local E, _, V, P, G = unpack(ElvUI) --Import: Engine, Locales, PrivateDB, ProfileDB, GlobalDB local C, L = unpack(select(2, ...)) local UF = E:GetModule('UnitFrames') local ACD = E.Libs.AceConfigDialog local ACH = E.Libs.ACH local _G = _G local format, gsub, ipairs, pairs, select, strmatch, strsplit = format, gsub, ipairs, pairs, select, strmatch, strsplit local tconcat, tinsert, tremove, type, wipe, tonumber = table.concat, tinsert, tremove, type, wipe, tonumber local GetScreenWidth = GetScreenWidth local IsAddOnLoaded = IsAddOnLoaded -- GLOBALS: ElvUF_Parent, ElvUF_Player, ElvUF_Pet, ElvUF_PetTarget, ElvUF_Party, ElvUF_Raidpet -- GLOBALS: ElvUF_Target, ElvUF_TargetTarget, ElvUF_TargetTargetTarget, ElvUF_Focus, ElvUF_FocusTarget local positionValues = { TOPLEFT = 'TOPLEFT', LEFT = 'LEFT', BOTTOMLEFT = 'BOTTOMLEFT', RIGHT = 'RIGHT', TOPRIGHT = 'TOPRIGHT', BOTTOMRIGHT = 'BOTTOMRIGHT', CENTER = 'CENTER', TOP = 'TOP', BOTTOM = 'BOTTOM', } local orientationValues = { LEFT = L["Left"], MIDDLE = L["Middle"], RIGHT = L["Right"], } local threatValues = { GLOW = L["Glow"], BORDERS = L["Borders"], HEALTHBORDER = L["Health Border"], INFOPANELBORDER = L["InfoPanel Border"], ICONTOPLEFT = L["Icon: TOPLEFT"], ICONTOPRIGHT = L["Icon: TOPRIGHT"], ICONBOTTOMLEFT = L["Icon: BOTTOMLEFT"], ICONBOTTOMRIGHT = L["Icon: BOTTOMRIGHT"], ICONLEFT = L["Icon: LEFT"], ICONRIGHT = L["Icon: RIGHT"], ICONTOP = L["Icon: TOP"], ICONBOTTOM = L["Icon: BOTTOM"], NONE = L["NONE"], } local petAnchors = { TOPLEFT = 'TOPLEFT', LEFT = 'LEFT', BOTTOMLEFT = 'BOTTOMLEFT', RIGHT = 'RIGHT', TOPRIGHT = 'TOPRIGHT', BOTTOMRIGHT = 'BOTTOMRIGHT', TOP = 'TOP', BOTTOM = 'BOTTOM', } local attachToValues = { Health = L["Health"], Power = L["Power"], InfoPanel = L["Information Panel"], Frame = L["Frame"], } local growthDirectionValues = { DOWN_RIGHT = format(L["%s and then %s"], L["Down"], L["Right"]), DOWN_LEFT = format(L["%s and then %s"], L["Down"], L["Left"]), UP_RIGHT = format(L["%s and then %s"], L["Up"], L["Right"]), UP_LEFT = format(L["%s and then %s"], L["Up"], L["Left"]), RIGHT_DOWN = format(L["%s and then %s"], L["Right"], L["Down"]), RIGHT_UP = format(L["%s and then %s"], L["Right"], L["Up"]), LEFT_DOWN = format(L["%s and then %s"], L["Left"], L["Down"]), LEFT_UP = format(L["%s and then %s"], L["Left"], L["Up"]), } local smartAuraPositionValues = { DISABLED = L["DISABLE"], BUFFS_ON_DEBUFFS = L["Position Buffs on Debuffs"], DEBUFFS_ON_BUFFS = L["Position Debuffs on Buffs"], FLUID_BUFFS_ON_DEBUFFS = L["Fluid Position Buffs on Debuffs"], FLUID_DEBUFFS_ON_BUFFS = L["Fluid Position Debuffs on Buffs"], } local colorOverrideValues = { USE_DEFAULT = L["Use Default"], FORCE_ON = L["Force On"], FORCE_OFF = L["Force Off"], } local blendModeValues = { DISABLE = L["Disable"], BLEND = L["Blend"], ADD = L["Additive Blend"], ALPHAKEY = L["Alpha Key"], } local CUSTOMTEXT_CONFIGS = {} local carryFilterFrom, carryFilterTo local function filterMatch(s,v) local m1, m2, m3, m4 = '^'..v..'$', '^'..v..',', ','..v..'$', ','..v..',' return (strmatch(s, m1) and m1) or (strmatch(s, m2) and m2) or (strmatch(s, m3) and m3) or (strmatch(s, m4) and v..',') end local function filterPriority(auraType, groupName, value, remove, movehere, friendState) if not auraType or not value then return end local filter = E.db.unitframe.units[groupName] and E.db.unitframe.units[groupName][auraType] and E.db.unitframe.units[groupName][auraType].priority if not filter then return end local found = filterMatch(filter, E:EscapeString(value)) if found and movehere then local tbl, sv, sm = {strsplit(',',filter)} for i in ipairs(tbl) do if tbl[i] == value then sv = i elseif tbl[i] == movehere then sm = i end if sv and sm then break end end tremove(tbl, sm);tinsert(tbl, sv, movehere); E.db.unitframe.units[groupName][auraType].priority = tconcat(tbl,',') elseif found and friendState then local realValue = strmatch(value, '^Friendly:([^,]*)') or strmatch(value, '^Enemy:([^,]*)') or value local friend = filterMatch(filter, E:EscapeString('Friendly:'..realValue)) local enemy = filterMatch(filter, E:EscapeString('Enemy:'..realValue)) local default = filterMatch(filter, E:EscapeString(realValue)) local state = (friend and (not enemy) and format('%s%s','Enemy:',realValue)) --[x] friend [ ] enemy: > enemy or ((not enemy and not friend) and format('%s%s','Friendly:',realValue)) --[ ] friend [ ] enemy: > friendly or (enemy and (not friend) and default and format('%s%s','Friendly:',realValue)) --[ ] friend [x] enemy: (default exists) > friendly or (enemy and (not friend) and strmatch(value, '^Enemy:') and realValue) --[ ] friend [x] enemy: (no default) > realvalue or (friend and enemy and realValue) --[x] friend [x] enemy: > default if state then local stateFound = filterMatch(filter, E:EscapeString(state)) if not stateFound then local tbl, sv = {strsplit(',',filter)} for i in ipairs(tbl) do if tbl[i] == value then sv = i;break end end tinsert(tbl, sv, state);tremove(tbl, sv+1) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName][auraType].priority = tconcat(tbl,',') end end elseif found and remove then E.db.unitframe.units[groupName][auraType].priority = gsub(filter, found, '') elseif not found and not remove then E.db.unitframe.units[groupName][auraType].priority = (filter == '' and value) or (filter..','..value) end end ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- OPTIONS TABLES ----------------------------------------------------------------------- local function GetOptionsTable_StrataAndFrameLevel(updateFunc, groupName, numUnits, subGroup) local config = { type = 'group', name = L["Strata and Level"], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].strataAndLevel[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].strataAndLevel[info[#info]] = value; updateFunc(UF, groupName, numUnits) end, args = { useCustomStrata = { order = 1, type = 'toggle', name = L["Use Custom Strata"], }, frameStrata = { order = 2, type = 'select', name = L["Frame Strata"], values = C.Values.Strata, }, spacer = ACH:Spacer(3), useCustomLevel = { order = 4, type = 'toggle', name = L["Use Custom Level"], }, frameLevel = { order = 5, type = 'range', name = L["Frame Level"], min = 2, max = 128, step = 1, }, }, } if subGroup then config.inline = true config.get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName][subGroup].strataAndLevel[info[#info]] end config.set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName][subGroup].strataAndLevel[info[#info]] = value; updateFunc(UF, groupName, numUnits) end end return config end local function GetOptionsTable_AuraBars(updateFunc, groupName) local config = { type = 'group', name = L["Aura Bars"], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].aurabar[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].aurabar[info[#info]] = value; updateFunc(UF, groupName) end, args = { enable = { type = 'toggle', order = 1, name = L["Enable"], }, configureButton1 = { order = 2, name = L["Coloring"], desc = L["This opens the UnitFrames Color settings. These settings affect all unitframes."], type = 'execute', func = function() ACD:SelectGroup('ElvUI', 'unitframe', 'generalOptionsGroup', 'allColorsGroup', 'auraBars') end, }, configureButton2 = { order = 3, name = L["Coloring (Specific)"], desc = L["This opens the AuraBar Colors filter. These settings affect specific spells."], type = 'execute', func = function() E:SetToFilterConfig('AuraBar Colors') end, }, anchorPoint = { type = 'select', order = 4, name = L["Anchor Point"], desc = L["What point to anchor to the frame you set to attach to."], values = { ABOVE = L["Above"], BELOW = L["Below"], }, }, attachTo = { type = 'select', order = 5, name = L["Attach To"], desc = L["The object you want to attach to."], values = { FRAME = L["Frame"], DEBUFFS = L["Debuffs"], BUFFS = L["Buffs"], DETACHED = L["Detach From Frame"], }, }, height = { type = 'range', order = 6, name = L["Height"], min = 5, max = 40, step = 1, }, detachedWidth = { type = 'range', order = 7, name = L["Detached Width"], hidden = function() return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].aurabar.attachTo ~= 'DETACHED' end, min = 50, max = 500, step = 1, }, maxBars = { type = 'range', order = 8, name = L["Max Bars"], min = 1, max = 40, step = 1, }, sortMethod = { order = 9, name = L["Sort By"], desc = L["Method to sort by."], type = 'select', values = { TIME_REMAINING = L["Time Remaining"], DURATION = L["Duration"], NAME = L["NAME"], INDEX = L["Index"], PLAYER = L["PLAYER"], }, }, sortDirection = { order = 10, name = L["Sort Direction"], desc = L["Ascending or Descending order."], type = 'select', values = { ASCENDING = L["Ascending"], DESCENDING = L["Descending"], }, }, friendlyAuraType = { type = 'select', order = 16, name = L["Friendly Aura Type"], desc = L["Set the type of auras to show when a unit is friendly."], values = { HARMFUL = L["Debuffs"], HELPFUL = L["Buffs"], }, }, enemyAuraType = { type = 'select', order = 17, name = L["Enemy Aura Type"], desc = L["Set the type of auras to show when a unit is a foe."], values = { HARMFUL = L["Debuffs"], HELPFUL = L["Buffs"], }, }, yOffset = { order = 19, type = 'range', name = L["Y-Offset"], min = 0, max = 100, step = 1, hidden = function() return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].aurabar.attachTo == 'DETACHED' end, }, spacing = { order = 20, type = 'range', name = L["Spacing"], min = 0, softMax = 20, step = 1, }, filters = { name = L["FILTERS"], inline = true, type = 'group', order = 500, args = { minDuration = { order = 1, type = 'range', name = L["Minimum Duration"], desc = L["Don't display auras that are shorter than this duration (in seconds). Set to zero to disable."], min = 0, max = 10800, step = 1, }, maxDuration = { order = 2, type = 'range', name = L["Maximum Duration"], desc = L["Don't display auras that are longer than this duration (in seconds). Set to zero to disable."], min = 0, max = 10800, step = 1, }, jumpToFilter = { order = 3, name = L["Filters Page"], desc = L["Shortcut to 'Filters' section of the config."], type = 'execute', func = function() ACD:SelectGroup('ElvUI', 'filters') end, }, specialPriority = { order = 4, sortByValue = true, type = 'select', name = L["Add Special Filter"], desc = L["These filters don't use a list of spells like the regular filters. Instead they use the WoW API and some code logic to determine if an aura should be allowed or blocked."], values = function() local filters = {} local list = E.global.unitframe.specialFilters if not list then return end for filter in pairs(list) do filters[filter] = L[filter] end return filters end, set = function(info, value) filterPriority('aurabar', groupName, value) updateFunc(UF, groupName) end }, priority = { order = 5, name = L["Add Regular Filter"], desc = L["These filters use a list of spells to determine if an aura should be allowed or blocked. The content of these filters can be modified in the Filters section of the config."], type = 'select', values = function() local filters = {} local list = E.global.unitframe.aurafilters if not list then return end for filter in pairs(list) do filters[filter] = filter end return filters end, set = function(info, value) filterPriority('aurabar', groupName, value) updateFunc(UF, groupName) end }, resetPriority = { order = 6, name = L["Reset Priority"], desc = L["Reset filter priority to the default state."], type = 'execute', func = function() E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].aurabar.priority = P.unitframe.units[groupName].aurabar.priority updateFunc(UF, groupName) end, }, filterPriority = { order = 7, dragdrop = true, type = 'multiselect', name = L["Filter Priority"], dragOnLeave = E.noop, --keep this here dragOnEnter = function(info) carryFilterTo = info.obj.value end, dragOnMouseDown = function(info) carryFilterFrom, carryFilterTo = info.obj.value, nil end, dragOnMouseUp = function(info) filterPriority('aurabar', groupName, carryFilterTo, nil, carryFilterFrom) --add it in the new spot carryFilterFrom, carryFilterTo = nil, nil end, dragOnClick = function(info) filterPriority('aurabar', groupName, carryFilterFrom, true) end, stateSwitchGetText = C.StateSwitchGetText, stateSwitchOnClick = function(info) filterPriority('aurabar', groupName, carryFilterFrom, nil, nil, true) end, values = function() local str = E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].aurabar.priority if str == '' then return nil end return {strsplit(',',str)} end, get = function(info, value) local str = E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].aurabar.priority if str == '' then return nil end local tbl = {strsplit(',',str)} return tbl[value] end, set = function(info) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].aurabar[info[#info]] = nil -- this was being set when drag and drop was first added, setting it to nil to clear tester profiles of this variable updateFunc(UF, groupName) end }, spacer1 = ACH:Description(L["Use drag and drop to rearrange filter priority or right click to remove a filter."]..'\n'..L["Use Shift+LeftClick to toggle between friendly or enemy or normal state. Normal state will allow the filter to be checked on all units. Friendly state is for friendly units only and enemy state is for enemy units."], 8, 'medium'), }, }, }, } if groupName == 'target' then config.args.attachTo.values.PLAYER_AURABARS = L["Player Frame Aura Bars"] end return config end local function GetOptionsTable_Auras(auraType, updateFunc, groupName, numUnits) local config = { type = 'group', name = auraType == 'buffs' and L["Buffs"] or L["Debuffs"], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName][auraType][info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName][auraType][info[#info]] = value; updateFunc(UF, groupName, numUnits) end, args = { enable = { type = 'toggle', order = 1, name = L["Enable"], }, perrow = { type = 'range', order = 3, name = L["Per Row"], min = 1, max = 20, step = 1, }, numrows = { type = 'range', order = 4, name = L["Num Rows"], min = 1, max = 10, step = 1, }, sizeOverride = { type = 'range', order = 5, name = L["Size Override"], desc = L["If not set to 0 then override the size of the aura icon to this."], min = 0, max = 60, step = 1, }, xOffset = { order = 6, type = 'range', name = L["X-Offset"], min = -1000, max = 1000, step = 1, }, yOffset = { order = 7, type = 'range', name = L["Y-Offset"], min = -1000, max = 1000, step = 1, }, spacing = { order = 8, name = L["Spacing"], type = 'range', min = -1, max = 20, step = 1, }, attachTo = { type = 'select', order = 9, name = L["Attach To"], desc = L["What to attach the buff anchor frame to."], values = { FRAME = L["Frame"], DEBUFFS = L["Debuffs"], HEALTH = L["Health"], POWER = L["Power"], }, disabled = function() local smartAuraPosition = E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].smartAuraPosition return (smartAuraPosition and (smartAuraPosition == 'BUFFS_ON_DEBUFFS' or smartAuraPosition == 'FLUID_BUFFS_ON_DEBUFFS')) end, }, anchorPoint = { type = 'select', order = 10, name = L["Anchor Point"], desc = L["What point to anchor to the frame you set to attach to."], values = positionValues, }, clickThrough = { order = 11, name = L["Click Through"], desc = L["Ignore mouse events."], type = 'toggle', }, sortMethod = { order = 12, name = L["Sort By"], desc = L["Method to sort by."], type = 'select', values = { TIME_REMAINING = L["Time Remaining"], DURATION = L["Duration"], NAME = L["NAME"], INDEX = L["Index"], PLAYER = L["PLAYER"], }, }, sortDirection = { order = 13, name = L["Sort Direction"], desc = L["Ascending or Descending order."], type = 'select', values = { ASCENDING = L["Ascending"], DESCENDING = L["Descending"], }, }, stacks = { type = 'group', order = 14, name = L["Stack Counter"], inline = true, get = function(info, value) return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName][auraType][info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName][auraType][info[#info]] = value; updateFunc(UF, groupName, numUnits) end, args = { countFont = { type = 'select', dialogControl = 'LSM30_Font', order = 1, name = L["Font"], values = _G.AceGUIWidgetLSMlists.font, }, countFontSize = { order = 2, name = L["FONT_SIZE"], type = 'range', min = 4, max = 20, step = 1, -- max 20 cause otherwise it looks weird }, countFontOutline = { order = 3, name = L["Font Outline"], desc = L["Set the font outline."], type = 'select', values = C.Values.FontFlags, }, } }, duration = { type = 'group', order = 15, name = L["Duration"], inline = true, get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName][auraType][info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName][auraType][info[#info]] = value; updateFunc(UF, groupName, numUnits) end, args = { cooldownShortcut = { order = 1, type = 'execute', name = L["Cooldowns"], func = function() ACD:SelectGroup('ElvUI', 'cooldown', 'unitframe') end, }, durationPosition = { order = 2, name = L["Position"], type = 'select', values = { TOP = 'TOP', LEFT = 'LEFT', BOTTOM = 'BOTTOM', CENTER = 'CENTER', TOPLEFT = 'TOPLEFT', BOTTOMLEFT = 'BOTTOMLEFT', TOPRIGHT = 'TOPRIGHT', }, }, } }, filters = { name = L["FILTERS"], inline = true, type = 'group', order = 500, args = { minDuration = { order = 1, type = 'range', name = L["Minimum Duration"], desc = L["Don't display auras that are shorter than this duration (in seconds). Set to zero to disable."], min = 0, max = 10800, step = 1, }, maxDuration = { order = 2, type = 'range', name = L["Maximum Duration"], desc = L["Don't display auras that are longer than this duration (in seconds). Set to zero to disable."], min = 0, max = 10800, step = 1, }, jumpToFilter = { order = 3, name = L["Filters Page"], desc = L["Shortcut to 'Filters' section of the config."], type = 'execute', func = function() ACD:SelectGroup('ElvUI', 'filters') end, }, specialPriority = { order = 4, sortByValue = true, type = 'select', name = L["Add Special Filter"], desc = L["These filters don't use a list of spells like the regular filters. Instead they use the WoW API and some code logic to determine if an aura should be allowed or blocked."], values = function() local filters = {} local list = E.global.unitframe.specialFilters if not list then return end for filter in pairs(list) do filters[filter] = L[filter] end return filters end, set = function(info, value) filterPriority(auraType, groupName, value) updateFunc(UF, groupName, numUnits) end }, priority = { order = 5, name = L["Add Regular Filter"], desc = L["These filters use a list of spells to determine if an aura should be allowed or blocked. The content of these filters can be modified in the Filters section of the config."], type = 'select', values = function() local filters = {} local list = E.global.unitframe.aurafilters if not list then return end for filter in pairs(list) do filters[filter] = filter end return filters end, set = function(info, value) filterPriority(auraType, groupName, value) updateFunc(UF, groupName, numUnits) end }, resetPriority = { order = 6, name = L["Reset Priority"], desc = L["Reset filter priority to the default state."], type = 'execute', func = function() E.db.unitframe.units[groupName][auraType].priority = P.unitframe.units[groupName][auraType].priority updateFunc(UF, groupName, numUnits) end, }, filterPriority = { order = 7, dragdrop = true, type = 'multiselect', name = L["Filter Priority"], dragOnLeave = E.noop, --keep this here dragOnEnter = function(info) carryFilterTo = info.obj.value end, dragOnMouseDown = function(info) carryFilterFrom, carryFilterTo = info.obj.value, nil end, dragOnMouseUp = function(info) filterPriority(auraType, groupName, carryFilterTo, nil, carryFilterFrom) --add it in the new spot carryFilterFrom, carryFilterTo = nil, nil end, dragOnClick = function(info) filterPriority(auraType, groupName, carryFilterFrom, true) end, stateSwitchGetText = C.StateSwitchGetText, stateSwitchOnClick = function(info) filterPriority(auraType, groupName, carryFilterFrom, nil, nil, true) end, values = function() local str = E.db.unitframe.units[groupName][auraType].priority if str == '' then return nil end return {strsplit(',',str)} end, get = function(info, value) local str = E.db.unitframe.units[groupName][auraType].priority if str == '' then return nil end local tbl = {strsplit(',',str)} return tbl[value] end, set = function(info) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName][auraType][info[#info]] = nil -- this was being set when drag and drop was first added, setting it to nil to clear tester profiles of this variable updateFunc(UF, groupName, numUnits) end }, spacer1 = ACH:Description(L["Use drag and drop to rearrange filter priority or right click to remove a filter."]..'