#Please test and let me know via pm on reddit /u/brute_force or @Thiole in game if i am online

#Fishing Rods First OFC
    Class Fishing Rods
    SetTextColor 0 0 0
    SetBorderColor 0 0 0
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
	Class "Quest Items"
#####Shows better currency differently from lower currency for efficiency
##### skill gems
    Class "Active Skill Gems" "Support Skill Gems"
	Quality >= 1
	SetFontSize 28
	SetTextColor 0 200 200
	SetBorderColor 0 200 200
    Class "Active Skill Gems" "Support Skill Gems"
	SetFontSize 30
	SetTextColor 0 200 200

# Section: Chance bases

	BaseType "Lapis Amulet" "Amber Amulet" 
	SetFontSize 25
	SetBorderColor 255 0 255

	SocketGroup RGB BGR
	SetFontSize 30 
    SetBorderColor 0 255 0

#Chance Bases
	BaseType "Prophecy Wand" "Leather Belt" "Occultist's Vestment" "Agate Amulet" "Gavel" 
    SetFontSize 30 
	Rarity Normal
	SetBorderColor 255 0 255

################currency highlighting
    BaseType "Mirror of Kalandra" "Exalted Orb" "Divine Orb" "Orb of Regret" "Eternal Orb" "Regal Orb" 
	SetTextColor 200 200 130 
    SetBorderColor 200 200 130
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 
	SetFontSize 32
    BaseType "Gemcutter's Prism" "Chaos Orb" "Orb of Fusing" "Orb of Alchemy"
    SetBorderColor 200 200 130
	SetTextColor 200 200 130
	SetFontSize 30

	BaseType "Chromatic Orb"
    SetBorderColor 0 255 0
		SetTextColor 200 200 130
	BaseType "Cartographer's Chisel"
    SetBorderColor 0 0 255
		SetTextColor 200 200 130
	Class Currency
	SetTextColor 200 200 130
	SetFontSize 30
	SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 
#unique Weapon slot start

#staves / wands

    BaseType "Judgement Staff"  "Long Staff" "Vile Staff" "Imperial Staff"  "Prophecy Wand"  "Spiraled Wand"
    Rarity Unique
    SetTextColor 175 100 40
    SetBorderColor 175 100 40
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0

	Class "Staves"
	Rarity Unique
	DropLevel = 48
    SetTextColor 175 100 40
    SetBorderColor 175 100 40
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0
#Claws / Daggers

    BaseType "Slaughter Knife" "Imperial Skean"  "Thresher Claw"
    Rarity Unique
    SetTextColor 175 100 40
    SetBorderColor 175 100 40
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0

#Maces / Sceptres / Mauls / Axes

    BaseType "Void Sceptre" "Siege Axe" "Gavel"
    Rarity Unique
    SetTextColor 175 100 40
    SetBorderColor 175 100 40
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0


    BaseType "Spine Bow" "Imperial Bow"
    Rarity Unique
    SetTextColor 175 100 40
    SetBorderColor 175 100 40
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0

#Body Armor 
    BaseType "Simple Robe" "Full Wyrmscale" "Varnished Coat" "Occultist's Vestment" "Glorious Plate" "Sacrificial Garb"
    Rarity Unique 
    SetTextColor 175 100 40
    SetBorderColor 175 100 40
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0

    BaseType "Conjurer Boots"
    Rarity Unique
    SetTextColor 175 100 40
    SetBorderColor 175 100 40
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0
    BaseType "Vaal Gauntlets" "Strapped Mitts" "Conjurer Gloves" "Deerskin Gloves" "Murder Mitts"
    Rarity Unique
    SetTextColor 175 100 40
    SetBorderColor 175 100 40
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0

    BaseType "Sinner Tricorne" "Ursine Pelt" "Ezomyte Burgonet" "Great Crown"
    Rarity Unique
    SetTextColor 175 100 40
    SetBorderColor 175 100 40
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0


