-- French localization file for frFR. local L = ElvUI[1].Libs.ACL:NewLocale("ElvUI", "frFR") L["Copy Primary Texture"] = true L["Replaces the StatusBar texture setting on Unitframes and Nameplates with the primary texture."] = true L["# Displayed Auras"] = "Auras affichées" L["%s and then %s"] = "%s et alors %s" L["|cffFF0000Warning:|r Click the arrow on the dropdown box to see a list of spells."] = true L["|cffFF0000Warning:|r Enable and Number of Groups are managed by Smart Raid Filter. Disable Smart Raid Filter in (UnitFrames - General) to change these settings."] = true L["|cffFF0000Warning:|r This causes updates to happen at a fraction of a second."] = true L["24-Hour Time"] = "Mode 24 Heures" L["2D"] = "2D" L["3D"] = "3D" L["Above Chat"] = "En-dessus du Chat" L["Above"] = "Au-dessus" L["Absorbs"] = "Absorbtions" L["Accept Invites"] = "Invitations automatiques" L["Action Paging"] = "Pagination d'action" L["ActionBars"] = "Barres d'actions" L["Actions"] = "Actions" L["Add / Remove"] = true L["Add a Name or NPC ID to the list."] = "Ajouter le nom ou l'ID d'un PNJ à la liste" L["Add a spell to the filter."] = "Ajouter un sort au filtre." L["Add an item or search syntax to the ignored list. Items matching the search syntax will be ignored."] = true L["Add Currency ID"] = "Ajouter l'ID de la monnaie" L["Add Current"] = true L["Add Instance ID"] = true L["Add Item or Search Syntax"] = "Ajouter un élément ou une syntaxe pour la recherche" L["Add Map ID"] = true L["Add Name or NPC ID"] = "Ajouter le nom ou l'ID d'un PNJ" L["Add Regular Filter"] = "Ajouter un filtre" L["Add Special Filter"] = "Ajouter un filtre spécial" L["Add Spell ID or Name"] = true L["Add SpellID"] = "Ajouter l'identifiant d'un sort" L["Add Subzone Name"] = true L["Add Zone Name"] = true L["Added Instance ID: %s"] = true L["Added Map ID: %s"] = true L["Added Subzone Name: %s"] = true L["Added Zone Name: %s"] = true L["Additional Power Prediction Color"] = true L["Additional Power Text"] = true L["Additional spacing between each individual group."] = true L["AddOn Manager"] = "Fenêtre d'Add-ons" L["Adds an arrow infront of the chat lines to copy the entire line."] = true L["Adjust the height of your right chat panel."] = "Ajuste la hauteur de la fenêtre de discussion de droite." L["Adjust the position of the threat bar to either the left or right datatext panels."] = "Ajustez la position de la barre de menace sur le panel des textes d'informations à gauche ou à droite." L["Adjust the size of the minimap."] = "Ajuster la taille de la minicarte." L["Adjust the width of the bag frame."] = "Ajuster la largeur de la fenêtre du sac." L["Adjust the width of the bank frame."] = "Ajuster la largeur de la fenêtre du sac de banque." L["Adjust the width of your right chat panel."] = "Ajuste la largeur de la fenêtre de discussion de droite." L["AFK Mode"] = "Mode ABS" L["Alert Frames"] = "Fenêtre d'Alerte" L["Alerts"] = "Alertes" L["Allied Races"] = true L["Allow Masque to handle the skinning of this element."] = "Autoriser Masque à gérer l'habillage de cet élement." L["Allow newly learned spells to be automatically placed on an empty actionbar slot."] = "Autoriser les nouveaux sorts à être automatiquement ajoutés dans un emplacement vide d'une barre d'action." L["Allowed Combat Repeat"] = "Répétition des combats autorisé" L["Allows you to tie a stack count to an aura when you add it to the list, which allows the trigger to act when an aura reaches X number of stacks."] = true L["Alpha channel is taken from the color option."] = true L["Alpha Fading"] = true L["Alpha"] = "Transparence" L["Always Display"] = "Toujours afficher" L["Always Hide"] = "Toujours masqué" L["Always Show Player"] = true L["Always Show Realm"] = true L["An X offset (in pixels) to be used when anchoring new frames."] = "Un décalage X (en pixels) à utiliser lors d'un ancrage d'une nouvelle fenêtre." L["An Y offset (in pixels) to be used when anchoring new frames."] = "Un décalage Y (en pixels) à utiliser lors d'un ancrage d'une nouvelle fenêtre." L["Anchor Point"] = "Point d'ancrage" L["CURSOR_LEFT"] = true L["CURSOR_RIGHT"] = true L["CURSOR"] = true L["Announce Interrupts"] = "Annoncer les interruptions" L["Announce when you interrupt a spell to the specified chat channel."] = "Annonce quand vous interrompez un sort dans le canal de chat spécifié." L["Any"] = true L["Applies the font and font size settings throughout the entire user interface. Note: Some font size settings will be skipped due to them having a smaller font size by default."] = true L["Applies the primary texture to all statusbars."] = "Appliquer les textures à toutes les barres de statut" L["Apply Font To All"] = "Appliquer la police partout" L["Apply Texture To All"] = "Appliquer la texture partout" L["Apply this filter if a buff has remaining time greater than this. Set to zero to disable."] = true L["Apply this filter if a buff has remaining time less than this. Set to zero to disable."] = true L["Apply this filter if a debuff has remaining time greater than this. Set to zero to disable."] = true L["Apply this filter if a debuff has remaining time less than this. Set to zero to disable."] = true L["Archaeology Frame"] = "Fenêtre d'Archéologie" L["Are you sure you want to reset ActionBars settings?"] = true L["Are you sure you want to reset Auras settings?"] = true L["Are you sure you want to reset Bags settings?"] = true L["Are you sure you want to reset Chat settings?"] = true L["Are you sure you want to reset Cooldown settings?"] = true L["Are you sure you want to reset DataBars settings?"] = true L["Are you sure you want to reset DataTexts settings?"] = true L["Are you sure you want to reset General settings?"] = true L["Are you sure you want to reset NamePlates settings?"] = true L["Are you sure you want to reset Tooltip settings?"] = true L["Are you sure you want to reset UnitFrames settings?"] = true L["Ascending or Descending order."] = "Ordre ascendant ou descendant." L["Ascending"] = "Ascendant" L["Assist Frames"] = "Cadre des Soutiens" L["Assist Target"] = "Cible de soutien" L["At what point should the text be displayed. Set to -1 to disable."] = "A quel moment le texte devrait être affiché. Mettre à -1 pour désactiver." L["Attach Text To"] = "Attacher le texte à" L["Attach To"] = "Attacher à" L["Attempt to create URL links inside the chat."] = "Tentative pour créer un lien URL dans les fenêtres de discussion." L["Attempt to support eyefinity/nvidia surround."] = "Tente de supporter eyefinity/nvidia surround." L["Attempts to center UI elements in a 16:9 format for ultrawide monitors"] = true L["Aura Bars"] = "Barre d'auras" L["Aura Filters"] = "Filtres d'auras" L["Aura Speed"] = true L["Auto Add New Spells"] = "Ajouter automatiquement les nouveaux sorts" L["Auto Greed/DE"] = "Dez / Cupidité Auto" L["Auto Hide"] = true L["Auto Repair"] = "Réparation automatique" L["Auto-Close Pet Battle Log"] = "Fermeture automatique du journal de combat des mascottes" L["Auto-Hide"] = "Masquer Automatiquement" L["Automatic"] = "Automatique" L["Automatically accept invites from guild/friends."] = "Accepter automatiquement les invitations venant d'amis / joueurs de la guilde." L["Automatically hide the objective frame during boss or arena fights."] = true L["Automatically repair using the following method when visiting a merchant."] = "Répare automatiquement votre équipement chez le marchand selon le mode de réparation sélectionné." L["Automatically select greed or disenchant (when available) on green quality items. This will only work if you are the max level."] = "Choisi automatiquement la cupidité ou le désenchantement (quand il est disponible) sur les objets inhabituels (vert). Ceci ne fonctionne que si vous êtes au niveau maximum." L["Automatically vendor gray items when visiting a vendor."] = "Vendre automatiquement les objets gris quand vous rendez visite à un marchand." L["Available Tags"] = true L["AzeriteUI"] = true L["Backdrop color of transparent frames"] = "Couleur de fond pour les cadres estompés." L["Backdrop Color"] = "Couleur de fond" L["Backdrop Faded Color"] = "Couleur de fond estompé" L["Backdrop Spacing"] = "Espacement du fond" L["Backdrop"] = "Fond" L["Background Glow"] = "Brillance du fond" L["Bad Color"] = true L["Bad Scale"] = true L["Bad Transition Color"] = true L["Bad"] = "Mauvais" L["Bag 1"] = true L["Bag 2"] = true L["Bag 3"] = true L["Bag 4"] = true L["Bag Assignment"] = true L["Bag Sorting"] = "Tri des sacs" L["Bag Spacing"] = true L["Bag-Bar"] = "Barre des sacs" L["Bag"] = true L["Bags Only"] = "Sacs seulement" L["Bags/Bank"] = "Sacs / banque" L["Bank 1"] = true L["Bank 2"] = true L["Bank 3"] = true L["Bank 4"] = true L["Bank 5"] = true L["Bank 6"] = true L["Bank 7"] = true L["Bank Only"] = "Banque seulement" L["Bar %s is used for stance or forms.|N You will have to adjust paging to use this bar.|N Are you sure?"] = true L["Bar Direction"] = "Direction de la barre" L["Bars will transition smoothly."] = "La transitions des barres seront fluides." L["Battleground Friendly"] = true L["Battleground Texts"] = "Textes des champs de bataille" L["Begin a new row or column after this many auras."] = "Commencer une nouvelle ligne ou colonne après cette limite d'auras." L["Below Chat"] = "En-dessous du Chat" L["Below"] = "En dessous" L["BG Map"] = "Carte Champs de bataille" L["BG Score"] = "Scores Champs de bataille" L["Blacklist Modifier"] = true L["Blacklist"] = "Liste noire" L["Blank Texture"] = true L["Blizzard Style"] = "Style Blizzard" L["Blizzard"] = true L["BlizzUI Improvements"] = true L["Block Combat Click"] = "Empêcher le clic en combat" L["Block Combat Hover"] = "Empêcher le survol en combat" L["Block Mouseover Glow"] = true L["Block Target Glow"] = true L["Blocks all click events while in combat."] = "Empêcher tous les clics d'évenements durant le combat." L["Blocks datatext tooltip from showing in combat."] = "Empêcher l'affichage des infobulles des textes d'informations en combat." L["Bonus Reward Position"] = "Position des récompenses bonus" L["Border Color"] = "Couleur de la bordure" L["Border Glow"] = true L["Border"] = "Bordure" L["Borders"] = "Bordures" L["Boss"] = true L["Both"] = "Les deux" L["Bottom Left"] = "En bas à gauche" L["Bottom Panel"] = "Bandeau en bas" L["Bottom Right"] = "En bas à droite" L["Bottom to Top"] = "Du bas vers le haut" L["Bottom"] = "En bas" L["Buff Indicator"] = "Indicateur d'amélioration" L["Buffs"] = "Améliorations" L["Button Flash"] = true L["Button Size (Bag)"] = "Taille des boutons (Sac)" L["Button Size (Bank)"] = "Taille des boutons (Banque)" L["Button Size"] = "Taille des boutons" L["Button Spacing"] = "Espacement des boutons" L["Buttons Per Row"] = "Boutons par ligne" L["Buttons"] = "Boutons" L["By Type"] = "Par Catégorie" L["Calendar Frame"] = "Fenêtre du Calendrier" L["Camera Distance Scale"] = "Distance de la caméra" L["Cart / Flag / Orb / Assassin Bounty"] = true L["Cast Bar"] = "Barre d'incantation" L["Cast Time Format"] = true L["Castbar"] = "Barre d'incantation" L["Casting"] = "Incantation" L["Center"] = "Centrer" L["Change settings for the display of the location text that is on the minimap."] = "Modifier les paramètres pour l'affichage du texte d'emplacement sur la minicarte." L["Change the alpha level of the frame."] = "Changer le niveau alpha de la fenêtre." L["Channel Time Format"] = true L["Character Frame"] = "Fenêtre du Personnage" L["Charge Cooldown Text"] = true L["Charge Draw Swipe"] = true L["Chat Bubble Names"] = true L["Chat Bubbles Style"] = "Style des bulles de discussion" L["Chat Bubbles"] = "Bulles de discussion" L["Chat EditBox Position"] = "Position de la fenêtre de saisie du Chat" L["Chat History"] = "historique de la discussion" L["Chat Output"] = true L["Check these to only have the filter active in certain difficulties. If none are checked, it is active in all difficulties."] = true L["CheckBox Skin"] = true L["Choose Export Format"] = "Choisissez le format d'exportation" L["Choose UIPARENT to prevent it from hiding with the unitframe."] = true L["Choose What To Export"] = "Choisissez quoi exporter" L["Choose when you want the tooltip to show in combat. If a modifer is chosen, then you need to hold that down to show the tooltip."] = true L["Choose when you want the tooltip to show. If a modifer is chosen, then you need to hold that down to show the tooltip."] = true L["Clamp nameplates to the top of the