1673 lines
104 KiB
1673 lines
104 KiB
-- Simplified Chinese localization file for zhCN.
local L = ElvUI[1].Libs.ACL:NewLocale("ElvUI", "zhCN")
L["Copy Primary Texture"] = true
L["Replaces the StatusBar texture setting on Unitframes and Nameplates with the primary texture."] = true
L["# Displayed Auras"] = "显示光环的数量"
L["%s and then %s"] = "%s 于 %s"
L["|cffFF0000Warning:|r Click the arrow on the dropdown box to see a list of spells."] = "|cffFF0000警告:|r 点击下拉菜单的箭头来查看法术列表."
L["|cffFF0000Warning:|r Enable and Number of Groups are managed by Smart Raid Filter. Disable Smart Raid Filter in (UnitFrames - General) to change these settings."] = "|cffFF0000警告:|r 启用和队伍数目由智能团队过滤控制. 在(团队框架-通用)内禁用智能团队过滤来改变该设置."
L["|cffFF0000Warning:|r This causes updates to happen at a fraction of a second."] = "|cffFF0000警告:|r 这将会在几分之一秒就更新一次"
L["24-Hour Time"] = "24小时制"
L["2D"] = "2D"
L["3D"] = "3D"
L["Above Chat"] = "聊天框上方"
L["Above"] = "向上"
L["Absorbs"] = "吸收"
L["Accept Invites"] = "自动接受邀请"
L["Action Paging"] = "动作条翻页"
L["ActionBars"] = "动作条"
L["Actions"] = "动作"
L["Add / Remove"] = "添加/移除"
L["Add a Name or NPC ID to the list."] = "向列表添加一个姓名或者NPC ID"
L["Add a spell to the filter."] = "添加一个技能到过滤器"
L["Add an item or search syntax to the ignored list. Items matching the search syntax will be ignored."] = "添加一个物品或者匹配语法到屏蔽列表.符合匹配语法的物品将被忽略"
L["Add Currency ID"] = "添加货币ID"
L["Add Current"] = "添加当前"
L["Add Instance ID"] = "添加副本ID"
L["Add Item or Search Syntax"] = "添加物品或者匹配语法"
L["Add Map ID"] = "添加地图ID"
L["Add Name or NPC ID"] = "添加姓名或NPC ID"
L["Add Regular Filter"] = "添加常规过滤器"
L["Add Special Filter"] = "添加特殊过滤器"
L["Add Spell ID or Name"] = "添加技能ID或者名字"
L["Add SpellID"] = "添加技能ID"
L["Add Subzone Name"] = "添加子区域ID"
L["Add Zone Name"] = "添加区域ID"
L["Added Instance ID: %s"] = "添加副本ID: %s"
L["Added Map ID: %s"] = "添加地图ID: %s"
L["Added Subzone Name: %s"] = "添加子区域名字: %s"
L["Added Zone Name: %s"] = "添加区域名字: %s"
L["Additional Power Prediction Color"] = "额外能量预估颜色"
L["Additional Power Text"] = "额外能量文字"
L["Additional spacing between each individual group."] = "各小队之间的额外间隔"
L["AddOn Manager"] = "插件管理"
L["Adds an arrow infront of the chat lines to copy the entire line."] = "在聊天信息前加上一个箭头来复制整行"
L["Adjust the height of your right chat panel."] = "调整右聊天框的高度"
L["Adjust the position of the threat bar to either the left or right datatext panels."] = "调整仇恨条的位置于左侧或右侧信息面板"
L["Adjust the size of the minimap."] = "调整小地图尺寸"
L["Adjust the width of the bag frame."] = "调整背包框架宽度"
L["Adjust the width of the bank frame."] = "调整银行框架宽度"
L["Adjust the width of your right chat panel."] = "调整右聊天框的宽度"
L["AFK Mode"] = "离开模式"
L["Alert Frames"] = "警报"
L["Alerts"] = "提醒"
L["Allied Races"] = "同盟种族"
L["Allow Masque to handle the skinning of this element."] = "允许Masque来处理这个元素的皮肤"
L["Allow newly learned spells to be automatically placed on an empty actionbar slot."] = "允许新学会的技能自动添加到动作条空位"
L["Allowed Combat Repeat"] = "战斗连续按键修复"
L["Allows you to tie a stack count to an aura when you add it to the list, which allows the trigger to act when an aura reaches X number of stacks."] = "允许你设置一个层数阈值, 当层数达到阈值时触发动作"
L["Alpha channel is taken from the color option."] = "Alpha通道由颜色选项决定"
L["Alpha Fading"] = "透明度渐隐"
L["Alpha"] = "透明度"
L["Always Display"] = "总是显示"
L["Always Hide"] = "总是隐藏"
L["Always Show Player"] = "始终显示玩家姓名板"
L["Always Show Realm"] = "总是显示服务器"
L["An X offset (in pixels) to be used when anchoring new frames."] = "锚定新框架时的X偏移(像素)"
L["An Y offset (in pixels) to be used when anchoring new frames."] = "锚定新框架时的Y偏移(像素)"
L["Anchor Point"] = "定位方向"
L["CURSOR_LEFT"] = "鼠标指针左侧"
L["CURSOR_RIGHT"] = "鼠标指针右侧"
L["CURSOR"] = "鼠标指针"
L["Announce Interrupts"] = "打断通告"
L["Announce when you interrupt a spell to the specified chat channel."] = "在指定聊天频道通知打断信息"
L["Any"] = "任意"
L["Applies the font and font size settings throughout the entire user interface. Note: Some font size settings will be skipped due to them having a smaller font size by default."] = "把该字体设置应用到所有ElvUI设置中去,但是某些设置并不会被改变"
L["Applies the primary texture to all statusbars."] = "将主要材质应用到所有状态条"
L["Apply Font To All"] = "应用字体到所有"
L["Apply Texture To All"] = "应用材质到所有"
L["Apply this filter if a buff has remaining time greater than this. Set to zero to disable."] = "当增益剩余时间大于该值时应用该过滤器. 设为0以禁用."
L["Apply this filter if a buff has remaining time less than this. Set to zero to disable."] = "当增益剩余时间小于该值时应用该过滤器. 设为0以禁用."
L["Apply this filter if a debuff has remaining time greater than this. Set to zero to disable."] = "当减益剩余时间大于该值时应用该过滤器. 设为0以禁用."
L["Apply this filter if a debuff has remaining time less than this. Set to zero to disable."] = "当减益剩余时间小于该值时应用该过滤器. 设为0以禁用."
L["Archaeology Frame"] = "考古学框架"
L["Are you sure you want to reset ActionBars settings?"] = "你确定要重置‘动作条’的设置吗?"
L["Are you sure you want to reset Auras settings?"] = "你确定要重置‘光环’的设置吗?"
L["Are you sure you want to reset Bags settings?"] = "你确定要重置‘背包’的设置吗?"
L["Are you sure you want to reset Chat settings?"] = "你确定要重置‘聊天框’的设置吗?"
L["Are you sure you want to reset Cooldown settings?"] = "你确定要重置‘冷却文字’的设置吗?"
L["Are you sure you want to reset DataBars settings?"] = "你确定要重置‘数据条’的设置吗?"
L["Are you sure you want to reset DataTexts settings?"] = "你确定要重置‘信息文字’的设置吗?"
L["Are you sure you want to reset General settings?"] = "你确定要重置‘一般’的设置吗?"
L["Are you sure you want to reset NamePlates settings?"] = "你确定要重置‘姓名板’的设置吗?"
L["Are you sure you want to reset Tooltip settings?"] = "你确定要重置‘鼠标提示’的设置吗?"
L["Are you sure you want to reset UnitFrames settings?"] = "你确定要重置‘单位框架’的设置吗?"
L["Ascending or Descending order."] = "升序或降序"
L["Ascending"] = "升序"
L["Assist Target"] = "助理目标"
L["Assist"] = "助理框架"
L["At what point should the text be displayed. Set to -1 to disable."] = "在何时显示文本. 设为-1以禁用此功能"
L["Attach Text To"] = "文字附着于"
L["Attach To"] = "附加到"
L["Attempt to create URL links inside the chat."] = "在聊天框中创建超链接"
L["Attempt to support eyefinity/nvidia surround."] = "尝试支持eyefinity/nvidia surround"
L["Attempts to center UI elements in a 16:9 format for ultrawide monitors"] = true
L["Aura Bars"] = "光环条"
L["Aura Filters"] = "光环过滤器"
L["Aura Speed"] = "光环速度"
L["Aura"] = "光环"
L["Auto Add New Spells"] = "自动添加新技能"
L["Auto Greed/DE"] = "自动贪婪/分解"
L["Auto Hide"] = "自动隐藏"
L["Auto Repair"] = "自动修理"
L["Auto-Close Pet Battle Log"] = "自动关闭宠物对战日志"
L["Auto-Hide"] = "自动隐藏"
L["Automatic"] = "自动"
L["Automatically accept invites from guild/friends."] = "自动接受工会或好友的邀请"
L["Automatically hide the objective frame during boss or arena fights."] = "在首领战/竞技场中自动隐藏任务框体"
L["Automatically repair using the following method when visiting a merchant."] = "使用以下方式来自动修理装备"
L["Automatically select greed or disenchant (when available) on green quality items. This will only work if you are the max level."] = "当你满级时, 自动选择贪婪或分解绿色物品"
L["Automatically vendor gray items when visiting a vendor."] = "当访问商人时自动出售灰色物品"
L["Available Tags"] = "可用的文字格式"
L["AzeriteUI"] = "艾泽里特界面"
L["Backdrop color of transparent frames"] = "透明框架的背景颜色"
L["Backdrop Color"] = "背景颜色"
L["Backdrop Faded Color"] = "背景透明色"
L["Backdrop Spacing"] = "背景间距"
L["Backdrop"] = "背景"
L["Background Glow"] = "背景发光"
L["Bad Color"] = "危险颜色"
L["Bad Scale"] = "危险缩放"
L["Bad Transition Color"] = "危险过渡颜色"
L["Bad"] = "危险"
L["Bag 1"] = "背包1"
L["Bag 2"] = "背包2"
L["Bag 3"] = "背包3"
L["Bag 4"] = "背包4"
L["Bag Assignment"] = "背包分类"
L["Bag Sorting"] = "背包排序"
L["Bag Spacing"] = true
L["Bag-Bar"] = "背包条"
L["Bag"] = "背包"
L["Bags Only"] = "仅背包"
L["Bags/Bank"] = "背包/银行"
L["Bank 1"] = "银行1"
L["Bank 2"] = "银行2"
L["Bank 3"] = "银行3"
L["Bank 4"] = "银行4"
L["Bank 5"] = "银行5"
L["Bank 6"] = "银行6"
L["Bank 7"] = "银行7"
L["Bank Only"] = "仅银行"
L["Bar %s is used for stance or forms.|N You will have to adjust paging to use this bar.|N Are you sure?"] = true
L["Bar Direction"] = "背包条排序方向"
L["Bars will transition smoothly."] = "状态条平滑增减"
L["Battleground Friendly"] = "战场友好"
L["Battleground Texts"] = "战场信息"
L["Begin a new row or column after this many auras."] = "在这些光环旁开始新的行或列"
L["Below Chat"] = "聊天框下方"
L["Below"] = "向下"
L["BG Map"] = "战场地图"
L["BG Score"] = "战场记分"
L["Blacklist Modifier"] = "黑名单功能键"
L["Blacklist"] = "黑名单"
L["Blank Texture"] = "空白材质"
L["Blizzard Style"] = "暴雪样式"
L["Blizzard"] = "暴雪原生"
L["BlizzUI Improvements"] = "暴雪界面优化"
L["Block Combat Click"] = "战斗中屏蔽点击"
L["Block Combat Hover"] = "战斗中屏蔽提示"
L["Block Mouseover Glow"] = "屏蔽鼠标指向高亮"
L["Block Target Glow"] = "屏蔽目标高亮"
L["Blocks all click events while in combat."] = "战斗中禁用点击事件"
L["Blocks datatext tooltip from showing in combat."] = "战斗中禁用鼠标提示"
L["Bonus Reward Position"] = "额外奖励位置"
L["Border Color"] = "边框颜色"
L["Border Glow"] = "边框发光"
L["Border"] = "边框"
L["Borders"] = "边框"
L["Boss"] = "首领"
L["Both"] = "两者"
L["Bottom Left"] = "左下"
L["Bottom Panel"] = "底部面板"
L["Bottom Right"] = "右下"
L["Bottom to Top"] = "底部到顶部"
L["Bottom"] = "下"
L["Buff Indicator"] = "增益指示器"
L["Buffs"] = "增益光环"
L["Button Flash"] = "按键闪光"
L["Button Size (Bag)"] = "背包格子尺寸"
L["Button Size (Bank)"] = "银行格子尺寸"
L["Button Size"] = "按钮大小"
L["Button Spacing"] = "按钮间距"
L["Buttons Per Row"] = "每行按钮数"
L["Buttons"] = "按钮数"
L["By Type"] = "类型"
L["Calendar Frame"] = "日历框架"
L["Camera Distance Scale"] = "视角镜头的距离"
L["Cart / Flag / Orb / Assassin Bounty"] = "推车 / 旗 / 球 / 刺客赏金"
L["Cast Bar"] = "施法条"
L["Cast Time Format"] = "施法时间格式"
L["Castbar"] = "施法条"
L["Casting"] = "施法"
L["Center"] = "居中"
L["Change settings for the display of the location text that is on the minimap."] = "改变小地图所在位置文字的显示设置"
L["Change the alpha level of the frame."] = "改变框架透明度"
L["Channel Time Format"] = "引导法术时间格式"
L["Character Frame"] = "角色"
L["Charge Cooldown Text"] = "显示充能冷却"
L["Charge Draw Swipe"] = "反向充能动画"
L["Chat Bubble Names"] = "聊天气泡名字"
L["Chat Bubbles Style"] = "聊天气泡样式"
L["Chat Bubbles"] = "聊天气泡"
L["Chat EditBox Position"] = "聊天输入框位置"
L["Chat History"] = "聊天记录"
L["Chat Output"] = "聊天输出"
L["Check these to only have the filter active in certain difficulties. If none are checked, it is active in all difficulties."] = "勾选这些来让过滤器仅在对应难度激活, 如果没有勾选则将在所有难度激活"
L["CheckBox Skin"] = "勾选框皮肤"
L["Choose Export Format"] = "选择导出格式"
L["Choose UIPARENT to prevent it from hiding with the unitframe."] = "使用UIPARENT来防止它随框体隐藏"
L["Choose What To Export"] = "选择导出内容"
L["Choose when you want the tooltip to show in combat. If a modifer is chosen, then you need to hold that down to show the tooltip."] = "战斗中如何显示鼠标提示. 如果选择了修饰键,你需要按住它来显示鼠标提示."