    BaseType "Champion Kite Shield" "Archon Kite Shield" "Titanium Spirit Shield" "Mosaic Kite Shield" "Branded Kite Shield"
    Rarity Unique 
    SetTextColor 175 100 40
    SetBorderColor 175 100 40
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0

#######Amulet / Ring/ Belt

    BaseType "Amber Amulet" "Onyx Amulet" "Agate Amulet" "Chain Belt"
    Rarity Unique
    SetTextColor 175 100 40
    SetBorderColor 175 100 40
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0

    BaseType "Gold Ring" "Sapphire Ring" "Prismatic Ring" "Amethyst Ring" "Paua Ring"
    Rarity Unique 
    SetTextColor 175 100 40
    SetBorderColor 175 100 40
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0

    Class Jewel "Utility Flask"
    Rarity Unique
    SetTextColor 175 100 40
    SetBorderColor 175 100 40
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0

    Class Jewel
    SetBorderColor 255 0 255
################### LEVEL BASED UNIQUE HIGHLIGHTING #############################
    BaseType "Steelscale Gauntlets" "Prophet Crown" "Leather Cap" "Pine Buckler"
    Rarity Unique
	ItemLevel < 70
    SetTextColor 175 100 40
    SetBorderColor 0 0 0
    SetBackgroundColor 175 100 40

	Rarity Unique
	SetFontSize 30
	SetTextColor 175 100 40
	SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0

#Global Rules

	Class Amulets Rings Belt
	Rarity Rare
	SetFontSize 30 
    SetTextColor 255 255 0
    SetBorderColor 255 255 0
    SetBackgroundColor 0 60 0 200
    BaseType "Sai" "Moon Staff" "Maraketh Bow" "Tiger Hook" "Morning Star" "Tornado Wand" "Prophecy Wand" "Imbued Wand" "Infernal Sword" "Void Axe" "Jewelled Foil" "Harpy Rapier" "Judgement Staff" "Void Sceptre" "Midnight Blade" "Eternal Sword" "Harbinger Bow" "Imperial Claw" "Ambusher" "Platinum Kris" "Terror Claw" "Imperial Skean" "Demon Dagger" "Infernal Axe"
    Rarity Rare
	SetFontSize 30 
    SetTextColor 255 255 0
    SetBorderColor 255 255 0
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0

##Level Scaling Rules
##low 60 bases###############################

    BaseType "Terror Maul" "Vaal Rapier" "Imperial Staff" "Carnal Sceptre" "Imperial Bow" "Vaal Claw" "Thicket Bow" "Vaal Hatchet" "Royal Axe" "Nightmare Mace" "Vaal Blade" "Vaal Sceptre"
    Rarity Rare
	ItemLevel <= 70
	SetFontSize 30 
    SetTextColor 255 255 0
    SetBorderColor 255 255 0
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0

    BaseType "Terror Maul" "Vaal Rapier" "Imperial Staff" "Carnal Sceptre" "Imperial Bow" "Vaal Claw" "Thicket Bow" "Vaal Hatchet" "Royal Axe" "Nightmare Mace" "Vaal Blade" "Vaal Sceptre"
    Rarity Rare
	ItemLevel <= 75
	SetFontSize 30 
    SetTextColor 255 255 0
    SetBorderColor 255 255 0
    SetBackgroundColor 0 100 0 200
    Class "Body Armour" "Gloves" "Boots" "Belt" "Helm" "Shield" "Quiver" "Bow" "Staves" "Two Hand Axes" "Claw" "One Hand Axe" "Wands" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "One Hand Mace" "Two Hand Mace" "Two Hand Sword" "Dagger" "Sceptre"
    Rarity Rare
	ItemLevel <= 75
	DropLevel >= 67
	SetFontSize 30 
    SetTextColor 255 255 0
    SetBorderColor 255 255 0
    SetBackgroundColor 0 100 0 200