\n'..L["Use Shift+LeftClick to toggle between friendly or enemy or normal state. Normal state will allow the filter to be checked on all units. Friendly state is for friendly units only and enemy state is for enemy units."], 8, 'medium'), }, }, }, } if auraType == 'debuffs' then config.args.attachTo.values = { FRAME = L["Frame"], BUFFS = L["Buffs"], HEALTH = L["Health"], POWER = L["Power"], } config.args.attachTo.disabled = function() local smartAuraPosition = E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].smartAuraPosition return (smartAuraPosition and (smartAuraPosition == 'DEBUFFS_ON_BUFFS' or smartAuraPosition == 'FLUID_DEBUFFS_ON_BUFFS')) end config.args.desaturate = { type = 'toggle', order = 2, name = L["Desaturate Icon"], } end return config end local function BuffIndicator_ApplyToAll(info, value, profileSpecific) if profileSpecific then for _, spell in pairs(E.db.unitframe.filters.aurawatch) do if value ~= nil then spell[info[#info]] = value else return spell[info[#info]] end end else local spells = E.global.unitframe.aurawatch[E.myclass] if spells then for _, spell in pairs(spells) do if value ~= nil then spell[info[#info]] = value else return spell[info[#info]] end end end end end local function GetOptionsTable_AuraWatch(updateFunc, groupName, numGroup, subGroup) local config = { type = 'group', name = L["Buff Indicator"], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].buffIndicator[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].buffIndicator[info[#info]] = value; updateFunc(UF, groupName, numGroup) end, args = { enable = { order = 2, type = 'toggle', name = L["Enable"], }, size = { order = 3, type = 'range', name = L["Size"], min = 6, max = 48, step = 1, }, profileSpecific = { type = 'toggle', name = L["Profile Specific"], desc = L["Use the profile specific filter Buff Indicator (Profile) instead of the global filter Buff Indicator."], order = 4, }, configureButton = { order = 6, type = 'execute', name = L["Configure Auras"], func = function() if groupName == 'pet' then E:SetToFilterConfig('Aura Indicator (Pet)') elseif E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].buffIndicator.profileSpecific then E:SetToFilterConfig('Aura Indicator (Profile)') else E:SetToFilterConfig('Aura Indicator (Class)') end end, }, applyToAll = { name = ' ', inline = true, type = 'group', order = 50, get = function(info) return BuffIndicator_ApplyToAll(info, nil, E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].buffIndicator.profileSpecific) end, set = function(info, value) BuffIndicator_ApplyToAll(info, value, E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].buffIndicator.profileSpecific) end, args = { header = ACH:Description(L["|cffFF0000Warning:|r Changing options in this section will apply to all Buff Indicator auras. To change only one Aura, please click \"Configure Auras\" and change that specific Auras settings. If \"Profile Specific\" is selected it will apply to that filter set."], 1), style = { name = L["Style"], order = 2, type = 'select', values = { timerOnly = L["Timer Only"], coloredIcon = L["Colored Icon"], texturedIcon = L["Textured Icon"], }, }, textThreshold = { name = L["Text Threshold"], desc = L["At what point should the text be displayed. Set to -1 to disable."], type = 'range', order = 4, min = -1, max = 60, step = 1, }, displayText = { name = L["Display Text"], type = 'toggle', order = 5, }, } } }, } if subGroup then config.inline = true config.get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName][subGroup].buffIndicator[info[#info]] end config.set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName][subGroup].buffIndicator[info[#info]] = value; updateFunc(UF, groupName, numGroup) end end return config end local function GetOptionsTable_Castbar(hasTicks, updateFunc, groupName, numUnits) local config = { type = 'group', name = L["Castbar"], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar[info[#info]] = value; updateFunc(UF, groupName, numUnits) end, args = { enable = { order = 0, type = 'toggle', name = L["Enable"], }, reverse = { order = 1, type = 'toggle', name = L["Reverse"], }, width = { order = 3, name = L["Width"], type = 'range', softMax = 600, min = 50, max = GetScreenWidth(), step = 1, }, height = { order = 4, name = L["Height"], type = 'range', min = 5, max = 85, step = 1, }, matchsize = { order = 5, type = 'execute', name = L["Match Frame Width"], func = function() E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar.width = E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].width; updateFunc(UF, groupName, numUnits) end, }, forceshow = { order = 6, name = L["SHOW"]..' / '..L["HIDE"], func = function() local frameName = gsub('ElvUF_'..E:StringTitle(groupName), 't(arget)', 'T%1') if groupName == 'party' then local header = UF.headers[groupName] for i = 1, header:GetNumChildren() do local group = select(i, header:GetChildren()) for j = 1, group:GetNumChildren() do --Party unitbutton local unitbutton = select(j, group:GetChildren()) local castbar = unitbutton.Castbar if not castbar.oldHide then castbar.oldHide = castbar.Hide castbar.Hide = castbar.Show castbar:Show() else castbar.Hide = castbar.oldHide castbar.oldHide = nil castbar:Hide() end end end elseif numUnits then for i = 1, numUnits do local castbar = _G[frameName..i].Castbar if not castbar.oldHide then castbar.oldHide = castbar.Hide castbar.Hide = castbar.Show castbar:Show() else castbar.Hide = castbar.oldHide castbar.oldHide = nil castbar:Hide() end end else local castbar = _G[frameName].Castbar if not castbar.oldHide then castbar.oldHide = castbar.Hide castbar.Hide = castbar.Show castbar:Show() else castbar.Hide = castbar.oldHide castbar.oldHide = nil castbar:Hide() end end end, type = 'execute', }, configureButton = { order = 7, name = L["Coloring"], desc = L["This opens the UnitFrames Color settings. These settings affect all unitframes."], type = 'execute', func = function() ACD:SelectGroup('ElvUI', 'unitframe', 'generalOptionsGroup', 'allColorsGroup', 'castBars') end, }, spark = { order = 8, type = 'toggle', name = L["Spark"], desc = L["Display a spark texture at the end of the castbar statusbar to help show the differance between castbar and backdrop."], }, latency = { order = 10, name = L["Latency"], type = 'toggle', hidden = function() return groupName ~= 'player' end, }, format = { order = 11, type = 'select', name = L["Format"], desc = L["Cast Time Format"], values = { CURRENTMAX = L["Current / Max"], CURRENT = L["Current"], REMAINING = L["Remaining"], REMAININGMAX = L["Remaining / Max"], }, }, timeToHold = { order = 12, name = L["Time To Hold"], desc = L["How many seconds the castbar should stay visible after the cast failed or was interrupted."], type = 'range', min = 0, max = 10, step = .1, }, displayTarget = { order = 13, type = 'toggle', name = L["Display Target"], desc = L["Display the target of current cast."], }, overlayOnFrame = { order = 3, type = 'select', name = L["Attach To"], desc = L["The object you want to attach to."], values = { Health = L["Health"], Power = L["Power"], InfoPanel = L["Information Panel"], None = L["NONE"], }, }, textGroup = { order = 16, type = 'group', name = L["Text"], inline = true, get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar[info[#info]] = value; updateFunc(UF, groupName, numUnits) end, args = { hidetext = { order = 1, type = 'toggle', name = L["Hide Text"], desc = L["Hide Castbar text. Useful if your power height is very low or if you use power offset."], }, textColor = { order = 2, type = 'color', name = L["COLOR"], hasAlpha = true, get = function(info) local c = E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar.textColor local d = P.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar.textColor return c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a, d.r, d.g, d.b, d.a end, set = function(info, r, g, b, a) local c = E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar.textColor c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a = r, g, b, a updateFunc(UF, groupName, numUnits) end, }, textSettings = { order = 2, type = 'group', name = L["Text Options"], inline = true, get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar[info[#info]] = value; updateFunc(UF, groupName, numUnits) end, args = { enable = { order = 1, type = 'toggle', name = L["Custom Font"], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar.customTextFont[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar.customTextFont[info[#info]] = value; updateFunc(UF, groupName, numUnits) end, }, font = { order = 2, type = 'select', dialogControl = 'LSM30_Font', name = L["Font"], values = _G.AceGUIWidgetLSMlists.font, get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar.customTextFont[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar.customTextFont[info[#info]] = value; updateFunc(UF, groupName, numUnits) end, disabled = function() return not E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar.customTextFont.enable end }, fontSize = { order = 3, type = 'range', name = L["Font Size"], min = 6, max = 64, step = 1, get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar.customTextFont[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar.customTextFont[info[#info]] = value; updateFunc(UF, groupName, numUnits) end, disabled = function() return not E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar.customTextFont.enable end }, fontStyle = { order = 4, type = 'select', name = L["Font Outline"], values = C.Values.FontFlags, get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar.customTextFont[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar.customTextFont[info[#info]] = value; updateFunc(UF, groupName, numUnits) end, disabled = function() return not E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar.customTextFont.enable end }, xOffsetText = { order = 4, type = 'range', name = L["X-Offset"], min = -500, max = 500, step = 1, }, yOffsetText = { order = 5, type = 'range', name = L["Y-Offset"], min = -500, max = 500, step = 1, }, }, }, timeSettings = { order = 3, type = 'group', name = L["Time Options"], inline = true, get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar[info[#info]] = value; updateFunc(UF, groupName, numUnits) end, args = { enable = { order = 1, type = 'toggle', name = L["Custom Font"], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar.customTimeFont[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar.customTimeFont[info[#info]] = value; updateFunc(UF, groupName, numUnits) end, }, font = { order = 2, type = 'select', dialogControl = 'LSM30_Font', name = L["Font"], values = _G.AceGUIWidgetLSMlists.font, get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar.customTimeFont[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar.customTimeFont[info[#info]] = value; updateFunc(UF, groupName, numUnits) end, disabled = function() return not E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar.customTimeFont.enable end }, fontSize = { order = 3, type = 'range', name = L["Font Size"], min = 6, max = 64, step = 1, get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar.customTimeFont[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar.customTimeFont[info[#info]] = value; updateFunc(UF, groupName, numUnits) end, disabled = function() return not E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar.customTimeFont.enable end }, fontStyle = { order = 4, type = 'select', name = L["Font Outline"], values = C.Values.FontFlags, get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar.customTimeFont[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar.customTimeFont[info[#info]] = value; updateFunc(UF, groupName, numUnits) end, disabled = function() return not E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar.customTimeFont.enable end }, xOffsetTime = { order = 4, type = 'range', name = L["X-Offset"], min = -500, max = 500, step = 1, }, yOffsetTime = { order = 5, type = 'range', name = L["Y-Offset"], min = -500, max = 500, step = 1, }, }, }, }, }, iconSettings = { order = 17, type = 'group', name = L["Icon"], inline = true, get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar[info[#info]] = value; updateFunc(UF, groupName, numUnits) end, args = { icon = { order = 1, name = L["Enable"], type = 'toggle', }, iconAttached = { order = 2, name = L["Icon Inside Castbar"], desc = L["Display the castbar icon inside the castbar."], type = 'toggle', }, iconSize = { order = 3, name = L["Icon Size"], desc = L["This dictates the size of the icon when it is not attached to the castbar."], type = 'range', disabled = function() return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar.iconAttached end, min = 8, max = 150, step = 1, }, iconAttachedTo = { order = 4, type = 'select', name = L["Attach To"], desc = L["The object you want to attach to."], disabled = function() return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar.iconAttached end, values = { Frame = L["Frame"], Castbar = L["Castbar"], }, }, iconPosition = { type = 'select', order = 5, name = L["Position"], values = positionValues, disabled = function() return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar.iconAttached end, }, iconXOffset = { order = 5, type = 'range', name = L["X-Offset"], min = -500, max = 500, step = 1, disabled = function() return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar.iconAttached end, }, iconYOffset = { order = 6, type = 'range', name = L["Y-Offset"], min = -500, max = 500, step = 1, disabled = function() return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar.iconAttached end, }, }, }, strataAndLevel = GetOptionsTable_StrataAndFrameLevel(updateFunc, groupName, numUnits, 'castbar'), customColor = { order = 21, type = 'group', name = L["Custom Color"], inline = true, get = function(info) if info.type == 'color' then local c = E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar.customColor[info[#info]] local d = P.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar.customColor[info[#info]] return c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a, d.r, d.g, d.b, 1.0 else return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar.customColor[info[#info]] end end, set = function(info, ...) if info.type == 'color' then local r, g, b, a = ... local c = E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar.customColor[info[#info]] c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a = r, g, b, a else local value = ... E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar.customColor[info[#info]] = value; end updateFunc(UF, groupName, numUnits) end, args = { enable = { order = 1, type = 'toggle', name = L["Enable"], }, transparent = { order = 2, type = 'toggle', name = L["Transparent"], desc = L["Make textures transparent."], disabled = function() return not E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar.customColor.enable end, }, invertColors = { order = 3, type = 'toggle', name = L["Invert Colors"], desc = L["Invert foreground and background colors."], disabled = function() return not E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar.customColor.enable or not E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar.customColor.transparent end, }, spacer1 = ACH:Spacer(4, 'full'), useClassColor = { order = 5, type = 'toggle', name = L["Class Color"], desc = L["Color castbar by the class of the unit's class."], disabled = function() return not E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar.customColor.enable end, }, useReactionColor = { order = 5, type = 'toggle', name = L["Reaction Color"], desc = L["Color castbar by the reaction of the unit to the player."], disabled = function() return not E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar.customColor.enable or (groupName == 'player' or groupName == 'pet') end, }, useCustomBackdrop = { order = 6, type = 'toggle', name = L["Custom Backdrop"], desc = L["Use the custom backdrop color instead of a multiple of the main color."], disabled = function() return not E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar.customColor.enable end, }, spacer2 = ACH:Spacer(7, 'full'), colorBackdrop = { order = 8, type = 'color', name = L["Custom Backdrop"], desc = L["Use the custom backdrop color instead of a multiple of the main color."], disabled = function() return not E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar.customColor.enable or not E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar.customColor.useCustomBackdrop end, hasAlpha = true, }, color = { order = 9, name = L["Interruptible"], type = 'color', disabled = function() return not E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar.customColor.enable end, }, colorNoInterrupt = { order = 10, name = L["Non-Interruptible"], type = 'color', disabled = function() return not E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar.customColor.enable end, }, spacer3 = ACH:Spacer(11, 'full'), colorInterrupted = { name = L["Interrupted"], order = 12, type = 'color', disabled = function() return not E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar.customColor.enable end, }, }, }, }, } if groupName == 'party' then config.args.positionsGroup = { order = 19, type = 'group', name = L["Position"], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar.positionsGroup[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar.positionsGroup[info[#info]] = value; updateFunc(UF, groupName, numUnits) end, inline = true, args = { anchorPoint = { type = 'select', order = 4, name = L["Anchor Point"], desc = L["What point to anchor to the frame you set to attach to."], values = positionValues, }, xOffset = { order = 5, type = 'range', name = L["X-Offset"], desc = L["An X offset (in pixels) to be used when anchoring new frames."], min = -500, max = 500, step = 1, }, yOffset = { order = 6, type = 'range', name = L["Y-Offset"], desc = L["An Y offset (in pixels) to be used when anchoring new frames."], min = -500, max = 500, step = 1, }, } } end if hasTicks then config.args.ticks = { order = 20, type = 'group', inline = true, name = L["Ticks"], args = { ticks = { order = 1, type = 'toggle', name = L["Ticks"], desc = L["Display tick marks on the castbar for channelled spells. This will adjust automatically for spells like Drain Soul and add additional ticks based on haste."], }, tickColor = { order = 2, type = 'color', name = L["COLOR"], hasAlpha = true, get = function(info) local c = E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar.tickColor local d = P.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar.tickColor return c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a, d.r, d.g, d.b, d.a end, set = function(info, r, g, b, a) local c = E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar.tickColor c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a = r, g, b, a updateFunc(UF, groupName, numUnits) end, }, tickWidth = { order = 3, type = 'range', name = L["Width"], min = 1, max = 20, step = 1, }, }, } end return config end local function GetOptionsTable_Cutaway(updateFunc, groupName, numGroup) local config = { type = 'group', childGroups = 'tab', name = L["Cutaway Bars"], args = { health = { order = 1, type = 'group', inline = true, name = L["Health"], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].cutaway.health[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].cutaway.health[info[#info]] = value; updateFunc(UF, groupName, numGroup) end, args = { enabled = { type = 'toggle', order = 1, name = L["Enable"] }, lengthBeforeFade = { type = 'range', order = 2, name = L["Fade Out Delay"], desc = L["How much time before the cutaway health starts to fade."], min = 0.1, max = 1, step = 0.1, disabled = function() return not E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].cutaway.health.enabled end }, fadeOutTime = { type = 'range', order = 3, name = L["Fade Out"], desc = L["How long the cutaway health will take to fade out."], min = 0.1, max = 1, step = 0.1, disabled = function() return not E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].cutaway.health.enabled end } } } } } if E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].cutaway.power then config.args.power = { order = 2, type = 'group', name = L["Power"], inline = true, get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].cutaway.power[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].cutaway.power[info[#info]] = value; updateFunc(UF, groupName, numGroup) end, args = { enabled = { type = 'toggle', order = 1, name = L["Enable"] }, lengthBeforeFade = { type = 'range', order = 2, name = L["Fade Out Delay"], desc = L["How much time before the cutaway power starts to fade."], min = 0.1, max = 1, step = 0.1, disabled = function() return not E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].cutaway.power.enabled end }, fadeOutTime = { type = 'range', order = 3, name = L["Fade Out"], desc = L["How long the cutaway power will take to fade out."], min = 0.1, max = 1, step = 0.1, disabled = function() return not E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].cutaway.power.enabled end } } } end return config end local individual = { player = true, target = true, targettarget = true, targettargettarget = true, focus = true, focustarget = true, pet = true, pettarget = true } local function UpdateCustomTextGroup(unit) if unit == 'party' or unit:find('raid') then for i = 1, UF[unit]:GetNumChildren() do local child = select(i, UF[unit]:GetChildren()) for x = 1, child:GetNumChildren() do local subchild = select(x, child:GetChildren()) UF:Configure_CustomTexts(subchild) subchild:UpdateTags() end end elseif unit == 'boss' or unit == 'arena' then for i = 1, 5 do UF:Configure_CustomTexts(UF[unit..i]) UF[unit..i]:UpdateTags() end else UF:Configure_CustomTexts(UF[unit]) UF[unit]:UpdateTags() end end local function CreateCustomTextGroup(unit, objectName) if not E.private.unitframe.enable then return end local group = individual[unit] and 'individualUnits' or 'groupUnits' if not E.Options.args.unitframe.args[group].args[unit] then return elseif E.Options.args.unitframe.args[group].args[unit].args.customText.args[objectName] then E.Options.args.unitframe.args[group].args[unit].args.customText.args[objectName].hidden = false -- Re-show existing custom texts which belong to current profile and were previously hidden tinsert(CUSTOMTEXT_CONFIGS, E.Options.args.unitframe.args[group].args[unit].args.customText.args[objectName]) --Register this custom text config to be hidden again on profile change return end E.Options.args.unitframe.args[group].args[unit].args.customText.args[objectName] = { order = -1, type = 'group', name = objectName, get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units[unit].customTexts[objectName][info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[unit].customTexts[objectName][info[#info]] = value; UpdateCustomTextGroup(unit) end, args = { delete = { type = 'execute', order = 2, name = L["DELETE"], func = function() E.Options.args.unitframe.args[group].args[unit].args.customText.args[objectName] = nil; E.db.unitframe.units[unit].customTexts[objectName] = nil; UpdateCustomTextGroup(unit) end, }, enable = { order = 3, type = 'toggle', name = L["Enable"], }, font = { type = 'select', dialogControl = 'LSM30_Font', order = 4, name = L["Font"], values = _G.AceGUIWidgetLSMlists.font, }, size = { order = 5, name = L["FONT_SIZE"], type = 'range', min = 6, max = 64, step = 1, }, fontOutline = { order = 6, name = L["Font Outline"], desc = L["Set the font outline."], type = 'select', values = C.Values.FontFlags, }, justifyH = { order = 7, type = 'select', name = L["JustifyH"], desc = L["Sets the font instance's horizontal text alignment style."], values = { CENTER = L["Center"], LEFT = L["Left"], RIGHT = L["Right"], }, }, xOffset = { order = 8, type = 'range', name = L["X-Offset"], min = -400, max = 400, step = 1, }, yOffset = { order = 9, type = 'range', name = L["Y-Offset"], min = -400, max = 400, step = 1, }, attachTextTo = { type = 'select', order = 10, name = L["Attach Text To"], desc = L["The object you want to attach to."], values = attachToValues, }, text_format = { order = 100, name = L["Text Format"], desc = L["Controls the text displayed. Tags are available in the Available Tags section of the config."], type = 'input', width = 'full', }, }, } if unit == 'player' and UF.player.AdditionalPower then E.Options.args.unitframe.args[group].args[unit].args.customText.args[objectName].args.attachTextTo.values.AdditionalPower = L["Additional Power"] end tinsert(CUSTOMTEXT_CONFIGS, E.Options.args.unitframe.args[group].args[unit].args.customText.args[objectName]) --Register this custom text config to be hidden on profile change end local function GetOptionsTable_CustomText(updateFunc, groupName, numUnits) local config = { type = 'group', childGroups = 'tab', name = L["Custom Texts"], args = { createCustomText = { order = 2, type = 'input', name = L["Create Custom Text"], width = 'full', get = function() return '' end, set = function(info, textName) for object in pairs(E.db.unitframe.units[groupName]) do if object:lower() == textName:lower() then E:Print(L["The name you have selected is already in use by another element."]) return end end if not E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].customTexts then E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].customTexts = {}; end local frameName = 'ElvUF_'..E:StringTitle(groupName) if E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].customTexts[textName] or (_G[frameName] and _G[frameName].customTexts and _G[frameName].customTexts[textName] or _G[frameName..'Group1UnitButton1'] and _G[frameName..'Group1UnitButton1'].customTexts and _G[frameName..'Group1UnitButton1'][textName]) then E:Print(L["The name you have selected is already in use by another element."]) return; end E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].customTexts[textName] = { text_format = strmatch(textName, '^%[') and textName or '', size = E.db.unitframe.fontSize, font = E.db.unitframe.font, xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0, justifyH = 'CENTER', fontOutline = E.db.unitframe.fontOutline, attachTextTo = 'Health' }; CreateCustomTextGroup(groupName, textName) updateFunc(UF, groupName, numUnits) E.Libs.AceConfigDialog:SelectGroup('ElvUI', 'unitframe', individual[groupName] and 'individualUnits' or 'groupUnits', groupName, 'customText', textName) end, }, }, } return config end local function GetOptionsTable_Fader(updateFunc, groupName, numUnits) local config = { type = 'group', name = L["Fader"], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].fader[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].fader[info[#info]] = value; updateFunc(UF, groupName, numUnits) end, args = { enable = { type = 'toggle', order = 2, name = L["Enable"], }, range = { type = 'toggle', order = 3, name = L["Range"], disabled = function() return not E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].fader.enable end, hidden = function() return groupName == 'player' end, }, hover = { type = 'toggle', order = 4, name = L["Hover"], disabled = function() return not E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].fader.enable or E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].fader.range end, }, combat = { type = 'toggle', order = 5, name = L["Combat"], disabled = function() return not E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].fader.enable or E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].fader.range end, }, unittarget = { type = 'toggle', order = 6, name = L["Unit Target"], disabled = function() return not E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].fader.enable or E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].fader.range end, hidden = function() return groupName == 'player' end, }, playertarget = { type = 'toggle', order = 7, name = (groupName == 'player' and L["Target"]) or L["Player Target"], disabled = function() return not E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].fader.enable or E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].fader.range end, }, focus = { type = 'toggle', order = 8, name = L["Focus"], disabled = function() return not E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].fader.enable or E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].fader.range end, }, health = { type = 'toggle', order = 9, name = L["Health"], disabled = function() return not E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].fader.enable or E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].fader.range end, }, power = { type = 'toggle', order = 10, name = L["Power"], disabled = function() return not E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].fader.enable or E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].fader.range end, }, vehicle = { type = 'toggle', order = 11, name = L["Vehicle"], disabled = function() return not E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].fader.enable or E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].fader.range end, }, casting = { type = 'toggle', order = 12, name = L["Casting"], disabled = function() return not E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].fader.enable or E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].fader.range end, }, spacer = ACH:Spacer(13, 'full'), delay = { order = 14, name = L["Fade Out Delay"], type = 'range', min = 0, max = 3, step = 0.01, disabled = function() return not E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].fader.enable or E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].fader.range end, }, smooth = { order = 15, name = L["Smooth"], type = 'range', min = 0, max = 1, step = 0.01, disabled = function() return not E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].fader.enable end, }, minAlpha = { order = 16, name = L["Min Alpha"], type = 'range', min = 0, max = 1, step = 0.01, disabled = function() return not E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].fader.enable end, }, maxAlpha = { order = 17, name = L["Max Alpha"], type = 'range', min = 0, max = 1, step = 0.01, disabled = function() return not E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].fader.enable end, }, }, } return config end local function GetOptionsTable_Health(isGroupFrame, updateFunc, groupName, numUnits) local config = { type = 'group', name = L["Health"], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].health[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].health[info[#info]] = value; updateFunc(UF, groupName, numUnits) end, args = { reverseFill = { type = 'toggle', order = 1, name = L["Reverse Fill"], }, attachTextTo = { type = 'select', order = 3, name = L["Attach Text To"], desc = L["The object you want to attach to."], values = attachToValues, }, colorOverride = { order = 4, name = L["Class Color Override"], desc = L["Override the default class color setting."], type = 'select', values = colorOverrideValues, get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName][info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName][info[#info]] = value; updateFunc(UF, groupName, numUnits) end, }, configureButton = { order = 5, name = L["Coloring"], desc = L["This opens the UnitFrames Color settings. These settings affect all unitframes."], type = 'execute', func = function() ACD:SelectGroup('ElvUI', 'unitframe', 'generalOptionsGroup', 'allColorsGroup', 'healthGroup') end, }, textGroup = { type = 'group', name = L["Text Options"], inline = true, args = { position = { type = 'select', order = 1, name = L["Position"], values = positionValues, }, xOffset = { order = 2, type = 'range', name = L["X-Offset"], desc = L["Offset position for text."], min = -300, max = 300, step = 1, }, yOffset = { order = 3, type = 'range', name = L["Y-Offset"], desc = L["Offset position for text."], min = -300, max = 300, step = 1, }, text_format = { order = 4, name = L["Text Format"], desc = L["Controls the text displayed. Tags are available in the Available Tags section of the config."], type = 'input', width = 'full', }, }, }, }, } if isGroupFrame then config.args.orientation = { type = 'select', order = 9, name = L["Statusbar Fill Orientation"], desc = L["Direction the health bar moves when gaining/losing health."], values = { HORIZONTAL = L["Horizontal"], VERTICAL = L["Vertical"], }, } end if groupName == 'pet' or groupName == 'raidpet' then config.args.colorPetByUnitClass = { type = 'toggle', order = 2, name = L["Color by Unit Class"], } end return config end local function GetOptionsTable_HealPrediction(updateFunc, groupName, numGroup) local config = { type = 'group', name = L["Heal Prediction"], desc = L["Show an incoming heal prediction bar on the unitframe. Also display a slightly different colored bar for incoming overheals."], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].healPrediction[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].healPrediction[info[#info]] = value; updateFunc(UF, groupName, numGroup) end, args = { enable = { order = 1, type = 'toggle', name = L["Enable"], }, height = { type = 'range', order = 2, name = L["Height"], min = -1, max = 500, step = 1, }, colorsButton = { order = 3, type = 'execute', name = L["COLORS"], func = function() ACD:SelectGroup('ElvUI', 'unitframe', 'generalOptionsGroup', 'allColorsGroup', 'healPrediction') end, disabled = function() return not E.UnitFrames.Initialized end, }, anchorPoint = { order = 5, type = 'select', name = L["Anchor Point"], values = { TOP = 'TOP', BOTTOM = 'BOTTOM', CENTER = 'CENTER' } }, absorbStyle = { order = 6, type = 'select', name = L["Absorb Style"], values = { NONE = L["NONE"], NORMAL = L["Normal"], REVERSED = L["Reversed"], WRAPPED = L["Wrapped"], OVERFLOW = L["Overflow"] }, }, overflowButton = { order = 7, type = 'execute', name = L["Max Overflow"], func = function() ACD:SelectGroup('ElvUI', 'unitframe', 'generalOptionsGroup', 'allColorsGroup', 'healPrediction') end, disabled = function() return not E.UnitFrames.Initialized end, }, warning = ACH:Description(function() if E.db.unitframe.colors.healPrediction.maxOverflow == 0 then local text = L["Max Overflow is set to zero. Absorb Overflows will be hidden when using Overflow style.\nIf used together Max Overflow at zero and Overflow mode will act like Normal mode without the ending sliver of overflow."] return text .. (E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].healPrediction.absorbStyle == 'OVERFLOW' and ' |cffFF9933You are using Overflow with Max Overflow at zero.|r ' or '') end end, 50, 'medium', nil, nil, nil, nil, 'full'), }, } return config end local function GetOptionsTable_InformationPanel(updateFunc, groupName, numUnits) local config = { type = 'group', name = L["Information Panel"], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].infoPanel[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].infoPanel[info[#info]] = value; updateFunc(UF, groupName, numUnits) end, args = { enable = { type = 'toggle', order = 2, name = L["Enable"], }, transparent = { type = 'toggle', order = 3, name = L["Transparent"], }, height = { type = 'range', order = 4, name = L["Height"], min = 2, max = 30, step = 1, }, } } return config end local function GetOptionsTable_Name(updateFunc, groupName, numUnits, subGroup) local config = { type = 'group', name = L["Name"], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].name[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].name[info[#info]] = value; updateFunc(UF, groupName, numUnits) end, args = { position = { type = 'select', order = 2, name = L["Position"], values = positionValues, }, xOffset = { order = 3, type = 'range', name = L["X-Offset"], desc = L["Offset position for text."], min = -300, max = 300, step = 1, }, yOffset = { order = 4, type = 'range', name = L["Y-Offset"], desc = L["Offset position for text."], min = -300, max = 300, step = 1, }, attachTextTo = { type = 'select', order = 5, name = L["Attach Text To"], desc = L["The object you want to attach to."], values = attachToValues, }, text_format = { order = 100, name = L["Text Format"], desc = L["Controls the text displayed. Tags are available in the Available Tags section of the config."], type = 'input', width = 'full', }, }, } if subGroup then config.inline = true config.get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName][subGroup].name[info[#info]] end config.set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName][subGroup].name[info[#info]] = value; updateFunc(UF, groupName, numUnits) end end return config end local function GetOptionsTable_PhaseIndicator(updateFunc, groupName, numGroup) local config = { type = 'group', name = L["Phase Indicator"], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].phaseIndicator[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].phaseIndicator[info[#info]] = value; updateFunc(UF, groupName, numGroup) end, args = { enable = { order = 2, type = 'toggle', name = L["Enable"], }, scale = { order = 3, type = 'range', name = L["Scale"], isPercent = true, min = 0.5, max = 1.5, step = 0.01, }, anchorPoint = { order = 5, type = 'select', name = L["Anchor Point"], values = positionValues, }, xOffset = { order = 6, type = 'range', name = L["X-Offset"], min = -100, max = 100, step = 1, }, yOffset = { order = 7, type = 'range', name = L["Y-Offset"], min = -100, max = 100, step = 1, }, }, } return config end local function GetOptionsTable_Portrait(updateFunc, groupName, numUnits) local config = { type = 'group', name = L["Portrait"], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].portrait[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].portrait[info[#info]] = value; updateFunc(UF, groupName, numUnits) end, args = { warning = ACH:Description(function() return (E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].orientation == 'MIDDLE' and L["Overlay mode is forced when the Frame Orientation is set to Middle."]) or '' end, 1, 'medium', nil, nil, nil, nil, 'full'), enable = { type = 'toggle', order = 2, name = L["Enable"], desc = L["If you have a lot of 3D Portraits active then it will likely have a big impact on your FPS. Disable some portraits if you experience FPS issues."], confirmText = L["If you have a lot of 3D Portraits active then it will likely have a big impact on your FPS. Disable some portraits if you experience FPS issues."], confirm = true }, paused = { order = 3, type = 'toggle', name = L["Pause"], disabled = function() return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].portrait.style ~= '3D' end, }, overlay = { order = 4, type = 'toggle', name = L["Overlay"], desc = L["The Portrait will overlay the Healthbar. This will be automatically happen if the Frame Orientation is set to Middle."], get = function(info) return (E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].orientation == 'MIDDLE') or E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].portrait[info[#info]] end, disabled = function() return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].orientation == 'MIDDLE' end }, fullOverlay = { order = 5, type = 'toggle', name = L["Full Overlay"], desc = L["This option allows the overlay to span the whole health, including the background."], disabled = function() return not (E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].orientation == 'MIDDLE' or E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].portrait.overlay) end, }, style = { order = 6, type = 'select', name = L["Style"], desc = L["Select the display method of the portrait."], values = { ['2D'] = L["2D"], ['3D'] = L["3D"], ['Class'] = L["Class"], }, }, width = { order = 7, type = 'range', name = L["Width"], min = 15, max = 150, step = 1, disabled = function() return (E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].orientation == 'MIDDLE' or E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].portrait.overlay) end, }, overlayAlpha = { order = 8, type = 'range', name = L["Overlay Alpha"], desc = L["Set the alpha level of portrait when frame is overlayed."], min = 0.01, max = 1, step = 0.01, disabled = function() return not (E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].orientation == 'MIDDLE' or E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].portrait.overlay) end, }, rotation = { order = 9, type = 'range', name = L["Model Rotation"], min = 0, max = 360, step = 1, disabled = function() return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].portrait.style ~= '3D' end, }, desaturation = { order = 10, type = 'range', name = L["Desaturate"], min = 0, max = 1, step = 0.01, disabled = function() return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].portrait.style ~= '3D' end, }, camDistanceScale = { order = 11, type = 'range', name = L["Camera Distance Scale"], desc = L["How far away the portrait is from the camera."], min = 0.01, max = 4, step = 0.01, disabled = function() return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].portrait.style ~= '3D' end, }, xOffset = { order = 12, type = 'range', name = L["X-Offset"], desc = L["Position the Model horizontally."], min = -1, max = 1, step = 0.01, disabled = function() return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].portrait.style ~= '3D' end, }, yOffset = { order = 13, type = 'range', name = L["Y-Offset"], desc = L["Position the Model vertically."], min = -1, max = 1, step = 0.01, disabled = function() return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].portrait.style ~= '3D' end, }, }, } return config end local function GetOptionsTable_Power(hasDetatchOption, updateFunc, groupName, numUnits, hasStrataLevel) local config = { type = 'group', name = L["Power"], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].power[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].power[info[#info]] = value; updateFunc(UF, groupName, numUnits) end, args = { enable = { type = 'toggle', order = 1, name = L["Enable"], }, attachTextTo = { type = 'select', order = 2, name = L["Attach Text To"], desc = L["The object you want to attach to."], values = attachToValues, }, width = { type = 'select', order = 3, name = L["Style"], values = { fill = L["Filled"], spaced = L["Spaced"], inset = L["Inset"], offset = L["Offset"], }, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].power[info[#info]] = value local frameName = gsub('ElvUF_'..E:StringTitle(groupName), 't(arget)', 'T%1') if numUnits then for i=1, numUnits do local frame = _G[frameName..i] if frame and frame.Power then local min, max = frame.Power:GetMinMaxValues() frame.Power:SetMinMaxValues(min, max+500) frame.Power:SetValue(1) frame.Power:SetValue(0) end end else local frame = _G[frameName] if frame then if frame.Power then local min, max = frame.Power:GetMinMaxValues() frame.Power:SetMinMaxValues(min, max+500) frame.Power:SetValue(1) frame.Power:SetValue(0) else for i=1, frame:GetNumChildren() do local child = select(i, frame:GetChildren()) if child and child.Power then local min, max = child.Power:GetMinMaxValues() child.Power:SetMinMaxValues(min, max+500) child.Power:SetValue(1) child.Power:SetValue(0) end end end end end updateFunc(UF, groupName, numUnits) end, }, height = { type = 'range', name = L["Height"], order = 4, min = 2, max = 50, step = 1, hidden = function() return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].power.width == 'offset' end, }, powerPrediction = { type = 'toggle', order = 5, name = L["Power Prediction"], }, offset = { type = 'range', name = L["Offset"], desc = L["Offset of the powerbar to the healthbar, set to 0 to disable."], order = 6, min = 0, max = 20, step = 1, hidden = function() return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].power.width ~= 'offset' end, }, reverseFill = { type = 'toggle', order = 7, name = L["Reverse Fill"], }, configureButton = { order = 10, name = L["Coloring"], desc = L["This opens the UnitFrames Color settings. These settings affect all unitframes."], type = 'execute', func = function() ACD:SelectGroup('ElvUI', 'unitframe', 'generalOptionsGroup', 'allColorsGroup', 'powerGroup') end, }, textGroup = { type = 'group', name = L["Text Options"], inline = true, args = { position = { type = 'select', order = 1, name = L["Position"], values = positionValues, }, xOffset = { order = 2, type = 'range', name = L["X-Offset"], desc = L["Offset position for text."], min = -300, max = 300, step = 1, }, yOffset = { order = 3, type = 'range', name = L["Y-Offset"], desc = L["Offset position for text."], min = -300, max = 300, step = 1, }, text_format = { order = 4, name = L["Text Format"], desc = L["Controls the text displayed. Tags are available in the Available Tags section of the config."], type = 'input', width = 'full', }, }, }, }, } if hasDetatchOption then config.args.detachFromFrame = { type = 'toggle', order = 90, name = L["Detach From Frame"], } config.args.autoHide = { order = 91, type = 'toggle', name = L["Auto-Hide"], hidden = function() return not E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].power.detachFromFrame end, } config.args.detachedWidth = { type = 'range', order = 92, name = L["Detached Width"], hidden = function() return not E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].power.detachFromFrame end, min = 15, max = 1000, step = 1, } config.args.parent = { type = 'select', order = 93, name = L["Parent"], desc = L["Choose UIPARENT to prevent it from hiding with the unitframe."], hidden = function() return not E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].power.detachFromFrame end, values = { FRAME = 'FRAME', UIPARENT = 'UIPARENT', }, } end if hasStrataLevel then config.args.strataAndLevel = GetOptionsTable_StrataAndFrameLevel(updateFunc, groupName, numUnits, 'power') end if groupName == 'party' or groupName == 'raid' or groupName == 'raid40' then config.args.displayAltPower = { type = 'toggle', order = 9, name = L["Swap to Alt Power"], } end return config end local function GetOptionsTable_PVPClassificationIndicator(updateFunc, groupName, numGroup) local config = { name = L["PvP Classification Indicator"], desc = L["Cart / Flag / Orb / Assassin Bounty"], type = 'group', get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].pvpclassificationindicator[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].pvpclassificationindicator[info[#info]] = value updateFunc(UF, groupName, numGroup) end, args = { enable = { order = 1, name = L["Enable"], type = 'toggle' }, size = { order = 2, name = L["Size"], type = 'range', min = 5, max = 100, step = 1 }, position = { order = 3, type = 'select', name = L["Icon Position"], values = { CENTER = 'CENTER', TOPLEFT = 'TOPLEFT', BOTTOMLEFT = 'BOTTOMLEFT', TOPRIGHT = 'TOPRIGHT', BOTTOMRIGHT = 'BOTTOMRIGHT' } }, xOffset = { order = 4, name = L["X-Offset"], type = 'range', min = -100, max = 100, step = 1 }, yOffset = { order = 5, name = L["Y-Offset"], type = 'range', min = -100, max = 100, step = 1 } } } return config end local function GetOptionsTable_PVPIcon(updateFunc, groupName, numGroup) local config = { type = 'group', name = L["PvP & Prestige Icon"], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].pvpIcon[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].pvpIcon[info[#info]] = value; updateFunc(UF, groupName, numGroup) end, args = { enable = { order = 2, type = 'toggle', name = L["Enable"], }, scale = { order = 3, type = 'range', name = L["Scale"], isPercent = true, min = 0.1, max = 2, step = 0.01, }, anchorPoint = { order = 5, type = 'select', name = L["Anchor Point"], values = positionValues, }, xOffset = { order = 6, type = 'range', name = L["X-Offset"], min = -100, max = 100, step = 1, }, yOffset = { order = 7, type = 'range', name = L["Y-Offset"], min = -100, max = 100, step = 1, }, }, } return config end local function GetOptionsTable_RaidDebuff(updateFunc, groupName) local config = { type = 'group', name = L["RaidDebuff Indicator"], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].rdebuffs[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].rdebuffs[info[#info]] = value; updateFunc(UF, groupName) end, args = { enable = { order = 2, type = 'toggle', name = L["Enable"], }, showDispellableDebuff = { order = 3, type = 'toggle', name = L["Show Dispellable Debuffs"], }, onlyMatchSpellID = { order = 4, type = 'toggle', name = L["Only Match SpellID"], desc = L["When enabled it will only show spells that were added to the filter using a spell ID and not a name."], }, size = { order = 4, type = 'range', name = L["Size"], min = 8, max = 100, step = 1, }, font = { order = 5, type = 'select', dialogControl = 'LSM30_Font', name = L["Font"], values = _G.AceGUIWidgetLSMlists.font, }, fontSize = { order = 6, type = 'range', name = L["FONT_SIZE"], min = 6, max = 64, step = 1, }, fontOutline = { order = 7, type = 'select', name = L["Font Outline"], values = C.Values.FontFlags, }, xOffset = { order = 8, type = 'range', name = L["X-Offset"], min = -300, max = 300, step = 1, }, yOffset = { order = 9, type = 'range', name = L["Y-Offset"], min = -300, max = 300, step = 1, }, configureButton = { order = 10, type = 'execute', name = L["Configure Auras"], func = function() E:SetToFilterConfig('RaidDebuffs') end, }, duration = { order = 11, type = 'group', inline = true, name = L["Duration Text"], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].rdebuffs.duration[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].rdebuffs.duration[info[#info]] = value; updateFunc(UF, groupName) end, args = { position = { order = 1, type = 'select', name = L["Position"], values = positionValues, }, xOffset = { order = 2, type = 'range', name = L["X-Offset"], min = -10, max = 10, step = 1, }, yOffset = { order = 3, type = 'range', name = L["Y-Offset"], min = -10, max = 10, step = 1, }, color = { order = 4, type = 'color', name = L["COLOR"], hasAlpha = true, get = function(info) local c = E.db.unitframe.units.raid.rdebuffs.duration.color local d = P.unitframe.units.raid.rdebuffs.duration.color return c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a, d.r, d.g, d.b, d.a end, set = function(info, r, g, b, a) local c = E.db.unitframe.units.raid.rdebuffs.duration.color c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a = r, g, b, a UF:CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup('raid') end, }, }, }, stack = { order = 12, type = 'group', inline = true, name = L["Stack Counter"], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].rdebuffs.stack[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].rdebuffs.stack[info[#info]] = value; updateFunc(UF, groupName) end, args = { position = { order = 1, type = 'select', name = L["Position"], values = positionValues, }, xOffset = { order = 2, type = 'range', name = L["X-Offset"], min = -10, max = 10, step = 1, }, yOffset = { order = 3, type = 'range', name = L["Y-Offset"], min = -10, max = 10, step = 1, }, color = { order = 4, type = 'color', name = L["COLOR"], hasAlpha = true, get = function(info) local c = E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].rdebuffs.stack.color local d = P.unitframe.units[groupName].rdebuffs.stack.color return c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a, d.r, d.g, d.b, d.a end, set = function(info, r, g, b, a) local c = E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].rdebuffs.stack.color c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a = r, g, b, a updateFunc(UF, groupName) end, }, }, }, }, } return config end local function GetOptionsTable_RaidIcon(updateFunc, groupName, numUnits, subGroup) local config = { type = 'group', name = L["Raid Icon"], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].raidicon[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].raidicon[info[#info]] = value; updateFunc(UF, groupName, numUnits) end, args = { enable = { type = 'toggle', order = 2, name = L["Enable"], }, attachTo = { type = 'select', order = 3, name = L["Position"], values = positionValues, }, attachToObject = { type = 'select', order = 4, name = L["Attach To"], desc = L["The object you want to attach to."], values = attachToValues, }, size = { type = 'range', name = L["Size"], order = 4, min = 8, max = 60, step = 1, }, xOffset = { order = 5, type = 'range', name = L["X-Offset"], min = -300, max = 300, step = 1, }, yOffset = { order = 6, type = 'range', name = L["Y-Offset"], min = -300, max = 300, step = 1, }, }, } if subGroup then config.inline = true config.get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName][subGroup].raidicon[info[#info]] end config.set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName][subGroup].raidicon[info[#info]] = value; updateFunc(UF, groupName, numUnits) end end return config end local function GetOptionsTable_RoleIcons(updateFunc, groupName, numGroup) local config = { type = 'group', name = L["Role Icon"], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].roleIcon[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].roleIcon[info[#info]] = value; updateFunc(UF, groupName, numGroup) end, args = { enable = { type = 'toggle', name = L["Enable"], order = 2, }, position = { type = 'select', order = 3, name = L["Position"], values = positionValues, }, attachTo = { type = 'select', order = 4, name = L["Attach To"], desc = L["The object you want to attach to."], values = attachToValues, }, xOffset = { order = 5, type = 'range', name = L["X-Offset"], min = -300, max = 300, step = 1, }, yOffset = { order = 6, type = 'range', name = L["Y-Offset"], min = -300, max = 300, step = 1, }, size = { type = 'range', order = 7, name = L["Size"], min = 4, max = 100, step = 1, }, tank = { order = 8, type = 'toggle', name = L["Show For Tanks"], }, healer = { order = 9, type = 'toggle', name = L["Show For Healers"], }, damager = { order = 10, type = 'toggle', name = L["Show For DPS"], }, combatHide = { order = 11, type = 'toggle', name = L["Hide In Combat"], }, }, } return config end local function GetOptionsTable_RaidRoleIcons(updateFunc, groupName, numGroup) local config = { type = 'group', name = L["Leader Indicator"], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].raidRoleIcons[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].raidRoleIcons[info[#info]] = value; updateFunc(UF, groupName, numGroup) end, args = { enable = { type = 'toggle', name = L["Enable"], order = 2, }, position = { type = 'select', order = 3, name = L["Position"], values = { TOPLEFT = L["TOPLEFT"], TOPRIGHT = L["TOPRIGHT"], }, }, xOffset = { order = 4, type = 'range', name = L["X-Offset"], min = -300, max = 300, step = 1, }, yOffset = { order = 5, type = 'range', name = L["Y-Offset"], min = -300, max = 300, step = 1, }, }, } return config end local function GetOptionsTable_ReadyCheckIcon(updateFunc, groupName) local config = { type = 'group', name = L["Ready Check Icon"], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].readycheckIcon[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].readycheckIcon[info[#info]] = value; updateFunc(UF, groupName) end, args = { enable = { order = 2, type = 'toggle', name = L["Enable"], }, size = { order = 3, type = 'range', name = L["Size"], min = 8, max = 60, step = 1, }, attachTo = { order = 4, type = 'select', name = L["Attach To"], desc = L["The object you want to attach to."], values = attachToValues, }, position = { order = 5, type = 'select', name = L["Position"], values = positionValues, }, xOffset = { order = 6, type = 'range', name = L["X-Offset"], min = -300, max = 300, step = 1, }, yOffset = { order = 7, type = 'range', name = L["Y-Offset"], min = -300, max = 300, step = 1, }, }, } return config end local function GetOptionsTable_ResurrectIcon(updateFunc, groupName, numUnits) local config = { type = 'group', name = L["Resurrect Icon"], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].resurrectIcon[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].resurrectIcon[info[#info]] = value; updateFunc(UF, groupName, numUnits) end, args = { enable = { type = 'toggle', order = 2, name = L["Enable"], }, attachTo = { type = 'select', order = 3, name = L["Position"], values = positionValues, }, attachToObject = { type = 'select', order = 4, name = L["Attach To"], desc = L["The object you want to attach to."], values = attachToValues, }, size = { order = 5, type = 'range', name = L["Size"], min = 8, max = 60, step = 1, }, xOffset = { order = 6, type = 'range', name = L["X-Offset"], min = -300, max = 300, step = 1, }, yOffset = { order = 7, type = 'range', name = L["Y-Offset"], min = -300, max = 300, step = 1, }, }, } return config end local function GetOptionsTable_SummonIcon(updateFunc, groupName, numUnits) local config = { type = 'group', name = L["Summon Icon"], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].summonIcon[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].summonIcon[info[#info]] = value; updateFunc(UF, groupName, numUnits) end, args = { enable = { type = 'toggle', order = 2, name = L["Enable"], }, attachTo = { type = 'select', order = 3, name = L["Position"], values = positionValues, }, attachToObject = { type = 'select', order = 4, name = L["Attach To"], desc = L["The object you want to attach to."], values = attachToValues, }, size = { order = 5, type = 'range', name = L["Size"], min = 8, max = 60, step = 1, }, xOffset = { order = 6, type = 'range', name = L["X-Offset"], min = -300, max = 300, step = 1, }, yOffset = { order = 7, type = 'range', name = L["Y-Offset"], min = -300, max = 300, step = 1, }, }, } return config end local function GetOptionsTable_ClassBar(updateFunc, groupName, numUnits) local config = { type = 'group', name = L["Classbar"], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].classbar[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].classbar[info[#info]] = value; updateFunc(UF, groupName, numUnits) end, args = { enable = { type = 'toggle', order = 2, name = L["Enable"], }, height = { type = 'range', order = 3, name = L["Height"], min = 2, max = 30, step = 1, }, fill = { type = 'select', order = 4, name = L["Fill"], values = { fill = L["Filled"], spaced = L["Spaced"], }, }, }, } if groupName == 'party' or groupName == 'raid' or groupName == 'raid40' then config.args.altPowerColor = { get = function(info) local t = E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].classbar[info[#info]] local d = P.unitframe.units[groupName].classbar[info[#info]] return t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a, d.r, d.g, d.b end, set = function(info, r, g, b) local t = E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].classbar[info[#info]] t.r, t.g, t.b = r, g, b UF:Update_AllFrames() end, order = 5, name = L["COLOR"], type = 'color', } config.args.altPowerTextFormat = { order = 6, name = L["Text Format"], desc = L["Controls the text displayed. Tags are available in the Available Tags section of the config."], type = 'input', width = 'full', } elseif groupName == 'player' then config.args.height.max = (E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].classbar.detachFromFrame and 300 or 30) config.args.autoHide = { order = 5, type = 'toggle', name = L["Auto-Hide"], } config.args.spacer = ACH:Spacer(10) config.args.detachGroup = { order = 20, type = 'group', name = L["Detach From Frame"], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units.player.classbar[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units.player.classbar[info[#info]] = value; UF:CreateAndUpdateUF('player') end, hidden = groupName ~= 'player', inline = true, args = { detachFromFrame = { type = 'toggle', order = 1, name = L["Enable"], width = 'full', set = function(info, value) E.Options.args.unitframe.args.individualUnits.args.player.args.classbar.args.height.max = (value and 300) or 30 E.db.unitframe.units.player.classbar[info[#info]] = value; UF:CreateAndUpdateUF('player') end, }, detachedWidth = { type = 'range', order = 2, name = L["Detached Width"], disabled = function() return not E.db.unitframe.units.player.classbar.detachFromFrame end, min = ((E.db.unitframe.thinBorders or E.PixelMode) and 3 or 7), max = 800, step = 1, }, orientation = { type = 'select', order = 3, name = L["Frame Orientation"], disabled = function() return not E.db.unitframe.units.player.classbar.detachFromFrame end, values = { HORIZONTAL = L["Horizontal"], VERTICAL = L["Vertical"], }, }, verticalOrientation = { order = 4, type = 'toggle', name = L["Vertical Fill Direction"], disabled = function() return not E.db.unitframe.units.player.classbar.detachFromFrame end, }, spacing = { order = 5, type = 'range', name = L["Spacing"], min = ((E.db.unitframe.thinBorders or E.PixelMode) and -1 or -4), max = 20, step = 1, disabled = function() return not E.db.unitframe.units.player.classbar.detachFromFrame end, }, parent = { type = 'select', order = 6, name = L["Parent"], desc = L["Choose UIPARENT to prevent it from hiding with the unitframe."], disabled = function() return not E.db.unitframe.units.player.classbar.detachFromFrame end, values = { FRAME = 'FRAME', UIPARENT = 'UIPARENT', }, }, strataAndLevel = GetOptionsTable_StrataAndFrameLevel(updateFunc, groupName, numUnits, 'classbar'), }, } end return config end local function GetOptionsTable_GeneralGroup(updateFunc, groupName, numUnits) local config = { order = 5, type = 'group', name = L["General"], args = { orientation = { order = 9, type = 'select', name = L["Frame Orientation"], desc = L["Set the orientation of the UnitFrame."], values = orientationValues, }, disableMouseoverGlow = { order = 12, type = 'toggle', name = L["Block Mouseover Glow"], desc = L["Forces Mouseover Glow to be disabled for these frames"], }, disableTargetGlow = { order = 13, type = 'toggle', name = L["Block Target Glow"], desc = L["Forces Target Glow to be disabled for these frames"], }, disableFocusGlow = { order = 14, type = 'toggle', name = L["Block Focus Glow"], desc = L["Forces Focus Glow to be disabled for these frames"], }, }, } if groupName ~= 'tank' and groupName ~= 'assist' then config.args.hideonnpc = { type = 'toggle', order = 15, name = L["Text Toggle On NPC"], desc = L["Power text will be hidden on NPC targets, in addition the name text will be repositioned to the power texts anchor point."], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].power.hideonnpc end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].power.hideonnpc = value; updateFunc(UF, groupName, numUnits) end, } end if groupName ~= 'party' and groupName ~= 'raid' and groupName ~= 'raid40' and groupName ~= 'raidpet' and groupName ~= 'assist' and groupName ~= 'tank' then config.args.smartAuraPosition = { order = 8, type = 'select', name = L["Smart Aura Position"], desc = L["Will show Buffs in the Debuff position when there are no Debuffs active, or vice versa."], values = smartAuraPositionValues, } end if groupName ~= 'arena' then config.args.threatStyle = { type = 'select', order = 7, name = L["Threat Display Mode"], values = threatValues, } end if groupName == 'party' or groupName == 'raid' or groupName == 'raid40' or groupName == 'raidpet' then config.args.positionsGroup = { order = 100, name = L["Size and Positions"], type = 'group', inline = true, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName][info[#info]] = value; updateFunc(UF, groupName, numUnits) end, args = { width = { order = 1, name = L["Width"], type = 'range', min = 10, max = 500, step = 1, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName][info[#info]] = value; updateFunc(UF, groupName, numUnits) end, }, height = { order = 2, name = L["Height"], type = 'range', min = 5, max = 500, step = 1, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName][info[#info]] = value; updateFunc(UF, groupName, numUnits) end, }, spacer = ACH:Spacer(3, 'full'), growthDirection = { order = 4, name = L["Growth Direction"], desc = L["Growth direction from the first unitframe."], type = 'select', values = growthDirectionValues, }, numGroups = { order = 7, type = 'range', name = L["Number of Groups"], min = 1, max = 8, step = 1, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName][info[#info]] = value; updateFunc(UF, groupName, numUnits) if UF[groupName].isForced then UF:HeaderConfig(UF[groupName]) UF:HeaderConfig(UF[groupName], true) end end, }, groupsPerRowCol = { order = 8, type = 'range', name = L["Groups Per Row/Column"], min = 1, max = 8, step = 1, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName][info[#info]] = value; updateFunc(UF, groupName, numUnits) if UF[groupName].isForced then UF:HeaderConfig(UF[groupName]) UF:HeaderConfig(UF[groupName], true) end end, }, horizontalSpacing = { order = 9, type = 'range', name = L["Horizontal Spacing"], min = -1, max = 50, step = 1, }, verticalSpacing = { order = 10, type = 'range', name = L["Vertical Spacing"], min = -1, max = 50, step = 1, }, groupSpacing = { order = 11, type = 'range', name = L["Group Spacing"], desc = L["Additional spacing between each individual group."], min = 0, softMax = 50, step = 1, }, }, } config.args.visibilityGroup = { order = 200, name = L["Visibility"], type = 'group', inline = true, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName][info[#info]] = value; updateFunc(UF, groupName, numUnits) end, args = { showPlayer = { order = 0, type = 'toggle', name = L["Display Player"], desc = L["When true, the header includes the player when not in a raid."], }, defaults = { order = 1, type = 'execute', name = L["Restore Defaults"], confirm = true, func = function() E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].visibility = P.unitframe.units[groupName].visibility updateFunc(UF, groupName, numUnits) end, }, visibility = { order = 2, type = 'input', name = L["Visibility"], desc = L["VISIBILITY_DESC"], width = 'full', }, }, } config.args.sortingGroup = { order = 300, type = 'group', inline = true, name = L["Grouping & Sorting"], set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName][info[#info]] = value; updateFunc(UF, groupName, numUnits) end, args = { groupBy = { order = 1, name = L["Group By"], desc = L["Set the order that the group will sort."], customWidth = 250, type = 'select', values = { CLASS = L["CLASS"], CLASSROLE = L["CLASS"]..' & '..L["ROLE"], ROLE = L["Role: Tank, Healer, Damage"], ROLE2 = L["Role: Tank, Damage, Healer"], NAME = L["NAME"], MTMA = L["Main Tanks / Main Assist"], GROUP = L["GROUP"], }, }, sortDir = { order = 2, name = L["Sort Direction"], desc = L["Defines the sort order of the selected sort method."], type = 'select', values = { ASC = L["Ascending"], DESC = L["Descending"] }, }, spacer = ACH:Spacer(3, 'full'), raidWideSorting = { order = 4, name = L["Raid-Wide Sorting"], desc = L["Enabling this allows raid-wide sorting however you will not be able to distinguish between groups."], type = 'toggle', }, invertGroupingOrder = { order = 5, name = L["Invert Grouping Order"], desc = L["Enabling this inverts the grouping order when the raid is not full, this will reverse the direction it starts from."], disabled = function() return not E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].raidWideSorting end, type = 'toggle', }, startFromCenter = { order = 6, name = L["Start Near Center"], desc = L["The initial group will start near the center and grow out."], disabled = function() return not E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].raidWideSorting end, type = 'toggle', }, }, } else config.args.positionsGroup = { order = 100, name = L["Size and Positions"], type = 'group', inline = true, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName][info[#info]] = value; updateFunc(UF, groupName, numUnits) end, args = { width = { order = 1, name = L["Width"], type = 'range', min = 50, max = 1000, step = 1, set = function(info, value) if E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar and E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar.width == E.db.unitframe.units[groupName][info[#info]] then E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].castbar.width = value; end E.db.unitframe.units[groupName][info[#info]] = value; updateFunc(UF, groupName, numUnits) end, }, height = { order = 2, name = L["Height"], type = 'range', min = 5, max = 500, step = 1, }, }, } if groupName == 'boss' or groupName == 'arena' then config.args.positionsGroup.args.spacing = { order = 3, type = 'range', name = L["Spacing"], min = ((E.db.unitframe.thinBorders or E.PixelMode) and -1 or -4), max = 400, step = 1, } config.args.positionsGroup.args.growthDirection = { order = 4, type = 'select', name = L["Growth Direction"], values = { UP = L["Bottom to Top"], DOWN = L["Top to Bottom"], LEFT = L["Right to Left"], RIGHT = L["Left to Right"], }, } end if groupName == 'tank' or groupName == 'assist' then config.args.positionsGroup.args.verticalSpacing = { order = 3, type = 'range', name = L["Vertical Spacing"], min = 0, max = 100, step = 1, } end end if groupName == 'party' then config.args.sortingGroup.args.groupBy.values.INDEX = L["Index"] end if groupName == 'raid' or groupName == 'raid40' or groupName == 'raidpet' then config.args.positionsGroup.args.numGroups.disabled = function() return E.db.unitframe.smartRaidFilter end config.args.visibilityGroup.args.visibility.disabled = function() return E.db.unitframe.smartRaidFilter end end if (groupName == 'target' or groupName == 'boss' or groupName == 'tank' or groupName == 'arena' or groupName == 'assist') and not IsAddOnLoaded('Clique') then config.args.middleClickFocus = { order = 16, name = L["Middle Click - Set Focus"], desc = L["Middle clicking the unit frame will cause your focus to match the unit."], type = 'toggle', } end return config end local function GetOptionsTable_CombatIconGroup(updateFunc, groupName, numUnits) local config = { type = 'group', name = L["Combat Icon"], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].CombatIcon[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].CombatIcon[info[#info]] = value updateFunc(UF, groupName, numUnits) UF:TestingDisplay_CombatIndicator(UF[groupName]) end, args = { enable = { order = 2, type = 'toggle', name = L["Enable"], }, defaultColor = { order = 3, type = 'toggle', name = L["Default Color"], }, color = { order = 4, type = 'color', name = L["COLOR"], hasAlpha = true, disabled = function() return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].CombatIcon.defaultColor end, get = function() local c = E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].CombatIcon.color local d = P.unitframe.units[groupName].CombatIcon.color return c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a, d.r, d.g, d.b, d.a end, set = function(_, r, g, b, a) local c = E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].CombatIcon.color c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a = r, g, b, a updateFunc(UF, groupName, numUnits) UF:TestingDisplay_CombatIndicator(UF[groupName]); end, }, size = { order = 5, type = 'range', name = L["Size"], min = 10, max = 60, step = 1, }, xOffset = { order = 6, type = 'range', name = L["X-Offset"], min = -100, max = 100, step = 1, }, yOffset = { order = 7, type = 'range', name = L["Y-Offset"], min = -100, max = 100, step = 1, }, anchorPoint = { order = 9, type = 'select', name = L["Anchor Point"], values = positionValues, }, texture = { order = 10, type = 'select', sortByValue = true, name = L["Texture"], values = { CUSTOM = L["CUSTOM"], DEFAULT = L["DEFAULT"], COMBAT = E:TextureString(E.Media.Textures.Combat, ':14'), PLATINUM = [[|TInterface\Challenges\ChallengeMode_Medal_Platinum:14|t]], ATTACK = [[|TInterface\CURSOR\Attack:14|t]], ALERT = [[|TInterface\DialogFrame\UI-Dialog-Icon-AlertNew:14|t]], ALERT2 = [[|TInterface\OptionsFrame\UI-OptionsFrame-NewFeatureIcon:14|t]], ARTHAS =[[|TInterface\LFGFRAME\UI-LFR-PORTRAIT:14|t]], SKULL = [[|TInterface\LootFrame\LootPanel-Icon:14|t]], }, }, customTexture = { type = 'input', order = 11, customWidth = 250, name = L["Custom Texture"], disabled = function() return E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].CombatIcon.texture ~= 'CUSTOM' end, set = function(_, value) E.db.unitframe.units[groupName].CombatIcon.customTexture = (value and (not value:match('^%s-$')) and value) or nil updateFunc(UF, groupName, numUnits) UF:TestingDisplay_CombatIndicator(UF[groupName]) end }, }, } return config end local filterList = {} local function modifierList() wipe(filterList) filterList.NONE = L["NONE"] filterList.Blacklist = L["Blacklist"] filterList.Whitelist = L["Whitelist"] local list = E.global.unitframe.aurafilters if list then for filter in pairs(list) do if not G.unitframe.aurafilters[filter] then filterList[filter] = filter end end end return filterList end E.Options.args.unitframe = { type = 'group', name = L["UnitFrames"], childGroups = 'tab', order = 2, get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe[info[#info]] = value end, args = { intro = ACH:Description(L["UNITFRAME_DESC"], 0), enable = { order = 1, type = 'toggle', name = L["Enable"], get = function(info) return E.private.unitframe.enable end, set = function(info, value) E.private.unitframe.enable = value; E:StaticPopup_Show('PRIVATE_RL') end }, generalOptionsGroup = { order = 3, type = 'group', childGroups = 'tab', name = L["General"], args = { generalGroup = { order = 2, type = 'group', name = L["General"], disabled = function() return not E.UnitFrames.Initialized end, args = { resetFilters = { order = 1, name = L["Reset Aura Filters"], type = 'execute', func = function(info) E:StaticPopup_Show('RESET_UF_AF') --reset unitframe aurafilters end, }, borderOptions = { order = 2, name = L["Border Options"], type = 'execute', func = function() ACD:SelectGroup('ElvUI', 'general', 'media') end, }, spacer1 = ACH:Spacer(6, 'full'), smartRaidFilter = { order = 7, name = L["Smart Raid Filter"], desc = L["Override any custom visibility setting in certain situations, EX: Only show groups 1 and 2 inside a 10 man instance."], type = 'toggle', set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe[info[#info]] = value; UF:UpdateAllHeaders(value) end }, targetOnMouseDown = { order = 8, name = L["Target On Mouse-Down"], desc = L["Target units on mouse down rather than mouse up. |n|n|cffFF0000Warning: If you are using the addon Clique you may have to adjust your Clique settings when changing this."], type = 'toggle', }, targetSound = { order = 9, type = 'toggle', name = L["Targeting Sound"], desc = L["Enable a sound if you select a unit."], }, effectiveGroup = { order = 50, type = 'group', inline = true, name = L["Effective Updates"], args = { warning = ACH:Description(L["|cffFF0000Warning:|r This causes updates to happen at a fraction of a second."]