local E, L, V, P, G = unpack(select(2, ...)) local UF = E:GetModule('UnitFrames') local unpack = unpack local function Defaults(priorityOverride) return { enable = true, priority = priorityOverride or 0, stackThreshold = 0 } end G.unitframe.aurafilters = {}; -- These are debuffs that are some form of CC G.unitframe.aurafilters.CCDebuffs = { type = 'Whitelist', spells = { -- Death Knight [47476] = Defaults(2), -- Strangulate [108194] = Defaults(4), -- Asphyxiate UH [221562] = Defaults(4), -- Asphyxiate Blood [207171] = Defaults(4), -- Winter is Coming [206961] = Defaults(3), -- Tremble Before Me [207167] = Defaults(4), -- Blinding Sleet [212540] = Defaults(1), -- Flesh Hook (Pet) [91807] = Defaults(1), -- Shambling Rush (Pet) [204085] = Defaults(1), -- Deathchill [233395] = Defaults(1), -- Frozen Center [212332] = Defaults(4), -- Smash (Pet) [212337] = Defaults(4), -- Powerful Smash (Pet) [91800] = Defaults(4), -- Gnaw (Pet) [91797] = Defaults(4), -- Monstrous Blow (Pet) [210141] = Defaults(3), -- Zombie Explosion -- Demon Hunter [207685] = Defaults(4), -- Sigil of Misery [217832] = Defaults(3), -- Imprison [221527] = Defaults(5), -- Imprison (Banished version) [204490] = Defaults(2), -- Sigil of Silence [179057] = Defaults(3), -- Chaos Nova [211881] = Defaults(4), -- Fel Eruption [205630] = Defaults(3), -- Illidan's Grasp [208618] = Defaults(3), -- Illidan's Grasp (Afterward) [213491] = Defaults(4), -- Demonic Trample (it's this one or the other) [208645] = Defaults(4), -- Demonic Trample -- Druid [81261] = Defaults(2), -- Solar Beam [5211] = Defaults(4), -- Mighty Bash [163505] = Defaults(4), -- Rake [203123] = Defaults(4), -- Maim [202244] = Defaults(4), -- Overrun [99] = Defaults(4), -- Incapacitating Roar [33786] = Defaults(5), -- Cyclone [209753] = Defaults(5), -- Cyclone Balance [45334] = Defaults(1), -- Immobilized [102359] = Defaults(1), -- Mass Entanglement [339] = Defaults(1), -- Entangling Roots [2637] = Defaults(1), -- Hibernate [102793] = Defaults(1), -- Ursol's Vortex -- Hunter [202933] = Defaults(2), -- Spider Sting (it's this one or the other) [233022] = Defaults(2), -- Spider Sting [213691] = Defaults(4), -- Scatter Shot [19386] = Defaults(3), -- Wyvern Sting [3355] = Defaults(3), -- Freezing Trap [203337] = Defaults(5), -- Freezing Trap (Survival PvPT) [209790] = Defaults(3), -- Freezing Arrow [24394] = Defaults(4), -- Intimidation [117526] = Defaults(4), -- Binding Shot [190927] = Defaults(1), -- Harpoon [201158] = Defaults(1), -- Super Sticky Tar [162480] = Defaults(1), -- Steel Trap [212638] = Defaults(1), -- Tracker's Net [200108] = Defaults(1), -- Ranger's Net -- Mage [61721] = Defaults(3), -- Rabbit (Poly) [61305] = Defaults(3), -- Black Cat (Poly) [28272] = Defaults(3), -- Pig (Poly) [28271] = Defaults(3), -- Turtle (Poly) [126819] = Defaults(3), -- Porcupine (Poly) [161354] = Defaults(3), -- Monkey (Poly) [161353] = Defaults(3), -- Polar bear (Poly) [61780] = Defaults(3), -- Turkey (Poly) [161355] = Defaults(3), -- Penguin (Poly) [161372] = Defaults(3), -- Peacock (Poly) [277787] = Defaults(3), -- Direhorn (Poly) [277792] = Defaults(3), -- Bumblebee (Poly) [118] = Defaults(3), -- Polymorph [82691] = Defaults(3), -- Ring of Frost [31661] = Defaults(3), -- Dragon's Breath [122] = Defaults(1), -- Frost Nova [33395] = Defaults(1), -- Freeze [157997] = Defaults(1), -- Ice Nova [228600] = Defaults(1), -- Glacial Spike [198121] = Defaults(1), -- Forstbite -- Monk [119381] = Defaults(4), -- Leg Sweep [202346] = Defaults(4), -- Double Barrel [115078] = Defaults(4), -- Paralysis [198909] = Defaults(3), -- Song of Chi-Ji [202274] = Defaults(3), -- Incendiary Brew [233759] = Defaults(2), -- Grapple Weapon [123407] = Defaults(1), -- Spinning Fire Blossom [116706] = Defaults(1), -- Disable [232055] = Defaults(4), -- Fists of Fury (it's this one or the other) -- Paladin [853] = Defaults(3), -- Hammer of Justice [20066] = Defaults(3), -- Repentance [105421] = Defaults(3), -- Blinding Light [31935] = Defaults(2), -- Avenger's Shield [217824] = Defaults(2), -- Shield of Virtue [205290] = Defaults(3), -- Wake of Ashes -- Priest [9484] = Defaults(3), -- Shackle Undead [200196] = Defaults(4), -- Holy Word: Chastise [200200] = Defaults(4), -- Holy Word: Chastise [226943] = Defaults(3), -- Mind Bomb [605] = Defaults(5), -- Mind Control [8122] = Defaults(3), -- Psychic Scream [15487] = Defaults(2), -- Silence [64044] = Defaults(1), -- Psychic Horror -- Rogue [2094] = Defaults(4), -- Blind [6770] = Defaults(4), -- Sap [1776] = Defaults(4), -- Gouge [1330] = Defaults(2), -- Garrote - Silence [207777] = Defaults(2), -- Dismantle [199804] = Defaults(4), -- Between the Eyes [408] = Defaults(4), -- Kidney Shot [1833] = Defaults(4), -- Cheap Shot [207736] = Defaults(5), -- Shadowy Duel (Smoke effect) [212182] = Defaults(5), -- Smoke Bomb -- Shaman [51514] = Defaults(3), -- Hex [211015] = Defaults(3), -- Hex (Cockroach) [211010] = Defaults(3), -- Hex (Snake) [211004] = Defaults(3), -- Hex (Spider) [210873] = Defaults(3), -- Hex (Compy) [196942] = Defaults(3), -- Hex (Voodoo Totem) [269352] = Defaults(3), -- Hex (Skeletal Hatchling) [277778] = Defaults(3), -- Hex (Zandalari Tendonripper) [277784] = Defaults(3), -- Hex (Wicker Mongrel) [118905] = Defaults(3), -- Static Charge [77505] = Defaults(4), -- Earthquake (Knocking down) [118345] = Defaults(4), -- Pulverize (Pet) [204399] = Defaults(3), -- Earthfury [204437] = Defaults(3), -- Lightning Lasso [157375] = Defaults(4), -- Gale Force [64695] = Defaults(1), -- Earthgrab -- Warlock [710] = Defaults(5), -- Banish [6789] = Defaults(3), -- Mortal Coil [118699] = Defaults(3), -- Fear [6358] = Defaults(3), -- Seduction (Succub) [171017] = Defaults(4), -- Meteor Strike (Infernal) [22703] = Defaults(4), -- Infernal Awakening (Infernal CD) [30283] = Defaults(3), -- Shadowfury [89766] = Defaults(4), -- Axe Toss [233582] = Defaults(1), -- Entrenched in Flame -- Warrior [5246] = Defaults(4), -- Intimidating Shout [7922] = Defaults(4), -- Warbringer [132169] = Defaults(4), -- Storm Bolt [132168] = Defaults(4), -- Shockwave [199085] = Defaults(4), -- Warpath [105771] = Defaults(1), -- Charge [199042] = Defaults(1), -- Thunderstruck [236077] = Defaults(2), -- Disarm -- Racial [20549] = Defaults(4), -- War Stomp [107079] = Defaults(4), -- Quaking Palm }, } -- These are buffs that can be considered 'protection' buffs G.unitframe.aurafilters.TurtleBuffs = { type = 'Whitelist', spells = { -- Death Knight [48707] = Defaults(), -- Anti-Magic Shell [81256] = Defaults(), -- Dancing Rune Weapon [55233] = Defaults(), -- Vampiric Blood [193320] = Defaults(), -- Umbilicus Eternus [219809] = Defaults(), -- Tombstone [48792] = Defaults(), -- Icebound Fortitude [207319] = Defaults(), -- Corpse Shield [194844] = Defaults(), -- BoneStorm [145629] = Defaults(), -- Anti-Magic Zone [194679] = Defaults(), -- Rune Tap -- Demon Hunter [207811] = Defaults(), -- Nether Bond (DH) [207810] = Defaults(), -- Nether Bond (Target) [187827] = Defaults(), -- Metamorphosis [263648] = Defaults(), -- Soul Barrier [209426] = Defaults(), -- Darkness [196555] = Defaults(), -- Netherwalk [212800] = Defaults(), -- Blur [188499] = Defaults(), -- Blade Dance [203819] = Defaults(), -- Demon Spikes -- Druid [102342] = Defaults(), -- Ironbark [61336] = Defaults(), -- Survival Instincts [210655] = Defaults(), -- Protection of Ashamane [22812] = Defaults(), -- Barkskin [200851] = Defaults(), -- Rage of the Sleeper [234081] = Defaults(), -- Celestial Guardian [202043] = Defaults(), -- Protector of the Pack (it's this one or the other) [201940] = Defaults(), -- Protector of the Pack [201939] = Defaults(), -- Protector of the Pack (Allies) [192081] = Defaults(), -- Ironfur -- Hunter [186265] = Defaults(), -- Aspect of the Turtle [53480] = Defaults(), -- Roar of Sacrifice [202748] = Defaults(), -- Survival Tactics -- Mage [45438] = Defaults(), -- Ice Block [113862] = Defaults(), -- Greater Invisibility [198111] = Defaults(), -- Temporal Shield [198065] = Defaults(), -- Prismatic Cloak [11426] = Defaults(), -- Ice Barrier [235313] = Defaults(), -- Blazing Barrier -- Monk [122783] = Defaults(), -- Diffuse Magic [122278] = Defaults(), -- Dampen Harm [125174] = Defaults(), -- Touch of Karma [201318] = Defaults(), -- Fortifying Elixir [201325] = Defaults(), -- Zen Moment [202248] = Defaults(), -- Guided Meditation [120954] = Defaults(), -- Fortifying Brew [116849] = Defaults(), -- Life Cocoon [202162] = Defaults(), -- Guard [215479] = Defaults(), -- Ironskin Brew -- Paladin [642] = Defaults(), -- Divine Shield [498] = Defaults(), -- Divine Protection [205191] = Defaults(), -- Eye for an Eye [184662] = Defaults(), -- Shield of Vengeance [1022] = Defaults(), -- Blessing of Protection [6940] = Defaults(), -- Blessing of Sacrifice [204018] = Defaults(), -- Blessing of Spellwarding [199507] = Defaults(), -- Spreading The Word: Protection [216857] = Defaults(), -- Guarded by the Light [228049] = Defaults(), -- Guardian of the Forgotten Queen [31850] = Defaults(), -- Ardent Defender [86659] = Defaults(), -- Guardian of Ancien Kings [212641] = Defaults(), -- Guardian of Ancien Kings (Glyph of the Queen) [209388] = Defaults(), -- Bulwark of Order [204335] = Defaults(), -- Aegis of Light [152262] = Defaults(), -- Seraphim [132403] = Defaults(), -- Shield of the Righteous -- Priest [81782] = Defaults(), -- Power Word: Barrier [47585] = Defaults(), -- Dispersion [19236] = Defaults(), -- Desperate Prayer [213602] = Defaults(), -- Greater Fade [27827] = Defaults(), -- Spirit of Redemption [197268] = Defaults(), -- Ray of Hope [47788] = Defaults(), -- Guardian Spirit [33206] = Defaults(), -- Pain Suppression -- Rogue [5277] = Defaults(), -- Evasion [31224] = Defaults(), -- Cloak of Shadows [1966] = Defaults(), -- Feint [199754] = Defaults(), -- Riposte [45182] = Defaults(), -- Cheating Death [199027] = Defaults(), -- Veil of Midnight -- Shaman [204293] = Defaults(), -- Spirit Link [204288] = Defaults(), -- Earth Shield [210918] = Defaults(), -- Ethereal Form [207654] = Defaults(), -- Servant of the Queen [108271] = Defaults(), -- Astral Shift [98007] = Defaults(), -- Spirit Link Totem [207498] = Defaults(), -- Ancestral Protection -- Warlock [108416] = Defaults(), -- Dark Pact [104773] = Defaults(), -- Unending Resolve [221715] = Defaults(), -- Essence Drain [212295] = Defaults(), -- Nether Ward -- Warrior [118038] = Defaults(), -- Die by the Sword [184364] = Defaults(), -- Enraged Regeneration [209484] = Defaults(), -- Tactical Advance [97463] = Defaults(), -- Commanding Shout [213915] = Defaults(), -- Mass Spell Reflection [199038] = Defaults(), -- Leave No Man Behind [223658] = Defaults(), -- Safeguard [147833] = Defaults(), -- Intervene [198760] = Defaults(), -- Intercept [12975] = Defaults(), -- Last Stand [871] = Defaults(), -- Shield Wall [23920] = Defaults(), -- Spell Reflection [216890] = Defaults(), -- Spell Reflection (PvPT) [227744] = Defaults(), -- Ravager [203524] = Defaults(), -- Neltharion's Fury [190456] = Defaults(), -- Ignore Pain [132404] = Defaults(), -- Shield Block -- Racial [65116] = Defaults(), -- Stoneform -- Potion [251231] = Defaults(), -- Steelskin Potion (BfA Armor Potion) }, } G.unitframe.aurafilters.PlayerBuffs = { type = 'Whitelist', spells = { -- Death Knight [48707] = Defaults(), -- Anti-Magic Shell [81256] = Defaults(), -- Dancing Rune Weapon [55233] = Defaults(), -- Vampiric Blood [193320] = Defaults(), -- Umbilicus Eternus [219809] = Defaults(), -- Tombstone [48792] = Defaults(), -- Icebound Fortitude [207319] = Defaults(), -- Corpse Shield [194844] = Defaults(), -- BoneStorm [145629] = Defaults(), -- Anti-Magic Zone [194679] = Defaults(), -- Rune Tap [51271] = Defaults(), -- Pilar of Frost [207256] = Defaults(), -- Obliteration [152279] = Defaults(), -- Breath of Sindragosa [233411] = Defaults(), -- Blood for Blood [212552] = Defaults(), -- Wraith Walk [215711] = Defaults(), -- Soul Reaper [194918] = Defaults(), -- Blighted Rune Weapon -- Demon Hunter [207811] = Defaults(), -- Nether Bond (DH) [207810] = Defaults(), -- Nether Bond (Target) [187827] = Defaults(), -- Metamorphosis [263648] = Defaults(), -- Soul Barrier [209426] = Defaults(), -- Darkness [196555] = Defaults(), -- Netherwalk [212800] = Defaults(), -- Blur [188499] = Defaults(), -- Blade Dance [203819] = Defaults(), -- Demon Spikes [206804] = Defaults(), -- Rain from Above [211510] = Defaults(), -- Solitude [162264] = Defaults(), -- Metamorphosis [205629] = Defaults(), -- Demonic Trample [206649] = Defaults(), -- Eye of Leotheras -- Druid [102342] = Defaults(), -- Ironbark [61336] = Defaults(), -- Survival Instincts [210655] = Defaults(), -- Protection of Ashamane [22812] = Defaults(), -- Barkskin [200851] = Defaults(), -- Rage of the Sleeper [234081] = Defaults(), -- Celestial Guardian [202043] = Defaults(), -- Protector of the Pack (it's this one or the other) [201940] = Defaults(), -- Protector of the Pack [201939] = Defaults(), -- Protector of the Pack (Allies) [192081] = Defaults(), -- Ironfur [29166] = Defaults(), -- Innervate [208253] = Defaults(), -- Essence of G'Hanir [194223] = Defaults(), -- Celestial Alignment [102560] = Defaults(), -- Incarnation: Chosen of Elune [102543] = Defaults(), -- Incarnation: King of the Jungle [102558] = Defaults(), -- Incarnation: Guardian of Ursoc [117679] = Defaults(), -- Incarnation [106951] = Defaults(), -- Berserk [5217] = Defaults(), -- Tiger's Fury [1850] = Defaults(), -- Dash [137452] = Defaults(), -- Displacer Beast [102416] = Defaults(), -- Wild Charge [77764] = Defaults(), -- Stampeding Roar (Cat) [77761] = Defaults(), -- Stampeding Roar (Bear) [305497] = Defaults(), -- Thorns [233756] = Defaults(), -- Eclipse (it's this one or the other) [234084] = Defaults(), -- Eclipse [22842] = Defaults(), -- Frenzied Regeneration -- Hunter [186265] = Defaults(), -- Aspect of the Turtle [53480] = Defaults(), -- Roar of Sacrifice [202748] = Defaults(), -- Survival Tactics [62305] = Defaults(), -- Master's Call (it's this one or the other) [54216] = Defaults(), -- Master's Call [193526] = Defaults(), -- Trueshot [193530] = Defaults(), -- Aspect of the Wild [19574] = Defaults(), -- Bestial Wrath [186289] = Defaults(), -- Aspect of the Eagle [186257] = Defaults(), -- Aspect of the Cheetah [118922] = Defaults(), -- Posthaste [90355] = Defaults(), -- Ancient Hysteria (Pet) [160452] = Defaults(), -- Netherwinds (Pet) -- Mage [45438] = Defaults(), -- Ice Block [113862] = Defaults(), -- Greater Invisibility [198111] = Defaults(), -- Temporal Shield [198065] = Defaults(), -- Prismatic Cloak [11426] = Defaults(), -- Ice Barrier [190319] = Defaults(), -- Combustion [80353] = Defaults(), -- Time Warp [12472] = Defaults(), -- Icy Veins [12042] = Defaults(), -- Arcane Power [116014] = Defaults(), -- Rune of Power [198144] = Defaults(), -- Ice Form [108839] = Defaults(), -- Ice Floes [205025] = Defaults(), -- Presence of Mind [198158] = Defaults(), -- Mass Invisibility [221404] = Defaults(), -- Burning Determination -- Monk [122783] = Defaults(), -- Diffuse Magic [122278] = Defaults(), -- Dampen Harm [125174] = Defaults(), -- Touch of Karma [201318] = Defaults(), -- Fortifying Elixir [201325] = Defaults(), -- Zen Moment [202248] = Defaults(), -- Guided Meditation [120954] = Defaults(), -- Fortifying Brew [116849] = Defaults(), -- Life Cocoon [202162] = Defaults(), -- Guard [215479] = Defaults(), -- Ironskin Brew [152173] = Defaults(), -- Serenity [137639] = Defaults(), -- Storm, Earth, and Fire [216113] = Defaults(), -- Way of the Crane [213664] = Defaults(), -- Nimble Brew [201447] = Defaults(), -- Ride the Wind [195381] = Defaults(), -- Healing Winds [116841] = Defaults(), -- Tiger's Lust [119085] = Defaults(), -- Chi Torpedo [199407] = Defaults(), -- Light on Your Feet [209584] = Defaults(), -- Zen Focus Tea -- Paladin [642] = Defaults(), -- Divine Shield [498] = Defaults(), -- Divine Protection [205191] = Defaults(), -- Eye for an Eye [184662] = Defaults(), -- Shield of Vengeance [1022] = Defaults(), -- Blessing of Protection [6940] = Defaults(), -- Blessing of Sacrifice [204018] = Defaults(), -- Blessing of Spellwarding [199507] = Defaults(), -- Spreading The Word: Protection [216857] = Defaults(), -- Guarded by the Light [228049] = Defaults(), -- Guardian of the Forgotten Queen [31850] = Defaults(), -- Ardent Defender [86659] = Defaults(), -- Guardian of Ancien Kings [212641] = Defaults(), -- Guardian of Ancien Kings (Glyph of the Queen) [209388] = Defaults(), -- Bulwark of Order [204335] = Defaults(), -- Aegis of Light [152262] = Defaults(), -- Seraphim [132403] = Defaults(), -- Shield of the Righteous [31884] = Defaults(), -- Avenging Wrath [105809] = Defaults(), -- Holy Avenger [231895] = Defaults(), -- Crusade [200652] = Defaults(), -- Tyr's Deliverance [216331] = Defaults(), -- Avenging Crusader [1044] = Defaults(), -- Blessing of Freedom [210256] = Defaults(), -- Blessing of Sanctuary [199545] = Defaults(), -- Steed of Glory [210294] = Defaults(), -- Divine Favor [221886] = Defaults(), -- Divine Steed [31821] = Defaults(), -- Aura Mastery [203538] = Defaults(), -- Greater Blessing of Kings [203539] = Defaults(), -- Greater Blessing of Wisdom -- Priest [81782] = Defaults(), -- Power Word: Barrier [47585] = Defaults(), -- Dispersion [19236] = Defaults(), -- Desperate Prayer [213602] = Defaults(), -- Greater Fade [27827] = Defaults(), -- Spirit of Redemption [197268] = Defaults(), -- Ray of Hope [47788] = Defaults(), -- Guardian Spirit [33206] = Defaults(), -- Pain Suppression [200183] = Defaults(), -- Apotheosis [10060] = Defaults(), -- Power Infusion [47536] = Defaults(), -- Rapture [194249] = Defaults(), -- Voidform [193223] = Defaults(), -- Surrdender to Madness [197862] = Defaults(), -- Archangel [197871] = Defaults(), -- Dark Archangel [197874] = Defaults(), -- Dark Archangel [215769] = Defaults(), -- Spirit of Redemption [213610] = Defaults(), -- Holy Ward [121557] = Defaults(), -- Angelic Feather [214121] = Defaults(), -- Body and Mind [65081] = Defaults(), -- Body and Soul [197767] = Defaults(), -- Speed of the Pious [210980] = Defaults(), -- Focus in the Light [221660] = Defaults(), -- Holy Concentration [15286] = Defaults(), -- Vampiric Embrace -- Rogue [5277] = Defaults(), -- Evasion [31224] = Defaults(), -- Cloak of Shadows [1966] = Defaults(), -- Feint [199754] = Defaults(), -- Riposte [45182] = Defaults(), -- Cheating Death [199027] = Defaults(), -- Veil of Midnight [121471] = Defaults(), -- Shadow Blades [13750] = Defaults(), -- Adrenaline Rush [51690] = Defaults(), -- Killing Spree [185422] = Defaults(), -- Shadow Dance [198368] = Defaults(), -- Take Your Cut [198027] = Defaults(), -- Turn the Tables [213985] = Defaults(), -- Thief's Bargain [197003] = Defaults(), -- Maneuverability [212198] = Defaults(), -- Crimson Vial [185311] = Defaults(), -- Crimson Vial [209754] = Defaults(), -- Boarding Party [36554] = Defaults(), -- Shadowstep [2983] = Defaults(), -- Sprint [202665] = Defaults(), -- Curse of the Dreadblades (Self Debuff) -- Shaman [204293] = Defaults(), -- Spirit Link [204288] = Defaults(), -- Earth Shield [210918] = Defaults(), -- Ethereal Form [207654] = Defaults(), -- Servant of the Queen [108271] = Defaults(), -- Astral Shift [98007] = Defaults(), -- Spirit Link Totem [207498] = Defaults(), -- Ancestral Protection [204366] = Defaults(), -- Thundercharge [209385] = Defaults(), -- Windfury Totem [208963] = Defaults(), -- Skyfury Totem [204945] = Defaults(), -- Doom Winds [205495] = Defaults(), -- Stormkeeper [208416] = Defaults(), -- Sense of Urgency [2825] = Defaults(), -- Bloodlust [16166] = Defaults(), -- Elemental Mastery [167204] = Defaults(), -- Feral Spirit [114050] = Defaults(), -- Ascendance (Elem) [114051] = Defaults(), -- Ascendance (Enh) [114052] = Defaults(), -- Ascendance (Resto) [79206] = Defaults(), -- Spiritwalker's Grace [58875] = Defaults(), -- Spirit Walk [157384] = Defaults(), -- Eye of the Storm [192082] = Defaults(), -- Wind Rush [2645] = Defaults(), -- Ghost Wolf [32182] = Defaults(), -- Heroism [108281] = Defaults(), -- Ancestral Guidance -- Warlock [108416] = Defaults(), -- Dark Pact [104773] = Defaults(), -- Unending Resolve [221715] = Defaults(), -- Essence Drain [212295] = Defaults(), -- Nether Ward [212284] = Defaults(), -- Firestone [196098] = Defaults(), -- Soul Harvest [221705] = Defaults(), -- Casting Circle [111400] = Defaults(), -- Burning Rush [196674] = Defaults(), -- Planeswalker -- Warrior [118038] = Defaults(), -- Die by the Sword [184364] = Defaults(), -- Enraged Regeneration [209484] = Defaults(), -- Tactical Advance [97463] = Defaults(), -- Commanding Shout [213915] = Defaults(), -- Mass Spell Reflection [199038] = Defaults(), -- Leave No Man Behind [223658] = Defaults(), -- Safeguard [147833] = Defaults(), -- Intervene [198760] = Defaults(), -- Intercept [12975] = Defaults(), -- Last Stand [871] = Defaults(), -- Shield Wall [23920] = Defaults(), -- Spell Reflection [216890] = Defaults(), -- Spell Reflection (PvPT) [227744] = Defaults(), -- Ravager [203524] = Defaults(), -- Neltharion's Fury [190456] = Defaults(), -- Ignore Pain [132404] = Defaults(), -- Shield Block [1719] = Defaults(), -- Battle Cry [107574] = Defaults(), -- Avatar [227847] = Defaults(), -- Bladestorm (Arm) [46924] = Defaults(), -- Bladestorm (Fury) [12292] = Defaults(), -- Bloodbath [118000] = Defaults(), -- Dragon Roar [199261] = Defaults(), -- Death Wish [18499] = Defaults(), -- Berserker Rage [202164] = Defaults(), -- Bounding Stride [215572] = Defaults(), -- Frothing Berserker [199203] = Defaults(), -- Thirst for Battle -- Racials [65116] = Defaults(), -- Stoneform [59547] = Defaults(), -- Gift of the Naaru [20572] = Defaults(), -- Blood Fury [26297] = Defaults(), -- Berserking [68992] = Defaults(), -- Darkflight [58984] = Defaults(), -- Shadowmeld -- Consumables [251231] = Defaults(), -- Steelskin Potion (BfA Armor) [251316] = Defaults(), -- Potion of Bursting Blood (BfA