--[[ # Element: Auras Handles creation and updating of aura icons. ## Widget Auras - A Frame to hold `Button`s representing both buffs and debuffs. Buffs - A Frame to hold `Button`s representing buffs. Debuffs - A Frame to hold `Button`s representing debuffs. ## Notes At least one of the above widgets must be present for the element to work. ## Options .disableMouse - Disables mouse events (boolean) .disableCooldown - Disables the cooldown spiral (boolean) .size - Aura icon size. Defaults to 16 (number) .onlyShowPlayer - Shows only auras created by player/vehicle (boolean) .showStealableBuffs - Displays the stealable texture on buffs that can be stolen (boolean) .spacing - Spacing between each icon. Defaults to 0 (number) .['spacing-x'] - Horizontal spacing between each icon. Takes priority over `spacing` (number) .['spacing-y'] - Vertical spacing between each icon. Takes priority over `spacing` (number) .['growth-x'] - Horizontal growth direction. Defaults to 'RIGHT' (string) .['growth-y'] - Vertical growth direction. Defaults to 'UP' (string) .initialAnchor - Anchor point for the icons. Defaults to 'BOTTOMLEFT' (string) .filter - Custom filter list for auras to display. Defaults to 'HELPFUL' for buffs and 'HARMFUL' for debuffs (string) .tooltipAnchor - Anchor point for the tooltip. Defaults to 'ANCHOR_BOTTOMRIGHT', however, if a frame has anchoring restrictions it will be set to 'ANCHOR_CURSOR' (string) ## Options Auras .numBuffs - The maximum number of buffs to display. Defaults to 32 (number) .numDebuffs - The maximum number of debuffs to display. Defaults to 40 (number) .numTotal - The maximum number of auras to display. Prioritizes buffs over debuffs. Defaults to the sum of .numBuffs and .numDebuffs (number) .gap - Controls the creation of an invisible icon between buffs and debuffs. Defaults to false (boolean) .buffFilter - Custom filter list for buffs to display. Takes priority over `filter` (string) .debuffFilter - Custom filter list for debuffs to display. Takes priority over `filter` (string) ## Options Buffs .num - Number of buffs to display. Defaults to 32 (number) ## Options Debuffs .num - Number of debuffs to display. Defaults to 40 (number) ## Attributes button.caster - the unit who cast the aura (string) button.filter - the filter list used to determine the visibility of the aura (string) button.isDebuff - indicates if the button holds a debuff (boolean) button.isPlayer - indicates if the aura caster is the player or their vehicle (boolean) ## Examples -- Position and size local Buffs = CreateFrame('Frame', nil, self) Buffs:SetPoint('RIGHT', self, 'LEFT') Buffs:SetSize(16 * 2, 16 * 16) -- Register with oUF self.Buffs = Buffs --]] local _, ns = ... local oUF = ns.oUF local VISIBLE = 1 local HIDDEN = 0 -- ElvUI changed block local CREATED = 2 local pcall = pcall local tinsert = tinsert local CreateFrame = CreateFrame local GetSpellInfo = GetSpellInfo local UnitAura = UnitAura local UnitIsUnit = UnitIsUnit local GameTooltip = GameTooltip local floor, min = math.floor, math.min -- end block -- ElvUI adds IsForbidden checks local function UpdateTooltip(self) if GameTooltip:IsForbidden() then return end GameTooltip:SetUnitAura(self:GetParent().__owner.unit, self:GetID(), self.filter) end local function onEnter(self) if GameTooltip:IsForbidden() or not self:IsVisible() then return end GameTooltip:SetOwner(self, self:GetParent().tooltipAnchor) self:UpdateTooltip() end local function onLeave() if GameTooltip:IsForbidden() then return end GameTooltip:Hide() end local function createAuraIcon(element, index) local button = CreateFrame('Button', element:GetName() .. 