..'\n'..L["Enabling this has the potential to make updates faster, though setting a speed value that is too high may cause it to actually run slower than the default scheme, which use Blizzard events only with no update loops provided."], 0, 'medium'), effectiveHealth = { order = 1, type = 'toggle', name = L["Health"], get = function(info) return E.global.unitframe[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.global.unitframe[info[#info]] = value; UF:Update_AllFrames() end }, effectivePower = { order = 2, type = 'toggle', name = L["Power"], get = function(info) return E.global.unitframe[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.global.unitframe[info[#info]] = value; UF:Update_AllFrames() end }, effectiveAura = { order = 3, type = 'toggle', name = L["Aura"], get = function(info) return E.global.unitframe[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.global.unitframe[info[#info]] = value; UF:Update_AllFrames() end }, spacer1 = ACH:Spacer(4, 'full'), effectiveHealthSpeed = { order = 5, name = L["Health Speed"], type = 'range', min = .1, max = .5, step = .05, disabled = function() return not E.global.unitframe.effectiveHealth end, get = function(info) return E.global.unitframe[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.global.unitframe[info[#info]] = value; UF:Update_AllFrames() end }, effectivePowerSpeed = { order = 6, name = L["Power Speed"], type = 'range', min = .1, max = .5, step = .05, disabled = function() return not E.global.unitframe.effectivePower end, get = function(info) return E.global.unitframe[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.global.unitframe[info[#info]] = value; UF:Update_AllFrames() end }, effectiveAuraSpeed = { order = 7, name = L["Aura Speed"], type = 'range', min = .1, max = .5, step = .05, disabled = function() return not E.global.unitframe.effectiveAura end, get = function(info) return E.global.unitframe[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.global.unitframe[info[#info]] = value; UF:Update_AllFrames() end }, }, }, modifiers = { type = 'group', name = L["Filter Modifiers"], order = 60, inline = true, get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.modifiers[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.modifiers[info[#info]] = value end, args = { SHIFT = { order = 1, type = 'select', name = L["SHIFT"], values = modifierList, }, ALT = { order = 2, type = 'select', name = L["ALT"], values = modifierList, }, CTRL = { order = 3, type = 'select', name = L["CTRL"], values = modifierList, }, }, }, barGroup = { order = 70, type = 'group', inline = true, name = L["Bars"], args = { smoothbars = { type = 'toggle', order = 2, name = L["Smooth Bars"], desc = L["Bars will transition smoothly."], set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe[info[#info]] = value UF:Update_AllFrames() end, }, statusbar = { type = 'select', dialogControl = 'LSM30_Statusbar', order = 3, name = L["StatusBar Texture"], desc = L["Main statusbar texture."], values = _G.AceGUIWidgetLSMlists.statusbar, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe[info[#info]] = value UF:Update_StatusBars() end, }, }, }, fontGroup = { order = 80, type = 'group', inline = true, name = L["Fonts"], args = { font = { type = 'select', dialogControl = 'LSM30_Font', order = 4, name = L["Default Font"], desc = L["The font that the unitframes will use."], values = _G.AceGUIWidgetLSMlists.font, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe[info[#info]] = value; UF:Update_FontStrings() end, }, fontSize = { order = 5, name = L["FONT_SIZE"], desc = L["Set the font size for unitframes."], type = 'range', min = 6, max = 64, step = 1, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe[info[#info]] = value; UF:Update_FontStrings() end, }, fontOutline = { order = 6, name = L["Font Outline"], desc = L["Set the font outline."], type = 'select', values = C.Values.FontFlags, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe[info[#info]] = value; UF:Update_FontStrings() end, }, }, }, }, }, frameGlowGroup = { order = 3, type = 'group', childGroups = 'tree', name = L["Frame Glow"], disabled = function() return not E.UnitFrames.Initialized end, args = { mainGlow = { order = 1, type = 'group', inline = true, name = L["Mouseover Glow"], get = function(info) local t = E.db.unitframe.colors.frameGlow.mainGlow[info[#info]] if type(t) == 'boolean' then return t end local d = P.unitframe.colors.frameGlow.mainGlow[info[#info]] return t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a, d.r, d.g, d.b, d.a end, set = function(info, r, g, b, a) local t = E.db.unitframe.colors.frameGlow.mainGlow[info[#info]] if type(t) == 'boolean' then E.db.unitframe.colors.frameGlow.mainGlow[info[#info]] = r else t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a = r, g, b, a end UF:FrameGlow_UpdateFrames(); end, disabled = function() return not E.db.unitframe.colors.frameGlow.mainGlow.enable end, args = { enable = { order = 1, type = 'toggle', name = L["Enable"], disabled = false, }, spacer = ACH:Spacer(2), class = { order = 3, type = 'toggle', name = L["Use Class Color"], desc = L["Alpha channel is taken from the color option."], }, color = { order = 4, name = L["COLOR"], type = 'color', hasAlpha = true, }, } }, targetGlow = { order = 3, type = 'group', inline = true, name = L["Targeted Glow"], get = function(info) local t = E.db.unitframe.colors.frameGlow.targetGlow[info[#info]] if type(t) == 'boolean' then return t end local d = P.unitframe.colors.frameGlow.targetGlow[info[#info]] return t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a, d.r, d.g, d.b, d.a end, set = function(info, r, g, b, a) local t = E.db.unitframe.colors.frameGlow.targetGlow[info[#info]] if type(t) == 'boolean' then E.db.unitframe.colors.frameGlow.targetGlow[info[#info]] = r else t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a = r, g, b, a end UF:FrameGlow_UpdateFrames(); end, disabled = function() return not E.db.unitframe.colors.frameGlow.targetGlow.enable end, args = { enable = { order = 1, type = 'toggle', name = L["Enable"], disabled = false, }, spacer = ACH:Spacer(2), class = { order = 3, type = 'toggle', name = L["Use Class Color"], desc = L["Alpha channel is taken from the color option."], }, color = { order = 4, name = L["COLOR"], type = 'color', hasAlpha = true, }, } }, focusGlow = { order = 4, type = 'group', inline = true, name = L["Focused Glow"], get = function(info) local t = E.db.unitframe.colors.frameGlow.focusGlow[info[#info]] if type(t) == 'boolean' then return t end local d = P.unitframe.colors.frameGlow.focusGlow[info[#info]] return t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a, d.r, d.g, d.b, d.a end, set = function(info, r, g, b, a) local t = E.db.unitframe.colors.frameGlow.focusGlow[info[#info]] if type(t) == 'boolean' then E.db.unitframe.colors.frameGlow.focusGlow[info[#info]] = r else t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a = r, g, b, a end UF:FrameGlow_UpdateFrames(); end, disabled = function() return not E.db.unitframe.colors.frameGlow.focusGlow.enable end, args = { enable = { order = 1, type = 'toggle', name = L["Enable"], disabled = false, }, spacer = ACH:Spacer(2), class = { order = 3, type = 'toggle', name = L["Use Class Color"], desc = L["Alpha channel is taken from the color option."], }, color = { order = 4, name = L["COLOR"], type = 'color', hasAlpha = true, }, } }, mouseoverGlow = { order = 5, type = 'group', inline = true, name = L["Mouseover Highlight"], get = function(info) local t = E.db.unitframe.colors.frameGlow.mouseoverGlow[info[#info]] if type(t) == 'boolean' then return t end local d = P.unitframe.colors.frameGlow.mouseoverGlow[info[#info]] return t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a, d.r, d.g, d.b, d.a end, set = function(info, r, g, b, a) local t = E.db.unitframe.colors.frameGlow.mouseoverGlow[info[#info]] if type(t) == 'boolean' then E.db.unitframe.colors.frameGlow.mouseoverGlow[info[#info]] = r else t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a = r, g, b, a end UF:FrameGlow_UpdateFrames(); end, disabled = function() return not E.db.unitframe.colors.frameGlow.mouseoverGlow.enable end, args = { enable = { order = 1, type = 'toggle', name = L["Enable"], disabled = false, }, texture = { type = 'select', dialogControl = 'LSM30_Statusbar', order = 2, name = L["Texture"], values = _G.AceGUIWidgetLSMlists.statusbar, get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.colors.frameGlow.mouseoverGlow[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.colors.frameGlow.mouseoverGlow[info[#info]] = value; UF:FrameGlow_UpdateFrames(); end, }, spacer = ACH:Spacer(3), class = { order = 4, type = 'toggle', name = L["Use Class Color"], desc = L["Alpha channel is taken from the color option."], }, color = { order = 5, name = L["COLOR"], type = 'color', hasAlpha = true, }, } }, } }, allColorsGroup = { order = 4, type = 'group', name = L["COLORS"], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] = value; UF:Update_AllFrames() end, disabled = function() return not E.UnitFrames.Initialized end, args = { healthGroup = { order = 2, type = 'group', name = L["HEALTH"], get = function(info) local t = E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] local d = P.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] return t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a, d.r, d.g, d.b end, set = function(info, r, g, b) local t = E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] t.r, t.g, t.b = r, g, b UF:Update_AllFrames() end, args = { colorhealthbyvalue = { order = 1, type = 'toggle', name = L["Health By Value"], desc = L["Color health by amount remaining."], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] = value; UF:Update_AllFrames() end, }, healthselection = { order = 2, type = 'toggle', name = L["Selection Health"], desc = L["Color health by color selection."], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] = value; UF:Update_AllFrames() end, }, healthclass = { order = 3, type = 'toggle', name = L["Class Health"], desc = L["Color health by classcolor or reaction."], disabled = function() return E.db.unitframe.colors.healthselection end, get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] = value; UF:Update_AllFrames() end, }, forcehealthreaction = { order = 4, type = 'toggle', name = L["Force Reaction Color"], desc = L["Forces reaction color instead of class color on units controlled by players."], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] = value; UF:Update_AllFrames() end, disabled = function() return E.db.unitframe.colors.healthselection or not E.db.unitframe.colors.healthclass end, }, transparentHealth = { order = 6, type = 'toggle', name = L["Transparent"], desc = L["Make textures transparent."], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] = value; UF:Update_AllFrames() end, }, useDeadBackdrop = { order = 7, type = 'toggle', name = L["Use Dead Backdrop"], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] = value; UF:Update_AllFrames() end, }, classbackdrop = { order = 8, type = 'toggle', name = L["Class Backdrop"], desc = L["Color the health backdrop by class or reaction."], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] = value; UF:Update_AllFrames() end, disabled = function() return E.db.unitframe.colors.customhealthbackdrop end }, customhealthbackdrop = { order = 9, type = 'toggle', name = L["Custom Backdrop"], desc = L["Use the custom backdrop color instead of a multiple of the main color."], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] = value; UF:Update_AllFrames() end, }, healthMultiplier = { order = 10, name = L["Health Backdrop Multiplier"], type = 'range', min = 0, softMax = 0.75, max = 1, step = .01, get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] = value; UF:Update_AllFrames() end, disabled = function() return E.db.unitframe.colors.customhealthbackdrop end }, health_backdrop = { order = 20, type = 'color', name = L["Health Backdrop"], disabled = function() return not E.db.unitframe.colors.customhealthbackdrop end }, tapped = { order = 21, type = 'color', name = L["Tapped"], }, health = { order = 22, type = 'color', name = L["Health"], }, disconnected = { order = 23, type = 'color', name = L["Disconnected"], }, health_backdrop_dead = { order = 24, type = 'color', name = L["Custom Dead Backdrop"], desc = L["Use this backdrop color for units that are dead or ghosts."], customWidth = 250, }, }, }, powerGroup = { order = 3, type = 'group', name = L["Powers"], get = function(info) local t = E.db.unitframe.colors.power[info[#info]] local d = P.unitframe.colors.power[info[#info]] return t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a, d.r, d.g, d.b end, set = function(info, r, g, b) local t = E.db.unitframe.colors.power[info[#info]] t.r, t.g, t.b = r, g, b UF:Update_AllFrames() end, args = { transparentPower = { order = 1, type = 'toggle', name = L["Transparent"], desc = L["Make textures transparent."], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] = value; UF:Update_AllFrames() end, }, invertPower = { order = 2, type = 'toggle', name = L["Invert Colors"], desc = L["Invert foreground and background colors."], disabled = function() return not E.db.unitframe.colors.transparentPower end, get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] = value; UF:Update_AllFrames() end, }, powerselection = { order = 3, type = 'toggle', name = L["Selection Power"], desc = L["Color power by color selection."], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] = value; UF:Update_AllFrames() end, }, powerclass = { order = 4, type = 'toggle', name = L["Class Power"], desc = L["Color power by classcolor or reaction."], disabled = function() return E.db.unitframe.colors.powerselection end, get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] = value; UF:Update_AllFrames() end, }, spacer2 = ACH:Spacer(5, 'full'), custompowerbackdrop = { order = 6, type = 'toggle', name = L["Custom Backdrop"], desc = L["Use the custom backdrop color instead of a multiple of the main color."], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] = value; UF:Update_AllFrames() end, }, power_backdrop = { order = 7, type = 'color', name = L["Custom Backdrop"], desc = L["Use the custom backdrop color instead of a multiple of the main color."], disabled = function() return not E.db.unitframe.colors.custompowerbackdrop end, get = function(info) local t = E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] local d = P.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] return t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a, d.r, d.g, d.b end, set = function(info, r, g, b) local t = E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] t.r, t.g, t.b = r, g, b UF:Update_AllFrames() end, }, spacer3 = ACH:Spacer(8, 'full'), MANA = { order = 20, name = L["MANA"], type = 'color', }, RAGE = { order = 21, name = L["RAGE"], type = 'color', }, FOCUS = { order = 22, name = L["FOCUS"], type = 'color', }, ENERGY = { order = 23, name = L["ENERGY"], type = 'color', }, RUNIC_POWER = { order = 24, name = L["RUNIC_POWER"], type = 'color', }, PAIN = { order = 25, name = L["PAIN"], type = 'color', }, FURY = { order = 26, name = L["FURY"], type = 'color', }, LUNAR_POWER = { order = 27, name = L["LUNAR_POWER"], type = 'color' }, INSANITY = { order = 28, name = L["INSANITY"], type = 'color' }, MAELSTROM = { order = 29, name = L["MAELSTROM"], type = 'color' }, ALT_POWER = { order = 30, name = L["Swapped Alt Power"], type = 'color' }, }, }, castBars = { order = 4, type = 'group', name = L["Castbar"], get = function(info) local t = E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] local d = P.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] return t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a, d.r, d.g, d.b, d.a end, set = function(info, r, g, b, a) local t = E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a = r, g, b, a UF:Update_AllFrames() end, args = { transparentCastbar = { order = 1, type = 'toggle', name = L["Transparent"], desc = L["Make textures transparent."], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] = value; UF:Update_AllFrames() end, }, invertCastbar = { order = 2, type = 'toggle', name = L["Invert Colors"], desc = L["Invert foreground and background colors."], disabled = function() return not E.db.unitframe.colors.transparentCastbar end, get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] = value; UF:Update_AllFrames() end, }, castClassColor = { order = 3, type = 'toggle', name = L["Class Castbars"], desc = L["Color castbars by the class of player units."], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] = value; UF:Update_AllFrames() end, }, castReactionColor = { order = 4, type = 'toggle', name = L["Reaction Castbars"], desc = L["Color castbars by the reaction type of non-player units."], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] = value; UF:Update_AllFrames() end, }, spacer1 = ACH:Spacer(5, 'full'), customcastbarbackdrop = { order = 6, type = 'toggle', name = L["Custom Backdrop"], desc = L["Use the custom backdrop color instead of a multiple of the main color."], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] = value; UF:Update_AllFrames() end, }, castbar_backdrop = { order = 7, type = 'color', name = L["Custom Backdrop"], desc = L["Use the custom backdrop color instead of a multiple of the main color."], disabled = function() return not E.db.unitframe.colors.customcastbarbackdrop end, hasAlpha = true, }, spacer2 = ACH:Spacer(8, 'full'), castColor = { order = 9, name = L["Interruptible"], type = 'color', }, castNoInterrupt = { order = 10, name = L["Non-Interruptible"], type = 'color', }, castInterruptedColor = { name = L["Interrupted"], order = 11, type = 'color', }, }, }, auras = { order = 5, type = 'group', name = L["Auras"], args = { auraByType = { order = 3, name = L["By Type"], type = 'toggle', }, }, }, auraBars = { order = 5, type = 'group', name = L["Aura Bars"], args = { transparentAurabars = { order = 1, type = 'toggle', name = L["Transparent"], desc = L["Make textures transparent."], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] = value; UF:Update_AllFrames() end, }, invertAurabars = { order = 2, type = 'toggle', name = L["Invert Colors"], desc = L["Invert foreground and background colors."], disabled = function() return not E.db.unitframe.colors.transparentAurabars end, get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] = value; UF:Update_AllFrames() end, }, auraBarByType = { order = 3, name = L["By Type"], desc = L["Color aurabar debuffs by type."], type = 'toggle', }, auraBarTurtle = { order = 4, name = L["Color Turtle Buffs"], desc = L["Color all buffs that reduce the unit's incoming damage."], type = 'toggle', }, spacer1 = ACH:Spacer(5, 'full'), customaurabarbackdrop = { order = 6, type = 'toggle', name = L["Custom Backdrop"], desc = L["Use the custom backdrop color instead of a multiple of the main color."], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] = value; UF:Update_AllFrames() end, }, aurabar_backdrop = { order = 7, type = 'color', name = L["Custom Backdrop"], desc = L["Use the custom backdrop color instead of a multiple of the main color."], disabled = function() return not E.db.unitframe.colors.customaurabarbackdrop end, get = function(info) local t = E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] local d = P.