    Class "Body Armour" "Gloves" "Boots" "Belt" "Helm" "Shield" "Quiver" "Bow" "Staves" "Two Hand Axes" "Claw" "One Hand Axe" "Wands" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "One Hand Mace" "Two Hand Mace" "Two Hand Sword" "Dagger" "Sceptre"
    Rarity Rare
	DropLevel >= 68
	SetFontSize 30 
    SetTextColor 255 255 0
    SetBorderColor 255 255 0
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 

#######65-68 bases
    Class "Body Armour" "Gloves" "Boots" "Belt" "Helm" "Shield" "Quiver" "Bow" "Staves" "Two Hand Axes" "Claw" "One Hand Axe" "Wands" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "One Hand Mace" "Two Hand Mace" "Two Hand Sword" "Dagger" "Sceptre"
    Rarity Rare
	ItemLevel <= 73
	DropLevel > 65
	SetFontSize 30 
    SetTextColor 255 255 0
    SetBorderColor 255 255 0
    SetBackgroundColor 0 100 0 200
    Class "Body Armour" "Gloves" "Boots" "Belt" "Helm" "Shield" "Quiver" "Bow" "Staves" "Two Hand Axes" "Claw" "One Hand Axe" "Wands" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "One Hand Mace" "Two Hand Mace" "Two Hand Sword" "Dagger" "Sceptre"
    Rarity Rare
	DropLevel > 65
	SetFontSize 30 
    SetTextColor 255 255 0
    SetBorderColor 255 255 0
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0
	########## 60-65 bases
    Class "Body Armour" "Gloves" "Boots" "Belt" "Helm" "Shield" "Quiver" "Bow" "Staves" "Two Hand Axes" "Claw" "One Hand Axe" "Wands" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "One Hand Mace" "Two Hand Mace" "Two Hand Sword" "Dagger" "Sceptre"
    Rarity Rare
	ItemLevel <= 68
	DropLevel > 60
	SetFontSize 30 
    SetTextColor 255 255 0
    SetBorderColor 255 255 0
    SetBackgroundColor 0 100 0 200
    Class "Body Armour" "Gloves" "Boots" "Belt" "Helm" "Shield" "Quiver" "Bow" "Staves" "Two Hand Axes" "Claw" "One Hand Axe" "Wands" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "One Hand Mace" "Two Hand Mace" "Two Hand Sword" "Dagger" "Sceptre"
    Rarity Rare
	ItemLevel <= 73
	DropLevel > 60
	SetFontSize 30 
    SetTextColor 255 255 0
    SetBorderColor 255 255 0
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 
	##### 55-60 bases
    Class "Body Armour" "Gloves" "Boots" "Belt" "Helm" "Shield" "Quiver" "Bow" "Staves" "Two Hand Axes" "Claw" "One Hand Axe" "Wands" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "One Hand Mace" "Two Hand Mace" "Two Hand Sword" "Dagger" "Sceptre"
    Rarity Rare
	ItemLevel <= 64
	DropLevel > 55
	SetFontSize 30 
    SetTextColor 255 255 0
    SetBorderColor 255 255 0
    SetBackgroundColor 0 100 0 200
    Class "Body Armour" "Gloves" "Boots" "Belt" "Helm" "Shield" "Quiver" "Bow" "Staves" "Two Hand Axes" "Claw" "One Hand Axe" "Wands" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "One Hand Mace" "Two Hand Mace" "Two Hand Sword" "Dagger" "Sceptre"
    Rarity Rare
	ItemLevel <= 70
	DropLevel > 55
	SetFontSize 30 
    SetTextColor 255 255 0
    SetBorderColor 255 255 0
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0
	## 50-55 bases
    Class "Body Armour" "Gloves" "Boots" "Belt" "Helm" "Shield" "Quiver" "Bow" "Staves" "Two Hand Axes" "Claw" "One Hand Axe" "Wands" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "One Hand Mace" "Two Hand Mace" "Two Hand Sword" "Dagger" "Sceptre"
    Rarity Rare
	ItemLevel <= 58
	DropLevel > 50
	SetFontSize 30 
    SetTextColor 255 255 0
    SetBorderColor 255 255 0
    SetBackgroundColor 0 100 0 200
    Class "Body Armour" "Gloves" "Boots" "Belt" "Helm" "Shield" "Quiver" "Bow" "Staves" "Two Hand Axes" "Claw" "One Hand Axe" "Wands" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "One Hand Mace" "Two Hand Mace" "Two Hand Sword" "Dagger" "Sceptre"
    Rarity Rare
	ItemLevel <= 65
	DropLevel > 50
	SetFontSize 30 
    SetTextColor 255 255 0
    SetBorderColor 255 255 0
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0
#####46-50 bases
    Class "Body Armour" "Gloves" "Boots" "Belt" "Helm" "Shield" "Quiver" "Bow" "Staves" "Two Hand Axes" "Claw" "One Hand Axe" "Wands" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "One Hand Mace" "Two Hand Mace" "Two Hand Sword" "Dagger" "Sceptre"
    Rarity Rare
	ItemLevel <= 54
	DropLevel > 46
	SetFontSize 30 
    SetTextColor 255 255 0
    SetBorderColor 255 255 0
    SetBackgroundColor 0 100 0 200