Melee) [269853] = Defaults(), -- Potion of Rising Death (BfA Caster) [279151] = Defaults(), -- Battle Potion of Intellect (BfA Intellect) [279152] = Defaults(), -- Battle Potion of Agility (BfA Agility) [279153] = Defaults(), -- Battle Potion of Strength (BfA Strength) [178207] = Defaults(), -- Drums of Fury [230935] = Defaults(), -- Drums of the Mountain (Legion) [256740] = Defaults(), -- Drums of the Maelstrom (BfA) [298155] = Defaults(), -- Superior Steelskin Potion [298152] = Defaults(), -- Superior Battle Potion of Intellect [298146] = Defaults(), -- Superior Battle Potion of Agility [298154] = Defaults(), -- Superior Battle Potion of Strength [298153] = Defaults(), -- Superior Battle Potion of Stamina [298836] = Defaults(), -- Greater Flask of the Currents [298837] = Defaults(), -- Greater Flask of Endless Fathoms [298839] = Defaults(), -- Greater Flask of the Vast Horizon [298841] = Defaults(), -- Greater Flask of the Undertow -- Shadowlands Consumables [307159] = Defaults(), -- Potion of Spectral Agility [307160] = Defaults(), -- Potion of Hardened Shadows [307161] = Defaults(), -- Potion of Spiritual Clarity [307162] = Defaults(), -- Potion of Spectral Intellect [307163] = Defaults(), -- Potion of Spectral Stamina [307164] = Defaults(), -- Potion of Spectral Strength [307165] = Defaults(), -- Spiritual Anti-Venom [307185] = Defaults(), -- Spectral Flask of Power [307187] = Defaults(), -- Spectral Flask of Stamina [307195] = Defaults(), -- Potion of Hidden Spirit [307196] = Defaults(), -- Potion of Shaded Sight [307199] = Defaults(), -- Potion of Soul Purity [307494] = Defaults(), -- Potion of Empowered Exorcisms [307495] = Defaults(), -- Potion of Phantom Fire [307496] = Defaults(), -- Potion of Divine Awakening [307497] = Defaults(), -- Potion of Deathly Fixation [307501] = Defaults(), -- Potion of Specter Swiftness [308397] = Defaults(), -- Butterscotch Marinated Ribs [308402] = Defaults(), -- Surprisingly Palatable Feast [308404] = Defaults(), -- Cinnamon Bonefish Stew [308412] = Defaults(), -- Meaty Apple Dumplings [308425] = Defaults(), -- Sweet Silvergrill Sausages [308434] = Defaults(), -- Phantasmal Souffle and Fries [308488] = Defaults(), -- Tenebrous Crown Roast Aspic [308506] = Defaults(), -- Crawler Ravioli with Apple Sauce [308514] = Defaults(), -- Steak a la Mode [308525] = Defaults(), -- Banana Beef Pudding [308637] = Defaults(), -- Smothered Shank [322302] = Defaults(), -- Potion of Sacrificial Anima [327708] = Defaults(), -- Feast of Gluttonous Hedonism [327715] = Defaults(), -- Fried Bonefish [327851] = Defaults(), -- Seraph Tenders }, } -- Buffs that really we dont need to see G.unitframe.aurafilters.Blacklist = { type = 'Blacklist', spells = { [36900] = Defaults(), -- Soul Split: Evil! [36901] = Defaults(), -- Soul Split: Good [36893] = Defaults(), -- Transporter Malfunction [97821] = Defaults(), -- Void-Touched [36032] = Defaults(), -- Arcane Charge [8733] = Defaults(), -- Blessing of Blackfathom [25771] = Defaults(), -- Forbearance (Pally: Divine Shield, Blessing of Protection, and Lay on Hands) [57724] = Defaults(), -- Sated (lust debuff) [57723] = Defaults(), -- Exhaustion (heroism debuff) [80354] = Defaults(), -- Temporal Displacement (timewarp debuff) [95809] = Defaults(), -- Insanity debuff (hunter pet heroism: ancient hysteria) [58539] = Defaults(), -- Watcher's Corpse [26013] = Defaults(), -- Deserter [71041] = Defaults(), -- Dungeon Deserter [41425] = Defaults(), -- Hypothermia [55711] = Defaults(), -- Weakened Heart [8326] = Defaults(), -- Ghost [23445] = Defaults(), -- Evil Twin [24755] = Defaults(), -- Tricked or Treated [25163] = Defaults(), -- Oozeling's Disgusting Aura [124275] = Defaults(), -- Stagger [124274] = Defaults(), -- Stagger [124273] = Defaults(), -- Stagger [117870] = Defaults(), -- Touch of The Titans [123981] = Defaults(), -- Perdition [15007] = Defaults(), -- Ress Sickness [113942] = Defaults(), -- Demonic: Gateway [89140] = Defaults(), -- Demonic Rebirth: Cooldown [287825] = Defaults(), -- Lethargy debuff (fight or flight) [206662] = Defaults(), -- Experience Eliminated (in range) [306600] = Defaults(), -- Experience Eliminated (oor - 5m) [206151] = Defaults(), -- Challenger's Burden }, } -- A list of important buffs that we always want to see G.unitframe.aurafilters.Whitelist = { type = 'Whitelist', spells = { -- Bloodlust effects [2825] = Defaults(), -- Bloodlust [32182] = Defaults(), -- Heroism [80353] = Defaults(), -- Time Warp [90355] = Defaults(), -- Ancient Hysteria -- Paladin [31821] = Defaults(), -- Aura Mastery [1022] = Defaults(), -- Blessing of Protection [204018] = Defaults(), -- Blessing of Spellwarding [6940] = Defaults(), -- Blessing of Sacrifice [1044] = Defaults(), -- Blessing of Freedom -- Priest [47788] = Defaults(), -- Guardian Spirit [33206] = Defaults(), -- Pain Suppression [62618] = Defaults(), -- Power Word: Barrier -- Monk [116849] = Defaults(), -- Life Cocoon -- Druid [102342] = Defaults(), -- Ironbark -- Shaman [98008] = Defaults(), -- Spirit Link Totem [20608] = Defaults(), -- Reincarnation -- Other [97462] = Defaults(), -- Rallying Cry [196718] = Defaults(), -- Darkness }, } -- RAID DEBUFFS: This should be pretty self explainitory G.unitframe.aurafilters.RaidDebuffs = { type = 'Whitelist', spells = { -- Mythic+ Dungeons -- General Affix [209858] = Defaults(), -- Necrotic [226512] = Defaults(), -- Sanguine [240559] = Defaults(), -- Grievous [240443] = Defaults(), -- Bursting -- 8.3 Affix [314531] = Defaults(), -- Tear Flesh [314308] = Defaults(), -- Spirit Breaker [314478] = Defaults(), -- Cascading Terror [314483] = Defaults(), -- Cascading Terror [314592] = Defaults(), -- Mind Flay [314406] = Defaults(), -- Crippling Pestilence [314411] = Defaults(), -- Lingering Doubt [314565] = Defaults(), -- Defiled Ground [314392] = Defaults(), -- Vile Corruption -- Shadowlands [342494] = Defaults(), -- Belligerent Boast (Prideful) -- Shadowlands Dungeons -- Halls of Atonement [335338] = Defaults(), -- Ritual of Woe [326891] = Defaults(), -- Anguish [329321] = Defaults(), -- Jagged Swipe [319603] = Defaults(), -- Curse of Stone [319611] = Defaults(), -- Turned to Stone [325876] = Defaults(), -- Curse of Obliteration [326632] = Defaults(), -- Stony Veins [323650] = Defaults(), -- Haunting Fixation [326874] = Defaults(), -- Ankle Bites -- Mists of Tirna Scithe [325027] = Defaults(), -- Bramble Burst [323043] = Defaults(), -- Bloodletting [322557] = Defaults(), -- Soul Split [331172] = Defaults(), -- Mind Link [322563] = Defaults(), -- Marked Prey -- Plaguefall [336258] = Defaults(), -- Solitary Prey [331818] = Defaults(), -- Shadow Ambush [329110] = Defaults(), -- Slime Injection [325552] = Defaults(), -- Cytotoxic Slash [336301] = Defaults(), -- Web Wrap -- The Necrotic Wake [321821] = Defaults(), -- Disgusting Guts [323365] = Defaults(), -- Clinging Darkness [338353] = Defaults(), -- Goresplatter [333485] = Defaults(), -- Disease Cloud [338357] = Defaults(), -- Tenderize [328181] = Defaults(), -- Frigid Cold [320170] = Defaults(), -- Necrotic Bolt [323464] = Defaults(), -- Dark Ichor [323198] = Defaults(), -- Dark Exile -- Theater of Pain [333299] = Defaults(), -- Curse of Desolation [319539] = Defaults(), -- Soulless [326892] = Defaults(), -- Fixate [321768] = Defaults(), -- On the Hook [323825] = Defaults(), -- Grasping