'Button' .. index, element, "BackdropTemplate") button:RegisterForClicks('RightButtonUp') local cd = CreateFrame('Cooldown', '$parentCooldown', button, 'CooldownFrameTemplate') cd:SetAllPoints() local icon = button:CreateTexture(nil, 'BORDER') icon:SetAllPoints() local countFrame = CreateFrame('Frame', nil, button) countFrame:SetAllPoints(button) countFrame:SetFrameLevel(cd:GetFrameLevel() + 1) local count = countFrame:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY', 'NumberFontNormal') count:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', countFrame, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', -1, 0) local overlay = button:CreateTexture(nil, 'OVERLAY') overlay:SetTexture([[Interface\Buttons\UI-Debuff-Overlays]]) overlay:SetAllPoints() overlay:SetTexCoord(.296875, .5703125, 0, .515625) button.overlay = overlay local stealable = button:CreateTexture(nil, 'OVERLAY') stealable:SetTexture([[Interface\TargetingFrame\UI-TargetingFrame-Stealable]]) stealable:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', -3, 3) stealable:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', 3, -3) stealable:SetBlendMode('ADD') button.stealable = stealable button.UpdateTooltip = UpdateTooltip button:SetScript('OnEnter', onEnter) button:SetScript('OnLeave', onLeave) button.icon = icon button.count = count button.cd = cd --[[ Callback: Auras:PostCreateIcon(button) Called after a new aura button has been created. * self - the widget holding the aura buttons * button - the newly created aura button (Button) --]] if(element.PostCreateIcon) then element:PostCreateIcon(button) end return button end local function customFilter(element, unit, button, name) if((element.onlyShowPlayer and button.isPlayer) or (not element.onlyShowPlayer and name)) then return true end end local function updateIcon(element, unit, index, offset, filter, isDebuff, visible) local name, texture, count, debuffType, duration, expiration, caster, isStealable, nameplateShowSelf, spellID, canApply, isBossDebuff, casterIsPlayer, nameplateShowAll, timeMod, effect1, effect2, effect3 = UnitAura(unit, index, filter) -- ElvUI changed block if element.forceShow or element.forceCreate then spellID = 47540 name, _, texture = GetSpellInfo(spellID) if element.forceShow then count, debuffType, duration, expiration, caster, isStealable, nameplateShowSelf, isBossDebuff = 5, "Magic", 0, 60, "player", nil, nil, nil end end if isStealable then element.hasStealable = true -- for Style Filters end -- end Block if(name) then local position = visible + offset + 1 local button = element[position] if(not button) then --[[ Override: Auras:CreateIcon(position) Used to create the aura button at a given position. * self - the widget holding the aura buttons * position - the position at which the aura button is to be created (number) ## Returns * button - the button used to represent the aura (Button) --]] button = (element.CreateIcon or createAuraIcon) (element, position) tinsert(element, button) element.createdIcons = element.createdIcons + 1 end button.caster = caster button.filter = filter button.isDebuff = isDebuff button.isPlayer = caster == 'player' or caster == 'vehicle' --[[ Override: Auras:CustomFilter(unit, button, ...) Defines a custom filter that controls if the aura button should be shown. * self - the widget holding the aura buttons * unit - the unit on which the aura is cast (string) * button - the button displaying the aura (Button) * ... - the return values from [UnitAura](http://wowprogramming.com/docs/api/UnitAura.html) ## Returns * show - indicates whether the aura button should be shown (boolean) --]] -- ElvUI changed block local show = not element.forceCreate if not (element.forceShow or element.forceCreate) then show = (element.CustomFilter or customFilter) (element, unit, button, name, texture, count, debuffType, duration, expiration, caster, isStealable, nameplateShowSelf, spellID, canApply, isBossDebuff, casterIsPlayer, nameplateShowAll,timeMod, effect1, effect2, effect3) end -- end block if(show) then -- We might want to consider delaying the creation of an actual cooldown -- object to this point, but I think that will just make things needlessly -- complicated. if(button.cd and not element.disableCooldown) then if(duration and duration > 0) then button.cd:SetCooldown(expiration - duration, duration) button.cd:Show() else button.cd:Hide() end end if(button.overlay) then if((isDebuff and element.showDebuffType) or (not isDebuff and element.showBuffType) or element.showType) then local color = element.