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index d623069..3eaad95 100644
--- a/Filtration.Tests/Filtration.Tests.csproj
+++ b/Filtration.Tests/Filtration.Tests.csproj
@@ -1,121 +1,120 @@
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+      <Project>{4aac3beb-1dc1-483e-9d11-0e9334e80227}</Project>
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+    </ProjectReference>
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+      <Project>{46383F20-02DF-48B4-B092-9088FA4ACD5A}</Project>
+      <Name>Filtration.Parser.Interface</Name>
+    </ProjectReference>
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        Other similar extension points exist, see Microsoft.Common.targets.
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-  -->
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Filtration.Tests/Services/TestStaticDataService.cs b/Filtration.Tests/Services/TestStaticDataService.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index e1ddb3f..0000000
--- a/Filtration.Tests/Services/TestStaticDataService.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-using Filtration.Common.Services;
-using Filtration.Services;
-using Moq;
-using NUnit.Framework;
-namespace Filtration.Tests.Services
-    [TestFixture]
-    public class TestStaticDataService
-    {
-        [Test]
-        public void Constructor_CallsFileSystemService()
-        {
-            // Arrange
-            var mockFileSystemService = new Mock<IFileSystemService>();
-            mockFileSystemService.Setup(f => f.ReadFileAsString(It.IsAny<string>())).Returns("TestResult").Verifiable();
-            var service = new StaticDataService(mockFileSystemService.Object);
-            // Act
-            // Assert
-            mockFileSystemService.Verify();
-        }
-        [Ignore("Integration Test")]
-        [Test]
-        public void Constructor_ReadsFromFileCorrectly()
-        {
-            // Arrange
-            var fileSystemService = new FileSystemService();
-            var service = new StaticDataService(fileSystemService);
-            // Act
-            // Assert
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/Filtration/Filtration.csproj b/Filtration/Filtration.csproj
index 0c360f3..ad6f4ae 100644
--- a/Filtration/Filtration.csproj
+++ b/Filtration/Filtration.csproj
@@ -438,6 +438,7 @@
+    <EmbeddedResource Include="Resources\ItemMods.txt" />
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diff --git a/Filtration/Properties/Resources.Designer.cs b/Filtration/Properties/Resources.Designer.cs
index 94cfe04..a7da90f 100644
--- a/Filtration/Properties/Resources.Designer.cs
+++ b/Filtration/Properties/Resources.Designer.cs
@@ -225,34 +225,36 @@ namespace Filtration.Properties {
         /// <summary>
-        ///   Looks up a localized string similar to A Mother&apos;s Parting Gift
-        ///Abandoned Wealth
-        ///Aberrant Fossil
-        ///Abyssal Axe
-        ///Abyssal Cry
-        ///Abyssal Sceptre
-        ///Academy Map
-        ///Acid Lakes Map
-        ///Added Chaos Damage Support
-        ///Added Cold Damage Support
-        ///Added Fire Damage Support
-        ///Added Lightning Damage Support
-        ///Additional Accuracy Support
-        ///Aetheric Fossil
-        ///Agate Amulet
-        ///Albino Rhoa Feather
-        ///Alchemy Shard
-        ///Alder Spiked Shield
-        ///Alira&apos;s Amulet
-        ///Alleyways Map
-        ///Allflame
-        ///Alloyed Spiked Shield
-        ///Alteration Shard
-        ///Amber Amulet
-        ///Ambush Boots
-        ///Ambush Leaguestone
-        ///Ambush Mitts
-        ///Ambus [rest of string was truncated]&quot;;.