Rift -- Sanguine Depths [326827] = Defaults(), -- Dread Bindings [326836] = Defaults(), -- Curse of Suppression [322554] = Defaults(), -- Castigate [321038] = Defaults(), -- Burden Soul [328593] = Defaults(), -- Agonize (Channel) [325254] = Defaults(), -- Iron Spikes -- Spires of Ascension [338729] = Defaults(), -- Charged Stomp [338747] = Defaults(), -- Purifying Blast [327481] = Defaults(), -- Dark Lance [322818] = Defaults(), -- Lost Confidence [322817] = Defaults(), -- Lingering Doubt -- De Other Side [320786] = Defaults(), -- Power Overwhelming [334913] = Defaults(), -- Master of Death [325725] = Defaults(), -- Cosmic Artifice [328987] = Defaults(), -- Zealous [334496] = Defaults(), -- Soporific Shimmerdust [339978] = Defaults(), -- Pacifying Mists [323692] = Defaults(), -- Arcane Vulnerability [333250] = Defaults(), -- Reaver -- BFA Dungeons -- Freehold [258323] = Defaults(), -- Infected Wound [257775] = Defaults(), -- Plague Step [257908] = Defaults(), -- Oiled Blade [257436] = Defaults(), -- Poisoning Strike [274389] = Defaults(), -- Rat Traps [274555] = Defaults(), -- Scabrous Bites [258875] = Defaults(), -- Blackout Barrel [256363] = Defaults(), -- Ripper Punch -- Shrine of the Storm [264560] = Defaults(), -- Choking Brine [268233] = Defaults(), -- Electrifying Shock [268322] = Defaults(), -- Touch of the Drowned [268896] = Defaults(), -- Mind Rend [268104] = Defaults(), -- Explosive Void [267034] = Defaults(), -- Whispers of Power [276268] = Defaults(), -- Heaving Blow [264166] = Defaults(), -- Undertow [264526] = Defaults(), -- Grasp of the Depths [274633] = Defaults(), -- Sundering Blow [268214] = Defaults(), -- Carving Flesh [267818] = Defaults(), -- Slicing Blast [268309] = Defaults(), -- Unending Darkness [268317] = Defaults(), -- Rip Mind [268391] = Defaults(), -- Mental Assault [274720] = Defaults(), -- Abyssal Strike -- Siege of Boralus [257168] = Defaults(), -- Cursed Slash [272588] = Defaults(), -- Rotting Wounds [272571] = Defaults(), -- Choking Waters [274991] = Defaults(), -- Putrid Waters [275835] = Defaults(), -- Stinging Venom Coating [273930] = Defaults(), -- Hindering Cut [257292] = Defaults(), -- Heavy Slash [261428] = Defaults(), -- Hangman's Noose [256897] = Defaults(), -- Clamping Jaws [272874] = Defaults(), -- Trample [273470] = Defaults(), -- Gut Shot [272834] = Defaults(), -- Viscous Slobber [257169] = Defaults(), -- Terrifying Roar [272713] = Defaults(), -- Crushing Slam -- Tol Dagor [258128] = Defaults(), -- Debilitating Shout [265889] = Defaults(), -- Torch Strike [257791] = Defaults(), -- Howling Fear [258864] = Defaults(), -- Suppression Fire [257028] = Defaults(), -- Fuselighter [258917] = Defaults(), -- Righteous Flames [257777] = Defaults(), -- Crippling Shiv [258079] = Defaults(), -- Massive Chomp [258058] = Defaults(), -- Squeeze [260016] = Defaults(), -- Itchy Bite [257119] = Defaults(), -- Sand Trap [260067] = Defaults(), -- Vicious Mauling [258313] = Defaults(), -- Handcuff [259711] = Defaults(), -- Lockdown [256198] = Defaults(), -- Azerite Rounds: Incendiary [256101] = Defaults(), -- Explosive Burst (mythic) [256105] = Defaults(), -- Explosive Burst (mythic+) [256044] = Defaults(), -- Deadeye [256474] = Defaults(), -- Heartstopper Venom -- Waycrest Manor [260703] = Defaults(), -- Unstable Runic Mark [263905] = Defaults(), -- Marking Cleave [265880] = Defaults(), -- Dread Mark [265882] = Defaults(), -- Lingering Dread [264105] = Defaults(), -- Runic Mark [264050] = Defaults(), -- Infected Thorn [261440] = Defaults(), -- Virulent Pathogen [263891] = Defaults(), -- Grasping Thorns [264378] = Defaults(), -- Fragment Soul [266035] = Defaults(), -- Bone Splinter [266036] = Defaults(), -- Drain Essence [260907] = Defaults(), -- Soul Manipulation [260741] = Defaults(), -- Jagged Nettles [264556] = Defaults(), -- Tearing Strike [265760] = Defaults(), -- Thorned Barrage [260551] = Defaults(), -- Soul Thorns [263943] = Defaults(), -- Etch [265881] = Defaults(), -- Decaying Touch [261438] = Defaults(), -- Wasting Strike [268202] = Defaults(), -- Death Lens [278456] = Defaults(), -- Infest [264153] = Defaults(), -- Spit -- AtalDazar [252781] = Defaults(), -- Unstable Hex [250096] = Defaults(), -- Wracking Pain [250371] = Defaults(), -- Lingering Nausea [253562] = Defaults(), -- Wildfire [255582] = Defaults(), -- Molten Gold [255041] = Defaults(), -- Terrifying Screech [255371] = Defaults(), -- Terrifying Visage [252687] = Defaults(), -- Venomfang Strike [254959] = Defaults(), -- Soulburn [255814] = Defaults(), -- Rending Maul [255421] = Defaults(), -- Devour [255434] = Defaults(), -- Serrated Teeth [256577] = Defaults(), -- Soulfeast -- Kings Rest [270492] = Defaults(), -- Hex [267763] = Defaults(), -- Wretched Discharge [276031] = Defaults(), -- Pit of Despair [265773] = Defaults(), -- Spit Gold [270920] = Defaults(), -- Seduction [270865] = Defaults(), -- Hidden Blade [271564] = Defaults(), -- Embalming Fluid [270507] = Defaults(), -- Poison Barrage [267273] = Defaults(), -- Poison Nova [270003] = Defaults(), -- Suppression Slam [270084] = Defaults(), -- Axe Barrage [267618] = Defaults(), -- Drain Fluids [267626] = Defaults(), -- Dessication [270487] = Defaults(), -- Severing Blade [266238] = Defaults(), -- Shattered Defenses [266231] = Defaults(), -- Severing Axe [266191] = Defaults(), -- Whirling Axes [272388] = Defaults(), -- Shadow Barrage [271640] = Defaults(), -- Dark Revelation [268796] = Defaults(), -- Impaling Spear [268419] = Defaults(), -- Gale Slash [269932] = Defaults(), -- Gust Slash -- Motherlode [263074] = Defaults(), -- Festering Bite [280605] = Defaults(), -- Brain Freeze [257337] = Defaults(), -- Shocking Claw [270882] = Defaults(), -- Blazing Azerite [268797] = Defaults(), -- Transmute: Enemy to Goo [259856] = Defaults(), -- Chemical Burn [269302] = Defaults(), -- Toxic Blades [280604] = Defaults(), -- Iced Spritzer [257371] = Defaults(), -- Tear Gas [257544] = Defaults(), -- Jagged Cut [268846] = Defaults(), -- Echo Blade [262794] = Defaults(), -- Energy Lash [262513] = Defaults(), -- Azerite Heartseeker [260829] = Defaults(), -- Homing Missle (travelling) [260838] = Defaults(), -- Homing Missle (exploded) [263637] = Defaults(), -- Clothesline -- Temple of Sethraliss [269686] = Defaults(), -- Plague [268013] = Defaults(), -- Flame Shock [268008] = Defaults(), -- Snake Charm [273563] = Defaults(), -- Neurotoxin [272657] = Defaults(), -- Noxious Breath [267027] = Defaults(), -- Cytotoxin [272699] = Defaults(), -- Venomous Spit [263371] = Defaults(), -- Conduction [272655] = Defaults(), -- Scouring Sand [263914] = Defaults(), -- Blinding Sand [263958] = Defaults(), -- A Knot of Snakes [266923] = Defaults(), -- Galvanize [268007] = Defaults(), -- Heart Attack -- Underrot [265468] = Defaults(), -- Withering Curse [278961] = Defaults(), -- Decaying Mind [259714] = Defaults(), -- Decaying Spores [272180] = Defaults(), -- Death Bolt [272609] = Defaults(), -- Maddening Gaze [269301] = Defaults(), -- Putrid Blood [265533] = Defaults(), -- Blood Maw [265019] = Defaults(), -- Savage Cleave [265377] = Defaults(), -- Hooked Snare [265625] = Defaults(), -- Dark Omen [260685] = Defaults(), -- Taint of G'huun [266107] = Defaults(), -- Thirst for Blood [260455] = Defaults(), -- Serrated Fangs -- Operation Mechagon [291928] = Defaults(), -- Giga-Zap [292267] = Defaults(), -- Giga-Zap [302274] = Defaults(), -- Fulminating Zap [298669] = Defaults(), -- Taze [295445] = Defaults(), -- Wreck [294929] = Defaults(), -- Blazing Chomp [297257] = Defaults(), -- Electrical Charge [294855] = Defaults(), -- Blossom Blast [291972] = Defaults(), -- Explosive Leap [285443] = Defaults(), -- 'Hidden' Flame Cannon [291974] = Defaults(), -- Obnoxious Monologue [296150] = Defaults(), -- Vent Blast [298602] = Defaults(), -- Smoke Cloud [296560] = Defaults(), -- Clinging Static [297283] = Defaults(), -- Cave In [291914] = Defaults(), -- Cutting Beam [302384] = Defaults(), -- Static Discharge [294195] = Defaults(), -- Arcing Zap [299572] = Defaults(), -- Shrink [300659] = Defaults(), -- Consuming Slime [300650] = Defaults(), -- Suffocating Smog [301712] = Defaults(), -- Pounce [299475] = Defaults(), -- B.O.R.K [293670] = Defaults(), -- Chain Blade -- Castle Nathria -- Shriekwing [328897] = Defaults(), -- Exsanguinated [330713] = Defaults(), -- Reverberating Pain [329370] = Defaults(), -- Deadly Descent [336494] = Defaults(), -- Echo Screech -- Huntsman Altimor [335304] = Defaults(), -- Sinseeker [334971] = Defaults(), -- Jagged Claws [335113] = Defaults(), -- Huntsman's Mark 1 [335112] = Defaults(), -- Huntsman's Mark 2 [335111] = Defaults(), -- Huntsman's Mark 3 [334945] = Defaults(), -- Bloody Thrash -- Hungering Destroyer [334228] = Defaults(), -- Volatile Ejection [329298] = Defaults(), -- Gluttonous Miasma -- Lady Inerva Darkvein [325936] = Defaults(), -- Shared Cognition [335396] = Defaults(), -- Hidden Desire [324983] = Defaults(), -- Shared Suffering [324982] = Defaults(), -- Shared Suffering Partner [332664] = Defaults(), -- Concentrate Anima [325382] = Defaults(), -- Warped Desires -- Sun King's Salvation [333002] = Defaults(), -- Vulgar Brand [326078] = Defaults(), -- Infuser's Boon [325251] = Defaults(), -- Sin of Pride -- Artificer Xy'mox [327902] = Defaults(), -- Fixate [326302] = Defaults(), -- Stasis Trap [325236] = Defaults(), -- Glyph of Destruction [327414] = Defaults(), -- Possession -- The Council of Blood [327773] = Defaults(), -- Drain Essence 1 [327052] = Defaults(), -- Drain Essence 2 [346651] = Defaults(), -- Drain Essence Mythic [328334] = Defaults(), -- Tactical Advance [330848] = Defaults(), -- Wrong Moves [331706] = Defaults(), -- Scarlet Letter [331636] = Defaults(), -- Dark Recital 1 [331637] = Defaults(), -- Dark Recital 2 -- Sludgefist [335470] = Defaults(), -- Chain Slam [339181] = Defaults(), -- Chain Slam (Root) [331209] = Defaults(), -- Hateful Gaze [335293] = Defaults(), -- Chain Link [335270] = Defaults(), -- Chain This One! [335295] = Defaults(), -- Shattering Chain -- Stone Legion Generals [334498] = Defaults(), -- Seismic Upheaval [337643] = Defaults(), -- Unstable Footing [334765] = Defaults(), -- Heart Rend [333377] = Defaults(), -- Wicked Mark [334616] = Defaults(), -- Petrified [334541] = Defaults(), -- Curse of Petrification [339690] = Defaults(), -- Crystalize [342655] = Defaults(), -- Volatile Anima Infusion [342698] = Defaults(), -- Volatile Anima Infection -- Sire Denathrius [326851] = Defaults(), -- Blood Price [327798] = Defaults(), -- Night Hunter [327992] = Defaults(), -- Desolation [328276] = Defaults(), -- March of the Penitent [326699] = Defaults(), -- Burden of Sin -- Uldir -- MOTHER [268277] = Defaults(), -- Purifying Flame [268253] = Defaults(), -- Surgical Beam [268095] = Defaults(), -- Cleansing Purge [267787] = Defaults(), -- Sundering Scalpel [268198] = Defaults(), -- Clinging Corruption [267821] = Defaults(), -- Defense Grid -- Vectis [265127] = Defaults(), -- Lingering Infection [265178] = Defaults(), -- Mutagenic Pathogen [265206] = Defaults(), -- Immunosuppression [265212] = Defaults(), -- Gestate [265129] = Defaults(), -- Omega Vector [267160] = Defaults(), -- Omega Vector [267161] = Defaults(), -- Omega Vector [267162] = Defaults(), -- Omega Vector [267163] = Defaults(), -- Omega Vector [267164] = Defaults(), -- Omega Vector -- Mythrax [272536] = Defaults(), -- Imminent Ruin [274693] = Defaults(), -- Essence Shear [272407] = Defaults(), -- Oblivion Sphere -- Fetid Devourer [262313] = Defaults(), -- Malodorous Miasma [262292] = Defaults(), -- Rotting Regurgitation [262314] = Defaults(), -- Deadly Disease -- Taloc [270290] = Defaults(), -- Blood Storm [275270] = Defaults(), -- Fixate [271224] = Defaults(), -- Plasma Discharge [271225] = Defaults(), -- Plasma Discharge -- Zul [273365] = Defaults(), -- Dark Revelation [273434] = Defaults(), -- Pit of Despair [272018] = Defaults(), -- Absorbed in Darkness [274358] = Defaults(), -- Rupturing Blood -- Zekvoz [265237] = Defaults(), -- Shatter [265264] = Defaults(), -- Void Lash [265360] = Defaults(), -- Roiling Deceit [265662] = Defaults(), -- Corruptor's Pact [265646] = Defaults(), -- Will of the Corruptor -- G'huun [263436] = Defaults(), -- Imperfect Physiology [263227] = Defaults(), -- Putrid Blood [263372] = Defaults(), -- Power Matrix [272506] = Defaults(), -- Explosive Corruption [267409] = Defaults(), -- Dark Bargain [267430] = Defaults(), -- Torment [263235] = Defaults(), -- Blood Feast [270287] = Defaults(), -- Blighted Ground -- Battle of Dazar'alor -- Champions of the Light [283573] = Defaults(), -- Sacred Blade [283617] = Defaults(), -- Wave of Light [283651] = Defaults(), -- Blinding Faith [284595] = Defaults(), -- Penance [283582] = Defaults(), -- Consecration -- Grong [285998] = Defaults(), -- Ferocious Roar [283069] = Defaults(), -- Megatomic Fire [285671] = Defaults(), -- Crushed [285875] = Defaults(), -- Rending Bite -- Jaina [285253] = Defaults(), -- Ice Shard [287993] = Defaults(), -- Chilling Touch [287365] = Defaults(), -- Searing Pitch [288038] = Defaults(), -- Marked Target [285254] = Defaults(), -- Avalanche [287626] = Defaults(), -- Grasp of Frost [287490] = Defaults(), -- Frozen Solid [287199] = Defaults(), -- Ring of Ice [288392] = Defaults(), -- Vengeful Seas -- Stormwall Blockade [284369] = Defaults(), -- Sea Storm [284410] = Defaults(), -- Tempting Song [284405] = Defaults(), -- Tempting Song [284121] = Defaults(), -- Thunderous Boom [286680] = Defaults(), -- Roiling Tides -- Opulence [286501] = Defaults(), -- Creeping Blaze [283610] = Defaults(), -- Crush [289383] = Defaults(), -- Chaotic Displacement [285479] = Defaults(), -- Flame Jet [283063] = Defaults(), -- Flames of Punishment [283507] = Defaults(), -- Volatile Charge -- King Rastakhan [284995] = Defaults(), -- Zombie Dust [285349] = Defaults(), -- Plague of Fire [285044] = Defaults(), -- Toad Toxin [284831] = Defaults(), -- Scorching Detonation [289858] = Defaults(), -- Crushed [284662] = Defaults(), -- Seal of Purification [284676] = Defaults(), -- Seal of Purification [285178] = Defaults(), -- Serpent's Breath [285010] = Defaults(), -- Poison Toad Slime -- Jadefire Masters [282037] = Defaults(), -- Rising Flames [284374] = Defaults(), -- Magma Trap [285632] = Defaults(), -- Stalking [288151] = Defaults(), -- Tested [284089] = Defaults(), -- Successful Defense [286988] = Defaults(), -- Searing Embers -- Mekkatorque [288806] = Defaults(), -- Gigavolt Blast [289023] = Defaults(), -- Enormous [286646] = Defaults(), -- Gigavolt Charge [288939] = Defaults(), -- Gigavolt Radiation [284168] = Defaults(), -- Shrunk [286516] = Defaults(), -- Anti-Tampering Shock [286480] = Defaults(), -- Anti-Tampering Shock [284214] = Defaults(), -- Trample -- Conclave of the Chosen [284663] = Defaults(), -- Bwonsamdi's Wrath [282444] = Defaults(), -- Lacerating Claws [282592] = Defaults(), -- Bleeding Wounds [282209] = Defaults(), -- Mark of Prey [285879] = Defaults(), -- Mind Wipe [282135] = Defaults(), -- Crawling Hex [286060] = Defaults(), -- Cry of the Fallen [282447] = Defaults(), -- Kimbul's Wrath [282834] = Defaults(), -- Kimbul's Wrath [286811] = Defaults(), -- Akunda's Wrath [286838] = Defaults(), -- Static Orb -- Crucible of Storms -- The Restless Cabal [282386] = Defaults(), -- Aphotic Blast [282384] = Defaults(), -- Shear Mind [282566] = Defaults(), -- Promises of Power [282561] = Defaults(), -- Dark Herald [282432] = Defaults(), -- Crushing Doubt [282589] = Defaults(), -- Mind Scramble [292826] = Defaults(), -- Mind Scramble -- Uu'nat [284851] = Defaults(), -- Touch of the End [286459] = Defaults(), -- Feedback: Void [286457] = Defaults(), -- Feedback: Ocean [286458] = Defaults(), -- Feedback: Storm [285367] = Defaults(), -- Piercing Gaze of N'Zoth [284733] = Defaults(), -- Embrace of the Void [284722] = Defaults(), -- Umbral Shell [285345] = Defaults(), -- Maddening Eyes of N'Zoth [285477] = Defaults(), -- Obscurity [285652] = Defaults(), -- Insatiable Torment -- Eternal Palace -- Lady Ashvane [296693] = Defaults(), -- Waterlogged [296725] = Defaults(), -- Barnacle Bash [296942] = Defaults(), -- Arcing Azerite [296938] = Defaults(), -- Arcing Azerite [296941] = Defaults(), -- Arcing Azerite [296939] = Defaults(), -- Arcing Azerite [296943] = Defaults(), -- Arcing Azerite [296940] = Defaults(), -- Arcing Azerite [296752] = Defaults(), -- Cutting Coral [297333] = Defaults(), -- Briny Bubble [297397] = Defaults(), -- Briny Bubble -- Abyssal Commander Sivara [300701] = Defaults(), -- Rimefrost [300705] = Defaults(), -- Septic Taint [294847] = Defaults(), -- Unstable Mixture [295850] = Defaults(), -- Delirious [295421] = Defaults(), -- Overflowing Venom [295348] = Defaults(), -- Overflowing Chill [295807] = Defaults(), -- Frozen [300883] = Defaults(), -- Inversion Sickness [295705] = Defaults(), -- Toxic Bolt [295704] = Defaults(), -- Frost Bolt [294711] = Defaults(), -- Frost Mark [294715] = Defaults(), -- Toxic Brand -- The Queens Court [301830] = Defaults(), -- Pashmar's Touch [296851] = Defaults(), -- Fanatical Verdict [297836] = Defaults(), -- Potent Spark [297586] = Defaults(), -- Suffering [304410] = Defaults(), -- Repeat Performance [299914] = Defaults(), -- Frenetic Charge [303306] = Defaults(), -- Sphere of Influence [300545] = Defaults(), -- Mighty Rupture -- Radiance of Azshara [296566] = Defaults(), -- Tide Fist [296737] = Defaults(), -- Arcane Bomb [296746] = Defaults(), -- Arcane Bomb [295920] = Defaults(), -- Ancient Tempest [296462] = Defaults(), -- Squall Trap -- Orgozoa [298156] = Defaults(), -- Desensitizing Sting [298306] = Defaults(), -- Incubation Fluid -- Blackwater Behemoth [292127] = Defaults(), -- Darkest Depths [292138] = Defaults(), -- Radiant Biomass [292167] = Defaults(), -- Toxic Spine [301494] = Defaults(), -- Piercing Barb -- Zaqul [295495] = Defaults(), -- Mind Tether [295480] = Defaults(), -- Mind Tether [295249] = Defaults(), -- Delirium Realm [303819] = Defaults(), -- Nightmare Pool [293509] = Defaults(), -- Manifest Nightmares [295327] = Defaults(), -- Shattered Psyche [294545] = Defaults(), -- Portal of Madness [298192] = Defaults(), -- Dark Beyond [292963] = Defaults(), -- Dread [300133] = Defaults(), -- Snapped -- Queen Azshara [298781] = Defaults(), -- Arcane Orb [297907] = Defaults(), -- Cursed Heart [302999] = Defaults(), -- Arcane Vulnerability [302141] = Defaults(), -- Beckon [299276] = Defaults(), -- Sanction [303657] = Defaults(), -- Arcane Burst [298756] = Defaults(), -- Serrated Edge [301078] = Defaults(), -- Charged Spear [298014] = Defaults(), -- Cold Blast [298018] = Defaults(), -- Frozen -- Ny'alotha -- Wrathion [313255] = Defaults(), -- Creeping Madness (Slow Effect) [306163] = Defaults(), -- Incineration [306015] = Defaults(), -- Searing Armor [tank] -- Maut [307805] = Defaults(), -- Devour Magic [314337] = Defaults(), -- Ancient Curse [306301] = Defaults(), -- Forbidden Mana [314992] = Defaults(), -- Darin Essence [307399] = Defaults(), -- Shadow Claws [tank] -- Prophet Skitra [306387] = Defaults(), -- Shadow Shock [313276] = Defaults(), -- Shred Psyche -- Dark Inquisitor [306311] = Defaults(), -- Soul Flay [312406] = Defaults(), -- Void Woken [311551] = Defaults(), -- Abyssal Strike [tank] -- Hivemind [313461] = Defaults(), -- Corrosion [313672] = Defaults(), -- Acid Pool [313460] = Defaults(), -- Nullification -- Shadhar [307471] = Defaults(), -- Crush [tank] [307472] = Defaults(), -- Dissolve [tank] [307358] = Defaults(), -- Debilitating Spit [306928] = Defaults(), -- Umbral Breath [312530] = Defaults(), -- Entropic Breath [306929] = Defaults(), -- Bubbling Breath [318078] = Defaults(), -- Fixated -- Drest [310406] = Defaults(), -- Void Glare [310277] = Defaults(), -- Volatile Seed [tank] [310309] = Defaults(), -- Volatile Vulnerability [310358] = Defaults(), -- Mutterings of Insanity [310552] = Defaults(), -- Mind Flay [310478] = Defaults(), -- Void Miasma -- Ilgy [309961] = Defaults(), -- Eye of Nzoth [tank] [310322] = Defaults(), -- Morass of Corruption [311401] = Defaults(), -- Touch of the Corruptor [314396] = Defaults(), -- Cursed Blood [275269] = Defaults(), -- Fixate [312486] = Defaults(), -- Recurring Nightmare -- Vexiona [307317] = Defaults(), -- Encroaching Shadows [307359] = Defaults(), -- Despair [315932] = Defaults(), -- Brutal Smash [307218] = Defaults(), -- Twilight Decimator [307284] = Defaults(), -- Terrifying Presence [307421] = Defaults(), -- Annihilation [307019] = Defaults(), -- Void Corruption [tank] -- Raden [306819] = Defaults(), -- Nullifying Strike [tank] [306279] = Defaults(), -- Insanity Exposure [315258] = Defaults(), -- Dread Inferno [306257] = Defaults(), -- Unstable Vita [313227] = Defaults(), -- Decaying Wound [310019] = Defaults(), -- Charged Bonds [316065] = Defaults(), -- Corrupted Existence -- Carapace [315954] = Defaults(), -- Black Scar [tank] [306973] = Defaults(), -- Madness [316848] = Defaults(), -- Adaptive Membrane [307044] = Defaults(), -- Nightmare Antibody [313364] = Defaults(), -- Mental Decay [317627] = Defaults(), -- Infinite Void -- Nzoth [318442] = Defaults(), -- Paranoia [313400] = Defaults(), -- Corrupted Mind [313793] = Defaults(), -- Flames of Insanity [316771] = Defaults(), -- Mindwrack [314889] = Defaults(), -- Probe Mind [317112] = Defaults(), -- Evoke Anguish [318976] = Defaults(), -- Stupefying Glare }, } --[[ RAID BUFFS: Buffs that are provided by NPCs in raid or other PvE content. This can be buffs put on other enemies or on players. ]] G.unitframe.aurafilters.RaidBuffsElvUI = { type = 'Whitelist', spells = { -- Mythic+ General [209859] = Defaults(), -- Bolster [178658] = Defaults(), -- Raging [226510] = Defaults(), -- Sanguine -- Mythic+ Shadowlands Season 1 [343502] = Defaults(), -- Inspiring [342332] = Defaults(), -- Bursting With Pride (Prideful) [340880] = Defaults(), -- Prideful }, } -- Spells that we want to show the duration backwards E.ReverseTimer = {} -- AuraWatch: List of