L["Choose when you want the tooltip to show. If a modifer is chosen, then you need to hold that down to show the tooltip."] = "如何显示鼠标提示. 如果选择了修饰键, 你需要按住它来显示鼠标提示."
L["Clamp nameplates to the top of the screen when outside of view."] = "当姓名板在屏幕外面时将他们紧靠在屏幕上方"
L["Clamp Nameplates"] = "紧靠姓名板"
L["Class Backdrop"] = "生命条背景职业色"
L["Class Castbars"] = "施法条职业色"
L["Class Color Mentions"] = "职业颜色提示"
L["Class Color Override"] = "职业色覆盖"
L["Class Color Source"] = "职业色来源"
L["Class Health"] = "生命条职业色"
L["Class Power"] = "能量条职业色"
L["Class Resources"] = "职业能量"
L["Classification"] = "分类"
L["Clear Filter"] = "清空过滤器"
L["Clear Search On Close"] = "关闭时清除搜索"
L["Click Through"] = "点击穿透"
L["Clickable Height"] = "可点击高度"
L["Clickable Size"] = "可点击尺寸"
L["Clickable Width / Width"] = "可点击宽度 / 姓名板宽度"
L["Coding:"] = "编码:"
L["Color all buffs that reduce the unit's incoming damage."] = "减少目标受到伤害的所有增益的颜色"
L["Color aurabar debuffs by type."] = "按类型显示光环条颜色"
L["Color by Value"] = "根据数值染色"
L["Color castbars by the class of player units."] = "按职业显示施法条颜色"
L["Color castbars by the reaction type of non-player units."] = "按非玩家单位的声望显示施法条颜色"
L["Color Gradient"] = "颜色渐变"
L["Color health by amount remaining."] = "按数值变化血量"
L["Color health by classcolor or reaction."] = "按职业色显示血量"
L["Color health by color selection."] = "按选择框体颜色显示血量"
L["Color health by threat status."] = "按仇恨状态显示血量"
L["Color Keybind Text when Out of Range, instead of the button."] = "当你超过射程时对键位文字着色而不是对按钮着色"
L["Color Keybind Text"] = "键位文字着色"
L["Color of the actionbutton when not usable."] = "动作条按键不可用时的颜色"
L["Color of the actionbutton when out of power (Mana, Rage, Focus, Holy Power)."] = "当能量不足时(如法力,怒气等)动作条按键的颜色"
L["Color of the actionbutton when out of range."] = "当超出距离时动作条按键的颜色"
L["Color of the actionbutton when usable."] = "动作条按键可用时的颜色"
L["Color Override"] = "颜色覆盖"
L["Color power by classcolor or reaction."] = "按职业色显示能量"
L["Color power by color selection."] = "按选择框体颜色显示能量"
L["Color power by threat status."] = "按仇恨状态显示能量"
L["Color some texts use."] = "数值(非文字)使用的颜色"
L["Color Tanked"] = "被坦住的颜色"
L["Color the health backdrop by class or reaction."] = "生命条背景色以职业色显示"
L["Color the unit healthbar if there is a debuff that can be dispelled by you."] = "如果单位目标的减益光环可被驱散, 加亮显示其生命值"
L["Color Turtle Buffs"] = "减伤类Buff的颜色"
L["Color when the text is about to expire"] = "即将冷却完毕的数字颜色"
L["Color when the text is in the days format."] = "以天显示的文字颜色"
L["Color when the text is in the hours format."] = "以小时显示的文字颜色"
L["Color when the text is in the minutes format."] = "以分显示的文字颜色"
L["Color when the text is in the seconds format."] = "以秒显示的文字颜色"
L["Colored Icon"] = "色块"
L["Coloring (Specific)"] = "着色(具体)"
L["Coloring"] = "着色"
L["Colors the border according to the Quality of the Item."] = "根据物品的稀有度对边框着色"
L["Colors the border according to the type of items assigned to the bag."] = "根据背包设定的物品类型对边框着色"
L["Colors"] = "颜色"
L["Combat Icon"] = "战斗图标"
L["Combat Override Key"] = "战斗中显示按键"
L["CombatText Font"] = "战斗文字字体"
L["Combo Point"] = "连击点"
L["Comparison Font Size"] = "比较字体大小"
L["Completely hide the voice buttons."] = "完全隐藏语音按钮"
L["Condensed"] = "紧凑"
L["Configure Auras"] = "设置光环"
L["Contribution"] = "捐献"
L["Control enemy nameplates toggling on or off when in combat."] = "控制战斗中敌对姓名板的开启和关闭"
L["Control friendly nameplates toggling on or off when in combat."] = "控制战斗中友方姓名板的开启和关闭"
L["Controls how big of an area on the screen will accept clicks to target unit."] = "决定屏幕上一个多大的光环才允许通过点击选定到目标框体上"
L["Controls how many auras are displayed, this will also affect the size of the auras."] = "控制显示多少光环, 这也会影响光环大小"
L["Controls how many seconds of inactivity has to pass before chat is faded."] = "控制聊天淡出前不活动时间(秒)"
L["Controls the amount of decimals used in values displayed on elements like NamePlates and UnitFrames."] = "控制像姓名板和团队框架中各数值的小数位数"
L["Controls the speed at which smoothed bars will be updated."] = "控制状态条平滑增减的速度."
L["Controls the text displayed. Tags are available in the Available Tags section of the config."] = "控制文本显示. 可选的标签在设置里的可选标签部分."
L["Controls the width and how big of an area on the screen will accept clicks to target unit."] = "控制姓名板宽度和姓名板可点击区域的宽度."
L["Cooldown Text"] = "冷却文字"
L["Cooldowns"] = "冷却"
L["Copy Chat Lines"] = "复制聊天信息"
L["Copy From"] = "复制自"
L["Copy settings from %s. This will overwrite %s profile.\n\n Are you sure?"] = true
L["Copy settings from another unit."] = "从其他框架中复制设置"
L["Copy settings from"] = "复制设置"
L["Core |cff1784d1ElvUI|r options."] = "核心|cff1784d1ElvUI|r配置"
L["Count Font Size"] = "计数字体尺寸"
L["Count xOffset"] = "计数X偏移"
L["Count yOffset"] = "计数Y偏移"
L["Create a filter, once created a filter can be set inside the buffs/debuffs section of each unit."] = "新建一个过滤器, 一旦新建, 每个单位的增益/减益都能使用"
L["Create Custom Text"] = "创建自定义文字"
L["Create Filter"] = "新建过滤器"
L["Creature Type"] = "生物种类"
L["Credits"] = "呜谢"
L["Crop Icons"] = "裁剪图标"
L["Currency Format"] = "货币格式"
L["Current - Max"] = "当前值 - 最大值"
L["Current - Percent (Remaining)"] = "当前值 - 百分比(剩余)"
L["Current - Percent"] = "当前值 - 百分比"
L["Current - Remaining"] = "当前值 - 剩余值"
L["Current / Max - Percent"] = "当前值 / 最大值 - 百分比"
L["Current / Max"] = "当前值 / 最大值"
L["Current Level"] = "当前等级"
L["Current Mount"] = "当前坐骑"
L["Current"] = "当前值"
L["Cursor Anchor Offset X"] = "鼠标锚点X偏移"
L["Cursor Anchor Offset Y"] = "鼠标锚点Y偏移"
L["Cursor Anchor Type"] = "鼠标锚点类型"
L["Cursor Anchor"] = "鼠标锚点"
L["Custom Backdrop"] = "自定义背景"
L["Custom Color"] = "自定义颜色"
L["Custom Currencies"] = "自定义货币"
L["Custom Currency"] = "自定义货币"
L["Custom Dead Backdrop"] = "自定义死亡背景"
L["Custom Faction Colors"] = "自定义声望颜色"
L["Custom Power Prediction Color"] = "自定义能量预估颜色"
L["Custom Texts"] = "自定义字体"
L["Custom Texture"] = "自定义材质"
L["Custom Timestamp Color"] = "自定义时间戳颜色"
L["Cutaway Bars"] = "掉血动画"
L["Darken Inactive"] = "未激活时暗化"
L["DataBars"] = "数据条"
L["Datatext Panel (Left)"] = "左侧信息框"
L["Datatext Panel (Right)"] = "右侧信息框"
L["DataTexts"] = "信息文字"
L["Days"] = "天"
L["Debuff Highlighting"] = "减益光环加亮显示"
L["Debuffs"] = "减益光环"
L["Debug Tools"] = "除错工具"
L["Decimal Length"] = "小数位数"
L["Decode Text"] = "解码文字"
L["Default Color"] = "默认颜色"
L["Default Font"] = "预设字体"
L["Default Settings"] = "默认设置"
L["Deficit"] = "亏损值"
L["Defines how the group is sorted."] = "定义组排序方式"
L["Defines the sort order of the selected sort method."] = "定义排序方式的排序方向"
L["Delete a created filter, you cannot delete pre-existing filters, only custom ones."] = "删除一个创建的过滤器, 你不能删除内建的过滤器, 只能删除你自已创建的"
L["Delete Filter"] = "删除过滤器"
L["Desaturate Cooldowns"] = "冷却中褪色"
L["Desaturate Icon"] = "图标褪色"
L["Desaturate Junk Items"] = "垃圾物品褪色"
L["Desaturate Voice Icons"] = "褪色语音按钮"
L["Desaturated Icon"] = "图标褪色"
L["Descending"] = "降序"
L["Detach From Frame"] = "从框架分离"
L["Detached Width"] = "分离宽度"
L["Development Version"] = "开发版"
L["Direction the bag sorting will use to allocate the items."] = "整理背包时物品排序方向"
L["Direction the bar moves on gains/losses"] = "条增加/减少时的方向"
L["Direction the health bar moves when gaining/losing health."] = "生命条的增减方向"
L["Disable Bag Sort"] = "禁用背包排序"
L["Disable Bank Sort"] = "禁用银行排序"
L["Disable Tutorial Buttons"] = "禁用教程按钮"
L["Disabled Blizzard Frames"] = "禁用暴雪框架"
L["Disabled Blizzard"] = "禁用暴雪框架"
L["Disables the focus and target of focus unitframes."] = "禁用焦点和目标的焦点框架"
L["Disables the player and pet unitframes."] = "禁用玩家和宠物框架"
L["Disables the target and target of target unitframes."] = "禁用目标和目标的目标框架"
L["Disables the tutorial button found on some frames."] = "禁用部分框体上的教程按钮"
L["Disconnected"] = "离线"
L["Discord"] = "Discord"
L["Display a healer icon over known healers inside battlegrounds or arenas."] = "战场或竞技场中, 为已确认为治疗的玩家标上补职图标"
L["Display a panel across the bottom of the screen. This is for cosmetic only."] = "显示跨越屏幕底部的面板,仅仅是用于装饰."
L["Display a panel across the top of the screen. This is for cosmetic only."] = "显示跨越屏幕顶部的面板,仅仅是用于装饰."
L["Display a spark texture at the end of the castbar statusbar to help show the differance between castbar and backdrop."] = "在施法状态条的末端显示一个火花材质来区分施法条和背景条"
L["Display battleground messages in the middle of the screen."] = "屏幕中间显示战场信息"
L["Display bind names on action buttons."] = "在动作条按钮上显示键位名称"
L["Display Character Info"] = "显示角色信息"
L["Display cooldown text on anything with the cooldown spiral."] = "显示技能冷却时间"
L["Display current mount the unit is riding."] = "显示单位当前的坐骑"
L["Display data panels below the chat, used for datatexts."] = "显示聊天框下方的信息框"
L["Display emotion icons in chat."] = "在聊天中显示表情图标"
L["Display Frames"] = "显示框架"
L["Display guild ranks if a unit is guilded."] = "当目标有公会时显示其在公会内的等级"
L["Display how many of a certain item you have in your possession."] = "显示当前物品在你身上的数量."
L["Display icon on arena frame indicating the units talent specialization or the units faction if inside a battleground."] = "当处于竞技场或战场内, 在框架上显示天赋图标"
L["Display In Main Tooltip"] = "在鼠标提示中显示"
L["Display Inspect Info"] = "显示观察信息"
L["Display Interrupt Source"] = "显示打断来源"
L["Display Item Level"] = "显示物品等级"
L["Display LFG Icons in group chat."] = "在小队聊天中显示随机队列图标"
L["Display macro names on action buttons."] = "在动作条按钮上显示宏名称"
L["Display minimap panels below the minimap, used for datatexts."] = "显示小地图下方的信息框"
L["Display player titles."] = "显示玩家头衔"
L["Display Player"] = "显示玩家"
L["Display Style"] = "显示样式"
L["Display Target"] = "显示目标"
L["Display Text"] = "显示文本"
L["Display the castbar icon inside the castbar."] = "在施法条内显示图标"
L["Display the hyperlink tooltip while hovering over a hyperlink."] = "鼠标指向链接时显示鼠标提示"
L["Display the junk icon on all grey items that can be vendored."] = "为所有能够卖店的灰色物品显示垃圾图标"
L["Display the name of the unit on the chat bubble. This will not work if backdrop is disabled or when you are in an instance."] = "在聊天气泡上显示单位的名字. 禁用背景或者副本中时将不会工作."