+        ///   Looks up a localized string similar to A Mother&apos;s Parting Gift
+        ///Abandoned Wealth
+        ///Aberrant Fossil
+        ///Abyssal Axe
+        ///Abyssal Cry
+        ///Abyssal Sceptre
+        ///Academy Map
+        ///Acid Lakes Map
+        ///Added Chaos Damage Support
+        ///Added Cold Damage Support
+        ///Added Fire Damage Support
+        ///Added Lightning Damage Support
+        ///Additional Accuracy Support
+        ///Aetheric Fossil
+        ///Agate Amulet
+        ///Albino Rhoa Feather
+        ///Alchemy Shard
+        ///Alder Spiked Shield
+        ///Alira&apos;s Amulet
+        ///Alleyways Map
+        ///Allflame
+        ///Alloyed Spiked Shield
+        ///Alteration Shard
+        ///Amber Amulet
+        ///Ambush Boots
+        ///Ambush Leaguestone
+        ///Ambush Mitts
+        ///Ambusher
+        ///Amethyst Flask
+        ///Amethyst [rest of string was truncated]&quot;;.
         /// </summary>
         internal static string ItemBaseTypes {
             get {
@@ -261,49 +263,53 @@ namespace Filtration.Properties {
         /// <summary>
-        ///   Looks up a localized string similar to Abyss Jewel
-        ///Active Skill Gems
-        ///Amulets
-        ///Axe
-        ///Belts
-        ///Body Armours
-        ///Boots
-        ///Bows
-        ///Claws
-        ///Currency
-        ///Daggers
-        ///Delve Socketable Currency
-        ///Divination Card
-        ///Fishing Rods
-        ///Flasks
-        ///Gems
-        ///Gloves
-        ///Helmets
-        ///Hybrid Flasks
-        ///Incursion Item
-        ///Jewel
-        ///Labyrinth Item
-        ///Labyrinth Map Item
-        ///Labyrinth Trinket
-        ///Large Relics
-        ///Leaguestone
-        ///Life Flasks
-        ///Mace
-        ///Mana Flasks
-        ///Map Fragments
-        ///Maps
-        ///Misc Map Items
-        ///One Hand Axes
-        ///One Hand Maces
-        ///One Hand Swords
-        ///Pantheon Soul
-        ///Piece
-        ///Quest Items
-        ///Quivers
-        ///Rings
-        ///Sceptres
-        ///Shields
-        ///Stackable  [rest of string was truncated]&quot;;.
+        ///   Looks up a localized string similar to Abyss Jewel
+        ///Active Skill Gems
+        ///Amulets
+        ///Axe
+        ///Belts
+        ///Body Armours
+        ///Boots
+        ///Bows
+        ///Claws
+        ///Currency
+        ///Daggers
+        ///Delve Socketable Currency
+        ///Divination Card
+        ///Fishing Rods
+        ///Flasks
+        ///Gems
+        ///Gloves
+        ///Helmets
+        ///Hybrid Flasks
+        ///Incursion Item
+        ///Jewel
+        ///Labyrinth Item
+        ///Labyrinth Map Item
+        ///Labyrinth Trinket
+        ///Large Relics
+        ///Leaguestone
+        ///Life Flasks
+        ///Mace
+        ///Mana Flasks
+        ///Map Fragments
+        ///Maps
+        ///Misc Map Items
+        ///One Hand Axes
+        ///One Hand Maces
+        ///One Hand Swords
+        ///Pantheon Soul
+        ///Piece
+        ///Quest Items
+        ///Quivers
+        ///Rings
+        ///Sceptres
+        ///Shields
+        ///Stackable Currency
+        ///Staves
+        ///Support Skill Gems
+        ///Sword
+        ///T [rest of string was truncated]&quot;;.