__owner.colors.debuff[debuffType] or element.__owner.colors.debuff.none button.overlay:SetVertexColor(color[1], color[2], color[3]) button.overlay:Show() else button.overlay:Hide() end end if(button.stealable) then if(not isDebuff and isStealable and element.showStealableBuffs and not UnitIsUnit('player', unit)) then button.stealable:Show() else button.stealable:Hide() end end if(button.icon) then button.icon:SetTexture(texture) end if(button.count) then button.count:SetText(count > 1 and count) end local size = element.size or 16 button:SetSize(size, size) button:EnableMouse(not element.disableMouse) button:SetID(index) button:Show() --[[ Callback: Auras:PostUpdateIcon(unit, button, index, position) Called after the aura button has been updated. * self - the widget holding the aura buttons * unit - the unit on which the aura is cast (string) * button - the updated aura button (Button) * index - the index of the aura (number) * position - the actual position of the aura button (number) * duration - the aura duration in seconds (number?) * expiration - the point in time when the aura will expire. Comparable to GetTime() (number) * debuffType - the debuff type of the aura (string?)['Curse', 'Disease', 'Magic', 'Poison'] * isStealable - whether the aura can be stolen or purged (boolean) --]] if(element.PostUpdateIcon) then element:PostUpdateIcon(unit, button, index, position, duration, expiration, debuffType, isStealable) end return VISIBLE -- ElvUI changed block elseif element.forceCreate then local size = element.size or 16 button:SetSize(size, size) button:Hide() if element.PostUpdateIcon then element:PostUpdateIcon(unit, button, index, position, duration, expiration, debuffType, isStealable) end return CREATED -- end block else return HIDDEN end end end local function SetPosition(element, from, to) local sizex = (element.size or 16) + (element['spacing-x'] or element.spacing or 0) local sizey = (element.size or 16) + (element['spacing-y'] or element.spacing or 0) local anchor = element.initialAnchor or 'BOTTOMLEFT' local growthx = (element['growth-x'] == 'LEFT' and -1) or 1 local growthy = (element['growth-y'] == 'DOWN' and -1) or 1 local cols = floor(element:GetWidth() / sizex + 0.5) for i = from, to do local button = element[i] -- Bail out if the to range is out of scope. if(not button) then break end local col = (i - 1) % cols local row = floor((i - 1) / cols) button:ClearAllPoints() button:SetPoint(anchor, element, anchor, col * sizex * growthx, row * sizey * growthy) end end local function filterIcons(element, unit, filter, limit, isDebuff, offset, dontHide) if(not offset) then offset = 0 end local index = 1 local visible = 0 local hidden = 0 local created = 0 -- ElvUI element.hasStealable = nil -- ElvUI while(visible < limit) do local result = updateIcon(element, unit, index, offset, filter, isDebuff, visible) if(not result) then break elseif(result == VISIBLE) then visible = visible + 1 elseif(result == HIDDEN) then hidden = hidden + 1 -- ElvUI changed block elseif result == CREATED then visible = visible + 1 created = created + 1 -- end block end index = index + 1 end visible = visible - created -- ElvUI changed if(not dontHide) then for i = visible + offset + 1, #element do element[i]:Hide() end end return visible, hidden end local function UpdateAuras(self, event, unit) if(self.unit ~= unit) then return end local auras = self.Auras if(auras) then --[[ Callback: Auras:PreUpdate(unit) Called before the element has been updated. * self - the widget holding the aura buttons * unit - the unit for which the update has been triggered (string) --]] if(auras.PreUpdate) then auras:PreUpdate(unit) end local numBuffs = auras.numBuffs or 32 local numDebuffs = auras.numDebuffs or 40 local max = auras.numTotal or numBuffs + numDebuffs local visibleBuffs = filterIcons(auras, unit, auras.buffFilter or auras.filter or 