--- AceConfigCmd-3.0 handles access to an options table through the "command line" interface via the ChatFrames. -- @class file -- @name AceConfigCmd-3.0 -- @release $Id$ --[[ AceConfigCmd-3.0 Handles commandline optionstable access REQUIRES: AceConsole-3.0 for command registration (loaded on demand) ]] -- TODO: plugin args local cfgreg = LibStub("AceConfigRegistry-3.0-ElvUI") local MAJOR, MINOR = "AceConfigCmd-3.0-ElvUI", 14 local AceConfigCmd = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR) if not AceConfigCmd then return end AceConfigCmd.commands = AceConfigCmd.commands or {} local commands = AceConfigCmd.commands local AceConsole -- LoD local AceConsoleName = "AceConsole-3.0" -- Lua APIs local strsub, strsplit, strlower, strmatch, strtrim = string.sub, string.split, string.lower, string.match, string.trim local format, tonumber, tostring = string.format, tonumber, tostring local tsort, tinsert = table.sort, table.insert local select, pairs, next, type = select, pairs, next, type local error, assert = error, assert -- WoW APIs local _G = _G -- Global vars/functions that we don't upvalue since they might get hooked, or upgraded -- List them here for Mikk's FindGlobals script -- GLOBALS: LibStub, SELECTED_CHAT_FRAME, DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME local L = setmetatable({}, { -- TODO: replace with proper locale __index = function(self,k) return k end }) local function print(msg) (SELECTED_CHAT_FRAME or DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME):AddMessage(msg) end -- constants used by getparam() calls below local handlertypes = {["table"]=true} local handlermsg = "expected a table" local functypes = {["function"]=true, ["string"]=true} local funcmsg = "expected function or member name" -- pickfirstset() - picks the first non-nil value and returns it local function pickfirstset(...) for i=1,select("#",...) do if select(i,...)~=nil then return select(i,...) end end end -- err() - produce real error() regarding malformed options tables etc local function err(info,inputpos,msg ) local cmdstr=" "..strsub(info.input, 1, inputpos-1) error(MAJOR..": /" ..info[0] ..cmdstr ..": "..(msg or "malformed options table"), 2) end -- usererr() - produce chatframe message regarding bad slash syntax etc local function usererr(info,inputpos,msg ) local cmdstr=strsub(info.input, 1, inputpos-1); print("/" ..info[0] .. " "..cmdstr ..": "..(msg or "malformed options table")) end -- callmethod() - call a given named method (e.g. "get", "set") with given arguments local function callmethod(info, inputpos, tab, methodtype, ...) local method = info[methodtype] if not method then err(info, inputpos, "'"..methodtype.."': not set") end info.arg = tab.arg info.option = tab info.type = tab.type if type(method)=="function" then return method(info, ...) elseif type(method)=="string" then if type(info.handler[method])~="function" then err(info, inputpos, "'"..methodtype.."': '"..method.."' is not a member function of "..tostring(info.handler)) end return info.handler[method](info.handler, info, ...) else assert(false) -- type should have already been checked on read end end -- callfunction() - call a given named function (e.g. "name", "desc") with given arguments local function callfunction(info, tab, methodtype, ...) local method = tab[methodtype] info.arg = tab.arg info.option = tab info.type = tab.type if type(method)=="function" then return method(info, ...) else assert(false) -- type should have already been checked on read end end -- do_final() - do the final step (set/execute) along with validation and confirmation local function do_final(info, inputpos, tab, methodtype, ...) if info.validate then local res = callmethod(info,inputpos,tab,"validate",...) if type(res)=="string" then usererr(info, inputpos, "'"..strsub(info.input, inputpos).."' - "..res) return end end -- console ignores .confirm callmethod(info,inputpos,tab,methodtype, ...) end -- getparam() - used by handle() to retreive and store "handler", "get", "set", etc local function getparam(info, inputpos, tab, depth, paramname, types, errormsg) local old,oldat = info[paramname], info[paramname.."