local E, L, V, P, G = unpack(select(2, ...)); --Import: Engine, Locales, PrivateDB, ProfileDB, GlobalDB local CopyTable = CopyTable -- Our function doesn't exist yet. P.gridSize = 64 P.layoutSetting = 'tank' P.hideTutorial = true P.dbConverted = nil -- use this to let DBConversions run once per profile --Core P.general = { messageRedirect = _G.DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:GetName(), smoothingAmount = 0.33, taintLog = false, stickyFrames = true, loginmessage = true, interruptAnnounce = 'NONE', autoRepair = 'NONE', autoTrackReputation = false, autoRoll = false, autoAcceptInvite = false, topPanel = false, bottomPanel = true, hideErrorFrame = true, enhancedPvpMessages = true, objectiveFrameHeight = 480, objectiveFrameAutoHide = true, objectiveFrameAutoHideInKeystone = false, bonusObjectivePosition = 'LEFT', talkingHeadFrameScale = 0.9, talkingHeadFrameBackdrop = false, vehicleSeatIndicatorSize = 128, objectiveTracker = true, resurrectSound = false, questRewardMostValueIcon = true, itemLevel = { displayCharacterInfo = true, displayInspectInfo = true, itemLevelFont = 'PT Sans Narrow', itemLevelFontSize = 12, itemLevelFontOutline = 'OUTLINE', }, durabilityScale = 1, afk = true, numberPrefixStyle = 'ENGLISH', decimalLength = 1, altPowerBar = { enable = true, width = 250, height = 20, font = 'PT Sans Narrow', fontSize = 12, fontOutline = 'OUTLINE', statusBar = 'ElvUI Norm', textFormat = 'NAMECURMAX', statusBarColorGradient = false, statusBarColor = { r = 0.2, g = 0.4, b = 0.8 }, smoothbars = false, }, fontSize = 12, font = 'PT Sans Narrow', fontStyle = 'OUTLINE', bordercolor = { r = 0, g = 0, b = 0 }, -- updated in E.Initialize backdropcolor = { r = 0.1, g = 0.1, b = 0.1 }, backdropfadecolor = { r = .06, g = .06, b = .06, a = 0.8 }, valuecolor = {r = 23/255, g = 132/255, b = 209/255}, cropIcon = 2, minimap = { size = 176, locationText = 'MOUSEOVER', locationFontSize = 12, locationFontOutline = 'OUTLINE', locationFont = 'PT Sans Narrow', resetZoom = { enable = false, time = 3, }, icons = { classHall = { scale = 0.8, position = 'BOTTOMLEFT', xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0, hide = false, }, calendar = { scale = 1, position = 'TOPRIGHT', xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0, hide = true, }, mail = { scale = 1, position = 'TOPRIGHT', xOffset = 3, yOffset = 4, }, lfgEye = { scale = 1, position = 'BOTTOMRIGHT', xOffset = 3, yOffset = 0, }, difficulty = { scale = 1, position = 'TOPLEFT', xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0, }, challengeMode = { scale = 1, position = 'TOPLEFT', xOffset = 8, yOffset = -8, }, } }, totems = { enable = true, growthDirection = 'VERTICAL', sortDirection = 'ASCENDING', size = 40, spacing = 4, }, kittys = false }; P.databars = { transparent = true, statusbar = 'ElvUI Norm', customTexture = false, colors = { experience = { r = 0, g = .4, b = 1, a = .8 }, rested = { r = 1, g = 0, b = 1, a = .4}, quest = { r = 0, g = 1, b = 0, a = .4}, honor = { r = .94, g = .45, b = .25, a = 1 }, azerite = { r = .901, g = .8, b = .601, a = 1 }, useCustomFactionColors = false, factionColors = { [1] = { r = .8, g = .3, b = .22}, [2] = { r = .8, g = .3, b = .22}, [3] = { r = .75, g = .27, b = 0}, [4] = { r = .9, g = .7, b = 0}, [5] = { r = 0, g = .6, b = .1}, [6] = { r = 0, g = .6, b = .1}, [7] = { r = 0, g = .6, b = .1}, [8] = { r = 0, g = .6, b = .1}, } } } for _, databar in pairs({'experience', 'reputation', 'honor', 'threat', 'azerite'}) do P.databars[databar] = { enable = true, width = 222, height = 10, textFormat = 'NONE', fontSize = 11, font = 'PT Sans Narrow', fontOutline = 'NONE', mouseover = false, clickThrough = false, hideInCombat = false, orientation = 'AUTOMATIC', reverseFill = false, showBubbles = false, } end P.databars.threat.hideInCombat = nil -- always on in code P.databars.experience.hideAtMaxLevel = true P.databars.experience.showLevel = false P.databars.experience.width = 348 P.databars.experience.fontSize = 12 P.databars.experience.questCompletedOnly = false P.databars.experience.questCurrentZoneOnly = false P.databars.reputation.enable = false P.databars.reputation.hideBelowMaxLevel = false P.databars.honor.hideOutsidePvP = false P.databars.honor.hideBelowMaxLevel = false P.databars.azerite.hideAtMaxLevel = true --Bags P.bags = { sortInverted = true, bagSize = 34, bankSize = 34, bagWidth = 406, bankWidth = 406, currencyFormat = 'ICON_TEXT_ABBR', moneyFormat = 'SMART', moneyCoins = true, junkIcon = false, junkDesaturate = false, scrapIcon = false, upgradeIcon = true, newItemGlow = true, auctionToggle = true, ignoredItems = {}, itemLevel = true, itemLevelThreshold = 1, itemLevelFont = 'Homespun', itemLevelFontSize = 10, itemLevelFontOutline = 'MONOCHROMEOUTLINE', itemLevelCustomColorEnable = false, itemLevelCustomColor = { r = 1, g = 1, b = 1 }, countFont = 'Homespun', countFontSize = 10, countFontOutline = 'MONOCHROMEOUTLINE', countFontColor = {r = 1, g = 1, b = 1}, reverseLoot = false, reverseSlots = false, clearSearchOnClose = false, disableBagSort = false, disableBankSort = false, showAssignedColor = true, useBlizzardCleanup = false, strata = 'HIGH', qualityColors = true, specialtyColors = true, showBindType = false, transparent = false, showAssignedIcon = true, colors = { profession = { leatherworking = { r = .88, g = .73, b = .29 }, inscription = { r = .29, g = .30, b = .88 }, herbs = { r = .07, g = .71, b = .13 }, enchanting = { r = .76, g = .02, b = .8 }, engineering = { r = .91, g = .46, b = .18 }, gems = { r = .03, g = .71, b = .81 }, mining = { r = .54, g = .40, b = .04 }, fishing = { r = .42, g = .59, b = 1 }, cooking = { r = .87, g = .05, b = .25 }, }, assignment = { equipment = { r = 0, g = .50, b = .47 }, consumables = { r = .57, g = .95, b = .66 }, tradegoods = { r = 1, g = .32, b = .66 }, }, items = { questStarter = {r = 1, g = 1, b = 0}, questItem = {r = 1, g = 0.30, b = 0.30}, } }, vendorGrays = { enable = false, interval = 0.2, details = false, progressBar = true, }, split = { bagSpacing = 5, player = false, bank = false, bag1 = false, bag2 = false, bag3 = false, bag4 = false, bag5 = false, bag6 = false, bag7 = false, bag8 = false, bag9 = false, bag10 = false, bag11 = false, }, bagBar = { growthDirection = 'VERTICAL', sortDirection = 'ASCENDING', size = 30, spacing = 4, backdropSpacing = 4, showBackdrop = false, mouseover = false, visibility = '[petbattle] hide; show', }, }; local NP_Auras = { enable = true, desaturate = true, numAuras = 5, size = 27, width = 18, height = 18, anchorPoint = 'TOPLEFT', growthX = 'RIGHT', growthY = 'UP', onlyShowPlayer = false, spacing = 1, yOffset = 5, xOffset = 0, font = 'PT Sans Narrow', fontOutline = 'OUTLINE', fontSize = 11, countFont = 'PT Sans Narrow', countFontOutline = 'OUTLINE', countFontSize = 9, countPosition = 'BOTTOMRIGHT', durationPosition = 'CENTER', minDuration = 0, maxDuration = 0, priority = '' } local NP_Health = { enable = true, healPrediction = true, height = 10, useClassColor = true, text = { enable = true, format = '[health:percent]', position = 'CENTER', parent = 'Nameplate', xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0, font = 'PT Sans Narrow', fontOutline = 'OUTLINE', fontSize = 11, }, } local NP_Power = { enable = false, classColor = false, hideWhenEmpty = false, costPrediction = true, width = 150, height = 8, xOffset = 0, yOffset = -10, displayAltPower = false, useAtlas = false, text = { enable = false, format = '[power:percent]', position = 'CENTER', parent = 'Nameplate', xOffset = 0, yOffset = -10, font = 'PT Sans Narrow', fontOutline = 'OUTLINE', fontSize = 11, }, } local NP_PvPIcon = { enable = false, showBadge = true, position = 'RIGHT', size = 36, xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0, } local NP_PvPClassificationIndicator = { enable = false, position = 'TOPLEFT', size = 36, xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0, } local NP_Portrait = { enable = false, position = 'RIGHT', classicon = true, height = 28, width = 28, xOffset = 3, yOffset = -5, } local NP_Name = { enable = true, format = '[namecolor][name]', position = 'TOPLEFT', parent = 'Nameplate', xOffset = 0, yOffset = -7, font = 'PT Sans Narrow', fontOutline = 'OUTLINE', fontSize = 11, } local NP_Level = { enable = true, format = '[difficultycolor][level]', position = 'TOPRIGHT', parent = 'Nameplate', xOffset = 0, yOffset = -7, font = 'PT Sans Narrow', fontOutline = 'OUTLINE', fontSize = 11, } local NP_RaidTargetIndicator = { enable = true, size = 24, position = 'LEFT', xOffset = -4, yOffset = 0, } local NP_Castbar = { enable = true, width = 150, height = 8, displayTarget = false, hideSpellName = false, hideTime = false, sourceInterrupt = true, sourceInterruptClassColor = true, castTimeFormat = 'CURRENT', channelTimeFormat = 'CURRENT', timeToHold = 0, textPosition = 'BELOW', iconPosition = 'RIGHT', iconSize = 30, iconOffsetX = 0, iconOffsetY = 0, showIcon = true, xOffset = 0, yOffset = -10, font = 'PT Sans Narrow', fontOutline = 'OUTLINE', fontSize = 11, } local NP_Title = { enable = false, format = '[guild:brackets]', position = 'TOPRIGHT', parent = 'Nameplate', xOffset = 0, yOffset = -7, font = 'PT Sans Narrow', fontOutline = 'OUTLINE', fontSize = 11, } local NP_EliteIcon = { enable = false, size = 20, position = 'RIGHT', xOffset = 15, yOffset = 0, } local NP_QuestIcon = { enable = true, hideIcon = false, position = 'RIGHT', textPosition = 'BOTTOMRIGHT', size = 20, xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0, font = 'PT Sans Narrow', fontOutline = 'OUTLINE', fontSize = 12 } --NamePlate P.nameplates = { clampToScreen = false, fadeIn = true, font = 'PT Sans Narrow', fontOutline = 'OUTLINE', fontSize = 11, highlight = true, lowHealthThreshold = 0.4, motionType = 'STACKED', nameColoredGlow = false, showEnemyCombat = 'DISABLED', showFriendlyCombat = 'DISABLED', smoothbars = false, statusbar = 'ElvUI Norm', thinBorders = true, clickThrough = { personal = false, friendly = false, enemy = false, }, plateSize ={ personalWidth = 150, personalHeight = 30, friendlyWidth = 150, friendlyHeight = 30, enemyWidth = 150, enemyHeight = 30, }, threat = { enable = true, beingTankedByTank = true, goodScale = 1, badScale = 1, useThreatColor = true, indicator = false, }, filters = { ElvUI_Boss = {triggers = {enable = false}}, ElvUI_Target = {triggers = {enable = true}}, ElvUI_NonTarget = {triggers = {enable = true}}, ElvUI_Explosives = {triggers = {enable = true}}, }, colors = { glowColor = {r = 1, g = 1, b = 1, a = 1}, castColor = {r = 1, g = 0.81, b = 0}, tapped = {r = 0.6, g = 0.6, b = 0.6}, castNoInterruptColor = {r = 0.78, g = 0.25, b = 0.25}, castInterruptedColor = {r = 0.30, g = 0.30, b = 0.30}, castbarDesaturate = true, reactions = { good = {r = .29, g = .68, b = .30}, neutral = {r = .85, g = .77, b = .36}, bad = {r = 0.78, g = 0.25, b = 0.25}, }, healPrediction = { personal = {r = 0, g = 1, b = 0.5, a = 0.25}, others = {r = 0, g = 1, b = 0, a = 0.25}, absorbs = {r = 1, g = 1, b = 0, a = 0.25}, healAbsorbs = {r = 1, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0.25}, --overabsorbs = {r = 1, g = 1, b = 0, a = 0.25}, --overhealabsorbs = {r = 1, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0.25}, }, threat = { goodColor = {r = 050/255, g = 180/255, b = 000/255}, badColor = {r = 254/255, g = 045/255, b = 045/255}, goodTransition = {r = 255/255, g = 217/255, b = 050/255}, badTransition ={r = 255/255, g = 129/255, b = 050/255}, offTankColor = {r = 187/255, g = 050/255, b = 255/255}, offTankColorGoodTransition = {r = .31, g = .45, b = .63}, offTankColorBadTransition = {r = 0.71, g = 0.43, b = 0.27}, }, power = { ENERGY = {r = 0.65, g = 0.63, b = 0.35}, FOCUS = {r = 0.71, g = 0.43, b = 0.27}, FURY = {r = 227/255, g = 126/255, b = 39/255, atlas = '_DemonHunter-DemonicFuryBar'}, INSANITY = {r = 0.55, g = 0.14, b = 0.69, atlas = '_Priest-InsanityBar'}, LUNAR_POWER = {r = .9, g = .86, b = .12, atlas = '_Druid-LunarBar'}, MAELSTROM = {r = 0, g = 0.5, b = 1, atlas = '_Shaman-MaelstromBar'}, MANA = {r = 0.31, g = 0.45, b = 0.63}, PAIN = {r = 225/255, g = 225/255, b = 225/255, atlas = '_DemonHunter-DemonicPainBar'}, RAGE = {r = 0.78, g = 0.25, b = 0.25}, RUNIC_POWER = {r = 0, g = 0.82, b = 1}, ALT_POWER = {r = 0.2, g = 0.4, b = 0.8}, }, selection = { [ 0] = {r = 254/255, g = 045/255, b = 045/255}, -- HOSTILE [ 1] = {r = 255/255, g = 129/255, b = 050/255}, -- UNFRIENDLY [ 2] = {r = 255/255, g = 217/255, b = 050/255}, -- NEUTRAL [ 3] = {r = 050/255, g = 180/255, b = 000/255}, -- FRIENDLY [ 5] = {r = 102/255, g = 136/255, b = 255/255}, -- PLAYER_EXTENDED [ 6] = {r = 102/255, g = 050/255, b = 255/255}, -- PARTY [ 7] = {r = 187/255, g = 050/255, b = 255/255}, -- PARTY_PVP [ 8] = {r = 050/255, g = 255/255, b = 108/255}, -- FRIEND [ 9] = {r = 153/255, g = 153/255, b = 153/255}, -- DEAD [13] = {r = 025/255, g = 147/255, b = 072/255}, -- BATTLEGROUND_FRIENDLY_PVP }, classResources = { comboPoints = { [1] = {r = .69, g = .31, b = .31}, [2] = {r = .65, g = .42, b = .31}, [3] = {r = .65, g = .63, b = .35}, [4] = {r = .46, g = .63, b = .35}, [5] = {r = .33, g = .63, b = .33}, [6] = {r = .33, g = .63, b = .33}, }, DEATHKNIGHT = { r = .31, g = .45, b = .63}, PALADIN = { r = 228/255, g = 225/255, b = 16/255}, MAGE = { r = 0, g = 157/255, b = 1}, MONK = { [1] = {r = .57, g = .63, b = .35}, [2] = {r = .47, g = .63, b = .35}, [3] = {r = .37, g = .63, b = .35}, [4] = {r = .27, g = .63, b = .33}, [5] = {r = .17, g = .63, b = .33}, [6] = {r = 12/255, g = 145/255, b = 58/255} }, WARLOCK = {r = 148/255, g = 130/255, b = 201/255} }, }, visibility = { showAll = true, enemy = { guardians = false, minions = false, minus = true, pets = false, totems = false, }, friendly = { guardians = false, minions = false, npcs = true, pets = false, totems = false, }, }, cutaway = { health = { enabled = false, fadeOutTime = 0.6, lengthBeforeFade = 0.3, forceBlankTexture = true, }, power = { enabled = false, fadeOutTime = 0.6, lengthBeforeFade = 0.3, forceBlankTexture = true, }, }, units = { PLAYER = { enable = false, showTitle = true, nameOnly = false, useStaticPosition = false, clickthrough = false, classpower = { enable = true, classColor = false, height = 7, sortDirection = 'NONE', width = 130, xOffset = 0, yOffset = 10, }, visibility = { alphaDelay = 1, hideDelay = 3, showAlways = false, showInCombat = true, showWithTarget = false, }, buffs = CopyTable(NP_Auras), castbar = CopyTable(NP_Castbar), debuffs = CopyTable(NP_Auras), health = CopyTable(NP_Health), level = CopyTable(NP_Level), name = CopyTable(NP_Name), portrait = CopyTable(NP_Portrait), power = CopyTable(NP_Power), pvpclassificationindicator = CopyTable(NP_PvPClassificationIndicator), pvpindicator = CopyTable(NP_PvPIcon), raidTargetIndicator = CopyTable(NP_RaidTargetIndicator), title = CopyTable(NP_Title), }, TARGET = { enable = true, arrow = 'Arrow1', glowStyle = 'style2', classpower = { enable = false, classColor = false, height = 7, sortDirection = 'NONE', width = 125, xOffset = 0, yOffset = 30, }, }, FRIENDLY_PLAYER = { enable = true, showTitle = true, nameOnly = false, markHealers = true, markTanks = true, buffs = CopyTable(NP_Auras), castbar = CopyTable(NP_Castbar), debuffs = CopyTable(NP_Auras), health = CopyTable(NP_Health), level = CopyTable(NP_Level), name = CopyTable(NP_Name), portrait = CopyTable(NP_Portrait), power = CopyTable(NP_Power), pvpclassificationindicator = CopyTable(NP_PvPClassificationIndicator), pvpindicator = CopyTable(NP_PvPIcon), raidTargetIndicator = CopyTable(NP_RaidTargetIndicator), title = CopyTable(NP_Title), }, ENEMY_PLAYER = { enable = true, showTitle = true, nameOnly = false, markHealers = true, markTanks = true, buffs = CopyTable(NP_Auras), castbar = CopyTable(NP_Castbar), debuffs = CopyTable(NP_Auras), health = CopyTable(NP_Health), level = CopyTable(NP_Level), name = CopyTable(NP_Name), portrait = CopyTable(NP_Portrait), power = CopyTable(NP_Power), pvpclassificationindicator = CopyTable(NP_PvPClassificationIndicator), pvpindicator = CopyTable(NP_PvPIcon), raidTargetIndicator = CopyTable(NP_RaidTargetIndicator), title = CopyTable(NP_Title), }, FRIENDLY_NPC = { enable = true, showTitle = true, nameOnly = true, buffs = CopyTable(NP_Auras), castbar = CopyTable(NP_Castbar), debuffs = CopyTable(NP_Auras), eliteIcon = CopyTable(NP_EliteIcon), health = CopyTable(NP_Health), level = CopyTable(NP_Level), name = CopyTable(NP_Name), portrait = CopyTable(NP_Portrait), power = CopyTable(NP_Power), pvpindicator = CopyTable(NP_PvPIcon), questIcon = CopyTable(NP_QuestIcon), raidTargetIndicator = CopyTable(NP_RaidTargetIndicator), title = CopyTable(NP_Title), }, ENEMY_NPC = { enable = true, showTitle = true, nameOnly = false, buffs = CopyTable(NP_Auras), castbar = CopyTable(NP_Castbar), debuffs = CopyTable(NP_Auras), eliteIcon = CopyTable(NP_EliteIcon), health = CopyTable(NP_Health), level = CopyTable(NP_Level), name = CopyTable(NP_Name), portrait = CopyTable(NP_Portrait), power = CopyTable(NP_Power), pvpindicator = CopyTable(NP_PvPIcon), questIcon = CopyTable(NP_QuestIcon), raidTargetIndicator = CopyTable(NP_RaidTargetIndicator), title = CopyTable(NP_Title), }, }, }; P.nameplates.units.PLAYER.buffs.maxDuration = 300 P.nameplates.units.PLAYER.buffs.priority = 'Blacklist,blockNoDuration,Personal,TurtleBuffs,PlayerBuffs' P.nameplates.units.PLAYER.debuffs.anchorPoint = 'TOPRIGHT' P.nameplates.units.PLAYER.debuffs.growthX = 'LEFT' P.nameplates.units.PLAYER.debuffs.growthY = 'UP' P.nameplates.units.PLAYER.debuffs.yOffset = 35 P.nameplates.units.PLAYER.debuffs.priority = 'Blacklist,blockNoDuration,Personal,Boss,CCDebuffs,RaidDebuffs,Dispellable' P.nameplates.units.PLAYER.name.enable = false P.nameplates.units.PLAYER.name.format = '[name]' P.nameplates.units.PLAYER.level.enable = false P.nameplates.units.PLAYER.power.enable = true P.nameplates.units.PLAYER.castbar.yOffset = -20 P.nameplates.units.FRIENDLY_PLAYER.buffs.priority = 'Blacklist,blockNoDuration,Personal,TurtleBuffs' P.nameplates.units.FRIENDLY_PLAYER.debuffs.anchorPoint = 'TOPRIGHT' P.nameplates.units.FRIENDLY_PLAYER.debuffs.growthX = 'LEFT' P.nameplates.units.FRIENDLY_PLAYER.debuffs.growthY = 'UP' P.nameplates.units.FRIENDLY_PLAYER.debuffs.yOffset = 35 P.nameplates.units.FRIENDLY_PLAYER.debuffs.priority = 'Blacklist,Dispellable,blockNoDuration,Personal,Boss,CCDebuffs' P.nameplates.units.ENEMY_PLAYER.buffs.priority = 'Blacklist,Dispellable,PlayerBuffs,TurtleBuffs' P.nameplates.units.ENEMY_PLAYER.buffs.maxDuration = 300 P.nameplates.units.ENEMY_PLAYER.debuffs.anchorPoint = 'TOPRIGHT' P.nameplates.units.ENEMY_PLAYER.debuffs.growthX = 'LEFT' P.nameplates.units.ENEMY_PLAYER.debuffs.growthY = 'UP' P.nameplates.units.ENEMY_PLAYER.debuffs.yOffset = 35 P.nameplates.units.ENEMY_PLAYER.debuffs.priority = 'Blacklist,blockNoDuration,Personal,Boss,CCDebuffs,RaidDebuffs' P.nameplates.units.ENEMY_PLAYER.name.format = '[namecolor][name:abbrev:long]' P.nameplates.units.FRIENDLY_NPC.buffs.priority = 'Blacklist,blockNoDuration,Personal,TurtleBuffs' P.nameplates.units.FRIENDLY_NPC.debuffs.anchorPoint = 'TOPRIGHT' P.nameplates.units.FRIENDLY_NPC.debuffs.growthX = 'LEFT' P.nameplates.units.FRIENDLY_NPC.debuffs.growthY = 'UP' P.nameplates.units.FRIENDLY_NPC.debuffs.yOffset = 35 P.nameplates.units.FRIENDLY_NPC.debuffs.priority = 'Blacklist,Boss,CCDebuffs,RaidDebuffs,Dispellable' P.nameplates.units.FRIENDLY_NPC.level.format = '[difficultycolor][level][shortclassification]' P.nameplates.units.FRIENDLY_NPC.title.format = '[npctitle]' P.nameplates.units.ENEMY_NPC.buffs.priority = 'Blacklist,RaidBuffsElvUI,Dispellable,blockNoDuration,PlayerBuffs,TurtleBuffs,CastByUnit' P.nameplates.units.ENEMY_NPC.debuffs.anchorPoint = 'TOPRIGHT' P.nameplates.units.ENEMY_NPC.debuffs.growthX = 'LEFT' P.nameplates.units.ENEMY_NPC.debuffs.growthY = 'UP' P.nameplates.units.ENEMY_NPC.debuffs.yOffset = 35 P.nameplates.units.ENEMY_NPC.debuffs.priority = 'Blacklist,Personal,CCDebuffs' P.nameplates.units.ENEMY_NPC.level.format = '[difficultycolor][level][shortclassification]' P.nameplates.units.ENEMY_NPC.title.format = '[npctitle]' P.nameplates.units.ENEMY_NPC.name.format = '[name]' local TopAuras = { barColor = { r = 0, g = .8, b = 0 }, barColorGradient = false, barSize = 2, barNoDuration = true, barPosition = 'BOTTOM', barShow = false, barSpacing = 2, barTexture = 'ElvUI Norm', countFont = 'Homespun', countFontOutline = 'MONOCHROMEOUTLINE', countFontSize = 10, countXOffset = 0, countYOffset = 0, timeFont = 'Homespun', timeFontOutline = 'MONOCHROMEOUTLINE', timeFontSize = 10, timeXOffset = 0, timeYOffset = 0, fadeThreshold = 6, growthDirection = 'LEFT_DOWN', horizontalSpacing = 6, maxWraps = 3, seperateOwn = 1, showDuration = true, size = 32, sortDir = '-', sortMethod = 'TIME', verticalSpacing = 16, wrapAfter = 12, } --Auras P.auras = { buffs = CopyTable(TopAuras), debuffs = CopyTable(TopAuras), } P.auras.debuffs.maxWraps = 1 --Chat P.chat = { url = true, panelSnapping = true, shortChannels = true, hyperlinkHover = true, throttleInterval = 45, scrollDownInterval = 15, fade = true, inactivityTimer = 100, font = 'PT Sans Narrow', fontOutline = 'NONE', fontSize = 10, sticky = true, emotionIcons = true, keywordSound = 'None', noAlertInCombat = false, chatHistory = true, lfgIcons = true, maxLines = 100, channelAlerts = { GUILD = 'None', OFFICER = 'None', INSTANCE = 'None', PARTY = 'None', RAID = 'None', WHISPER = 'Whisper Alert', }, showHistory = { WHISPER = true, GUILD = true, OFFICER = true, PARTY = true, RAID = true, INSTANCE = true, CHANNEL = true, SAY = true, YELL = true, EMOTE = true }, historySize = 100, editboxHistorySize = 20, tabSelector = 'ARROW1', tabSelectedTextEnabled = true, tabSelectedTextColor = { r = 1, g = 1, b = 1 }, tabSelectorColor = { r = .3, g = 1, b = .3 }, timeStampFormat = 'NONE', keywords = 'ElvUI', separateSizes = false, panelWidth = 412, panelHeight = 180, panelWidthRight = 412, panelHeightRight = 180, panelBackdropNameLeft = '', panelBackdropNameRight = '', panelBackdrop = 'SHOWBOTH', panelTabBackdrop = false, panelTabTransparency = false, LeftChatDataPanelAnchor = 'BELOW_CHAT', RightChatDataPanelAnchor = 'BELOW_CHAT', editBoxPosition = 'BELOW_CHAT', fadeUndockedTabs = false, fadeTabsNoBackdrop = true, fadeChatToggles = true, hideChatToggles = false, hideCopyButton = false, useAltKey = false, classColorMentionsChat = true, numAllowedCombatRepeat = 5, useCustomTimeColor = true, customTimeColor = {r = 0.7, g = 0.7, b = 0.7}, numScrollMessages = 3, autoClosePetBattleLog = true, socialQueueMessages = false, tabFont = 'PT Sans Narrow', tabFontSize = 12, tabFontOutline = 'NONE', copyChatLines = false, useBTagName = false, panelColor = {r = .06, g = .06, b = .06, a = 0.8}, pinVoiceButtons = true, hideVoiceButtons = false, desaturateVoiceIcons = true } --Datatexts P.datatexts = { font = 'PT Sans Narrow', fontSize = 12, fontOutline = 'NONE', wordWrap = false, panels = { LeftChatDataPanel = { enable = true, backdrop = true, border = true, panelTransparency = false, 'Talent/Loot Specialization', 'Durability', 'BfA Missions' }, RightChatDataPanel = { enable = true, backdrop = true, border = true, panelTransparency = false, 'System', 'Time', 'Gold' }, MinimapPanel = { enable = true, backdrop = true, border = true, panelTransparency = false, numPoints = 2, 'Guild', 'Friends' } }, battleground = true, noCombatClick = false, noCombatHover = false, } --Tooltip P.tooltip = { showElvUIUsers = false, cursorAnchor = false, cursorAnchorType = 'ANCHOR_CURSOR', cursorAnchorX = 0, cursorAnchorY = 0, alwaysShowRealm = false, targetInfo = true, playerTitles = true, guildRanks = true, itemCount = 'BAGS_ONLY', showMount = true, modifierID = 'SHOW', role = true, gender = false, font = 'PT Sans Narrow', fontOutline = 'NONE', headerFontSize = 12, textFontSize = 12, smallTextFontSize = 12, colorAlpha = 0.8, visibility = { bags = 'SHOW', unitFrames = 'SHOW', actionbars = 'SHOW', combatOverride = 'SHOW', }, healthBar = { text = true, height = 7, font = 'Homespun', fontSize = 10, fontOutline = 'OUTLINE', statusPosition = 'BOTTOM', }, useCustomFactionColors = false, factionColors = { [1] = {r = 0.8, g = 0.3, b = 0.22}, [2] = {r = 0.8, g = 0.3, b = 0.22}, [3] = {r = 0.75, g = 0.27, b = 0}, [4] = {r = 0.9, g = 0.7, b = 0}, [5] = {r = 0, g = 0.6, b = 0.1}, [6] = {r = 0, g = 0.6, b = 0.1}, [7] = {r = 0, g = 0.6, b = 0.1}, [8] = {r = 0, g = 0.6, b = 0.1}, } } local UF_StrataAndLevel = { useCustomStrata = false, frameStrata = 'LOW', useCustomLevel = false, frameLevel = 1, } local UF_Auras = { anchorPoint = 'TOPLEFT', attachTo = 'FRAME', clickThrough = false, countFont = 'PT Sans Narrow', countFontOutline = 'OUTLINE', countFontSize = 12, desaturate = true, durationPosition = 'CENTER', enable = false, numrows = 1, perrow = 8, sortDirection = 'DESCENDING', sortMethod = 'TIME_REMAINING', xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0, minDuration = 0, maxDuration = 0, priority = '', sizeOverride = 