'HELPFUL', min(numBuffs, max), nil, 0, true) local hasGap if(visibleBuffs ~= 0 and auras.gap) then hasGap = true visibleBuffs = visibleBuffs + 1 local button = auras[visibleBuffs] if(not button) then button = (auras.CreateIcon or createAuraIcon) (auras, visibleBuffs) tinsert(auras, button) auras.createdIcons = auras.createdIcons + 1 end -- Prevent the button from displaying anything. if(button.cd) then button.cd:Hide() end if(button.icon) then button.icon:SetTexture() end if(button.overlay) then button.overlay:Hide() end if(button.stealable) then button.stealable:Hide() end if(button.count) then button.count:SetText() end button:EnableMouse(false) button:Show() --[[ Callback: Auras:PostUpdateGapIcon(unit, gapButton, visibleBuffs) Called after an invisible aura button has been created. Only used by Auras when the `gap` option is enabled. * self - the widget holding the aura buttons * unit - the unit that has the invisible aura button (string) * gapButton - the invisible aura button (Button) * visibleBuffs - the number of currently visible aura buttons (number) --]] if(auras.PostUpdateGapIcon) then auras:PostUpdateGapIcon(unit, button, visibleBuffs) end end local visibleDebuffs = filterIcons(auras, unit, auras.debuffFilter or auras.filter or 'HARMFUL', min(numDebuffs, max - visibleBuffs), true, visibleBuffs) auras.visibleDebuffs = visibleDebuffs if(hasGap and visibleDebuffs == 0) then auras[visibleBuffs]:Hide() visibleBuffs = visibleBuffs - 1 end auras.visibleBuffs = visibleBuffs auras.visibleAuras = auras.visibleBuffs + auras.visibleDebuffs local fromRange, toRange --[[ Callback: Auras:PreSetPosition(max) Called before the aura buttons have been (re-)anchored. * self - the widget holding the aura buttons * max - the maximum possible number of aura buttons (number) ## Returns * from - the offset of the first aura button to be (re-)anchored (number) * to - the offset of the last aura button to be (re-)anchored (number) --]] if(auras.PreSetPosition) then fromRange, toRange = auras:PreSetPosition(max) end if(fromRange or auras.createdIcons > auras.anchoredIcons) then --[[ Override: Auras:SetPosition(from, to) Used to (re-)anchor the aura buttons. Called when new aura buttons have been created or if :PreSetPosition is defined. * self - the widget that holds the aura buttons * from - the offset of the first aura button to be (re-)anchored (number) * to - the offset of the last aura button to be (re-)anchored (number) --]] (auras.SetPosition or SetPosition) (auras, fromRange or auras.anchoredIcons + 1, toRange or auras.createdIcons) auras.anchoredIcons = auras.createdIcons end --[[ Callback: Auras:PostUpdate(unit) Called after the element has been updated. * self - the widget holding the aura buttons * unit - the unit for which the update has been triggered (string) --]] if(auras.PostUpdate) then auras:PostUpdate(unit) end end local buffs = self.Buffs if(buffs) then if(buffs.PreUpdate) then buffs:PreUpdate(unit) end local numBuffs = buffs.num or 32 local visibleBuffs = filterIcons(buffs, unit, buffs.filter or 'HELPFUL', numBuffs) buffs.visibleBuffs = visibleBuffs local fromRange, toRange if(buffs.PreSetPosition) then fromRange, toRange = buffs:PreSetPosition(numBuffs) end if(fromRange or buffs.createdIcons > buffs.anchoredIcons) then (buffs.SetPosition or SetPosition) (buffs, fromRange or buffs.anchoredIcons + 1, toRange or buffs.createdIcons) buffs.anchoredIcons = buffs.createdIcons end if(buffs.PostUpdate) then buffs:PostUpdate(unit) end end local debuffs = self.Debuffs if(debuffs) then if(debuffs.PreUpdate) then debuffs:PreUpdate(unit) end local numDebuffs = debuffs.num or 40 local visibleDebuffs = filterIcons(debuffs, unit, debuffs.filter or 'HARMFUL', numDebuffs, true) debuffs.visibleDebuffs = visibleDebuffs local fromRange, toRange if(debuffs.PreSetPosition) then fromRange, toRange = debuffs:PreSetPosition(numDebuffs) end if(fromRange or debuffs.createdIcons > debuffs.anchoredIcons) then (debuffs.SetPosition or SetPosition) (debuffs, fromRange or