    Class "Body Armour" "Gloves" "Boots" "Belt" "Helm" "Shield" "Quiver" "Bow" "Staves" "Two Hand Axes" "Claw" "One Hand Axe" "Wands" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "One Hand Mace" "Two Hand Mace" "Two Hand Sword" "Dagger" "Sceptre"
    Rarity Rare
	ItemLevel <= 60
	DropLevel > 46
	SetFontSize 30 
    SetTextColor 255 255 0
    SetBorderColor 255 255 0
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0

####42 - 48 bases

    Class "Body Armour" "Gloves" "Boots" "Belt" "Helm" "Shield" "Quiver" "Bow" "Staves" "Two Hand Axes" "Claw" "One Hand Axe" "Wands" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "One Hand Mace" "Two Hand Mace" "Two Hand Sword" "Dagger" "Sceptre"
    Rarity Rare
	ItemLevel <= 48
	DropLevel > 42
	SetFontSize 30 
    SetTextColor 255 255 0
    SetBorderColor 255 255 0
    SetBackgroundColor 0 100 0 200
    Class "Body Armour" "Gloves" "Boots" "Belt" "Helm" "Shield" "Quiver" "Bow" "Staves" "Two Hand Axes" "Claw" "One Hand Axe" "Wands" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "One Hand Mace" "Two Hand Mace" "Two Hand Sword" "Dagger" "Sceptre"
    Rarity Rare
	ItemLevel <= 51
	DropLevel > 42
	SetFontSize 30 
      SetTextColor 255 255 0
    SetBorderColor 255 255 0
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0
    Class "Body Armour" "Gloves" "Boots" "Belt" "Helm" "Shield" "Quiver" "Bow" "Staves" "Two Hand Axes" "Claw" "One Hand Axe" "Wands" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "One Hand Mace" "Two Hand Mace" "Two Hand Sword" "Dagger" "Sceptre"
    Rarity Rare
	ItemLevel <= 42
	DropLevel > 38
	SetFontSize 30 
    SetTextColor 255 255 0
    SetBorderColor 255 255 0
    SetBackgroundColor 0 100 0 200
    Class "Body Armour" "Gloves" "Boots" "Belt" "Helm" "Shield" "Quiver" "Bow" "Staves" "Two Hand Axes" "Claw" "One Hand Axe" "Wands" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "One Hand Mace" "Two Hand Mace" "Two Hand Sword" "Dagger" "Sceptre"
    Rarity Rare
	ItemLevel <= 48
	DropLevel > 38
	SetFontSize 30 
    SetTextColor 255 255 0
    SetBorderColor 255 255 0
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0
    Class "Body Armour" "Gloves" "Boots" "Belt" "Helm" "Shield" "Quiver" "Bow" "Staves" "Two Hand Axes" "Claw" "One Hand Axe" "Wands" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "One Hand Mace" "Two Hand Mace" "Two Hand Sword" "Dagger" "Sceptre"
    Rarity Rare
	ItemLevel <= 39
	DropLevel > 33
	SetFontSize 30 
    SetTextColor 255 255 0
    SetBorderColor 255 255 0
    SetBackgroundColor 0 100 0 200
    Class "Body Armour" "Gloves" "Boots" "Belt" "Helm" "Shield" "Quiver" "Bow" "Staves" "Two Hand Axes" "Claw" "One Hand Axe" "Wands" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "One Hand Mace" "Two Hand Mace" "Two Hand Sword" "Dagger" "Sceptre"
    Rarity Rare
	ItemLevel <= 42
	DropLevel > 33
	SetFontSize 30 