L["Display the New Item Glow"] = "显示新物品发光"
L["Display the npc ID when mousing over a npc tooltip."] = "在指向NPC时显示NPC ID."
L["Display the scrap icon on items that can be scrapped."] = "为可拆解装备显示一个拆解图标"
L["Display the spell or item ID when mousing over a spell or item tooltip."] = "在鼠标提示中显示技能或物品的ID."
L["Display the target of your current cast. Useful for mouseover casts."] = "显示你当前的施法目标. 可以转换成鼠标滑过类型"
L["Display the unit name who interrupted a spell on the castbar. You should increase the Time to Hold to show properly."] = "在施法条显示打断来源名字. 你应该提高持续时间至合理数值"
L["Display the unit role in the tooltip."] = "在鼠标提示中显示单位的职责"
L["Display the upgrade icon on items that WoW considers an upgrade for your character."] = "在WoW认为可以提升你角色的物品上显示升级图标"
L["Display tick marks on the castbar for channelled spells. This will adjust automatically for spells like Drain Soul and add additional ticks based on haste."] = "若为需引导的法术, 在施法条上显示每跳时间点. 这将针对吸取灵魂这类的法术根据急速自动调整显示每跳时间点和额外跳数."
L["Displayed Currency"] = "显示的货币"
L["Displays a detailed report of every item sold when enabled."] = "启用后显示包含每个物品金额的详细报告"
L["Displays item level on equippable items."] = "显示可装备物品的物品等级"
L["Displays the gender of players."] = true
L["Don't display auras that are longer than this duration (in seconds). Set to zero to disable."] = "不显示高于此时间(单位:秒)的光环.设置为0以禁用"
L["Don't display auras that are shorter than this duration (in seconds). Set to zero to disable."] = "不显示低于此时间(单位:秒)的光环.设置为0以禁用"
L["Donations:"] = "捐款:"
L["Down"] = "下"
L["Dungeon & Raid Filter"] = "地下城与团队副本过滤器"
L["Durability Scale"] = "耐久度大小"
L["Duration Enable"] = "启用持续时间"
L["Duration Font Size"] = "持续时间字体大小"
L["Duration Reverse"] = "持续时间反转"
L["Duration Text"] = "持续时间文字"
L["Duration"] = "持续时间"
L["Effective Updates"] = "频繁更新"
L["Elite Icon"] = "精英标志"
L["ELVUI_CREDITS"] = "我想透过这个特别方式, 向那些协助测试、编码及透过捐款协助过我的人表达感谢, 请曾提供协助的朋友至论坛传私讯给我, 我会将你的名字添加至此处"
L["Emotion Icons"] = "表情图标"
L["Enable + Adjust Movers"] = "启用并移动其他框架"
L["Enable a sound if you select a unit."] = "当你选中一个目标时播放音效"
L["Enable Custom Color"] = "启用自定义颜色"
L["Enable the use of separate size options for the right chat panel."] = "为左右两个聊天框设置不同的材质和尺寸"
L["Enable to hear sound if you receive a resurrect."] = "当你被复活时播放音效"
L["Enable/Disable the all-in-one bag."] = "启用/禁用整合背包"
L["Enable/Disable the Bag-Bar."] = "启用/禁用背包条"
L["Enable/Disable the loot frame."] = "开/关物品掉落框架"
L["Enable/Disable the loot roll frame."] = "开/关掷骰子框架"
L["Enable/Disable the minimap. |cffFF0000Warning: This will prevent you from seeing the minimap datatexts.|r"] = "是否启用小地图. |cffFF0000警告: 关掉后你将看不到小地图周围的信息文字.|r"
L["Enables the ElvUI Raid Control panel."] = "启用ElvUI团队控制面板"
L["Enabling this allows raid-wide sorting however you will not be able to distinguish between groups."] = "启用后将可以在整个团队内排序, 但你不再可以区分不同小队"
L["Enabling this has the potential to make updates faster, though setting a speed value that is too high may cause it to actually run slower than the default scheme, which use Blizzard events only with no update loops provided."] = "启用此功能会使更新速度加快,将速度值设置得太大可能会导致其实际更新速度比默认方案慢,默认方案仅在Blizzard事件触发时更新。"
L["Enabling this inverts the grouping order when the raid is not full, this will reverse the direction it starts from."] = "启用后翻转未满团队的队伍顺序(起始方向)"
L["Enabling this will check your health amount."] = "启用后将检查你的血量"
L["Enabling this will check your power amount."] = "启用后将检查你的能量"
L["Enchanting"] = "附魔"
L["Enemy Aura Type"] = "敌对光环类型"
L["Enemy Combat Toggle"] = "敌对战斗开关"
L["ENEMY_NPC"] = "敌对NPC"
L["ENEMY_PLAYER"] = "敌对玩家"
L["Enemy"] = "敌对"
L["Engineering"] = "工程"
L["Enhanced PVP Messages"] = "PVP增强信息"
L["Equipped Item Color"] = "已装备物品颜色"
L["Equipped Item"] = "已装备物品"
L["Error decoding data. Import string may be corrupted!"] = "解码错误.导入的字符串可能已损坏!"
L["Error exporting profile!"] = "导出配置文件失败"
L["Exclude Name"] = "排除名字"
L["Excluded names will not be class colored."] = "排除的名字将不会使用职业颜色"
L["Excluded Names"] = "排除的名字"
L["Expiring"] = "即将冷却完毕"
L["Export Now"] = "现在导出"
L["Export Profile"] = "导出配置文件"
L["Exported"] = "已导出"
L["Fade Duration"] = "渐隐动画时长"
L["Fade Out Delay"] = "渐隐延迟"
L["Fade Out"] = "淡出时长"
L["Fade Tabs No Backdrop"] = "隐藏拖出的聊天框"
L["Fade the chat text when there is no activity."] = "隐藏聊天框内长期不活动的文字"
L["Fade Threshold"] = "阈值渐隐"
L["Fade Undocked Tabs"] = "隐藏分离的聊天框"
L["Fader"] = "隐藏"
L["Fades the text on chat tabs that are docked in a panel where the backdrop is disabled."] = "当你把一个聊天框拖出聊天背景框的时候会自动隐藏掉,注意这个聊天框并没有被删除,关闭该选项你可以重新找到它"
L["Fades the text on chat tabs that are not docked at the left or right chat panel."] = "当你把一个聊天框设置为分离状态时会自动隐藏掉,注意这个聊天框并没有被删除,关闭该选项你可以重新找到它"
L["Fill"] = "填充"
L["Filled"] = "全长"
L["Filter already exists!"] = "过滤器已存在!"
L["Filter Priority"] = "过滤器优先级"
L["Filter Search"] = "筛选"
L["Filter Type"] = "过滤器类型"
L["Filters are not allowed to have commas in their name. Stripping commas from filter name."] = "过滤器的名字中不允许有逗号, 已将逗号移除."
L["Filters Page"] = "过滤器界面"
L["Flash"] = "闪光"
L["Flash Threshold"] = true
L["Fluid Position Buffs on Debuffs"] = "增益流动定位在减益上"
L["Fluid Position Debuffs on Buffs"] = "减益流动定位在增益上"
L["Flyout Direction"] = "飞出方向"
L["Focus"] = "焦点"
L["FocusTarget"] = "焦点的目标"
L["Font Outline"] = "字体描边"
L["Font"] = "字体"
L["Fonts"] = "字体"
L["Force Hide Blizzard Text"] = "强制隐藏暴雪文字"
L["Force Off"] = "强制关闭"
L["Force On"] = "强制开启"
L["Force Reaction Color"] = "强制声望颜色"
L["Force the frames to show, they will act as if they are the player frame."] = "强制框架显示"
L["Forces Mouseover Glow to be disabled for these frames"] = "在这些框体中强制关闭鼠标指向高亮"
L["Forces reaction color instead of class color on units controlled by players."] = "对于玩家控制的角色强制使用声望颜色而不是职业颜色"
L["Forces Target Glow to be disabled for these frames"] = "为这些框体强制禁用目标高亮"
L["Format"] = "格式"
L["Frame Glow"] = "框体高亮"
L["Frame Level"] = "框架层次"
L["Frame Orientation"] = "框架方向"
L["Frame Strata"] = "框架层级"
L["Frame"] = "框架"
L["Friend"] = "友好"
L["Friendly Aura Type"] = "友好光环类型"
L["Friendly Combat Toggle"] = "友方战斗开关"
L["Friendly"] = "友好"
L["Full Overlay"] = "全覆盖"
L["Full"] = "满"
L["Gems"] = "珠宝"
L["Gender"] = true
L["General"] = "一般"
L["Global (Account Settings)"] = "全局(账号设置)"
L["Global Fade Transparency"] = "全局透明渐隐"
L["Global"] = "全局"
L["Glow"] = "边框发光"
L["GM Chat"] = "GM对话框"
L["Gold Format"] = "金币格式"
L["Good Color"] = "正常颜色"
L["Good Scale"] = "正常缩放"
L["Good Transition Color"] = "正常过渡颜色"
L["Good"] = "安全"
L["Gossip Frame"] = "闲谈"
L["Group By"] = "队伍排列方式"
L["Group Spacing"] = "小队间隔"
L["Group Units"] = "群体单位"
L["Grouping & Sorting"] = "分组与排序"
L["Groups Per Row/Column"] = "每行/列的队伍数"
L["Growth direction from the first unitframe."] = "增长方向从第一个头像框架开始"
L["Growth Direction"] = "增长方向"
L["Growth X-Direction"] = "X方向生长"
L["Growth Y-Direction"] = "Y方向生长"
L["Guardians"] = "护卫"
L["Guide:"] = "指导:"
L["Guild Control Frame"] = "公会控制"
L["Guild Ranks"] = "公会等级"
L["Guild Registrar"] = "公会注册"
L["Header Font Size"] = "标题名字大小"
L["Heal Absorbs"] = "治疗吸收盾"
L["Heal Prediction"] = "治疗量预估"
L["Healer Icon"] = "治疗图标"
L["HEALER"] = "治疗"
L["Health Backdrop Multiplier"] = "生命条背景倍数"
L["Health Backdrop"] = "生命条背景"
L["Health Bar"] = "生命条"
L["Health Border"] = "生命条边框"
L["Health By Value"] = "生命条颜色依数值变化"
L["Health Color"] = "血量颜色"
L["Health Speed"] = "生命条速度"
L["Health Threshold"] = "血量阈值"
L["Health"] = "生命条"
L["Height Multiplier"] = "高度倍增"
L["Height of the objective tracker. Increase size to be able to see more objectives."] = "任务框体的高度.增加大小以看到更多目标"
L["Height"] = "高"
L["Help Frame"] = "帮助"
L["Herbalism"] = "草药"
L["Here you can add items or search terms that you want to be excluded from sorting. To remove an item just click on its name in the list."] = "你可以在这里添加你想在排序中排除的物品或者匹配语法.在列表中点击他们的名字来移除一个物品"
L["HH:MM Threshold"] = "时:分 阈值"
L["HH:MM"] = "时:分"
L["Hide At Max Level"] = "在最高等级时隐藏"
L["Hide At Max Power"] = "在能量全满时隐藏"
L["Hide Below Max Level"] = "非满级时隐藏"
L["Hide Both"] = "全部隐藏"
L["Hide Castbar text. Useful if your power height is very low or if you use power offset."] = "隐藏施法条文字"
L["Hide Cooldown Bling"] = "隐藏冷却闪光"
L["Hide Copy Button"] = true
L["Hide Delay"] = "隐藏延迟"
L["Hide Error Text"] = "隐藏错误文字"
L["Hide Frame"] = "隐藏框架"
L["Hide In Combat"] = "战斗中隐藏"
L["Hide In Vehicle"] = "骑乘时隐藏"
L["Hide Outside PvP"] = "PvP外隐藏"
L["Hide specific sections in the datatext tooltip."] = "隐藏信息文字鼠标提示中的特定模块"
L["Hide Spell Name"] = "隐藏法术名字"
L["Hide Text"] = "隐藏文字"
L["Hide Time"] = "隐藏时间"
L["Hide tooltip while in combat."] = "战斗时不显示提示"
L["Hide Voice Buttons"] = "隐藏语音按钮"
L["Hide When Empty"] = "空白时隐藏"
L["Hide"] = "隐藏"
L["Hides the bling animation on buttons at the end of the global cooldown."] = "隐藏公共冷却后按钮的闪光动画"
L["Hides the red error text at the top of the screen while in combat."] = "战斗中隐藏屏幕顶部红字错误信息"
L["Horde / Alliance / Honor Info"] = "部落 / 联盟 / 荣誉信息"
L["Horizontal Spacing"] = "水平间隔"
L["Horizontal"] = "水平"
L["Hostile NPCs"] = "敌对NPC"
L["Hostile"] = "敌对"
L["Hours"] = "时"
L["Hover Highlight"] = "鼠标指向高亮"
L["Hover"] = "鼠标指向"
L["How far away the portrait is from the camera."] = "人像和镜头间有多远"
L["How long the cutaway health will take to fade out."] = "血量变化高亮淡出过程所需的时间"
L["How long the cutaway power will take to fade out."] = "能量变化高亮淡出过程所需的时间"
L["How many seconds the castbar should stay visible after the cast failed or was interrupted."] = "在施法失败或被打断时施法条保持可见的秒数"
L["How much time before the cutaway health starts to fade."] = "血量变化高亮淡出前所需要的时间"
L["How much time before the cutaway power starts to fade."] = "能量变化高亮淡出前所需要的时间"
L["Hyperlink Hover"] = "链接悬停"
L["Icon Inside Castbar"] = "施法条内的图标"
L["Icon Position"] = "图标位置"
L["Icon Size"] = "图标尺寸"
L["Icon: BOTTOM"] = "图标: 底部"
L["Icon: BOTTOMLEFT"] = "图标: 底部左侧"
L["Icon: BOTTOMRIGHT"] = "图标: 底部右侧"
L["Icon: LEFT"] = "图标: 左侧"
L["Icon: RIGHT"] = "图标: 右侧"
L["Icon: TOP"] = "图标: 顶部"
L["Icon: TOPLEFT"] = "图标: 顶部左侧"
L["Icon: TOPRIGHT"] = "图标: 顶部右侧"
L["Icon"] = "图标"
L["Icons and Text (Short)"] = "图标和文字(短)"
L["Icons and Text"] = "图标和文字"
L["If enabled then it checks if auras are missing instead of being present on the unit."] = "启用后将会检查光环是否缺失而不是光环是否存在."