0, spacing = 1, } local UF_AuraBars = { anchorPoint = 'ABOVE', attachTo = 'DEBUFFS', detachedWidth = 270, enable = true, enemyAuraType = 'HARMFUL', friendlyAuraType = 'HELPFUL', height = 20, maxBars = 6, maxDuration = 0, minDuration = 0, sortDirection = 'DESCENDING', sortMethod = 'TIME_REMAINING', priority = '', spacing = 0, yOffset = 0, } local UF_AuraWatch = { enable = true, profileSpecific = false, size = 8, } local UF_Castbar = { customColor = { enable = false, transparent = false, invertColors = false, useClassColor = false, useCustomBackdrop = false, useReactionColor = false, color = { r = .31, g = .31, b = .31 }, colorNoInterrupt = { r = 0.78, g = 0.25, b = 0.25 }, colorInterrupted = { r = 0.30, g = 0.30, b = 0.30 }, colorBackdrop = { r = 0.5, g = 0.5, b = 0.5, a = 1 }, }, customTextFont = { enable = false, font = 'PT Sans Narrow', fontSize = 12, fontStyle = 'OUTLINE' }, customTimeFont = { enable = false, font = 'PT Sans Narrow', fontSize = 12, fontStyle = 'OUTLINE' }, displayTarget = false, enable = true, format = 'REMAINING', height = 18, hidetext = false, icon = true, iconAttached = true, iconAttachedTo = 'Frame', iconPosition = 'LEFT', iconSize = 42, iconXOffset = -10, iconYOffset = 0, insideInfoPanel = true, latency = true, overlayOnFrame = 'None', reverse = false, spark = true, textColor = {r = 0.84, g = 0.75, b = 0.65, a = 1}, tickColor = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0.8}, ticks = true, tickWidth = 1, timeToHold = 0, width = 270, xOffsetText = 4, xOffsetTime = -4, yOffsetText = 0, yOffsetTime = 0, strataAndLevel = CopyTable(UF_StrataAndLevel), } local UF_CombatIcon = { enable = true, defaultColor = true, color = {r = 1, g = 0.2, b = 0.2, a = 1}, anchorPoint = 'CENTER', xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0, size = 20, texture = 'DEFAULT', } local UF_Cutaway = { health = { enabled = false, fadeOutTime = 0.6, forceBlankTexture = true, lengthBeforeFade = 0.3, }, power = { enabled = false, fadeOutTime = 0.6, forceBlankTexture = true, lengthBeforeFade = 0.3, }, } local UF_Health = { attachTextTo = 'Health', orientation = 'HORIZONTAL', position = 'RIGHT', reverseFill = false, text_format = '', xOffset = -2, yOffset = 0, } local UF_HealthPrediction = { enable = false, absorbStyle = 'OVERFLOW', anchorPoint = 'BOTTOM', height = -1 } local UF_InfoPanel = { enable = false, transparent = false, height = 20 } local UF_Fader = { casting = false, combat = false, delay = 0, enable = true, focus = false, health = false, hover = false, maxAlpha = 1, minAlpha = 0.35, playertarget = false, power = false, range = true, smooth = 0.33, unittarget = false, vehicle = false, } local UF_Name = { attachTextTo = 'Health', position = 'CENTER', text_format = '', xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0, } local UF_PhaseIndicator = { anchorPoint = 'CENTER', enable = true, scale = 0.8, xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0, } local UF_PartyIndicator = { anchorPoint = 'TOPRIGHT', enable = true, scale = 1, xOffset = -5, yOffset = 10 } local UF_Portrait = { enable = false, paused = false, fullOverlay = false, overlay = false, overlayAlpha = 0.5, camDistanceScale = 2, desaturation = 0, rotation = 0, style = '3D', width = 45, xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0, } local UF_Power = { attachTextTo = 'Health', autoHide = false, detachedWidth = 250, detachFromFrame = false, enable = true, height = 10, hideonnpc = false, offset = 0, parent = 'FRAME', position = 'LEFT', powerPrediction = false, reverseFill = false, text_format = '', width = 'fill', xOffset = 2, yOffset = 0, displayAltPower = false, strataAndLevel = CopyTable(UF_StrataAndLevel), } local UF_PvPClassificationIndicator = { enable = true, position = 'CENTER', size = 36, xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0, } local UF_PVPIcon = { anchorPoint = 'CENTER', enable = false, scale = 1, xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0, } local UF_RaidRoles = { enable = true, position = 'TOPLEFT', xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0, } local UF_Ressurect = { attachTo = 'CENTER', attachToObject = 'Frame', enable = true, size = 30, xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0, } local UF_RaidIcon = { attachTo = 'TOP', attachToObject = 'Frame', enable = true, size = 18, xOffset = 0, yOffset = 8, } local UF_RaidDebuffs = { enable = true, showDispellableDebuff = true, onlyMatchSpellID = true, fontSize = 10, font = 'Homespun', fontOutline = 'MONOCHROMEOUTLINE', size = 26, xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0, duration = { position = 'CENTER', xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0, color = {r = 1, g = 0.9, b = 0, a = 1} }, stack = { position = 'BOTTOMRIGHT', xOffset = 0, yOffset = 2, color = {r = 1, g = 0.9, b = 0, a = 1} }, } local UF_RoleIcon = { enable = true, position = 'BOTTOMRIGHT', attachTo = 'Health', xOffset = -1, yOffset = 1, size = 15, tank = true, healer = true, damager = true, combatHide = false, } local UF_ReadyCheckIcon = { enable = true, size = 12, attachTo = 'Health', position = 'BOTTOM', xOffset = 0, yOffset = 2, } local UF_SummonIcon = { enable = true, size = 30, attachTo = 'CENTER', attachToObject = 'Frame', xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0, } local UF_SubGroup = { enable = false, anchorPoint = 'RIGHT', xOffset = 1, yOffset = 0, width = 120, height = 28, colorOverride = 'USE_DEFAULT', name = CopyTable(UF_Name), raidicon = CopyTable(UF_RaidIcon), buffIndicator = CopyTable(UF_AuraWatch), } local UF_ClassBar = { enable = true, fill = 'fill', height = 10, autoHide = false, sortDirection = 'asc', altPowerColor = { r = 0.2, g = 0.4, b = 0.8 }, altPowerTextFormat = '[altpower:current]', detachFromFrame = false, detachedWidth = 250, parent = 'FRAME', verticalOrientation = false, orientation = 'HORIZONTAL', spacing = 5, strataAndLevel = CopyTable(UF_StrataAndLevel), } --UnitFrame P.unitframe = { smoothbars = false, statusbar = 'ElvUI Norm', font = 'Homespun', fontSize = 10, fontOutline = 'MONOCHROMEOUTLINE', debuffHighlighting = 'FILL', smartRaidFilter = true, targetOnMouseDown = false, modifiers = { SHIFT = 'NONE', CTRL = 'NONE', ALT = 'NONE', }, thinBorders = true, targetSound = false, colors = { borderColor = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0}, -- updated in E.Initialize healthclass = false, --healththreat = false, healthselection = false, forcehealthreaction = false, powerclass = false, --powerthreat = false, powerselection = false, colorhealthbyvalue = true, customhealthbackdrop = false, custompowerbackdrop = false, customcastbarbackdrop = false, customaurabarbackdrop = false, customclasspowerbackdrop = false, useDeadBackdrop = false, classbackdrop = false, healthMultiplier = 0, auraBarByType = true, auraByType = true, auraBarTurtle = true, auraBarTurtleColor = {r = 143/255, g = 101/255, b = 158/255}, transparentHealth = false, transparentPower = false, transparentCastbar = false, transparentAurabars = false, transparentClasspower = false, invertCastBar = false, invertAurabars = false, invertPower = false, invertClasspower = false, castColor = { r = .31, g = .31, b = .31 }, castNoInterrupt = { r = 0.78, g = 0.25, b = 0.25 }, castInterruptedColor = {r = 0.30, g = 0.30, b = 0.30}, castClassColor = false, castReactionColor = false, health = { r = .31, g = .31, b = .31 }, health_backdrop = { r = .8, g = .01, b = .01 }, health_backdrop_dead = { r = .8, g = .01, b = .01 }, castbar_backdrop = { r = 0.5, g = 0.5, b = 0.5, a = 1 }, classpower_backdrop = { r = 0.5, g = 0.5, b = 0.5 }, aurabar_backdrop = { r = 0.5, g = 0.5, b = 0.5 }, power_backdrop = { r = 0.5, g = 0.5, b = 0.5 }, tapped = { r = 0.55, g = 0.57, b = 0.61}, disconnected = { r = 0.84, g = 0.75, b = 0.65}, auraBarBuff = { r = .31, g = .31, b = .31 }, auraBarDebuff = {r = 0.8, g = 0.1, b = 0.1}, power = { MANA = {r = 0.31, g = 0.45, b = 0.63}, RAGE = {r = 0.78, g = 0.25, b = 0.25}, FOCUS = {r = 0.71, g = 0.43, b = 0.27}, ENERGY = {r = 0.65, g = 0.63, b = 0.35}, RUNIC_POWER = {r = 0, g = 0.82, b = 1}, PAIN = {r = 225/255, g = 225/255, b = 225/255}, FURY = {r = 227/255, g = 126/255, b = 39/255}, LUNAR_POWER = {r = .9, g = .86, b = .12}, INSANITY = {r = 0.55, g = 0.14, b = 0.69}, MAELSTROM = {r = 0, g = 0.5, b = 1}, ALT_POWER = {r = 0.2, g = 0.4, b = 0.8}, }, reaction = { BAD = { r = 199/255, g = 64/255, b = 64/255 }, NEUTRAL = { r = 218/255, g = 197/255, b = 92/255 }, GOOD = { r = 75/255, g = 175/255, b = 76/255 }, }, threat = { [ 0] = {r = 0.5, g = 0.5, b = 0.5}, -- low [ 1] = {r = 1.0, g = 1.0, b = 0.5}, -- overnuking [ 2] = {r = 1.0, g = 0.5, b = 0.0}, -- losing threat [ 3] = {r = 1.0, g = 0.2, b = 0.2}, -- tanking securely }, selection = { [ 0] = {r = 254/255, g = 045/255, b = 045/255}, -- HOSTILE [ 1] = {r = 255/255, g = 129/255, b = 050/255}, -- UNFRIENDLY [ 2] = {r = 255/255, g = 217/255, b = 050/255}, -- NEUTRAL [ 3] = {r = 050/255, g = 180/255, b = 000/255}, -- FRIENDLY [ 5] = {r = 102/255, g = 136/255, b = 255/255}, -- PLAYER_EXTENDED [ 6] = {r = 102/255, g = 050/255, b = 255/255}, -- PARTY [ 7] = {r = 187/255, g = 050/255, b = 255/255}, -- PARTY_PVP [ 8] = {r = 050/255, g = 255/255, b = 108/255}, -- FRIEND [ 9] = {r = 153/255, g = 153/255, b = 153/255}, -- DEAD [13] = {r = 025/255, g = 147/255, b = 072/255}, -- BATTLEGROUND_FRIENDLY_PVP }, healPrediction = { personal = {r = 0, g = 1, b = 0.5, a = 0.25}, others = {r = 0, g = 1, b = 0, a = 0.25}, absorbs = {r = 1, g = 1, b = 0, a = 0.25}, healAbsorbs = {r = 1, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0.25}, overabsorbs = {r = 1, g = 1, b = 0, a = 0.25}, overhealabsorbs = {r = 1, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0.25}, maxOverflow = 0, }, powerPrediction = { enable = false, additional = {r = 1, g = 1, b = 1, a = 1}, color = {r = 1, g = 1, b = 1, a = 1}, }, classResources = { comboPoints = { [1] = {r = 0.69, g = 0.31, b = 0.31}, [2] = {r = 0.65, g = 0.63, b = 0.34}, [3] = {r = 0.33, g = 0.59, b = 0.33}, }, DEATHKNIGHT = {r = 0, g = 1, b = 1}, PALADIN = {r = 228/255, g = 225/255, b = 16/255}, MAGE = {r = 0, g = 157/255, b = 255/255}, MONK = { [1] = {r = .57, g = .63, b = .35}, [2] = {r = .47, g = .63, b = .35}, [3] = {r = .37, g = .63, b = .35}, [4] = {r = .27, g = .63, b = .33}, [5] = {r = .17, g = .63, b = .33}, [6] = {r = 12/255, g = 145/255, b = 58/255} }, WARLOCK = {r = 148/255, g = 130/255, b = 201/255} }, frameGlow = { mainGlow = { enable = false, class = false, color = {r=1, g=1, b=1, a=1} }, targetGlow = { enable = true, class = true, color = {r=1, g=1, b=1, a=1} }, focusGlow = { enable = false, class = false, color = {r=1, g=1, b=1, a=1} }, mouseoverGlow = { enable = true, class = false, texture = 'ElvUI Blank', color = {r=1, g=1, b=1, a=0.1} } }, debuffHighlight = { Magic = {r = 0.2, g = 0.6, b = 1, a = 0.45}, Curse = {r = 0.6, g = 0, b = 1, a = 0.45}, Disease = {r = 0.6, g = 0.4, b = 0, a = 0.45}, Poison = {r = 0, g = 0.6, b = 0, a = 0.45}, blendMode = 'ADD', }, }, units = { player = { enable = true, orientation = 'LEFT', width = 270, height = 54, lowmana = 30, threatStyle = 'GLOW', smartAuraPosition = 'DISABLED', colorOverride = 'USE_DEFAULT', disableMouseoverGlow = false, disableTargetGlow = true, disableFocusGlow = true, pvp = { position = 'BOTTOM', text_format = '||cFFB04F4F[pvptimer][mouseover]||r', xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0, }, RestIcon = { enable = true, defaultColor = true, color = {r = 1, g = 1, b = 1, a = 1}, anchorPoint = 'TOPLEFT', xOffset = -3, yOffset = 6, size = 22, texture = 'DEFAULT', }, CombatIcon = CopyTable(UF_CombatIcon), classbar = CopyTable(UF_ClassBar), stagger = { enable = true, width = 10, }, aurabar = CopyTable(UF_AuraBars), buffs = CopyTable(UF_Auras), castbar = CopyTable(UF_Castbar), cutaway = CopyTable(UF_Cutaway), debuffs = CopyTable(UF_Auras), fader = CopyTable(UF_Fader), healPrediction = CopyTable(UF_HealthPrediction), health = CopyTable(UF_Health), infoPanel = CopyTable(UF_InfoPanel), name = CopyTable(UF_Name), partyIndicator = CopyTable(UF_PartyIndicator), portrait = CopyTable(UF_Portrait), power = CopyTable(UF_Power), pvpIcon = CopyTable(UF_PVPIcon), raidicon = CopyTable(UF_RaidIcon), raidRoleIcons = CopyTable(UF_RaidRoles), resurrectIcon = CopyTable(UF_Ressurect), strataAndLevel = CopyTable(UF_StrataAndLevel), }, target = { enable = true, width = 270, height = 54, orientation = 'RIGHT', threatStyle = 'GLOW', smartAuraPosition = 'DISABLED', colorOverride = 'USE_DEFAULT', middleClickFocus = true, disableMouseoverGlow = false, disableTargetGlow = true, disableFocusGlow = true, CombatIcon = CopyTable(UF_CombatIcon), aurabar = CopyTable(UF_AuraBars), buffs = CopyTable(UF_Auras), castbar = CopyTable(UF_Castbar), cutaway = CopyTable(UF_Cutaway), debuffs = CopyTable(UF_Auras), fader = CopyTable(UF_Fader), healPrediction = CopyTable(UF_HealthPrediction), health = CopyTable(UF_Health), infoPanel = CopyTable(UF_InfoPanel), name = CopyTable(UF_Name), phaseIndicator = CopyTable(UF_PhaseIndicator), portrait = CopyTable(UF_Portrait), power = CopyTable(UF_Power), pvpIcon = CopyTable(UF_PVPIcon), raidicon = CopyTable(UF_RaidIcon), raidRoleIcons = CopyTable(UF_RaidRoles), resurrectIcon = CopyTable(UF_Ressurect), strataAndLevel = CopyTable(UF_StrataAndLevel), }, targettarget = { enable = true, threatStyle = 'NONE', orientation = 'MIDDLE', smartAuraPosition = 'DISABLED', colorOverride = 'USE_DEFAULT', width = 130, height = 36, disableMouseoverGlow = false, disableTargetGlow = true, disableFocusGlow = true, buffs = CopyTable(UF_Auras), cutaway = CopyTable(UF_Cutaway), debuffs = CopyTable(UF_Auras), fader = CopyTable(UF_Fader), health = CopyTable(UF_Health), infoPanel = CopyTable(UF_InfoPanel), name = CopyTable(UF_Name), portrait = CopyTable(UF_Portrait), power = CopyTable(UF_Power), raidicon = CopyTable(UF_RaidIcon), strataAndLevel = CopyTable(UF_StrataAndLevel), }, focus = { enable = true, threatStyle = 'GLOW', orientation = 'MIDDLE', smartAuraPosition = 'DISABLED', colorOverride = 'USE_DEFAULT', width = 190, height = 36, disableMouseoverGlow = false, disableTargetGlow = false, disableFocusGlow = true, aurabar = CopyTable(UF_AuraBars), buffIndicator = CopyTable(UF_AuraWatch), buffs = CopyTable(UF_Auras), castbar = CopyTable(UF_Castbar), cutaway = CopyTable(UF_Cutaway), CombatIcon = CopyTable(UF_CombatIcon), debuffs = CopyTable(UF_Auras), fader = CopyTable(UF_Fader), healPrediction = CopyTable(UF_HealthPrediction), health = CopyTable(UF_Health), infoPanel = CopyTable(UF_InfoPanel), name = CopyTable(UF_Name), portrait = CopyTable(UF_Portrait), power = CopyTable(UF_Power), raidicon = CopyTable(UF_RaidIcon), strataAndLevel = CopyTable(UF_StrataAndLevel), }, pet = { enable = true, orientation = 'MIDDLE', threatStyle = 'GLOW', smartAuraPosition = 'DISABLED', colorOverride = 'USE_DEFAULT', width = 130, height = 36, disableMouseoverGlow = false, disableTargetGlow = true, disableFocusGlow = true, aurabar = CopyTable(UF_AuraBars), buffIndicator = CopyTable(UF_AuraWatch), buffs = CopyTable(UF_Auras), castbar = CopyTable(UF_Castbar), cutaway = CopyTable(UF_Cutaway), debuffs = CopyTable(UF_Auras), fader = CopyTable(UF_Fader), healPrediction = CopyTable(UF_HealthPrediction), health = CopyTable(UF_Health), infoPanel = CopyTable(UF_InfoPanel), name = CopyTable(UF_Name), portrait = CopyTable(UF_Portrait), power = CopyTable(UF_Power), strataAndLevel = CopyTable(UF_StrataAndLevel), }, boss = { enable = true, threatStyle = 'NONE', growthDirection = 'DOWN', orientation = 'RIGHT', smartAuraPosition = 'DISABLED', colorOverride = 'USE_DEFAULT', width = 216, height = 46, spacing = 25, disableMouseoverGlow = false, disableTargetGlow = false, disableFocusGlow = false, health = CopyTable(UF_Health), fader = CopyTable(UF_Fader), power = CopyTable(UF_Power), portrait = CopyTable(UF_Portrait), infoPanel = CopyTable(UF_InfoPanel), name = CopyTable(UF_Name), buffs = CopyTable(UF_Auras), debuffs = CopyTable(UF_Auras), castbar = CopyTable(UF_Castbar), raidicon = CopyTable(UF_RaidIcon), cutaway = CopyTable(UF_Cutaway), }, arena = { enable = true, growthDirection = 'DOWN', orientation = 'RIGHT', smartAuraPosition = 'DISABLED', spacing = 25, width = 246, height = 47, pvpSpecIcon = true, colorOverride = 'USE_DEFAULT', disableMouseoverGlow = false, disableTargetGlow = false, disableFocusGlow = false, pvpTrinket = { enable = true, position = 'RIGHT', size = 46, xOffset = 1, yOffset = 0, }, buffs = CopyTable(UF_Auras), castbar = CopyTable(UF_Castbar), cutaway = CopyTable(UF_Cutaway), debuffs = CopyTable(UF_Auras), fader = CopyTable(UF_Fader), healPrediction = CopyTable(UF_HealthPrediction), health = CopyTable(UF_Health), infoPanel = CopyTable(UF_InfoPanel), name = CopyTable(UF_Name), portrait = CopyTable(UF_Portrait), power = CopyTable(UF_Power), raidicon = CopyTable(UF_RaidIcon), pvpclassificationindicator = CopyTable(UF_PvPClassificationIndicator), }, party = { enable = true, threatStyle = 'GLOW', orientation = 'LEFT', visibility = '[@raid6,exists][nogroup] hide;show', growthDirection = 'UP_RIGHT', horizontalSpacing = 0, verticalSpacing = 3, numGroups = 1, groupsPerRowCol = 1, groupBy = 'INDEX', sortDir = 'ASC', raidWideSorting = false, invertGroupingOrder = false, startFromCenter = false, showPlayer = true, colorOverride = 'USE_DEFAULT', width = 184, height = 54, groupSpacing = 0, disableMouseoverGlow = false, disableTargetGlow = false, disableFocusGlow = false, buffIndicator = CopyTable(UF_AuraWatch), buffs = CopyTable(UF_Auras), castbar = CopyTable(UF_Castbar), classbar = CopyTable(UF_ClassBar), cutaway = CopyTable(UF_Cutaway), debuffs = CopyTable(UF_Auras), fader = CopyTable(UF_Fader), healPrediction = CopyTable(UF_HealthPrediction), health = CopyTable(UF_Health), infoPanel = CopyTable(UF_InfoPanel), name = CopyTable(UF_Name), petsGroup = CopyTable(UF_SubGroup), phaseIndicator = CopyTable(UF_PhaseIndicator), portrait = CopyTable(UF_Portrait), power = CopyTable(UF_Power), raidicon = CopyTable(UF_RaidIcon), raidRoleIcons = CopyTable(UF_RaidRoles), rdebuffs = CopyTable(UF_RaidDebuffs), readycheckIcon = CopyTable(UF_ReadyCheckIcon), resurrectIcon = CopyTable(UF_Ressurect), roleIcon = CopyTable(UF_RoleIcon), summonIcon = CopyTable(UF_SummonIcon), targetsGroup = CopyTable(UF_SubGroup), }, tank = { enable = true, orientation = 'LEFT', threatStyle = 'GLOW', colorOverride = 'USE_DEFAULT', width = 120, height = 28, disableMouseoverGlow = false, disableTargetGlow = false, disableFocusGlow = false, verticalSpacing = 7, targetsGroup = CopyTable(UF_SubGroup), buffIndicator = CopyTable(UF_AuraWatch), buffs = CopyTable(UF_Auras), cutaway = CopyTable(UF_Cutaway), debuffs = CopyTable(UF_Auras), fader = CopyTable(UF_Fader), name = CopyTable(UF_Name), raidicon = CopyTable(UF_RaidIcon), rdebuffs = CopyTable(UF_RaidDebuffs), }, }, } P.unitframe.units.player.aurabar.enemyAuraType = 'HARMFUL' P.unitframe.units.player.aurabar.friendlyAuraType = 'HELPFUL' P.unitframe.units.player.aurabar.maxDuration = 120 P.unitframe.units.player.aurabar.priority = 'Blacklist,blockNoDuration,Personal,Boss,RaidDebuffs,PlayerBuffs' P.unitframe.units.player.buffs.attachTo = 'DEBUFFS' P.unitframe.units.player.buffs.priority = 'Blacklist,Personal,PlayerBuffs,Whitelist,blockNoDuration,nonPersonal' P.unitframe.units.player.debuffs.enable = true P.unitframe.units.player.debuffs.priority = 'Blacklist,Personal,nonPersonal' P.unitframe.units.player.fader.enable = false P.unitframe.units.player.fader.casting = true P.unitframe.units.player.fader.combat = true P.unitframe.units.player.fader.focus = false P.unitframe.units.player.fader.health = true P.unitframe.units.player.fader.hover = true P.unitframe.units.player.fader.unittarget = false P.unitframe.units.player.fader.playertarget = true P.unitframe.units.player.fader.power = true P.unitframe.units.player.fader.range = nil P.unitframe.units.player.fader.vehicle = true P.unitframe.units.player.healPrediction.enable = true P.unitframe.units.player.health.position = 'LEFT' P.unitframe.units.player.health.text_format = '[healthcolor][health:current-percent]' P.unitframe.units.player.health.xOffset = 2 P.unitframe.units.player.power.position = 'RIGHT' P.unitframe.units.player.power.text_format = '[classpowercolor][classpower:current][powercolor][ >power:current]' P.unitframe.units.player.power.xOffset = -2 P.unitframe.units.target.aurabar.maxDuration = 120 P.unitframe.units.target.aurabar.priority = 'Blacklist,blockNoDuration,Personal,Boss,RaidDebuffs,PlayerBuffs' P.unitframe.units.target.buffs.enable = true P.unitframe.units.target.buffs.anchorPoint = 'TOPRIGHT' P.unitframe.units.target.buffs.priority = 'Blacklist,Personal,nonPersonal' P.unitframe.units.target.debuffs.enable = true P.unitframe.units.target.debuffs.anchorPoint = 'TOPRIGHT' P.unitframe.units.target.debuffs.attachTo = 'BUFFS' P.unitframe.units.target.debuffs.maxDuration = 300 P.unitframe.units.target.debuffs.priority = 'Blacklist,Personal,RaidDebuffs,CCDebuffs,Friendly:Dispellable' P.unitframe.units.target.healPrediction.enable = true P.unitframe.units.target.health.text_format = '[healthcolor][health:current-percent]' P.unitframe.units.target.name.text_format = '[namecolor][name:medium] [difficultycolor][smartlevel] [shortclassification]' P.unitframe.units.target.power.text_format = '[powercolor][power:current]' P.unitframe.units.targettarget.buffs.anchorPoint = 'BOTTOMLEFT' P.unitframe.units.targettarget.buffs.maxDuration = 300 P.unitframe.units.targettarget.buffs.numrows = 1 P.unitframe.units.targettarget.buffs.perrow = 7 P.unitframe.units.targettarget.buffs.priority = 'Blacklist,Personal,PlayerBuffs,Dispellable' P.unitframe.units.targettarget.debuffs.enable = true P.unitframe.units.targettarget.debuffs.anchorPoint = 'BOTTOMRIGHT' P.unitframe.units.targettarget.debuffs.attachTo = 'BUFFS' P.unitframe.units.targettarget.debuffs.maxDuration = 300 P.unitframe.units.targettarget.debuffs.numrows = 1 P.unitframe.units.targettarget.debuffs.perrow = 5 P.unitframe.units.targettarget.debuffs.priority = 'Blacklist,Personal,Boss,RaidDebuffs,CCDebuffs,Dispellable,Whitelist' P.unitframe.units.targettarget.infoPanel.height = 14 P.unitframe.units.targettarget.name.text_format = '[namecolor][name:medium]' P.unitframe.units.targettarget.power.text_format = '' P.unitframe.units.targettargettarget = CopyTable(P.unitframe.units.targettarget) P.unitframe.units.targettargettarget.enable = false P.unitframe.units.targettargettarget.buffs.priority = 'Blacklist,Personal,nonPersonal' P.unitframe.units.targettargettarget.debuffs.attachTo = 'FRAME' P.unitframe.units.targettargettarget.debuffs.priority = 'Blacklist,Personal,nonPersonal' P.unitframe.units.targettargettarget.infoPanel.height = 12 P.unitframe.units.focus.aurabar.enable = false P.unitframe.units.focus.aurabar.detachedWidth = 190 P.unitframe.units.focus.aurabar.maxBars = 3 P.unitframe.units.focus.aurabar.maxDuration = 120 P.unitframe.units.focus.aurabar.priority = 'Blacklist,blockNoDuration,Personal,Boss,RaidDebuffs,PlayerBuffs' P.unitframe.units.focus.buffs.anchorPoint = 'BOTTOMLEFT' P.unitframe.units.focus.buffs.maxDuration = 300 P.unitframe.units.focus.buffs.numrows = 1 P.unitframe.units.focus.buffs.perrow = 7 P.unitframe.units.focus.buffs.priority = 'Blacklist,Personal,PlayerBuffs,CastByUnit,Dispellable,RaidBuffsElvUI' P.unitframe.units.focus.castbar.width = 190 P.unitframe.units.focus.debuffs.enable = true P.unitframe.units.focus.debuffs.anchorPoint = 'TOPRIGHT' P.unitframe.units.focus.debuffs.maxDuration = 300 P.unitframe.units.focus.debuffs.numrows = 1 P.unitframe.units.focus.debuffs.perrow = 5 P.unitframe.units.focus.debuffs.priority = 'Blacklist,Personal,Boss,RaidDebuffs,Dispellable,Whitelist' P.unitframe.units.focus.healPrediction.enable = true P.unitframe.units.focus.infoPanel.height = 14 P.unitframe.units.focus.name.text_format = '[namecolor][name:medium]' P.unitframe.units.focustarget = CopyTable(P.unitframe.units.focus) P.unitframe.units.focustarget.enable = false P.unitframe.units.focustarget.aurabar = nil P.unitframe.units.focustarget.buffs.priority = 'Blacklist,Personal,PlayerBuffs,Dispellable,CastByUnit,RaidBuffsElvUI' P.unitframe.units.focustarget.debuffs.enable = false P.unitframe.units.focustarget.debuffs.anchorPoint = 'BOTTOMRIGHT' P.unitframe.units.focustarget.debuffs.priority = 'Blacklist,Personal,Boss,RaidDebuffs,Dispellable,Whitelist' P.unitframe.units.focustarget.healPrediction = nil P.unitframe.units.focustarget.height = 26 P.unitframe.units.focustarget.infoPanel.height = 12 P.unitframe.units.focustarget.threatStyle = 'NONE' P.unitframe.units.pet.aurabar.enable = false P.unitframe.units.pet.aurabar.attachTo = 'FRAME' P.unitframe.units.pet.aurabar.maxDuration = 120 P.unitframe.units.pet.aurabar.detachedWidth = 130 P.unitframe.units.pet.aurabar.yOffset = 2 P.unitframe.units.pet.aurabar.spacing = 2 P.unitframe.units.pet.buffs.anchorPoint = 'BOTTOMLEFT' P.unitframe.units.pet.buffs.maxDuration = 300 P.unitframe.units.pet.buffs.numrows = 1 P.unitframe.units.pet.buffs.perrow = 7 P.unitframe.units.pet.buffs.priority = 'Blacklist,Personal,PlayerBuffs' P.unitframe.units.pet.debuffs.anchorPoint = 'BOTTOMRIGHT' P.unitframe.units.pet.debuffs.maxDuration = 300 P.unitframe.units.pet.debuffs.numrows = 1 P.unitframe.units.pet.debuffs.perrow = 5 P.unitframe.units.pet.debuffs.priority = 'Blacklist,Personal,Boss,RaidDebuffs' P.unitframe.units.pet.healPrediction.enable = true P.unitframe.units.pet.infoPanel.height = 12 P.unitframe.units.pet.name.text_format = '[namecolor][name:medium]' P.unitframe.units.pettarget = CopyTable(P.unitframe.units.pet) P.unitframe.units.pettarget.enable = false P.unitframe.units.pettarget.buffs.maxDuration = 300 P.unitframe.units.pettarget.buffs.priority = 'Blacklist,PlayerBuffs,CastByUnit,Whitelist,RaidBuffsElvUI' P.unitframe.units.pettarget.debuffs.maxDuration = 300 P.unitframe.units.pettarget.debuffs.priority = 'Blacklist,Boss,RaidDebuffs,Dispellable,Whitelist' P.unitframe.units.pettarget.healPrediction = nil P.unitframe.units.pettarget.height = 26 P.unitframe.units.pettarget.threatStyle = 'NONE' P.unitframe.units.boss.buffs.enable = true P.unitframe.units.boss.buffs.anchorPoint = 'LEFT' P.unitframe.units.boss.buffs.numrows = 1 P.unitframe.units.boss.buffs.perrow = 3 P.unitframe.units.boss.buffs.priority = 'Blacklist,CastByUnit,Dispellable,Whitelist,RaidBuffsElvUI' P.unitframe.units.boss.buffs.sizeOverride = 22 P.unitframe.units.boss.buffs.yOffset = 20 P.unitframe.units.boss.castbar.width = 215 P.unitframe.units.boss.debuffs.enable = true P.unitframe.units.boss.debuffs.anchorPoint = 'LEFT' P.unitframe.units.boss.debuffs.numrows = 1 P.unitframe.units.boss.debuffs.perrow = 3 P.unitframe.units.boss.debuffs.priority = 'Blacklist,Boss,Personal,RaidDebuffs,CastByUnit,Whitelist' P.unitframe.units.boss.debuffs.sizeOverride = 22 P.unitframe.units.boss.debuffs.yOffset = -3 P.unitframe.units.boss.health.text_format = '[healthcolor][health:current]' P.unitframe.units.boss.health.position = 'LEFT' P.unitframe.units.boss.health.xOffset = 2 P.unitframe.units.boss.infoPanel.height = 16 P.unitframe.units.boss.name.text_format = '[namecolor][name:medium]' P.unitframe.units.boss.power.position = 'RIGHT' P.unitframe.units.boss.power.text_format = '[powercolor][power:current]' P.unitframe.units.boss.power.xOffset = -2 P.unitframe.units.arena.buffs.enable = true P.unitframe.units.arena.buffs.anchorPoint = 'LEFT' P.unitframe.units.arena.buffs.maxDuration = 300 P.unitframe.units.arena.buffs.numrows = 1 P.unitframe.units.arena.buffs.perrow = 3 P.unitframe.units.arena.buffs.priority = 'Blacklist,TurtleBuffs,PlayerBuffs,Dispellable' P.unitframe.units.arena.buffs.sizeOverride = 27 P.unitframe.units.arena.buffs.yOffset = 16 P.unitframe.units.arena.castbar.width = 256 P.unitframe.units.arena.debuffs.enable = true P.unitframe.units.arena.debuffs.anchorPoint = 'LEFT' P.unitframe.units.arena.debuffs.maxDuration = 300 P.unitframe.units.arena.debuffs.numrows = 1 P.unitframe.units.arena.debuffs.perrow = 3 P.unitframe.units.arena.debuffs.priority = 'Blacklist,blockNoDuration,Personal,CCDebuffs,Whitelist' P.unitframe.units.arena.debuffs.sizeOverride = 27 P.unitframe.units.arena.debuffs.yOffset = -16 P.unitframe.units.arena.debuffs.desaturate = false P.unitframe.units.arena.healPrediction.enable = true P.unitframe.units.arena.health.text_format = '[healthcolor][health:current]' P.unitframe.units.arena.infoPanel.height = 17 P.unitframe.units.arena.name.text_format = '[namecolor][name:medium]' P.unitframe.units.arena.power.text_format = '[powercolor][power:current]' P.unitframe.units.arena.health.position = 'LEFT' P.unitframe.units.arena.health.xOffset = 2 P.unitframe.units.arena.power.position = 'RIGHT' P.unitframe.units.arena.power.xOffset = -2 P.unitframe.units.party.health.position = 'LEFT' P.unitframe.units.party.health.xOffset = 2 P.unitframe.units.party.buffs.anchorPoint = 'LEFT' P.unitframe.units.party.buffs.maxDuration = 300 P.unitframe.units.party.buffs.priority = 'Blacklist,TurtleBuffs' P.unitframe.units.party.castbar.enable = false P.unitframe.units.party.castbar.width = 256 P.unitframe.units.party.castbar.positionsGroup = { anchorPoint = 'BOTTOM', xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0} P.unitframe.units.party.debuffs.enable = true P.unitframe.units.party.debuffs.anchorPoint = 'RIGHT' P.unitframe.units.party.debuffs.maxDuration = 300 P.unitframe.units.party.debuffs.priority = 'Blacklist,Boss,RaidDebuffs,CCDebuffs,Dispellable,Whitelist' P.unitframe.units.party.debuffs.sizeOverride = 52 P.unitframe.units.party.health.position = 'LEFT' P.unitframe.units.party.health.xOffset = 2 P.unitframe.units.party.health.text_format = '[healthcolor][health:current-percent]' P.unitframe.units.party.infoPanel.height = 15 P.unitframe.units.party.name.text_format = '[namecolor][name:medium] [difficultycolor][smartlevel]' P.unitframe.units.party.petsGroup.name.text_format = '[namecolor][name:short]' P.unitframe.units.party.power.height = 7 P.unitframe.units.party.power.position = 'RIGHT' P.unitframe.units.party.power.text_format = '[powercolor][power:current]' P.unitframe.units.party.power.xOffset = -2 P.unitframe.units.party.targetsGroup.name.text_format = '[namecolor][name:medium] [difficultycolor][smartlevel]' P.unitframe.units.party.targetsGroup.enable = false P.unitframe.units.party.targetsGroup.buffIndicator = nil P.unitframe.units.raid = CopyTable(P.unitframe.units.party) P.unitframe.units.raid.groupBy = 'GROUP' P.unitframe.units.raid.buffs.numrows = 1 P.unitframe.units.raid.buffs.perrow = 3 P.unitframe.units.raid.castbar = nil P.unitframe.units.raid.debuffs.enable = false P.unitframe.units.raid.debuffs.numrows = 1 P.unitframe.units.raid.debuffs.perrow = 3 P.unitframe.units.raid.debuffs.sizeOverride = 0 P.unitframe.units.raid.growthDirection = 'RIGHT_DOWN' P.unitframe.units.raid.health.position = 'BOTTOM' P.unitframe.units.raid.health.text_format = '[healthcolor][health:deficit]' P.unitframe.units.raid.health.yOffset = 2 P.unitframe.units.raid.height = 44 P.unitframe.units.raid.horizontalSpacing = 3 P.unitframe.units.raid.infoPanel.height = 12 P.unitframe.units.raid.name.text_format = '[namecolor][name:short]' P.unitframe.units.raid.numGroups = 5 P.unitframe.units.raid.orientation = 'MIDDLE' P.unitframe.units.raid.petsGroup = nil P.unitframe.units.raid.power.position = 'BOTTOMRIGHT' P.unitframe.units.raid.power.text_format = '' P.unitframe.units.raid.power.xOffset = -2 P.unitframe.units.raid.power.yOffset = 2 P.unitframe.units.raid.targetsGroup = nil P.unitframe.units.raid.visibility = '[@raid6,noexists][@raid26,exists] hide;show' P.unitframe.units.raid.width = 80 P.unitframe.units.raid40 = CopyTable(P.unitframe.units.raid) P.unitframe.units.raid40.debuffs.anchorPoint = 'RIGHT' P.unitframe.units.raid40.height = 27 P.unitframe.units.raid40.numGroups = 8 P.unitframe.units.raid40.visibility = '[@raid26,noexists] hide;show' P.unitframe.units.raid40.rdebuffs.enable = false P.unitframe.units.raid40.power.enable = false P.unitframe.units.raid40.roleIcon.enable = false P.unitframe.units.raidpet = CopyTable(P.unitframe.units.raid) P.unitframe.units.raidpet.enable = false P.unitframe.units.raidpet.buffs.numrows = 1 P.unitframe.units.raidpet.buffs.perrow = 3 P.unitframe.units.raidpet.buffs.priority = 'Blacklist,Personal,Boss,PlayerBuffs,blockNoDuration,nonPersonal' P.unitframe.units.raidpet.debuffs.numrows = 1 P.unitframe.units.raidpet.debuffs.perrow = 3 P.unitframe.units.raidpet.debuffs.priority = 'Blacklist,Personal,Boss,Whitelist,RaidDebuffs,blockNoDuration,nonPersonal' P.unitframe.units.raidpet.growthDirection = 'DOWN_RIGHT' P.unitframe.units.raidpet.height = 30 P.unitframe.units.raidpet.numGroups = 2 P.unitframe.units.raidpet.visibility = '[group:raid] show; hide' P.unitframe.units.tank.buffs.numrows = 1 P.unitframe.units.tank.buffs.perrow = 6 P.unitframe.units.tank.buffs.yOffset = 2 P.unitframe.units.tank.debuffs.anchorPoint = 'TOPRIGHT' P.unitframe.units.tank.debuffs.numrows = 1 P.unitframe.units.tank.debuffs.perrow = 6 P.unitframe.units.tank.debuffs.yOffset = 1 P.unitframe.units.tank.name.position = 'CENTER' P.unitframe.units.tank.name.text_format = '[namecolor][name:medium]' P.unitframe.units.tank.name.xOffset = 0 