }, Avoidance = { Label = '', NoLabel = false, decimalLength = 1 }, CallToArms = { Label = '', NoLabel = false }, Combat = { TimeFull = true }, Crit = { Label = '', NoLabel = false, decimalLength = 1 }, Currencies = { goldFormat = 'BLIZZARD', goldCoins = true, displayedCurrency = 'BACKPACK', displayStyle = 'ICON', tooltipData = {} }, Durability = { percThreshold = 30 }, ElvUI = { Label = '' }, Experience = { textFormat = 'CUR' }, Friends = { Label = '', NoLabel = false, --status hideAFK = false, hideDND = false, --clients hideWoW = false, hideD3 = false, hideVIPR = false, hideWTCG = false, --Hearthstone hideHero = false, --Heros of the Storm hidePro = false, --Overwatch hideS1 = false, hideS2 = false, hideDST2 = false, hideBSAp = false, --Mobile hideApp = false, --Launcher }, Gold = { goldFormat = 'BLIZZARD', goldCoins = true }, Guild = { Label = '', NoLabel = false }, Haste = { Label = '', NoLabel = false, decimalLength = 1 }, QuickJoin = { Label = '', NoLabel = false }, Bags = { textFormat = 'USED_TOTAL' }, Reputation = { textFormat = 'CUR' }, Mastery = { Label = '', NoLabel = false, decimalLength = 1 }, MovementSpeed = { Label = '', NoLabel = false, decimalLength = 1 }, Speed = { Label = '', NoLabel = false, decimalLength = 1 }, Stamina = { Label = '', NoLabel = false }, Strength = { Label = '', NoLabel = false }, System = { NoLabel = false, ShowOthers = true }, Time = { time24 = _G.GetCurrentRegion() ~= 1, localTime = true }, Versatility = { Label = '', NoLabel = false, decimalLength = 1 }, }, newPanelInfo = { growth = 'HORIZONTAL', width = 300, height = 22, frameStrata = 'LOW', numPoints = 3, frameLevel = 1, backdrop = true, panelTransparency = false, mouseover = false, border = true, textJustify = 'CENTER', visibility = '[petbattle] hide;show', tooltipAnchor = 'ANCHOR_TOPLEFT', tooltipXOffset = -17, tooltipYOffset = 4, fonts = { enable = false, font = 'PT Sans Narrow', fontSize = 12, fontOutline = 'OUTLINE', } }, } G.nameplate = { effectiveHealth = false, effectivePower = false, effectiveAura = false, effectiveHealthSpeed = 0.3, effectivePowerSpeed = 0.3, effectiveAuraSpeed = 0.3, widgetMap = { [149805] = 1940, -- Farseer Ori [149804] = 1613, -- Hunter Akana [149803] = 1966, -- Bladesman Inowari [149904] = 1621, -- Neri Sharpfin [149902] = 1622, -- Poen Gillbrack [149906] = 1920, -- Vim Brineheart [154304] = 1940, -- Farseer Ori [150202] = 1613, -- Hunter Akana [154297] = 1966, -- Bladesman Inowari [151300] = 1621, -- Neri Sharpfin [151310] = 1622, -- Poen Gillbrack [151309] = 1920, -- Vim Brineheart [163541] = 2342, -- Voidtouched Egg [163592] = 2342, -- Yu'gaz [163593] = 2342, -- Bitey McStabface [163595] = 2342, -- Reginald [163596] = 2342, -- Picco [163648] = 2342, -- Bitey McStabface [163651] = 2342, -- Yu'gaz } } G.unitframe = { aurafilters = {}, aurawatch = {}, effectiveHealth = false, effectivePower = false, effectiveAura = false, effectiveHealthSpeed = 0.3, effectivePowerSpeed = 0.3, effectiveAuraSpeed = 0.3, raidDebuffIndicator = { instanceFilter = 'RaidDebuffs', otherFilter = 'CCDebuffs' }, spellRangeCheck = { PRIEST = { enemySpells = { [585] = true, -- Smite (40 yards) [589] = true -- Shadow Word: Pain (40 yards) }, longEnemySpells = {}, friendlySpells = { [2061] = true, -- Flash Heal (40 yards) [17] = true -- Power Word: Shield (40 yards) }, resSpells = { [2006] = true -- Resurrection (40 yards) }, petSpells = {} }, DRUID = { enemySpells = { [8921] = true -- Moonfire (40 yards, all specs, lvl 3) }, longEnemySpells = {}, friendlySpells = { [8936] = true -- Regrowth (40 yards, all specs, lvl 5) }, resSpells = { [50769] = true -- Revive (40 yards, all specs, lvl 14) }, petSpells = {} }, PALADIN = { enemySpells = { [62124] = true, -- Hand of Reckoning (30 yards) [183218] = true, -- Hand of Hindrance (30 yards) [20271] = true, -- Judgement (30 yards) Retribution, (does not work for retribution below lvl 78) [275779] = true, -- Judgement (30 yards) Tank [275773] = true -- Judgement (30 yards) Heal }, longEnemySpells = { [20473] = true -- Holy Shock (40 yards) }, friendlySpells = { [19750] = true -- Flash of Light (40 yards) }, resSpells = { [7328] = true -- Redemption (40 yards) }, petSpells = {} }, SHAMAN = { enemySpells = { [188196] = true, -- Lightning Bolt (Elemental) (40 yards) [187837] = true, -- Lightning Bolt (Enhancement) (40 yards) [403] = true -- Lightning Bolt (Resto) (40 yards) }, longEnemySpells = {}, friendlySpells = { [8004] = true, -- Healing Surge (Resto/Elemental) (40 yards) [188070] = true -- Healing Surge (Enhancement) (40 yards) }, resSpells = { [2008] = true -- Ancestral Spirit (40 yards) }, petSpells = {} }, WARLOCK = { enemySpells = { [5782] = true -- Fear (30 yards) }, longEnemySpells = { [234153] = true, -- Drain Life (40 yards) [198590] = true, --Drain Soul (40 yards) [232670] = true, --Shadow Bolt (40 yards, lvl 1 spell) [686] = true --Shadow Bolt (Demonology) (40 yards, lvl 1 spell) }, friendlySpells = { [20707] = true -- Soulstone (40 yards) }, resSpells = {}, petSpells = { [755] = true -- Health Funnel (45 yards) } }, MAGE = { enemySpells = { [118] = true -- Polymorph (30 yards) }, longEnemySpells = { [116] = true, -- Frostbolt (Frost) (40 yards) [44425] = true, -- Arcane Barrage (Arcane) (40 yards) [133] = true -- Fireball (Fire) (40 yards) }, friendlySpells = { [130] = true -- Slow Fall (40 yards) }, resSpells = {}, petSpells = {} }, HUNTER = { enemySpells = { [75] = true -- Auto Shot (40 yards) }, longEnemySpells = {}, friendlySpells = {}, resSpells = {}, petSpells = { [982] = true -- Mend Pet (45 yards) } }, DEATHKNIGHT = { enemySpells = { [49576] = true -- Death Grip }, longEnemySpells = { [47541] = true -- Death Coil (Unholy) (40 yards) }, friendlySpells = {}, resSpells = { [61999] = true -- Raise Ally (40 yards) }, petSpells = {} }, ROGUE = { enemySpells = { [185565] = true, -- Poisoned Knife (Assassination) (30 yards) [185763] = true, -- Pistol Shot (Outlaw) (20 yards) [114014] = true, -- Shuriken Toss (Sublety) (30 yards) [1725] = true -- Distract (30 yards) }, longEnemySpells = {}, friendlySpells = { [57934] = true -- Tricks of the Trade (100 yards) }, resSpells = {}, petSpells = {} }, WARRIOR = { enemySpells = { [5246] = true, -- Intimidating Shout (Arms/Fury) (8 yards) [100] = true -- Charge (Arms/Fury) (8-25 yards) }, longEnemySpells = { [355] = true -- Taunt (30 yards) }, friendlySpells = {}, resSpells = {}, petSpells = {} }, MONK = { enemySpells = { [115546] = true -- Provoke (30 yards) }, longEnemySpells = { [117952] = true -- Crackling Jade Lightning (40 yards) }, friendlySpells = { [116670] = true -- Vivify (40 yards) }, resSpells = { [115178] = true -- Resuscitate (40 yards) }, petSpells = {} }, DEMONHUNTER = { enemySpells = { [183752] = true -- Consume Magic (20 yards) }, longEnemySpells = { [185123] = true, -- Throw Glaive (Havoc) (30 yards) [204021] = true -- Fiery Brand (Vengeance) (30 yards) }, friendlySpells = {}, resSpells = {}, petSpells = {} } } } G.profileCopy = { --Specific values selected = 'Default', movers = {}, --Modules actionbar = { general = true, bar1 = true, bar2 = true, bar3 = true, bar4 = true, bar5 = true, bar6 = true, barPet = true, stanceBar = true, microbar = true, extraActionButton = true, cooldown = true }, auras = { general = true, buffs = true, debuffs = true, cooldown = true }, bags = { general = true, split = true, vendorGrays = true, bagBar = true, cooldown = true }, chat = { general = true }, cooldown = { general = true, fonts = true }, databars = { experience = true, reputation = true, honor = true, azerite = true }, datatexts = { general = true, panels = true }, general = { general = true, minimap = true, threat = true, totems = true, itemLevel = true, altPowerBar = true }, nameplates = { general = true, cooldown = true, threat = true, units = { PLAYER = true, TARGET = true, FRIENDLY_PLAYER = true, ENEMY_PLAYER = true, FRIENDLY_NPC = true, ENEMY_NPC = true } }, tooltip = { general = true, visibility = true, healthBar = true }, unitframe = { general = true, cooldown = true, colors = { general = true, power = true, reaction = true, healPrediction = true, classResources = true, frameGlow = true, debuffHighlight = true }, units = { player = true, target = true, targettarget = true, targettargettarget = true, focus = true, focustarget = true, pet = true, pettarget = true, boss = true, arena = true, party = true, raid = true, raid40 = true, raidpet = true, tank = true, assist = true } } }