L["If enabled then it will require all auras to activate the filter. Otherwise it will only require any one of the auras to activate it."] = "启用后要求满足所有光环. 否则只要求任一光环存在即可激活."
L["If enabled then it will require all cooldowns to activate the filter. Otherwise it will only require any one of the cooldowns to activate it."] = "启用后要求满足所有冷却. 否则只要求任一冷却存在即可激活."
L["If enabled then the filter will only activate if the level of the unit is equal to or higher than this value."] = "启用后过滤器仅在单位等级大于等于该值的时候激活."
L["If enabled then the filter will only activate if the level of the unit is equal to or lower than this value."] = "启用后过滤器仅在单位等级小于等于该值的时候激活."
L["If enabled then the filter will only activate if the level of the unit matches this value."] = "启用后过滤器仅在单位等级符合该值的时候激活."
L["If enabled then the filter will only activate if the level of the unit matches your own."] = "启用后过滤器仅在单位等级符合你的等级的时候激活."
L["If enabled then the filter will only activate if the unit is casting interruptible spells."] = "启用后过滤器仅在单位施放可打断技能的时候激活."
L["If enabled then the filter will only activate if the unit is casting not interruptible spells."] = "启用后过滤器仅在单位施放不可打断技能的时候激活."
L["If enabled then the filter will only activate if the unit is not casting or channeling one of the selected spells."] = "启用后过滤器仅在单位未施放或引导任一勾选的技能时激活."
L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when the unit can be attacked by the active player."] = "启用后仅当单位可以被攻击时激活"
L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when the unit can not be attacked by the active player."] = "启用后仅当单位无法被攻击时激活"
L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when the unit is controlled by the player."] = "启用后仅当单位被玩家控制时激活"
L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when the unit is in a Vehicle."] = "启用后过滤器仅在单位在载具中的时候激活."
L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when the unit is in combat."] = "启用后过滤器仅在单位在战斗中的时候激活."
L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when the unit is not controlled by the player."] = "启用后仅当单位未被玩家控制时激活"
L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when the unit is not in a Vehicle."] = "启用后过滤器仅在单位不在载具中的时候激活."
L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when the unit is not owned by the player."] = "启用后仅当单位不属于玩家时激活"
L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when the unit is not pvp-flagged."] = "启用后仅当单位没有PVP标记时激活"
L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when the unit is not tap denied."] = "启用后过滤器仅在单位未被其他玩家攻击时候激活."
L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when the unit is not targeting you."] = "启用后过滤器仅在单位目标不为你的时候激活."
L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when the unit is not the active player's pet."] = "启用后仅当单位不是宠物时激活"
L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when the unit is out of combat."] = "启用后过滤器仅在单位不在战斗中的时候激活."
L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when the unit is owned by the player."] = "启用后仅当单位属于玩家时激活"
L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when the unit is pvp-flagged."] = "启用后仅当单位有PVP标记时激活"
L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when the unit is tap denied."] = "启用后过滤器仅在单位已被其他玩家攻击时候激活."
L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when the unit is targeting you."] = "启用后过滤器仅在单位目标为你的时候激活."
L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when the unit is the active player's pet."] = "启用后仅当单位是宠物时激活"
L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when you are focusing the unit."] = "启用后过滤器仅在单位为焦点的时候激活."
L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when you are in a Vehicle."] = "启用后过滤器仅在你在载具中的时候激活."
L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when you are in combat."] = "启用后过滤器仅在你在战斗中的时候激活."
L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when you are not focusing the unit."] = "启用后过滤器仅在单位不为焦点的时候激活."
L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when you are not in a Vehicle."] = "启用后过滤器仅在你不在载具中的时候激活."
L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when you are not targeting the unit."] = "启用后过滤器仅对非当前目标激活."
L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when you are out of combat."] = "启用后过滤器仅在你不在战斗中的时候激活."
L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when you are resting at an Inn."] = "启用后过滤器仅在你在休息区的时候激活."
L["If enabled then the filter will only activate when you are targeting the unit."] = "启用后过滤器仅对当前目标激活."
L["If enabled, the style filter will only activate when you are in one of the instances specified in Instance ID."] = "启用后仅在指定ID地下城时候激活."
L["If enabled, the style filter will only activate when you are in one of the maps specified in Map ID."] = "启用后仅在指定ID地图时候激活."
L["If enabled, the style filter will only activate when you are in one of the subzones specified in Add Subzone Name."] = "启用后仅在指定子区域时候激活."
L["If enabled, the style filter will only activate when you are in one of the zones specified in Add Zone Name."] = "启用后仅在指定区域时候激活."
L["If enabled, then this currency will be displayed in the main Currencies datatext tooltip."] = "启用后这个货币将在货币信息文字中显示"
L["If not set to 0 then override the size of the aura icon to this."] = "如果不为0, 此值将覆盖光环图标的尺寸"
L["If not set to true then the server time will be displayed instead."] = "若关闭此选项将显示服务器时间"
L["If the aura is listed with a number then you need to use that to remove it from the list."] = "如果光环和一个数一起列出你需要用它来将其移出列表"
L["If this is enabled then the reaction check will use your reputation with the faction the unit belongs to."] = "启用后声望类型将会使用单位所属阵营声望的具体级别"
L["If this list is empty, and if Interruptible is checked, then the filter will activate on any type of cast that can be interrupted."] = "如果列表为空, 并且可打断被选中, 那么过滤器会在任何可被打断的施法时激活"
L["If this threshold is used then the health of the unit needs to be higher than this value in order for the filter to activate. Set to 0 to disable."] = "如果这个阈值被设置则单位的血量需要比设定值更高才会将过滤器激活. 设为0以禁用."
L["If this threshold is used then the health of the unit needs to be lower than this value in order for the filter to activate. Set to 0 to disable."] = "如果这个阈值被设置则单位的血量需要比设定值更低才会将过滤器激活. 设为0以禁用."
L["If this threshold is used then the power of the unit needs to be higher than this value in order for the filter to activate. Set to 0 to disable."] = "如果这个阈值被设置则单位的能量需要比设定值更高才会将过滤器激活. 设为0以禁用."
L["If this threshold is used then the power of the unit needs to be lower than this value in order for the filter to activate. Set to 0 to disable."] = "如果这个阈值被设置则单位的能量需要比设定值更低才会将过滤器激活. 设为0以禁用."
L["If you have a lot of 3D Portraits active then it will likely have a big impact on your FPS. Disable some portraits if you experience FPS issues."] = "如果你同时激活了很多3D头像你很可能有帧数的影响.如果你有这方面的问题请禁用一部分头像"
L["If you have an icon or aurabar that you don't want to display simply hold down shift and right click the icon for it to disapear."] = "如果你不希望显示某个光环图标或者光环条,只需要按住shift并右键点击它."
L["If you have any plugins supporting this feature installed you can find them in the selection dropdown to the right."] = "如果你有任何已安装的插件支持该功能, 你可以在下面的下拉菜单找到它们"
L["If you unlock actionbars then trying to move a spell might instantly cast it if you cast spells on key press instead of key release."] = "如果不锁定动作条, 那么当你试图移动技能时你可能会在鼠标按下技能键时使用技能"
L["Ignore mouse events."] = "忽略鼠标事件"
L["Ignored Items and Search Syntax (Global)"] = "被忽略的物品和搜索语法(全局)"
L["Ignored Items and Search Syntax (Profile)"] = "被忽略的物品和搜索语法(配置文件)"
L["Import Now"] = "现在导入"
L["Import Profile"] = "导入配置文件"
L["Importing"] = "正在导入"
L["Inactivity Timer"] = "不活跃时间"
L["Index"] = "索引"
L["Indicate whether buffs you cast yourself should be separated before or after."] = "将你自身施放的增益从整体增益之前或之后分离出来"
L["Individual Units"] = "个体单位"
L["InfoPanel Border"] = "信息面板边框"
L["Information Panel"] = "信息面板"
L["Information"] = "信息"
L["Inherit Global Fade"] = "继承全局渐隐"
L["Inherit the global fade, mousing over, targetting, setting focus, losing health, entering combat will set the remove transparency. Otherwise it will use the transparency level in the general actionbar settings for global fade alpha."] = "继承全局渐隐, 鼠标悬浮、目标、焦点、损失血量、进入战斗会减低不透明度.否则会为全局透明度使用一般动作条的设置"
L["Inset"] = "插入"
L["Install"] = "安装"
L["Instance Difficulty"] = "副本难度"
L["Instance ID"] = "副本ID"
L["Instance Type"] = "副本类型"
L["Interruptible"] = "可打断"
L["Invert Colors"] = "反转颜色"
L["Invert foreground and background colors."] = "反转前景色和背景色."
L["Invert Grouping Order"] = "反转队伍排序"
L["Is Casting Anything"] = "正在施法"
L["Is Channeling Anything"] = "正在引导"
L["Is Focused"] = "当前焦点"
L["Is PvP Talents"] = "PvP天赋"
L["Is Targeted"] = "当前目标"
L["Is Targeting Player"] = "目标为玩家"
L["Island Party Pose"] = "海岛冒险结算"
L["Item Count Font"] = "物品数目字体"
L["Item Count"] = "物品数量"
L["Item Level Threshold"] = "物品等级阈值"
L["Item Level"] = "物品等级"
L["Item Upgrade"] = "装备升级"
L["JustifyH"] = "水平对齐"
L["Key Down"] = "按下施法"
L["Key Modifiers"] = "修饰键"
L["Keybind Mode"] = "键位设置模式"
L["Keybind Text Position"] = "快捷键文字位置"
L["Keybind Text X-Offset"] = "快捷键文字X偏移"
L["Keybind Text Y-Offset"] = "快捷键文字Y偏移"
L["Keybind Text"] = "键位文字"
L["Keyword Alert"] = "关键字警报"
L["Keywords"] = "关键字"
L["Latency"] = "延迟"
L["Leader Indicator"] = "队长指示器"
L["Leatherworking"] = "制皮"
L["Left Alt"] = "左Alt键"
L["Left Control"] = "左Ctrl键"
L["Left Only"] = "仅显示左边"
L["Left Shift"] = "左Shift键"
L["Left to Right"] = "左到右"
L["left"] = "左"
L["Left"] = "左"
L["LeftChatDataPanel"] = "左聊天框"
L["LeftMiniPanel"] = "小地图左方"
L["LEVEL_BOSS"] = "对首领请设置为-1, 或者设为0以禁用."
L["LF Guild Frame"] = "寻求公会"
L["LFG Queue"] = "随机队列"
L["Limit the number of rows or columns."] = "最大行数或列数"
L["Link to the latest development version."] = "最新开发版链接"
L["List of words to color in chat if found in a message. If you wish to add multiple words you must seperate the word with a comma. To search for your current name you can use %MYNAME%.\n\nExample:\n%MYNAME%, ElvUI, RBGs, Tank"] = "如果在聊天信息中发现如下文字会自动上色该文字. 如果你需要添加多个词必须用逗号分开. 搜索你的名字可使用 %MYNAME%.\n\n例如:\n%MYNAME%, ElvUI, RBGs, Tank"
L["Local Time"] = "本地时间"
L["Location Text"] = "所在位置"
L["Log Taints"] = "错误记录"
L["Log the main chat frames history. So when you reloadui or log in and out you see the history from your last session."] = "进行聊天记录,当你重载,登录和退出时会恢复你最后一次会话"
L["Login Message"] = "登陆信息"
L["Loot Frames"] = "拾取"
L["Loot Roll"] = "掷骰"
L["Loot"] = "拾取"
L["Losing Threat"] = "失去仇恨"
L["Low Health Threshold"] = "低生命值阈值"
L["Low Threat"] = "低仇恨"
L["Low Threshold"] = "冷却时间阈值"
L["Lower numbers mean a higher priority. Filters are processed in order from 1 to 100."] = "更低的数值意味着更高的优先级. 过滤器将按照1至100的顺序进行."