    SetTextColor 255 255 0
    SetBorderColor 255 255 0
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0
	#### 27 - 32
    Class "Body Armour" "Gloves" "Boots" "Belt" "Helm" "Shield" "Quiver" "Bow" "Staves" "Two Hand Axes" "Claw" "One Hand Axe" "Wands" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "One Hand Mace" "Two Hand Mace" "Two Hand Sword" "Dagger" "Sceptre"
    Rarity Rare
	ItemLevel <= 32
	DropLevel > 27
	SetFontSize 30 
    SetTextColor 255 255 0
    SetBorderColor 255 255 0
    SetBackgroundColor 0 100 0 200
    Class "Body Armour" "Gloves" "Boots" "Belt" "Helm" "Shield" "Quiver" "Bow" "Staves" "Two Hand Axes" "Claw" "One Hand Axe" "Wands" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "One Hand Mace" "Two Hand Mace" "Two Hand Sword" "Dagger" "Sceptre"
    Rarity Rare
	ItemLevel <= 38
	DropLevel > 27
	SetFontSize 30 
    SetTextColor 255 255 0
    SetBorderColor 255 255 0
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0
	##### 22- 27
    Class "Body Armour" "Gloves" "Boots" "Belt" "Helm" "Shield" "Quiver" "Bow" "Staves" "Two Hand Axes" "Claw" "One Hand Axe" "Wands" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "One Hand Mace" "Two Hand Mace" "Two Hand Sword" "Dagger" "Sceptre"
    Rarity Rare
	ItemLevel <= 27
	DropLevel > 22
	SetFontSize 30 
    SetTextColor 255 255 0
    SetBorderColor 255 255 0
    SetBackgroundColor 0 100 0 200
    Class "Body Armour" "Gloves" "Boots" "Belt" "Helm" "Shield" "Quiver" "Bow" "Staves" "Two Hand Axes" "Claw" "One Hand Axe" "Wands" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "One Hand Mace" "Two Hand Mace" "Two Hand Sword" "Dagger" "Sceptre"
    Rarity Rare
	ItemLevel <= 31
	DropLevel > 22
	SetFontSize 30 
    SetTextColor 255 255 0
    SetBorderColor 255 255 0
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0
    Class "Body Armour" "Gloves" "Boots" "Belt" "Helm" "Shield" "Quiver" "Bow" "Staves" "Two Hand Axes" "Claw" "One Hand Axe" "Wands" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "One Hand Mace" "Two Hand Mace" "Two Hand Sword" "Dagger" "Sceptre"
    Rarity Rare
	ItemLevel <= 22
	DropLevel > 18
	SetFontSize 30 
    SetTextColor 255 255 0
    SetBorderColor 255 255 0
    SetBackgroundColor 0 100 0 200
    Class "Body Armour" "Gloves" "Boots" "Belt" "Helm" "Shield" "Quiver" "Bow" "Staves" "Two Hand Axes" "Claw" "One Hand Axe" "Wands" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "One Hand Mace" "Two Hand Mace" "Two Hand Sword" "Dagger" "Sceptre"
    Rarity Rare
	ItemLevel <= 27
	DropLevel > 18
	SetFontSize 30 
    SetTextColor 255 255 0
    SetBorderColor 255 255 0
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0
    Class "Body Armour" "Gloves" "Boots" "Belt" "Helm" "Shield" "Quiver" "Bow" "Staves" "Two Hand Axes" "Claw" "One Hand Axe" "Wands" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "One Hand Mace" "Two Hand Mace" "Two Hand Sword" "Dagger" "Sceptre"