personal spells to show on unitframes as icon function UF:AuraWatch_AddSpell(id, point, color, anyUnit, onlyShowMissing, displayText, textThreshold, xOffset, yOffset) local r, g, b = 1, 1, 1 if color then r, g, b = unpack(color) end return { id = id, enabled = true, point = point or 'TOPLEFT', color = { r = r, g = g, b = b }, anyUnit = anyUnit or false, onlyShowMissing = onlyShowMissing or false, displayText = displayText or false, textThreshold = textThreshold or -1, xOffset = xOffset or 0, yOffset = yOffset or 0, style = 'coloredIcon', sizeOffset = 0, } end G.unitframe.aurawatch = { GLOBAL = {}, PRIEST = { [139] = UF:AuraWatch_AddSpell(139, 'BOTTOMLEFT', {0.4, 0.7, 0.2}), -- Renew [17] = UF:AuraWatch_AddSpell(17, 'TOPLEFT', {0.7, 0.7, 0.7}, true), -- Power Word: Shield [193065] = UF:AuraWatch_AddSpell(193065, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', {0.54, 0.21, 0.78}), -- Masochism [194384] = UF:AuraWatch_AddSpell(194384, 'TOPRIGHT', {1, 1, 0.66}), -- Atonement [214206] = UF:AuraWatch_AddSpell(214206, 'TOPRIGHT', {1, 1, 0.66}), -- Atonement (PvP) [33206] = UF:AuraWatch_AddSpell(33206, 'LEFT', {0.47, 0.35, 0.74}, true), -- Pain Suppression [41635] = UF:AuraWatch_AddSpell(41635, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', {0.2, 0.7, 0.2}), -- Prayer of Mending [47788] = UF:AuraWatch_AddSpell(47788, 'LEFT', {0.86, 0.45, 0}, true), -- Guardian Spirit [6788] = UF:AuraWatch_AddSpell(6788, 'BOTTOMLEFT', {0.89, 0.1, 0.1}), -- Weakened Soul }, DRUID = { [774] = UF:AuraWatch_AddSpell(774, 'TOPRIGHT', {0.8, 0.4, 0.8}), -- Rejuvenation [155777] = UF:AuraWatch_AddSpell(155777, 'RIGHT', {0.8, 0.4, 0.8}), -- Germination [8936] = UF:AuraWatch_AddSpell(8936, 'BOTTOMLEFT', {0.2, 0.8, 0.2}), -- Regrowth [33763] = UF:AuraWatch_AddSpell(33763, 'TOPLEFT', {0.4, 0.8, 0.2}), -- Lifebloom [188550] = UF:AuraWatch_AddSpell(188550, 'TOPLEFT', {0.4, 0.8, 0.2}), -- Lifebloom (Shadowlands Legendary) [48438] = UF:AuraWatch_AddSpell(48438, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', {0.8, 0.4, 0}), -- Wild Growth [207386] = UF:AuraWatch_AddSpell(207386, 'TOP', {0.4, 0.2, 0.8}), -- Spring Blossoms [102351] = UF:AuraWatch_AddSpell(102351, 'LEFT', {0.2, 0.8, 0.8}), -- Cenarion Ward (Initial Buff) [102352] = UF:AuraWatch_AddSpell(102352, 'LEFT', {0.2, 0.8, 0.8}), -- Cenarion Ward (HoT) [200389] = UF:AuraWatch_AddSpell(200389, 'BOTTOM', {1, 1, 0.4}), -- Cultivation [203554] = UF:AuraWatch_AddSpell(203554, 'TOP', {1, 1, 0.4}), -- Focused Growth (PvP) }, PALADIN = { [53563] = UF:AuraWatch_AddSpell(53563, 'TOPRIGHT', {0.7, 0.3, 0.7}), -- Beacon of Light [156910] = UF:AuraWatch_AddSpell(156910, 'TOPRIGHT', {0.7, 0.3, 0.7}), -- Beacon of Faith [200025] = UF:AuraWatch_AddSpell(200025, 'TOPRIGHT', {0.7, 0.3, 0.7}), -- Beacon of Virtue [1022] = UF:AuraWatch_AddSpell(1022, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', {0.2, 0.2, 1}, true), -- Blessing of Protection [1044] = UF:AuraWatch_AddSpell(1044, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', {0.89, 0.45, 0}, true), -- Blessing of Freedom [6940] = UF:AuraWatch_AddSpell(6940, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', {0.89, 0.1, 0.1}, true), -- Blessing of Sacrifice [204018] = UF:AuraWatch_AddSpell(204018, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', {0.2, 0.2, 1}, true), -- Blessing of Spellwarding [223306] = UF:AuraWatch_AddSpell(223306, 'BOTTOMLEFT', {0.7, 0.7, 0.3}), -- Bestow Faith [287280] = UF:AuraWatch_AddSpell(287280, 'TOPLEFT', {0.2, 0.8, 0.2}), -- Glimmer of Light (T50 Talent) [157047] = UF:AuraWatch_AddSpell(157047, 'TOP', {0.15, 0.58, 0.84}), -- Saved by the Light (T25 Talent) }, SHAMAN = { [61295] = UF:AuraWatch_AddSpell(61295, 'TOPRIGHT', {0.7, 0.3, 0.7}), -- Riptide [974] = UF:AuraWatch_AddSpell(974, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', {0.2, 0.2, 1}), -- Earth Shield }, MONK = { [119611] = UF:AuraWatch_AddSpell(119611, 'TOPLEFT', {0.3, 0.8, 0.6}), -- Renewing Mist [116849] = UF:AuraWatch_AddSpell(116849, 'TOPRIGHT', {0.2, 0.8, 0.2}, true), -- Life Cocoon [124682] = UF:AuraWatch_AddSpell(124682, 'BOTTOMLEFT', {0.8, 0.8, 0.25}), -- Enveloping Mist [191840] = UF:AuraWatch_AddSpell(191840, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', {0.27, 0.62, 0.7}), -- Essence Font [116841] = UF:AuraWatch_AddSpell(116841, 'TOP', {0.12, 1.00, 0.53}), -- Tiger's Lust (Freedom) }, ROGUE = { [57934] = UF:AuraWatch_AddSpell(57934, 'TOPRIGHT', {0.89, 0.09, 0.05}), -- Tricks of the Trade }, WARRIOR = { [3411] = UF:AuraWatch_AddSpell(3411, 'TOPRIGHT', {0.89, 0.09, 0.05}), -- Intervene }, PET = { -- Warlock Pets [193396] = UF:AuraWatch_AddSpell(193396, 'TOPRIGHT', {0.6, 0.2, 0.8}, true), -- Demonic Empowerment -- Hunter Pets [272790] = UF:AuraWatch_AddSpell(272790, 'TOPLEFT', {0.89, 0.09, 0.05}, true), -- Frenzy [136] = UF:AuraWatch_AddSpell(290819, 'TOPRIGHT', {0.2, 0.8, 0.2}, true), -- Mend Pet }, HUNTER = { [90361] = UF:AuraWatch_AddSpell(90361, 'TOP', {0.34, 0.47, 0.31}), -- Spirit Mend (HoT) }, DEMONHUNTER = {}, -- Keep for reference to G.unitframe.aurawatch[E.myclass][SomeValue] WARLOCK = {}, MAGE = {}, DEATHKNIGHT = {}, } -- Profile specific BuffIndicator P.unitframe.filters = { aurawatch = {}, } -- List of spells to display ticks G.unitframe.ChannelTicks = { -- Racials [291944] = 6, -- Regeneratin (Zandalari) -- Warlock [198590] = 5, -- Drain Soul [755] = 5, -- Health Funnel [234153] = 5, -- Drain Life -- Priest [64843] = 4, -- Divine Hymn [15407] = 6, -- Mind Flay [48045] = 6, -- Mind Sear [47757] = 3, -- Penance (heal) [47758] = 3, -- Penance (dps) [64902] = 5, -- Symbol of Hope (Mana Hymn) -- Mage [5143] = 4, -- Arcane Missiles [12051] = 6, -- Evocation [205021] = 5, -- Ray of Frost -- Druid [740] = 4, -- Tranquility -- DK [206931] = 3, -- Blooddrinker -- DH [198013] = 10, -- Eye Beam [212084] = 10, -- Fel Devastation -- Hunter [120360] = 15, -- Barrage [257044] = 7, -- Rapid Fire } -- Spells Effected By Talents G.unitframe.TalentChannelTicks = { -- Priest [47757] = {tier = 1, column = 1, ticks = 4}, -- Penance (heal) [47758] = {tier = 1, column = 1, ticks = 4}, -- Penance (dps) } G.unitframe.ChannelTicksSize = { -- Warlock [198590] = 1, -- Drain Soul -- Mage [205021] = 1, -- Ray of Frost } -- Spells Effected By Haste, these spells require a Tick Size (table above) G.unitframe.HastedChannelTicks = { -- Mage [205021] = true, -- Ray of Frost } -- This should probably be the same as the whitelist filter + any personal class ones that may be important to watch G.unitframe.AuraBarColors = { [2825] = { enable = true, color = {r = 0.98, g = 0.57, b = 0.10 }}, -- Bloodlust [32182] = { enable = true, color = {r = 0.98, g = 0.57, b = 0.10 }}, -- Heroism [80353] = { enable = true, color = {r = 0.98, g = 0.57, b = 0.10 }}, -- Time Warp [90355] = { enable = true, color = {r = 0.98, g = 0.57, b = 0.10 }}, -- Ancient Hysteria } G.unitframe.AuraHighlightColors = {} G.unitframe.specialFilters = { -- Whitelists Boss = true, MyPet = true, OtherPet = true, Personal = true, nonPersonal = true, CastByUnit = true, notCastByUnit = true, Dispellable = true, notDispellable = true, CastByNPC = true, CastByPlayers = true, BlizzardNameplate = true, -- Blacklists blockNonPersonal = true, blockCastByPlayers = true, blockNoDuration = true, blockDispellable = true, blockNotDispellable = true, };