L["Macro Text"] = "宏名称"
L["Mail Frame"] = "邮箱"
L["Main backdrop color of the UI."] = "界面背景主色"
L["Main border color of the UI."] = "界面边框主色"
L["Main statusbar texture."] = "主状态条材质"
L["Main Tanks / Main Assist"] = "主坦克/主助理"
L["Make textures transparent."] = "材质透明"
L["Make the unitframe glow yellow when it is below this percent of health, it will glow red when the health value is half of this value."] = "姓名板在此设定值下会变黄色, 在设定值一半以下会变红色"
L["Make the world map smaller."] = "让世界地图更小"
L["Map ID"] = "地图ID"
L["Map Opacity When Moving"] = "移动时地图透明度"
L["Maps"] = "地图"
L["Mark Quest Reward"] = "标记任务奖励"
L["Marks the most valuable quest reward with a gold coin."] = "在卖价最高的任务奖励上显示金币图标"
L["Masque Support"] = "Masque支持"
L["Match Frame Width"] = "匹配框体宽度"
L["Match if Name or NPC ID is NOT in the list."] = "当名字或NPC ID不符合列表时匹配"
L["Match Player Level"] = "符合玩家等级"
L["Match this trigger if the talent is not selected"] = "如果该天赋没有选择则激活这个触发器"
L["Max Alpha"] = "最大透明度"
L["Max amount of overflow allowed to extend past the end of the health bar."] = "显示在生命值条末端的治疗吸收盾的最大量"
L["Max Bars"] = "最多"
L["Max Overflow"] = "最大治疗吸收盾"
L["Max Wraps"] = "每行最大数"
L["Maximum Duration"] = "最大持续时间"
L["Maximum Level"] = "最高等级"
L["Maximum Time Left"] = "最大时间剩余"
L["Media"] = "材质"
L["Merchant Frame"] = "商人"
L["Method to sort by."] = "排序方式"
L["Middle Click - Set Focus"] = "鼠标中键 - 设置焦点"
L["Middle clicking the unit frame will cause your focus to match the unit."] = "鼠标中键点击单位框架设置焦点"
L["middle"] = "中"
L["Middle"] = "中间"
L["Min Alpha"] = "最小透明度"
L["Minimap Buttons"] = "小地图按钮"
L["Minimap Mouseover"] = "小地图鼠标滑过"
L["Minimap Panels"] = "小地图栏"
L["Minimum Duration"] = "最小持续时间"
L["Minimum Level"] = "最低等级"
L["Minimum Time Left"] = "最小时间剩余"
L["Mining"] = "采矿"
L["Minions"] = "杂兵"
L["Minus"] = "次要目标"
L["Minutes"] = "分"
L["Mirror Timers"] = "镜像计时器"
L["Misc Frames"] = "其他"
L["Miscellaneous"] = "其他"
L["Missing Talent Alert"] = "缺失天赋警报"
L["Missing"] = "缺失"
L["MM:SS Threshold"] = "分:秒 阈值"
L["MM:SS"] = "分:秒"
L["Model Rotation"] = "模型旋转"
L["Module Control"] = "模块控制"
L["Module Copy"] = "模块复制"
L["Module Reset"] = "模块重置"
L["Money Format"] = "金币格式"
L["Mouse Over"] = "鼠标滑过显示"
L["Mouseover Glow"] = "鼠标指向边框"
L["Mouseover Highlight"] = "鼠标指向高亮"
L["Mouseover"] = "鼠标滑过显示"
L["Movers"] = "框架位置"
L["Multi-Monitor Support"] = "多显示器支持"
L["Multiply the backdrops height or width by this value. This is usefull if you wish to have more than one bar behind a backdrop."] = "根据此值增加背景的高度或宽度. 一般用来在一个背景框里放置多条动作条"
L["Must be in group with the player if he isn't on the same server as you."] = "如果不是同一服务器, 那他必须和你在同一队伍中"
L["Name Color"] = "姓名颜色"
L["Name Font"] = "名称字体"
L["Name Only"] = "仅姓名"
L["Name: Current / Max - Percent"] = "名字: 当前值 / 最大值 - 百分比"
L["Name: Current / Max"] = "名字: 当前值 / 最大值"
L["Name: Percent"] = "名字: 百分比"
L["Name"] = "姓名"
L["Nameplate At Base"] = "在底部显示姓名板"
L["NamePlate Style Filters"] = "姓名板样式过滤器"
L["Nameplate"] = "姓名板"
L["NamePlates"] = "姓名板"
L["Negative Match"] = "反向匹配"
L["Neutral"] = "中立"
L["Never Hide"] = "从不隐藏"
L["No Alert In Combat"] = "战斗中不警报"
L["No Sorting"] = "不排序"
L["Non-Interruptible"] = "不可打断"
L["Non-Raid Frame"] = "非团队框架"
L["Non-Target Alpha"] = "非目标透明度"
L["Not Casting Anything"] = "未施法"
L["Not Channeling Anything"] = "未引导"
L["Not Focused"] = "非焦点"
L["Not Spell"] = "非法术"
L["Not Targeted"] = "非目标"
L["Not Targeting Player"] = "目标不为玩家"
L["Not Usable"] = "不可用"
L["NPC IDs"] = "NPC ID"
L["NPC"] = "NPC"
L["Num Rows"] = "行数"
L["Number of Groups"] = "队伍数目"
L["Number of messages you scroll for each step."] = "每次滚动的聊天信息数目"
L["Number of repeat characters while in combat before the chat editbox is automatically closed."] = "当你在战斗中按下技能键时,有可能你的输入框还处于打开状态,这个功能可以在你按下技能键并且在输入框中输入下列个数字符串却没有放出技能时帮你自动关闭输入框"
L["Number of time in seconds to scroll down to the bottom of the chat window if you are not scrolled down completely."] = "聊天框滚动到底部所需要的滚动时间(秒)"
L["Objective Frame Height"] = "任务框架高度"
L["Off Cooldown"] = "冷却外"
L["Off Tank Bad Transition"] = "非当前坦非正常过渡"
L["Off Tank Good Transition"] = "非当前坦正常过渡"
L["Off Tank"] = "非当前坦"
L["Offset of the powerbar to the healthbar, set to 0 to disable."] = "偏移能量条与生命条的位置, 设为0代表停用"
L["Offset position for text."] = "偏移文本的位置"
L["Offset"] = "偏移"
L["On Cooldown"] = "冷却中"
L["On screen positions for different elements."] = "屏幕上各元素的位置"
L["Only Match SpellID"] = "仅匹配法术ID"
L["Open Ticket"] = "表单"
L["Order Hall Command Bar"] = "职业大厅命令条"
L["Orderhall"] = "职业大厅"
L["Other Filter"] = "其他过滤器"
L["Other's First"] = "他人光环优先"
L["Others"] = "他人的"
L["Out of Power"] = "能量不足"
L["Out of Range"] = "超出范围"
L["Over Absorbs"] = "过量吸收"
L["Over Heal Absorbs"] = "过量治疗吸收"
L["Over Health Threshold"] = "高于血量阈值"
L["Over Power Threshold"] = "高于能量阈值"
L["Overlap Horizontal"] = "水平重叠"
L["Overlap Vertical"] = "垂直重叠"
L["Overlay Alpha"] = "重叠透明度"
L["Overlay"] = "重叠显示"
L["Overnuking"] = true
L["Override any custom visibility setting in certain situations, EX: Only show groups 1 and 2 inside a 10 man instance."] = "覆盖可见性的设定, 例如: 在10人副本里只显示1队和2队"
L["Override the default class color setting."] = "覆盖默认的职业色设置"
L["Owners Name"] = "所有者姓名"
L["Panel Backdrop"] = "聊天框背景"
L["Panel Height"] = "聊天框高度"
L["Panel Texture (Left)"] = "聊天框材质(左)"
L["Panel Texture (Right)"] = "聊天框材质(右)"
L["Panel Transparency"] = "面板透明"
L["Panel Width (Bags)"] = "背包面板宽度"
L["Panel Width (Bank)"] = "银行面板宽度"
L["Panel Width"] = "聊天框宽度"
L["Panels"] = "面板"
L["Parchment Remover"] = "移除羊皮纸"
L["Parent"] = "跟随框架"
L["Party / Raid"] = "小队/团队"
L["Party Only"] = "仅小队"
L["Party Pets"] = "队伍宠物"
L["Party PVP"] = "小队PVP"
L["Party Targets"] = "队伍目标"
L["Party"] = "小队"
L["Per Row"] = "每行"
L["Percent"] = "百分比"
L["Percentage amount for horizontal overlap of Nameplates."] = "姓名板水平重叠百分比"
L["Percentage amount for vertical overlap of Nameplates."] = "姓名板垂直重叠百分比"
L["Personal"] = "自己的"
L["Pet Battle"] = "宠物战斗"
L["Pet Name"] = "宠物名字"
L["Pet"] = "宠物"
L["Petition Frame"] = "回报GM"
L["Pets"] = "宠物"
L["PetTarget"] = "宠物的目标"
L["Phase Indicator"] = "位面指示器"
L["Pin Voice Buttons"] = "固定语音按钮"
L["Player Bars"] = "玩家动作条"
L["Player Can Attack"] = "玩家可攻击"
L["Player Can Not Attack"] = "玩家不可攻击"
L["Player Frame Aura Bars"] = "玩家框架光环条"
L["Player Health"] = "玩家血量"
L["Player in Combat"] = "玩家在战斗中"
L["Player in Vehicle"] = "玩家在载具中"
L["Player is Resting"] = "玩家在休息区中"
L["Player Out of Combat"] = "玩家不在战斗中"
L["Player Out of Vehicle"] = "玩家不在载具中"
L["Player Power"] = "玩家能量"
L["Player Target"] = "玩家目标"
L["Player Titles"] = "玩家头衔"
L["Player"] = "玩家"
L["Plugin"] = "插件"
L["Portrait"] = "头像"
L["Position Buffs on Debuffs"] = "增益定位在减益上"
L["Position Debuffs on Buffs"] = "减益定位在增益上"
L["Position of bonus quest reward frame relative to the objective tracker."] = "额外奖励框架相对于任务框架的相对位置"
L["Position of the Chat EditBox, if datatexts are disabled this will be forced to be above chat."] = "聊天输入框位置,如果底部的信息文字被禁用的话,将会强制显示在聊天框顶部."
L["Position other Nameplates at the base, rather than overhead."] = "姓名板将在角色底部显示"
L["Position the Model horizontally."] = "水平放置模型"
L["Position the Model vertically."] = "垂直放置模型"
L["Position"] = "位置"
L["Power Color"] = "能量颜色"
L["Power Prediction Color"] = "能量预估颜色"
L["Power Prediction"] = "能量预估"
L["Power Speed"] = "能量条速度"
L["Power text will be hidden on NPC targets, in addition the name text will be repositioned to the power texts anchor point."] = "NPC目标将隐藏能量文字"
L["Power Threshold"] = "能量阈值"
L["Power"] = "能量条"
L["Powers"] = "能量"
L["Prevent the same messages from displaying in chat more than once within this set amount of seconds, set to zero to disable."] = "屏蔽设定时间(秒)内的重复聊天信息, 0为禁用此功能"
L["Primary Texture"] = "主要材质"
L["Priority"] = "优先级"
L["Private (Character Settings)"] = "个人(角色配置)"
L["Profession Bags"] = "专业背包"
L["Profile imported successfully!"] = "配置文件导入成功"
L["Profile Name"] = "配置文件名称"
L["Profile Specific"] = "角色专用"
L["Profile"] = "配置文件"
L["Progress Bar"] = "进度条"
L["Puts coordinates on the world map."] = "在世界地图上显示坐标"
L["PvP & Prestige Icon"] = "PvP和威望图标"
L["PvP Classification Indicator"] = "PvP分类指示器"
L["PvP Frames"] = "PvP框架"
L["PvP Indicator"] = "PvP指示器"
L["PvP Text"] = "PvP文字"
L["PVP Trinket"] = "PvP饰品"
L["Quest Boss"] = "任务怪物"
L["Quest Choice"] = "任务选择"
L["Quest Frames"] = "任务"
L["Quest Icon"] = "任务图标"
L["Quest Starter"] = "任务初始道具"
L["Quick Join Messages"] = "快速加入消息"
L["Raid Difficulty"] = "副本难度"
L["Raid Frame"] = "团队"
L["Raid Icon"] = "团队图标"
L["Raid Only"] = "仅团队"
L["Raid-Wide Sorting"] = "全团队排序"
L["Raid"] = "25人团队框架"
L["RaidDebuff Indicator"] = "副本减益光环"
L["Range"] = "范围"
L["Rank"] = "等级"
L["Rare Elite"] = "稀有精英"
L["Reaction Castbars"] = "声望施法条"
L["Reaction Colors"] = "声望颜色"
L["Reaction Type"] = "声望类型"
L["Reactions"] = "声望"
L["Ready Check Icon"] = "就位确认图标"
L["Remaining / Max"] = "剩余值 / 最大值"
L["Remaining"] = "剩余值"
L["Remove a Name or NPC ID from the list."] = "从列表中移除姓名或NPC ID"
L["Remove a spell from the filter. Use the spell ID if you see the ID as part of the spell name in the filter."] = "从过滤器中移除一个技能. 当过滤器中的技能名字中有ID时使用技能ID"
L["Remove Backdrop"] = "去除背景"
L["Remove Instance ID"] = "移除副本ID"
L["Remove Map ID"] = "移除地图ID"
L["Remove Name or NPC ID"] = "移除姓名或NPC ID"
L["Remove Spell ID or Name"] = "移除技能ID或者名字"
L["Remove Spell"] = "移除技能"
L["Remove Subzone Name"] = "移除子区域名字"
L["Remove Zone Name"] = "移除地图名字"
L["Replace Blizzard Fonts"] = "替代暴雪字体"
L["Replace Blizzard's Alternative Power Bar"] = "取代暴雪的特殊能量条"
L["Replace Blizzard's Voice Overlay."] = "覆盖暴雪的语音界面"
L["Replaces the default Blizzard fonts on various panels and frames with the fonts chosen in the Media section of the ElvUI Options. NOTE: Any font that inherits from the fonts ElvUI usually replaces will be affected as well if you disable this. Enabled by default."] = "用ElvUI字体设置代替暴雪原有字体设置,如果禁用有可能导致你的UI出问题,默认开启开选项"
L["Reposition Window"] = "重置窗口位置"
L["Require All"] = "要求全部"
L["Require holding the Alt key down to move cursor or cycle through messages in the editbox."] = "开启该选项使你在查看聊天历史记录时需要按住Alt+上下键,如果关闭则直接按上下键即可"
L["Reset Action Paging"] = "重置动作条翻页"
L["Reset all frames to their original positions."] = "重设所有框架至预设位置"
L["Reset Anchors"] = "重置定位"
L["Reset Aura Filters"] = "重置光环过滤器"
L["Reset CVars"] = "重置CVars"
L["Reset filter priority to the default state."] = "重置过滤器优先级到默认状态"
L["Reset Filter"] = "重置过滤器"
L["Reset Nameplate CVars to the ElvUI recommended defaults."] = "重置姓名版CVars到ElvUI推荐默认值"
L["Reset Priority"] = "重置优先级"
L["Reset the size and position of this frame."] = "重置本窗口大小和位置"
L["Reset Zoom"] = "重置缩放"
L["Rest Icon"] = "充分休息图标"
L["Restore Bar"] = "重置动作条"
L["Restore Defaults"] = "恢复预设"
L["Restore the actionbars default settings"] = "恢复此动作条的预设设定"
L["Resurrect Icon"] = "复活图标"
L["Resurrect Sound"] = "复活音效"
L["Return filter to its default state."] = "返回过滤器至默认状态"
L["Reverse Bag Slots"] = "反向背包格子"
L["Reverse Fill Direction"] = "翻转填充方向"
L["Reverse Fill"] = "反转填充"
L["Reverse Toggle will enable Cooldown Text on this module when the global setting is disabled and disable them when the global setting is enabled."] = "启用时该模块将在全局禁用时启用, 全局启用是禁用."
