local MAJOR, MINOR = "LibElvUIPlugin-1.0", 36 local lib = _G.LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR) if not lib then return end -- GLOBALS: ElvUI --[[---------------------------- Plugin Table Format: (for reference only). { name - name of the plugin callback - callback to call when ElvUI_OptionsUI is loaded isLib - plugin is a library version - version of the plugin (pulls version info from metadata, libraries can define their own) -- After new version recieved from another user: old - plugin is old version newversion - newer version number } LibElvUIPlugin API: RegisterPlugin(name, callback, isLib, libVersion) -- Registers a module with the given name and option callback: name - name of plugin verion - version number isLib - plugin is a library libVersion - plugin library version (optional, defaults to 1) HookInitialize(table, function) -- Posthook ElvUI Initialize function: table - addon table function - function to call after Initialize (may be a string, that exists on the addons table: table['string']) ----------------------------]]-- local assert, pairs, ipairs, strlen = assert, pairs, ipairs, strlen local tonumber, strmatch, strsub, tinsert = tonumber, strmatch, strsub, tinsert local format, wipe, type, gmatch, gsub, ceil = format, wipe, type, gmatch, gsub, ceil local hooksecurefunc = hooksecurefunc local GetAddOnMetadata = GetAddOnMetadata local GetNumGroupMembers = GetNumGroupMembers local GetLocale, IsInGuild = GetLocale, IsInGuild local CreateFrame, IsAddOnLoaded = CreateFrame, IsAddOnLoaded local IsInRaid, IsInGroup = IsInRaid, IsInGroup local C_ChatInfo_RegisterAddonMessagePrefix = C_ChatInfo.RegisterAddonMessagePrefix local C_ChatInfo_SendAddonMessage = C_ChatInfo.SendAddonMessage local LE_PARTY_CATEGORY_HOME = LE_PARTY_CATEGORY_HOME local LE_PARTY_CATEGORY_INSTANCE = LE_PARTY_CATEGORY_INSTANCE local UNKNOWN = UNKNOWN lib.prefix = "ElvUIPluginVC" lib.plugins = {} lib.groupSize = 0 lib.index = 0 local MSG_OUTDATED = "Your version of %s %s is out of date (latest is version %s). You can download the latest version from http://www.tukui.org" local HDR_INFORMATION = "LibElvUIPlugin-1.0.%d - Plugins Loaded (Green means you have current version, Red means out of date)" local INFO_BY = "by" local INFO_VERSION = "Version:" local INFO_NEW = "Newest:" local LIBRARY = "Library" local locale = GetLocale() if locale == "deDE" then MSG_OUTDATED = "Deine Version von %s %s ist veraltet (akutelle Version ist %s). Du kannst die aktuelle Version von http://www.tukui.org herunterrladen." HDR_INFORMATION = "LibElvUIPlugin-1.0.%d - Plugins geladen (Grün bedeutet du hast die aktuelle Version, Rot bedeutet es ist veraltet)" INFO_BY = "von" INFO_VERSION = "Version:" INFO_NEW = "Neuste:" LIBRARY = "Bibliothek" elseif locale == "ruRU" then MSG_OUTDATED = "Ваша версия %s %s устарела (последняя версия %s). Вы можете скачать последнюю версию на http://www.tukui.org" HDR_INFORMATION = "LibElvUIPlugin-1.0.%d - загруженные плагины (зеленый означает, что у вас последняя версия, красный - устаревшая)" INFO_BY = "от" INFO_VERSION = "Версия:" INFO_NEW = "Последняя:" LIBRARY = "Библиотека" elseif locale == "zhCN" then MSG_OUTDATED = "你的 %s %s 版本已经过期 (最新版本是 %s)。你可以从 http://www.tukui.org 下载最新版本" HDR_INFORMATION = "LibElvUIPlugin-1.0.%d - 载入的插件 (绿色表示拥有当前版本, 红色表示版本已经过期)" INFO_BY = "作者" INFO_VERSION = "版本:" INFO_NEW = "最新:" LIBRARY = "库" elseif locale == "zhTW" then MSG_OUTDATED = "你的 %s %s 版本已經過期 (最新版本為 %s)。你可以透過 http://www.tukui.org 下載最新的版本" HDR_INFORMATION = "LibElvUIPlugin-1.0.%d - 載入的插件 (綠色表示擁有當前版本, 紅色表示版本已經過期)" INFO_BY = "作者" INFO_VERSION = "版本:" INFO_NEW = "最新:" LIBRARY = "庫" end local E, L local function checkElvUI() if not E then if ElvUI then E = ElvUI[1] L = ElvUI[2] end assert(E, "ElvUI not found.") end end function lib:RegisterPlugin(name, callback, isLib, libVersion) checkElvUI() local plugin = { name = name, callback = callback, title = GetAddOnMetadata(name, "Title"), author = GetAddOnMetadata(name, "Author") } if isLib then plugin.isLib = true plugin.version = libVersion or 1 else plugin.version = (name == MAJOR and MINOR) or GetAddOnMetadata(name, "Version") or UNKNOWN end lib.plugins[name] = plugin if not lib.registeredPrefix then C_ChatInfo_RegisterAddonMessagePrefix(lib.prefix) lib.VCFrame:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_ADDON") lib.VCFrame:RegisterEvent("GROUP_ROSTER_UPDATE") lib.VCFrame:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD") lib.registeredPrefix = true end local loaded = IsAddOnLoaded("ElvUI_OptionsUI") if not loaded then lib.CFFrame:RegisterEvent("ADDON_LOADED") elseif loaded then if name ~= MAJOR then E.Options.args.plugins.args.plugins.name = lib:GeneratePluginList() end if callback then callback() end end return plugin end local function