screen when outside of view."] = true L["Clamp Nameplates"] = "Fixer les barres de vie" L["Class Backdrop"] = "Fond selon la classe" L["Class Castbars"] = "Barres d'incantation selon la classe" L["Class Color Mentions"] = "Colorer les mentions suivant la classe" L["Class Color Override"] = "Remplacer les couleurs de classes" L["Class Color Source"] = true L["Class Health"] = "Santé selon la Classe" L["Class Power"] = "Énergie selon la Classe" L["Class Resources"] = "Ressources des Classes" L["Classification"] = true L["Clear Filter"] = true L["Clear Search On Close"] = "Effacer la recherche lors de la fermeture" L["Click Through"] = "Clic à travers" L["Clickable Height"] = "Hauteur cliquable" L["Clickable Size"] = true L["Clickable Width / Width"] = "Largeur cliquable / Largeur" L["Coding:"] = "Codage :" L["Color all buffs that reduce the unit's incoming damage."] = "Colorer toutes les améliorations réduisant les dégâts entrants de l'unité." L["Color aurabar debuffs by type."] = "Colore les affaiblissement de la barre d'auras par catégorie." L["Color by Value"] = true L["Color castbars by the class of player units."] = true L["Color castbars by the reaction type of non-player units."] = true L["Color Gradient"] = true L["Color health by amount remaining."] = "Colore le cadre selon la vie restante." L["Color health by classcolor or reaction."] = "Colore la vie par la couleur de la classe ou par l'aggro." L["Color health by color selection."] = true L["Color health by threat status."] = true L["Color Keybind Text when Out of Range, instead of the button."] = true L["Color Keybind Text"] = true L["Color of the actionbutton when not usable."] = "Couleur du bouton d'action quand inutilisable" L["Color of the actionbutton when out of power (Mana, Rage, Focus, Holy Power)."] = "Couleur du bouton d'action quand il n'y a pas ressource (Mana, Rage, Focalisation, Puissance sacrée)." L["Color of the actionbutton when out of range."] = "Couleur du bouton d'action quand hors de portée." L["Color of the actionbutton when usable."] = "Couleur du bouton d'action quand utilisable" L["Color Override"] = true L["Color power by classcolor or reaction."] = "Colore l'énergie de la classe par la couleur de la classe ou par l'aggro." L["Color power by color selection."] = true L["Color power by threat status."] = true L["Color some texts use."] = "Couleur utilisée par les Textes d'informations." L["Color Tanked"] = "Couleur tankée" L["Color the health backdrop by class or reaction."] = "Colore l'arrière-plan de la barre de vie par la couleur de la classe ou par l'aggro." L["Color the unit healthbar if there is a debuff that can be dispelled by you."] = "Colore la barre de vie de l'unité qui peut être dissipé par vous-même." L["Color Turtle Buffs"] = "Colore les améliorations 'Turtle'" L["Color when the text is about to expire"] = "Couleur lorsque le texte est sur le point d'expirer." L["Color when the text is in the days format."] = "Couleur quand le texte est exprimé en jours." L["Color when the text is in the hours format."] = "Couleur quand le texte est exprimé en heure." L["Color when the text is in the minutes format."] = "Couleur quand le texte est exprimé en minute." L["Color when the text is in the seconds format."] = "Couleur quand le texte est exprimé en seconde." L["Colored Icon"] = "Icône Coloré" L["Coloring (Specific)"] = "Coloration (Spécifique)" L["Coloring"] = "Coloration" L["Colors the border according to the Quality of the Item."] = true L["Colors the border according to the type of items assigned to the bag."] = true L["Colors"] = true L["Combat Icon"] = "Icône de combat" L["Combat Override Key"] = true L["CombatText Font"] = "Police des textes de combat" L["Combo Point"] = "Points de combo" L["Comparison Font Size"] = true L["Completely hide the voice buttons."] = true L["Condensed"] = "Condensé" L["Configure Auras"] = "Configure les Auras" L["Contribution"] = true L["Control enemy nameplates toggling on or off when in combat."] = true L["Control friendly nameplates toggling on or off when in combat."] = true L["Controls how big of an area on the screen will accept clicks to target unit."] = true L["Controls how many auras are displayed, this will also affect the size of the auras."] = true L["Controls how many seconds of inactivity has to pass before chat is faded."] = true L["Controls the amount of decimals used in values displayed on elements like NamePlates and UnitFrames."] = true L["Controls the speed at which smoothed bars will be updated."] = true L["Controls the text displayed. Tags are available in the Available Tags section of the config."] = true L["Controls the width and how big of an area on the screen will accept clicks to target unit."] = true L["Cooldown Text"] = "Texte temps de recharge" L["Cooldowns"] = true L["Copy Chat Lines"] = true L["Copy From"] = "Copier depuis" L["Copy settings from %s. This will overwrite %s profile.\n\n Are you sure?"] = true L["Copy settings from another unit."] = "Copier les options d'une autre unité" L["Copy settings from"] = "Copier les options de" L["Core |cff1784d1ElvUI|r options."] = true L["Count Font Size"] = "Taille du texte du décompte" L["Count xOffset"] = "Décalage X de la pile" L["Count yOffset"] = "Décalage Y de la pile" L["Create a filter, once created a filter can be set inside the buffs/debuffs section of each unit."] = "Créer un filtre, chaque filtre créé peut être configuré dans la section Amélioration / Affaiblissements de chaque unité." L["Create Custom Text"] = "Créer un texte personnalisé" L["Create Filter"] = "Créer un filtre" L["Creature Type"] = true L["Credits"] = "Crédits" L["Crop Icons"] = true L["Currency Format"] = "Format monétaire" L["Current - Max"] = "Actuel - Max" L["Current - Percent (Remaining)"] = "Actuel - Pourcentage (restant)" L["Current - Percent"] = "Actuel - Pourcent" L["Current - Remaining"] = "Actuel - Restant" L["Current / Max - Percent"] = true L["Current / Max"] = "Actuel / Max" L["Current Level"] = "Niveau actuel" L["Current Mount"] = true L["Current"] = "Actuel" L["Cursor Anchor Offset X"] = true L["Cursor Anchor Offset Y"] = true L["Cursor Anchor Type"] = true L["Cursor Anchor"] = "Ancrage sur le curseur" L["Custom Backdrop"] = true L["Custom Color"] = true L["Custom Currencies"] = "Monnaies actuelles" L["Custom Currency"] = "Monnaie actuelle" L["Custom Dead Backdrop"] = "Fond 'mort' personnalisé" L["Custom Faction Colors"] = "Couleur de la faction" L["Custom Power Prediction Color"] = true L["Custom Texts"] = "Textes personnalisés" L["Custom Texture"] = true L["Custom Timestamp Color"] = "Couleur personnalisée pour les heures" L["Cutaway Bars"] = true L["Darken Inactive"] = "Foncé Inactif" L["DataBars"] = "Barres d'expériences" L["Datatext Panel (Left)"] = "Panneaux d'informations (gauche)" L["Datatext Panel (Right)"] = "Panneaux d'informations (droite)" L["DataTexts"] = "Textes d'informations" L["Days"] = "Jours" L["Debuff Highlighting"] = "Surbrillance des affaiblissements" L["Debuffs"] = "Affaiblissements" L["Debug Tools"] = "Outils de débogage" L["Decimal Length"] = true L["Decode Text"] = "Texte décodé" L["Default Color"] = true L["Default Font"] = "Police par défaut" L["Default Settings"] = "Options par défaut" L["Deficit"] = "Déficit" L["Defines how the group is sorted."] = "Définit la façon dont le groupe est trié." L["Defines the sort order of the selected sort method."] = "Définit l'ordre de tri selon la méthode choisie (Ascendant/Descendant)" L["Delete a created filter, you cannot delete pre-existing filters, only custom ones."] = "Supprimer un filtre créé. Vous ne pouvez pas supprimer un filtre préexistant mais seulement ceux que vous avez personnalisé." L["Delete Filter"] = "Supprimer un filtre" L["Desaturate Cooldowns"] = true L["Desaturate Icon"] = true L["Desaturate Junk Items"] = true L["Desaturate Voice Icons"] = true L["Desaturated Icon"] = true L["Descending"] = "Descendant" L["Detach From Frame"] = "Détacher du cadre" L["Detached Width"] = "Largeur de détachement" L["Development Version"] = true L["Direction the bag sorting will use to allocate the items."] = "Direction du tri du sac qui sera utilisé pour allouer les objets." L["Direction the bar moves on gains/losses"] = "Direction que prend la barre lors de gains/pertes" L["Direction the health bar moves when gaining/losing health."] = "Sens de direction de la barre de vie quand vous en gagnez ou perdez." L["Disable Bag Sort"] = "Désactiver le tri des sacs" L["Disable Bank Sort"] = "Désactiver le tri de la banque" L["Disable Tutorial Buttons"] = "Désactiver les boutons du tutoriel" L["Disabled Blizzard Frames"] = "Désactiver les cadres Blizzard" L["Disabled Blizzard"] = "Désactiver Blizzard" L["Disables the focus and target of focus unitframes."] = "Désactiver les cadres de la focalisation et de la cible de la focalisation." L["Disables the player and pet unitframes."] = "Désactiver les cadres du joueur et des familiers." L["Disables the target and target of target unitframes."] = "Désactiver les cadres de la cible et de la cible de la cible." L["Disables the tutorial button found on some frames."] = true L["Disconnected"] = "Déconnecté" L["Discord"] = true L["Display a healer icon over known healers inside battlegrounds or arenas."] = "Affiche un icône soigneur sur le ou les soigneur(s) connu(s) à l'intérieur d'un champ de bataille ou arène" L["Display a panel across the bottom of the screen. This is for cosmetic only."] = "Affiche un bandeau au bas de l'écran. Option purement cosmétique." L["Display a panel across the top of the screen. This is for cosmetic only."] = "Affiche un bandeau en haut de l'écran. Option purement cosmétique." L["Display a spark texture at the end of the castbar statusbar to help show the differance between castbar and backdrop."] = "Affiche une texture lumineuse à la fin de la barre de sort pour aider à montrer la différence de couleur entre la barre de sort et le fond." L["Display battleground messages in the middle of the screen."] = "Afficher le message du champ de bataille au milieu de l'écran" L["Display bind names on action buttons."] = "Affiche les noms des raccourcis sur les boutons de la barre d'action." L["Display Character Info"] = true L["Display cooldown text on anything with the cooldown spiral."] = "Affiche le temps de recharge au format numérique plutôt que la spirale d'origine." L["Display current mount the unit is riding."] = true L["Display data panels below the chat, used for datatexts."] = "Afficher les panneaux de données sous le Chat utilisés pour les textes d'information" L["Display emotion icons in chat."] = "Afficher les émoticônes dans le chat" L["Display Frames"] = "Afficher les cadres" L["Display guild ranks if a unit is guilded."] = "Affiche le rang de la guilde si un joueur est guildé" L["Display how many of a certain item you have in your possession."] = "Affiche combien vous avez d'objets de ce type en votre possession." L["Display icon on arena frame indicating the units talent specialization or the units faction if inside a battleground."] = "Afficher une icône sur les cadres d'arènes indiquant la spécialisation des unités ou leurs factions si vous êtes dans un champs de bataille." L["Display In Main Tooltip"] = "Voir dans l'infobulle générale" L["Display Inspect Info"] = true L["Display Interrupt Source"] = true L["Display Item Level"] = "Afficher le niveau d'objet" L["Display LFG Icons in group chat."] = "Afficher l'icône RDG dans la discussion de groupe." L["Display macro names on action buttons."] = "Affiche les noms des macros sur les boutons dans la barre d'action." L["Display minimap panels below the minimap, used for datatexts."] = "Afficher les panneaux sous la minicarte, utilisé pour les textes d'information." L["Display player titles."] = "Affiche le titre du joueur" L["Display Player"] = "Afficher le joueur" L["Display Style"] = true L["Display Target"] = "Afficher la cible" L["Display Text"] = "Afficher le texte" L["Display the castbar icon inside the castbar."] = "Afficher l'icône à l'intérieur de la barre d'incantation." L["Display the hyperlink tooltip while hovering over a hyperlink."] = "Afficher une infobulle pendant le survol d'un lien d'objet, sort, etc..." L["Display the junk icon on all grey items that can be vendored."] = "Afficher l'cône de camelotte sur tous les objets gris qui peuvent être vendu" L["Display the name of the unit on the chat bubble. This will not work if backdrop is disabled or when you are in an instance."] = true L["Display the New Item Glow"] = true L["Display the npc ID when mousing over a npc tooltip."] = true L["Display the scrap icon on items that can be scrapped."] = true L["Display the spell or item ID when mousing over a spell or item tooltip."] = "Affiche le sort ou l'ID de l'objet dans une infobulle quand vous passez votre souris sur le sort ou l'objet." L["Display the target of your current cast. Useful for mouseover casts."] = "Afficher la cible de votre incantation en cours. Utile pour les incantations en survol de souris." L["Display the unit name who interrupted a spell on the castbar. You should increase the Time to Hold to show properly."] = true L["Display the unit role in the tooltip."] = true L["Display the upgrade icon on items that WoW considers an upgrade for your character."] = true L["Display tick marks on the castbar for channelled spells. This will adjust automatically for spells like Drain Soul and add additional ticks based on haste."] = "Affichage des marques de graduation (ticks) sur la barre de lancement de sort. Cela s'ajustera automatiquement pour les sorts comme Drain d'âme qui est basé sur la Hâte." L["Displayed Currency"] = "Monnaie affichée" L["Displays a detailed report of every item sold when enabled."] = true L["Displays item level on equippable items."] = "Afficher le niveau d'objet sur les objets qui peuvent être équipés." L["Displays the gender of players."] = true L["Don't display auras that are longer than this duration (in seconds). Set to zero to disable."] = "Ne pas afficher les auras qui dépassent cette durée (en secondes). 