L["Reverse Toggle"] = "反转开关"
L["Right Alt"] = "右Alt键"
L["Right Control"] = "右Ctrl键"
L["Right Only"] = "仅显示右边"
L["Right Panel Height"] = "右面板高度"
L["Right Panel Width"] = "右面板宽度"
L["Right Shift"] = "右Shift键"
L["Right to Left"] = "右到左"
L["right"] = "右"
L["Right"] = "右"
L["RightChatDataPanel"] = "右聊天框"
L["RightClick Self-Cast"] = "右键自我施法"
L["RightMiniPanel"] = "小地图右方"
L["Role Icon"] = "角色职责图标"
L["Run the installation process."] = "执行安装程序"
L["Scale"] = "缩放"
L["Scroll Interval"] = "滚动间隔"
L["Scroll Messages"] = "滚动信息数目"
L["Search for a spell name inside of a filter."] = "在过滤器中筛选法术"
L["Search Syntax"] = "搜索语法"
L["Secondary Texture"] = "次要材质"
L["Seconds"] = "秒"
L["Securely Tanking"] = "安全坦住"
L["Select a profile to copy from/to."] = "选择一个配置文件用于复制"
L["Select a unit to copy settings from."] = "选择从哪单位复制"
L["Select Filter"] = "选择过滤器"
L["Select Spell"] = "选择技能"
L["Select the display method of the portrait."] = "选择头像的显示方式"
L["Selection Health"] = "选择框体血量"
L["Selection Power"] = "选择框体能量"
L["Selection"] = "选择框体"
L["Sell Interval"] = "售卖周期"
L["Send ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED errors to the Lua Error frame. These errors are less important in most cases and will not effect your game performance. Also a lot of these errors cannot be fixed. Please only report these errors if you notice a Defect in gameplay."] = "发送ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED错误至Lua错误框, 这些错误并不重要, 不会影响你的游戏体验. 并且很多这类错误无法被修复. 请只将影响游戏体验的错误发送给我们"
L["Sends your current profile to your target."] = "发送你的配置文件到当前目标"
L["Sends your filter settings to your target."] = "发送你的过滤器配置到当前目标"
L["Separate Panel Sizes"] = "分离框体大小"
L["Seperate"] = "光环分离"
L["Set auras that are not from you to desaturad."] = "他人施放的光环褪色显示"
L["Set Settings to Default"] = "恢复默认设置"
L["Set the alpha level of portrait when frame is overlayed."] = "当框体被遮挡时头像的透明度"
L["Set the filter type. Blacklist will hide any auras in the list and show all others. Whitelist will show any auras in the filter and hide all others."] = "设置过滤器类型. 黑名单将隐藏列表内的任何光环而显示其他. 白名单将显示过滤器内的任何光环而隐藏其他所有光环"
L["Set the font outline."] = "设定字体的描边"
L["Set the font size for everything in UI. Note: This doesn't effect somethings that have their own seperate options (UnitFrame Font, Datatext Font, ect..)"] = "设定界面上所有字体的大小, 但不包含本身有独立设定的字体(如单位框架字体、信息文字字体等)"
L["Set the font size for unitframes."] = "设置单位框架字体尺寸"
L["Set the order that the group will sort."] = "设置组排序的顺序"
L["Set the orientation of the UnitFrame."] = "设置框架的方向"
L["Set the priority order of the spell, please note that prioritys are only used for the raid debuff module, not the standard buff/debuff module. If you want to disable set to zero."] = "设置该法术的优先顺序. 请注意, 优先级只用于Raid Debuff模块, 而不是标准的Buff/Debuff模块. 设为0以禁用此功能"
L["Set the size of the individual auras."] = "设置每个光环的尺寸"
L["Set the size of your bag buttons."] = "设置背包按钮尺寸"
L["Set the type of auras to show when a unit is a foe."] = "当单位是敌对时设置光环显示的类型"
L["Set the type of auras to show when a unit is friendly."] = "当单位是友好时设置光环显示的类型"
L["Set to either stack nameplates vertically or allow them to overlap."] = "设置将姓名板垂直排列或者允许重叠"
L["Sets the font instance's horizontal text alignment style."] = "设置字体实例的水平文本对齐方式"
L["Setup on-screen display of information bars."] = "设置各种数据条"
L["Share Current Profile"] = "分享当前配置文件"
L["Share Filters"] = "分享过滤器配置"
L["Short (Whole Numbers)"] = "短(完整数字)"
L["Short Channels"] = "隐藏频道名称"
L["Shortcut to global filters."] = "到全局过滤器的快捷方式"
L["Shortcuts"] = "快捷键"
L["Shorten the channel names in chat."] = "在聊天窗口中隐藏频道名称"
L["Should tooltip be anchored to mouse cursor"] = "提示显示在鼠标处"
L["Show Absorb Amount"] = "显示吸收量"
L["Show an alert frame if you have unspend talent points."] = "为你未使用的天赋显示一个警报框"
L["Show an incoming heal prediction bar on the unitframe. Also display a slightly different colored bar for incoming overheals."] = "在单位框架中显示即将回复的的预估治疗量, 过量治疗则以不同颜色显示"
L["Show Assigned Color"] = "显示设定的颜色"
L["Show Aura From Other Players"] = "显示其他玩家的光环"
L["Show Auras"] = "显示光环"
L["Show Badge"] = "显示头衔"
L["Show Bind on Equip/Use Text"] = "显示绑定状态"
L["Show Both"] = "全部显示"
L["Show clickable Quick Join messages inside of the chat."] = "在聊天栏里显示可点击的快速加入信息"
L["Show Coins"] = "显示硬币"
L["Show Dispellable Debuffs"] = "显示可驱散的减益光环"
L["Show Empty Buttons"] = "显示空白按钮"
L["Show For DPS"] = "为输出显示"
L["Show For Healers"] = "为治疗显示"
L["Show For Tanks"] = "为坦克显示"
L["Show Icon"] = "显示图标"
L["Show In Combat"] = "战斗中显示"
L["Show Junk Icon"] = "显示垃圾图标"
L["Show New Item Glow"] = "新物品发光"
L["Show Over Absorbs"] = "显示过量吸收"
L["Show PvP Badge Indicator if available"] = "可用时显示PvP头衔指示器"
L["Show Quality Color"] = "显示稀有度图标"
L["Show Scrap Icon"] = "显示拆解图标"
L["Show Special Bags Color"] = "显示特殊背包颜色"
L["Show the castbar icon desaturated if a spell is not interruptible."] = "在法术不可被打断时显示褪色的图标"
L["Show Title"] = "显示头衔"
L["Show Upgrade Icon"] = "显示升级图标"
L["Show When Not Active"] = "缺失时显示光环"
L["Show With Target"] = "有目标时显示"
L["Show/Hide Test Frame"] = "显示/隐藏测试框架"
L["Shows a swipe animation when a spell is recharging but still has charges left."] = "当一个技能在充能但仍有剩余使用次数时使用反向填充动画"
L["Shows item level of each item, enchants, and gems on the character page."] = "在角色界面显示每个物品的物品等级、附魔和宝石"
L["Shows item level of each item, enchants, and gems when inspecting another player."] = "当你观察另一个玩家是显示每个物品的物品等级、附魔和宝石"
L["Side Arrows"] = "侧面箭头"
L["Size and Positions"] = "大小和位置"
L["Size Override"] = "尺寸覆盖"
L["Size"] = "大小"
L["Skin Backdrop (No Borders)"] = "美化背景(无边框)"
L["Skin Backdrop"] = "美化背景"
L["Skin the blizzard chat bubbles."] = "美化暴雪聊天泡泡"
L["Skins"] = "美化外观"
L["Small Panels"] = "迷你面板"
L["Smaller World Map Scale"] = "小型世界地图缩放"
L["Smaller World Map"] = "小型世界地图"
L["Smart Aura Position"] = "智能光环位置"
L["Smart Raid Filter"] = "智能团队过滤"
L["Smart"] = "智能"
L["Smooth Bars"] = "平滑化"
L["Smooth"] = "平滑"
L["Smoothing Amount"] = "平滑量"
L["Socket Frame"] = "珠宝插槽"
L["Sort By"] = "排序"
L["Sort Direction"] = "排列方向"
L["Sort Inverted"] = "倒序"
L["Sort Method"] = "排序方式"
L["Spaced"] = "留空"
L["Spacing"] = "间隙"
L["Spam Interval"] = "垃圾间隔"
L["Spark"] = "火花"
L["Spec Icon"] = "天赋图标"
L["Spell/Item IDs"] = "技能/物品ID"
L["Split"] = "分隔"
L["Stable"] = "兽栏"
L["Stack Counter"] = "层数计数"
L["Stack Text Position"] = "叠层文字位置"
L["Stack Text X-Offset"] = "叠层文字X偏移"
L["Stack Text Y-Offset"] = "叠层文字Y偏移"
L["Stack Threshold"] = "层数阈值"
L["Start Near Center"] = "从中心开始"
L["Status Bar"] = "状态条"
L["Statusbar Fill Orientation"] = "状态条填充方向"
L["StatusBar Texture"] = "状态条材质"
L["Sticky Chat"] = "记忆聊天频道"
L["Strata and Level"] = "框架层级和层次"
L["Style Filter"] = "样式过滤器"
L["Style"] = "风格"
L["Subzone Name"] = "子区域名"
L["Summon Icon"] = "召唤图标"
L["Support & Download"] = "支持与下载"
L["Support Forum"] = "支持论坛"
L["Swap to Alt Power"] = "切换到副能量"
L["Tab Font Outline"] = "标题栏字体描边"
L["Tab Font Size"] = "标题栏字体尺寸"
L["Tab Font"] = "标题栏字体"
L["Tab Panel Transparency"] = "标签面板透明"
L["Tab Panel"] = "标签面板"
L["Tabard Frame"] = "战袍"
L["Table"] = "表"
L["Tagged NPC"] = "标记的NPC"
L["Talent to match"] = "匹配的天赋"
L["Talking Head Backdrop"] = "剧情对话框背景"
L["Talking Head Scale"] = "剧情对话框缩放"
L["TalkingHead"] = "剧情对话框"
L["Tank Frames"] = "坦克框架"
L["Tank Target"] = "坦克目标"
L["Tank"] = "坦克"
L["Tapped"] = "被攻击"
L["Target Indicator Color"] = "目标指示器颜色"
L["Target Info"] = "目标信息"
L["Target On Mouse-Down"] = "鼠标按下设为目标"
L["Target units on mouse down rather than mouse up. \n\n|cffFF0000Warning: If you are using the addon Clique you may have to adjust your Clique settings when changing this."] = "按下鼠标时设为目标,而不是松开鼠标按键时. \n\n|cffFF0000警告: 如果使用 Clique 等点击施法插件, 你可能需要调整这些插件的设置"
L["Target"] = "目标"
L["Target/Low Health Indicator"] = "目标指示器"
L["Targeted Glow"] = "目标边框"
L["Targeting Sound"] = "目标选中音效"
L["Targeting"] = "目标"
L["TargetTarget"] = "目标的目标"
L["TargetTargetTarget"] = "目标的目标的目标"
L["Testing:"] = "测试:"
L["Text Color"] = "文字颜色"
L["Text Fade"] = true
L["Text Font Size"] = "字体大小"
L["Text Format"] = "文字格式"
L["Text Options"] = "文字选项"
L["Text Position"] = "文字位置"
L["Text Threshold"] = "文本阈值"
L["Text Toggle On NPC"] = "NPC文字显示开关"
L["Text"] = "文本"
L["Texture"] = "材质"
L["Textured Icon"] = "图标"
L["Textures"] = "材质"
L["The amount of buttons to display per row."] = "每行显示多少个按钮数"
L["The amount of buttons to display."] = "显示多少个动作条按钮"
L["The button you must hold down in order to drag an ability to another action button."] = "按住某个键后才能拖动动作条的按钮"
L["The debuff needs to reach this amount of stacks before it is shown. Set to 0 to always show the debuff."] = "减益需要达到这个数量的层数才会显示. 设为0来一直显示它"
L["The direction that the bag frames be (Horizontal or Vertical)."] = "此方向决定框架是横排还是竖排"
L["The direction that the bag frames will grow from the anchor."] = "背包框架将从此方向开始排列"
L["The direction the auras will grow and then the direction they will grow after they reach the wrap after limit."] = "光环图标在第一个方向摆满之后会向下一个方向继续延伸"
L["The display format of the currency icons that get displayed below the main bag. (You have to be watching a currency for this to display)"] = "背包底部的货币显示格式(你需要在货币页中勾选显示)"
L["The display format of the money text that is shown at the top of the main bag."] = "在主背包上方显示的金钱文字的格式"
L["The display format of the money text that is shown in the gold datatext and its tooltip."] = "在信息文字中显示的金钱格式"
L["The durability percent that the datatext will start flashing. Set to -1 to disable"] = true
L["The first button anchors itself to this point on the bar."] = "第一个按钮对齐动作条的方向"
L["The font that appears on the text above players heads. |cffFF0000WARNING: This requires a game restart or re-log for this change to take effect.|r"] = "玩家头顶姓名的字体. |cffFF0000警告: 你需要重启游戏或重新登录才能使用此功能.|r"
L["The font that combat text will use. |cffFF0000WARNING: This requires a game restart or re-log for this change to take effect.|r"] = "战斗信息将使用此字体, |cffFF0000警告:需重启游戏或重新登陆才可使此变更生效.|r"
L["The font that the core of the UI will use."] = "核心UI所使用的字体"
L["The font that the unitframes will use."] = "单位框架字体"
L["The frame is not shown unless you mouse over the frame."] = "只在鼠标移到框架上时显示"
L["The initial group will start near the center and grow out."] = "最初的队伍由中心开始增长"
L["The minimum item level required for it to be shown."] = "显示的最低物品等级"
L["The name you have selected is already in use by another element."] = "你所选的名称已经被另一组件占用"
L["The object you want to attach to."] = "你想依附的目标"
L["The Portrait will overlay the Healthbar. This will be automatically happen if the Frame Orientation is set to Middle."] = "头像将显示在生命条上. 当框体层级设置为Middle时自动设置"
L["The size of the action buttons."] = "动作条按钮尺寸"
L["The size of the individual buttons on the bag frame."] = "背包框架单个格子的尺寸"
L["The size of the individual buttons on the bank frame."] = "银行框架单个格子的尺寸"
L["The spacing between buttons."] = "两个按钮间的距离"
L["The spacing between the backdrop and the buttons."] = "背景与按钮之间的间隙"
L["The texture that will be used mainly for statusbars."] = "此材质主用于进度条上"
L["The Thin Border Theme option will change the overall apperance of your UI. Using Thin Border Theme is a slight performance increase over the traditional layout."] = "细边框主题会改变所有的外观,使用细边框主题会略微提升性能"
L["The unit prefixes you want to use when values are shortened in ElvUI. This is mostly used on UnitFrames."] = "在ElvUI中数值单位的缩写. 该选项主要应用在单位框体"
L["These filters don't use a list of spells like the regular filters. Instead they use the WoW API and some code logic to determine if an aura should be allowed or blocked."] = "这些过滤器不像常规过滤器那样使用一个法术列表, 而是使用魔兽API和部分代码逻辑来决定光环显示与否."