_at"] local val=tab[paramname] if val~=nil then if val==false then val=nil elseif not types[type(val)] then err(info, inputpos, "'" .. paramname.. "' - "..errormsg) end info[paramname] = val info[paramname.."_at"] = depth end return old,oldat end -- iterateargs(tab) - custom iterator that iterates both t.args and t.plugins.* local dummytable={} local function iterateargs(tab) if not tab.plugins then return pairs(tab.args) end local argtabkey,argtab=next(tab.plugins) local v return function(_, k) while argtab do k,v = next(argtab, k) if k then return k,v end if argtab==tab.args then argtab=nil else argtabkey,argtab = next(tab.plugins, argtabkey) if not argtabkey then argtab=tab.args end end end end end local function checkhidden(info, inputpos, tab) if tab.cmdHidden~=nil then return tab.cmdHidden end local hidden = tab.hidden if type(hidden) == "function" or type(hidden) == "string" then info.hidden = hidden hidden = callmethod(info, inputpos, tab, 'hidden') info.hidden = nil end return hidden end local function showhelp(info, inputpos, tab, depth, noHead) if not noHead then print("|cff33ff99"..info.appName.."|r: Arguments to |cffffff78/"..info[0].."|r "..strsub(info.input,1,inputpos-1)..":") end local sortTbl = {} -- [1..n]=name local refTbl = {} -- [name]=tableref for k,v in iterateargs(tab) do if not refTbl[k] then -- a plugin overriding something in .args tinsert(sortTbl, k) refTbl[k] = v end end tsort(sortTbl, function(one, two) local o1 = refTbl[one].order or 100 local o2 = refTbl[two].order or 100 if type(o1) == "function" or type(o1) == "string" then info.order = o1 info[#info+1] = one o1 = callmethod(info, inputpos, refTbl[one], "order") info[#info] = nil info.order = nil end if type(o2) == "function" or type(o1) == "string" then info.order = o2 info[#info+1] = two o2 = callmethod(info, inputpos, refTbl[two], "order") info[#info] = nil info.order = nil end if o1<0 and o2<0 then return o1 4) and not _G["KEY_" .. text] then return false end local s = text if shift then s = "SHIFT-" .. s end if ctrl then s = "CTRL-" .. s end if alt then s = "ALT-" .. s end return s end -- handle() - selfrecursing function that processes input->optiontable -- - depth - starts at 0 -- - retfalse - return false rather than produce error if a match is not found (used by inlined groups) local function handle(info, inputpos, tab, depth, retfalse) if not(type(tab)=="table" and type(tab.type)=="string") then err(info,inputpos) end ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Grab hold of handler,set,get,func,etc if set (and remember old ones) -- Note that we do NOT validate if method names are correct at this stage, -- the handler may change before they're actually used! local oldhandler,oldhandler_at = getparam(info,inputpos,tab,depth,"handler",handlertypes,handlermsg) local oldset,oldset_at = getparam(info,inputpos,tab,depth,"set",functypes,funcmsg) local oldget,oldget_at = getparam(info,inputpos,tab,depth,"get",functypes,funcmsg) local oldfunc,oldfunc_at = getparam(info,inputpos,tab,depth,"func",functypes,funcmsg) local oldvalidate,oldvalidate_at = getparam(info,inputpos,tab,depth,"validate",functypes,funcmsg) --local oldconfirm,oldconfirm_at = getparam(info,inputpos,tab,depth,"confirm",functypes,funcmsg) ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Act according to .type of this table if tab.type=="group" then ------------ group -------------------------------------------- if type(tab.args)~="table" then err(info, inputpos) end if tab.plugins and type(tab.plugins)~="table" then err(info,inputpos) end -- grab next arg from input local _,nextpos,arg = (info.input):find(" *([^ ]+) *", inputpos) if not arg then showhelp(info, inputpos, tab, depth) return end nextpos=nextpos+1 -- loop .args and try to find a key with a matching name for k,v