         /// </summary>
         internal static string ItemClasses {
             get {
@@ -311,6 +317,71 @@ namespace Filtration.Properties {
+        /// <summary>
+        ///   Looks up a localized string similar to Abbot&apos;s
+        ///Abhorrent
+        ///Acrobat&apos;s
+        ///Adept&apos;s
+        ///Agile
+        ///Alchemist&apos;s
+        ///Alluring
+        ///Alpine
+        ///Ample
+        ///Anarchic
+        ///Anarchist&apos;s
+        ///Annealed
+        ///Antagonist&apos;s
+        ///Apprentice&apos;s
+        ///Aqua
+        ///Archmage&apos;s
+        ///Arcing
+        ///Arctic
+        ///Armadillo&apos;s
+        ///Arming
+        ///Armoured
+        ///Athlete&apos;s
+        ///Avalanching
+        ///Avenger&apos;s
+        ///Azure
+        ///Bandit&apos;s
+        ///Barbed
+        ///Battlemage&apos;s
+        ///Beating
+        ///Beautiful
+        ///Beetle&apos;s
+        ///Beryl
+        ///Betrayer&apos;s
+        ///Bipedal
+        ///Biting
+        ///Bitter
+        ///Blasting
+        ///Blazing
+        ///Blistering
+        ///Bloodthirsty
+        ///Blue
+        ///Blunt
+        ///Blurred
+        ///Boggart&apos;s
+        ///Bolting
+        ///Brawler&apos;s
+        ///Breathtaking
+        ///Brinerot
+        ///Brutal
+        ///Bubbling
+        ///Burning
+        ///Burnished
+        ///Butterfly&apos;s
+        ///Buttressed
+        ///Buzzing
+        ///Calming
+        ///Capric [rest of string was truncated]&quot;;.
+        /// </summary>
+        internal static string ItemMods {
+            get {
+                return ResourceManager.GetString("ItemMods", resourceCulture);
+            }
+        }
         /// <summary>
         ///   Looks up a localized resource of type System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryStream similar to System.IO.MemoryStream.
         /// </summary>
diff --git a/Filtration/Properties/Resources.resx b/Filtration/Properties/Resources.resx
index 801da09..d07f3f7 100644
--- a/Filtration/Properties/Resources.resx
+++ b/Filtration/Properties/Resources.resx
@@ -208,4 +208,7 @@
   <data name="ItemClasses" type="System.Resources.ResXFileRef, System.Windows.Forms">
     <value>..\Resources\ItemClasses.txt;System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089;Windows-1252</value>
+  <data name="ItemMods" type="System.Resources.ResXFileRef, System.Windows.Forms">
+    <value>..\Resources\ItemMods.txt;System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089;Windows-1252</value>
+  </data>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Filtration/Resources/ItemMods.txt b/Filtration/Resources/ItemMods.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a5f600
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Filtration/Resources/ItemMods.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,783 @@
+Flame Spinner's
+Frost Weaver's
+Lava Caller's
+Tempest King's
+The Shaper's
+Thunder Lord's
+of Absorption
+of Abuse
+of Acclaim
+of Acclimatisation
+of Accuracy
+of Adamantite Skin
+of Adaptation
+of Adaption
+of Adrenaline
+of Amassment
+of Anger
+of Animation
+of Annihilation
+of Archaeology
+of Archery
+of Arcing
+of Ashes
+of Athletics
+of Authority
+of Balance
+of Bameth
+of Banishing
+of Banishment
+of Berserking
+of Blasting
+of Bleeding
+of Blinding
+of Bliss
+of Bloodlines
+of Burning
+of Calamity
+of Calm
+of Celebration
+of Champions
+of Chilling
+of Cinders
+of Citaqualotl
+of Coals
+of Collecting
+of Collision
+of Combat
+of Combusting
+of Commanders
+of Confidence
+of Conflagrating
+of Congealment
+of Consumption
+of Corundum Skin
+of Crafting