L["These filters use a list of spells to determine if an aura should be allowed or blocked. The content of these filters can be modified in the Filters section of the config."] = "这些过滤器使用一个法术列表来决定光环显示与否. 这些过滤器的内容可以在设置中的过滤器选项中更改."
L["Thin Border Theme"] = "细边框主题"
L["Thin Borders"] = "细边框"
L["This allows you to create a new datatext which will track the currency with the supplied currency ID. The datatext can be added to a panel immediately after creation."] = "这允许你根据货币的ID来创建新的信息文字. 信息文字在创建后可以立即被添加到面板中"
L["This dictates the size of the icon when it is not attached to the castbar."] = "指定未吸附在施法条内时图标的尺寸"
L["This feature will allow you to transfer settings to other characters."] = "此功能将使你设置转移给他角色"
L["This is for Customized Icons in your Interface/Icons folder."] = "这将应用于你的Interface/Icons文件夹下的自定义图标"
L["This opens the AuraBar Colors filter. These settings affect specific spells."] = "这将开启光环条颜色设置.这些设置会影响指定法术"
L["This opens the UnitFrames Color settings. These settings affect all unitframes."] = "这将开启单位框体颜色设置.这些设置会影响所有单位框体"
L["This option allows the overlay to span the whole health, including the background."] = "这个选项会将头像覆盖到整个生命条上, 包括背景"
L["This option controls the Blizzard setting for whether or not the Nameplates should be shown."] = "此选项控制着暴雪设定中是否应该显示姓名板."
L["This option will force hide Blizzard's cooldown text if it is enabled at [Interface > ActionBars > Show Numbers on Cooldown]."] = "如果该选项被开启, 将强制隐藏暴雪的冷却文字[界面->动作条->显示冷却时间]."
L["This section will allow you to copy settings to a select module from or to a different profile."] = "这部分将允许你将某个模块在不同配置文件中复制"
L["This section will help reset specfic settings back to default."] = "这部分将帮助你重置特定设置为默认."
L["This selects the Chat Frame to use as the output of ElvUI messages."] = "选择ElvUI信息的聊天输出"
L["This setting controls the size of text in item comparison tooltips."] = "设置对比框中的文字大小"
L["This setting will be updated upon changing stances."] = "这个设置会在改变姿态时更新"
L["This texture will get used on objects like chat windows and dropdown menus."] = "主要用于聊天窗口及下拉选单等物件的材质"
L["This will override the global cooldown settings."] = "这将强制覆盖全局冷却设置"
L["This will pin the voice buttons to the chat's tab panel. Unchecking it will create a voice button panel with a mover."] = "这将固定语音按钮到聊天标签栏上. 取消勾选将创建一个有锚点的语音按钮框体."
L["This will reset the contents of this filter back to default. Any spell you have added to this filter will be removed."] = "这会重置这个过滤器到初始状态. 你添加到这个过滤器的任何技能都会被移除."
L["Threat Display Mode"] = "仇恨显示模式"
L["Threat Health"] = "仇恨血量"
L["Threat Power"] = "仇恨能量"
L["Threat"] = "仇恨"
L["Threshold (in minutes) before text is shown in the HH:MM format. Set to -1 to never change to this format."] = "文字以时:分格式显示的阈值(单位:分). 设为-1以禁用此格式."
L["Threshold (in seconds) before text is shown in the MM:SS format. Set to -1 to never change to this format."] = "文字以分:秒格式显示的阈值(单位:秒). 设为-1以禁用此格式."
L["Threshold before text turns red and is in decimal form. Set to -1 for it to never turn red"] = "冷却时间低于此秒数后将变为红色数字, 并以小数显示, 设为-1来使其不会变为红色"
L["Threshold before the icon will fade out and back in. Set to -1 to disable."] = "图标闪烁时的阈值, 设为-1以禁用."
L["Threshold Colors"] = "阈值颜色"
L["Ticks"] = "周期伤害"
L["Tiers"] = "天赋层"
L["Time Indicator Colors"] = "时间指示器颜色"
L["Time Options"] = "时间选项"
L["Time Remaining Reverse"] = "剩余时间反转"
L["Time Remaining"] = "剩余时间"
L["Time To Hold"] = "停留时间"
L["Time xOffset"] = "时间X偏移"
L["Time yOffset"] = "时间Y偏移"
L["Time"] = "时间"
L["Timestamp Color"] = "时间戳颜色"
L["Title will only appear if Name Only is enabled or triggered in a Style Filter."] = "头衔仅仅在仅姓名模式开启或者触发样式过滤器的时候显示"
L["Toggle 24-hour mode for the time datatext."] = "切换时间显示为24小时制"
L["Toggle Anchors"] = "切换定位开关"
L["Toggle Off While In Combat"] = "战斗时关闭"
L["Toggle On While In Combat"] = "战斗时启用"
L["Toggle showing of the left and right chat panels."] = "显示/隐藏左右聊天框"
L["Toggle the chat tab panel backdrop."] = "显示/隐藏聊天框架标签面板背景"
L["Toggle Tutorials"] = "教学开关"
L["Toggles the display of the actionbars backdrop."] = "切换动作条显示背景框"
L["Tooltip Font Settings"] = "提示文字设置"
L["Top Arrow"] = "顶部箭头"
L["Top Left"] = "左上"
L["Top Panel"] = "顶部面板"
L["Top Right"] = "右上"
L["Top to Bottom"] = "顶部到底部"
L["Top"] = "上"
L["Totems"] = "图腾"
L["Trainer Frame"] = "训练师"
L["Transparency level when not in combat, no target exists, full health, not casting, and no focus target exists."] = "在非战斗, 无目标存在, 满血, 未施法, 无焦点目标存在时的不透明度"
L["Transparent"] = "透明"
L["Triggers"] = "触发器"
L["Trivial"] = "低等级(灰色)"
L["Turtle Color"] = "减伤类的颜色"
L["Tutorials"] = "教程"
L["Ultrawide Support"] = true
L["Under Health Threshold"] = "低于血量阈值"
L["Under Power Threshold"] = "低于能量阈值"
L["Unfriendly"] = "非友好"
L["Unit Conditions"] = "单位状态"
L["Unit in Combat"] = "单位在战斗中"
L["Unit in Vehicle"] = "单位在载具中"
L["Unit is Not Owned By Player"] = "单位不属于玩家"
L["Unit is Not Pet"] = "单位不是宠物"
L["Unit is Not Player Controlled"] = "单位不由玩家控制"
L["Unit is Not PvP"] = "非PvP单位"
L["Unit is Not Tap Denied"] = "单位未被其他玩家攻击"
L["Unit is Owned By Player"] = "单位属于玩家"
L["Unit is Pet"] = "单位是宠物"
L["Unit is Player Controlled"] = "单位由玩家控制"
L["Unit is PvP"] = "PvP单位"
L["Unit is Tap Denied"] = "单位未其他玩家攻击"
L["Unit Out of Combat"] = "单位不在战斗中"
L["Unit Out of Vehicle"] = "单位不在载具中"
L["Unit Prefix Style"] = "单位缩写"
L["Unit Target"] = "单位目标"
L["Unit Type"] = "单位类型"
L["UnitFrames"] = "单位框架"
L["Unlock various elements of the UI to be repositioned."] = "解锁界面上的各种框架来更改位置"
L["Up"] = "上"
L["URL Links"] = "网址链接"
L["Usable"] = "可用"
L["Use a more visible flash animation for Auto Attacks."] = "在自动攻击按键上显示更明显的闪光动画"
L["Use Alt Key"] = "聊天历史Alt键"
L["Use Atlas Textures if there is one available."] = "当可用时使用纹理贴图"
L["Use Atlas Textures"] = "使用纹理贴图"
L["Use BattleTag instead of Real ID names in chat. Chat History will always use BattleTag."] = "使用战网昵称而不是真实姓名, 聊天记录将始终使用战网昵称."
L["Use Blizzard Cleanup"] = "使用暴雪清理"
L["Use Blizzards method of cleaning up bags instead of the ElvUI sorting."] = "使用暴雪清理背包的方式, 而不是ElvUI的排序"
L["Use class color for the names of players when they are mentioned."] = "当玩家名字被提及时使用职业颜色"
L["Use Class Color"] = "使用职业颜色"
L["Use coin icons instead of colored text."] = "显示硬币图标而不是颜色文字"
L["Use Custom Backdrop"] = "使用自定义背景"
L["Use Custom Level"] = "使用自定义层次"
L["Use Custom Strata"] = "使用自定义层级"
L["Use Dead Backdrop"] = "死亡背景"
L["Use Default"] = "使用默认值"
L["Use drag and drop to rearrange filter priority or right click to remove a filter."] = "使用拖拽的方式调整过滤器优先级, 或者右键移除一个过滤器"
L["Use Indicator Color"] = "使用指示器颜色"
L["Use Instance ID or Name"] = "使用副本ID或名字"
L["Use Map ID or Name"] = "使用地图ID或名字"
L["Use Portrait"] = "使用头像"
L["Use Real ID BattleTag"] = "显示战网昵称"
L["Use Shift+LeftClick to toggle between friendly or enemy or normal state. Normal state will allow the filter to be checked on all units. Friendly state is for friendly units only and enemy state is for enemy units."] = "使用Shift+左键来改变友方/敌方/普通状态. 普通状态将允许过滤器检查所有单位. 友方/敌方将只检查对应单位."
L["Use Static Position"] = "固定位置"
L["Use Subzone Names"] = "使用子区域名字"
L["Use Tanked Color when a nameplate is being effectively tanked by another tank."] = "当另一个坦克更有效的坦住时姓名板使用被坦住的颜色"
L["Use the custom backdrop color instead of a multiple of the main color."] = "使用自定义背景色而不是多种主色."
L["Use the profile specific filter Buff Indicator (Profile) instead of the global filter Buff Indicator."] = "使用配置文件内的增益指示器而不是全局的"
L["Use thin borders on certain unitframe elements."] = "使用细边框"
L["Use this backdrop color for units that are dead or ghosts."] = "死亡或灵魂状态背景"
L["Use Threat Color"] = "使用仇恨颜色"
L["Use Tooltip"] = "使用鼠标提示"
L["Use Zone Names"] = "使用区域名字"
L["Used as RaidDebuff Indicator"] = "作为团队减益指示器"
L["Value Color"] = "数值颜色"
L["Vehicle Exit"] = "离开载具"
L["Vehicle Seat Indicator Size"] = "载具座位框大小"
L["Vehicle"] = "载具"
L["Vendor Gray Detailed Report"] = "出售灰色物品详细报告"
L["Version"] = "版本"
L["Vertical Fill Direction"] = "垂直填充方向"
L["Vertical Spacing"] = "垂直间隔"
L["Vertical"] = "垂直"
L["Visibility State"] = "可见状态"
L["Visibility"] = "可见性"
L["Warboard"] = "布告牌"
L["What point to anchor to the frame you set to attach to."] = "框架的定位对齐方向"
L["What to attach the buff anchor frame to."] = "Buff定位附加到的框架"
L["When enabled it will only show spells that were added to the filter using a spell ID and not a name."] = "启用后将只显示通过法术ID添加到过滤器中的法术, 而不包括通过名字添加的."