in iterateargs(tab) do if not(type(k)=="string" and type(v)=="table" and type(v.type)=="string") then err(info,inputpos, "options table child '"..tostring(k).."' is malformed") end -- is this child an inline group? if so, traverse into it if v.type=="group" and pickfirstset(v.cmdInline, v.inline, false) then info[depth+1] = k if handle(info, inputpos, v, depth+1, true)==false then info[depth+1] = nil -- wasn't found in there, but that's ok, we just keep looking down here else return -- done, name was found in inline group end -- matching name and not a inline group elseif strlower(arg)==strlower(k:gsub(" ", "_")) then info[depth+1] = k return handle(info,nextpos,v,depth+1) end end -- no match if retfalse then -- restore old infotable members and return false to indicate failure info.handler,info.handler_at = oldhandler,oldhandler_at info.set,info.set_at = oldset,oldset_at info.get,info.get_at = oldget,oldget_at info.func,info.func_at = oldfunc,oldfunc_at info.validate,info.validate_at = oldvalidate,oldvalidate_at --info.confirm,info.confirm_at = oldconfirm,oldconfirm_at return false end -- couldn't find the command, display error usererr(info, inputpos, "'"..arg.."' - " .. L["unknown argument"]) return end local str = strsub(info.input,inputpos); if tab.type=="execute" then ------------ execute -------------------------------------------- do_final(info, inputpos, tab, "func") elseif tab.type=="input" then ------------ input -------------------------------------------- local res = true if tab.pattern then if not(type(tab.pattern)=="string") then err(info, inputpos, "'pattern' - expected a string") end if not strmatch(str, tab.pattern) then usererr(info, inputpos, "'"..str.."' - " .. L["invalid input"]) return end end do_final(info, inputpos, tab, "set", str) elseif tab.type=="toggle" then ------------ toggle -------------------------------------------- local b local str = strtrim(strlower(str)) if str=="" then b = callmethod(info, inputpos, tab, "get") if tab.tristate then --cycle in true, nil, false order if b then b = nil elseif b == nil then b = false else b = true end else b = not b end elseif str==L["on"] then b = true elseif str==L["off"] then b = false elseif tab.tristate and str==L["default"] then b = nil else if tab.tristate then usererr(info, inputpos, format(L["'%s' - expected 'on', 'off' or 'default', or no argument to toggle."], str)) else usererr(info, inputpos, format(L["'%s' - expected 'on' or 'off', or no argument to toggle."], str)) end return end do_final(info, inputpos, tab, "set", b) elseif tab.type=="range" then ------------ range -------------------------------------------- local val = tonumber(str) if not val then usererr(info, inputpos, "'"..str.."' - "..L["expected number"]) return end if type(info.step)=="number" then val = val- (val % info.step) end if type(info.min)=="number" and valinfo.max then usererr(info, inputpos, val.." - "..format(L["must be equal to or lower than %s"], tostring(info.max)) ) return end do_final(info, inputpos, tab, "set", val) elseif tab.type=="select" then ------------ select ------------------------------------ local str = strtrim(strlower(str)) local values = tab.values if type(values) == "function" or type(values) == "string" then info.values = values values = callmethod(info, inputpos, tab, "values") info.values = nil end if str == "" then local b = callmethod(info, inputpos, tab, "get") local fmt = "|cffffff78- [%s]|r %s" local fmt_sel = "|cffffff78- [%s]|r %s |cffff0000*|r" print(L["Options for |cffffff78"..info[#info].."