SendVersionCheckMessage() lib:SendPluginVersionCheck(lib:GenerateVersionCheckMessage()) end function lib:DelayedSendVersionCheck(delay) if not E.SendPluginVersionCheck then E.SendPluginVersionCheck = SendVersionCheckMessage end if not lib.SendMessageWaiting then lib.SendMessageWaiting = E:Delay(delay or 10, E.SendPluginVersionCheck) end end function lib:OptionsUILoaded(_, addon) if addon == "ElvUI_OptionsUI" then lib:GetPluginOptions() for _, plugin in pairs(lib.plugins) do if plugin.callback then plugin.callback() end end lib.CFFrame:UnregisterEvent("ADDON_LOADED") end end function lib:GenerateVersionCheckMessage() local list = "" for _, plugin in pairs(lib.plugins) do if plugin.name ~= MAJOR then list = list .. plugin.name .. "=" .. plugin.version .. ";" end end return list end function lib:GetPluginOptions() E.Options.args.plugins = { order = 3, type = "group", name = L["Plugins"], inline = false, args = { pluginheader = E.Libs.ACH:Header(format(HDR_INFORMATION, MINOR), 1), plugins = { order = 2, type = "description", name = lib:GeneratePluginList() } } } end do -- this will handle `` into `8.150015` etc local verStrip = function(a, b) return a..gsub(b,'%.', '') end function lib:StripVersion(version) local ver = gsub(version, '(%d-%.)([%d%.]+)', verStrip) return tonumber(ver) end end function lib:VersionCheck(event, prefix, message, _, sender) if (event == "CHAT_MSG_ADDON" and prefix == lib.prefix) and (sender and message and not strmatch(message, "^%s-$")) then if not lib.myName then lib.myName = format('%s-%s', E.myname, E:ShortenRealm(E.myrealm)) end if sender == lib.myName then return end if not E.pluginRecievedOutOfDateMessage then for name, version in gmatch(message, "([^=]+)=([%d%p]+);") do local plugin = (version and name) and lib.plugins[name] if plugin and plugin.version then local Pver, ver = lib:StripVersion(plugin.version), lib:StripVersion(version) if (ver and Pver) and (ver > Pver) then plugin.old, plugin.newversion = true, version E:Print(format(MSG_OUTDATED, plugin.title or plugin.name, plugin.version, plugin.newversion)) E.pluginRecievedOutOfDateMessage = true end end end end elseif event == "GROUP_ROSTER_UPDATE" then local num = GetNumGroupMembers() if num ~= lib.groupSize then if num > 1 and num > lib.groupSize then lib:DelayedSendVersionCheck() end lib.groupSize = num end elseif event == "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD" then lib:DelayedSendVersionCheck() end end function lib:GeneratePluginList() local list = "" for _, plugin in pairs(lib.plugins) do if plugin.name ~= MAJOR then local color = (plugin.old and E:RGBToHex(1, 0, 0)) or E:RGBToHex(0, 1, 0) list = list .. (plugin.title or plugin.name) if plugin.author then list = list .. " " .. INFO_BY .. " " .. plugin.author end list = list .. color .. (plugin.isLib and " " .. LIBRARY or " - " .. INFO_VERSION .. " " .. plugin.version) if plugin.old then list = list .. " (" .. INFO_NEW .. plugin.newversion .. ")" end list = list .. "|r\n" end end return list end function lib:ClearSendMessageWait() lib.SendMessageWaiting = nil end function lib:SendPluginVersionCheck(message) if (not message) or strmatch(message, "^%s-$") then lib.ClearSendMessageWait() return end local ChatType if IsInRaid() then ChatType = (not IsInRaid(LE_PARTY_CATEGORY_HOME) and IsInRaid(LE_PARTY_CATEGORY_INSTANCE)) and "INSTANCE_CHAT" or "RAID" elseif IsInGroup() then ChatType = (not IsInGroup(LE_PARTY_CATEGORY_HOME) and IsInGroup(LE_PARTY_CATEGORY_INSTANCE)) and "INSTANCE_CHAT" or "PARTY" elseif IsInGuild() then ChatType = "GUILD" end if not ChatType then lib.ClearSendMessageWait() return end local delay, maxChar, msgLength = 0, 250, strlen(message) if msgLength > maxChar then local splitMessage for _ = 1, ceil(msgLength / maxChar) do splitMessage = strmatch(strsub(message, 1, maxChar), ".+;") if splitMessage then -- incase the string is over 250 but doesnt contain `;` message = gsub(message, "^" .. E:EscapeString(splitMessage), "") E:Delay(delay, C_ChatInfo_SendAddonMessage, lib.prefix, splitMessage, ChatType) delay = delay + 1 end end E:Delay(delay, lib.ClearSendMessageWait) else C_ChatInfo_SendAddonMessage(lib.prefix, message, ChatType) lib.ClearSendMessageWait() end end function lib.Initialized() if not lib.inits then return end for _, initTbl in ipairs(lib.inits) do initTbl[2](initTbl[1]) end wipe(lib.inits) end function lib:HookInitialize(tbl, func) if not (tbl and func) then return end if type(func) == "string" then func = tbl[func] end if not self.inits then self.inits = {} checkElvUI() hooksecurefunc(E, "Initialize", self.Initialized) end tinsert(lib.inits, { tbl, func }) end lib.VCFrame = CreateFrame("Frame") lib.VCFrame:SetScript("OnEvent", lib.VersionCheck) lib.CFFrame = CreateFrame("Frame") lib.CFFrame:SetScript("OnEvent", lib.OptionsUILoaded)