0 pour désactiver" L["Don't display auras that are shorter than this duration (in seconds). Set to zero to disable."] = "Ne pas afficher les auras qui ont une durée plus courte que cette durée (en secondes). 0 pour désactiver." L["Donations:"] = "Donateurs :" L["Down"] = "En bas" L["Dungeon & Raid Filter"] = "Filtres de donjons et de raid" L["Durability Scale"] = true L["Duration Enable"] = true L["Duration Font Size"] = true L["Duration Reverse"] = "Durée inversée" L["Duration Text"] = "Texte de durée" L["Duration"] = "Durée" L["Effective Updates"] = true L["Elite Icon"] = "Icône élite" L["ELVUI_CREDITS"] = "Je voudrais remercier tout spécialement ceux qui m'ont aidé à maintenir cet addon avec les codeurs, testeurs et les personnes qui m'ont aussi aidé via les dons. Veuillez noter que pour les dons, je n'affiche que les noms des personnes qui m'ont envoyés un message privé sur le forum. Si votre nom est absent et que vous désirez que je l'ajoute, merci de m’envoyer un message privé." L["Emotion Icons"] = "Emoticônes" L["Enable + Adjust Movers"] = true L["Enable a sound if you select a unit."] = true L["Enable Custom Color"] = true L["Enable the use of separate size options for the right chat panel."] = "Activer cette option pour utiliser une taille spécifique de la fenêtre de discussion de droite." L["Enable to hear sound if you receive a resurrect."] = true L["Enable/Disable the all-in-one bag."] = "Activer / désactiver le sac tout-en-un." L["Enable/Disable the Bag-Bar."] = "Activer / Désactiver la barre des sacs." L["Enable/Disable the loot frame."] = "Activer / désactiver le cadre de butin." L["Enable/Disable the loot roll frame."] = "Activer / désactiver le cadre du tirage au sort du butin." L["Enable/Disable the minimap. |cffFF0000Warning: This will prevent you from seeing the minimap datatexts.|r"] = true L["Enables the ElvUI Raid Control panel."] = "Activer le panneau de raid d'ElvUI" L["Enabling this allows raid-wide sorting however you will not be able to distinguish between groups."] = "Activer ceci permet d'afficher les cadres des joueurs sans 'trou' en remplissant les groupes, mais vous ne serez plus en mesure de distinguer les groupes de raid." L["Enabling this has the potential to make updates faster, though setting a speed value that is too high may cause it to actually run slower than the default scheme, which use Blizzard events only with no update loops provided."] = true L["Enabling this inverts the grouping order when the raid is not full, this will reverse the direction it starts from."] = "Activer ceci inverse l'ordre du groupe quand il n'est pas complet, ceci inversera son ordre de départ" L["Enabling this will check your health amount."] = true L["Enabling this will check your power amount."] = true L["Enchanting"] = true L["Enemy Aura Type"] = "Type d'aura inamicale" L["Enemy Combat Toggle"] = true L["ENEMY_NPC"] = "PNJ ennemi" L["ENEMY_PLAYER"] = "Joueur ennemi" L["Enemy"] = "Ennemi" L["Engineering"] = true L["Enhanced PVP Messages"] = "Messages PVP améliorés" L["Error decoding data. Import string may be corrupted!"] = "Erreur lors du décodage des données. Celles-ci sont peut être corropues" L["Error exporting profile!"] = "Erreur d'exportation du profil" L["Exclude Name"] = "Exclure le nom" L["Excluded names will not be class colored."] = "Exclure les noms sans couleur de classe" L["Excluded Names"] = "Exclure les noms" L["Expiring"] = "Expiration" L["Export Now"] = "Exporter maintenant" L["Export Profile"] = "Exporter le profil" L["Exported"] = "Exporté" L["Fade Duration"] = true L["Fade Out Delay"] = true L["Fade Out"] = true L["Fade Tabs No Backdrop"] = "Estomper les onglets sans arrière-plan" L["Fade the chat text when there is no activity."] = "Estomper la discussion quand il n'y a pas d'activité" L["Fade Threshold"] = "Seuil du fondu" L["Fade Undocked Tabs"] = "Estompe l'affiche des onglets non groupés" L["Fader"] = true L["Fades the text on chat tabs that are docked in a panel where the backdrop is disabled."] = true L["Fades the text on chat tabs that are not docked at the left or right chat panel."] = true L["Fill"] = "Remplissage" L["Filled"] = "Rempli" L["Filter already exists!"] = true L["Filter Priority"] = true L["Filter Search"] = true L["Filter Type"] = "Type de filtre" L["Filters are not allowed to have commas in their name. Stripping commas from filter name."] = true L["Filters Page"] = true L["Flash"] = true L["Flash Threshold"] = true L["Fluid Position Buffs on Debuffs"] = "Position fluide des améliorations avec les affaiblissements" L["Fluid Position Debuffs on Buffs"] = "Position fluide des affaiblissements avec les améliorations" L["Flyout Direction"] = "Sens d'agrandissement" L["Focus"] = true L["FocusTarget"] = true L["Font Outline"] = "Contours extérieurs de la police" L["Font"] = "Police" L["Fonts"] = "Polices" L["Force Hide Blizzard Text"] = true L["Force Off"] = "Forcer Off" L["Force On"] = "Forcer On" L["Force Reaction Color"] = "Forcer les couleurs suivant les réactions" L["Force the frames to show, they will act as if they are the player frame."] = "Forcer l'affichage des cadres, ils agiront comme sur le cadre de joueur." L["Forces Mouseover Glow to be disabled for these frames"] = true L["Forces reaction color instead of class color on units controlled by players."] = "Forcer les couleurs suivant les réactions au lieu des classes sur les unités contrôlées par les joueurs." L["Forces Target Glow to be disabled for these frames"] = true L["Format"] = "Format" L["Frame Glow"] = true L["Frame Level"] = "Niveau de la fenêtre" L["Frame Orientation"] = "Orientation de la fenêtre" L["Frame Strata"] = "Couche de la fenêtre" L["Frame"] = "Fenêtre" L["Friend"] = true L["Friendly Aura Type"] = "Type d'Aura amical" L["Friendly Combat Toggle"] = true L["FRIENDLY_NPC"] = "PNJ alliés" L["FRIENDLY_PLAYER"] = "Joueur allié" L["Friendly"] = "Amical" L["Full Overlay"] = true L["Full"] = "Plein" L["Gems"] = true L["Gender"] = true L["General"] = "Général" L["Global (Account Settings)"] = "Global (Configuration du compte)" L["Global Fade Transparency"] = "Option générale de transparence et d'affichage" L["Global"] = "Global" L["Glow"] = "Lueur" L["GM Chat"] = true L["Gold Format"] = "Format monétaire" L["Good Color"] = true L["Good Scale"] = true L["Good Transition Color"] = true L["Good"] = "Bonne" L["Gossip Frame"] = "Fenêtre PNJ" L["Group By"] = "Groupe par" L["Group Spacing"] = true L["Group Units"] = true L["Grouping & Sorting"] = "Regroupement et tri" L["Groups Per Row/Column"] = "Nombres de groupes par ligne/colonne" L["Growth direction from the first unitframe."] = "Direction de croissance du premier cadre d'unité." L["Growth Direction"] = "Direction de la croissance" L["Growth X-Direction"] = true L["Growth Y-Direction"] = true L["Guardians"] = true L["Guide:"] = true L["Guild Control Frame"] = "Gestion de Guilde" L["Guild Ranks"] = "Rangs de la guilde" L["Guild Registrar"] = "Bannière de Guilde" L["Header Font Size"] = true L["Heal Absorbs"] = "Absortion de soin" L["Heal Prediction"] = "Soin prévisionnel" L["Healer Icon"] = "Icône de soigneur" L["Health Backdrop Multiplier"] = true L["Health Backdrop"] = "Fond de vie personnalisé" L["Health Bar"] = "Barre de vie" L["Health Border"] = "Bordure de la santé personnalisée" L["Health By Value"] = "Vie par valeur" L["Health Color"] = true L["Health Speed"] = true L["Health Threshold"] = true L["Health"] = "Vie" L["Height Multiplier"] = "Multiplicateur hauteur" L["Height of the objective tracker. Increase size to be able to see more objectives."] = "Hauteur de la fenêtre des suivis d'objectif, augmenter pour afficher plus d'objectifs" L["Height"] = "Hauteur" L["Help Frame"] = "Fenêtre d'Assistance clientèle" L["Herbalism"] = true L["Here you can add items or search terms that you want to be excluded from sorting. To remove an item just click on its name in the list."] = true L["HH:MM Threshold"] = true L["Hide At Max Level"] = "Cacher au niveau maximum" L["Hide At Max Power"] = true L["Hide Below Max Level"] = true L["Hide Both"] = "Masquer les deux" L["Hide Castbar text. Useful if your power height is very low or if you use power offset."] = true L["Hide Cooldown Bling"] = "Masquer l'effet du temps de recharge" L["Hide Copy Button"] = true L["Hide Delay"] = true L["Hide Error Text"] = "Cacher les textes d'erreurs" L["Hide Frame"] = true L["Hide In Combat"] = "Cacher en combat" L["Hide In Vehicle"] = "Cacher en véhicule" L["Hide Outside PvP"] = "Cacher en dehors du PVP" L["Hide specific sections in the datatext tooltip."] = true L["Hide Spell Name"] = true L["Hide Text"] = true L["Hide Time"] = true L["Hide tooltip while in combat."] = "Masquer toutes les infobulles quand vous êtes en combat." L["Hide Voice Buttons"] = true L["Hide When Empty"] = true L["Hide"] = "Masquer" L["Hides the bling animation on buttons at the end of the global cooldown."] = "Cacher l'animation des boutons à la fin du rechargement global." L["Hides the red error text at the top of the screen while in combat."] = "Cacher les textes d'erreurs en haut de l'écran en combat." L["Horde / Alliance / Honor Info"] = true L["Horizontal Spacing"] = "Espace horizontal" L["Horizontal"] = "Horizontale" L["Hostile NPCs"] = true L["Hostile"] = true L["Hours"] = "Heures" L["Hover Highlight"] = true L["Hover"] = true L["How far away the portrait is from the camera."] = "Configure la distance de la caméra par rapport au portrait." L["How long the cutaway health will take to fade out."] = true L["How long the cutaway power will take to fade out."] = true L["How many seconds the castbar should stay visible after the cast failed or was interrupted."] = true L["How much time before the cutaway health starts to fade."] = true L["How much time before the cutaway power starts to fade."] = true L["Hyperlink Hover"] = "Survol des liens" L["Icon Inside Castbar"] = "Icône à l'intérieur de la barre d'incantation" L["Icon Position"] = true L["Icon Size"] = "Taille de l'icône" L["Icon: BOTTOM"] = "Icône : BAS" L["Icon: BOTTOMLEFT"] = "Icône : BAS-GAUCHE" L["Icon: BOTTOMRIGHT"] = "Icône : BAS-DROITE" L["Icon: LEFT"] = "Icône : GAUCHE" L["Icon: RIGHT"] = "Icône : DROITE" L["Icon: TOP"] = "Icône : HAUT" L["Icon: TOPLEFT"] = "Icône : HAUT-GAUCHE" L["Icon: TOPRIGHT"] = "Icône : HAUT-DROITE" L["Icon"] = "Icône" L["Icons and Text (Short)"] = "Icônes et textes (court)" L["Icons and Text"] = "Icônes et textes" L["If enabled then it checks if auras are missing instead of being present on the unit."] = true L["If enabled then it will require all auras to activate the filter. Otherwise it will only require any one of the auras to activate it."] = true L["If enabled then it will require all cooldowns to activate the filter. Otherwise