local E, _, V, P, G = unpack(ElvUI) --Import: Engine, Locales, PrivateDB, ProfileDB, GlobalDB local C, L = unpack(select(2, ...)) local NP = E:GetModule('NamePlates') local ACD = E.Libs.AceConfigDialog local ACH = E.Libs.ACH local _G = _G local tconcat, tostring = table.concat, tostring local pairs, type, strsplit, strmatch, gsub = pairs, type, strsplit, strmatch, gsub local next, ipairs, tremove, tinsert, sort, tonumber, format = next, ipairs, tremove, tinsert, sort, tonumber, format local C_Map_GetMapInfo = C_Map.GetMapInfo local C_SpecializationInfo_GetPvpTalentSlotInfo = C_SpecializationInfo.GetPvpTalentSlotInfo local GetClassInfo = GetClassInfo local GetCVar = GetCVar local GetCVarBool = GetCVarBool local GetDifficultyInfo = GetDifficultyInfo local GetInstanceInfo = GetInstanceInfo local GetNumClasses = GetNumClasses local GetNumSpecializationsForClassID = GetNumSpecializationsForClassID local GetPvpTalentInfoByID = GetPvpTalentInfoByID local GetRealZoneText = GetRealZoneText local GetSpecializationInfoForClassID = GetSpecializationInfoForClassID local GetSpellInfo = GetSpellInfo local GetTalentInfo = GetTalentInfo local SetCVar = SetCVar local raidTargetIcon = [[|TInterface\TargetingFrame\UI-RaidTargetingIcon_%s:0|t %s]] local selectedNameplateFilter local positionValues = { TOPLEFT = 'TOPLEFT', TOPRIGHT = 'TOPRIGHT', BOTTOMLEFT = 'BOTTOMLEFT', BOTTOMRIGHT = 'BOTTOMRIGHT', } local carryFilterFrom, carryFilterTo local function filterMatch(s, v) local m1, m2, m3, m4 = '^' .. v .. '$', '^' .. v .. ',', ',' .. v .. '$', ',' .. v .. ',' return (strmatch(s, m1) and m1) or (strmatch(s, m2) and m2) or (strmatch(s, m3) and m3) or (strmatch(s, m4) and v .. ',') end local function filterPriority(auraType, unit, value, remove, movehere, friendState) if not auraType or not value then return end local filter = E.db.nameplates.units[unit] and E.db.nameplates.units[unit][auraType] and E.db.nameplates.units[unit][auraType].priority if not filter then return end local found = filterMatch(filter, E:EscapeString(value)) if found and movehere then local tbl, sv, sm = {strsplit(',', filter)} for i in ipairs(tbl) do if tbl[i] == value then sv = i elseif tbl[i] == movehere then sm = i end if sv and sm then break end end tremove(tbl, sm) tinsert(tbl, sv, movehere) E.db.nameplates.units[unit][auraType].priority = tconcat(tbl, ',') elseif found and friendState then local realValue = strmatch(value, '^Friendly:([^,]*)') or strmatch(value, '^Enemy:([^,]*)') or value local friend = filterMatch(filter, E:EscapeString('Friendly:' .. realValue)) local enemy = filterMatch(filter, E:EscapeString('Enemy:' .. realValue)) local default = filterMatch(filter, E:EscapeString(realValue)) local state = (friend and (not enemy) and format('%s%s', 'Enemy:', realValue)) or --[x] friend [ ] enemy: > enemy ((not enemy and not friend) and format('%s%s', 'Friendly:', realValue)) or --[ ] friend [ ] enemy: > friendly (enemy and (not friend) and default and format('%s%s', 'Friendly:', realValue)) or --[ ] friend [x] enemy: (default exists) > friendly (enemy and (not friend) and strmatch(value, '^Enemy:') and realValue) or --[ ] friend [x] enemy: (no default) > realvalue (friend and enemy and realValue) --[x] friend [x] enemy: > default if state then local stateFound = filterMatch(filter, E:EscapeString(state)) if not stateFound then local tbl, sv = {strsplit(',', filter)} for i in ipairs(tbl) do if tbl[i] == value then sv = i break end end tinsert(tbl, sv, state) tremove(tbl, sv + 1) E.db.nameplates.units[unit][auraType].priority = tconcat(tbl, ',') end end elseif found and remove then E.db.nameplates.units[unit][auraType].priority = gsub(filter, found, '') elseif not found and not remove then E.db.nameplates.units[unit][auraType].priority = (filter == '' and value) or (filter .. ',' .. value) end end local specListOrder = 50 -- start at 50 local classTable, classIndexTable, classOrder local function UpdateClassSpec(classTag, enabled) if not (classTable[classTag] and classTable[classTag].classID) then return end local classSpec = format('%s%s', classTag, 'spec') if (enabled == false) then if E.Options.args.nameplate.args.filters.args.triggers.args.class.args[classSpec] then E.Options.args.nameplate.args.filters.args.triggers.args.class.args[classSpec] = nil specListOrder = specListOrder - 1 end return -- stop when we remove one OR when we pass disable with clear filter end if not E.Options.args.nameplate.args.filters.args.triggers.args.class.args[classSpec] then specListOrder = specListOrder + 1 E.Options.args.nameplate.args.filters.args.triggers.args.class.args[classSpec] = { order = specListOrder, type = 'group', name = classTable[classTag].name, inline = true, args = {} } end local coloredName = E:ClassColor(classTag) coloredName = (coloredName and coloredName.colorStr) or 'ff666666' for i = 1, GetNumSpecializationsForClassID(classTable[classTag].classID) do local specID, name = GetSpecializationInfoForClassID(classTable[classTag].classID, i) local tagID = format('%s%s', classTag, specID) if not E.Options.args.nameplate.args.filters.args.triggers.args.class.args[classSpec].args[tagID] then E.Options.args.nameplate.args.filters.args.triggers.args.class.args[classSpec].args[tagID] = { order = i, name = format('|c%s%s|r', coloredName, name), type = 'toggle', get = function(info) local tagTrigger = E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.class[classTag] return tagTrigger and tagTrigger.specs and tagTrigger.specs[specID] end, set = function(info, value) --set this to nil if false to keep its population to only enabled ones local tagTrigger = E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.class[classTag] if not tagTrigger.specs then E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.class[classTag].specs = {} end E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.class[classTag].specs[specID] = value or nil if not next(E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.class[classTag].specs) then E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.class[classTag].specs = nil end NP:ConfigureAll() end } end end end local function UpdateClassSection() if E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] then if not classTable then local classDisplayName, classTag, classID classTable, classIndexTable = {}, {} for i = 1, GetNumClasses() do classDisplayName, classTag, classID = GetClassInfo(i) if not classTable[classTag] then classTable[classTag] = {} end classTable[classTag].name = classDisplayName classTable[classTag].classID = classID end for classTag in pairs(classTable) do tinsert(classIndexTable, classTag) end sort(classIndexTable) end classOrder = 0 local coloredName for _, classTag in ipairs(classIndexTable) do classOrder = classOrder + 1 coloredName = E:ClassColor(classTag) coloredName = (coloredName and coloredName.colorStr) or 'ff666666' local classTrigger = E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.class if classTrigger then if classTrigger[classTag] and classTrigger[classTag].enabled then UpdateClassSpec(classTag) --populate enabled class spec boxes else UpdateClassSpec(classTag, false) end end E.Options.args.nameplate.args.filters.args.triggers.args.class.args[classTag] = { order = classOrder, name = format('|c%s%s|r', coloredName, classTable[classTag].name), type = 'toggle', get = function(info) local tagTrigger = E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.class[classTag] return tagTrigger and tagTrigger.enabled end, set = function(info, value) local tagTrigger = E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.class[classTag] if not tagTrigger then E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.class[classTag] = {} end --set this to nil if false to keep its population to only enabled ones if value then E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.class[classTag].enabled = value else E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.class[classTag] = nil end UpdateClassSpec(classTag, value) NP:ConfigureAll() end } end end end local formatStr = [[|T%s:12:12:0:0:64:64:4:60:4:60|t %s]] local function GetTalentString(tier, column) local _, name, texture = GetTalentInfo(tier, column, 1) return formatStr:format(texture, name) end local function GetPvpTalentString(talentID) local _, name, texture = GetPvpTalentInfoByID(talentID) return formatStr:format(texture, name) end local function GenerateValues(tier, isPvP) local values = {} if isPvP then local slotInfo = C_SpecializationInfo_GetPvpTalentSlotInfo(tier) if slotInfo.availableTalentIDs then for i = 1, #slotInfo.availableTalentIDs do local talentID = slotInfo.availableTalentIDs[i] values[talentID] = GetPvpTalentString(talentID) end end else for i = 1, 3 do values[i] = GetTalentString(tier, i) end end return values end local function UpdateTalentSection() if E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] then local maxTiers = (E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.talent.type == 'normal' and 7) or 4 E.Options.args.nameplate.args.filters.args.triggers.args.talent.args = { enabled = { type = 'toggle', order = 1, name = L["Enable"], get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.talent.enabled end, set = function(info, value) E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.talent.enabled = value UpdateTalentSection() NP:ConfigureAll() end }, type = { type = 'toggle', order = 2, name = L["Is PvP Talents"], disabled = function() return not E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.talent.enabled end, get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.talent.type == 'pvp' end, set = function(info, value) E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.talent.type = value and 'pvp' or 'normal' UpdateTalentSection() NP:ConfigureAll() end }, requireAll = { type = 'toggle', order = 3, name = L["Require All"], disabled = function() return not E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.talent.enabled end, get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.talent.requireAll end, set = function(info, value) E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.talent.requireAll = value UpdateTalentSection() NP:ConfigureAll() end } } if not E.Options.args.nameplate.args.filters.args.triggers.args.talent.args.tiers then E.Options.args.nameplate.args.filters.args.triggers.args.talent.args.tiers = { type = 'group', order = 4, name = L["Tiers"], inline = true, disabled = function() return not E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.talent.enabled end, args = {} } end local order = 1 for i = 1, maxTiers do E.Options.args.nameplate.args.filters.args.triggers.args.talent.args.tiers.args['tier' .. i .. 'enabled'] = { type = 'toggle', order = order, name = format(L["GARRISON_CURRENT_LEVEL"], i), get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.talent['tier' .. i .. 'enabled'] end, set = function(info, value) E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.talent['tier' .. i .. 'enabled'] = value UpdateTalentSection() NP:ConfigureAll() end } order = order + 1 if (E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.talent['tier' .. i .. 'enabled']) then E.Options.args.nameplate.args.filters.args.triggers.args.talent.args.tiers.args['tier' .. i] = { type = 'group', order = order, inline = true, name = L["Tier " .. i], args = { missing = { type = 'toggle', order = 2, name = L["Missing"], desc = L["Match this trigger if the talent is not selected"], get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.talent['tier' .. i].missing end, set = function(info, value) E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.talent['tier' .. i].missing = value UpdateTalentSection() NP:ConfigureAll() end }, column = { type = 'select', order = 1, name = L["TALENT"], style = 'dropdown', desc = L["Talent to match"], get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.talent['tier' .. i].column end, set = function(info, value) E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.talent['tier' .. i].column = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, values = function() return GenerateValues(i, E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.talent.type == 'pvp') end } } } order = order + 1 end order = order + 1 end end end local function UpdateInstanceDifficulty() if (E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.instanceType.party) then E.Options.args.nameplate.args.filters.args.triggers.args.instanceType.args.types.args.dungeonDifficulty = { type = 'group', name = L["DUNGEON_DIFFICULTY"], desc = L["Check these to only have the filter active in certain difficulties. If none are checked, it is active in all difficulties."], inline = true, order = 10, get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.instanceDifficulty.dungeon[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.instanceDifficulty.dungeon[info[#info]] = value UpdateInstanceDifficulty() NP:ConfigureAll() end, args = { normal = { type = 'toggle', name = GetDifficultyInfo(1), order = 1 }, heroic = { type = 'toggle', name = GetDifficultyInfo(2), order = 2 }, mythic = { type = 'toggle', name = GetDifficultyInfo(23), order = 3 }, ['mythic+'] = { type = 'toggle', name = GetDifficultyInfo(8), order = 4 }, timewalking = { type = 'toggle', name = GetDifficultyInfo(24), order = 5 } } } else E.Options.args.nameplate.args.filters.args.triggers.args.instanceType.args.types.args.dungeonDifficulty = nil end if (E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.instanceType.raid) then E.Options.args.nameplate.args.filters.args.triggers.args.instanceType.args.types.args.raidDifficulty = { type = 'group', name = L["Raid Difficulty"], desc = L["Check these to only have the filter active in certain difficulties. If none are checked, it is active in all difficulties."], inline = true, order = 11, get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.instanceDifficulty.raid[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.instanceDifficulty.raid[info[#info]] = value UpdateInstanceDifficulty() NP:ConfigureAll() end, args = { lfr = { type = 'toggle', name = GetDifficultyInfo(17), order = 1 }, normal = { type = 'toggle', name = GetDifficultyInfo(14), order = 2 }, heroic = { type = 'toggle', name = GetDifficultyInfo(15), order = 3 }, mythic = { type = 'toggle', name = GetDifficultyInfo(16), order = 4 }, timewalking = { type = 'toggle', name = GetDifficultyInfo(24), order = 5 }, legacy10normal = { type = 'toggle', name = GetDifficultyInfo(3), order = 6 }, legacy25normal = { type = 'toggle', name = GetDifficultyInfo(4), order = 7 }, legacy10heroic = { type = 'toggle', name = GetDifficultyInfo(5), order = 8 }, legacy25heroic = { type = 'toggle', name = GetDifficultyInfo(6), order = 9 } } } else E.Options.args.nameplate.args.filters.args.triggers.args.instanceType.args.types.args.raidDifficulty = nil end end local function UpdateStyleLists() if E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] and E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers and E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.names then E.Options.args.nameplate.args.filters.args.triggers.args.names.args.names = { order = 50, type = 'group', name = '', inline = true, args = {} } if next(E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.names) then for name in pairs(E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.names) do E.Options.args.nameplate.args.filters.args.triggers.args.names.args.names.args[name] = { name = name, type = 'toggle', order = -1, get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers and E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.names and E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.names[name] end, set = function(info, value) E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.names[name] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end } end end end if E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] and E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.casting and E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.casting.spells then E.Options.args.nameplate.args.filters.args.triggers.args.casting.args.spells = { order = 50, type = 'group', name = '', inline = true, args = {} } if next(E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.casting.spells) then local spell, spellName, notDisabled for name in pairs(E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.casting.spells) do spell = name if tonumber(spell) then spellName = GetSpellInfo(spell) notDisabled = (E.db.nameplates and E.db.nameplates.filters and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.enable) if spellName then if notDisabled then spell = format('|cFFffff00%s|r |cFFffffff(%d)|r', spellName, spell) else spell = format('%s (%d)', spellName, spell) end end end E.Options.args.nameplate.args.filters.args.triggers.args.casting.args.spells.args[name] = { name = spell, type = 'toggle', order = -1, get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers and E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.casting.spells and E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.casting.spells[name] end, set = function(info, value) E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.casting.spells[name] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end } end end end if E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] and E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.cooldowns and E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.cooldowns.names then E.Options.args.nameplate.args.filters.args.triggers.args.cooldowns.args.names = { order = 50, type = 'group', name = '', inline = true, args = {} } if next(E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.cooldowns.names) then local spell, spellName, notDisabled for name in pairs(E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.cooldowns.names) do spell = name if tonumber(spell) then spellName = GetSpellInfo(spell) notDisabled = (E.db.nameplates and E.db.nameplates.filters and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.enable) if spellName then if notDisabled then spell = format('|cFFffff00%s|r |cFFffffff(%d)|r', spellName, spell) else spell = format('%s (%d)', spellName, spell) end end end E.Options.args.nameplate.args.filters.args.triggers.args.cooldowns.args.names.args[name] = { name = spell, type = 'select', values = { DISABLED = _G.DISABLE, ONCD = L["On Cooldown"], OFFCD = L["Off Cooldown"] }, order = -1, get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers and E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.cooldowns.names and E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.cooldowns.names[name] end, set = function(info, value) E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.cooldowns.names[name] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end } end end end if E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] and E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.buffs and E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.buffs.names then E.Options.args.nameplate.args.filters.args.triggers.args.buffs.args.names = { order = 50, type = 'group', name = '', inline = true, args = {} } if next(E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.buffs.names) then for name in pairs(E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.buffs.names) do local spell, stacks = strmatch(name, NP.StyleFilterStackPattern) if tonumber(spell) then local spellName = GetSpellInfo(spell) local notDisabled = (E.db.nameplates and E.db.nameplates.filters and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.enable) if spellName then if notDisabled then spell = format('|cFFffff00%s|r |cFFffffff(%d)|r|cFF999999%s|r', spellName, spell, (stacks ~= '' and ' x'..stacks) or '') else spell = format('%s (%d)', spellName, spell) end end end E.Options.args.nameplate.args.filters.args.triggers.args.buffs.args.names.args[name] = { textWidth = true, name = spell, type = 'toggle', order = -1, get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers and E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.buffs.names and E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.buffs.names[name] end, set = function(info, value) E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.buffs.names[name] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end } end end end if E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] and E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.debuffs and E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.debuffs.names then E.Options.args.nameplate.args.filters.args.triggers.args.debuffs.args.names = { order = 50, type = 'group', name = '', inline = true, args = {} } if next(E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.debuffs.names) then for name in pairs(E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.debuffs.names) do local spell, stacks = strmatch(name, NP.StyleFilterStackPattern) if tonumber(spell) then local spellName = GetSpellInfo(spell) local notDisabled = (E.db.nameplates and E.db.nameplates.filters and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.enable) if spellName then if notDisabled then spell = format('|cFFffff00%s|r |cFFffffff(%d)|r|cFF999999%s|r', spellName, spell, (stacks ~= '' and ' x'..stacks) or '') else spell = format('%s (%d)', spellName, spell) end end end E.Options.args.nameplate.args.filters.args.triggers.args.debuffs.args.names.args[name] = { textWidth = true, name = spell, type = 'toggle', order = -1, get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers and E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.debuffs.names and E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.debuffs.names[name] end, set = function(info, value) E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.debuffs.names[name] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end } end end end end local function UpdateFilterGroup() local stackBuff, stackDebuff if not selectedNameplateFilter or not E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] then E.Options.args.nameplate.args.filters.args.header = nil E.Options.args.nameplate.args.filters.args.actions = nil E.Options.args.nameplate.args.filters.args.triggers = nil end if selectedNameplateFilter and E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] then E.Options.args.nameplate.args.filters.args.triggers = { type = 'group', name = L["Triggers"], order = 5, args = { enable = { name = L["Enable"], order = 0, type = 'toggle', get = function(info) return (E.db.nameplates and E.db.nameplates.filters and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.enable) end, set = function(info, value) if not E.db.nameplates then E.db.nameplates = {} end if not E.db.nameplates.filters then E.db.nameplates.filters = {} end if not E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] then E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] = {} end if not E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers then E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers = {} end E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.enable = value UpdateStyleLists() --we need this to recolor the spellid based on wether or not the filter is disabled NP:ConfigureAll() end }, priority = { name = L["Filter Priority"], desc = L["Lower numbers mean a higher priority. Filters are processed in order from 1 to 100."], order = 1, type = 'range', min = 1, max = 100, step = 1, disabled = function() return not (E.db.nameplates and E.db.nameplates.filters and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.enable) end, get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.priority or 1 end, set = function(info, value) E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.priority = value NP:ConfigureAll() end }, resetFilter = { order = 2, name = L["Clear Filter"], desc = L["Return filter to its default state."], type = 'execute', func = function() local filter = {} if G.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] then filter = E:CopyTable(filter, G.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter]) end NP:StyleFilterCopyDefaults(filter) E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] = filter UpdateStyleLists() UpdateClassSection() UpdateTalentSection() UpdateInstanceDifficulty() NP:ConfigureAll() end }, names = { name = L["Name"], order = 6, type = 'group', disabled = function() return not (E.db.nameplates and E.db.nameplates.filters and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.enable) end, args = { addName = { order = 1, name = L["Add Name or NPC ID"], desc = L["Add a Name or NPC ID to the list."], type = 'input', get = function(info) return '' end, set = function(info, value) if strmatch(value, '^[%s%p]-$') then return end E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.names[value] = true UpdateFilterGroup() NP:ConfigureAll() end }, removeName = { order = 2, name = L["Remove Name or NPC ID"], desc = L["Remove a Name or NPC ID from the list."], type = 'input', get = function(info) return '' end, set = function(info, value) if strmatch(value, '^[%s%p]-$') then return end E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.names[value] = nil UpdateFilterGroup() NP:ConfigureAll() end }, negativeMatch = { order = 3, name = L["Negative Match"], desc = L["Match if Name or NPC ID is NOT in the list."], type = 'toggle', get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end } } }, targeting = { name = L["Targeting"], order = 7, type = 'group', get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, disabled = function() return not (E.db.nameplates and E.db.nameplates.filters and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.enable) end, args = { types = { name = '', type = 'group', inline = true, order = 2, args = { isTarget = { name = L["Is Targeted"], desc = L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when you are targeting the unit."], order = 1, type = 'toggle' }, notTarget = { name = L["Not Targeted"], desc = L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when you are not targeting the unit."], order = 2, type = 'toggle' }, requireTarget = { name = L["Require Target"], desc = L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when you have a target."], order = 2, type = 'toggle' }, targetMe = { name = L["Is Targeting Player"], desc = L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when the unit is targeting you."], order = 4, type = 'toggle' }, notTargetMe = { name = L["Not Targeting Player"], desc = L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when the unit is not targeting you."], order = 5, type = 'toggle' }, isFocus = { name = L["Is Focused"], desc = L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when you are focusing the unit."], order = 7, type = 'toggle' }, notFocus = { name = L["Not Focused"], desc = L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when you are not focusing the unit."], order = 8, type = 'toggle' } } } } }, casting = { order = 8, type = 'group', name = L["Casting"], get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.casting[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.casting[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, disabled = function() return not (E.db.nameplates and E.db.nameplates.filters and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.enable) end, args = { types = { name = '', type = 'group', inline = true, order = 1, args = { interruptible = { type = 'toggle', order = 1, name = L["Interruptible"], desc = L["If enabled then the filter will only activate if the unit is casting interruptible spells."] }, notInterruptible = { type = 'toggle', order = 2, name = L["Non-Interruptible"], desc = L["If enabled then the filter will only activate if the unit is casting not interruptible spells."] }, spacer1 = ACH:Spacer(3, 'full'), isCasting = { type = 'toggle', order = 4, name = L["Is Casting Anything"], desc = L["If enabled then the filter will activate if the unit is casting anything."] }, notCasting = { type = 'toggle', order = 5, name = L["Not Casting Anything"], desc = L["If enabled then the filter will activate if the unit is not casting anything."] }, spacer1 = ACH:Spacer(6, 'full'), isChanneling = { type = 'toggle', order = 7, name = L["Is Channeling Anything"], desc = L["If enabled then the filter will activate if the unit is channeling anything."] }, notChanneling = { type = 'toggle', order = 8, name = L["Not Channeling Anything"], desc = L["If enabled then the filter will activate if the unit is not channeling anything."] }, } }, addSpell = { order = 2, name = L["Add Spell ID or Name"], type = 'input', get = function(info) return '' end, set = function(info, value) if strmatch(value, '^[%s%p]-$') then return end E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.casting.spells[value] = true UpdateFilterGroup() NP:ConfigureAll() end }, removeSpell = { order = 3, name = L["Remove Spell ID or Name"], desc = L["If the aura is listed with a number then you need to use that to remove it from the list."], type = 'input', get = function(info) return '' end, set = function(info, value) if strmatch(value, '^[%s%p]-$') then return end E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.casting.spells[value] = nil UpdateFilterGroup() NP:ConfigureAll() end }, notSpell = { type = 'toggle', order = 4, name = L["Not Spell"], desc = L["If enabled then the filter will only activate if the unit is not casting or channeling one of the selected spells."] }, description1 = ACH:Description(L["You do not need to use Is Casting Anything or Is Channeling Anything for these spells to trigger."], 10), description2 = ACH:Description(L["If this list is empty, and if Interruptible is checked, then the filter will activate on any type of cast that can be interrupted."], 11), } }, combat = { order = 9, type = 'group', name = L["Unit Conditions"], get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, disabled = function() return not (E.db.nameplates and E.db.nameplates.filters and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.enable) end, args = { types = { name = '', type = 'group', inline = true, order = 2, args = { inCombat = { name = L["Player in Combat"], desc = L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when you are in combat."], type = 'toggle', order = 1 }, outOfCombat = { name = L["Player Out of Combat"], desc = L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when you are out of combat."], type = 'toggle', order = 2 }, inCombatUnit = { name = L["Unit in Combat"], desc = L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when the unit is in combat."], type = 'toggle', order = 3 }, outOfCombatUnit = { name = L["Unit Out of Combat"], desc = L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when the unit is out of combat."], type = 'toggle', order = 4 }, spacer1 = ACH:Spacer(5, 'full'), inVehicle = { name = L["Player in Vehicle"], desc = L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when you are in a Vehicle."], order = 6, type = 'toggle' }, outOfVehicle = { name = L["Player Out of Vehicle"], desc = L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when you are not in a Vehicle."], order = 7, type = 'toggle' }, inVehicleUnit = { name = L["Unit in Vehicle"], desc = L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when the unit is in a Vehicle."], order = 8, type = 'toggle' }, outOfVehicleUnit = { name = L["Unit Out of Vehicle"], desc = L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when the unit is not in a Vehicle."], order = 9, type = 'toggle' }, spacer2 = ACH:Spacer(10, 'full'), isResting = { type = 'toggle', name = L["Player is Resting"], desc = L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when you are resting at an Inn."], order = 11 }, isPet = { type = 'toggle', name = L["Unit is Pet"], desc = L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when the unit is the active player's pet."], order = 12 }, isNotPet= { type = 'toggle', name =L["Unit is Not Pet"], desc = L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when the unit is not the active player's pet."], order = 13 }, isPlayerControlled = { type = 'toggle', name = L["Unit is Player Controlled"], desc = L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when the unit is controlled by the player."], order = 14 }, isNotPlayerControlled = { type = 'toggle', name = L["Unit is Not Player Controlled"], desc = L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when the unit is not controlled by the player."], order = 15 }, isOwnedByPlayer = { type = 'toggle', name = L["Unit is Owned By Player"], desc = L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when the unit is owned by the player."], order = 16 }, isNotOwnedByPlayer = { type = 'toggle', name = L["Unit is Not Owned By Player"], desc = L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when the unit is not owned by the player."], order = 17 }, isPvP = { type = 'toggle', name = L["Unit is PvP"], desc = L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when the unit is pvp-flagged."], order = 18 }, isNotPvP = { type = 'toggle', name = L["Unit is Not PvP"], desc = L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when the unit is not pvp-flagged."], order = 19 }, isTapDenied = { type = 'toggle', name = L["Unit is Tap Denied"], desc = L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when the unit is tap denied."], order = 20 }, isNotTapDenied = { type = 'toggle', name = L["Unit is Not Tap Denied"], desc = L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when the unit is not tap denied."], order = 21 }, playerCanAttack = { type = 'toggle', name = L["Player Can Attack"], desc = L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when the unit can be attacked by the active player."], order = 22 }, playerCanNotAttack = { type = 'toggle', name = L["Player Can Not Attack"], desc = L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when the unit can not be attacked by the active player."], order = 23 }, spacer3 = ACH:Spacer(24, 'full'), hasTitleNPC = { type = 'toggle', name = L["Has NPC Title"], order = 25 }, noTitleNPC = { type = 'toggle', name = L["No NPC Title"], order = 26 }, spacer4 = ACH:Spacer(27, 'full'), isQuest = { type = 'toggle', name = L["Quest Unit"], order = 28 }, notQuest = { type = 'toggle', name = L["Not Quest Unit"], order = 29 }, questBoss = { type = 'toggle', name = L["Quest Boss"], order = 30, } } } } }, class = { order = 10, type = 'group', name = L["CLASS"], disabled = function() return not (E.db.nameplates and E.db.nameplates.filters and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.enable) end, args = {} }, talent = { order = 11, type = 'group', name = L["TALENT"], disabled = function() return not (E.db.nameplates and E.db.nameplates.filters and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.enable) end, args = {} }, role = { order = 12, type = 'group', name = L["ROLE"], get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.role[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.role[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, disabled = function() return not (E.db.nameplates and E.db.nameplates.filters and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.enable) end, args = { types = { name = '', type = 'group', inline = true, order = 2, args = { tank = { type = 'toggle', order = 1, name = L["TANK"] }, healer = { type = 'toggle', order = 2, name = L["Healer"] }, damager = { type = 'toggle', order = 3, name = L["DAMAGER"] } } } } }, classification = { order = 13, type = 'group', name = L["Classification"], get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.classification[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.classification[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, disabled = function() return not (E.db.nameplates and E.db.nameplates.filters and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.enable) end, args = { types = { name = '', type = 'group', inline = true, order = 2, args = { worldboss = { type = 'toggle', order = 1, name = L["RAID_INFO_WORLD_BOSS"] }, rareelite = { type = 'toggle', order = 2, name = L["Rare Elite"] }, normal = { type = 'toggle', order = 3, name = L["PLAYER_DIFFICULTY1"] }, rare = { type = 'toggle', order = 4, name = L["ITEM_QUALITY3_DESC"] }, trivial = { type = 'toggle', order = 5, name = L["Trivial"] }, elite = { type = 'toggle', order = 6, name = L["ELITE"] }, minus = { type = 'toggle', order = 7, name = L["Minus"] }, } } } }, health = { order = 14, type = 'group', name = L["Health Threshold"], get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, disabled = function() return not (E.db.nameplates and E.db.nameplates.filters and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.enable) end, args = { healthThreshold = { type = 'toggle', order = 1, name = L["Enable"] }, healthUsePlayer = { type = 'toggle', order = 2, name = L["Player Health"], desc = L["Enabling this will check your health amount."], disabled = function() return not E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.healthThreshold end }, underHealthThreshold = { order = 4, type = 'range', name = L["Under Health Threshold"], desc = L["If this threshold is used then the health of the unit needs to be lower than this value in order for the filter to activate. Set to 0 to disable."], min = 0, max = 1, step = 0.01, isPercent = true, disabled = function() return not