P.unitframe.units.tank.targetsGroup.name.position = 'CENTER' P.unitframe.units.tank.targetsGroup.name.text_format = '[namecolor][name:medium]' P.unitframe.units.tank.targetsGroup.name.xOffset = 0 P.unitframe.units.tank.targetsGroup.enable = true P.unitframe.units.tank.targetsGroup.buffIndicator = false P.unitframe.units.assist = CopyTable(P.unitframe.units.tank) --Cooldown P.cooldown = { threshold = 3, hideBlizzard = false, useIndicatorColor = false, expiringColor = { r = 1, g = 0, b = 0 }, secondsColor = { r = 1, g = 1, b = 0 }, minutesColor = { r = 1, g = 1, b = 1 }, hoursColor = { r = 0.4, g = 1, b = 1 }, daysColor = { r = 0.4, g = 0.4, b = 1 }, expireIndicator = { r = 1, g = 1, b = 1 }, secondsIndicator = { r = 1, g = 1, b = 1 }, minutesIndicator = { r = 1, g = 1, b = 1 }, hoursIndicator = { r = 1, g = 1, b = 1 }, daysIndicator = { r = 1, g = 1, b = 1 }, hhmmColorIndicator = { r = 1, g = 1, b = 1 }, mmssColorIndicator = { r = 1, g = 1, b = 1 }, checkSeconds = false, hhmmColor = { r = 0.43, g = 0.43, b = 0.43 }, mmssColor = { r = 0.56, g = 0.56, b = 0.56 }, hhmmThreshold = -1, mmssThreshold = -1, fonts = { enable = false, font = 'PT Sans Narrow', fontOutline = 'OUTLINE', fontSize = 18, }, } --Actionbar P.actionbar = { font = 'Homespun', fontSize = 10, fontOutline = 'MONOCHROMEOUTLINE', fontColor = { r = 1, g = 1, b = 1 }, flyoutSize = 32, -- match buttonsize default, blizz default is 28 macrotext = false, hotkeytext = true, hotkeyTextPosition = 'TOPRIGHT', hotkeyTextXOffset = 0, hotkeyTextYOffset = -3, countTextPosition = 'BOTTOMRIGHT', countTextXOffset = 0, countTextYOffset = 2, equippedItem = false, equippedItemColor = { r = 0.4, g = 1.0, b = 0.4 }, useRangeColorText = false, noRangeColor = { r = 0.8, g = 0.1, b = 0.1 }, noPowerColor = { r = 0.5, g = 0.5, b = 1 }, usableColor = { r = 1, g = 1, b = 1 }, notUsableColor = { r = 0.4, g = 0.4, b = 0.4 }, flashAnimation = false, keyDown = true, movementModifier = 'SHIFT', transparent = false, microbar = { enabled = false, mouseover = false, buttonsPerRow = 11, buttonSize = 20, keepSizeRatio = true, point = 'TOPLEFT', buttonHeight = 32, buttonSpacing = 2, alpha = 1, visibility = '[petbattle] hide; show', backdrop = false, backdropSpacing = 2, heightMult = 1, widthMult = 1, }, globalFadeAlpha = 0, lockActionBars = true, hideCooldownBling = false, colorSwipeLOC = { r = 0.25, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0.8 }, colorSwipeNormal = { r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0.8 }, useDrawSwipeOnCharges = false, addNewSpells = false, rightClickSelfCast = false, desaturateOnCooldown = false, chargeCooldown = false, handleOverlay = true, barPet = { enabled = true, mouseover = false, clickThrough = false, buttons = _G.NUM_PET_ACTION_SLOTS, buttonsPerRow = 1, point = 'TOPRIGHT', backdrop = true, heightMult = 1, widthMult = 1, keepSizeRatio = true, buttonsize = 32, buttonHeight = 32, buttonspacing = 2, backdropSpacing = 2, alpha = 1, inheritGlobalFade = false, visibility = '[petbattle] hide;[pet,novehicleui,nooverridebar,nopossessbar] show;hide', countFont = 'Homespun', countFontOutline = 'MONOCHROMEOUTLINE', countFontSize = 10, countFontXOffset = 0, countFontYOffset = 2, countTextPosition = 'BOTTOMRIGHT', customCountFont = false, customHotkeyFont = false, hotkeyFont = 'Homespun', hotkeyFontOutline = 'MONOCHROMEOUTLINE', hotkeyFontSize = 10, hotkeyTextPosition = 'TOPRIGHT', hotkeyTextXOffset = 0, hotkeyTextYOffset = -3, }, stanceBar = { enabled = true, style = 'darkenInactive', mouseover = false, clickThrough = false, buttonsPerRow = _G.NUM_STANCE_SLOTS, buttons = _G.NUM_STANCE_SLOTS, point = 'TOPLEFT', backdrop = false, heightMult = 1, widthMult = 1, keepSizeRatio = true, buttonsize = 32, buttonHeight = 32, buttonspacing = 2, backdropSpacing = 2, alpha = 1, inheritGlobalFade = false, visibility = '[vehicleui] hide; [petbattle] hide;show', countFont = 'Homespun', countFontOutline = 'MONOCHROMEOUTLINE', countFontSize = 10, countFontXOffset = 0, countFontYOffset = 2, countTextPosition = 'BOTTOMRIGHT', customCountFont = false, customHotkeyFont = false, hotkeyFont = 'Homespun', hotkeyFontOutline = 'MONOCHROMEOUTLINE', hotkeyFontSize = 10, hotkeyTextPosition = 'TOPRIGHT', hotkeyTextXOffset = 0, hotkeyTextYOffset = -3, }, extraActionButton = { alpha = 1, scale = 1, clean = false, inheritGlobalFade = false, }, zoneActionButton = { alpha = 1, scale = 1, clean = false, inheritGlobalFade = false, }, vehicleExitButton = { enable = true, size = 32, level = 1, strata = 'MEDIUM' } }; for i = 1, 10 do P.actionbar['bar'..i] = { enabled = false, mouseover = false, clickThrough = false, keepSizeRatio = true, buttons = 12, buttonsPerRow = 12, point = 'BOTTOMLEFT', backdrop = false, heightMult = 1, widthMult = 1, buttonsize = 32, buttonHeight = 32, buttonspacing = 2, backdropSpacing = 2, alpha = 1, inheritGlobalFade = false, showGrid = true, flyoutDirection = 'AUTOMATIC', paging = {}, visibility = '[vehicleui] hide; [overridebar] hide; [petbattle] hide; show', countFont = 'Homespun', countFontOutline = 'MONOCHROMEOUTLINE', countFontSize = 10, countFontXOffset = 0, countFontYOffset = 2, countTextPosition = 'BOTTOMRIGHT', customCountFont = false, customHotkeyFont = false, hotkeyFont = 'Homespun', hotkeyFontOutline = 'MONOCHROMEOUTLINE', hotkeyFontSize = 10, hotkeyTextPosition = 'TOPRIGHT', hotkeyTextXOffset = 0, hotkeyTextYOffset = -3, } end P.actionbar.bar1.enabled = true P.actionbar.bar1.visibility = '[petbattle] hide; show' P.actionbar.bar1.paging = { DRUID = '[bonusbar:1,nostealth] 7; [bonusbar:1,stealth] 8; [bonusbar:2] 8; [bonusbar:3] 9; [bonusbar:4] 10;', ROGUE = '[stance:1] 7; [stance:2] 7; [stance:3] 7;', } P.actionbar.bar3.enabled = true P.actionbar.bar3.buttons = 6 P.actionbar.bar3.buttonsPerRow = 6 P.actionbar.bar4.enabled = true P.actionbar.bar4.buttonsPerRow = 1 P.actionbar.bar4.point = 'TOPRIGHT' P.actionbar.bar4.backdrop = true P.actionbar.bar5.enabled = true P.actionbar.bar5.buttons = 6 P.actionbar.bar5.buttonsPerRow = 6 do -- cooldown stuff P.actionbar.cooldown = CopyTable(P.cooldown) P.actionbar.cooldown.expiringColor = { r = 1, g = 0, b = 0 } P.actionbar.cooldown.secondsColor = { r = 1, g = 1, b = 1 } P.actionbar.cooldown.hoursColor = { r = 1, g = 1, b = 1 } P.actionbar.cooldown.daysColor = { r = 1, g = 1, b = 1 } P.auras.cooldown = CopyTable(P.actionbar.cooldown) P.bags.cooldown = CopyTable(P.actionbar.cooldown) P.nameplates.cooldown = CopyTable(P.actionbar.cooldown) P.unitframe.cooldown = CopyTable(P.actionbar.cooldown) -- color override P.auras.cooldown.override = false P.bags.cooldown.override = false P.actionbar.cooldown.override = true P.nameplates.cooldown.override = true P.unitframe.cooldown.override = true -- auras doesn't have a reverse option P.actionbar.cooldown.reverse = false P.nameplates.cooldown.reverse = false P.unitframe.cooldown.reverse = false P.bags.cooldown.reverse = false -- auras don't have override font settings P.auras.cooldown.fonts = nil -- we gonna need this on by default :3 P.cooldown.enable = true end --Mover positions that are set inside the installation process. ALL is used still to prevent people from getting pissed off --This allows movers positions to be reset to whatever profile is being used E.LayoutMoverPositions = { ALL = { BelowMinimapContainerMover = 'TOPRIGHT,ElvUIParent,TOPRIGHT,-4,-274', BNETMover = 'TOPRIGHT,ElvUIParent,TOPRIGHT,-4,-274', ElvUF_PlayerCastbarMover = 'BOTTOM,ElvUIParent,BOTTOM,-1,95', ElvUF_TargetCastbarMover = 'BOTTOM,ElvUIParent,BOTTOM,-1,243', LossControlMover = 'BOTTOM,ElvUIParent,BOTTOM,-1,507', MirrorTimer1Mover = 'TOP,ElvUIParent,TOP,-1,-96', ObjectiveFrameMover = 'TOPRIGHT,ElvUIParent,TOPRIGHT,-163,-325', SocialMenuMover = 'TOPLEFT,ElvUIParent,TOPLEFT,4,-187', VehicleSeatMover = 'TOPLEFT,ElvUIParent,TOPLEFT,4,-4', }, dpsCaster = { ElvUF_PlayerCastbarMover = 'BOTTOM,ElvUIParent,BOTTOM,0,243', ElvUF_TargetCastbarMover = 'BOTTOM,ElvUIParent,BOTTOM,0,97' }, healer = { ElvUF_PlayerCastbarMover = 'BOTTOM,ElvUIParent,BOTTOM,0,243', ElvUF_TargetCastbarMover = 'BOTTOM,ElvUIParent,BOTTOM,0,97', ElvUF_RaidMover = 'BOTTOMLEFT,ElvUIParent,BOTTOMLEFT,202,373', LootFrameMover = 'TOPLEFT,ElvUIParent,TOPLEFT,250,-104', ShiftAB = 'TOPLEFT,ElvUIParent,BOTTOMLEFT,4,273', VOICECHAT = 'TOPLEFT,ElvUIParent,TOPLEFT,250,-82' } }