it will only require any one of the cooldowns to activate it."] = true L["If enabled then the filter will only activate if the level of the unit is equal to or higher than this value."] = true L["If enabled then the filter will only activate if the level of the unit is equal to or lower than this value."] = true L["If enabled then the filter will only activate if the level of the unit matches this value."] = true L["If enabled then the filter will only activate if the level of the unit matches your own."] = true L["If enabled then the filter will only activate if the unit is casting interruptible spells."] = true L["If enabled then the filter will only activate if the unit is casting not interruptible spells."] = true L["If enabled then the filter will only activate if the unit is not casting or channeling one of the selected spells."] = true L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when the unit can be attacked by the active player."] = true L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when the unit can not be attacked by the active player."] = true L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when the unit is controlled by the player."] = true L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when the unit is in a Vehicle."] = true L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when the unit is in combat."] = true L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when the unit is not controlled by the player."] = true L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when the unit is not in a Vehicle."] = true L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when the unit is not owned by the player."] = true L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when the unit is not pvp-flagged."] = true L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when the unit is not tap denied."] = true L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when the unit is not targeting you."] = true L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when the unit is not the active player's pet."] = true L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when the unit is out of combat."] = true L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when the unit is owned by the player."] = true L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when the unit is pvp-flagged."] = true L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when the unit is tap denied."] = true L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when the unit is targeting you."] = true L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when the unit is the active player's pet."] = true L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when you are focusing the unit."] = true L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when you are in a Vehicle."] = true L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when you are in combat."] = true L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when you are not focusing the unit."] = true L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when you are not in a Vehicle."] = true L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when you are not targeting the unit."] = true L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when you are out of combat."] = true L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when you are resting at an Inn."] = true L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when you are targeting the unit."] = true L["If enabled, the style filter will only activate when you are in one of the instances specified in Instance ID."] = true L["If enabled, the style filter will only activate when you are in one of the maps specified in Map ID."] = true L["If enabled, the style filter will only activate when you are in one of the subzones specified in Add Subzone Name."] = true L["If enabled, the style filter will only activate when you are in one of the zones specified in Add Zone Name."] = true L["If enabled, then this currency will be displayed in the main Currencies datatext tooltip."] = true L["If not set to 0 then override the size of the aura icon to this."] = "Si ce n'est pas réglé sur 0, alors remplacer la taille de l'icône d'aura à celui ci." L["If not set to true then the server time will be displayed instead."] = "Si non activé, l'heure du serveur sera affichée à la place." L["If the aura is listed with a number then you need to use that to remove it from the list."] = true L["If this is enabled then the reaction check will use your reputation with the faction the unit belongs to."] = true L["If this list is empty, and if Interruptible is checked, then the filter will activate on any type of cast that can be interrupted."] = true L["If this threshold is used then the health of the unit needs to be higher than this value in order for the filter to activate. Set to 0 to disable."] = true L["If this threshold is used then the health of the unit needs to be lower than this value in order for the filter to activate. Set to 0 to disable."] = true L["If this threshold is used then the power of the unit needs to be higher than this value in order for the filter to activate. Set to 0 to disable."] = true L["If this threshold is used then the power of the unit needs to be lower than this value in order for the filter to activate. Set to 0 to disable."] = true L["If you have a lot of 3D Portraits active then it will likely have a big impact on your FPS. Disable some portraits if you experience FPS issues."] = "Si vous avez beaucoup de portraits 3D actifs, vos IPS (FPS) risquent d'être grandement impactés. Désactiver quelques portraits au besoin." L["If you have an icon or aurabar that you don't want to display simply hold down shift and right click the icon for it to disapear."] = true L["If you have any plugins supporting this feature installed you can find them in the selection dropdown to the right."] = true L["If you unlock actionbars then trying to move a spell might instantly cast it if you cast spells on key press instead of key release."] = true L["Ignore mouse events."] = "Ignorer les évènements de la souris." L["Ignored Items and Search Syntax (Global)"] = true L["Ignored Items and Search Syntax (Profile)"] = true L["Import Now"] = "Importer maintenant" L["Import Profile"] = "Importer le profil" L["Importing"] = "Importation" L["Inactivity Timer"] = true L["Index"] = "Index" L["Indicate whether buffs you cast yourself should be separated before or after."] = "Indique si les améliorations que vous lancez doivent être séparées avant ou après." L["Individual Units"] = true L["InfoPanel Border"] = "Bordure du panneau d'information" L["Information Panel"] = "Panneau d'information" L["Information"] = true L["Inherit Global Fade"] = "Utiliser l'option de transparence générale" L["Inherit the global fade, mousing over, targetting, setting focus, losing health, entering combat will set the remove transparency. Otherwise it will use the transparency level in the general actionbar settings for global fade alpha."] = true L["Inset"] = "Insérer" L["Install"] = "Installer" L["Instance Difficulty"] = "Difficulté de l'instance" L["Instance ID"] = true L["Instance Type"] = "Type d'instance" L["Interruptible"] = "Interrompable" L["Invert Colors"] = true L["Invert foreground and background colors."] = true L["Invert Grouping Order"] = "Inverser l'ordre des groupes" L["Is Casting Anything"] = true L["Is Channeling Anything"] = true L["Is Focused"] = true L["Is PvP Talents"] = true L["Is Targeted"] = "est ciblé" L["Is Targeting Player"] = true L["Island Party Pose"] = true L["Item Count Font"] = "Police d'équipement du compteur" L["Item Count"] = "Nombre d'objet" L["Item Level Threshold"] = "Seuil de niveau d'objet" L["Item Level"] = "Niveau d'objet" L["Item Upgrade"] = "Amélioration d'objet" L["JustifyH"] = "JustifierH" L["Key Down"] = "Touche enfoncée" L["Key Modifiers"] = true L["Keybind Mode"] = "Mode raccourcis" L["Keybind Text Position"] = true L["Keybind Text X-Offset"] = true L["Keybind Text Y-Offset"] = true L["Keybind Text"] = "Texte des raccourcis" L["Keyword Alert"] = "Alerte mots-clés" L["Keywords"] = "Mots-clés" L["Latency"] = "Latence" L["Leader Indicator"] = true L["Leatherworking"] = true L["Left Alt"] = true L["Left Control"] = true L["Left Only"] = "Gauche seulement" L["Left Shift"] = true L["Left to Right"] = "de gauche à droite" L["left"] = "Gauche" L["Left"] = "Gauche" L["LeftChatDataPanel"] = "Fenêtre de discussion à gauche" L["LeftMiniPanel"] = "Minicarte à gauche" L["LEVEL_BOSS"] = "Set level to -1 for boss units or set to 0 to disable." L["LF Guild Frame"] = "Recherche de Guilde" L["LFG Queue"] = "Outil raid" L["Limit the number of rows or columns."] = "Limiter le nombre de lignes ou de colonnes." L["Link to the latest development version."] = true L["List of words to color in chat if found in a message. If you wish to add multiple words you must seperate the word with a comma. To search for your current name you can use %MYNAME%.\n\nExample:\n%MYNAME%, ElvUI, RBGs, Tank"] = "Liste des mots à colorer dans la fenêtre de discussion s'ils y sont trouvés. Si vous souhaitez ajouter plusieurs mots, vous devez séparer le mot avec une virgule. Pour rechercher votre nom actuel, vous pouvez utiliser %MYNAME%.\n\nExemple:\n%MYNAME%, ElvUI, RBG, Tank" L["Local Time"] = "Heure Locale" L["Location Text"] = "Texte de localisation" L["Log Taints"] = "Journal des corruptions" L["Log the main chat frames history. So when you reloadui or log in and out you see the history from your last session."] = "Active la fenêtre principale de l'historique de discussion. Ainsi quand vous rechargez l'interface ou effectuez une connexion / déconnexion, vous voyez l'historique de la dernière session" L["Login Message"] = "Message de connexion" L["Loot Frames"] = "Fenêtre de butin" L["Loot Roll"] = "Cadre de butin" L["Loot"] = "Butin" L["Losing Threat"] = true L["Low Health Threshold"] = "Seuil vie faible" L["Low Threat"] = true L["Low Threshold"] = "Seuil minimal" L["Lower numbers mean a higher priority. Filters are processed in order from 1 to 100."] = true L["Macro Text"] = "Texte sur Macro" L["Mail Frame"] = "Fenêtre du Courrier" L["Main backdrop color of the UI."] = "Couleur principale de fond de l'Interface." L["Main border color of the UI."] = "Couleur de bordure principale de l'Interface." L["Main statusbar texture."] = "Texture de la barre principale." L["Main Tanks / Main Assist"] = "Tank Principal / Assistant principal" L["Make textures transparent."] = "Mettre les textures transparentes." L["Make the unitframe glow yellow when it is below this percent of health, it will glow red when the health value is half of this value."] = true L["Make the world map smaller."] = "Rendre la carte du monde plus petite" L["Map ID"] = true L["Map Opacity When Moving"] = "Opacité de la carte en mouvement" L["Maps"] = "Cartes" L["Mark Quest Reward"] = true L["Marks the most valuable quest reward with a gold coin."] = true L["Masque Support"] = "Support de Maque" L["Match Frame Width"] = "Accorder à la largeur du cadre" L["Match if Name or NPC ID is NOT in the list."] = true L["Match Player Level"] = true L["Match this trigger if the talent is not selected"] = true L["Max Alpha"] = true L["Max amount of overflow allowed to extend past the end of the health bar."] = "Quantité maximale de débordement autorisée à dépasser la fin de la barre de vie." L["Max Bars"] = "Barres maximum" L["Max Overflow"] = "Dépassement maximum" L["Max Wraps"] = "Retour à la ligne maximale" L["Maximum Duration"] = "Durée maximum" L["Maximum Level"] = "Niveau maximum" L["Maximum Time Left"] = true L["Media"] = "Média" L["Merchant Frame"] = "Marchand" L["Method to sort by."] = "Méthode de tri d'affichage" L["Middle Click - Set Focus"] = "Clic milieu - Réglage de la focalisation" L["Middle clicking the unit frame will cause your focus to match the unit."] = "Le clic du milieu sur une unité la mettra en focalisation." L["middle"] = "Milieu" L["Middle"] = "Milieu" L["Min Alpha"] = true L["Minimap Buttons"] = "Bouton de la minicarte" L["Minimap Mouseover"] = "Au survol de la minicarte" L["Minimap Panels"] = "Panneaux de la Minicarte" L["Minimum Duration"] = "Durée minimum" L["Minimum Level"] = "Niveau minimum" L["Minimum Time Left"] = true L["Mining"] = true L["Minions"] = true L["Minus"] = true