E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.healthThreshold end, get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.underHealthThreshold or 0 end }, overHealthThreshold = { order = 5, type = 'range', name = L["Over Health Threshold"], desc = L["If this threshold is used then the health of the unit needs to be higher than this value in order for the filter to activate. Set to 0 to disable."], min = 0, max = 1, step = 0.01, isPercent = true, disabled = function() return not E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.healthThreshold end, get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.overHealthThreshold or 0 end } } }, power = { order = 15, type = 'group', name = L["Power Threshold"], get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, disabled = function() return not (E.db.nameplates and E.db.nameplates.filters and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.enable) end, args = { powerThreshold = { type = 'toggle', order = 1, name = L["Enable"] }, powerUsePlayer = { type = 'toggle', order = 2, name = L["Player Power"], desc = L["Enabling this will check your power amount."], disabled = function() return not E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.powerThreshold end }, underPowerThreshold = { order = 4, type = 'range', name = L["Under Power Threshold"], desc = L["If this threshold is used then the power of the unit needs to be lower than this value in order for the filter to activate. Set to 0 to disable."], min = 0, max = 1, step = 0.01, isPercent = true, disabled = function() return not E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.powerThreshold end, get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.underPowerThreshold or 0 end }, overPowerThreshold = { order = 5, type = 'range', name = L["Over Power Threshold"], desc = L["If this threshold is used then the power of the unit needs to be higher than this value in order for the filter to activate. Set to 0 to disable."], min = 0, max = 1, step = 0.01, isPercent = true, disabled = function() return not E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.powerThreshold end, get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.overPowerThreshold or 0 end } } }, keyMod = { name = L["Key Modifiers"], order = 16, type = 'group', disabled = function() return not (E.db.nameplates and E.db.nameplates.filters and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.enable) end, args = { enable = { name = L["Enable"], order = 0, type = 'toggle', get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.keyMod and E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.keyMod.enable end, set = function(info, value) E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.keyMod.enable = value NP:ConfigureAll() end }, types = { name = '', type = 'group', inline = true, order = 1, get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.keyMod[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.keyMod[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, disabled = function() return not (E.db.nameplates and E.db.nameplates.filters and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.enable) or not E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.keyMod.enable end, args = { Shift = { name = L["SHIFT_KEY_TEXT"], order = 1, type = 'toggle' }, Alt = { name = L["ALT_KEY_TEXT"], order = 2, type = 'toggle' }, Control = { name = L["CTRL_KEY_TEXT"], order = 3, type = 'toggle' }, Modifier = { name = L["Any"], order = 4, type = 'toggle' }, LeftShift = { name = L["Left Shift"], order = 6, type = 'toggle' }, LeftAlt = { name = L["Left Alt"], order = 7, type = 'toggle' }, LeftControl = { name = L["Left Control"], order = 8, type = 'toggle' }, RightShift = { name = L["Right Shift"], order = 10, type = 'toggle' }, RightAlt = { name = L["Right Alt"], order = 11, type = 'toggle' }, RightControl = { name = L["Right Control"], order = 12, type = 'toggle' } } } } }, levels = { order = 17, type = 'group', name = L["LEVEL"], get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, disabled = function() return not (E.db.nameplates and E.db.nameplates.filters and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.enable) end, args = { level = { type = 'toggle', order = 1, name = L["Enable"] }, mylevel = { type = 'toggle', order = 2, name = L["Match Player Level"], desc = L["If enabled then the filter will only activate if the level of the unit matches your own."], disabled = function() return not E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.level end }, spacer1 = ACH:Description(L["LEVEL_BOSS"], 3), minlevel = { order = 4, type = 'range', name = L["Minimum Level"], desc = L["If enabled then the filter will only activate if the level of the unit is equal to or higher than this value."], min = -1, max = _G.MAX_PLAYER_LEVEL + 3, step = 1, disabled = function() return not (E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.level and not E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.mylevel) end, get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.minlevel or 0 end }, maxlevel = { order = 5, type = 'range', name = L["Maximum Level"], desc = L["If enabled then the filter will only activate if the level of the unit is equal to or lower than this value."], min = -1, max = _G.MAX_PLAYER_LEVEL + 3, step = 1, disabled = function() return not (E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.level and not E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.mylevel) end, get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.maxlevel or 0 end }, curlevel = { name = L["Current Level"], desc = L["If enabled then the filter will only activate if the level of the unit matches this value."], order = 6, type = 'range', min = -1, max = _G.MAX_PLAYER_LEVEL + 3, step = 1, disabled = function() return not (E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.level and not E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.mylevel) end, get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.curlevel or 0 end } } }, cooldowns = { name = L["Cooldowns"], order = 18, type = 'group', disabled = function() return not (E.db.nameplates and E.db.nameplates.filters and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.enable) end, args = { addCooldown = { order = 1, name = L["Add Spell ID or Name"], type = 'input', get = function(info) return '' end, set = function(info, value) if strmatch(value, '^[%s%p]-$') then return end E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.cooldowns.names[value] = 'ONCD' UpdateFilterGroup() NP:ConfigureAll() end }, removeCooldown = { order = 2, name = L["Remove Spell ID or Name"], desc = L["If the aura is listed with a number then you need to use that to remove it from the list."], type = 'input', get = function(info) return '' end, set = function(info, value) if strmatch(value, '^[%s%p]-$') then return end E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.cooldowns.names[value] = nil UpdateFilterGroup() NP:ConfigureAll() end }, mustHaveAll = { order = 3, name = L["Require All"], desc = L["If enabled then it will require all cooldowns to activate the filter. Otherwise it will only require any one of the cooldowns to activate it."], type = 'toggle', disabled = function() return not (E.db.nameplates and E.db.nameplates.filters and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.enable) end, get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.cooldowns and E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.cooldowns.mustHaveAll end, set = function(info, value) E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.cooldowns.mustHaveAll = value NP:ConfigureAll() end } } }, buffs = { name = L["Buffs"], order = 19, type = 'group', get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.buffs and E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.buffs[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.buffs[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, disabled = function() return not (E.db.nameplates and E.db.nameplates.filters and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.enable) end, args = { minTimeLeft = { order = 1, type = 'range', name = L["Minimum Time Left"], desc = L["Apply this filter if a buff has remaining time greater than this. Set to zero to disable."], min = 0, max = 10800, step = 1 }, maxTimeLeft = { order = 2, type = 'range', name = L["Maximum Time Left"], desc = L["Apply this filter if a buff has remaining time less than this. Set to zero to disable."], min = 0, max = 10800, step = 1 }, mustHaveAll = { order = 3, customWidth = 100, name = L["Require All"], desc = L["If enabled then it will require all auras to activate the filter. Otherwise it will only require any one of the auras to activate it."], type = 'toggle' }, missing = { order = 4, customWidth = 100, name = L["Missing"], desc = L["If enabled then it checks if auras are missing instead of being present on the unit."], type = 'toggle' }, hasStealable = { order = 5, type = "toggle", name = L["Has Stealable"], desc = L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when the unit has a stealable buff(s)."] }, hasNoStealable = { order = 6, type = "toggle", name = L["Has No Stealable"], desc = L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when the unit has no stealable buff(s)."], }, changeList = { type = 'group', inline = true, name = L["Add / Remove"], order = 10, args = { addBuff = { order = 1, name = L["Add Spell ID or Name"], type = 'input', get = function(info) return '' end, set = function(info, value) if strmatch(value, '^[%s%p]-$') then return end if stackBuff then value = value .. '\n' .. stackBuff end E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.buffs.names[value] = true UpdateFilterGroup() NP:ConfigureAll() end }, removeBuff = { order = 2, name = L["Remove Spell ID or Name"], desc = L["If the aura is listed with a number then you need to use that to remove it from the list."], type = 'input', get = function(info) return '' end, set = function(info, value) if strmatch(value, '^[%s%p]-$') then return end if stackBuff then E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.buffs.names[value .. '\n' .. stackBuff] = nil else for name in pairs(E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.buffs.names) do local spell = strmatch(name, NP.StyleFilterStackPattern) if spell == value then E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.buffs.names[name] = nil end end end UpdateFilterGroup() NP:ConfigureAll() end }, stackThreshold = { order = 3, type = 'range', name = L["Stack Threshold"], desc = L["Allows you to tie a stack count to an aura when you add it to the list, which allows the trigger to act when an aura reaches X number of stacks."], min = 1, max = 250, softMax = 100, step = 1, get = function(info) return stackBuff or 1 end, set = function(info, value) stackBuff = (value > 1 and value) or nil end }, } } } }, debuffs = { name = L["Debuffs"], order = 20, type = 'group', get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.debuffs and E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.debuffs[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.debuffs[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, disabled = function() return not (E.db.nameplates and E.db.nameplates.filters and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.enable) end, args = { minTimeLeft = { order = 1, type = 'range', name = L["Minimum Time Left"], desc = L["Apply this filter if a debuff has remaining time greater than this. Set to zero to disable."], min = 0, max = 10800, step = 1 }, maxTimeLeft = { order = 2, type = 'range', name = L["Maximum Time Left"], desc = L["Apply this filter if a debuff has remaining time less than this. Set to zero to disable."], min = 0, max = 10800, step = 1 }, mustHaveAll = { order = 3, customWidth = 100, name = L["Require All"], desc = L["If enabled then it will require all auras to activate the filter. Otherwise it will only require any one of the auras to activate it."], type = 'toggle' }, missing = { order = 4, customWidth = 100, name = L["Missing"], desc = L["If enabled then it checks if auras are missing instead of being present on the unit."], type = 'toggle', disabled = function() return not (E.db.nameplates and E.db.nameplates.filters and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.enable) end }, changeList = { type = 'group', inline = true, name = L["Add / Remove"], order = 10, args = { addDebuff = { order = 6, name = L["Add Spell ID or Name"], type = 'input', get = function(info) return '' end, set = function(info, value) if strmatch(value, '^[%s%p]-$') then return end if stackDebuff then value = value .. '\n' .. stackDebuff end E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.debuffs.names[value] = true UpdateFilterGroup() NP:ConfigureAll() end }, removeDebuff = { order = 7, name = L["Remove Spell ID or Name"], desc = L["If the aura is listed with a number then you need to use that to remove it from the list."], type = 'input', get = function(info) return '' end, set = function(info, value) if strmatch(value, '^[%s%p]-$') then return end if stackDebuff then E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.debuffs.names[value .. '\n' .. stackDebuff] = nil else for name in pairs(E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.debuffs.names) do local spell = strmatch(name, NP.StyleFilterStackPattern) if spell == value then E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.debuffs.names[name] = nil end end end UpdateFilterGroup() NP:ConfigureAll() end }, stackThreshold = { order = 8, type = 'range', name = L["Stack Threshold"], min = 1, max = 250, softMax = 100, step = 1, get = function(info) return stackDebuff or 1 end, set = function(info, value) stackDebuff = (value > 1 and value) or nil end }, } } } }, threat = { name = L["Threat"], order = 21, type = 'group', disabled = function() return not (E.db.nameplates and E.db.nameplates.filters and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.enable) end, args = { enable = { name = L["Enable"], order = 0, type = 'toggle', get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.threat and E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.threat.enable end, set = function(info, value) E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.threat.enable = value NP:ConfigureAll() end }, types = { name = '', type = 'group', inline = true, order = 1, get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.threat[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.threat[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, disabled = function() return not (E.db.nameplates and E.db.nameplates.filters and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.enable) or not E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.threat.enable end, args = { good = { name = L["Good"], order = 1, type = 'toggle' }, goodTransition = { name = L["Good Transition"], order = 2, type = 'toggle' }, badTransition = { name = L["Bad Transition"], order = 3, type = 'toggle' }, bad = { name = L["Bad"], order = 4, type = 'toggle' }, spacer1 = ACH:Spacer(5, 'full'), offTank = { name = L["Off Tank"], order = 6, type = 'toggle' }, offTankGoodTransition = { name = L["Off Tank Good Transition"], customWidth = 200, order = 7, type = 'toggle' }, offTankBadTransition = { name = L["Off Tank Bad Transition"], customWidth = 200, order = 8, type = 'toggle' } } } } }, nameplateType = { name = L["Unit Type"], order = 22, type = 'group', disabled = function() return not (E.db.nameplates and E.db.nameplates.filters and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.enable) end, args = { enable = { name = L["Enable"], order = 0, type = 'toggle', get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.nameplateType and E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.nameplateType.enable end, set = function(info, value) E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.nameplateType.enable = value NP:ConfigureAll() end }, types = { name = '', type = 'group', inline = true, order = 1, get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.nameplateType[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.nameplateType[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, disabled = function() return not (E.db.nameplates and E.db.nameplates.filters and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.enable) or not E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.nameplateType.enable end, args = { friendlyPlayer = { name = L["FRIENDLY_PLAYER"], order = 1, type = 'toggle' }, friendlyNPC = { name = L["FRIENDLY_NPC"], order = 2, type = 'toggle' }, enemyPlayer = { name = L["ENEMY_PLAYER"], order = 3, type = 'toggle' }, enemyNPC = { name = L["ENEMY_NPC"], order = 4, type = 'toggle' }, player = { name = L["Player"], order = 5, type = 'toggle' } } } } }, reactionType = { name = L["Reaction Type"], order = 23, type = 'group', get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.reactionType and E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.reactionType[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.reactionType[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, disabled = function() return not (E.db.nameplates and E.db.nameplates.filters and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.enable) end, args = { enable = { name = L["Enable"], order = 0, type = 'toggle' }, reputation = { name = L["Reputation"], desc = L["If this is enabled then the reaction check will use your reputation with the faction the unit belongs to."], order = 1, type = 'toggle', disabled = function() return not (E.db.nameplates and E.db.nameplates.filters and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.enable) or not E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.reactionType.enable end }, types = { name = '', type = 'group', inline = true, order = 2, disabled = function() return not (E.db.nameplates and E.db.nameplates.filters and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.enable) or not E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.reactionType.enable end, args = { hated = { name = L["FACTION_STANDING_LABEL1"], order = 1, type = 'toggle', disabled = function() return not ((E.db.nameplates and E.db.nameplates.filters and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.enable) and E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.reactionType.enable and E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.reactionType.reputation) end }, hostile = { name = L["FACTION_STANDING_LABEL2"], order = 2, type = 'toggle' }, unfriendly = { name = L["FACTION_STANDING_LABEL3"], order = 3, type = 'toggle', disabled = function() return not ((E.db.nameplates and E.db.nameplates.filters