<UpdateData> <CurrentVersion>0.11</CurrentVersion> <LatestVersionMajorPart>0</LatestVersionMajorPart> <LatestVersionMinorPart>11</LatestVersionMinorPart> <DownloadUrl>https://github.com/ben-wallis/Filtration/releases/tag/0.11</DownloadUrl> <ReleaseDate>2015-07-31</ReleaseDate> <ReleaseNotes>♦ Changed maximum PlayAlertSound volume from 100 to 300 as per latest patch ♦ The update check on startup was broken in 0.10 - this has now been fixed. ♦ Please note that this is the first auto-updated release since 0.9 and includes the async saving and loading changes from 0.10 which was not auto-updated in order to get feedback on stability (given the lack of complaints I'm going to assume everything's all good!). Check out the following URL for the 0.10 patch notes: https://github.com/ben-wallis/Filtration/releases/tag/0.10</ReleaseNotes> </UpdateData>