L["Minutes"] = "Minutes" L["Mirror Timers"] = "Fenêtre des Timers mirroirs" L["Misc Frames"] = "Divers" L["Miscellaneous"] = true L["Missing Talent Alert"] = true L["Missing"] = "Manquant" L["MM:SS Threshold"] = true L["Model Rotation"] = "Rotation du Modèle" L["Module Control"] = true L["Module Copy"] = true L["Module Reset"] = true L["Money Format"] = "Format monétaire" L["Mouse Over"] = "Au survol" L["Mouseover Glow"] = true L["Mouseover Highlight"] = true L["Mouseover"] = "Au survol de la souris" L["Movers"] = true L["Multi-Monitor Support"] = "Support Multi-Moniteur" L["Multiply the backdrops height or width by this value. This is usefull if you wish to have more than one bar behind a backdrop."] = "Multiplie la hauteur ou la largeur de l'arrière-plan par cette valeur. Très utile si vous souhaitez avoir une barre de plus en arrière-plan." L["Must be in group with the player if he isn't on the same server as you."] = "Doit être dans le même groupe avec le joueur s'il n'est pas du même serveur." L["Name Color"] = "Couleur du nom" L["Name Font"] = "Nom de la police" L["Name Only"] = true L["Name: Current / Max - Percent"] = true L["Name: Current / Max"] = true L["Name: Percent"] = true L["Name"] = "Nom" L["Nameplate At Base"] = true L["NamePlate Style Filters"] = true L["Nameplate"] = true L["NamePlates"] = "Noms" L["Negative Match"] = true L["Neutral"] = "Neutre" L["Never Hide"] = "Jamais caché" L["No Alert In Combat"] = "Pas d'alerte en combat" L["No Sorting"] = "Aucun tri" L["Non-Interruptible"] = "Non-interruptible" L["Non-Raid Frame"] = "Info Raid" L["Non-Target Alpha"] = true L["Not Casting Anything"] = true L["Not Channeling Anything"] = true L["Not Focused"] = true L["Not Spell"] = true L["Not Targeted"] = "Non ciblé" L["Not Targeting Player"] = true L["Not Usable"] = "Non utilisable" L["NPC IDs"] = true L["NPC"] = true L["Num Rows"] = "Nombre de lignes" L["Number of Groups"] = "Nombre de groupes" L["Number of messages you scroll for each step."] = "Nombre de messages par défilement." L["Number of repeat characters while in combat before the chat editbox is automatically closed."] = true L["Number of time in seconds to scroll down to the bottom of the chat window if you are not scrolled down completely."] = "Temps en secondes pour faire défiler vers le bas de la fenêtre de discussion si vous ne l'avez pas fait défiler jusqu'en bas." L["Objective Frame Height"] = "Hauteur du cadre d'objectif" L["Off Cooldown"] = true L["Off Tank Bad Transition"] = true L["Off Tank Good Transition"] = true L["Off Tank"] = true L["Offset of the powerbar to the healthbar, set to 0 to disable."] = "Décalage de la barre de pouvoir à la barre de vie, mettre 0 pour désactiver." L["Offset position for text."] = "Décalage de la position du texte." L["Offset"] = "Décalage" L["On Cooldown"] = true L["On screen positions for different elements."] = true L["Only Match SpellID"] = "Seulement les ID de sort correspondants" L["Open Ticket"] = "Ouvrir un ticket" L["Order Hall Command Bar"] = "Barre du domaine de classe" L["Orderhall"] = "Domaine de classe" L["Other Filter"] = "Autre filtre" L["Other's First"] = "Les autres en premier" L["Others"] = "Autres" L["Out of Power"] = "Sans ressource" L["Out of Range"] = "Hors de portée" L["Over Absorbs"] = true L["Over Heal Absorbs"] = true L["Over Health Threshold"] = true L["Over Power Threshold"] = true L["Overlap Horizontal"] = true L["Overlap Vertical"] = true L["Overlay Alpha"] = true L["Overlay"] = "Superposition" L["Overnuking"] = true L["Override any custom visibility setting in certain situations, EX: Only show groups 1 and 2 inside a 10 man instance."] = "Remplace tout paramètre de visibilité dans certaines situations, Ex: afficher seulement le groupe 1 et 2 quand vous êtes dans un raid à 10 joueurs." L["Override the default class color setting."] = "Remplacer les réglages des couleurs de classes par défaut." L["Owners Name"] = "Nom des propriétaires" L["Panel Backdrop"] = "Arrière-plan de la fenêtre de discussion" L["Panel Height"] = "Hauteur de la fenêtre de discussion" L["Panel Texture (Left)"] = "Texture de la fenêtre de discussion (Gauche)" L["Panel Texture (Right)"] = "Texture de la fenêtre de discussion (Droite)" L["Panel Transparency"] = "Transparence du panneau" L["Panel Width (Bags)"] = "Largeur du panneau (Sac)" L["Panel Width (Bank)"] = "Largeur du panneau (Banque)" L["Panel Width"] = "Largeur de la fenêtre de discussion" L["Panels"] = "Fenêtre" L["Parchment Remover"] = true L["Parent"] = "Parent" L["Party / Raid"] = "Groupe / Raid" L["Party Only"] = "Groupe seulement" L["Party Pets"] = "Familiers des coéquipiers" L["Party PVP"] = true L["Party Targets"] = "Cible des coéquipiers" L["Party"] = true L["Per Row"] = "par ligne" L["Percent"] = "Pourcent" L["Percentage amount for horizontal overlap of Nameplates."] = true L["Percentage amount for vertical overlap of Nameplates."] = true L["Personal"] = "Personnel" L["Pet Battle"] = "Combats de mascottes" L["Pet Name"] = "Nom du familier" L["Pet"] = true L["Petition Frame"] = "Fenêtre de Charte" L["Pets"] = true L["PetTarget"] = true L["Phase Indicator"] = true L["Pin Voice Buttons"] = true L["Player Bars"] = true L["Player Can Attack"] = true L["Player Can Not Attack"] = true L["Player Frame Aura Bars"] = "Barre d'aura du joueur" L["Player Health"] = true L["Player in Combat"] = "Joueur en combat" L["Player in Vehicle"] = true L["Player is Resting"] = true L["Player Out of Combat"] = true L["Player Out of Vehicle"] = true L["Player Power"] = true L["Player Target"] = true L["Player Titles"] = "Titre du joueur" L["Player"] = "Joueur" L["Plugin"] = "Plugin" L["Portrait"] = "Portrait" L["Position Buffs on Debuffs"] = "Positionner les améliorations sur les affaiblissements" L["Position Debuffs on Buffs"] = "Positionner les affaiblissements sur les améliorations" L["Position of bonus quest reward frame relative to the objective tracker."] = "Position de la récompense de l'objectif par rapport à la fenêtre de suivi des objectifs" L["Position of the Chat EditBox, if datatexts are disabled this will be forced to be above chat."] = "Postion du cadre d'écriture de la fenêtre de Chat. Si les Texte d'informations sont désactivés, elle apparaitra au dessus du Chat." L["Position other Nameplates at the base, rather than overhead."] = true L["Position the Model horizontally."] = "Position horizontale du modèle" L["Position the Model vertically."] = "Position verticale du modèle" L["Position"] = "Position" L["Power Color"] = true L["Power Prediction Color"] = true L["Power Prediction"] = true L["Power Speed"] = true L["Power text will be hidden on NPC targets, in addition the name text will be repositioned to the power texts anchor point."] = "Le texte d'énergie sera masqué sur les PNJ ciblés, de plus le nom sera repositionné sur le texte d'énergie." L["Power Threshold"] = true L["Power"] = "Énergie" L["Powers"] = "Énergies" L["Prevent the same messages from displaying in chat more than once within this set amount of seconds, set to zero to disable."] = "Empêche l'affichage du même message plus d'une fois dans la fenêtre de discussion durant un laps de temps. Définir sur 0 pour désactiver." L["Primary Texture"] = "Texture primaire" L["Priority"] = "Priorité" L["Private (Character Settings)"] = "Privée (Paramètres du personnages)" L["Profession Bags"] = true L["Profile imported successfully!"] = "Profil importé avec succès" L["Profile Name"] = "Nom du profil" L["Profile Specific"] = "Profil spécifique" L["Profile"] = "Profil" L["Progress Bar"] = true L["Puts coordinates on the world map."] = "Mettre les coordonnées sur la carte du monde" L["PvP & Prestige Icon"] = "Icône prestige de PVP" L["PvP Classification Indicator"] = true L["PvP Frames"] = "Fenêtre JcJ" L["PvP Indicator"] = true L["PvP Text"] = "Texte PVP" L["PVP Trinket"] = "Bijou PVP" L["Quest Boss"] = true L["Quest Choice"] = "Fenêtre du choix de la quête" L["Quest Frames"] = "Fenêtre de Quête" L["Quest Icon"] = true L["Quest Starter"] = true L["Quick Join Messages"] = true L["Raid Difficulty"] = true L["Raid Frame"] = "Fenêtre de Raid" L["Raid Icon"] = "Icône de Raid" L["Raid Only"] = "Raid seulement" L["Raid-Wide Sorting"] = "Affichage du raid-large" L["Raid"] = true L["RaidDebuff Indicator"] = "Indicateur d'affaiblissement en raid" L["Range"] = true L["Rank"] = true L["Rare Elite"] = true L["Reaction Castbars"] = "Réaction des barres d'incantation" L["Reaction Colors"] = true L["Reaction Type"] = true L["Reactions"] = "Réactions" L["Ready Check Icon"] = "Icône d'appel" L["Remaining / Max"] = true L["Remaining"] = "Restant" L["Remove a Name or NPC ID from the list."] = true L["Remove a spell from the filter. Use the spell ID if you see the ID as part of the spell name in the filter."] = "Supprimer un sort depuis le filtre. Utilisez l'ID du sort si vous voyez cet ID dans le nom du sort." L["Remove Backdrop"] = "Supprimer le fond" L["Remove Instance ID"] = true L["Remove Map ID"] = true L["Remove Name or NPC ID"] = true L["Remove Spell ID or Name"] = true L["Remove Spell"] = true L["Remove Subzone Name"] = true L["Remove Zone Name"] = true L["Replace Blizzard Fonts"] = "Remplace les polices Blizzard" L["Replace Blizzard's Alternative Power Bar"] = true L["Replace Blizzard's Voice Overlay."] = true L["Replaces the default Blizzard fonts on various panels and frames with the fonts chosen in the Media section of the ElvUI Options. NOTE: Any font that inherits from the fonts ElvUI usually replaces will be affected as well if you disable this. Enabled by default."] = true L["Reposition Window"] = true L["Require All"] = true L["Require holding the Alt key down to move cursor or cycle through messages in the editbox."] = "Maintenir ALT enfoncé et bouger le cursor pour faire défiler les messages dans la zone de saisie." L["Reset Action Paging"] = true L["Reset all frames to their original positions."] = "Réinitialiser les cadres à leurs positions initiales." L["Reset Anchors"] = "Réinitialiser les ancres" L["Reset Aura Filters"] = "Réinitialiser les filtres des auras" L["Reset CVars"] = true L["Reset filter priority to the default state."] = true L["Reset Filter"] = "Réinitialiser les filtres" L["Reset Nameplate CVars to the ElvUI recommended defaults."] = true L["Reset Priority"] = true L["Reset the size and position of this frame."] = true L["Reset Zoom"] = "Réinitialiser le zoom" L["Rest Icon"] = "Icône reposé" L["Restore Bar"] = "Restaurer la barre" L["Restore Defaults"] = "Restaurer les paramètres par défaut" L["Restore the actionbars default settings"] = "Restaure la barre d'actions avec ses paramètres par défaut." L["Resurrect Icon"] = true L["Resurrect Sound"] = true L["Return filter to its default state."] = true L["Reverse Bag Slots"] = true L["Reverse Fill Direction"] = "Inverser la direction de remplissage" L["Reverse Fill"] = true L["Reverse Toggle will enable Cooldown Text on this module when the global setting is disabled and disable them when the global setting is enabled."] = true L["Reverse Toggle"] = true L["Right Alt"] = true L["Right Control"] = true L["Right Only"] = "Droite seulement" L["Right Panel Height"] = "Hauteur de la fenêtre de discussion de droite" L["Right Panel Width"] = "Largeur de la fenêtre de discussion de droite" L["Right Shift"] = true L["Right to Left"] = "De droite à gauche" L["right"] = "Droite" L["Right"] = "Droite" L["RightChatDataPanel"] = "Fenêtre de discussion à droite" L["RightClick Self-Cast"] = true L["RightMiniPanel"] = "Minicarte à droite" L["Role Icon"] = "Icône de rôle" L["Run the installation process."] = "Démarrer le processus d'installation." L["Scale"] = "Echelle" L["Scroll Interval"] = "Intervalle de défilement" L["Scroll Messages"] = "Défilement des messages" L["Search for a spell name inside of a filter."] = true L["Search Syntax"] = "Syntaxe pour la recherche" L["Secondary Texture"] = "Texture secondaire" L["Seconds"] = "Secondes" L["Securely Tanking"] = true L["Select a profile to copy from/to."] = true L["Select a unit to copy settings from."] = "Sélectionnez les réglages d'un cadre à copier." L["Select Filter"] = "Sélectionner un filtre" L["Select Spell"] = "Sélectionner un sort" L["Select the display method of the portrait."] = "Sélectionnez la méthode d'affichage du portrait." L["Selection Health"] = true L["Selection Power"] = true L["Selection"] = true L["Sell Interval"] = true L["Send ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED errors to the Lua Error frame. These errors are less important in most cases and will not effect your game performance. Also a lot of these errors cannot be fixed. Please only report these errors if you notice a Defect in gameplay."] = "Envoyer les ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED dans la fenêtre d'erreur LUA. Ces erreurs sont minimes dans la plupart des cas et n'affecteront pas votre expérience de jeu. Tenez compte que nombreuses de celles-ci ne peuvent être fixé. Signalez-les uniquement si cela affecte grandement le jeu." L["Sends your current profile to your target."] = "Envoi votre profil actuel à votre cible." L["Sends your filter settings to your target."] = "Envoi vos paramètres de filtre à votre cible." L["Separate Panel Sizes"] = "Séparer la taille des fenêtres de discussion." L["Seperate"] = "Séparer" L["Set auras that are not from you to desaturad."] = true L["Set Settings to Default"] = true L["Set the alpha level of portrait when frame is overlayed."] = true L["Set the filter type. Blacklist will hide any auras in the list and show all others. Whitelist will show any auras in the filter and hide all others."] = "Définir le type de filtre. La liste noire masquera toutes les auras dans la liste et rendra visible les autres. La liste blanche montrera les auras dans la liste et masquera tous les autres." L["Set the font outline."] = "Configure le contour extérieur de la police." L["Set the font size for everything in UI. Note: This doesn't effect somethings that have their own seperate options (UnitFrame Font, Datatext Font, ect..)"] = "Définie la taille de la police d'écriture pour toute l'interface utilisateur. Note: Ceci n'affecte pas les modules qui ont leurs propres paramètres (Portait d'unité, Textes d'Informations, etc)" L["Set the font size for unitframes."] = "Configure la taille de la police d'écriture pour les cadres d'unités." L["Set the order that the group will sort."] = "Définir l'ordre de tri d'affichage du groupe" L["Set the orientation of the UnitFrame."] = "Définir l'orientation des cadres d'unités" L["Set the priority order of the spell, please note that prioritys are only used for the raid debuff module, not the standard buff/debuff module. If you want to disable set to zero."] = "Définir l'ordre de priorité du sort, merci de noter que ces priorités ne sont utilisées que pour le mode d'affaiblissement de raid, ce n'est pas un module améliorations / affaiblissement standard. Si vous souhaitez le désactiver, mettez la valeur sur 0." L["Set the size of the individual auras."] = "Définit la taille de l'aura individuelle." L["Set the size of your bag buttons."] = "Définissez la taille de vos boutons de sac." L["Set the type of auras to show when a unit is a foe."] = "Définir le type d'auras à afficher quand l'unité est hostile." L["Set the type of auras to show when a unit is friendly."] = "Définir le type d'auras à afficher quand l'unité est amical." L["Set to either stack nameplates vertically or allow them to overlap."] = true L["Sets the font instance's horizontal text alignment style."] = "Réglages de l'alignement horizontal du texte de la police d'écriture." L["Setup on-screen display of information bars."] = "Configuration de l'affichage des différentes barres d'expérience" L["Share Current Profile"] = "Partagez votre profil actuel" L["Share Filters"] = "Partagez les filtres" L["Short (Whole Numbers)"] = "Court (nombres entiers)" L["Short Channels"] = "Raccourcis canaux" L["Shortcut to global filters."] = true L["Shortcuts"] = "Raccourcis" L["Shorten the channel names in chat."] = "Minimise le nom des canaux de discussion." L["Should tooltip be anchored to mouse cursor"] = "L'infobulle doit être ancrée sur le curseur de la souris" L["Show Absorb Amount"] = true L["Show an alert frame if you have unspend talent points."] = true L["Show an incoming heal prediction bar on the unitframe. Also display a slightly different colored bar for incoming overheals."] = "Affiche une barre sur la prédiction des soins à venir sur le cadre d'unité. Ainsi qu'une barre de couleur légèrement différente pour les soins entrants excédants." L["Show Assigned Color"] = true L["Show Aura From Other Players"] = "N'importe quelle unité" L["Show Auras"] = "Afficher les auras" L["Show Badge"] = true L["Show Bind on Equip/Use Text"] = true L["Show Both"] = "Afficher les deux" L["Show clickable Quick Join messages inside of the chat."] = true L["Show Coins"] = "Afficher les pièces" L["Show Dispellable Debuffs"] = "Voir les affaiblissements dissipables" L["Show Empty Buttons"] = "Voir les emplacements vide" L["Show For DPS"] = "Voir pour les DPS" L["Show For Healers"] = "Voir pour les soigneurs" L["Show For Tanks"] = "Voir pour les tanks" L["Show Icon"] = true L["Show In Combat"] = "Voir en combat" L["Show Junk Icon"] = "Afficher l'icône camelotte" L["Show New Item Glow"] = true L["Show Over Absorbs"] = true L["Show PvP Badge Indicator if available"] = true L["Show Quality Color"] = true L["Show Scrap Icon"] = true L["Show Special Bags Color"] = true L["Show the castbar icon desaturated if a spell is not interruptible."] = true L["Show Title"] = true L["Show Upgrade Icon"] = "Afficher l'icône de mise à jour" L["Show When Not Active"] = "Afficher les manquants" L["Show With Target"] = true L["Show/Hide Test Frame"] = true L["Shows a swipe animation when a spell is recharging but still has charges left."] = true L["Shows item level of each item, enchants, and gems on the character page."] = true L["Shows item level of each item, enchants, and gems when inspecting another player."] = true L["Side Arrows"] = true L["Size and Positions"] = "Taille et positions" L["Size Override"] = "Forcer la taille" L["Size"] = "Taille" L["Skin Backdrop (No Borders)"] = "Habiller le fond (sans bordures)" L["Skin Backdrop"] = "Habiller le fond" L["Skin the blizzard chat bubbles."] = "Habillage des bulles de Chat." L["Skins"] = "Habillage" L["Small Panels"] = "Petits panneaux" L["Smaller World Map Scale"] = true L["Smaller World Map"] = "Carte du monde plus petite" L["Smart Aura Position"] = "Positionnement intelligent des auras" L["Smart Raid Filter"] = "Filtre intelligent de Raid" L["Smart"] = "Intelligent" L["Smooth Bars"] = "Barres fluides" L["Smooth"] = true L["Smoothing Amount"] = true L["Socket Frame"] = "Fenêtre de sertissage" L["Sort By"] = "Afficher par" L["Sort Direction"] = "Type de direction" L["Sort Inverted"] = "Tri inversé" L["Sort Method"] = "Méthode de tri" L["Spaced"] = "Espacé" L["Spacing"] = "Espace" L["Spam Interval"] = "Intervalle contre le Spam" L["Spark"] = "Lueur" L["Spec Icon"] = "Icône de spécialisation" L["Spell/Item IDs"] = "ID de l'objet / du sort" L["Split"] = true L["Stable"] = "Écurie" L["Stack Counter"] = "Compteur de pile" L["Stack Text Position"] = true L["Stack Text X-Offset"] = true L["Stack Text Y-Offset"] = true L["Stack Threshold"] = "Seuil de pile" L["Start Near Center"] = "Démarrer près du centre" L["Status Bar"] = true L["Statusbar Fill Orientation"] = "Orientation la barre d'état." L["StatusBar Texture"] = "Texture de la barre d'état." L["Sticky Chat"] = "Fenêtre de chat adhésive" L["Strata and Level"] = "Couche et niveau" L["Style Filter"] = true L["Style"] = "Style" L["Subzone Name"] = true L["Summon Icon"] = true L["Support & Download"] = true L["Support Forum"] = true L["Swap to Alt Power"] = true L["Tab Font Outline"] = "Contour de la police extérieure des onglets" L["Tab Font Size"] = "Taille de la police des onglets" L["Tab Font"] = "Police des onglets" L["Tab Panel Transparency"] = "Transparence de l'étiquette" L["Tab Panel"] = "Étiquette de l'onglet" L["Tabard Frame"] = "Tabard" L["Table"] = "Tableau" L["Tagged NPC"] = "PNJ marqué" L["Talent to match"] = true L["Talking Head Backdrop"] = true L["Talking Head Scale"] = "Zoom du cadre de dialogue flottant" L["TalkingHead"] = "Dialogue flottant" L["Tank Frames"] = "Cadre des Tanks" L["Tank Target"] = "Cible de tank" L["Tank"] = true L["Tapped"] = "Collé" L["Target Indicator Color"] = "Couleur de l'indicateur de la cible" L["Target Info"] = "Info de la cible" L["Target On Mouse-Down"] = "Cibler lors d'un appui sur le clic (et non pas en relachant le clic)" L["Target units on mouse down rather than mouse up. \n\n|cffFF0000Warning: If you are using the addon Clique you may have to adjust your Clique settings when changing this."] = "Cible les unités avec un appui sur le clic souris plutôt qu'au relâchement du clic. \n\n|cffFF0000Attention: Si vous utilisez l'addon Clique vous devrez peut-être ajuster vos paramètres de clic lors du changement de celui-ci." L["Target"] = true L["Target/Low Health Indicator"] = "Indicateur de la cible" L["Targeted Glow"] = true L["Targeting Sound"] = true L["Targeting"] = true L["TargetTarget"] = true L["TargetTargetTarget"] = true L["Testing:"] = "Testeurs :" L["Text Color"] = "Couleur du texte" L["Text Fade"] = true L["Text Font Size"] = "Police d'écriture du texte" L["Text Format"] = "Format du texte" L["Text Options"] = true L["Text Threshold"] = "Seuil du texte" L["Text Toggle On NPC"] = "Afficher le texte des PNJ" L["Text"] = "Texte" L["Texture"] = true L["Textured Icon"] = "Texture de l'icône" L["Textures"] = "Textures" L["The amount of buttons to display per row."] = "Nombre de boutons à afficher par ligne." L["The amount of buttons to display."] = "Nombre de boutons à afficher." L["The button you must hold down in order to drag an ability to another action button."] = "Définir la touche qui doit être maintenue enfoncée pour pouvoir glisser une capacité sur un autre bouton d'action." L["The debuff needs to reach this amount of stacks before it is shown. Set to 0 to always show the debuff."] = "L'affaiblissement doit atteindre ce nombre de stacks pour être affiché. Mettre à 0 pour toujours afficher l'affaiblissement" L["The direction that the bag frames be (Horizontal or Vertical)."] = "La direction des fenêtres de sac (Horizontale ou Verticale)." L["The direction that the bag frames will grow from the anchor."] = "La direction que prendra la barre des sacs en partant du point d'ancrage." L["The direction the auras will grow and then the direction they will grow after they reach the wrap after limit."] = "Sens de progression des Auras sur la ligne et comment elles vont se comporter une fois la limite atteinte." L["The display format of the currency icons that get displayed below the main bag. (You have to be watching a currency for this to display)"] = "Le format d'affichage des icônes de devises qui sont affichés dans les sacs. (Vous devez montrer cette devise pour l'afficher)" L["The display format of the money text that is shown at the top of the main bag."] = "Le format d'affichage de l'argent que vous avez visible en haut du sac principal." L["The display format of the money text that is shown in the gold datatext and its tooltip."] = "L'affichage du format de l'argent que vous possédez dans le texte d'informations Argent et dans son infobulle." L["The durability percent that the datatext will start flashing. Set to -1 to disable"] = true L["The first button anchors itself to this point on the bar."] = "Ancrage du premier bouton sur le point de la barre." L["The font that appears on the text above players heads. |cffFF0000WARNING: This requires a game restart or re-log for this change to take effect.|r"] = "Police qui apparait sur le texte au dessus de la tête des joueurs. |cffFF0000ATTENTION: requiert un redémarrage du jeu ou une reconnexion pour que les changements soient pris en compte.|r" L["The font that combat text will use. |cffFF0000WARNING: This requires a game restart or re-log for this change to take effect.|r"] = "La police qui sera utilisée pour les textes de combat. |cffFF0000Note : Ce changement nécessite de relancer le jeu ou d'une reconnexion pour prendre effet.