and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.enable) and E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.reactionType.enable and E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.reactionType.reputation) end }, neutral = { name = L["FACTION_STANDING_LABEL4"], order = 4, type = 'toggle' }, friendly = { name = L["FACTION_STANDING_LABEL5"], order = 5, type = 'toggle' }, honored = { name = L["FACTION_STANDING_LABEL6"], order = 6, type = 'toggle', disabled = function() return not ((E.db.nameplates and E.db.nameplates.filters and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.enable) and E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.reactionType.enable and E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.reactionType.reputation) end }, revered = { name = L["FACTION_STANDING_LABEL7"], order = 7, type = 'toggle', disabled = function() return not ((E.db.nameplates and E.db.nameplates.filters and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.enable) and E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.reactionType.enable and E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.reactionType.reputation) end }, exalted = { name = L["FACTION_STANDING_LABEL8"], order = 8, type = 'toggle', disabled = function() return not ((E.db.nameplates and E.db.nameplates.filters and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.enable) and E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.reactionType.enable and E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.reactionType.reputation) end } } } } }, creatureType = { name = L["Creature Type"], order = 24, type = 'group', get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.creatureType[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.creatureType[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, disabled = function() return not (E.db.nameplates and E.db.nameplates.filters and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.enable) end, args = { enable = { type = 'toggle', order = 1, name = L["Enable"], width = 'full' }, types = { name = '', type = 'group', inline = true, order = 2, disabled = function() return not (E.db.nameplates and E.db.nameplates.filters and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.enable) or not E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.creatureType.enable end, args = {} } } }, instanceType = { order = 25, type = 'group', name = L["Instance Type"], get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.instanceType[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.instanceType[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, disabled = function() return not (E.db.nameplates and E.db.nameplates.filters and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.enable) end, args = { types = { name = '', type = 'group', inline = true, order = 2, args = { none = { type = 'toggle', order = 1, name = L["NONE"] }, scenario = { type = 'toggle', order = 2, name = L["SCENARIOS"] }, party = { type = 'toggle', order = 3, name = L["DUNGEONS"], get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.instanceType.party end, set = function(info, value) E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.instanceType.party = value UpdateInstanceDifficulty() NP:ConfigureAll() end }, raid = { type = 'toggle', order = 5, name = L["RAID"], get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.instanceType.raid end, set = function(info, value) E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.instanceType.raid = value UpdateInstanceDifficulty() NP:ConfigureAll() end }, arena = { type = 'toggle', order = 7, name = L["ARENA"] }, pvp = { type = 'toggle', order = 8, name = L["BATTLEFIELDS"] } } } } }, location = { order = 26, type = 'group', name = L["Location"], get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.location[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.location[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, disabled = function() return not (E.db.nameplates and E.db.nameplates.filters and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.enable) end, args = { types = { name = '', type = 'group', inline = true, order = 2, args = { mapIDEnabled = { type = 'toggle', order = 1, name = L["Use Map ID or Name"], desc = L["If enabled, the style filter will only activate when you are in one of the maps specified in Map ID."], customWidth = 200, }, mapIDs = { type = 'input', order = 2, name = L["Add Map ID"], get = function(info) return end, set = function(info, value) if strmatch(value, '^[%s%p]-$') then return end if E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.location.mapIDs[value] then return end E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.location.mapIDs[value] = true NP:ConfigureAll() end, disabled = function () return not E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.location.mapIDEnabled end }, removeMapID = { type = 'select', order = 3, name = L["Remove Map ID"], get = function(info) return end, set = function(info, value) E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.location.mapIDs[value] = nil NP:ConfigureAll() end, values = function() local vals = {} local ids = E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.location.mapIDs if not (ids and next(ids)) then return vals end for value in pairs(ids) do local info = tonumber(value) and C_Map_GetMapInfo(value) if info and info.name then info = '|cFF999999('..value..')|r '..info.name end vals[value] = info or value end return vals end, disabled = function() local ids = E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.location.mapIDs return not (E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.location.mapIDEnabled and ids and next(ids)) end }, instanceIDEnabled = { type = 'toggle', order = 4, name = L["Use Instance ID or Name"], desc = L["If enabled, the style filter will only activate when you are in one of the instances specified in Instance ID."], customWidth = 200, }, instanceIDs = { type = 'input', order = 5, name = L["Add Instance ID"], get = function(info) return end, set = function(info, value) if strmatch(value, '^[%s%p]-$') then return end if E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.location.instanceIDs[value] then return end E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.location.instanceIDs[value] = true NP:ConfigureAll() end, disabled = function () return not E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.location.instanceIDEnabled end }, removeInstanceID = { type = 'select', order = 6, name = L["Remove Instance ID"], get = function(info) return end, set = function(info, value) E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.location.instanceIDs[value] = nil NP:ConfigureAll() end, values = function() local vals = {} local ids = E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.location.instanceIDs if not (ids and next(ids)) then return vals end for value in pairs(ids) do local name = tonumber(value) and GetRealZoneText(value) if name then name = '|cFF999999('..value..')|r '..name end vals[value] = name or value end return vals end, disabled = function() local ids = E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.location.instanceIDs return not (E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.location.instanceIDEnabled and ids and next(ids)) end }, zoneNamesEnabled = { type = 'toggle', order = 7, name = L["Use Zone Names"], desc = L["If enabled, the style filter will only activate when you are in one of the zones specified in Add Zone Name."], customWidth = 200, }, zoneNames = { type = 'input', order = 8, name = L["Add Zone Name"], get = function(info) return end, set = function(info, value) if strmatch(value, '^[%s%p]-$') then return end if E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.location.zoneNames[value] then return end E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.location.zoneNames[value] = true NP:ConfigureAll() end, disabled = function () return not E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.location.zoneNamesEnabled end }, removeZoneName = { type = 'select', order = 9, name = L["Remove Zone Name"], get = function(info) return end, set = function(info, value) E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.location.zoneNames[value] = nil NP:ConfigureAll() end, values = function() local vals = {} local zone = E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.location.zoneNames if not (zone and next(zone)) then return vals end for value in pairs(zone) do vals[value] = value end return vals end, disabled = function() local zone = E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.location.zoneNames return not (E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.location.zoneNamesEnabled and zone and next(zone)) end }, subZoneNamesEnabled = { type = 'toggle', order = 10, name = L["Use Subzone Names"], desc = L["If enabled, the style filter will only activate when you are in one of the subzones specified in Add Subzone Name."], customWidth = 200, }, subZoneNames = { type = 'input', order = 11, name = L["Add Subzone Name"], get = function(info) return end, set = function(info, value) E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.location.subZoneNames[value] = true NP:ConfigureAll() end, disabled = function () return not E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.location.subZoneNamesEnabled end }, removeSubZoneName = { type = 'select', order = 12, name = L["Remove Subzone Name"], get = function(info) return end, set = function(info, value) E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.location.subZoneNames[value] = nil NP:ConfigureAll() end, values = function() local vals = {} local zone = E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.location.subZoneNames if not (zone and next(zone)) then return vals end for value in pairs(zone) do vals[value] = value end return vals end, disabled = function() local zone = E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.location.subZoneNames return not (E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.location.subZoneNamesEnabled and zone and next(zone)) end } } }, btns = { type = 'group', inline = true, name = L["Add Current"], order = 2, args = { mapID = { order = 3, type = 'execute', name = L["Map ID"], func = function() local mapID = E.MapInfo.mapID if not mapID then return end mapID = tostring(mapID) if E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.location.mapIDs[mapID] then return end E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.location.mapIDs[mapID] = true NP:ConfigureAll() E:Print(format(L["Added Map ID: %s"], E.MapInfo.name..' ('..mapID..')')) end }, instanceID = { order = 4, type = 'execute', name = L["Instance ID"], func = function() local instanceName, _, _, _, _, _, _, instanceID = GetInstanceInfo() if not instanceID then return end instanceID = tostring(instanceID) if E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.location.instanceIDs[instanceID] then return end E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.location.instanceIDs[instanceID] = true NP:ConfigureAll() E:Print(format(L["Added Instance ID: %s"], instanceName..' ('..instanceID..')')) end }, zoneName = { order = 6, type = 'execute', name = L["Zone Name"], func = function() local zone = E.MapInfo.realZoneText if not zone then return end if E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.location.zoneNames[zone] then return end E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.location.zoneNames[zone] = true NP:ConfigureAll() E:Print(format(L["Added Zone Name: %s"], zone)) end }, subZoneName = { order = 7, type = 'execute', name = L["Subzone Name"], func = function() local subZone = E.MapInfo.subZoneText if not subZone then return end if E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.location.subZoneNames[subZone] then return end E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.location.subZoneNames[subZone] = true NP:ConfigureAll() E:Print(format(L["Added Subzone Name: %s"], subZone)) end }, } } } }, raidTarget = { order = 27, type = 'group', name = L["BINDING_HEADER_RAID_TARGET"], get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.raidTarget[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.raidTarget[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, disabled = function() return not (E.db.nameplates and E.db.nameplates.filters and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.enable) end, args = { types = { name = '', type = 'group', inline = true, order = 2, args = { star = { type = 'toggle', order = 1, name = format(raidTargetIcon, 1, L["RAID_TARGET_1"]) }, circle = { type = 'toggle', order = 2, name = format(raidTargetIcon, 2, L["RAID_TARGET_2"]) }, diamond = { type = 'toggle', order = 3, name = format(raidTargetIcon, 3, L["RAID_TARGET_3"]) }, triangle = { type = 'toggle', order = 4, name = format(raidTargetIcon, 4, L["RAID_TARGET_4"]) }, moon = { type = 'toggle', order = 5, name = format(raidTargetIcon, 5, L["RAID_TARGET_5"]) }, square = { type = 'toggle', order = 6, name = format(raidTargetIcon, 6, L["RAID_TARGET_6"]) }, cross = { type = 'toggle', order = 7, name = format(raidTargetIcon, 7, L["RAID_TARGET_7"]) }, skull = { type = 'toggle', order = 8, name = format(raidTargetIcon, 8, L["RAID_TARGET_8"]) } } } } } } } if NP.StyleFilterCustomChecks then E.Options.args.nameplate.args.filters.args.triggers.args.combat.args.types.args.pluginSpacer = ACH:Spacer(49, 'full') end E.Options.args.nameplate.args.filters.args.actions = { type = 'group', name = L["Actions"], order = 6, get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].actions[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].actions[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, disabled = function() return not (E.db.nameplates and E.db.nameplates.filters and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.enable) end, args = { hide = { order = 1, type = 'toggle', name = L["Hide Frame"] }, usePortrait = { order = 2, type = 'toggle', name = L["Use Portrait"], disabled = function() return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].actions.hide end }, nameOnly = { name = L["Name Only"], order = 3, type = 'toggle', disabled = function() return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].actions.hide end }, spacer1 = ACH:Spacer(4, 'full'), scale = { order = 5, type = 'range', name = L["Scale"], disabled = function() return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].actions.hide end, get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].actions.scale or 1 end, min = 0.5, max = 1.5, softMin = .75, softMax = 1.25, step = 0.01 }, alpha = { order = 6, type = 'range', name = L["Alpha"], desc = L["Change the alpha level of the frame."], disabled = function() return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].actions.hide end, get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].actions.alpha or -1 end, min = -1, max = 100, step = 1 }, color = { order = 10, type = 'group', name = L["COLOR"], get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].actions.color[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].actions.color[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, inline = true, disabled = function() return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].actions.hide end, args = { health = { name = L["Health"], order = 1, type = 'toggle' }, healthColor = { name = L["Health Color"], type = 'color', order = 2, hasAlpha = true, disabled = function() return not E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].actions.color.health end, get = function(info) local t = E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].actions.color.healthColor return t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a, 136 / 255, 255 / 255, 102 / 255, 1 end, set = function(info, r, g, b, a) local t = E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].actions.color.healthColor t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a = r, g, b, a NP:ConfigureAll() end }, spacer1 = ACH:Spacer(3, 'full'), power = { name = L["Power"], order = 4, type = 'toggle' }, powerColor = { name = L["Power Color"], type = 'color', order = 5, hasAlpha = true, disabled = function() return not E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].actions.color.power end, get = function(info) local t = E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].actions.color.powerColor return t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a, 102 / 255, 136 / 255, 255 / 255, 1 end, set = function(info, r, g, b, a) local t = E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].actions.color.powerColor t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a = r, g, b, a NP:ConfigureAll() end }, spacer2 = ACH:Spacer(6, 'full'), border = { name = L["Border"], order = 7, type = 'toggle' }, borderColor = { name = L["Border Color"], type = 'color', order = 8, hasAlpha = true, disabled = function() return not E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].actions.color.border end, get = function(info) local t = E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].actions.color.borderColor return t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a, 0, 0, 0, 1 end, set = function(info, r, g, b, a) local t = E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].actions.color.borderColor t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a = r, g, b, a NP:ConfigureAll() end } } }, texture = { order = 20, type = 'group', name = L["Texture"], get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].actions.texture[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].actions.texture[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, inline = true, disabled = function() return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].actions.hide end, args = { enable = { name = L["Enable"], order = 1, type = 'toggle' }, texture = { order = 2, type = 'select', dialogControl = 'LSM30_Statusbar', name = L["Texture"], values = _G.AceGUIWidgetLSMlists.statusbar, disabled = function() return not E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].actions.texture.enable end } } }, flashing = { order = 30, type = 'group', name = L["Flash"], inline = true, disabled = function() return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].actions.hide end, args = { enable = { name = L["Enable"], order = 1, type = 'toggle', get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].actions.flash.enable end, set = function(info, value) E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].actions.flash.enable = value NP:ConfigureAll() end }, speed = { order = 2, type = 'range', name = L["SPEED"], disabled = function() return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].actions.hide end, get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].actions.flash.speed or 4 end, set = function(info, value) E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].actions.flash.speed = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, min = 1, max = 10, step = 1 }, color = { name = L["COLOR"], type = 'color', order = 3, hasAlpha = true, disabled = function() return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].actions.hide end, get = function(info) local t = E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].actions.flash.color return t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a, 104 / 255, 138 / 255, 217 / 255, 1 end, set = function(info, r, g, b, a) local t = E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].actions.flash.color t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a = r, g, b, a NP:ConfigureAll() end } } }, text_format = { order = 40, type = 'group', inline = true, name = L["Text Format"], get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].actions.tags[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].actions.tags[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, args = { name = { order = 1, name = L["Name"], desc = L["Controls the text displayed. Tags are available in the Available Tags section of the config."], type = 'input', width = 'full', }, level = { order = 2, name = L["Level"], desc = L["Controls the text displayed. Tags are available in the Available Tags section of the config."], type = 'input', width = 'full', }, title = { order = 3, name = L["Title"], desc = L["Controls the text displayed. Tags are available in the Available Tags section of the config."], type = 'input', width = 'full', }, health = { order = 4, name = L["Health"], desc = L["Controls the text displayed. Tags are available in the Available Tags section of the config."], type = 'input', width = 'full', }, power = { order = 5, name = L["Power"], desc = L["Controls the text displayed. Tags are available in the Available Tags section of the config."], type = 'input', width = 'full', }, } } } } do -- build creatureType options local creatureTypeOrder = { Aberration = 2, Beast = 3, Critter = 4, Demon = 5, Dragonkin = 6, Elemental = 7, ['Gas Cloud'] = 8, Giant = 9, Humanoid = 10, Mechanical = 11, ['Not specified'] = 12, Totem = 13, Undead = 14, ['Wild Pet'] = 15, ['Non-combat Pet'] = 16 } for k, v in pairs(E.CreatureTypes) do E.Options.args.nameplate.args.filters.args.triggers.args.creatureType.args.types.args[v] = { type = 'toggle', order = creatureTypeOrder[v], name = k, disabled = function() return not (E.db.nameplates and E.db.nameplates.filters and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.enable) or not E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.creatureType.enable end } end end specListOrder = 50 -- reset this to 50 UpdateClassSection() UpdateTalentSection() UpdateInstanceDifficulty() UpdateStyleLists() end end local ORDER = 100 local function GetUnitSettings(unit, name) local copyValues = {} for x, y in pairs(NP.db.units) do if (type(y) == 'table' and x ~= unit) then copyValues[x] = L[x] end end local group = { type = 'group', order = ORDER, name = name, childGroups = 'tree', get = function(info) return E.db.nameplates.units[unit][info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.nameplates.units[unit][info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, disabled = function() return not E.NamePlates.Initialized end, args = { enable = { order = -10, name = L["Enable"], type = 'toggle' }, showTestFrame = { order = -9, name = L["Show/Hide Test Frame"], type = 'execute', func = function(info) if not _G.ElvNP_Test:IsEnabled() or _G.ElvNP_Test.frameType ~= unit then _G.ElvNP_Test:Enable() _G.ElvNP_Test.frameType = unit NP:NamePlateCallBack(_G.ElvNP_Test, 'NAME_PLATE_UNIT_ADDED') _G.ElvNP_Test:UpdateAllElements('ForceUpdate') else NP:DisablePlate(_G.ElvNP_Test) _G.ElvNP_Test:Disable() end end }, defaultSettings = { order = -8, name = L["Default Settings"], desc = L["Set Settings to Default"], type = 'execute', func = function(info) NP:ResetSettings(unit) NP:ConfigureAll() end }, copySettings = { order = -7, name = L["Copy settings from"], desc = L["Copy settings from another unit."], type = 'select', values = copyValues, get = function() return '' end, set = function(info, value) NP:CopySettings(value, unit) NP:ConfigureAll() end }, general = { order = 1, type = 'group', name = L["General"], get = function(info) return E.db.nameplates.units[unit][info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.nameplates.units[unit][info[#info]] = value NP:SetCVars() NP:ConfigureAll() end, args = {} }, healthGroup = { order = 2, name = L["Health"], type = 'group', get = function(info) return E.db.nameplates.units[unit].health[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.nameplates.units[unit].health[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, args = { enable = { order = 1, name = L["Enable"], type = 'toggle', disabled = function() return unit == 'PLAYER' end, hidden = function() return unit == 'PLAYER' end }, height = { order = 3, name = L["Height"], type = 'range', min = 4, max = function() if unit == 'PLAYER' then return (NP.db.plateSize.personalHeight or 20) elseif unit == 'FRIENDLY_PLAYER' or unit == 'FRIENDLY_NPC' then return (NP.db.plateSize.friendlyHeight or 20) elseif unit == 'ENEMY_PLAYER' or unit == 'ENEMY_NPC' then return (NP.db.plateSize.enemyHeight or 20) else return 20 end end, step = 1 }, width = { order = 4, type = 'execute', name = L["Width"], func = function() ACD:SelectGroup('ElvUI', 'nameplate', 'generalGroup', 'general', 'clickableRange') end }, healPrediction = { order = 5, name = L["Heal Prediction"], type = 'toggle' }, textGroup = { order = 200, type = 'group', name = L["Text"], inline = true, get = function(info) return E.db.nameplates.units[unit].health.text[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.nameplates.units[unit].health.text[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, args = { enable = { order = 1, name = L["Enable"], type = 'toggle' }, format = { order = 2, name = L["Text Format"], type = 'input', }, position = { order = 3, type = 'select', name = L["Position"], values = { CENTER = 'CENTER', TOPLEFT = 'TOPLEFT', BOTTOMLEFT = 'BOTTOMLEFT', TOPRIGHT = 'TOPRIGHT', BOTTOMRIGHT = 'BOTTOMRIGHT' } }, parent = { order = 4, type = 'select', name = L["Parent"], values = { Nameplate = L["Nameplate"], Health = L["Health"] } }, xOffset = { order = 5, name = L["X-Offset"], type = 'range', min = -100, max = 100, step = 1 }, yOffset = { order = 6, name = L["Y-Offset"], type = 'range', min = -100, max = 100, step = 1 }, fontGroup = { type = 'group', order = 7, name = '', inline = true, get = function(info) return E.db.nameplates.units[unit].health.text[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.nameplates.units[unit].health.text[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, args = { font = { type = 'select', dialogControl = 'LSM30_Font', order = 1, name = L["Font"], values = _G.AceGUIWidgetLSMlists.font }, fontSize = { order = 2, name = L["FONT_SIZE"], type = 'range', min = 4, max = 60, step = 1 }, fontOutline = { order = 3, name = L["Font Outline"], desc = L["Set the font outline."], type = 'select', values = C.Values.FontFlags } } } } } } }, powerGroup = { order = 3, name = L["Power"], type = 'group', get = function(info) return E.db.nameplates.units[unit].power[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.nameplates.units[unit].power[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, args = { enable = { order = 1, name = L["Enable"], type = 'toggle' }, hideWhenEmpty = { order = 2, name = L["Hide When Empty"], type = 'toggle' }, width = { order = 3, name = L["Width"], type = 'range', min = 50, max = function() if unit == 'PLAYER' then return (NP.db.plateSize.personalWidth or 250) elseif unit == 'FRIENDLY_PLAYER' or unit == 'FRIENDLY_NPC' then return (NP.db.plateSize.friendlyWidth or 250) elseif unit == 'ENEMY_PLAYER' or unit == 'ENEMY_NPC' then return (NP.db.plateSize.enemyWidth or 250) else return 250 end end, step = 1 }, height = { order = 4, name = L["Height"], type = 'range', min = 4, max = function() if unit == 'PLAYER' then return (NP.db.plateSize.personalHeight or 20) elseif unit == 'FRIENDLY_PLAYER' or unit == 'FRIENDLY_NPC' then return (NP.db.plateSize.friendlyHeight or 20) elseif unit == 'ENEMY_PLAYER' or unit == 'ENEMY_NPC' then return (NP.db.plateSize.enemyHeight or 20) else return 20 end end, step = 1 }, xOffset = { order = 5, name = L["X-Offset"], type = 'range', min = -100, max = 100, step = 1 }, yOffset = { order = 6, name = L["Y-Offset"], type = 'range', min = -100, max = 100, step = 1 }, displayAltPower = { order = 7, name = L["Swap to Alt Power"], type = 'toggle' }, useAtlas = { order = 8, name = L["Use Atlas Textures"], desc = L["Use Atlas Textures if there is one available."], type = 'toggle' }, classColor = { type = 'toggle', order = 9, name = L["Use Class Color"] }, textGroup = { order = 200, type = 'group', name = L["Text"], inline = true, get = function(info) return E.db.nameplates.units[unit].power.text[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.nameplates.units[unit].power.text[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, args = { enable = { order = 1, name = L["Enable"], type = 'toggle' }, format = { order = 2, name = L["Text Format"], type = 'input', }, position = { order = 3, type = 'select', name = L["Position"], values = { CENTER = 'CENTER', TOPLEFT = 'TOPLEFT', BOTTOMLEFT = 'BOTTOMLEFT', TOPRIGHT = 'TOPRIGHT', BOTTOMRIGHT = 'BOTTOMRIGHT' } }, parent = { order = 4, type = 'select', name = L["Parent"], values = { Nameplate = L["Nameplate"], Power = L["Power"] } }, xOffset = { order = 5, name = L["X-Offset"], type = 'range', min = -100, max = 100, step = 1 }, yOffset = { order = 6, name = L["Y-Offset"], type = 'range', min = -100, max = 100, step = 1 }, fontGroup = { type = 'group', order = 7, name = '', inline = true, get = function(info) return E.db.nameplates.units[unit].power.text[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.nameplates.units[unit].power.text[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, args = { font = { type = 'select', dialogControl = 'LSM30_Font', order = 1, name = L["Font"], values = _G.AceGUIWidgetLSMlists.font }, fontSize = { order = 2, name = L["FONT_SIZE"], type = 'range', min = 4, max = 60, step = 1 }, fontOutline = { order = 3, name = L["Font Outline"], desc = L["Set the font outline."], type = 'select', values = C.Values.FontFlags } } } } } } }, castGroup = { order = 4, name = L["Cast Bar"], type = 'group', get = function(info) return E.db.nameplates.units[unit].castbar[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.nameplates.units[unit].castbar[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, args = { enable = { order = 1, name = L["Enable"], type = 'toggle' }, sourceInterrupt = { order = 2, type = 'toggle', name = L["Display Interrupt Source"], desc = L["Display the unit name who interrupted a spell on the castbar. You should increase the Time to Hold to show properly."] }, sourceInterruptClassColor = { order = 3, type = 'toggle', name = L["Class Color Source"], disabled = function() return not E.db.nameplates.units[unit].castbar.sourceInterrupt end }, -- order 4 is player Display Target timeToHold = { order = 5, type = 'range', name = L["Time To Hold"], desc = L["How many seconds the castbar should stay visible after the cast failed or was interrupted."], min = 0, max = 4, step = 0.1 }, width = { order = 7, name = L["Width"], type = 'range', min = 50, max = function() if unit == 'PLAYER' then return (NP.db.plateSize.personalWidth or 250) elseif unit == 'FRIENDLY_PLAYER' or unit == 'FRIENDLY_NPC' then return (NP.db.plateSize.friendlyWidth or 250) elseif unit == 'ENEMY_PLAYER' or unit == 'ENEMY_NPC' then return (NP.db.plateSize.enemyWidth or 250) else return 250 end end, step = 1 }, height = { order = 8, name = L["Height"], type = 'range', min = 4, max = function() if unit == 'PLAYER' then return (NP.db.plateSize.personalHeight or 20) elseif unit == 'FRIENDLY_PLAYER' or unit == 'FRIENDLY_NPC' then return (NP.db.plateSize.friendlyHeight or 20) elseif unit == 'ENEMY_PLAYER' or unit == 'ENEMY_NPC' then return (NP.db.plateSize.enemyHeight or 20) else return 20 end end, step = 1 }, xOffset = { order = 9, name = L["X-Offset"], type = 'range', min = -100, max = 100, step = 1 }, yOffset = { order = 10, name = L["Y-Offset"], type = 'range', min = -100, max = 100, step = 1 }, textGroup = { order = 20, name = L["Text"], type = 'group', get = function(info) return E.db.nameplates.units[unit].castbar[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.nameplates.units[unit].castbar[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, inline = true, args = { hideSpellName = { order = 1, name = L["Hide Spell Name"], type = 'toggle' }, hideTime = { order = 2, name = L["Hide Time"], type = 'toggle' }, textPosition = { order = 3, name = L["Position"], type = 'select', values = { ONBAR = L["Cast Bar"], ABOVE = L["Above"], BELOW = L["Below"] } }, castTimeFormat = { order = 4, type = 'select', name = L["Cast Time Format"], values = { CURRENT = L["Current"], CURRENTMAX = L["Current / Max"], REMAINING = L["Remaining"], REMAININGMAX = L["Remaining / Max"] } }, channelTimeFormat = { order = 5, type = 'select', name = L["Channel Time Format"], values = { CURRENT = L["Current"], CURRENT_MAX = L["Current / Max"], REMAINING = L["Remaining"], REMAININGMAX = L["Remaining / Max"] } } } }, iconGroup = { order = 25, name = L["Icon"], type = 'group', get = function(info) return E.db.nameplates.units[unit].castbar[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.nameplates.units[unit].castbar[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, inline = true, args = { showIcon = { order = 11, type = 'toggle', name = L["Show Icon"] }, iconPosition = { order = 12, type = 'select', name = L["Icon Position"], values = { LEFT = L["Left"], RIGHT = L["Right"] } }, iconSize = { order = 13, name = L["Icon Size"], type = 'range', min = 4, max = 40, step = 1 }, iconOffsetX = { order = 14, name = L["X-Offset"], type = 'range', min = -100, max = 100, step = 1 }, iconOffsetY = { order = 15, name = L["Y-Offset"], type = 'range', min = -100, max = 100, step = 1 } } }, fontGroup = { type = 'group', order = 30, name = L["Font"], inline = true, get = function(info) return E.db.nameplates.units[unit].castbar[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.nameplates.units[unit].castbar[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, args = { font = { type = 'select', dialogControl = 'LSM30_Font', order = 1, name = L["Font"], values = _G.AceGUIWidgetLSMlists.font }, fontSize = { order = 2, name = L["FONT_SIZE"], type = 'range', min = 4, max = 60, step = 1 }, fontOutline = { order = 3, name = L["Font Outline"], desc = L["Set the font outline."], type = 'select', values = C.Values.FontFlags } } } } }, buffsGroup = { order = 5, name = L["Buffs"], type = 'group', get = function(info) return E.db.nameplates.units[unit].buffs[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.nameplates.units[unit].buffs[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, args = { enable = { order = 1, name = L["Enable"], type = 'toggle' }, desaturate = { type = 'toggle', order = 2, name = L["Desaturate Icon"], desc = L["Set auras that are not from you to desaturad."], }, numAuras = { order = 3, name = L["# Displayed Auras"], --desc = L["Controls how many auras are displayed, this will also affect the size of the auras."], type = 'range', min = 1, max = 8, step = 1 }, size = { order = 4, name = L["Icon Size"], type = 'range', min = 6, max = 60, step = 1 }, spacing = { order = 5, name = L["Spacing"], type = 'range', min = 0, max = 60, step = 1 }, xOffset = { order = 6, name = L["X-Offset"], type = 'range', min = -100, max = 100, step = 1 }, yOffset = { order = 7, type = 'range', name = L["Y-Offset"], min = -100, max = 100, step = 1 }, anchorPoint = { type = 'select', order = 8, name = L["Anchor Point"], desc = L["What point to anchor to the frame you set to attach to."], values = positionValues }, growthX = { type = 'select', order = 9, name = L["Growth X-Direction"], values = { LEFT = L["Left"], RIGHT = L["Right"] } }, growthY = { type = 'select', order = 10, name = L["Growth Y-Direction"], values = { UP = L["Up"], DOWN = L["Down"] } }, stacks = { type = 'group', order = 11, name = L["Stack Counter"], inline = true, get = function(info, value) return E.db.nameplates.units[unit].buffs[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.nameplates.units[unit].buffs[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, args = { countFont = { type = 'select', dialogControl = 'LSM30_Font', order = 12, name = L["Font"], values = _G.AceGUIWidgetLSMlists.font }, countFontSize = { order = 13, name = L["FONT_SIZE"], type = 'range', min = 4, max = 20, step = 1 -- max 20 cause otherwise it looks weird }, countFontOutline = { order = 14, name = L["Font Outline"], desc = L["Set the font outline."], type = 'select', values = C.Values.FontFlags }, countPosition = { order = 2, name = L["Position"], type = 'select', values = { TOP = 'TOP', LEFT = 'LEFT', BOTTOM = 'BOTTOM', CENTER = 'CENTER', TOPLEFT = 'TOPLEFT', BOTTOMLEFT = 'BOTTOMLEFT', BOTTOMRIGHT = 'BOTTOMRIGHT', RIGHT = 'RIGHT', TOPRIGHT = 'TOPRIGHT' } } } }, duration = { type = 'group', order = 12, name = L["Duration"], inline = true, get = function(info) return E.db.nameplates.units[unit].buffs[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.nameplates.units[unit].buffs[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, args = { cooldownShortcut = { order = 1, type = 'execute', name = L["Cooldowns"], func = function() ACD:SelectGroup('ElvUI', 'cooldown', 'nameplates') end }, durationPosition = { order = 2, name = L["Position"], type = 'select', values = { TOP = 'TOP', LEFT = 'LEFT', BOTTOM = 'BOTTOM', CENTER = 'CENTER', TOPLEFT = 'TOPLEFT', BOTTOMLEFT = 'BOTTOMLEFT', BOTTOMRIGHT = 'BOTTOMRIGHT', RIGHT = 'RIGHT', TOPRIGHT = 'TOPRIGHT' } } } }, filtersGroup = { name = L["FILTERS"], order = 13, type = 'group', inline = true, get = function(info) return E.db.nameplates.units[unit].buffs[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.nameplates.units[unit].buffs[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, args = { minDuration = { order = 1, type = 'range', name = L["Minimum Duration"], desc = L["Don't display auras that are shorter than this duration (in seconds). Set to zero to disable."], min = 0, max = 10800, step = 1 }, maxDuration = { order = 2, type = 'range', name = L["Maximum Duration"], desc = L["Don't display auras that are longer than this duration (in seconds). Set to zero to disable."], min = 0, max = 10800, step = 1 }, jumpToFilter = { order = 3, name = L["Filters Page"], desc = L["Shortcut to global filters."], type = 'execute', func = function() ACD:SelectGroup('ElvUI', 'filters') end }, specialFilters = { order = 5, type = 'select', sortByValue = true, name = L["Add Special Filter"], desc = L["These filters don't use a list of spells like the regular filters. Instead they use the WoW API and some code logic to determine if an aura should be allowed or blocked."], values = function() local filters = {} local list = E.global.unitframe.specialFilters if not (list and next(list)) then return filters end for filter in pairs(list) do filters[filter] = L[filter] end return filters end, set = function(info, value) filterPriority('buffs', unit, value) NP:ConfigureAll() end }, filter = { order = 6, type = 'select', name = L["Add Regular Filter"], desc = L["These filters use a list of spells to determine if an aura should be allowed or blocked. The content of these filters can be modified in the Filters section of the config."], values = function() local filters = {} local list = E.global.unitframe.aurafilters if not (list and next(list)) then return filters end for filter in pairs(list) do filters[filter] = filter end return filters end, set = function(info, value) filterPriority('buffs', unit, value) NP:ConfigureAll() end }, resetPriority = { order = 7, name = L["Reset Priority"], desc = L["Reset filter priority to the default state."], type = 'execute', func = function() E.db.nameplates.units[unit].buffs.priority = P.nameplates.units[unit].buffs.priority NP:ConfigureAll() end }, filterPriority = { order = 8, name = L["Filter Priority"], type = 'multiselect', dragdrop = true, dragOnLeave = E.noop, --keep this here dragOnEnter = function(info) carryFilterTo = info.obj.value end, dragOnMouseDown = function(info) carryFilterFrom, carryFilterTo = info.obj.value, nil end, dragOnMouseUp = function(info) filterPriority('buffs', unit, carryFilterTo, nil, carryFilterFrom) --add it in the new spot carryFilterFrom, carryFilterTo = nil, nil end, dragOnClick = function(info) filterPriority('buffs', unit, carryFilterFrom, true) end, stateSwitchGetText = C.StateSwitchGetText, stateSwitchOnClick = function() filterPriority('buffs', unit, carryFilterFrom, nil, nil, true) end, values = function() local str = E.db.nameplates.units[unit].buffs.priority if str == '' then return {} end return {strsplit(',', str)} end, get = function(_, value) local str = E.db.nameplates.units[unit].buffs.priority if str == '' then return end local tbl = {strsplit(',', str)} return tbl[value] end, set = function() NP:ConfigureAll() end }, spacer3 = ACH:Description(L["Use drag and drop to rearrange filter priority or right click to remove a filter."] ..'\n'..L["Use Shift+LeftClick to toggle between friendly or enemy or normal state. Normal state will allow the filter to be checked on all units. Friendly state is for friendly units only and enemy state is for enemy units."], 9), } } } }, debuffsGroup = { order = 6, name = L["Debuffs"], type = 'group', get = function(info) return E.db.nameplates.units[unit].debuffs[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.nameplates.units[unit].debuffs[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, args = { enable = { order = 1, name = L["Enable"], type = 'toggle' }, desaturate = { type = 'toggle', order = 2, name = L["Desaturate Icon"], desc = L["Set auras that are not from you to desaturad."], }, numAuras = { order = 3, name = L["# Displayed Auras"], desc = L["Controls how many auras are displayed, this will also affect the size of the auras."], type = 'range', min = 1, max = 8, step = 1 }, size = { order = 4, name = L["Icon Size"], type = 'range', min = 6, max = 60, step = 1 }, spacing = { order = 5, name = L["Spacing"], type = 'range', min = 0, max = 60, step = 1 }, xOffset = { order = 6, name = L["X-Offset"], type = 'range', min = -100, max = 100, step = 1 }, yOffset = { order = 7, type = 'range', name = L["Y-Offset"], min = -100, max = 100, step = 1 }, anchorPoint = { type = 'select', order = 8, name = L["Anchor Point"], desc = L["What point to anchor to the frame you set to attach to."], values = positionValues }, growthX = { type = 'select', order = 9, name = L["Growth X-Direction"], values = { LEFT = L["Left"], RIGHT = L["Right"] } }, growthY = { type = 'select', order = 10, name = L["Growth Y-Direction"], values = { UP = L["Up"], DOWN = L["Down"] } }, stacks = { type = 'group', order = 11, name = L["Stack Counter"], inline = true, get = function(info, value) return E.db.nameplates.units[unit].debuffs[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.nameplates.units[unit].debuffs[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, args = { countFont = { type = 'select', dialogControl = 'LSM30_Font', order = 12, name = L["Font"], values = _G.AceGUIWidgetLSMlists.font }, countFontSize = { order = 13, name = L["FONT_SIZE"], type = 'range', min = 4, max = 20, step = 1 -- max 20 cause otherwise it looks weird }, countFontOutline = { order = 14, name = L["Font Outline"], desc = L["Set the font outline."], type = 'select', values = C.Values.FontFlags }, countPosition = { order = 2, name = L["Position"], type = 'select', values = { TOP = 'TOP', LEFT = 'LEFT', BOTTOM = 'BOTTOM', CENTER = 'CENTER', TOPLEFT = 'TOPLEFT', BOTTOMLEFT = 'BOTTOMLEFT', BOTTOMRIGHT = 'BOTTOMRIGHT', RIGHT = 'RIGHT', TOPRIGHT = 'TOPRIGHT' } } } }, duration = { type = 'group', order = 12, name = L["Duration"], inline = true, get = function(info) return E.db.nameplates.units[unit].debuffs[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.nameplates.units[unit].debuffs[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, args = { cooldownShortcut = { order = 1, type = 'execute', name = L["Cooldowns"], func = function() ACD:SelectGroup('ElvUI', 'cooldown', 'nameplates') end }, durationPosition = { order = 2, name = L["Position"], type = 'select', values = { TOP = 'TOP', LEFT = 'LEFT', BOTTOM = 'BOTTOM', CENTER = 'CENTER', TOPLEFT = 'TOPLEFT', BOTTOMLEFT = 'BOTTOMLEFT', BOTTOMRIGHT = 'BOTTOMRIGHT', RIGHT = 'RIGHT', TOPRIGHT = 'TOPRIGHT' } } } }, filtersGroup = { name = L["FILTERS"], order = 13, type = 'group', get = function(info) return E.db.nameplates.units[unit].debuffs[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.nameplates.units[unit].debuffs[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, inline = true, args = { minDuration = { order = 1, type = 'range', name = L["Minimum Duration"], desc = L["Don't display auras that are shorter than this duration (in seconds). Set to zero to disable."], min = 0, max = 10800, step = 1 }, maxDuration = { order = 2, type = 'range', name = L["Maximum Duration"], desc = L["Don't display auras that are longer than this duration (in seconds). Set to zero to disable."], min = 0, max = 10800, step = 1 }, jumpToFilter = { order = 3, name = L["Filters Page"], desc = L["Shortcut to global filters."], type = 'execute', func = function() ACD:SelectGroup('ElvUI', 'filters') end }, specialFilters = { order = 5, type = 'select', sortByValue = true, name = L["Add Special Filter"], desc = L["These filters don't use a list of spells like the regular filters. Instead they use the WoW API and some code logic to determine if an aura should be allowed or blocked."], values = function() local filters = {} local list = E.global.unitframe.specialFilters if not (list and next(list)) then return filters end for filter in pairs(list) do filters[filter] = L[filter] end return filters end, set = function(info, value) filterPriority('debuffs', unit, value) NP:ConfigureAll() end }, filter = { order = 6, type = 'select', name = L["Add Regular Filter"], desc = L["These filters use a list of spells to determine if an aura should be allowed or blocked. The content of these filters can be modified in the Filters section of the config."], values = function() local filters = {} local list = E.global.unitframe.aurafilters if not (list and next(list)) then return filters end for filter in pairs(list) do filters[filter] = filter end return filters end, set = function(info, value) filterPriority('debuffs', unit, value) NP:ConfigureAll() end }, resetPriority = { order = 7, name = L["Reset Priority"], desc = L["Reset filter priority to the default state."], type = 'execute', func = function() E.db.nameplates.units[unit].debuffs.priority = P.nameplates.units[unit].debuffs.priority NP:ConfigureAll() end }, filterPriority = { order = 8, dragdrop = true, type = 'multiselect', name = L["Filter Priority"], dragOnLeave = E.noop, --keep this here dragOnEnter = function(info) carryFilterTo = info.obj.value end, dragOnMouseDown = function(info) carryFilterFrom, carryFilterTo = info.obj.value, nil end, dragOnMouseUp = function(info) filterPriority('debuffs', unit, carryFilterTo, nil, carryFilterFrom) --add it in the new spot carryFilterFrom, carryFilterTo = nil, nil end, dragOnClick = function(info) filterPriority('debuffs', unit, carryFilterFrom, true) end, stateSwitchGetText = C.StateSwitchGetText, stateSwitchOnClick = function(info) filterPriority('debuffs', unit, carryFilterFrom, nil, nil, true) end, values = function() local str = E.db.nameplates.units[unit].debuffs.priority if str == '' then return {} end return {strsplit(',', str)} end, get = function(info, value) local str = E.db.nameplates.units[unit].debuffs.priority if str == '' then return end local tbl = {strsplit(',', str)} return tbl[value] end, set = function(info) NP:ConfigureAll() end }, spacer3 = ACH:Description(L["Use drag and drop to rearrange filter priority or right click to remove a filter."]..'\n'..L["Use Shift+LeftClick to toggle between friendly or enemy or normal state. Normal state will allow the filter to be checked on all units. Friendly state is for friendly units only and enemy state is for enemy units."], 9), } } } }, portraitGroup = { order = 7, name = L["Portrait"], type = 'group', get = function(info) return E.db.nameplates.units[unit].portrait[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.nameplates.units[unit].portrait[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, args = { enable = { order = 1, name = L["Enable"], type = 'toggle' }, width = { order = 3, name = L["Width"], type = 'range', min = 12, max = 64, step = 1 }, height = { order = 4, name = L["Height"], type = 'range', min = 12, max = 64, step = 1 }, position = { order = 5, type = 'select', name = L["Icon Position"], values = { LEFT = L["Left"], RIGHT = L["Right"], TOP = L["Top"], BOTTOM = L["Bottom"], CENTER = L["Center"] } }, xOffset = { order = 6, name = L["X-Offset"], type = 'range', min = -100, max = 100, step = 1 }, yOffset = { order = 7, name = L["Y-Offset"], type = 'range', min = -100, max = 100, step = 1 } } }, levelGroup = { order = 8, name = L["LEVEL"], type = 'group', get = function(info) return E.db.nameplates.units[unit].level[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.nameplates.units[unit].level[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, args = { enable = { order = 1, name = L["Enable"], type = 'toggle' }, format = { order = 2, name = L["Format"], type = 'input' }, position = { order = 3, type = 'select', name = L["Position"], values = { CENTER = 'CENTER', TOPLEFT = 'TOPLEFT', BOTTOMLEFT = 'BOTTOMLEFT', TOPRIGHT = 'TOPRIGHT', BOTTOMRIGHT = 'BOTTOMRIGHT' } }, parent = { order = 4, type = 'select', name = L["Parent"], values = { Nameplate = L["Nameplate"], Health = L["Health"] } }, xOffset = { order = 5, name = L["X-Offset"], type = 'range', min = -100, max = 100, step = 1 }, yOffset = { order = 6, name = L["Y-Offset"], type = 'range', min = -100, max = 100, step = 1 }, fontGroup = { type = 'group', order = 7, name = '', inline = true, get = function(info) return E.db.nameplates.units[unit].level[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.nameplates.units[unit].level[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, args = { font = { type = 'select', dialogControl = 'LSM30_Font', order = 1, name = L["Font"], values = _G.AceGUIWidgetLSMlists.font }, fontSize = { order = 2, name = L["FONT_SIZE"], type = 'range', min = 4, max = 60, step = 1 }, fontOutline = { order = 3, name = L["Font Outline"], desc = L["Set the font outline."], type = 'select', values = C.Values.FontFlags } } } } }, nameGroup = { order = 9, name = L["Name"], type = 'group', get = function(info) return E.db.nameplates.units[unit].name[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.nameplates.units[unit].name[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, args = { enable = { order = 1, name = L["Enable"], type = 'toggle' }, format = { order = 2, name = L["Text Format"], type = 'input', }, position = { order = 3, type = 'select', name = L["Position"], values = { CENTER = 'CENTER', TOPLEFT = 'TOPLEFT', BOTTOMLEFT = 'BOTTOMLEFT', TOPRIGHT = 'TOPRIGHT', BOTTOMRIGHT = 'BOTTOMRIGHT' } }, parent = { order = 4, type = 'select', name = L["Parent"], values = { Nameplate = L["Nameplate"], Health = L["Health"] } }, xOffset = { order = 5, name = L["X-Offset"], type = 'range', min = -100, max = 100, step = 1 }, yOffset = { order = 6, name = L["Y-Offset"], type = 'range', min = -100, max = 100, step = 1 }, fontGroup = { type = 'group', order = 7, name = L["Font"], inline = true, get = function(info) return E.db.nameplates.units[unit].name[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.nameplates.units[unit].name[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, args = { font = { type = 'select', dialogControl = 'LSM30_Font', order = 1, name = L["Font"], values = _G.AceGUIWidgetLSMlists.font }, fontSize = { order = 2, name = L["FONT_SIZE"], type = 'range', min = 4, max = 60, step = 1 }, fontOutline = { order = 3, name = L["Font Outline"], desc = L["Set the font outline."], type = 'select', values = C.Values.FontFlags } } } } }, pvpindicator = { order = 10, name = L["PvP Indicator"], desc = L["Horde / Alliance / Honor Info"], type = 'group', get = function(info) return E.db.nameplates.units[unit].pvpindicator[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.nameplates.units[unit].pvpindicator[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, args = { enable = { order = 1, name = L["Enable"], type = 'toggle' }, showBadge = { order = 2, name = L["Show Badge"], desc = L["Show PvP Badge Indicator if available"], type = 'toggle' }, size = { order = 3, name = L["Size"], type = 'range', min = 12, max = 64, step = 1 }, position = { order = 4, type = 'select', name = L["Icon Position"], values = { LEFT = L["Left"], RIGHT = L["Right"], TOP = L["Top"], BOTTOM = L["Bottom"], CENTER = L["Center"] } }, xOffset = { order = 5, name = L["X-Offset"], type = 'range', min = -100, max = 100, step = 1 }, yOffset = { order = 6, name = L["Y-Offset"], type = 'range', min = -100, max = 100, step = 1 } } }, raidTargetIndicator = { order = 11, name = L["Raid Icon"], type = 'group', get = function(info) return E.db.nameplates.units[unit].raidTargetIndicator[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.nameplates.units[unit].raidTargetIndicator[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, args = { enable = { order = 1, name = L["Enable"], type = 'toggle' }, size = { order = 3, name = L["Size"], type = 'range', min = 12, max = 64, step = 1 }, position = { order = 4, type = 'select', name = L["Icon Position"], values = { LEFT = L["Left"], RIGHT = L["Right"], TOP = L["Top"], BOTTOM = L["Bottom"], CENTER = L["Center"] } }, xOffset = { order = 5, name = L["X-Offset"], type = 'range', min = -100, max = 100, step = 1 }, yOffset = { order = 6, name = L["Y-Offset"], type = 'range', min = -100, max = 100, step = 1 } } } } } -- start groups at 12, options at 100 if unit == 'PLAYER' then group.args.classBarGroup = { order = 13, type = 'group', name = L["Classbar"], get = function(info) return E.db.nameplates.units[unit].classpower[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.nameplates.units[unit].classpower[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, args = { enable = { type = 'toggle', order = 1, name = L["Enable"] }, width = { order = 2, name = L["Width"], type = 'range', min = 50, max = function() if unit == 'PLAYER' then return (NP.db.plateSize.personalWidth or 250) elseif unit == 'FRIENDLY_PLAYER' or unit == 'FRIENDLY_NPC' then return (NP.db.plateSize.friendlyWidth or 250) elseif unit == 'ENEMY_PLAYER' or unit == 'ENEMY_NPC' then return (NP.db.plateSize.enemyWidth or 250) else return 250 end end, set = function(info, value) E.db.nameplates.units[unit].classpower[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, step = 1 }, height = { order = 3, name = L["Height"], type = 'range', min = 4, max = function() if unit == 'PLAYER' then return (NP.db.plateSize.personalHeight or 20) elseif unit == 'FRIENDLY_PLAYER' or unit == 'FRIENDLY_NPC' then return (NP.db.plateSize.friendlyHeight or 20) elseif unit == 'ENEMY_PLAYER' or unit == 'ENEMY_NPC' then return (NP.db.plateSize.enemyHeight or 20) else return 20 end end, step = 1 }, xOffset = { order = 4, name = L["X-Offset"], type = 'range', min = -100, max = 100, step = 1 }, yOffset = { order = 5, name = L["Y-Offset"], type = 'range', min = -100, max = 100, step = 1 }, classColor = { type = 'toggle', order = 6, name = L["Use Class Color"] }, sortDirection = { name = L["Sort Direction"], desc = L["Defines the sort order of the selected sort method."], type = 'select', order = 7, values = { asc = L["Ascending"], desc = L["Descending"], NONE = _G.NONE }, hidden = function() return (E.myclass ~= 'DEATHKNIGHT') end } } } group.args.general.args.visibilityShortcut = { order = 100, type = 'execute', name = L["Visibility"], func = function() ACD:SelectGroup('ElvUI', 'nameplate', 'generalGroup', 'general', 'plateVisibility') end } group.args.general.args.useStaticPosition = { order = 101, type = 'toggle', name = L["Use Static Position"], desc = L["When enabled the nameplate will stay visible in a locked position."], disabled = function() return not E.db.nameplates.units[unit].enable end } group.args.general.args.nameOnly = { type = 'toggle', order = 102, name = L["Name Only"] } group.args.general.args.showTitle = { type = 'toggle', order = 103, name = L["Show Title"], desc = L["Title will only appear if Name Only is enabled or triggered in a Style Filter."] } group.args.healthGroup.args.useClassColor = { order = 10, type = 'toggle', name = L["Use Class Color"] } elseif unit == 'FRIENDLY_PLAYER' or unit == 'ENEMY_PLAYER' then group.args.general.args.visibilityShortcut = { order = 100, type = 'execute', name = L["Visibility"], func = function() ACD:SelectGroup('ElvUI', 