L["When enabled the nameplate will stay visible in a locked position."] = "启用后姓名板将在锁定的位置持续可见"
L["When in a raid group display if anyone in your raid is targeting the current tooltip unit."] = "显示团队中目标与你目前鼠标提示目标相同的队友"
L["When inside a battleground display personal scoreboard information on the main datatext bars."] = "处于战场时, 在主信息文字条显示你的战场得分信息"
L["When opening the Chat Editbox to type a message having this option set means it will retain the last channel you spoke in. If this option is turned off opening the Chat Editbox should always default to the SAY channel."] = "当你开始输入消息时此选项的启用将会让你保留最后一次聊天的频道, 如果关闭将始终使用说话频道"
L["When true, the header includes the player when not in a raid."] = "若启用, 队伍中将显示玩家."
L["When using Static Position, this option also requires the target to be attackable."] = "当使用固定位置时, 这个选项也将要求目标可被攻击"
L["When you go AFK display the AFK screen."] = "当你离开时显示AFK界面"
L["Whisper Alert"] = "密语警报"
L["Whitelist"] = "白名单"
L["Width Multiplier"] = "宽度倍增"
L["Width"] = "宽"
L["Will attempt to sell another item in set interval after previous one was sold."] = "尝试在设定的周期后卖下一个物品"
L["Will show Buffs in the Debuff position when there are no Debuffs active, or vice versa."] = "如果没有减益则把增益显示在减益位置, 反之亦然"
L["Word Wrap"] = "自动换行"
L["World Map Coordinates"] = "世界地图坐标"
L["Wrap After"] = "每行行数"
L["X-Offset"] = "X轴偏移"
L["Y-Offset"] = "Y轴偏移"
L["You are going to copy settings for |cffD3CF00\"%s\"|r from |cff4beb2c\"%s\"|r profile to your current |cff4beb2c\"%s\"|r profile. Are you sure?"] = "|cffD3CF00\"%s\"|r 设置将从 |cff4beb2c\"%s\"|r 配置文件导入到你当前配置文件 |cff4beb2c\"%s\"|r 中. 你确定吗?"
L["You are going to copy settings for |cffD3CF00\"%s\"|r from your current |cff4beb2c\"%s\"|r profile to |cff4beb2c\"%s\"|r profile. Are you sure?"] = "|cffD3CF00\"%s\"|r 设置将从你当前配置文件 |cff4beb2c\"%s\"|r 导出到 |cff4beb2c\"%s\"|r 配置文件中. 你确定吗?"
L["You cannot copy settings from the same unit."] = "你不能从相同的单位复制设定"
L["You do not need to use Is Casting Anything or Is Channeling Anything for these spells to trigger."] = "你不需要为这些法术使用触发器正在施法或正在引导"
L["You must be targeting a player."] = "你必须以一名玩家为目标"
L["You need to hold this modifier down in order to blacklist an aura by right-clicking the icon. Set to None to disable the blacklist functionality."] = "按住设置按键+右键单击会把该玩家加入黑名单, 设为无以关闭该功能"
L["You still have ElvUI_Config installed. ElvUI_Config has been renamed to ElvUI_OptionsUI, please remove it."] = "你仍然安装有ElvUI_Config. ElvUI_Config已经被重命名为ElvUI_OptionsUI, 请删除原文件夹."
L["Your Auras First"] = "自身光环优先"
L["Zone Ability"] = "区域可见性"
L["Zone Name"] = "区域名"
L["BlizzardNameplate"] = "暴雪姓名版"
L["blockCastByPlayers"] = "[屏蔽]玩家施放的"
L["blockDispellable"] = "[屏蔽]可驱散的"
L["blockNoDuration"] = "[屏蔽]永久的"
L["blockNonPersonal"] = "[屏蔽]他人的"
L["blockNotDispellable"] = "[屏蔽]不可驱散的"
L["Boss"] = "首领的"
L["CastByNPC"] = "NPC施放的"
L["CastByPlayers"] = "玩家施放的"
L["CastByUnit"] = "该单位施放的"
L["Dispellable"] = "可驱散的"
L["MyPet"] = "我的宠物"
L["nonPersonal"] = "他人的"
L["notCastByUnit"] = "非该单位的"
L["notDispellable"] = "不可驱散的"
L["OtherPet"] = "其他宠物"
L["Personal"] = "自己的"
L["ACTIONBARS_DESC"] = "修改动作条设定"
L["AURAS_DESC"] = "小地图旁的光环图标设置"
L["BAGS_DESC"] = "调整ElvUI背包设置"
L["CHAT_DESC"] = "聊天框设置"
L["COOLDOWN_DESC"] = "调整冷却文字设置"
L["DATATEXT_DESC"] = "设定屏幕所显示的部分信息文字"
L["ELVUI_DESC"] = "|cffff8000ElvUI|r为一套功能完整, 可用来替换WoW原始界面的套件"
L["NAMEPLATE_DESC"] = "修改姓名板设定"
L["PANEL_DESC"] = "调整左、右聊天框的大小, 此设定将会影响聊天与背包框架的大小"
L["SKINS_DESC"] = "调整外观设定"
L["TOGGLESKIN_DESC"] = "启用/停用此外观"
L["TOOLTIP_DESC"] = "鼠标提示信息设定选项"
L["UNITFRAME_DESC"] = "修改单位框架设定"
L["VISIBILITY_DESC"] = [=[为了显示设定过的过滤器下面的宏必须启用.
Party: [@raid6,exists][nogroup] hide;show
Raid: [@raid6,noexists][@raid26,exists] hide;show
Raid40: [@raid26,noexists] hide;show]
Raid Pet: [group:raid] show; hide]=]
L["SEARCH_SYNTAX_DESC"] = [=[因为新增了LibItemSearch,你现在可以使用更高级的物品检索. 下面是一份检索语法的文档. 查看完整说明: https://github.com/Jaliborc/LibItemSearch-1.2/wiki/Search-Syntax.
• q:[品质] 或 quality:[品质]. 例如, 输入 q:史诗 会检索所有史诗物品.
• l:[物品等级], lvl:[物品等级] 或 level:[物品等级]. 例如, 输入 l:30 会检索所有物品等级为30的物品.
• t:[类型], type:[类型] 或 slot:[类型]. 例如, 输入 t:武器 会检索所有武器类型的物品.
• n:[名称] 或 name:[名称]. 例如, 输入 n:muffins 会检索所有包含"muffins"字样的物品.
• s:[方案名称] 或 set:[方案名称]. 例如, 输入 set:fire 会检索所有以fire开头命名的装备配置方案中的物品.
• r:[等级], reg:[等级], rl:[等级], regl:[等级] 或 reqlvl:[等级]. 例如, 输入 reqlvl:30 会检索所有需要等级达到30才可以使用的物品.
• tt:[提示文字], tip:[提示文字] 或 tooltip:[提示文字]. 例如, 输入 tt:绑定 会检索所有鼠标提示文字中包含"绑定"字样的物品.
• ! : 反向检索. 例如, 输入 !q:史诗 会检索所有非史诗的物品.
• | : 并集检索. 例如, 输入 q:史诗 | t:武器 会检索所有品质为史诗或类型为武器的物品.
• & : 交集检索. 例如, 输入 q:史诗 & t:武器 会检索所有品质为史诗并且类型是武器的物品
• >, <, <=, => : 对数值进行比较的检索. 例如, 输入 lvl: >30 会检索所有物品等级大于30的物品.
• soulbound, bound, bop : 拾取绑定物品.
• bou : 使用绑定物品.
• boe : 装备绑定物品.
• boa : 账号绑定物品.
• quest : 任务绑定物品.
• reagent, crafting : 专业技能物品.
• keystone : 史诗钥石.
• followers : 追随者物品.
• champions : 随从装备.]=]
L[ [=[This works like a macro, you can run different situations to get the actionbar to page differently.
Example: '[combat] 2;']=] ] = [=[和宏写法类似, 能根据不同姿态切换动作条.
例如: '[combat] 2;']=]
L[ [=[This works like a macro, you can run different situations to get the actionbar to show/hide differently.
Example: '[combat] show;hide']=] ] = [=[和宏写法类似, 能根据不同姿态切换动作条显示或隐藏.
例如: '[combat] show;hide']=]
L[ [=[Specify a filename located inside the World of Warcraft directory. Textures folder that you wish to have set as a panel background.
Please Note:
-The image size recommended is 256x128
-You must do a complete game restart after adding a file to the folder.
-The file type must be tga format.
Example: Interface\AddOns\ElvUI\Media\Textures\Copy
Or for most users it would be easier to simply put a tga file into your WoW folder, then type the name of the file here.]=] ] = [=[若要设定聊天框背景, 请你指定位于WoW目录下的「Textures」文件夹中的材质文件名.
- 图片尺寸建议为256x128
- 在添加文件后你必须完全重新启动游戏
- 文件必须为tga格式
对多数玩家来说, 较简易的方式是将tga文件放入WoW文件夹中, 然后在此处输入文件名.]=]
-- Global Strings
L["AFK"] = "离开";
L["ALL"] = "全部";
L["ARENA"] = "竞技场";
L["AUCTIONS"] = "拍卖";
L["AZERITE_RESPEC_TITLE"] = "艾泽里特重铸师";
L["BAGSLOT"] = "背包";
L["BARBERSHOP"] = "理发店";
L["BLOCK"] = "格挡";
L["BUFFOPTIONS_LABEL"] = "增益效果和负面效果";
L["CHALLENGE_MODE"] = "挑战模式";
L["CHANNELS"] = "频道";
L["CHAT_MSG_EMOTE"] = "表情";
L["CHI_POWER"] = "真气";
L["CLASS"] = "职业";
L["COLLECTIONS"] = "藏品";
L["COLOR"] = "颜色";
L["COLORS"] = "颜色";
L["COMBAT"] = "战斗";
L["COMBO_POINTS"] = "连击点数";
L["COMMUNITIES"] = "社区";
L["CURRENCY"] = "货币";
L["CUSTOM"] = "自定义";
L["DAMAGER"] = "伤害输出";
L["DEATH_RECAP_TITLE"] = "死亡摘要";
L["DEFAULT"] = "默认";
L["DELETE"] = "删除";
L["DISABLE"] = "禁用";
L["DND"] = "忙碌";
L["DRESSUP_FRAME"] = "试衣间";
L["DUNGEONS"] = "地下城";
L["ELITE"] = "精英";
L["ENEMY"] = "敌方";
L["ENERGY"] = "能量";
L["FILTERS"] = "过滤器";
L["FLIGHT_MAP"] = "飞行地图";
L["FOCUS"] = "集中值";
L["FONT_SIZE"] = "字体大小";
L["FRIEND"] = "好友";
L["FRIENDS"] = "好友";
L["FURY"] = "恶魔之怒";
L["GUILD_BANK"] = "公会银行";
L["GUILD"] = "公会";
L["HEALER"] = "治疗者";
L["HEALTH"] = "生命值";
L["HIDE"] = "隐藏";
L["HOLY_POWER"] = "神圣能量";
L["HONOR"] = "荣誉";
L["INSANITY"] = "狂乱值";
L["INSCRIPTION"] = "铭文";
L["INSPECT"] = "观察";
L["ISLANDS_HEADER"] = "海岛探险";
L["ITEM_BIND_QUEST"] = "任务物品";
L["ITEMS"] = "物品";
L["KEY_BINDINGS"] = "按键设置";
L["LANGUAGE"] = "语言";
L["LEVEL"] = "等级";
L["LFG_TITLE"] = "寻求组队";
L["LOSS_OF_CONTROL"] = "失控警报";
L["LUNAR_POWER"] = "星界能量";
L["MACROS"] = "宏命令设置";
L["MAELSTROM"] = "漩涡";
L["MAIL_LABEL"] = "信件";
L["MANA"] = "法力值";
L["MAP_FADE_TEXT"] = "移动时地图透明";
L["MINIMAP_LABEL"] = "微缩地图";
L["NAME"] = "名字";
L["NONE"] = "无";
L["OPACITY"] = "不透明";
L["OPTION_TOOLTIP_ACTION_BUTTON_USE_KEY_DOWN"] = "在按下快捷键时施法,而不是在松开快捷键时施法。";
L["OPTION_TOOLTIP_TIMESTAMPS"] = "选择聊天信息的时间戳格式。";
L["PAIN"] = "痛苦值";
L["PARTY"] = "小队";
L["PET"] = "宠物";
L["PLAYER"] = "玩家";
L["RAGE"] = "怒气";
L["RAID_CONTROL"] = "团队管理";
L["RAID_TARGET_1"] = "星形";
L["RAID_TARGET_2"] = "圆形";
L["RAID_TARGET_3"] = "菱形";
L["RAID_TARGET_4"] = "三角";
L["RAID_TARGET_5"] = "月亮";
L["RAID_TARGET_6"] = "方块";
L["RAID_TARGET_7"] = "十字";
L["RAID_TARGET_8"] = "骷髅";
L["RAID"] = "团队";
L["Reputation"] = "声望";
L["REVERSE_NEW_LOOT_TEXT"] = "将战利品放入最左边的背包";
L["ROLE"] = "职责";
L["RUNES"] = "符文";
L["RUNIC_POWER"] = "符文能量";
L["SAY"] = "说";
L["SCENARIOS"] = "场景战役";
L["SCRAP_BUTTON"] = "拆解";
L["SHORT"] = "短";
L["SHOW"] = "显示";
L["SOUL_SHARDS"] = "灵魂碎片";
L["SPEED"] = "速度";
L["SPELLBOOK"] = "法术书";
L["TALENT"] = "天赋";
L["TALENTS"] = "天赋";
L["TANK"] = "坦克";
L["TARGET"] = "目标";
L["TIMESTAMPS_LABEL"] = "聊天时间戳";
L["TRADE"] = "交易";
L["TRADESKILLS"] = "商业技能";
L["UI_SCALE"] = "UI缩放";
L["UNIT_NAMEPLATES_TYPE_1"] = "重叠姓名板";
L["UNIT_NAMEPLATES_TYPE_2"] = "堆叠姓名板";
L["VOID_STORAGE"] = "虚空仓库";
L["WORLD_MAP"] = "地图";
L["XPBAR_LABEL"] = "经验槽";
L["YELL"] = "大喊";