|r" L["The font that the core of the UI will use."] = "La police que le cœur de l'Interface utilisera" L["The font that the unitframes will use."] = "Police utilisée par défaut pour les cadres d'unités." L["The frame is not shown unless you mouse over the frame."] = "Le cadre est invisible tant que vous n'avez pas passé votre souris dessus." L["The initial group will start near the center and grow out."] = "Le premier groupe commence à proximité du centre et s'en développe hors." L["The minimum item level required for it to be shown."] = "Le niveau d'objet minimum requis pour être affiché" L["The name you have selected is already in use by another element."] = "Le nom que vous avez sélectionné est déjà utilisé par un autre élément." L["The object you want to attach to."] = "L'objet que vous souhaitez attacher à." L["The Portrait will overlay the Healthbar. This will be automatically happen if the Frame Orientation is set to Middle."] = true L["The size of the action buttons."] = "Taille des boutons d'action." L["The size of the individual buttons on the bag frame."] = "La taille des boutons individuels sur la fenêtre du sac." L["The size of the individual buttons on the bank frame."] = "La taille des boutons individuels sur la fenêtre de la banque." L["The spacing between buttons."] = "Espacement entre deux boutons." L["The spacing between the backdrop and the buttons."] = "Espace entre le fond et les boutons." L["The texture that will be used mainly for statusbars."] = "La texture qui sera utilisé principalement pour la barre de statut." L["The Thin Border Theme option will change the overall apperance of your UI. Using Thin Border Theme is a slight performance increase over the traditional layout."] = true L["The unit prefixes you want to use when values are shortened in ElvUI. This is mostly used on UnitFrames."] = true L["These filters don't use a list of spells like the regular filters. Instead they use the WoW API and some code logic to determine if an aura should be allowed or blocked."] = true L["These filters use a list of spells to determine if an aura should be allowed or blocked. The content of these filters can be modified in the Filters section of the config."] = true L["Thin Border Theme"] = "Thème aec bordures fines" L["Thin Borders"] = "Bordures fines" L["This allows you to create a new datatext which will track the currency with the supplied currency ID. The datatext can be added to a panel immediately after creation."] = true L["This dictates the size of the icon when it is not attached to the castbar."] = "Ceci force la taille de l'icône lorsqu'elle n'est pas rattachée à la barre d'incantation." L["This feature will allow you to transfer settings to other characters."] = "Cette fonctionnalité vous permettra de transférer les paramètres à d'autres personnages." L["This is for Customized Icons in your Interface/Icons folder."] = true L["This opens the AuraBar Colors filter. These settings affect specific spells."] = true L["This opens the UnitFrames Color settings. These settings affect all unitframes."] = "Ouvre la configuration des couleurs des unités. Ces options impactent toutes les barres d'unités." L["This option allows the overlay to span the whole health, including the background."] = true L["This option controls the Blizzard setting for whether or not the Nameplates should be shown."] = true L["This option will force hide Blizzard's cooldown text if it is enabled at [Interface > ActionBars > Show Numbers on Cooldown]."] = true L["This section will allow you to copy settings to a select module from or to a different profile."] = true L["This section will help reset specfic settings back to default."] = true L["This selects the Chat Frame to use as the output of ElvUI messages."] = true L["This setting controls the size of text in item comparison tooltips."] = true L["This setting will be updated upon changing stances."] = "Ce réglage sera activé lors d'un changement de posture" L["This texture will get used on objects like chat windows and dropdown menus."] = "Cette texture sera utilisée pour les fenêtres de discussion et les menus déroulants." L["This will override the global cooldown settings."] = true L["This will pin the voice buttons to the chat's tab panel. Unchecking it will create a voice button panel with a mover."] = true L["This will reset the contents of this filter back to default. Any spell you have added to this filter will be removed."] = true L["Threat Display Mode"] = "Affichage du Mode de Menace." L["Threat Health"] = true L["Threat Power"] = true L["Threat"] = "Menace" L["Threshold (in minutes) before text is shown in the HH:MM format. Set to -1 to never change to this format."] = true L["Threshold (in seconds) before text is shown in the MM:SS format. Set to -1 to never change to this format."] = true L["Threshold before text turns red and is in decimal form. Set to -1 for it to never turn red"] = "Seuil avant que le texte devienne rouge sous forme de décimal. Mettre -1 pour qu'il ne devienne jamais rouge." L["Threshold before the icon will fade out and back in. Set to -1 to disable."] = true L["Threshold Colors"] = true L["Ticks"] = "Ticks" L["Tiers"] = true L["Time Indicator Colors"] = true L["Time Options"] = true L["Time Remaining Reverse"] = "Temps restant inversé" L["Time Remaining"] = "Temps restant" L["Time To Hold"] = true L["Time xOffset"] = "Décalage X du temps" L["Time yOffset"] = "Décalage Y du temps" L["Time"] = "Temps" L["Timestamp Color"] = "Couleur des heures" L["Title will only appear if Name Only is enabled or triggered in a Style Filter."] = true L["Toggle 24-hour mode for the time datatext."] = "Affiche le mode 24 Heures" L["Toggle Anchors"] = "Afficher les ancres" L["Toggle Off While In Combat"] = true L["Toggle On While In Combat"] = true L["Toggle showing of the left and right chat panels."] = "Afficher ou masquer le côté gauche / droit des panneaux de discussion." L["Toggle the chat tab panel backdrop."] = "Affiche le fond de l'onglet du panneau de discussion." L["Toggle Tutorials"] = "Afficher les tutoriels" L["Toggles the display of the actionbars backdrop."] = "Affiche ou non la couleur de fond de la barre d'action." L["Tooltip Font Settings"] = "Configuration des polices des infobulles" L["Top Arrow"] = true L["Top Left"] = "En haut à gauche" L["Top Panel"] = "Bandeau en haut" L["Top Right"] = "En haut à droite" L["Top to Bottom"] = "Du haut vers le bas" L["Top"] = "En haut" L["Totems"] = true L["Trainer Frame"] = "Entraîneur" L["Transparency level when not in combat, no target exists, full health, not casting, and no focus target exists."] = true L["Transparent"] = "Transparent" L["Triggers"] = true L["Trivial"] = true L["Turtle Color"] = "Couleur Turtle" L["Tutorials"] = true L["Ultrawide Support"] = true L["Under Health Threshold"] = true L["Under Power Threshold"] = true L["Unfriendly"] = true L["Unit Conditions"] = true L["Unit in Combat"] = true L["Unit in Vehicle"] = true L["Unit is Not Owned By Player"] = true L["Unit is Not Pet"] = true L["Unit is Not Player Controlled"] = true L["Unit is Not PvP"] = true L["Unit is Not Tap Denied"] = true L["Unit is Owned By Player"] = true L["Unit is Pet"] = true L["Unit is Player Controlled"] = true L["Unit is PvP"] = true L["Unit is Tap Denied"] = true L["Unit Out of Combat"] = true L["Unit Out of Vehicle"] = true L["Unit Prefix Style"] = "Style des préfixes d'unités" L["Unit Target"] = true L["Unit Type"] = true L["UnitFrames"] = "Cadre d'unité" L["Unlock various elements of the UI to be repositioned."] = "Déverrouille divers éléments de l'interface utilisateur pour être repositionné." L["Up"] = "Haut" L["URL Links"] = "Liens URL" L["Usable"] = "Uilisable" L["Use a more visible flash animation for Auto Attacks."] = true L["Use Alt Key"] = "Utiliser la touche Alt" L["Use Atlas Textures if there is one available."] = true L["Use Atlas Textures"] = true L["Use BattleTag instead of Real ID names in chat. Chat History will always use BattleTag."] = true L["Use Blizzard Cleanup"] = true L["Use Blizzards method of cleaning up bags instead of the ElvUI sorting."] = true L["Use class color for the names of players when they are mentioned."] = "Utiliser les couleurs de classe pour les noms des joueurs lorsqu'ils sont mentionnés." L["Use Class Color"] = true L["Use coin icons instead of colored text."] = "Utiliser les icônes de pièces au lieu du texte coloré." L["Use Custom Backdrop"] = true L["Use Custom Level"] = "Utiliser un niveau définie" L["Use Custom Strata"] = "Utiliser une couche définie" L["Use Dead Backdrop"] = "Utiliser le fond pour les joueurs morts" L["Use Default"] = "Par défaut" L["Use drag and drop to rearrange filter priority or right click to remove a filter."] = true L["Use Indicator Color"] = true L["Use Instance ID or Name"] = true L["Use Map ID or Name"] = true L["Use Portrait"] = true L["Use Real ID BattleTag"] = true L["Use Shift+LeftClick to toggle between friendly or enemy or normal state. Normal state will allow the filter to be checked on all units. Friendly state is for friendly units only and enemy state is for enemy units."] = true L["Use Static Position"] = true L["Use Subzone Names"] = true L["Use Tanked Color when a nameplate is being effectively tanked by another tank."] = true L["Use the custom backdrop color instead of a multiple of the main color."] = true L["Use the profile specific filter Buff Indicator (Profile) instead of the global filter Buff Indicator."] = "Utilisez un profil spécifique pour les filtres d'indicateur d'amélioration au lieu d'utiliser le filtre global." L["Use thin borders on certain unitframe elements."] = "Utiliser les bordures fines sur certains cadres d'unités." L["Use this backdrop color for units that are dead or ghosts."] = "Utiliser cette couleur de fond pour les joueurs morts ou en fantômes" L["Use Threat Color"] = true L["Use Tooltip"] = "Utiliser l'infobulle" L["Use Zone Names"] = true L["Used as RaidDebuff Indicator"] = "Utiliser comme indicateur d'affaiblissement en raid" L["Value Color"] = "Couleur des Textes d'informations" L["Vehicle Exit"] = true L["Vehicle Seat Indicator Size"] = true L["Vehicle"] = true L["Vendor Gray Detailed Report"] = true L["Version"] = "Version" L["Vertical Fill Direction"] = "Orientation verticale" L["Vertical Spacing"] = "Espace vertical" L["Vertical"] = "Verticale" L["Visibility State"] = "État de visibilité" L["Visibility"] = "Visibilité" L["Warboard"] = "Tableau de l’appel des héros" L["What point to anchor to the frame you set to attach to."] = "Quel point d'ancrage sur le cadre vous choisissez à attacher." L["What to attach the buff anchor frame to."] = "Choisissez à quoi vous voulez attacher les améliorations sur le cadre." L["When enabled it will only show spells that were added to the filter using a spell ID and not a name."] = "Si activé, seuls les sorts ajoutés au filtre à l'aide de leur ID et non d'un nom seront visibles." L["When enabled the nameplate will stay visible in a locked position."] = true L["When in a raid group display if anyone in your raid is targeting the current tooltip unit."] = "Dans un groupe de raid, affiche l'infobulle d une personne ciblée par une autre." L["When inside a battleground display personal scoreboard information on the main datatext bars."] = "Lorsqu'à l'intérieur d'un champ de bataille, afficher le tableau des scores personnels dans la barre principale des textes d'informations." L["When opening the Chat Editbox to type a message having this option set means it will retain the last channel you spoke in. If this option is turned off opening the Chat Editbox should always default to the SAY channel."] = "Permet de retenir les derniers messages sur le canal de discussion que vous avez utilisé. Si cette option est désactivé, le canal utilisé par défaut sera Dire." L["When true, the header includes the player when not in a raid."] = "Quand coché, l'en-tête est affichée lorsque le joueur n'est pas dans un raid." L["When using Static Position, this option also requires the target to be attackable."] = true L["When you go AFK display the AFK screen."] = "Quand vous êtes AFK, affiche un écran spécial." L["Whisper Alert"] = "Alerte chuchotement" L["Whitelist"] = "Liste blanche" L["Width Multiplier"] = "Multiplicateur largeur" L["Width"] = "Largeur" L["Will attempt to sell another item in set interval after previous one was sold."] = true L["Will show Buffs in the Debuff position when there are no Debuffs active, or vice versa."] = "Voir les améliorations avec les affaiblissements quand il n'y a pas d'affaiblissement actif, et vice versa." L["Word Wrap"] = "Césure des mots" L["World Map Coordinates"] = "Coordonnées de la carte du Monde" L["Wrap After"] = "Retour à la ligne après" L["X-Offset"] = "Décalage de l'axe X" L["Y-Offset"] = "Décalage de l'axe Y" L["You are going to copy settings for |cffD3CF00\"%s\"|r from |cff4beb2c\"%s\"|r profile to your current |cff4beb2c\"%s\"|r profile. Are you sure?"] = true