debuffs.anchoredIcons + 1, toRange or debuffs.createdIcons) debuffs.anchoredIcons = debuffs.createdIcons end if(debuffs.PostUpdate) then debuffs:PostUpdate(unit) end end end local function Update(self, event, unit) if (self.isForced and event ~= 'ElvUI_UpdateAllElements') or (self.unit ~= unit) then return end -- ElvUI changed -- Assume no event means someone wants to re-anchor things. This is usually done by UpdateAllElements and :ForceUpdate. if not event or event == 'ForceUpdate' or event == 'ElvUI_UpdateAllElements' then -- ElvUI changed if self.Buffs then self.Buffs.anchoredIcons = 0 end if self.Debuffs then self.Debuffs.anchoredIcons = 0 end if self.Auras then self.Auras.anchoredIcons = 0 end end UpdateAuras(self, event, unit) end local function ForceUpdate(element) return Update(element.__owner, 'ForceUpdate', element.__owner.unit) end -- ElvUI changed block local onUpdateElapsed, onUpdateWait = 0, 0.25 local function onUpdateAuras(self, elapsed) if onUpdateElapsed > onUpdateWait then Update(self.__owner, 'OnUpdate', self.__owner.unit) onUpdateElapsed = 0 else onUpdateElapsed = onUpdateElapsed + elapsed end end local function SetAuraUpdateSpeed(self, state) onUpdateWait = state end local function SetAuraUpdateMethod(self, state, force) if self.effectiveAura ~= state or force then self.effectiveAura = state if state then self.updateAurasFrame:SetScript('OnUpdate', onUpdateAuras) self:UnregisterEvent('UNIT_AURA', UpdateAuras) else self.updateAurasFrame:SetScript('OnUpdate', nil) self:RegisterEvent('UNIT_AURA', UpdateAuras) end end end -- end block local function Enable(self) -- ElvUI changed block if not self.updateAurasFrame then self.updateAurasFrame = CreateFrame('Frame', nil, self) self.updateAurasFrame.__owner = self end -- end block if(self.Buffs or self.Debuffs or self.Auras) then -- ElvUI changed block self.SetAuraUpdateSpeed = SetAuraUpdateSpeed self.SetAuraUpdateMethod = SetAuraUpdateMethod SetAuraUpdateMethod(self, self.effectiveAura, true) -- end block local buffs = self.Buffs if(buffs) then buffs.__owner = self buffs.ForceUpdate = ForceUpdate buffs.createdIcons = buffs.createdIcons or 0 buffs.anchoredIcons = 0 -- Avoid parenting GameTooltip to frames with anchoring restrictions, -- otherwise it'll inherit said restrictions which will cause issues -- with its further positioning, clamping, etc if(not pcall(self.GetCenter, self)) then buffs.tooltipAnchor = 'ANCHOR_CURSOR' else buffs.tooltipAnchor = buffs.tooltipAnchor or 'ANCHOR_BOTTOMRIGHT' end buffs:Show() end local debuffs = self.Debuffs if(debuffs) then debuffs.__owner = self debuffs.ForceUpdate = ForceUpdate debuffs.createdIcons = debuffs.createdIcons or 0 debuffs.anchoredIcons = 0 -- Avoid parenting GameTooltip to frames with anchoring restrictions, -- otherwise it'll inherit said restrictions which will cause issues -- with its further positioning, clamping, etc if(not pcall(self.GetCenter, self)) then debuffs.tooltipAnchor = 'ANCHOR_CURSOR' else debuffs.tooltipAnchor = debuffs.tooltipAnchor or 'ANCHOR_BOTTOMRIGHT' end debuffs:Show() end local auras = self.Auras if(auras) then auras.__owner = self auras.ForceUpdate = ForceUpdate auras.createdIcons = auras.createdIcons or 0 auras.anchoredIcons = 0 -- Avoid parenting GameTooltip to frames with anchoring restrictions, -- otherwise it'll inherit said restrictions which will cause issues -- with its further positioning, clamping, etc if(not pcall(self.GetCenter, self)) then auras.tooltipAnchor = 'ANCHOR_CURSOR' else auras.tooltipAnchor = auras.tooltipAnchor or 'ANCHOR_BOTTOMRIGHT' end auras:Show() end return true end end local function Disable(self) -- ElvUI changed block if self.updateAurasFrame then self.updateAurasFrame:SetScript('OnUpdate', nil) end -- end block if(self.Buffs or self.Debuffs or self.Auras) then self:UnregisterEvent('UNIT_AURA', UpdateAuras) if(self.Buffs) then self.Buffs:Hide() end if(self.Debuffs) then self.Debuffs:Hide() end if(self.Auras) then self.Auras:Hide() end end end oUF:AddElement('Auras', Update, Enable, Disable)