'nameplate', 'generalGroup', 'general', 'plateVisibility') end } group.args.general.args.nameOnly = { type = 'toggle', order = 101, name = L["Name Only"] } group.args.general.args.showTitle = { type = 'toggle', order = 102, name = L["Show Title"], desc = L["Title will only appear if Name Only is enabled or triggered in a Style Filter."] } group.args.general.args.markHealers = { type = 'toggle', order = 103, name = L["Healer Icon"], desc = L["Display a healer icon over known healers inside battlegrounds or arenas."] } group.args.general.args.markTanks = { type = 'toggle', order = 103, name = L["Tank Icon"], desc = L["Display a tank icon over known tanks inside battlegrounds or arenas."] } group.args.healthGroup.args.useClassColor = { order = 10, type = 'toggle', name = L["Use Class Color"] } elseif unit == 'ENEMY_NPC' or unit == 'FRIENDLY_NPC' then group.args.eliteIcon = { order = 12, name = L["Elite Icon"], type = 'group', get = function(info) return E.db.nameplates.units[unit].eliteIcon[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.nameplates.units[unit].eliteIcon[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, args = { enable = { order = 1, name = L["Enable"], type = 'toggle' }, size = { order = 2, type = 'range', name = L["Size"], min = 12, max = 42, step = 1 }, position = { order = 3, type = 'select', name = L["Icon Position"], values = { CENTER = 'CENTER', TOPLEFT = 'TOPLEFT', BOTTOMLEFT = 'BOTTOMLEFT', TOPRIGHT = 'TOPRIGHT', BOTTOMRIGHT = 'BOTTOMRIGHT', LEFT = 'LEFT', RIGHT = 'RIGHT', }, }, xOffset = { order = 4, name = L["X-Offset"], type = 'range', min = -100, max = 100, step = 1 }, yOffset = { order = 5, name = L["Y-Offset"], type = 'range', min = -100, max = 100, step = 1 } } } group.args.questIcon = { order = 13, name = L["Quest Icon"], type = 'group', get = function(info) return E.db.nameplates.units[unit].questIcon[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.nameplates.units[unit].questIcon[info[#info]] = value NP:SetCVars() NP:ConfigureAll() end, args = { enable = { type = 'toggle', order = 0, name = L["Enable"] }, hideIcon = { type = 'toggle', order = 1, name = L["Hide Icon"] }, font = { type = 'select', dialogControl = 'LSM30_Font', order = 2, name = L["Font"], values = _G.AceGUIWidgetLSMlists.font }, fontSize = { order = 3, name = L["FONT_SIZE"], type = 'range', min = 4, max = 40, step = 1 }, fontOutline = { order = 4, name = L["Font Outline"], desc = L["Set the font outline."], type = 'select', values = C.Values.FontFlags }, size = { type = 'range', order = 5, name = L["Size"], min = 10, max = 50, step = 1 }, xOffset = { order = 6, name = L["X-Offset"], type = 'range', min = -100, max = 100, step = 1 }, yOffset = { order = 7, name = L["Y-Offset"], type = 'range', min = -100, max = 100, step = 1 }, position = { order = 8, type = 'select', name = L["Icon Position"], values = { CENTER = 'CENTER', TOPLEFT = 'TOPLEFT', BOTTOMLEFT = 'BOTTOMLEFT', TOPRIGHT = 'TOPRIGHT', BOTTOMRIGHT = 'BOTTOMRIGHT', LEFT = 'LEFT', RIGHT = 'RIGHT' } }, textPosition = { order = 9, type = 'select', name = L["Text Position"], values = { TOP = 'TOP', LEFT = 'LEFT', BOTTOM = 'BOTTOM', CENTER = 'CENTER', TOPLEFT = 'TOPLEFT', BOTTOMLEFT = 'BOTTOMLEFT', BOTTOMRIGHT = 'BOTTOMRIGHT', RIGHT = 'RIGHT', TOPRIGHT = 'TOPRIGHT' } } } } group.args.general.args.visibilityShortcut = { order = 100, type = 'execute', name = L["Visibility"], func = function() ACD:SelectGroup('ElvUI', 'nameplate', 'generalGroup', 'general', 'plateVisibility') end } group.args.general.args.nameOnly = { type = 'toggle', order = 101, name = L["Name Only"] } group.args.general.args.showTitle = { type = 'toggle', order = 102, name = L["Show Title"], desc = L["Title will only appear if Name Only is enabled or triggered in a Style Filter."] } end -- start groups at 30 if unit == 'PLAYER' or unit == 'FRIENDLY_PLAYER' or unit == 'ENEMY_PLAYER' then group.args.portraitGroup.args.classicon = { order = 2, name = L["Class Icon"], type = 'toggle' } group.args.pvpclassificationindicator = { order = 30, name = L["PvP Classification Indicator"], desc = L["Cart / Flag / Orb / Assassin Bounty"], type = 'group', get = function(info) return E.db.nameplates.units[unit].pvpclassificationindicator[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.nameplates.units[unit].pvpclassificationindicator[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, args = { enable = { order = 1, name = L["Enable"], type = 'toggle' }, size = { order = 2, name = L["Size"], type = 'range', min = 5, max = 100, step = 1 }, position = { order = 3, type = 'select', name = L["Icon Position"], values = { CENTER = 'CENTER', TOPLEFT = 'TOPLEFT', BOTTOMLEFT = 'BOTTOMLEFT', TOPRIGHT = 'TOPRIGHT', BOTTOMRIGHT = 'BOTTOMRIGHT' } }, xOffset = { order = 4, name = L["X-Offset"], type = 'range', min = -100, max = 100, step = 1 }, yOffset = { order = 5, name = L["Y-Offset"], type = 'range', min = -100, max = 100, step = 1 } } } end -- start groups at 50 if unit == 'PLAYER' or unit == 'FRIENDLY_PLAYER' or unit == 'ENEMY_PLAYER' or unit == 'FRIENDLY_NPC' or unit == 'ENEMY_NPC' then group.args.titleGroup = { order = 50, name = L["UNIT_NAME_PLAYER_TITLE"], type = 'group', get = function(info) return E.db.nameplates.units[unit].title[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.nameplates.units[unit].title[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, args = { enable = { order = 1, name = L["Enable"], type = 'toggle' }, format = { order = 2, name = L["Text Format"], type = 'input', }, position = { order = 3, type = 'select', name = L["Position"], values = { CENTER = 'CENTER', TOPLEFT = 'TOPLEFT', BOTTOMLEFT = 'BOTTOMLEFT', TOPRIGHT = 'TOPRIGHT', BOTTOMRIGHT = 'BOTTOMRIGHT' } }, parent = { order = 4, type = 'select', name = L["Parent"], values = { Nameplate = L["Nameplate"], Health = L["Health"] } }, xOffset = { order = 5, name = L["X-Offset"], type = 'range', min = -100, max = 100, step = 1 }, yOffset = { order = 6, name = L["Y-Offset"], type = 'range', min = -100, max = 100, step = 1 }, fontGroup = { type = 'group', order = 7, name = L["Font"], inline = true, get = function(info) return E.db.nameplates.units[unit].title[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.nameplates.units[unit].title[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, args = { font = { type = 'select', dialogControl = 'LSM30_Font', order = 1, name = L["Font"], values = _G.AceGUIWidgetLSMlists.font }, fontSize = { order = 2, name = L["FONT_SIZE"], type = 'range', min = 4, max = 60, step = 1 }, fontOutline = { order = 3, name = L["Font Outline"], desc = L["Set the font outline."], type = 'select', values = C.Values.FontFlags } } } } } end ORDER = ORDER + 2 return group end E.Options.args.nameplate = { type = 'group', name = L["NamePlates"], childGroups = 'tab', order = 2, get = function(info) return E.db.nameplates[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.nameplates[info[#info]] = value; NP:ConfigureAll() end, args = { intro = ACH:Description(L["NAMEPLATE_DESC"], 0), enable = { order = 1, type = 'toggle', name = L["Enable"], get = function(info) return E.private.nameplates[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.private.nameplates[info[#info]] = value E:StaticPopup_Show('PRIVATE_RL') end }, generalGroup = { order = 25, type = 'group', name = L["General"], childGroups = 'tab', disabled = function() return not E.NamePlates.Initialized end, args = { resetFilters = { order = 1, name = L["Reset Aura Filters"], type = 'execute', func = function() E:StaticPopup_Show('RESET_NP_AF') --reset nameplate aurafilters end }, resetcvars = { order = 2, type = 'execute', name = L["Reset CVars"], desc = L["Reset Nameplate CVars to the ElvUI recommended defaults."], func = function() NP:CVarReset() end, confirm = true }, general = { order = 10, type = 'group', name = L["General"], get = function(info) return E.db.nameplates[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.nameplates[info[#info]] = value NP:SetCVars() NP:ConfigureAll() end, args = { motionType = { type = 'select', order = 1, name = L["UNIT_NAMEPLATES_TYPES"], desc = L["Set to either stack nameplates vertically or allow them to overlap."], values = { STACKED = L["UNIT_NAMEPLATES_TYPE_2"], OVERLAP = L["UNIT_NAMEPLATES_TYPE_1"] } }, showEnemyCombat = { order = 2, type = 'select', name = L["Enemy Combat Toggle"], desc = L["Control enemy nameplates toggling on or off when in combat."], values = { DISABLED = L["DISABLE"], TOGGLE_ON = L["Toggle On While In Combat"], TOGGLE_OFF = L["Toggle Off While In Combat"] }, set = function(info, value) E.db.nameplates[info[#info]] = value NP:PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED() end }, showFriendlyCombat = { order = 3, type = 'select', name = L["Friendly Combat Toggle"], desc = L["Control friendly nameplates toggling on or off when in combat."], values = { DISABLED = L["DISABLE"], TOGGLE_ON = L["Toggle On While In Combat"], TOGGLE_OFF = L["Toggle Off While In Combat"] }, set = function(info, value) E.db.nameplates[info[#info]] = value NP:PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED() end }, statusbar = { order = 5, type = 'select', dialogControl = 'LSM30_Statusbar', name = L["StatusBar Texture"], values = _G.AceGUIWidgetLSMlists.statusbar }, overlapV = { order = 7, type = 'range', name = L["Overlap Vertical"], desc = L["Percentage amount for vertical overlap of Nameplates."], min = 0, max = 3, step = 0.1, get = function() return tonumber(GetCVar('nameplateOverlapV')) end, set = function(_, value) SetCVar('nameplateOverlapV', value) end }, overlapH = { order = 8, type = 'range', name = L["Overlap Horizontal"], desc = L["Percentage amount for horizontal overlap of Nameplates."], min = 0, max = 3, step = 0.1, get = function() return tonumber(GetCVar('nameplateOverlapH')) end, set = function(_, value) SetCVar('nameplateOverlapH', value) end }, lowHealthThreshold = { order = 9, name = L["Low Health Threshold"], desc = L["Make the unitframe glow yellow when it is below this percent of health, it will glow red when the health value is half of this value."], type = 'range', isPercent = true, min = 0, softMax = 0.5, max = 0.8, step = 0.01 }, highlight = { order = 10, type = 'toggle', name = L["Hover Highlight"] }, fadeIn = { order = 11, type = 'toggle', name = L["Alpha Fading"] }, smoothbars = { type = 'toggle', order = 12, name = L["Smooth Bars"], desc = L["Bars will transition smoothly."], set = function(info, value) E.db.nameplates[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end }, clampToScreen = { order = 13, type = 'toggle', name = L["Clamp Nameplates"], desc = L["Clamp nameplates to the top of the screen when outside of view."] }, cvars = { order = 14, type = 'multiselect', name = L["Blizzard CVars"], get = function(info, key) return GetCVarBool(key) end, set = function(_, key, value) if key == 'nameplateOtherAtBase' then SetCVar(key, value and '2' or '0') else SetCVar(key, value and '1' or '0') end end, values = { nameplateOtherAtBase = L["Nameplate At Base"], nameplateShowOnlyNames = 'Show Only Names', }, }, plateVisibility = { order = 50, type = 'group', childGroups = 'tab', name = L["Visibility"], args = { showAll = { order = 0, type = 'toggle', customWidth = 250, name = L["UNIT_NAMEPLATES_AUTOMODE"], desc = L["This option controls the Blizzard setting for whether or not the Nameplates should be shown."], get = function(info) return E.db.nameplates.visibility.showAll end, set = function(info, value) E.db.nameplates.visibility.showAll = value NP:SetCVars() NP:ConfigureAll() end }, showAlways = { order = 1, type = 'toggle', name = L["Always Show Player"], disabled = function() return not E.db.nameplates.units.PLAYER.enable end, get = function(info) return E.db.nameplates.units.PLAYER.visibility.showAlways end, set = function(info, value) E.db.nameplates.units.PLAYER.visibility.showAlways = value NP:SetCVars() NP:ConfigureAll() end }, playerVisibility = { order = 2, type = 'group', inline = true, name = L["Player"], get = function(info) return E.db.nameplates.units.PLAYER.visibility[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.nameplates.units.PLAYER.visibility[info[#info]] = value NP:SetCVars() NP:ConfigureAll() end, args = { showInCombat = { order = 2, type = 'toggle', name = L["Show In Combat"], disabled = function() return not E.db.nameplates.units.PLAYER.enable or E.db.nameplates.units.PLAYER.visibility.showAlways end }, showWithTarget = { order = 2, type = 'toggle', name = L["Show With Target"], desc = L["When using Static Position, this option also requires the target to be attackable."], disabled = function() return not E.db.nameplates.units.PLAYER.enable or E.db.nameplates.units.PLAYER.visibility.showAlways end }, hideDelay = { order = 4, type = 'range', name = L["Hide Delay"], min = 0, max = 20, step = 0.01, bigStep = 1, disabled = function() return not E.db.nameplates.units.PLAYER.enable or E.db.nameplates.units.PLAYER.visibility.showAlways end }, alphaDelay = { order = 5, type = 'range', name = L["Delay Alpha"], min = 0, max = 1, step = 0.01, bigStep = 0.1, disabled = function() return not E.db.nameplates.units.PLAYER.enable or E.db.nameplates.units.PLAYER.visibility.showAlways end } } }, enemyVisibility = { type = 'group', order = 3, inline = true, name = L["Enemy"], disabled = function() return not E.db.nameplates.visibility.showAll end, get = function(info) return E.db.nameplates.visibility.enemy[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.nameplates.visibility.enemy[info[#info]] = value NP:SetCVars() NP:ConfigureAll() end, args = { guardians = { type = 'toggle', order = 1, name = L["Guardians"] }, minions = { type = 'toggle', order = 2, name = L["Minions"] }, minus = { type = 'toggle', order = 3, name = L["Minus"] }, pets = { type = 'toggle', order = 4, name = L["Pets"] }, totems = { type = 'toggle', order = 5, name = L["Totems"] } } }, friendlyVisibility = { type = 'group', order = 4, inline = true, name = L["Friendly"], disabled = function() return not E.db.nameplates.visibility.showAll end, get = function(info) return E.db.nameplates.visibility.friendly[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.nameplates.visibility.friendly[info[#info]] = value NP:SetCVars() NP:ConfigureAll() end, args = { guardians = { type = 'toggle', order = 1, name = L["Guardians"] }, minions = { type = 'toggle', order = 2, name = L["Minions"] }, npcs = { type = 'toggle', order = 3, name = L["NPC"] }, pets = { type = 'toggle', order = 4, name = L["Pets"] }, totems = { type = 'toggle', order = 5, name = L["Totems"] } } } } }, effectiveGroup = { order = 51, type = 'group', childGroups = 'tab', name = L["Effective Updates"], args = { warning = ACH:Description(L["|cffFF0000Warning:|r This causes updates to happen at a fraction of a second."]..'\n'..L["Enabling this has the potential to make updates faster, though setting a speed value that is too high may cause it to actually run slower than the default scheme, which use Blizzard events only with no update loops provided."], 0, 'medium'), effectiveHealth = { order = 1, type = 'toggle', name = L["Health"], get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.global.nameplate[info[#info]] = value; NP:ConfigureAll() end }, effectivePower = { order = 2, type = 'toggle', name = L["Power"], get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.global.nameplate[info[#info]] = value; NP:ConfigureAll() end }, effectiveAura = { order = 3, type = 'toggle', name = L["Aura"], get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.global.nameplate[info[#info]] = value; NP:ConfigureAll() end }, spacer1 = ACH:Spacer(4, 'full'), effectiveHealthSpeed = { order = 5, name = L["Health Speed"], type = 'range', min = 0.1, max = 0.5, step = 0.05, disabled = function() return not E.global.nameplate.effectiveHealth end, get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.global.nameplate[info[#info]] = value; NP:ConfigureAll() end }, effectivePowerSpeed = { order = 6, name = L["Power Speed"], type = 'range', min = 0.1, max = 0.5, step = 0.05, disabled = function() return not E.global.nameplate.effectivePower end, get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.global.nameplate[info[#info]] = value; NP:ConfigureAll() end }, effectiveAuraSpeed = { order = 7, name = L["Aura Speed"], type = 'range', min = 0.1, max = 0.5, step = 0.05, disabled = function() return not E.global.nameplate.effectiveAura end, get = function(info) return E.global.nameplate[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.global.nameplate[info[#info]] = value; NP:ConfigureAll() end }, }, }, clickThrough = { order = 52, type = 'group', childGroups = 'tab', name = L["Click Through"], get = function(info) return E.db.nameplates.clickThrough[info[#info]] end, args = { personal = { order = 1, type = 'toggle', name = L["Personal"], set = function(info, value) E.db.nameplates.clickThrough.personal = value NP:SetNamePlateSelfClickThrough() end }, friendly = { order = 2, type = 'toggle', name = L["Friendly"], set = function(info, value) E.db.nameplates.clickThrough.friendly = value NP:SetNamePlateFriendlyClickThrough() end }, enemy = { order = 3, type = 'toggle', name = L["Enemy"], set = function(info, value) E.db.nameplates.clickThrough.enemy = value NP:SetNamePlateEnemyClickThrough() end } } }, clickableRange = { order = 53, type = 'group', childGroups = 'tab', name = L["Clickable Size"], args = { personal = { order = 1, type = 'group', inline = true, name = L["Personal"], get = function(info) return E.db.nameplates.plateSize[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.nameplates.plateSize[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, args = { personalWidth = { order = 1, type = 'range', name = L["Clickable Width / Width"], desc = L["Controls the width and how big of an area on the screen will accept clicks to target unit."], min = 50, max = 250, step = 1 }, personalHeight = { order = 2, type = 'range', name = L["Clickable Height"], desc = L["Controls how big of an area on the screen will accept clicks to target unit."], min = 10, max = 75, step = 1 } } }, friendly = { order = 2, type = 'group', inline = true, name = L["Friendly"], get = function(info) return E.db.nameplates.plateSize[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.nameplates.plateSize[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, args = { friendlyWidth = { order = 1, type = 'range', name = L["Clickable Width / Width"], desc = L["Change the width and controls how big of an area on the screen will accept clicks to target unit."], min = 50, max = 250, step = 1 }, friendlyHeight = { order = 2, type = 'range', name = L["Clickable Height"], desc = L["Controls how big of an area on the screen will accept clicks to target unit."], min = 10, max = 75, step = 1 } } }, enemy = { order = 3, type = 'group', inline = true, name = L["Enemy"], get = function(info) return E.db.nameplates.plateSize[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.nameplates.plateSize[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, args = { enemyWidth = { order = 1, type = 'range', name = L["Clickable Width / Width"], desc = L["Change the width and controls how big of an area on the screen will accept clicks to target unit."], min = 50, max = 250, step = 1 }, enemyHeight = { order = 2, type = 'range', name = L["Clickable Height"], desc = L["Controls how big of an area on the screen will accept clicks to target unit."], min = 10, max = 75, step = 1 } } } } }, cutaway = { order = 54, type = 'group', childGroups = 'tab', name = L["Cutaway Bars"], args = { health = { order = 1, type = 'group', inline = true, name = L["Health"], get = function(info) return E.db.nameplates.cutaway.health[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.nameplates.cutaway.health[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, args = { enabled = { type = 'toggle', order = 1, name = L["Enable"] }, forceBlankTexture = { type = 'toggle', order = 2, name = L["Blank Texture"] }, lengthBeforeFade = { type = 'range', order = 3, name = L["Fade Out Delay"], desc = L["How much time before the cutaway health starts to fade."], min = 0.1, max = 1, step = 0.1, disabled = function() return not E.db.nameplates.cutaway.health.enabled end }, fadeOutTime = { type = 'range', order = 4, name = L["Fade Out"], desc = L["How long the cutaway health will take to fade out."], min = 0.1, max = 1, step = 0.1, disabled = function() return not E.db.nameplates.cutaway.health.enabled end } } }, power = { order = 2, type = 'group', name = L["Power"], inline = true, get = function(info) return E.db.nameplates.cutaway.power[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.nameplates.cutaway.power[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, args = { enabled = { type = 'toggle', order = 1, name = L["Enable"] }, forceBlankTexture = { type = 'toggle', order = 2, name = L["Blank Texture"] }, lengthBeforeFade = { type = 'range', order = 3, name = L["Fade Out Delay"], desc = L["How much time before the cutaway power starts to fade."], min = 0.1, max = 1, step = 0.1, disabled = function() return not E.db.nameplates.cutaway.power.enabled end }, fadeOutTime = { type = 'range', order = 4, name = L["Fade Out"], desc = L["How long the cutaway power will take to fade out."], min = 0.1, max = 1, step = 0.1, disabled = function() return not E.db.nameplates.cutaway.power.enabled end } } } } }, threatGroup = { order = 55, type = 'group', name = L["Threat"], childGroups = 'tabs', get = function(info) return E.db.nameplates.threat[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.nameplates.threat[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, args = { enable = { order = 0, type = 'toggle', name = L["Enable"] }, useThreatColor = { order = 1, type = 'toggle', name = L["Use Threat Color"] }, beingTankedByTank = { name = L["Color Tanked"], desc = L["Use Tanked Color when a nameplate is being effectively tanked by another tank."], order = 2, type = 'toggle', disabled = function() return not E.db.nameplates.threat.useThreatColor end }, indicator = { name = L["Show Icon"], order = 3, type = 'toggle', disabled = function() return not E.db.nameplates.threat.enable end }, goodScale = { name = L["Good Scale"], order = 4, type = 'range', isPercent = true, min = 0.5, max = 1.5, softMin = .75, softMax = 1.25, step = 0.01, disabled = function() return not E.db.nameplates.threat.enable end }, badScale = { name = L["Bad Scale"], order = 6, type = 'range', isPercent = true, min = 0.5, max = 1.5, softMin = .75, softMax = 1.25, step = 0.01, disabled = function() return not E.db.nameplates.threat.enable end } } } } }, colorsGroup = { type = 'group', name = L["COLORS"], args = { general = { order = 1, type = 'group', name = L["General"], inline = true, get = function(info) local t = E.db.nameplates.colors[info[#info]] local d = P.nameplates.colors[info[#info]] return t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a, d.r, d.g, d.b, d.a end, set = function(info, r, g, b, a) local t = E.db.nameplates.colors[info[#info]] t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a = r, g, b, a NP:ConfigureAll() end, args = { glowColor = { name = L["Target Indicator Color"], type = 'color', order = 5, hasAlpha = true } } }, threat = { order = 2, type = 'group', name = L["Threat"], inline = true, get = function(info) local t = E.db.nameplates.colors.threat[info[#info]] local d = P.nameplates.colors.threat[info[#info]] return t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a, d.r, d.g, d.b, d.a end, set = function(info, r, g, b, a) local t = E.db.nameplates.colors.threat[info[#info]] t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a = r, g, b, a NP:ConfigureAll() end, args = { goodColor = { type = 'color', order = 1, name = L["Good Color"], hasAlpha = false, disabled = function() return not E.db.nameplates.threat.useThreatColor end }, goodTransition = { type = 'color', order = 2, name = L["Good Transition Color"], hasAlpha = false, disabled = function() return not E.db.nameplates.threat.useThreatColor end }, badTransition = { name = L["Bad Transition Color"], order = 3, type = 'color', hasAlpha = false, disabled = function() return not E.db.nameplates.threat.useThreatColor end }, badColor = { name = L["Bad Color"], order = 4, type = 'color', hasAlpha = false, disabled = function() return not E.db.nameplates.threat.useThreatColor end }, offTankColor = { name = L["Off Tank"], order = 5, type = 'color', hasAlpha = false, disabled = function() return (not E.db.nameplates.threat.beingTankedByTank or not E.db.nameplates.threat.useThreatColor) end }, offTankColorGoodTransition = { name = L["Off Tank Good Transition"], order = 6, type = 'color', hasAlpha = false, disabled = function() return (not E.db.nameplates.threat.beingTankedByTank or not E.db.nameplates.threat.useThreatColor) end }, offTankColorBadTransition = { name = L["Off Tank Bad Transition"], order = 7, type = 'color', hasAlpha = false, disabled = function() return (not E.db.nameplates.threat.beingTankedByTank or not E.db.nameplates.threat.useThreatColor) end } } }, castGroup = { order = 3, type = 'group', name = L["Cast Bar"], inline = true, get = function(info) local t = E.db.nameplates.colors[info[#info]] local d = P.nameplates.colors[info[#info]] return t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a, d.r, d.g, d.b end, set = function(info, r, g, b) local t = E.db.nameplates.colors[info[#info]] t.r, t.g, t.b = r, g, b NP:ConfigureAll() end, args = { castColor = { type = 'color', order = 1, name = L["Interruptible"], hasAlpha = false }, castNoInterruptColor = { name = L["Non-Interruptible"], order = 2, type = 'color', hasAlpha = false }, castInterruptedColor = { name = L["Interrupted"], order = 2, type = 'color', hasAlpha = false }, castbarDesaturate = { type = 'toggle', name = L["Desaturated Icon"], desc = L["Show the castbar icon desaturated if a spell is not interruptible."], order = 3, get = function(info) return E.db.nameplates.colors[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.nameplates.colors[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end } } }, selectionGroup = { order = 4, type = 'group', name = L["Selection"], inline = true, get = function(info) local n = tonumber(info[#info]) local t = E.db.nameplates.colors.selection[n] local d = P.nameplates.colors.selection[n] return t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a, d.r, d.g, d.b end, set = function(info, r, g, b) local n = tonumber(info[#info]) local t = E.db.nameplates.colors.selection[n] t.r, t.g, t.b = r, g, b NP:ConfigureAll() end, args = { ['0'] = { order = 0, name = L["Hostile"], type = 'color' }, ['1'] = { order = 1, name = L["Unfriendly"], type = 'color' }, ['2'] = { order = 2, name = L["Neutral"], type = 'color' }, ['3'] = { order = 3, name = L["Friendly"], type = 'color' }, ['5'] = { order = 5, name = L["Player"], -- Player Extended type = 'color' }, ['6'] = { order = 6, name = L["PARTY"], type = 'color' }, ['7'] = { order = 7, name = L["Party PVP"], type = 'color' }, ['8'] = { order = 8, name = L["Friend"], type = 'color' }, ['9'] = { order = 9, name = L["Dead"], type = 'color' }, ['13'] = { order = 13, name = L["Battleground Friendly"], type = 'color' } } }, reactions = { order = 5, type = 'group', name = L["Reaction Colors"], inline = true, get = function(info) local t = E.db.nameplates.colors.reactions[info[#info]] local d = P.nameplates.colors.reactions[info[#info]] return t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a, d.r, d.g, d.b end, set = function(info, r, g, b) local t = E.db.nameplates.colors.reactions[info[#info]] t.r, t.g, t.b = r, g, b NP:ConfigureAll() end, args = { bad = { name = L["Enemy"], order = 1, type = 'color', hasAlpha = false }, neutral = { name = L["Neutral"], order = 2, type = 'color', hasAlpha = false }, good = { name = L["Friendly"], order = 4, type = 'color', hasAlpha = false }, tapped = { name = L["Tagged NPC"], order = 5, type = 'color', hasAlpha = false, get = function(info) local t = E.db.nameplates.colors[info[#info]] local d = P.nameplates.colors[info[#info]] return t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a, d.r, d.g, d.b end, set = function(info, r, g, b) local t = E.db.nameplates.colors[info[#info]] t.r, t.g, t.b = r, g, b NP:ConfigureAll() end } } }, healPrediction = { order = 6, name = L["Heal Prediction"], type = 'group', inline = true, get = function(info) local t = E.db.nameplates.colors.healPrediction[info[#info]] local d = P.nameplates.colors.healPrediction[info[#info]] return t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a, d.r, d.g, d.b, d.a end, set = function(info, r, g, b, a) local t = E.db.nameplates.colors.healPrediction[info[#info]] t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a = r, g, b, a NP:ConfigureAll() end, args = { personal = { order = 1, name = L["Personal"], type = 'color', hasAlpha = true }, others = { order = 2, name = L["Others"], type = 'color', hasAlpha = true }, absorbs = { order = 4, name = L["Absorbs"], type = 'color', hasAlpha = true }, healAbsorbs = { order = 5, name = L["Heal Absorbs"], type = 'color', hasAlpha = true } } }, power = { order = 7, name = L["Power Color"], type = 'group', inline = true, get = function(info) local t = E.db.nameplates.colors.power[info[#info]] local d = P.nameplates.colors.power[info[#info]] return t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a, d.r, d.g, d.b, d.a end, set = function(info, r, g, b, a) local t = E.db.nameplates.colors.power[info[#info]] t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a = r, g, b, a NP:ConfigureAll() end, args = { ENERGY = { order = 1, name = L["ENERGY"], type = 'color' }, FOCUS = { order = 2, name = L["FOCUS"], type = 'color' }, FURY = { order = 3, name = L["FURY"], type = 'color' }, INSANITY = { order = 4, name = L["INSANITY"], type = 'color' }, LUNAR_POWER = { order = 5, name = L["LUNAR_POWER"], type = 'color' }, MAELSTROM = { order = 6, name = L["MAELSTROM"], type = 'color' }, MANA = { order = 7, name = L["MANA"], type = 'color' }, PAIN = { order = 8, name = L["PAIN"], type = 'color' }, RAGE = { order = 9, name = L["RAGE"], type = 'color' }, RUNIC_POWER = { order = 10, name = L["RUNIC_POWER"], type = 'color' }, ALT_POWER = { order = 11, name = L["Swapped Alt Power"], type = 'color' } } }, classResources = { order = 8, name = L["Class Resources"], type = 'group', inline = true, get = function(info) local t = E.db.nameplates.colors.classResources[info[#info]] local d = P.nameplates.colors.classResources[info[#info]] return t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a, d.r, d.g, d.b, d.a end, set = function(info, r, g, b, a) local t = E.db.nameplates.colors.classResources[info[#info]] t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a = r, g, b, a NP:ConfigureAll() end, args = { PALADIN = { type = 'color', order = 1, name = L["HOLY_POWER"] }, MAGE = { type = 'color', order = 2, name = L["POWER_TYPE_ARCANE_CHARGES"] }, WARLOCK = { type = 'color', order = 3, name = L["SOUL_SHARDS"] }, DEATHKNIGHT = { type = 'color', order = 4, name = L["RUNES"] }, } } } } } }, filters = { type = 'group', order = 30, name = L["Style Filter"], childGroups = 'tab', disabled = function() return not E.NamePlates.Initialized end, args = { addFilter = { order = 1, name = L["Create Filter"], type = 'input', get = function(info) return '' end, set = function(info, value) if strmatch(value, '^[%s%p]-$') then return end if E.global.nameplate.filters[value] then E:Print(L["Filter already exists!"]) return end local filter = {} NP:StyleFilterCopyDefaults(filter) E.global.nameplate.filters[value] = filter selectedNameplateFilter = value UpdateFilterGroup() NP:ConfigureAll() end }, selectFilter = { name = L["Select Filter"], type = 'select', order = 2, sortByValue = true, get = function(info) return selectedNameplateFilter end, set = function(info, value) selectedNameplateFilter = value UpdateFilterGroup() end, values = function() local filters = {} local list = E.global.nameplate.filters if not (list and next(list)) then return filters end local profile, priority, name = E.db.nameplates.filters for filter, content in pairs(list) do priority = (content.triggers and content.triggers.priority) or '?' name = (content.triggers and profile[filter] and profile[filter].triggers and profile[filter].triggers.enable and filter) or (content.triggers and format('|cFF666666%s|r', filter)) or filter filters[filter] = format('|cFFffff00(%s)|r %s', priority, name) end return filters end }, removeFilter = { order = 3, name = L["Delete Filter"], desc = L["Delete a created filter, you cannot delete pre-existing filters, only custom ones."], type = 'execute', confirm = true, confirmText = L["Delete Filter"], func = function() for profile in pairs(E.data.profiles) do if E.data.profiles[profile].nameplates and E.data.profiles[profile].nameplates.filters and E.data.profiles[profile].nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] then E.data.profiles[profile].nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] = nil end end E.global.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] = nil selectedNameplateFilter = nil UpdateFilterGroup() NP:ConfigureAll() end, disabled = function() return G.nameplate.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] end, hidden = function() return selectedNameplateFilter == nil end } } }, playerGroup = GetUnitSettings('PLAYER', L["Player"]), friendlyPlayerGroup = GetUnitSettings('FRIENDLY_PLAYER', L["FRIENDLY_PLAYER"]), friendlyNPCGroup = GetUnitSettings('FRIENDLY_NPC', L["FRIENDLY_NPC"]), enemyPlayerGroup = GetUnitSettings('ENEMY_PLAYER', L["ENEMY_PLAYER"]), enemyNPCGroup = GetUnitSettings('ENEMY_NPC', L["ENEMY_NPC"]), targetGroup = { order = 101, type = 'group', name = L["TARGET"], get = function(info) return E.db.nameplates.units.TARGET[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.nameplates.units.TARGET[info[#info]] = value NP:SetCVars() NP:ConfigureAll() end, disabled = function() return not E.NamePlates.Initialized end, args = { glowStyle = { order = 1, type = 'select', customWidth = 225, name = L["Target/Low Health Indicator"], values = { none = L["NONE"], style1 = L["Border Glow"], style2 = L["Background Glow"], style3 = L["Top Arrow"], style4 = L["Side Arrows"], style5 = L["Border Glow"] .. ' + ' .. L["Top Arrow"], style6 = L["Background Glow"] .. ' + ' .. L["Top Arrow"], style7 = L["Border Glow"] .. ' + ' .. L["Side Arrows"], style8 = L["Background Glow"] .. ' + ' .. L["Side Arrows"] } }, arrow = { order = 2, type = 'select', sortByValue = true, name = L["Arrow Texture"], values = { ArrowUp = E:TextureString(E.Media.Textures.ArrowUp, ':14:14'), Arrow1 = E:TextureString(E.Media.Textures.Arrow1, ':14:14'), Arrow2 = E:TextureString(E.Media.Textures.Arrow2, ':14:14') }, }, spacer1 = ACH:Spacer(3, 'full'), nonTargetAlphaShortcut = { order = 5, type = 'execute', name = L["Non-Target Alpha"], func = function() ACD:SelectGroup('ElvUI', 'nameplate', 'filters', 'actions') selectedNameplateFilter = 'ElvUI_NonTarget' UpdateFilterGroup() end }, targetScaleShortcut = { order = 6, type = 'execute', name = L["Scale"], func = function() ACD:SelectGroup('ElvUI', 'nameplate', 'filters', 'actions') selectedNameplateFilter = 'ElvUI_Target' UpdateFilterGroup() end }, spacer2 = ACH:Spacer(10, 'full'), classBarGroup = { order = 15, type = 'group', name = L["Classbar"], inline = true, get = function(info) return E.db.nameplates.units.TARGET.classpower[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.nameplates.units.TARGET.classpower[info[#info]] = value NP:ConfigureAll() end, args = { enable = { order = 1, type = 'toggle', name = L["Enable"] }, width = { order = 2, name = L["Width"], type = 'range', min = 50, max = 200, step = 1 }, height = { order = 3, name = L["Height"], type = 'range', min = 4, max = 20, step = 1 }, xOffset = { order = 4, name = L["X-Offset"], type = 'range', min = -100, max = 100, step = 1 }, yOffset = { order = 4, name = L["Y-Offset"], type = 'range', min = -100, max = 100, step = 1 }, classColor = { type = 'toggle', order = 5, name = L["Use Class Color"] }, sortDirection = { order = 6, name = L["Sort Direction"], desc = L["Defines the sort order of the selected sort method."], type = 'select', values = { asc = L["Ascending"], desc = L["Descending"], NONE = L["NONE"] }, hidden = function() return (E.myclass ~= 'DEATHKNIGHT') end } } } } } } } ORDER = 10 for i = 1, 6 do E.Options.args.nameplate.args.generalGroup.args.colorsGroup.args.classResources.args['CHI_POWER' .. i] = { type = 'color', order = i + ORDER, name = L["CHI_POWER"] .. ' #' .. i, get = function(info) local t = E.db.nameplates.colors.classResources.MONK[i] local d = P.nameplates.colors.classResources.MONK[i] return t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a, d.r, d.g, d.b end, set = function(info, r, g, b) local t = E.db.nameplates.colors.classResources.MONK[i] t.r, t.g, t.b = r, g, b NP:ConfigureAll() end } E.Options.args.nameplate.args.generalGroup.args.colorsGroup.args.classResources.args['COMBO_POINTS' .. i] = { type = 'color', order = i + (ORDER * 2), name = L["COMBO_POINTS"] .. ' #' .. i, get = function(info) local t = E.db.nameplates.colors.classResources.comboPoints[i] local d = P.nameplates.colors.classResources.comboPoints[i] return t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a, d.r, d.g, d.b end, set = function(info, r, g, b) local t = E.db.nameplates.colors.classResources.comboPoints[i] t.r, t.g, t.b = r, g, b NP:ConfigureAll() end } end