|r:"]) for k, v in pairs(values) do if b == k then print(fmt_sel:format(k, v)) else print(fmt:format(k, v)) end end return end local ok for k,v in pairs(values) do if strlower(k)==str then str = k -- overwrite with key (in case of case mismatches) ok = true break end end if not ok then usererr(info, inputpos, "'"..str.."' - "..L["unknown selection"]) return end do_final(info, inputpos, tab, "set", str) elseif tab.type=="multiselect" then ------------ multiselect ------------------------------------------- local str = strtrim(strlower(str)) local values = tab.values if type(values) == "function" or type(values) == "string" then info.values = values values = callmethod(info, inputpos, tab, "values") info.values = nil end if str == "" then local fmt = "|cffffff78- [%s]|r %s" local fmt_sel = "|cffffff78- [%s]|r %s |cffff0000*|r" print(L["Options for |cffffff78"..info[#info].."|r (multiple possible):"]) for k, v in pairs(values) do if callmethod(info, inputpos, tab, "get", k) then print(fmt_sel:format(k, v)) else print(fmt:format(k, v)) end end return end --build a table of the selections, checking that they exist --parse for =on =off =default in the process --table will be key = true for options that should toggle, key = [on|off|default] for options to be set local sels = {} for v in str:gmatch("[^ ]+") do --parse option=on etc local opt, val = v:match('(.+)=(.+)') --get option if toggling if not opt then opt = v end --check that the opt is valid local ok for k,v in pairs(values) do if strlower(k)==opt then opt = k -- overwrite with key (in case of case mismatches) ok = true break end end if not ok then usererr(info, inputpos, "'"..opt.."' - "..L["unknown selection"]) return end --check that if val was supplied it is valid if val then if val == L["on"] or val == L["off"] or (tab.tristate and val == L["default"]) then --val is valid insert it sels[opt] = val else if tab.tristate then usererr(info, inputpos, format(L["'%s' '%s' - expected 'on', 'off' or 'default', or no argument to toggle."], v, val)) else usererr(info, inputpos, format(L["'%s' '%s' - expected 'on' or 'off', or no argument to toggle."], v, val)) end return end else -- no val supplied, toggle sels[opt] = true end end for opt, val in pairs(sels) do local newval if (val == true) then --toggle the option local b = callmethod(info, inputpos, tab, "get", opt) if tab.tristate then --cycle in true, nil, false order if b then b = nil elseif b == nil then b = false else b = true end else b = not b end newval = b else --set the option as specified if val==L["on"] then newval = true elseif val==L["off"] then newval = false elseif val==L["default"] then newval = nil end end do_final(info, inputpos, tab, "set", opt, newval) end elseif tab.type=="color" then ------------ color -------------------------------------------- local str = strtrim(strlower(str)) if str == "" then --TODO: Show current value return end local r, g, b, a local hasAlpha = tab.hasAlpha if type(hasAlpha) == "function" or type(hasAlpha) == "string" then info.hasAlpha = hasAlpha hasAlpha = callmethod(info, inputpos, tab, 'hasAlpha') info.hasAlpha = nil end if hasAlpha then if str:len() == 8 and str:find("^%x*$") then --parse a hex string r,g,b,a = tonumber(str:sub(1, 2), 16) / 255, tonumber(str:sub(3, 4), 16) / 255, tonumber(str:sub(5, 6), 16) / 255, tonumber(str:sub(7, 8), 16) / 255 else --parse seperate values r,g,b,a = str:match("^([%d%.]+) ([%d%.]+) ([%d%.]+) ([%d%.]+)$") r,g,b,a = tonumber(r), tonumber(g), tonumber(b), tonumber(a) end if not (r and g and b and a) then usererr(info, inputpos, format(L["'%s' - expected 'RRGGBBAA' or 'r g b a'."], str)) return end if r >= 0.0 and r <= 1.0 and g >= 0.0 and g <= 1.0 and b >= 0.0 and b <= 1.0 and a >= 0.0 and a <= 1.0 then --values are valid elseif r >= 0 and r <= 255 and g >= 0 and g <= 255 and b >= 0 and b <= 255 and a >= 0 and a <= 255 then --values are valid 0..255, convert to 0..1 r = r / 255 g = g / 255 b = b / 255 a = a / 255 else --values are invalid usererr(info, inputpos, format(L["'%s' - values must all be either in the range 0..1 or 0..255."], str)) end else a = 1.0 if str:len() == 6 and str:find("^%x*$") then --parse a hex string r,g,b = tonumber(str:sub(1, 2), 16) / 255, tonumber(str:sub(3, 4), 16) / 255, tonumber(str:sub(5, 6), 16) / 255 else --parse seperate values r,g,b = str:match("^([%d%.]+) ([%d%.]+) ([%d%.]