L["You are going to copy settings for |cffD3CF00\"%s\"|r from your current |cff4beb2c\"%s\"|r profile to |cff4beb2c\"%s\"|r profile. Are you sure?"] = true L["You cannot copy settings from the same unit."] = "Vous ne pouvez pas copier les réglages du même cadre." L["You do not need to use Is Casting Anything or Is Channeling Anything for these spells to trigger."] = true L["You must be targeting a player."] = "Vous devez cibler un joueur." L["You need to hold this modifier down in order to blacklist an aura by right-clicking the icon. Set to None to disable the blacklist functionality."] = "Vous devez maintenir le modifieur enfoncé pour retirer une aura en cliquant du droit sur l'icône. Sélectionnez Aucun pour désactiver la liste noire." L["You still have ElvUI_Config installed. ElvUI_Config has been renamed to ElvUI_OptionsUI, please remove it."] = true L["Your Auras First"] = "Vos Auras en premier" L["Zone Ability"] = "Zone d'abilité" L["Zone Name"] = true ---------------------------------- L["BlizzardNameplate"] = true L["blockCastByPlayers"] = "[Block] Cast By Players" L["blockDispellable"] = "[Block] Dispellable" L["blockNoDuration"] = "[Block] No Duration" L["blockNonPersonal"] = "[Block] Non Personal" L["blockNotDispellable"] = "[Block] Not Dispellable" L["Boss"] = true L["CastByNPC"] = "Cast By NPC" L["CastByPlayers"] = "Cast By Players" L["CastByUnit"] = "Cast By Unit" L["Dispellable"] = true L["MyPet"] = true L["nonPersonal"] = "Non Personal" L["notCastByUnit"] = "Not Cast By Unit" L["notDispellable"] = "Not Dispellable" L["OtherPet"] = true L["Personal"] = true ---------------------------------- L["ACTIONBARS_DESC"] = "Modifier les options des barres d'actions." L["AURAS_DESC"] = "Configure les icônes qui apparaissent près de la Minicarte." L["BAGS_DESC"] = "Ajuster les paramètres des sacs pour ElvUI." L["CHAT_DESC"] = "Ajuste les paramètres du chat pour ElvUI." L["COOLDOWN_DESC"] = "Adjust Cooldown Settings." L["DATATEXT_DESC"] = "Configuration de l'affichage des textes d'informations." L["ELVUI_DESC"] = "|cffff8000ElvUI|r est une interface de remplacement complète pour World of Warcraft." L["NAMEPLATE_DESC"] = "Modifier la configuration des barre de noms des unités." L["PANEL_DESC"] = "Ajuste la largeur et la hauteur des fenêtres de chat, cela ajuste aussi les sacs." L["SKINS_DESC"] = "Ajuste les paramètres d'habillage." L["TOGGLESKIN_DESC"] = "Active ou désactive l'habillage ElvUI des éléments ci-dessous." L["TOOLTIP_DESC"] = "Configuration des infobulles." L["UNITFRAME_DESC"] = "Modifier les options des cadres d'unités." L["VISIBILITY_DESC"] = [=[La macro suivante doit être cochée pour que le groupe soit affiché, en plus de la configuration des filtres. |cffff8000Defaults:|r Party: [@raid6,exists][nogroup] hide;show Raid: [@raid6,noexists][@raid26,exists] hide;show Raid40: [@raid26,noexists] hide;show] Raid Pet: [group:raid] show; hide]=] L["SEARCH_SYNTAX_DESC"] = [=[With the new addition of LibItemSearch, you now have access to much more advanced item searches. The following is a documentation of the search syntax. See the full explanation at: https://github.com/Jaliborc/LibItemSearch-1.2/wiki/Search-Syntax. Specific Searching: • q:[quality] or quality:[quality]. For instance, q:epic will find all epic items. • l:[level], lvl:[level] or level:[level]. For example, l:30 will find all items with level 30. • t:[search], type:[search] or slot:[search]. For instance, t:weapon will find all weapons. • n:[name] or name:[name]. For instance, typing n:muffins will find all items with names containing "muffins". • s:[set] or set:[set]. For example, s:fire will find all items in equipment sets you have with names that start with fire. • r:[level], reg:[level], rl:[level], regl:[level] or reqlvl:[level]. For example, reqlvl:30 will find all items that require level 30. • tt:[search], tip:[search] or tooltip:[search]. For instance, tt:binds will find all items that can be bound to account, on equip, or on pickup. Search Operators: • ! : Negates a search. For example, !q:epic will find all items that are NOT epic. • | : Joins two searches. Typing q:epic | t:weapon will find all items that are either epic OR weapons. • & : Intersects two searches. For instance, q:epic & t:weapon will find all items that are epic AND weapons • >, <, <=, => : Performs comparisons on numerical searches. For example, typing lvl: >30 will find all items with level HIGHER than 30. The following search keywords can also be used: • soulbound, bound, bop : Bind on pickup items. • bou : Bind on use items. • boe : Bind on equip items. • boa : Bind on account items. • quest : Quest bound items. • reagent, crafting : Profession reagents. • keystone : Mythic Keystone. • followers : Follower items. • champions : Champion equipment.]=] L[ [=[This works like a macro, you can run different situations to get the actionbar to page differently. Example: '[combat] 2;']=] ] = [=[Ceci fonctionne comme une macro, vous pouvez exécuter différentes situations pour avoir une pagination de la barre d'actions différente. Exemple: '[combat] 2;']=] L[ [=[This works like a macro, you can run different situations to get the actionbar to show/hide differently. Example: '[combat] show;hide']=] ] = [=[Ceci fonctionne comme une macro, vous pouvez exécuter différentes situations pour afficher ou masquer la barre d'actions différemment. Exemple: '[combat] show;hide']=] L[ [=[Specify a filename located inside the World of Warcraft directory. Textures folder that you wish to have set as a panel background. Please Note: -The image size recommended is 256x128 -You must do a complete game restart after adding a file to the folder. -The file type must be tga format. Example: Interface\AddOns\ElvUI\Media\Textures\Copy Or for most users it would be easier to simply put a tga file into your WoW folder, then type the name of the file here.]=] ] = [=[Indiquez un nom de fichier situé dans le répertoire World of Warcraft, le dossier des Textures que vous souhaitez utiliser en fond de panneau. Notez: La taille de l'image recommandée est de 256x128 pixels Vous devez redémarrer le jeu après avoir ajouté un fichier dans le dossier. Le format du fichier doit être en .tga Exemple: Interface\AddOns\ElvUI\Media\Textures\Copy Ou pour la majorité des utilsateurs, il serait plus simple de mettre le fichier tga dans le dossier de World of Warcraft puis de taper son nom ici.]=] -- Global Strings L["ACHIEVEMENTS"] = "Hauts faits"; L["ADVENTURE_MAP_TITLE"] = "Reconnaissance"; L["AFK"] = "ABS"; L["ALL"] = "Tous"; L["ALT_KEY_TEXT"] = "ALT"; L["ARENA"] = "Arène"; L["AUCTIONS"] = "Ventes"; L["AZERITE_RESPEC_TITLE"] = "Retoucheur azéritique"; L["BAG_FILTER_CONSUMABLES"] = "Consommables"; L["BAG_FILTER_EQUIPMENT"] = "Équipement"; L["BAG_FILTER_TRADE_GOODS"] = "Fournitures d’artisanat"; L["BAGSLOT"] = "Sac"; L["BARBERSHOP"] = "Salon de coiffure"; L["BATTLEFIELDS"] = "Champs de bataille"; L["BINDING_HEADER_RAID_TARGET"] = "Marqueurs de cible"; L["BINDING_HEADER_VOICE_CHAT"] = "Discussion audio"; L["BLACK_MARKET_AUCTION_HOUSE"] = "Hôtel des ventes au marché noir"; L["BLOCK"] = "Blocage"; L["BUFFOPTIONS_LABEL"] = "Améliorations et affaiblissements"; L["CHALLENGE_MODE"] = "Mode Défi"; L["CHANNELS"] = "Canaux"; L["CHAT_MSG_EMOTE"] = "Emote"; L["CHI_POWER"] = "Chi"; L["CLASS"] = "Classe"; L["COLLECTIONS"] = "Collections"; L["COLOR"] = "Couleur"; L["COLORS"] = "Couleurs"; L["COMBAT"] = "Combat"; L["COMBO_POINTS"] = "|4Point:Points; de combo"; L["COMMUNITIES"] = "Communautés"; L["CTRL_KEY_TEXT"] = "CTRL"; L["CURRENCY"] = "Monnaies"; L["CUSTOM"] = "Personnalisé"; L["DAMAGER"] = "Dégâts"; L["DEATH_RECAP_TITLE"] = "Circonstances de la mort"; L["DEFAULT"] = "Défaut"; L["DELETE"] = "Suppr."; L["DISABLE"] = "Désactiver"; L["DND"] = "OQP"; L["DRESSUP_FRAME"] = "Cabine d'essayage"; L["DUNGEON_DIFFICULTY"] = "Difficulté du donjon"; L["DUNGEONS"] = "Donjons"; L["ELITE"] = "Élite"; L["ENCOUNTER_JOURNAL_SECTION_FLAG10"] = "Effet de maladie"; L["ENCOUNTER_JOURNAL_SECTION_FLAG7"] = "Effet de magie"; L["ENCOUNTER_JOURNAL_SECTION_FLAG8"] = "Effet de malédiction"; L["ENCOUNTER_JOURNAL_SECTION_FLAG9"] = "Effet de poison"; L["ENCOUNTER_JOURNAL"] = "Codex des donjons"; L["ENEMY"] = "Ennemi"; L["ENERGY"] = "Énergie"; L["FACTION_STANDING_LABEL1"] = "Haï"; L["FACTION_STANDING_LABEL2"] = "Hostile"; L["FACTION_STANDING_LABEL3"] = "Inamical"; L["FACTION_STANDING_LABEL4"] = "Neutre"; L["FACTION_STANDING_LABEL5"] = "Amical"; L["FACTION_STANDING_LABEL6"] = "Honoré"; L["FACTION_STANDING_LABEL7"] = "Révéré"; L["FACTION_STANDING_LABEL8"] = "Exalté"; L["FILTERS"] = "Filtres"; L["FLIGHT_MAP"] = "Carte des trajets aériens"; L["FOCUS"] = "Focalisation"; L["FONT_SIZE"] = "Taille de la police"; L["FRIEND"] = "Ami"; L["FRIENDS"] = "Contacts"; L["FURY"] = "Fureur"; L["GARRISON_CURRENT_LEVEL"] = "Palier %d"; L["GARRISON_LANDING_PAGE_TITLE"] = "Rapport du fief"; L["GARRISON_LOCATION_TOOLTIP"] = "Fief"; L["GUILD_BANK"] = "Banque de guilde"; L["GUILD"] = "Guilde"; L["HEALER"] = "Soigneur"; L["HEALTH"] = "Vie"; L["HIDE"] = "Cacher"; L["HOLY_POWER"] = "Puissance sacrée"; L["HONOR"] = "Honneur"; L["INSANITY"] = "Insanité"; L["INSCRIPTION"] = "Calligraphie"; L["INSPECT"] = "Inspecter"; L["INTERFACE_OPTIONS"] = "Options d'interface"; L["ISLANDS_HEADER"] = "Exploration des îles"; L["ITEM_BIND_QUEST"] = "Objet de quête"; L["ITEM_QUALITY3_DESC"] = "Rare"; L["ITEM_QUALITY6_DESC"] = "Prodigieuse"; L["ITEMS"] = "Objets"; L["KEY_BINDING"] = "Raccourci"; L["LANGUAGE"] = "Langue"; L["LEVEL"] = "Niveau"; L["LFG_TITLE"] = "Recherche de groupe"; L["LOCK_ACTIONBAR_TEXT"] = "Verr. barres d'actions"; L["LOSS_OF_CONTROL"] = "Alertes Perte de contrôle"; L["LUNAR_POWER"] = "Puissance astrale"; L["MACROS"] = "Macros"; L["MAELSTROM"] = "Maelström"; L["MAIL_LABEL"] = "Courrier"; L["MANA"] = "Mana"; L["MAP_FADE_TEXT"] = "Disparition de la carte en mouvement"; L["MINIMAP_LABEL"] = "Minicarte"; L["NAME"] = "Nom"; L["NONE"] = "Aucun"; L["NPC_NAMES_DROPDOWN_ALL"] = "Tous les PNJ"; L["NPC_NAMES_DROPDOWN_TRACKED"] = "PNJ de quête"; L["OBJECTIVES_TRACKER_LABEL"] = "Objectifs"; L["OBLITERUM_FORGE_TITLE"] = "Forge à oblitérium"; L["OPACITY"] = "Opacité"; L["OPTION_TOOLTIP_ACTION_BUTTON_USE_KEY_DOWN"] = "Les boutons d’action associés à un raccourci clavier se déclencheront au moment où la touche est enfoncée, et non relâchée."; L["OPTION_TOOLTIP_TIMESTAMPS"] = "Sélectionner le format de l'heure dans les fenêtres de discussion."; L["PAIN"] = "Souffrance"; L["PARTY"] = "Groupe"; L["PET"] = "Familier"; L["PICKUP_ACTION_KEY_TEXT"] = "Touche de déverrouillage"; L["PLAYER_DIFFICULTY1"] = "Normal"; L["PLAYER"] = "Joueur"; L["POWER_TYPE_ARCANE_CHARGES"] = "Charges arcaniques"; L["PROFESSIONS_COOKING"] = "Cuisine"; L["PROFESSIONS_FISHING"] = "Pêche"; L["RAGE"] = "Rage"; L["RAGE"] = "Rage"; L["RAID_CONTROL"] = "Contrôle de raid"; L["RAID_INFO_WORLD_BOSS"] = "Boss hors instance"; L["RAID_TARGET_1"] = "Étoile"; L["RAID_TARGET_2"] = "Cercle"; L["RAID_TARGET_3"] = "Losange"; L["RAID_TARGET_4"] = "Triangle"; L["RAID_TARGET_5"] = "Lune"; L["RAID_TARGET_6"] = "Carré"; L["RAID_TARGET_7"] = "Croix"; L["RAID_TARGET_8"] = "Crâne"; L["RAID"] = "Raid"; L["Reputation"] = "Réputation"; L["REVERSE_NEW_LOOT_TEXT"] = "Butin dans le sac le plus à gauche"; L["ROLE"] = "Rôle"; L["RUNES"] = "Runes"; L["RUNIC_POWER"] = "P. runique"; L["SAY"] = "Dire"; L["SCENARIOS"] = "Scénarios"; L["SCRAP_BUTTON"] = "Recyclage"; L["SHIFT_KEY_TEXT"] = "MAJ"; L["SHORT"] = "Court"; L["SHOW"] = "Afficher"; L["SOUL_SHARDS"] = "|4Éclat:Éclats; d'âme"; L["SPEED"] = "Vitesse"; L["SPELLBOOK"] = "Grimoire"; L["TALENT"] = "Talent"; L["TALENTS"] = "Talents"; L["TANK"] = "Tank"; L["TARGET"] = "Cibler"; L["TIMEMANAGER_TITLE"] = "Horloge"; L["TIMESTAMPS_LABEL"] = "Heures des messages"; L["TRADE"] = "Échanger"; L["TRADESKILLS"] = "Artisanat"; L["TRANSMOGRIFY"] = "Transmogrifier"; L["UI_SCALE"] = "Échelle de l’interface "; L["UNIT_NAME_PLAYER_TITLE"] = "Titres"; L["UNIT_NAMEPLATES_AUTOMODE"] = "Toujours afficher les barres d’info"; L["UNIT_NAMEPLATES_SHOW_ENEMY_MINIONS"] = "Serviteurs"; L["UNIT_NAMEPLATES_SHOW_ENEMY_MINUS"] = "Mineure"; L["UNIT_NAMEPLATES_TYPE_1"] = "Barres d’info superposées"; L["UNIT_NAMEPLATES_TYPE_2"] = "Barres d’info empilées"; L["UNIT_NAMEPLATES_TYPES"] = "Affichage des barres d’info"; L["VOID_STORAGE"] = "Chambre du Vide"; L["WORLD_MAP"] = "Carte"; L["XPBAR_LABEL"] = "Barre d'expérience"; L["YELL"] = "Crier";