+of Craving
+of Cunning
+of Curing
+of Dampening
+of Darting
+of Dazing
+of Deadliness
+of Delaying
+of Demolishing
+of Desecration
+of Destruction
+of Dexterity
+of Disaster
+of Discharge
+of Dishonour
+of Distraction
+of Dousing
+of Drought
+of Ease
+of Efficiency
+of Elation
+of Electricity
+of Elemental Weakness
+of Embers
+of Enchanting
+of Endurance
+of Enfeeblement
+of Entropy
+of Ephij
+of Euphoria
+of Eviction
+of Excavation
+of Excitement
+of Exile
+of Expertise
+of Exposure
+of Expulsion
+of Extinguishing
+of Exuberance
+of Fame
+of Fending
+of Ferocity
+of Finesse
+of Flames
+of Flight
+of Floe
+of Focus
+of Fog
+of Fortitude
+of Fracturing
+of Freezing
+of Frenzy
+of Fury
+of Gathering
+of Giants
+of Glaciation
+of Gluttony
+of Grandmastery
+of Grounding
+of Guarding
+of Guatelitzi
+of Haast
+of Haemophilia
+of Harm
+of Havoc
+of Haze
+of Heat
+of Hemomancy
+of Hindering
+of Hoarding
+of Hordes
+of Ice
+of Immolation
+of Impact
+of Impotence
+of Incision
+of Infamy
+of Instinct
+of Insulating
+of Insulation
+of Intelligence
+of Intercepting
+of Ire
+of Iron Skin
+of Joy
+of Legerdemain
+of Light
+of Lightning
+of Lioneye
+of Longevity
+of Malevolence
+of Malice
+of Maneuvering
+of Marshalling
+of Mastery
+of Matatl
+of Menace
+of Mending
+of Miring
+of Momentum
+of Mysticism
+of Needling
+of Nimbleness
+of Nirvana
+of Nourishment
+of Numbing
+of Onslaught
+of Opportunity
+of Orchestration
+of Order
+of Osmosis
+of Overflowing
+of Penetrating
+of Phasing
+of Piercing
+of Plunder
+of Poisoning
+of Potency
+of Power
+of Praxis
+of Precision
+of Preparation
+of Prestidigitation
+of Propulsion
+of Puhuarte
+of Radiance
+of Rage
+of Raiding
+of Rallying
+of Readiness
+of Recovery
+of Refilling
+of Reflexes
+of Regrowth
+of Rejuvenation
+of Rending
+of Renown
+of Resilience
+of Resistance
+of Restoration
+of Retaliation
+of Righteousness
+of Rime
+of Ruin
+of Runes
+of Rupturing
+of Rust
+of Savouring
+of Shaping
+of Shelter
+of Shining
+of Shocking
+of Sin
+of Sipping
+of Skill
+of Skirmishing
+of Slamming
+of Sleet
+of Smothering
+of Snow
+of Soaring
+of Sortilege
+of Sparks
+of Spellcraft
+of Spirit
+of Staggering
+of Stasis
+of Static
+of Staunching
+of Steadiness
+of Steel Skin
+of Stifling
+of Stinging
+of Stone Skin
+of Strength
+of Stunning
+of Success
+of Tacati
+of Talent
+of Taunting
+of Temporal Chains
+of Thick Skin
+of Tolerance
+of Toughness
+of Training
+of Triumph
+of Tzteosh
+of Unholy Might
+of Unmaking
+of Unwavering
+of Vampirism
+of Variegation
+of Venom
+of Vibrance
+of Victory
+of Vivaciousness
+of Voltage
+of Vulnerability
+of Walling
+of Warding
+of Warming
+of Weaponcraft
+of Weight
+of Wounding
+of Zeal
+of the Apocalypse
+of the Apt
+of the Assassin
+of the Augur
+of the Bear
+of the Beast
+of the Blur
+of the Boxer
+of the Brawler
+of the Brute
+of the Cloud
+of the Clouds
+of the Combatant
+of the Comet
+of the Crystal
+of the Deadeye
+of the Dragon
+of the Drake
+of the Elder
+of the Elements
+of the Falcon
+of the Fox
+of the Furnace
+of the Galaxy
+of the Gale
+of the Genius
+of the Gladiator
+of the Gods
+of the Godslayer
+of the Goliath
+of the Gorilla
+of the Guardian
+of the Hearth
+of the Heavens
+of the Hydra
+of the Ice
+of the Inferno
+of the Infinite
+of the Inquisitor
+of the Inuit
+of the Jaguar
+of the Kaleidoscope
+of the Kiln
+of the Leopard
+of the Leviathan
+of the Lightning
+of the Lion
+of the Lizard
+of the Lost
+of the Lynx
+of the Maelstrom
+of the Magma
+of the Marksman
+of the Meteor
+of the Mongoose
+of the Multiverse
+of the Newt
+of the Panther
+of the Penguin
+of the Phantom
+of the Philosopher
+of the Phoenix
+of the Polar Bear
+of the Polymath