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] return t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a, d.r, d.g, d.b end, set = function(info, r, g, b) local t = E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] t.r, t.g, t.b = r, g, b UF:Update_AllFrames() end, }, spacer2 = ACH:Spacer(8, 'full'), BUFFS = { order = 10, name = L["Buffs"], type = 'color', get = function(info) local t = E.db.unitframe.colors.auraBarBuff local d = P.unitframe.colors.auraBarBuff return t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a, d.r, d.g, d.b end, set = function(info, r, g, b) if E:CheckClassColor(r, g, b) then local classColor = E:ClassColor(E.myclass, true) r, g, b = classColor.r, classColor.g, classColor.b end local t = E.db.unitframe.colors.auraBarBuff t.r, t.g, t.b = r, g, b UF:Update_AllFrames() end, }, DEBUFFS = { order = 11, name = L["Debuffs"], type = 'color', get = function(info) local t = E.db.unitframe.colors.auraBarDebuff local d = P.unitframe.colors.auraBarDebuff return t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a, d.r, d.g, d.b end, set = function(info, r, g, b) local t = E.db.unitframe.colors.auraBarDebuff t.r, t.g, t.b = r, g, b UF:Update_AllFrames() end, }, auraBarTurtleColor = { order = 15, name = L["Turtle Color"], type = 'color', get = function(info) local t = E.db.unitframe.colors.auraBarTurtleColor local d = P.unitframe.colors.auraBarTurtleColor return t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a, d.r, d.g, d.b end, set = function(info, r, g, b) local t = E.db.unitframe.colors.auraBarTurtleColor t.r, t.g, t.b = r, g, b UF:Update_AllFrames() end, }, }, }, reactionGroup = { order = 6, type = 'group', name = L["Reactions"], get = function(info) local t = E.db.unitframe.colors.reaction[info[#info]] local d = P.unitframe.colors.reaction[info[#info]] return t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a, d.r, d.g, d.b end, set = function(info, r, g, b) local t = E.db.unitframe.colors.reaction[info[#info]] t.r, t.g, t.b = r, g, b UF:Update_AllFrames() end, args = { BAD = { order = 1, name = L["Bad"], type = 'color', }, NEUTRAL = { order = 2, name = L["Neutral"], type = 'color', }, GOOD = { order = 3, name = L["Good"], type = 'color', }, }, }, selectionGroup = { order = 7, type = 'group', name = L["Selection"], get = function(info) local n = tonumber(info[#info]) local t = E.db.unitframe.colors.selection[n] local d = P.unitframe.colors.selection[n] return t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a, d.r, d.g, d.b end, set = function(info, r, g, b) local n = tonumber(info[#info]) local t = E.db.unitframe.colors.selection[n] t.r, t.g, t.b = r, g, b UF:Update_AllFrames() end, args = { ['0'] = { order = 0, name = L["Hostile"], type = 'color', }, ['1'] = { order = 1, name = L["Unfriendly"], type = 'color', }, ['2'] = { order = 2, name = L["Neutral"], type = 'color', }, ['3'] = { order = 3, name = L["Friendly"], type = 'color', }, ['5'] = { order = 5, name = L["Player"], -- Player Extended type = 'color', }, ['6'] = { order = 6, name = L["PARTY"], type = 'color', }, ['7'] = { order = 7, name = L["Party PVP"], type = 'color', }, ['8'] = { order = 8, name = L["Friend"], type = 'color', }, ['9'] = { order = 9, name = L["Dead"], type = 'color', }, ['13'] = { order = 13, name = L["Battleground Friendly"], type = 'color', }, }, }, healPrediction = { order = 9, name = L["Heal Prediction"], type = 'group', get = function(info) local t = E.db.unitframe.colors.healPrediction[info[#info]] local d = P.unitframe.colors.healPrediction[info[#info]] return t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a, d.r, d.g, d.b, d.a end, set = function(info, r, g, b, a) local t = E.db.unitframe.colors.healPrediction[info[#info]] t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a = r, g, b, a UF:Update_AllFrames() end, args = { maxOverflow = { order = 1, type = 'range', name = L["Max Overflow"], desc = L["Max amount of overflow allowed to extend past the end of the health bar."], isPercent = true, min = 0, max = 1, step = 0.01, get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.colors.healPrediction.maxOverflow end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.colors.healPrediction.maxOverflow = value; UF:Update_AllFrames() end, }, spacer1 = ACH:Spacer(2, 'full'), personal = { order = 3, name = L["Personal"], type = 'color', hasAlpha = true, }, others = { order = 4, name = L["Others"], type = 'color', hasAlpha = true, }, absorbs = { order = 5, name = L["Absorbs"], type = 'color', hasAlpha = true, }, healAbsorbs = { order = 6, name = L["Heal Absorbs"], type = 'color', hasAlpha = true, }, overabsorbs = { order = 7, name = L["Over Absorbs"], type = 'color', hasAlpha = true, }, overhealabsorbs = { order = 8, name = L["Over Heal Absorbs"], type = 'color', hasAlpha = true, }, }, }, powerPrediction = { order = 10, name = L["Power Prediction"], type = 'group', get = function(info) local t = E.db.unitframe.colors.powerPrediction[info[#info]] local d = P.unitframe.colors.powerPrediction[info[#info]] return t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a, d.r, d.g, d.b, d.a end, set = function(info, r, g, b, a) local t = E.db.unitframe.colors.powerPrediction[info[#info]] t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a = r, g, b, a UF:Update_AllFrames() end, args = { enable = { order = 15, type = 'toggle', customWidth = 250, name = L["Custom Power Prediction Color"], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.colors.powerPrediction[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.colors.powerPrediction[info[#info]] = value; UF:Update_AllFrames() end, }, spacer2 = ACH:Spacer(16), color = { order = 17, name = L["Power Prediction Color"], type = 'color', hasAlpha = true, }, additional = { order = 18, name = L["Additional Power Prediction Color"], type = 'color', hasAlpha = true, }, }, }, debuffHighlight = { order = 11, name = L["Debuff Highlighting"], type = 'group', get = function(info) local t = E.db.unitframe.colors.debuffHighlight[info[#info]] local d = P.unitframe.colors.debuffHighlight[info[#info]] return t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a, d.r, d.g, d.b, d.a end, set = function(info, r, g, b, a) local t = E.db.unitframe.colors.debuffHighlight[info[#info]] t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a = r, g, b, a UF:Update_AllFrames() end, args = { debuffHighlighting = { order = 1, name = L["Highlight Color Style"], desc = L["Color the unit healthbar if there is a debuff that can be dispelled by you."], -- NEEDS UPDATED type = 'select', get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe[info[#info]] = value end, values = { NONE = NONE, GLOW = L["Glow"], FILL = L["Fill"] }, }, blendMode = { order = 2, name = L["Blend Mode"], type = 'select', values = blendModeValues, get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.colors.debuffHighlight[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.colors.debuffHighlight[info[#info]] = value; UF:Update_AllFrames(); end }, spacer1 = ACH:Spacer(3, 'full'), Magic = { order = 4, name = L["ENCOUNTER_JOURNAL_SECTION_FLAG7"],--Magic Effect type = 'color', hasAlpha = true, }, Curse = { order = 5, name = L["ENCOUNTER_JOURNAL_SECTION_FLAG8"],--Curse Effect type = 'color', hasAlpha = true, }, Disease = { order = 6, name = L["ENCOUNTER_JOURNAL_SECTION_FLAG10"],--Disease Effect type = 'color', hasAlpha = true, }, Poison = { order = 7, name = L["ENCOUNTER_JOURNAL_SECTION_FLAG9"],--Poison Effect type = 'color', hasAlpha = true, }, }, }, }, }, disabledBlizzardFrames = { order = 5, type = 'group', name = L["Disabled Blizzard Frames"], get = function(info) return E.private.unitframe.disabledBlizzardFrames[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.private.unitframe.disabledBlizzardFrames[info[#info]] = value; E:StaticPopup_Show('PRIVATE_RL') end, args = { player = { order = 1, type = 'toggle', name = L["Player"], desc = L["Disables the player and pet unitframes."], }, target = { order = 2, type = 'toggle', name = L["TARGET"], desc = L["Disables the target and target of target unitframes."], }, focus = { order = 3, type = 'toggle', name = L["Focus"], desc = L["Disables the focus and target of focus unitframes."], }, boss = { order = 4, type = 'toggle', name = L["Boss"], }, arena = { order = 5, type = 'toggle', name = L["Arena"], }, party = { order = 6, type = 'toggle', name = L["PARTY"], }, raid = { order = 7, type = 'toggle', name = L["Raid"], }, }, }, raidDebuffIndicator = { order = 6, type = 'group', name = L["RaidDebuff Indicator"], disabled = function() return not E.UnitFrames.Initialized end, args = { instanceFilter = { order = 2, type = 'select', name = L["Dungeon & Raid Filter"], values = function() local filters = {} local list = E.global.unitframe.aurafilters if not list then return end for filter in pairs(list) do filters[filter] = filter end return filters end, get = function(info) return E.global.unitframe.raidDebuffIndicator.instanceFilter end, set = function(info, value) E.global.unitframe.raidDebuffIndicator.instanceFilter = value; UF:UpdateAllHeaders() end, }, otherFilter = { order = 3, type = 'select', name = L["Other Filter"], values = function() local filters = {} local list = E.global.unitframe.aurafilters if not list then return end for filter in pairs(list) do filters[filter] = filter end return filters end, get = function(info) return E.global.unitframe.raidDebuffIndicator.otherFilter end, set = function(info, value) E.global.unitframe.raidDebuffIndicator.otherFilter = value; UF:UpdateAllHeaders() end, }, }, }, }, }, individualUnits = { order = 4, type = 'group', childGroups = 'tab', name = L["Individual Units"], args = {}, }, groupUnits = { order = 5, type = 'group', childGroups = 'tab', name = L["Group Units"], args = {}, } }, } --Player E.Options.args.unitframe.args.individualUnits.args.player = { name = L["Player"], type = 'group', order = 3, get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units.player[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units.player[info[#info]] = value; UF:CreateAndUpdateUF('player') end, disabled = function() return not E.UnitFrames.Initialized end, args = { enable = { type = 'toggle', order = 1, name = L["Enable"], set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units.player[info[#info]] = value; UF:CreateAndUpdateUF('player'); end, }, showAuras = { order = 2, type = 'execute', name = L["Show Auras"], func = function() if UF.player.forceShowAuras then UF.player.forceShowAuras = nil; else UF.player.forceShowAuras = true; end UF:CreateAndUpdateUF('player') end, }, resetSettings = { type = 'execute', order = 3, name = L["Restore Defaults"], func = function(info) E:StaticPopup_Show('RESET_UF_UNIT', L["Player"], nil, {unit='player', mover='Player Frame'}) end, }, copyFrom = { type = 'select', order = 4, name = L["Copy From"], desc = L["Select a unit to copy settings from."], values = UF.units, set = function(info, value) UF:MergeUnitSettings(value, 'player'); E:RefreshGUI(); end, }, generalGroup = GetOptionsTable_GeneralGroup(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'player'), RestIcon = { type = 'group', name = L["Rest Icon"], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units.player.RestIcon[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units.player.RestIcon[info[#info]] = value; UF:CreateAndUpdateUF('player'); UF:TestingDisplay_RestingIndicator(ElvUF_Player); end, args = { enable = { order = 2, type = 'toggle', name = L["Enable"], }, defaultColor = { order = 3, type = 'toggle', name = L["Default Color"], }, color = { order = 4, type = 'color', name = COLOR, hasAlpha = true, disabled = function() return E.db.unitframe.units.player.RestIcon.defaultColor end, get = function() local c = E.db.unitframe.units.player.RestIcon.color local d = P.unitframe.units.player.RestIcon.color return c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a, d.r, d.g, d.b, d.a end, set = function(_, r, g, b, a) local c = E.db.unitframe.units.player.RestIcon.color c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a = r, g, b, a UF:CreateAndUpdateUF('player'); UF:TestingDisplay_RestingIndicator(UF.player); end, }, size = { order = 5, type = 'range', name = L["Size"], min = 10, max = 60, step = 1, }, xOffset = { order = 6, type = 'range', name = L["X-Offset"], min = -100, max = 100, step = 1, }, yOffset = { order = 7, type = 'range', name = L["Y-Offset"], min = -100, max = 100, step = 1, }, anchorPoint = { order = 9, type = 'select', name = L["Anchor Point"], values = positionValues, }, texture = { order = 10, type = 'select', sortByValue = true, name = L["Texture"], values = { CUSTOM = L["CUSTOM"], DEFAULT = L["DEFAULT"], RESTING = E:TextureString(E.Media.Textures.Resting, ':14'), RESTING1 = E:TextureString(E.Media.Textures.Resting1, ':14'), }, }, customTexture = { type = 'input', order = 11, customWidth = 250, name = L["Custom Texture"], disabled = function() return E.db.unitframe.units.player.RestIcon.texture ~= 'CUSTOM' end, set = function(_, value) E.db.unitframe.units.player.RestIcon.customTexture = (value and (not value:match('^%s-$')) and value) or nil UF:CreateAndUpdateUF('player'); UF:TestingDisplay_RestingIndicator(UF.player); end }, }, }, PartyIndicator = { type = 'group', name = L["Party Indicator"], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units.player.partyIndicator[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units.player.partyIndicator[info[#info]] = value; UF:CreateAndUpdateUF('player'); end, args = { enable = { order = 2, type = 'toggle', name = L["Enable"], }, scale = { order = 3, type = 'range', name = L["Scale"], isPercent = true, min = 0.5, max = 1.5, step = 0.01, }, xOffset = { order = 6, type = 'range', name = L["X-Offset"], min = -100, max = 100, step = 1, }, yOffset = { order = 7, type = 'range', name = L["Y-Offset"], min = -100, max = 100, step = 1, }, anchorPoint = { order = 9, type = 'select', name = L["Anchor Point"], values = positionValues, }, }, }, pvpText = { type = 'group', name = L["PvP Text"], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units.player.pvp[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units.player.pvp[info[#info]] = value; UF:CreateAndUpdateUF('player') end, args = { position = { type = 'select', order = 2, name = L["Position"], values = positionValues, }, text_format = { order = 100, name = L["Text Format"], desc = L["Controls the text displayed. Tags are available in the Available Tags section of the config."], type = 'input', width = 'full', }, }, }, strataAndLevel = GetOptionsTable_StrataAndFrameLevel(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'player'), aurabar = GetOptionsTable_AuraBars(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'player'), buffs = GetOptionsTable_Auras('buffs', UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'player'), castbar = GetOptionsTable_Castbar(true, UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'player'), CombatIcon = GetOptionsTable_CombatIconGroup(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'player'), classbar = GetOptionsTable_ClassBar(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'player'), customText = GetOptionsTable_CustomText(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'player'), cutaway = GetOptionsTable_Cutaway(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'player'), debuffs = GetOptionsTable_Auras('debuffs', UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'player'), fader = GetOptionsTable_Fader(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'player'), healPredction = GetOptionsTable_HealPrediction(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'player'), health = GetOptionsTable_Health(false, UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'player'), infoPanel = GetOptionsTable_InformationPanel(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'player'), name = GetOptionsTable_Name(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'player'), portrait = GetOptionsTable_Portrait(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'player'), power = GetOptionsTable_Power(true, UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'player', nil, true), pvpIcon = GetOptionsTable_PVPIcon(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'player'), raidicon = GetOptionsTable_RaidIcon(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'player'), raidRoleIcons = GetOptionsTable_RaidRoleIcons(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'player'), resurrectIcon = GetOptionsTable_ResurrectIcon(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'player'), }, } --Target E.Options.args.unitframe.args.individualUnits.args.target = { name = L["TARGET"], type = 'group', order = 4, get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units.target[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units.target[info[#info]] = value; UF:CreateAndUpdateUF('target') end, disabled = function() return not E.UnitFrames.Initialized end, args = { enable = { type = 'toggle', order = 1, name = L["Enable"], }, showAuras = { order = 2, type = 'execute', name = L["Show Auras"], func = function() if UF.target.forceShowAuras then UF.target.forceShowAuras = nil; else UF.target.forceShowAuras = true; end UF:CreateAndUpdateUF('target') end, }, resetSettings = { type = 'execute', order = 3, name = L["Restore Defaults"], func = function(info) E:StaticPopup_Show('RESET_UF_UNIT', L["Target Frame"], nil, {unit='target', mover='Target Frame'}) end, }, copyFrom = { type = 'select', order = 4, name = L["Copy From"], desc = L["Select a unit to copy settings from."], values = UF.units, set = function(info, value) UF:MergeUnitSettings(value, 'target'); E:RefreshGUI(); end, }, generalGroup = GetOptionsTable_GeneralGroup(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'target'), strataAndLevel = GetOptionsTable_StrataAndFrameLevel(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'target'), aurabar = GetOptionsTable_AuraBars(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'target'), buffs = GetOptionsTable_Auras('buffs', UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'target'), castbar = GetOptionsTable_Castbar(false, UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'target'), CombatIcon = GetOptionsTable_CombatIconGroup(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'target'), customText = GetOptionsTable_CustomText(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'target'), cutaway = GetOptionsTable_Cutaway(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'target'), debuffs = GetOptionsTable_Auras('debuffs', UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'target'), fader = GetOptionsTable_Fader(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'target'), healPredction = GetOptionsTable_HealPrediction(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'target'), health = GetOptionsTable_Health(false, UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'target'), infoPanel = GetOptionsTable_InformationPanel(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'target'), name = GetOptionsTable_Name(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'target'), phaseIndicator = GetOptionsTable_PhaseIndicator(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'target'), portrait = GetOptionsTable_Portrait(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'target'), power = GetOptionsTable_Power(true, UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'target', nil, true), pvpIcon = GetOptionsTable_PVPIcon(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'target'), raidicon = GetOptionsTable_RaidIcon(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'target'), raidRoleIcons = GetOptionsTable_RaidRoleIcons(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'target'), resurrectIcon = GetOptionsTable_ResurrectIcon(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'target'), }, } --TargetTarget E.Options.args.unitframe.args.individualUnits.args.targettarget = { name = L["TargetTarget"], type = 'group', order = 5, get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units.targettarget[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units.targettarget[info[#info]] = value; UF:CreateAndUpdateUF('targettarget') end, disabled = function() return not E.UnitFrames.Initialized end, args = { enable = { type = 'toggle', order = 1, name = L["Enable"], }, showAuras = { order = 2, type = 'execute', name = L["Show Auras"], func = function() if UF.targettarget.forceShowAuras then UF.targettarget.forceShowAuras = nil; else UF.targettarget.forceShowAuras = true; end UF:CreateAndUpdateUF('targettarget') end, }, resetSettings = { type = 'execute', order = 3, name = L["Restore Defaults"], func = function(info) E:StaticPopup_Show('RESET_UF_UNIT', L["TargetTarget Frame"], nil, {unit='targettarget', mover='TargetTarget Frame'}) end, }, copyFrom = { type = 'select', order = 4, name = L["Copy From"], desc = L["Select a unit to copy settings from."], values = UF.units, set = function(info, value) UF:MergeUnitSettings(value, 'targettarget'); E:RefreshGUI(); end, }, generalGroup = GetOptionsTable_GeneralGroup(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'targettarget'), strataAndLevel = GetOptionsTable_StrataAndFrameLevel(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'targettarget'), buffs = GetOptionsTable_Auras('buffs', UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'targettarget'), customText = GetOptionsTable_CustomText(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'targettarget'), cutaway = GetOptionsTable_Cutaway(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'targettarget'), debuffs = GetOptionsTable_Auras('debuffs', UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'targettarget'), fader = GetOptionsTable_Fader(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'targettarget'), health = GetOptionsTable_Health(false, UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'targettarget'), infoPanel = GetOptionsTable_InformationPanel(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'targettarget'), name = GetOptionsTable_Name(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'targettarget'), portrait = GetOptionsTable_Portrait(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'targettarget'), power = GetOptionsTable_Power(true, UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'targettarget'), raidicon = GetOptionsTable_RaidIcon(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'targettarget'), }, } --TargetTargetTarget E.Options.args.unitframe.args.individualUnits.args.targettargettarget = { name = L["TargetTargetTarget"], type = 'group', order = 6, get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units.targettargettarget[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units.targettargettarget[info[#info]] = value; UF:CreateAndUpdateUF('targettargettarget') end, disabled = function() return not E.UnitFrames.Initialized end, args = { enable = { type = 'toggle', order = 1, name = L["Enable"], }, showAuras = { order = 2, type = 'execute', name = L["Show Auras"], func = function() if UF.targettargettarget.forceShowAuras then UF.targettargettarget.forceShowAuras = nil; else UF.targettargettarget.forceShowAuras = true; end UF:CreateAndUpdateUF('targettargettarget') end, }, resetSettings = { type = 'execute', order = 3, name = L["Restore Defaults"], func = function(info) E:StaticPopup_Show('RESET_UF_UNIT', L["TargetTargetTarget Frame"], nil, {unit='targettargettarget', mover='TargetTargetTarget Frame'}) end, }, copyFrom = { type = 'select', order = 4, name = L["Copy From"], desc = L["Select a unit to copy settings from."], values = UF.units, set = function(info, value) UF:MergeUnitSettings(value, 'targettargettarget'); E:RefreshGUI(); end, }, generalGroup = GetOptionsTable_GeneralGroup(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'targettargettarget'), strataAndLevel = GetOptionsTable_StrataAndFrameLevel(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'targettargettarget'), buffs = GetOptionsTable_Auras('buffs', UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'targettargettarget'), customText = GetOptionsTable_CustomText(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'targettargettarget'), cutaway = GetOptionsTable_Cutaway(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'targettargettarget'), debuffs = GetOptionsTable_Auras('debuffs', UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'targettargettarget'), fader = GetOptionsTable_Fader(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'targettargettarget'), health = GetOptionsTable_Health(false, UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'targettargettarget'), infoPanel = GetOptionsTable_InformationPanel(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'targettargettarget'), name = GetOptionsTable_Name(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'targettargettarget'), portrait = GetOptionsTable_Portrait(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'targettargettarget'), power = GetOptionsTable_Power(true, UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'targettargettarget'), raidicon = GetOptionsTable_RaidIcon(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'targettargettarget'), }, } --Focus E.Options.args.unitframe.args.individualUnits.args.focus = { name = L["Focus"], type = 'group', order = 7, get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units.focus[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units.focus[info[#info]] = value; UF:CreateAndUpdateUF('focus') end, disabled = function() return not E.UnitFrames.Initialized end, args = { enable = { type = 'toggle', order = 1, name = L["Enable"], }, showAuras = { order = 2, type = 'execute', name = L["Show Auras"], func = function() if UF.focus.forceShowAuras then UF.focus.forceShowAuras = nil; else UF.focus.forceShowAuras = true; end UF:CreateAndUpdateUF('focus') end, }, resetSettings = { type = 'execute', order = 3, name = L["Restore Defaults"], func = function(info) E:StaticPopup_Show('RESET_UF_UNIT', L["Focus Frame"], nil, {unit='focus', mover='Focus Frame'}) end, }, copyFrom = { type = 'select', order = 4, name = L["Copy From"], desc = L["Select a unit to copy settings from."], values = UF.units, set = function(info, value) UF:MergeUnitSettings(value, 'focus'); E:RefreshGUI(); end, }, generalGroup = GetOptionsTable_GeneralGroup(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'focus'), strataAndLevel = GetOptionsTable_StrataAndFrameLevel(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'focus'), aurabar = GetOptionsTable_AuraBars(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'focus'), buffIndicator = GetOptionsTable_AuraWatch(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'focus'), buffs = GetOptionsTable_Auras('buffs', UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'focus'), castbar = GetOptionsTable_Castbar(false, UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'focus'), CombatIcon = GetOptionsTable_CombatIconGroup(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'focus'), customText = GetOptionsTable_CustomText(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'focus'), cutaway = GetOptionsTable_Cutaway(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'focus'), debuffs = GetOptionsTable_Auras('debuffs', UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'focus'), fader = GetOptionsTable_Fader(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'focus'), healPredction = GetOptionsTable_HealPrediction(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'focus'), health = GetOptionsTable_Health(false, UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'focus'), infoPanel = GetOptionsTable_InformationPanel(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'focus'), name = GetOptionsTable_Name(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'focus'), portrait = GetOptionsTable_Portrait(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'focus'), power = GetOptionsTable_Power(true, UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'focus'), raidicon = GetOptionsTable_RaidIcon(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'focus'), }, } --Focus Target E.Options.args.unitframe.args.individualUnits.args.focustarget = { name = L["FocusTarget"], type = 'group', order = 8, get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units.focustarget[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units.focustarget[info[#info]] = value; UF:CreateAndUpdateUF('focustarget') end, disabled = function() return not E.UnitFrames.Initialized end, args = { enable = { type = 'toggle', order = 1, name = L["Enable"], }, showAuras = { order = 2, type = 'execute', name = L["Show Auras"], func = function() if UF.focustarget.forceShowAuras then UF.focustarget.forceShowAuras = nil; else UF.focustarget.forceShowAuras = true; end UF:CreateAndUpdateUF('focustarget') end, }, resetSettings = { type = 'execute', order = 3, name = L["Restore Defaults"], func = function(info) E:StaticPopup_Show('RESET_UF_UNIT', L["FocusTarget Frame"], nil, {unit='focustarget', mover='FocusTarget Frame'}) end, }, copyFrom = { type = 'select', order = 4, name = L["Copy From"], desc = L["Select a unit to copy settings from."], values = UF.units, set = function(info, value) UF:MergeUnitSettings(value, 'focustarget'); E:RefreshGUI(); end, }, generalGroup = GetOptionsTable_GeneralGroup(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'focustarget'), strataAndLevel = GetOptionsTable_StrataAndFrameLevel(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'focustarget'), customText = GetOptionsTable_CustomText(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'focustarget'), health = GetOptionsTable_Health(false, UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'focustarget'), infoPanel = GetOptionsTable_InformationPanel(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'focustarget'), power = GetOptionsTable_Power(true, UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'focustarget'), name = GetOptionsTable_Name(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'focustarget'), portrait = GetOptionsTable_Portrait(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'focustarget'), fader = GetOptionsTable_Fader(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'focustarget'), buffs = GetOptionsTable_Auras('buffs', UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'focustarget'), debuffs = GetOptionsTable_Auras('debuffs', UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'focustarget'), raidicon = GetOptionsTable_RaidIcon(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'focustarget'), cutaway = GetOptionsTable_Cutaway(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'focustarget'), }, } --Pet E.Options.args.unitframe.args.individualUnits.args.pet = { name = L["PET"], type = 'group', order = 9, get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units.pet[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units.pet[info[#info]] = value; UF:CreateAndUpdateUF('pet') end, disabled = function() return not E.UnitFrames.Initialized end, args = { enable = { type = 'toggle', order = 1, name = L["Enable"], }, showAuras = { order = 2, type = 'execute', name = L["Show Auras"], func = function() if UF.pet.forceShowAuras then UF.pet.forceShowAuras = nil; else UF.pet.forceShowAuras = true; end UF:CreateAndUpdateUF('pet') end, }, resetSettings = { type = 'execute', order = 3, name = L["Restore Defaults"], func = function(info) E:StaticPopup_Show('RESET_UF_UNIT', L["Pet Frame"], nil, {unit='pet', mover='Pet Frame'}) end, }, copyFrom = { type = 'select', order = 4, name = L["Copy From"], desc = L["Select a unit to copy settings from."], values = UF.units, set = function(info, value) UF:MergeUnitSettings(value, 'pet'); E:RefreshGUI(); end, }, generalGroup = GetOptionsTable_GeneralGroup(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'pet'), strataAndLevel = GetOptionsTable_StrataAndFrameLevel(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'pet'), buffIndicator = GetOptionsTable_AuraWatch(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'pet'), healPredction = GetOptionsTable_HealPrediction(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'pet'), customText = GetOptionsTable_CustomText(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'pet'), health = GetOptionsTable_Health(false, UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'pet'), infoPanel = GetOptionsTable_InformationPanel(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'pet'), power = GetOptionsTable_Power(true, UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'pet'), name = GetOptionsTable_Name(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'pet'), portrait = GetOptionsTable_Portrait(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'pet'), fader = GetOptionsTable_Fader(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'pet'), buffs = GetOptionsTable_Auras('buffs', UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'pet'), debuffs = GetOptionsTable_Auras('debuffs', UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'pet'), castbar = GetOptionsTable_Castbar(false, UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'pet'), aurabar = GetOptionsTable_AuraBars(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'pet'), cutaway = GetOptionsTable_Cutaway(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'pet'), }, } --Pet Target E.Options.args.unitframe.args.individualUnits.args.pettarget = { name = L["PetTarget"], type = 'group', order = 10, get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units.pettarget[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units.pettarget[info[#info]] = value; UF:CreateAndUpdateUF('pettarget') end, disabled = function() return not E.UnitFrames.Initialized end, args = { enable = { type = 'toggle', order = 1, name = L["Enable"], }, showAuras = { order = 2, type = 'execute', name = L["Show Auras"], func = function() if UF.pettarget.forceShowAuras then UF.pettarget.forceShowAuras = nil; else UF.pettarget.forceShowAuras = true; end UF:CreateAndUpdateUF('pettarget') end, }, resetSettings = { type = 'execute', order = 3, name = L["Restore Defaults"], func = function(info) E:StaticPopup_Show('RESET_UF_UNIT', L["PetTarget Frame"], nil, {unit='pettarget', mover='PetTarget Frame'}) end, }, copyFrom = { type = 'select', order = 4, name = L["Copy From"], desc = L["Select a unit to copy settings from."], values = UF.units, set = function(info, value) UF:MergeUnitSettings(value, 'pettarget'); E:RefreshGUI(); end, }, strataAndLevel = GetOptionsTable_StrataAndFrameLevel(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'pettarget'), generalGroup = GetOptionsTable_GeneralGroup(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'pettarget'), buffs = GetOptionsTable_Auras('buffs', UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'pettarget'), customText = GetOptionsTable_CustomText(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'pettarget'), cutaway = GetOptionsTable_Cutaway(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'pettarget'), debuffs = GetOptionsTable_Auras('debuffs', UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'pettarget'), fader = GetOptionsTable_Fader(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'pettarget'), health = GetOptionsTable_Health(false, UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'pettarget'), infoPanel = GetOptionsTable_InformationPanel(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'pettarget'), name = GetOptionsTable_Name(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'pettarget'), portrait = GetOptionsTable_Portrait(UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'pettarget'), power = GetOptionsTable_Power(true, UF.CreateAndUpdateUF, 'pettarget'), }, } --Boss Frames E.Options.args.unitframe.args.groupUnits.args.boss = { name = L["Boss"], type = 'group', order = 1000, get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units.boss[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units.boss[info[#info]] = value; UF:CreateAndUpdateUFGroup('boss', _G.MAX_BOSS_FRAMES) end, disabled = function() return not E.UnitFrames.Initialized end, args = { enable = { type = 'toggle', order = 1, name = L["Enable"], }, displayFrames = { type = 'execute', order = 2, name = L["Display Frames"], desc = L["Force the frames to show, they will act as if they are the player frame."], func = function() UF:ToggleForceShowGroupFrames('boss', _G.MAX_BOSS_FRAMES) end, }, resetSettings = { type = 'execute', order = 3, name = L["Restore Defaults"], func = function(info) E:StaticPopup_Show('RESET_UF_UNIT', L["Boss Frames"], nil, {unit='boss', mover='Boss Frames'}) end, }, copyFrom = { type = 'select', order = 4, name = L["Copy From"], desc = L["Select a unit to copy settings from."], values = { arena = L["Arena"], }, set = function(info, value) UF:MergeUnitSettings(value, 'boss'); E:RefreshGUI(); end, }, generalGroup = GetOptionsTable_GeneralGroup(UF.CreateAndUpdateUFGroup, 'boss', _G.MAX_BOSS_FRAMES), customText = GetOptionsTable_CustomText(UF.CreateAndUpdateUFGroup, 'boss', _G.MAX_BOSS_FRAMES), health = GetOptionsTable_Health(false, UF.CreateAndUpdateUFGroup, 'boss', _G.MAX_BOSS_FRAMES), power = GetOptionsTable_Power(false, UF.CreateAndUpdateUFGroup, 'boss', _G.MAX_BOSS_FRAMES), infoPanel = GetOptionsTable_InformationPanel(UF.CreateAndUpdateUFGroup, 'boss', _G.MAX_BOSS_FRAMES), name = GetOptionsTable_Name(UF.CreateAndUpdateUFGroup, 'boss', _G.MAX_BOSS_FRAMES), portrait = GetOptionsTable_Portrait(UF.CreateAndUpdateUFGroup, 'boss', _G.MAX_BOSS_FRAMES), fader = GetOptionsTable_Fader(UF.CreateAndUpdateUFGroup, 'boss', _G.MAX_BOSS_FRAMES), buffs = GetOptionsTable_Auras('buffs', UF.CreateAndUpdateUFGroup, 'boss', _G.MAX_BOSS_FRAMES), debuffs = GetOptionsTable_Auras('debuffs', UF.CreateAndUpdateUFGroup, 'boss', _G.MAX_BOSS_FRAMES), castbar = GetOptionsTable_Castbar(false, UF.CreateAndUpdateUFGroup, 'boss', _G.MAX_BOSS_FRAMES), raidicon = GetOptionsTable_RaidIcon(UF.CreateAndUpdateUFGroup, 'boss', _G.MAX_BOSS_FRAMES), cutaway = GetOptionsTable_Cutaway(UF.CreateAndUpdateUFGroup, 'boss', _G.MAX_BOSS_FRAMES), }, } --Arena Frames E.Options.args.unitframe.args.groupUnits.args.arena = { name = L["Arena"], type = 'group', order = 1000, get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units.arena[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units.arena[info[#info]] = value; UF:CreateAndUpdateUFGroup('arena', 5) end, disabled = function() return not E.UnitFrames.Initialized end, args = { enable = { type = 'toggle', order = 1, name = L["Enable"], }, displayFrames = { type = 'execute', order = 2, name = L["Display Frames"], desc = L["Force the frames to show, they will act as if they are the player frame."], func = function() UF:ToggleForceShowGroupFrames('arena', 5) end, }, resetSettings = { type = 'execute', order = 3, name = L["Restore Defaults"], func = function(info) E:StaticPopup_Show('RESET_UF_UNIT', L["Arena Frames"], nil, {unit='arena', mover='Arena Frames'}) end, }, copyFrom = { type = 'select', order = 4, name = L["Copy From"], desc = L["Select a unit to copy settings from."], values = { boss = L["Boss"], }, set = function(info, value) UF:MergeUnitSettings(value, 'arena'); E:RefreshGUI(); end, }, pvpTrinket = { order = 4001, type = 'group', name = L["PVP Trinket"], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units.arena.pvpTrinket[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units.arena.pvpTrinket[info[#info]] = value; UF:CreateAndUpdateUFGroup('arena', 5) end, args = { enable = { type = 'toggle', order = 2, name = L["Enable"], }, position = { type = 'select', order = 3, name = L["Position"], values = { LEFT = L["Left"], RIGHT = L["Right"], }, }, size = { order = 4, type = 'range', name = L["Size"], min = 10, max = 60, step = 1, }, xOffset = { order = 5, type = 'range', name = L["X-Offset"], min = -60, max = 60, step = 1, }, yOffset = { order = 6, type = 'range', name = L["Y-Offset"], min = -60, max = 60, step = 1, }, }, }, generalGroup = GetOptionsTable_GeneralGroup(UF.CreateAndUpdateUFGroup, 'arena', 5), healPredction = GetOptionsTable_HealPrediction(UF.CreateAndUpdateUFGroup, 'arena', 5), customText = GetOptionsTable_CustomText(UF.CreateAndUpdateUFGroup, 'arena', 5), health = GetOptionsTable_Health(false, UF.CreateAndUpdateUFGroup, 'arena', 5), infoPanel = GetOptionsTable_InformationPanel(UF.CreateAndUpdateUFGroup, 'arena', 5), power = GetOptionsTable_Power(false, UF.CreateAndUpdateUFGroup, 'arena', 5), name = GetOptionsTable_Name(UF.CreateAndUpdateUFGroup, 'arena', 5), portrait = GetOptionsTable_Portrait(UF.CreateAndUpdateUFGroup, 'arena', 5), fader = GetOptionsTable_Fader(UF.CreateAndUpdateUFGroup, 'arena', 5), buffs = GetOptionsTable_Auras('buffs', UF.CreateAndUpdateUFGroup, 'arena', 5), debuffs = GetOptionsTable_Auras('debuffs', UF.CreateAndUpdateUFGroup, 'arena', 5), castbar = GetOptionsTable_Castbar(false, UF.CreateAndUpdateUFGroup, 'arena', 5), cutaway = GetOptionsTable_Cutaway(UF.CreateAndUpdateUFGroup, 'arena', 5), pvpclassificationindicator = GetOptionsTable_PVPClassificationIndicator(UF.CreateAndUpdateUFGroup, 'arena', 5), }, } --Party Frames E.Options.args.unitframe.args.groupUnits.args.party = { name = L["PARTY"], type = 'group', order = 9, get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units.party[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units.party[info[#info]] = value; UF:CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup('party') end, disabled = function() return not E.UnitFrames.Initialized end, args = { enable = { type = 'toggle', order = 1, name = L["Enable"], }, configureToggle = { order = 2, type = 'execute', name = L["Display Frames"], func = function() UF:HeaderConfig(ElvUF_Party, ElvUF_Party.forceShow ~= true or nil) end, }, resetSettings = { type = 'execute', order = 3, name = L["Restore Defaults"], func = function(info) E:StaticPopup_Show('RESET_UF_UNIT', L["Party Frames"], nil, {unit='party', mover='Party Frames'}) end, }, copyFrom = { type = 'select', order = 4, name = L["Copy From"], desc = L["Select a unit to copy settings from."], values = { raid = L["Raid Frames"], raid40 = L["Raid40 Frames"], }, set = function(info, value) UF:MergeUnitSettings(value, 'party', true); E:RefreshGUI(); end, }, petsGroup = { type = 'group', name = L["Party Pets"], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units.party.petsGroup[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units.party.petsGroup[info[#info]] = value; UF:CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup('party') end, args = { enable = { type = 'toggle', name = L["Enable"], order = 0, }, colorPetByUnitClass = { type = 'toggle', name = L["Color by Unit Class"], order = 1, }, width = { order = 2, name = L["Width"], type = 'range', min = 10, max = 500, step = 1, }, height = { order = 3, name = L["Height"], type = 'range', min = 5, max = 500, step = 1, }, anchorPoint = { type = 'select', order = 4, name = L["Anchor Point"], desc = L["What point to anchor to the frame you set to attach to."], values = petAnchors, }, xOffset = { order = 5, type = 'range', name = L["X-Offset"], desc = L["An X offset (in pixels) to be used when anchoring new frames."], min = -500, max = 500, step = 1, }, yOffset = { order = 6, type = 'range', name = L["Y-Offset"], desc = L["An Y offset (in pixels) to be used when anchoring new frames."], min = -500, max = 500, step = 1, }, name = { order = 8, type = 'group', inline = true, get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units.party.petsGroup.name[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units.party.petsGroup.name[info[#info]] = value; UF:CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup('party') end, name = L["Name"], args = { position = { type = 'select', order = 1, name = L["Position"], values = positionValues, }, xOffset = { order = 2, type = 'range', name = L["X-Offset"], desc = L["Offset position for text."], min = -300, max = 300, step = 1, }, yOffset = { order = 3, type = 'range', name = L["Y-Offset"], desc = L["Offset position for text."], min = -300, max = 300, step = 1, }, text_format = { order = 100, name = L["Text Format"], desc = L["Controls the text displayed. Tags are available in the Available Tags section of the config."], type = 'input', width = 'full', }, }, }, buffIndicator = GetOptionsTable_AuraWatch(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'party', nil, 'petsGroup'), }, }, targetsGroup = { type = 'group', name = L["Party Targets"], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units.party.targetsGroup[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units.party.targetsGroup[info[#info]] = value; UF:CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup('party') end, args = { enable = { type = 'toggle', name = L["Enable"], order = 2, }, width = { order = 3, name = L["Width"], type = 'range', min = 10, max = 500, step = 1, }, height = { order = 4, name = L["Height"], type = 'range', min = 5, max = 500, step = 1, }, anchorPoint = { type = 'select', order = 5, name = L["Anchor Point"], desc = L["What point to anchor to the frame you set to attach to."], values = petAnchors, }, xOffset = { order = 6, type = 'range', name = L["X-Offset"], desc = L["An X offset (in pixels) to be used when anchoring new frames."], min = -500, max = 500, step = 1, }, yOffset = { order = 7, type = 'range', name = L["Y-Offset"], desc = L["An Y offset (in pixels) to be used when anchoring new frames."], min = -500, max = 500, step = 1, }, name = GetOptionsTable_Name(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'party', nil, 'targetsGroup'), raidicon = GetOptionsTable_RaidIcon(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'party', nil, 'targetsGroup'), }, }, generalGroup = GetOptionsTable_GeneralGroup(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'party'), buffIndicator = GetOptionsTable_AuraWatch(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'party'), buffs = GetOptionsTable_Auras('buffs', UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'party'), castbar = GetOptionsTable_Castbar(false, UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'party', 5), classbar = GetOptionsTable_ClassBar(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'party'), customText = GetOptionsTable_CustomText(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'party'), cutaway = GetOptionsTable_Cutaway(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'party'), debuffs = GetOptionsTable_Auras('debuffs', UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'party'), fader = GetOptionsTable_Fader(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'party'), healPredction = GetOptionsTable_HealPrediction(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'party'), health = GetOptionsTable_Health(true, UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'party'), infoPanel = GetOptionsTable_InformationPanel(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'party'), name = GetOptionsTable_Name(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'party'), phaseIndicator = GetOptionsTable_PhaseIndicator(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'party'), portrait = GetOptionsTable_Portrait(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'party'), power = GetOptionsTable_Power(false, UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'party'), raidicon = GetOptionsTable_RaidIcon(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'party'), raidRoleIcons = GetOptionsTable_RaidRoleIcons(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'party'), roleIcon = GetOptionsTable_RoleIcons(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'party'), rdebuffs = GetOptionsTable_RaidDebuff(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'party'), readycheckIcon = GetOptionsTable_ReadyCheckIcon(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'party'), resurrectIcon = GetOptionsTable_ResurrectIcon(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'party'), summonIcon = GetOptionsTable_SummonIcon(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'party'), }, } E.Options.args.unitframe.args.groupUnits.args.party.args.classbar.name = L["Alternative Power"] E.Options.args.unitframe.args.groupUnits.args.party.args.targetsGroup.args.name.inline = true E.Options.args.unitframe.args.groupUnits.args.party.args.targetsGroup.args.raidicon.inline = true --Raid Frames E.Options.args.unitframe.args.groupUnits.args.raid = { name = L["Raid"], type = 'group', order = 10, get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units.raid[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units.raid[info[#info]] = value; UF:CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup('raid') end, disabled = function() return not E.UnitFrames.Initialized end, args = { header = ACH:Description(L["|cffFF0000Warning:|r Enable and Number of Groups are managed by Smart Raid Filter. Disable Smart Raid Filter in (UnitFrames - General) to change these settings."], 0, 'large', nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, function() return not E.db.unitframe.smartRaidFilter end), enable = { type = 'toggle', order = 1, name = L["Enable"], disabled = function() return E.db.unitframe.smartRaidFilter end, }, configureToggle = { order = 2, type = 'execute', name = L["Display Frames"], func = function() UF:HeaderConfig(_G.ElvUF_Raid, _G.ElvUF_Raid.forceShow ~= true or nil) end, }, resetSettings = { type = 'execute', order = 3, name = L["Restore Defaults"], func = function(info) E:StaticPopup_Show('RESET_UF_UNIT', L["Raid Frames"], nil, {unit = 'raid', mover='Raid Frames'}) end, }, copyFrom = { type = 'select', order = 4, name = L["Copy From"], desc = L["Select a unit to copy settings from."], values = { party = L["Party Frames"], raid40 = L["Raid40 Frames"], }, set = function(info, value) UF:MergeUnitSettings(value, 'raid', true); E:RefreshGUI(); end, }, generalGroup = GetOptionsTable_GeneralGroup(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raid'), buffIndicator = GetOptionsTable_AuraWatch(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raid'), buffs = GetOptionsTable_Auras('buffs', UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raid'), classbar = GetOptionsTable_ClassBar(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raid'), customText = GetOptionsTable_CustomText(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raid'), cutaway = GetOptionsTable_Cutaway(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raid'), debuffs = GetOptionsTable_Auras('debuffs', UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raid'), fader = GetOptionsTable_Fader(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raid'), healPredction = GetOptionsTable_HealPrediction(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raid'), health = GetOptionsTable_Health(true, UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raid'), infoPanel = GetOptionsTable_InformationPanel(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raid'), name = GetOptionsTable_Name(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raid'), phaseIndicator = GetOptionsTable_PhaseIndicator(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raid'), portrait = GetOptionsTable_Portrait(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raid'), power = GetOptionsTable_Power(false, UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raid'), raidicon = GetOptionsTable_RaidIcon(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raid'), raidRoleIcons = GetOptionsTable_RaidRoleIcons(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raid'), roleIcon = GetOptionsTable_RoleIcons(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raid'), rdebuffs = GetOptionsTable_RaidDebuff(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raid'), readycheckIcon = GetOptionsTable_ReadyCheckIcon(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raid'), resurrectIcon = GetOptionsTable_ResurrectIcon(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raid'), summonIcon = GetOptionsTable_SummonIcon(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raid'), }, } E.Options.args.unitframe.args.groupUnits.args.raid.args.classbar.name = L["Alternative Power"] --Raid-40 Frames E.Options.args.unitframe.args.groupUnits.args.raid40 = { name = L["Raid-40"], type = 'group', order = 11, get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units.raid40[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units.raid40[info[#info]] = value; UF:CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup('raid40') end, disabled = function() return not E.UnitFrames.Initialized end, args = { header = ACH:Description(L["|cffFF0000Warning:|r Enable and Number of Groups are managed by Smart Raid Filter. Disable Smart Raid Filter in (UnitFrames - General) to change these settings."], 0, 'large', nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, function() return not E.db.unitframe.smartRaidFilter end), enable = { type = 'toggle', order = 1, name = L["Enable"], disabled = function() return E.db.unitframe.smartRaidFilter end, }, configureToggle = { order = 2, type = 'execute', name = L["Display Frames"], func = function() UF:HeaderConfig(_G.ElvUF_Raid40, _G.ElvUF_Raid40.forceShow ~= true or nil) end, }, resetSettings = { type = 'execute', order = 3, name = L["Restore Defaults"], func = function(info) E:StaticPopup_Show('RESET_UF_UNIT', L["Raid-40 Frames"], nil, {unit='raid40', mover='Raid Frames'}) end, }, copyFrom = { type = 'select', order = 4, name = L["Copy From"], desc = L["Select a unit to copy settings from."], values = { party = L["Party Frames"], raid = L["Raid Frames"], }, set = function(info, value) UF:MergeUnitSettings(value, 'raid40', true); E:RefreshGUI(); end, }, generalGroup = GetOptionsTable_GeneralGroup(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raid40'), buffIndicator = GetOptionsTable_AuraWatch(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raid40'), buffs = GetOptionsTable_Auras('buffs', UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raid40'), classbar = GetOptionsTable_ClassBar(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raid40'), customText = GetOptionsTable_CustomText(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raid40'), cutaway = GetOptionsTable_Cutaway(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raid40'), debuffs = GetOptionsTable_Auras('debuffs', UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raid40'), fader = GetOptionsTable_Fader(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raid40'), healPredction = GetOptionsTable_HealPrediction(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raid40'), health = GetOptionsTable_Health(true, UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raid40'), infoPanel = GetOptionsTable_InformationPanel(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raid40'), name = GetOptionsTable_Name(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raid40'), phaseIndicator = GetOptionsTable_PhaseIndicator(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raid40'), portrait = GetOptionsTable_Portrait(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raid40'), power = GetOptionsTable_Power(false, UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raid40'), raidicon = GetOptionsTable_RaidIcon(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raid40'), raidRoleIcons = GetOptionsTable_RaidRoleIcons(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raid40'), roleIcon = GetOptionsTable_RoleIcons(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raid40'), rdebuffs = GetOptionsTable_RaidDebuff(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raid40'), readycheckIcon = GetOptionsTable_ReadyCheckIcon(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raid40'), resurrectIcon = GetOptionsTable_ResurrectIcon(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raid40'), summonIcon = GetOptionsTable_SummonIcon(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raid40'), }, } E.Options.args.unitframe.args.groupUnits.args.raid40.args.classbar.name = L["Alternative Power"] --Raid Pet Frames E.Options.args.unitframe.args.groupUnits.args.raidpet = { order = 12, type = 'group', name = L["Raid Pet"], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units.raidpet[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units.raidpet[info[#info]] = value; UF:CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup('raidpet') end, disabled = function() return not E.UnitFrames.Initialized end, args = { header = ACH:Description(L["|cffFF0000Warning:|r Enable and Number of Groups are managed by Smart Raid Filter. Disable Smart Raid Filter in (UnitFrames - General) to change these settings."], 0, 'large', nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, function() return not E.db.unitframe.smartRaidFilter end), enable = { type = 'toggle', order = 1, name = L["Enable"], disabled = function() return E.db.unitframe.smartRaidFilter end, }, configureToggle = { order = 2, type = 'execute', name = L["Display Frames"], func = function() UF:HeaderConfig(ElvUF_Raidpet, ElvUF_Raidpet.forceShow ~= true or nil) end, }, resetSettings = { type = 'execute', order = 3, name = L["Restore Defaults"], func = function(info) E:StaticPopup_Show('RESET_UF_UNIT', L["Raid Pet Frames"], nil, {unit='raidpet', mover='Raid Pet Frames'}) end, }, copyFrom = { type = 'select', order = 4, name = L["Copy From"], desc = L["Select a unit to copy settings from."], values = { party = L["Party Frames"], raid = L["Raid Frames"], }, set = function(info, value) UF:MergeUnitSettings(value, 'raidpet', true); E:RefreshGUI(); end, }, generalGroup = GetOptionsTable_GeneralGroup(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raidpet'), buffIndicator = GetOptionsTable_AuraWatch(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raidpet'), buffs = GetOptionsTable_Auras('buffs', UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raidpet'), customText = GetOptionsTable_CustomText(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raidpet'), cutaway = GetOptionsTable_Cutaway(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raidpet'), debuffs = GetOptionsTable_Auras('debuffs', UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raidpet'), fader = GetOptionsTable_Fader(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raidpet'), healPredction = GetOptionsTable_HealPrediction(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raidpet'), health = GetOptionsTable_Health(true, UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raidpet'), name = GetOptionsTable_Name(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raidpet'), portrait = GetOptionsTable_Portrait(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raidpet'), raidicon = GetOptionsTable_RaidIcon(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raidpet'), rdebuffs = GetOptionsTable_RaidDebuff(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'raidpet'), }, } --Tank Frames E.Options.args.unitframe.args.groupUnits.args.tank = { name = L["TANK"], type = 'group', order = 13, get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units.tank[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units.tank[info[#info]] = value; UF:CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup('tank') end, disabled = function() return not E.UnitFrames.Initialized end, args = { enable = { type = 'toggle', order = 1, name = L["Enable"], }, resetSettings = { type = 'execute', order = 2, name = L["Restore Defaults"], func = function(info) E:StaticPopup_Show('RESET_UF_UNIT', L["Tank Frames"], nil, {unit='tank'}) end, }, targetsGroup = { order = 700, type = 'group', name = L["Tank Target"], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units.tank.targetsGroup[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units.tank.targetsGroup[info[#info]] = value; UF:CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup('tank') end, args = { enable = { type = 'toggle', name = L["Enable"], order = 2, }, width = { order = 3, name = L["Width"], type = 'range', min = 10, max = 500, step = 1, }, height = { order = 4, name = L["Height"], type = 'range', min = 5, max = 500, step = 1, }, anchorPoint = { type = 'select', order = 5, name = L["Anchor Point"], desc = L["What point to anchor to the frame you set to attach to."], values = petAnchors, }, xOffset = { order = 6, type = 'range', name = L["X-Offset"], desc = L["An X offset (in pixels) to be used when anchoring new frames."], min = -500, max = 500, step = 1, }, yOffset = { order = 7, type = 'range', name = L["Y-Offset"], desc = L["An Y offset (in pixels) to be used when anchoring new frames."], min = -500, max = 500, step = 1, }, name = GetOptionsTable_Name(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'tank', nil, 'targetsGroup'), raidicon = GetOptionsTable_RaidIcon(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'tank', nil, 'targetsGroup'), }, }, generalGroup = GetOptionsTable_GeneralGroup(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'tank'), buffIndicator = GetOptionsTable_AuraWatch(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'tank'), buffs = GetOptionsTable_Auras('buffs', UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'tank'), cutaway = GetOptionsTable_Cutaway(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'tank'), debuffs = GetOptionsTable_Auras('debuffs', UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'tank'), fader = GetOptionsTable_Fader(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'tank'), name = GetOptionsTable_Name(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'tank'), rdebuffs = GetOptionsTable_RaidDebuff(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'tank'), }, } E.Options.args.unitframe.args.groupUnits.args.tank.args.name.args.attachTextTo.values = { Health = L["Health"], Frame = L["Frame"] } E.Options.args.unitframe.args.groupUnits.args.tank.args.targetsGroup.args.name.args.attachTextTo.values = { Health = L["Health"], Frame = L["Frame"] } E.Options.args.unitframe.args.groupUnits.args.tank.args.targetsGroup.args.name.get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units.tank.targetsGroup.name[info[#info]] end E.Options.args.unitframe.args.groupUnits.args.tank.args.targetsGroup.args.name.set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units.tank.targetsGroup.name[info[#info]] = value; UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup(UF, 'tank') end E.Options.args.unitframe.args.groupUnits.args.tank.args.targetsGroup.args.name.inline = true E.Options.args.unitframe.args.groupUnits.args.tank.args.targetsGroup.args.raidicon.inline = true --Assist Frames E.Options.args.unitframe.args.groupUnits.args.assist = { name = L["Assist"], type = 'group', order = 14, get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units.assist[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units.assist[info[#info]] = value; UF:CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup('assist') end, disabled = function() return not E.UnitFrames.Initialized end, args = { enable = { type = 'toggle', order = 1, name = L["Enable"], }, resetSettings = { type = 'execute', order = 2, name = L["Restore Defaults"], func = function(info) E:StaticPopup_Show('RESET_UF_UNIT', L["Assist Frames"], nil, {unit='assist'}) end, }, targetsGroup = { order = 701, type = 'group', name = L["Assist Target"], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units.assist.targetsGroup[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units.assist.targetsGroup[info[#info]] = value; UF:CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup('assist') end, args = { enable = { type = 'toggle', name = L["Enable"], order = 2, }, width = { order = 3, name = L["Width"], type = 'range', min = 10, max = 500, step = 1, }, height = { order = 4, name = L["Height"], type = 'range', min = 5, max = 500, step = 1, }, anchorPoint = { type = 'select', order = 5, name = L["Anchor Point"], desc = L["What point to anchor to the frame you set to attach to."], values = petAnchors, }, xOffset = { order = 6, type = 'range', name = L["X-Offset"], desc = L["An X offset (in pixels) to be used when anchoring new frames."], min = -500, max = 500, step = 1, }, yOffset = { order = 7, type = 'range', name = L["Y-Offset"], desc = L["An Y offset (in pixels) to be used when anchoring new frames."], min = -500, max = 500, step = 1, }, name = GetOptionsTable_Name(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'assist', nil, 'targetsGroup'), raidicon = GetOptionsTable_RaidIcon(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'assist', nil, 'targetsGroup'), }, }, generalGroup = GetOptionsTable_GeneralGroup(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'assist'), buffIndicator = GetOptionsTable_AuraWatch(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'assist'), buffs = GetOptionsTable_Auras('buffs', UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'assist'), cutaway = GetOptionsTable_Cutaway(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'assist'), debuffs = GetOptionsTable_Auras('debuffs', UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'assist'), fader = GetOptionsTable_Fader(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'assist'), name = GetOptionsTable_Name(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'assist'), rdebuffs = GetOptionsTable_RaidDebuff(UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup, 'assist'), }, } E.Options.args.unitframe.args.groupUnits.args.assist.args.name.args.attachTextTo.values = { Health = L["Health"], Frame = L["Frame"] } E.Options.args.unitframe.args.groupUnits.args.assist.args.targetsGroup.args.name.args.attachTextTo.values = { Health = L["Health"], Frame = L["Frame"] } E.Options.args.unitframe.args.groupUnits.args.assist.args.targetsGroup.args.name.get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units.assist.targetsGroup.name[info[#info]] end E.Options.args.unitframe.args.groupUnits.args.assist.args.targetsGroup.args.name.set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units.assist.targetsGroup.name[info[#info]] = value; UF.CreateAndUpdateHeaderGroup(UF, 'assist') end E.Options.args.unitframe.args.groupUnits.args.assist.args.targetsGroup.args.name.inline = true E.Options.args.unitframe.args.groupUnits.args.assist.args.targetsGroup.args.raidicon.inline = true --MORE COLORING STUFF YAY E.Options.args.unitframe.args.generalOptionsGroup.args.allColorsGroup.args.classResourceGroup = { order = -10, type = 'group', name = L["Class Resources"], get = function(info) local t = E.db.unitframe.colors.classResources[info[#info]] local d = P.unitframe.colors.classResources[info[#info]] return t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a, d.r, d.g, d.b end, set = function(info, r, g, b) local t = E.db.unitframe.colors.classResources[info[#info]] t.r, t.g, t.b = r, g, b UF:Update_AllFrames() end, args = { --[=[transparentClasspower = { order = 1, type = 'toggle', name = L["Transparent"], desc = L["Make textures transparent."], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] = value; UF:Update_AllFrames() end, }, invertClasspower = { order = 2, type = 'toggle', name = L["Invert Colors"], desc = L["Invert foreground and background colors."], disabled = function() return not E.db.unitframe.colors.transparentClasspower end, get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] = value; UF:Update_AllFrames() end, }, spacer1 = { order = 3, type = 'description', name = ' ', width = 'full' },]=] customclasspowerbackdrop = { order = 4, type = 'toggle', name = L["Use Custom Backdrop"], desc = L["Use the custom backdrop color instead of a multiple of the main color."], get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] = value; UF:Update_AllFrames() end, }, classpower_backdrop = { order = 5, type = 'color', name = L["Custom Backdrop"], disabled = function() return not E.db.unitframe.colors.customclasspowerbackdrop end, get = function(info) local t = E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] local d = P.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] return t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a, d.r, d.g, d.b end, set = function(info, r, g, b) local t = E.db.unitframe.colors[info[#info]] t.r, t.g, t.b = r, g, b UF:Update_AllFrames() end, }, spacer2 = ACH:Spacer(6, 'full'), } } for i = 1, 3 do E.Options.args.unitframe.args.generalOptionsGroup.args.allColorsGroup.args.classResourceGroup.args['combo'..i] = { order = i+10, type = 'color', name = L["Combo Point"]..' #'..i, get = function(info) local t = E.db.unitframe.colors.classResources.comboPoints[i] local d = P.unitframe.colors.classResources.comboPoints[i] return t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a, d.r, d.g, d.b end, set = function(info, r, g, b) local t = E.db.unitframe.colors.classResources.comboPoints[i] t.r, t.g, t.b = r, g, b UF:Update_AllFrames() end, } end if P.unitframe.colors.classResources[E.myclass] then E.Options.args.unitframe.args.generalOptionsGroup.args.allColorsGroup.args.classResourceGroup.args.spacer5 = ACH:Spacer(20, 'full') local ORDER = 30 if E.myclass == 'PALADIN' then E.Options.args.unitframe.args.generalOptionsGroup.args.allColorsGroup.args.classResourceGroup.args[E.myclass] = { type = 'color', name = L["HOLY_POWER"], order = ORDER, } elseif E.myclass == 'MAGE' then E.Options.args.unitframe.args.generalOptionsGroup.args.allColorsGroup.args.classResourceGroup.args[E.myclass] = { type = 'color', name = L["POWER_TYPE_ARCANE_CHARGES"], order = ORDER, } elseif E.myclass == 'MONK' then for i = 1, 6 do E.Options.args.unitframe.args.generalOptionsGroup.args.allColorsGroup.args.classResourceGroup.args['resource'..i] = { type = 'color', name = L["CHI_POWER"]..' #'..i, order = ORDER+i, get = function(info) local t = E.db.unitframe.colors.classResources.MONK[i] local d = P.unitframe.colors.classResources.MONK[i] return t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a, d.r, d.g, d.b end, set = function(info, r, g, b) local t = E.db.unitframe.colors.classResources.MONK[i] t.r, t.g, t.b = r, g, b UF:Update_AllFrames() end, } end elseif E.myclass == 'WARLOCK' then E.Options.args.unitframe.args.generalOptionsGroup.args.allColorsGroup.args.classResourceGroup.args[E.myclass] = { type = 'color', name = L["SOUL_SHARDS"], order = ORDER, } elseif E.myclass == 'DEATHKNIGHT' then E.Options.args.unitframe.args.generalOptionsGroup.args.allColorsGroup.args.classResourceGroup.args[E.myclass] = { type = 'color', name = L["RUNES"], order = ORDER, } end end if E.myclass == 'DEATHKNIGHT' then E.Options.args.unitframe.args.individualUnits.args.player.args.classbar.args.sortDirection = { name = L["Sort Direction"], desc = L["Defines the sort order of the selected sort method."], type = 'select', order = 7, values = { asc = L["Ascending"], desc = L["Descending"], NONE = L["NONE"], }, get = function(info) return E.db.unitframe.units.player.classbar[info[#info]] end, set = function(info, value) E.db.unitframe.units.player.classbar[info[#info]] = value; UF:CreateAndUpdateUF('player') end, } end --Custom Texts function E:RefreshCustomTextsConfigs() --Hide any custom texts that don't belong to current profile for _, customText in pairs(CUSTOMTEXT_CONFIGS) do customText.hidden = true end wipe(CUSTOMTEXT_CONFIGS) for unit in pairs(E.db.unitframe.units) do if E.db.unitframe.units[unit].customTexts then for objectName in pairs(E.db.unitframe.units[unit].customTexts) do CreateCustomTextGroup(unit, objectName) end end end end E:RefreshCustomTextsConfigs()