+)$") r,g,b = tonumber(r), tonumber(g), tonumber(b) end if not (r and g and b) then usererr(info, inputpos, format(L["'%s' - expected 'RRGGBB' or 'r g b'."], str)) return end if r >= 0.0 and r <= 1.0 and g >= 0.0 and g <= 1.0 and b >= 0.0 and b <= 1.0 then --values are valid elseif r >= 0 and r <= 255 and g >= 0 and g <= 255 and b >= 0 and b <= 255 then --values are valid 0..255, convert to 0..1 r = r / 255 g = g / 255 b = b / 255 else --values are invalid usererr(info, inputpos, format(L["'%s' - values must all be either in the range 0-1 or 0-255."], str)) end end do_final(info, inputpos, tab, "set", r,g,b,a) elseif tab.type=="keybinding" then ------------ keybinding -------------------------------------------- local str = strtrim(strlower(str)) if str == "" then --TODO: Show current value return end local value = keybindingValidateFunc(str:upper()) if value == false then usererr(info, inputpos, format(L["'%s' - Invalid Keybinding."], str)) return end do_final(info, inputpos, tab, "set", value) elseif tab.type=="description" then ------------ description -------------------- -- ignore description, GUI config only else err(info, inputpos, "unknown options table item type '"..tostring(tab.type).."'") end end --- Handle the chat command. -- This is usually called from a chat command handler to parse the command input as operations on an aceoptions table.\\ -- AceConfigCmd uses this function internally when a slash command is registered with `:CreateChatCommand` -- @param slashcmd The slash command WITHOUT leading slash (only used for error output) -- @param appName The application name as given to `:RegisterOptionsTable()` -- @param input The commandline input (as given by the WoW handler, i.e. without the command itself) -- @usage -- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("MyAddon", "AceConsole-3.0") -- -- Use AceConsole-3.0 to register a Chat Command -- MyAddon:RegisterChatCommand("mychat", "ChatCommand") -- -- -- Show the GUI if no input is supplied, otherwise handle the chat input. -- function MyAddon:ChatCommand(input) -- -- Assuming "MyOptions" is the appName of a valid options table -- if not input or input:trim() == "" then -- LibStub("AceConfigDialog-3.0"):Open("MyOptions") -- else -- LibStub("AceConfigCmd-3.0").HandleCommand(MyAddon, "mychat", "MyOptions", input) -- end -- end function AceConfigCmd:HandleCommand(slashcmd, appName, input) local optgetter = cfgreg:GetOptionsTable(appName) if not optgetter then error([[Usage: HandleCommand("slashcmd", "appName", "input"): 'appName' - no options table "]]..tostring(appName)..[[" has been registered]], 2) end local options = assert( optgetter("cmd", MAJOR) ) local info = { -- Don't try to recycle this, it gets handed off to callbacks and whatnot [0] = slashcmd, appName = appName, options = options, input = input, self = self, handler = self, uiType = "cmd", uiName = MAJOR, } handle(info, 1, options, 0) -- (info, inputpos, table, depth) end --- Utility function to create a slash command handler. -- Also registers tab completion with AceTab -- @param slashcmd The slash command WITHOUT leading slash (only used for error output) -- @param appName The application name as given to `:RegisterOptionsTable()` function AceConfigCmd:CreateChatCommand(slashcmd, appName) if not AceConsole then AceConsole = LibStub(AceConsoleName) end if AceConsole.RegisterChatCommand(self, slashcmd, function(input) AceConfigCmd.HandleCommand(self, slashcmd, appName, input) -- upgradable end, true) then -- succesfully registered so lets get the command -> app table in commands[slashcmd] = appName end end --- Utility function that returns the options table that belongs to a slashcommand. -- Designed to be used for the AceTab interface. -- @param slashcmd The slash command WITHOUT leading slash (only used for error output) -- @return The options table associated with the slash command (or nil if the slash command was not registered) function AceConfigCmd:GetChatCommandOptions(slashcmd) return commands[slashcmd] end