+of the Prism
+of the Prodigy
+of the Pugilist
+of the Pupil
+of the Raider
+of the Rainbow
+of the Ranger
+of the Sage
+of the Salamander
+of the Savant
+of the Seal
+of the Sky
+of the Slayer
+of the Sniper
+of the Span
+of the Squall
+of the Starfish
+of the Storm
+of the Student
+of the Tempest
+of the Thunderhead
+of the Titan
+of the Troll
+of the Underground
+of the Universe
+of the Virtuoso
+of the Volcano
+of the Wall
+of the Walrus
+of the Whelpling
+of the Wind
+of the Worthy
+of the Wrestler
+of the Yeti
+of the Zephyr
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Filtration/Services/StaticDataService.cs b/Filtration/Services/StaticDataService.cs
index 8beb406..356e331 100644
--- a/Filtration/Services/StaticDataService.cs
+++ b/Filtration/Services/StaticDataService.cs
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ namespace Filtration.Services
         IEnumerable<string> ItemBaseTypes { get; }
         IEnumerable<string> ItemClasses { get; }
+        IEnumerable<string> ItemMods { get; }
     internal class StaticDataService : IStaticDataService
@@ -23,10 +24,13 @@ namespace Filtration.Services
         public IEnumerable<string> ItemClasses { get; private set; }
+        public IEnumerable<string> ItemMods { get; private set; }
         private void PopulateStaticData()
             ItemBaseTypes = new LineReader(() => new StringReader(Resources.ItemBaseTypes)).ToList();
             ItemClasses = new LineReader(() => new StringReader(Resources.ItemClasses)).ToList();
+            ItemMods = new LineReader(() => new StringReader(Resources.ItemMods)).ToList();
diff --git a/Filtration/UserControls/BlockItemControl.xaml b/Filtration/UserControls/BlockItemControl.xaml
index e9c0ebf..6b04616 100644
--- a/Filtration/UserControls/BlockItemControl.xaml
+++ b/Filtration/UserControls/BlockItemControl.xaml
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
                     <!-- Explicit Mods Template -->
                     <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type blockItemTypes:HasExplicitModBlockItem}">
-                        <userControls:EditableListBoxControl Margin="5,5,5,5" ItemsSource="{Binding Items}" />
+                        <userControls:EditableListBoxControl Margin="5,5,5,5" ItemsSource="{Binding Items}" AutoCompleteItemsSource="{Binding ElementName=TopLevelGrid, Path=DataContext.AutocompleteItemMods}" />
                     <!-- Socket Groups Template -->
diff --git a/Filtration/ViewModels/ItemFilterBlockViewModel.cs b/Filtration/ViewModels/ItemFilterBlockViewModel.cs
index 8d87c52..211f6d1 100644
--- a/Filtration/ViewModels/ItemFilterBlockViewModel.cs
+++ b/Filtration/ViewModels/ItemFilterBlockViewModel.cs
@@ -162,6 +162,8 @@ namespace Filtration.ViewModels
         public IEnumerable<string> AutoCompleteItemBaseTypes => _staticDataService.ItemBaseTypes;
+        public IEnumerable<string> AutocompleteItemMods => _staticDataService.ItemMods;
         public List<Type> BlockItemTypesAvailable => new List<Type>
             typeof (ItemLevelBlockItem),
@@ -352,7 +354,7 @@ namespace Filtration.ViewModels
             var replaceColorsWindow = new ReplaceColorsWindow { DataContext = _replaceColorsViewModel };
         private bool AddBlockItemAllowed(Type type)
             var blockItem = (IItemFilterBlockItem)Activator.CreateInstance(type);
@@ -636,7 +638,7 @@ namespace Filtration.ViewModels
             BlockGroups = new ObservableCollection<ItemFilterBlockGroup>(groupList);
             BlockGroupSuggestions = new ObservableCollection<string>();
             foreach(var child in topGroup.ChildGroups)
@@ -644,7 +646,7 @@ namespace Filtration.ViewModels