    Rarity Rare
	ItemLevel <= 18
	DropLevel > 12
	SetFontSize 30 
    SetTextColor 255 255 0
    SetBorderColor 255 255 0
    SetBackgroundColor 0 100 0 200
    Class "Body Armour" "Gloves" "Boots" "Belt" "Helm" "Shield" "Quiver" "Bow" "Staves" "Two Hand Axes" "Claw" "One Hand Axe" "Wands" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "One Hand Mace" "Two Hand Mace" "Two Hand Sword" "Dagger" "Sceptre"
    Rarity Rare
	ItemLevel <= 24
	DropLevel > 12
	SetFontSize 30 
    SetTextColor 255 255 0
    SetBorderColor 255 255 0
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0
###### 8-12	
    Class "Body Armour" "Gloves" "Boots" "Belt" "Helm" "Shield" "Quiver" "Bow" "Staves" "Two Hand Axes" "Claw" "One Hand Axe" "Wands" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "One Hand Mace" "Two Hand Mace" "Two Hand Sword" "Dagger" "Sceptre"
    Rarity Rare
	ItemLevel <= 12
	DropLevel > 8
	SetFontSize 30 
    SetTextColor 255 255 0
    SetBorderColor 255 255 0
    SetBackgroundColor 0 100 0 200
    Class "Body Armour" "Gloves" "Boots" "Belt" "Helm" "Shield" "Quiver" "Bow" "Staves" "Two Hand Axes" "Claw" "One Hand Axe" "Wands" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "One Hand Mace" "Two Hand Mace" "Two Hand Sword" "Dagger" "Sceptre"
    Rarity Rare
	ItemLevel <= 16
	DropLevel > 8
	SetFontSize 30 
    SetTextColor 255 255 0
    SetBorderColor 255 255 0
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0
    Class "Body Armour" "Gloves" "Boots" "Belt" "Helm" "Shield" "Quiver" "Bow" "Staves" "Two Hand Axes" "Claw" "One Hand Axe" "Wands" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "One Hand Mace" "Two Hand Mace" "Two Hand Sword" "Dagger" "Sceptre"
    Rarity Rare
	ItemLevel <= 8
	DropLevel >= 0
	SetFontSize 30 
    SetTextColor 255 255 0
    SetBorderColor 255 255 0
    SetBackgroundColor 0 100 0 200
    Class "Body Armour" "Gloves" "Boots" "Belt" "Helm" "Shield" "Quiver" "Bow" "Staves" "Two Hand Axes" "Claw" "One Hand Axe" "Wands" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "One Hand Mace" "Two Hand Mace" "Two Hand Sword" "Dagger" "Sceptre"
    Rarity Rare
	ItemLevel <= 12
	DropLevel >= 0
	SetFontSize 30 
    SetTextColor 255 255 0
    SetBorderColor 255 255 0
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0
	###Rare highlighting
	Rarity Rare
	SetFontSize 27
	SetTextColor 255 255 0 170
    SetBorderColor 255 255 0
    SetBackgroundColor 100 40 40 200
#### Flask Highlighting

	Class Flask 
	Quality > 13
	SetFontSize 25
    SetBorderColor 255 255 255
	Class Flask 
	Quality > 5
	SetFontSize 25	
	Class "Utility Flask"
	SetFontSize 30
###### RGB Highlighting

    SocketGroup RGB BGR
	SetFontSize 30 
	SetTextColor 0 255 0
    SetBorderColor 0 255 0
########Chisel Recipe Highlighting
    BaseType "Gavel" "Rock Breaker" "Stone Hammer"
    Rarity Normal
	SetFontSize 25
    SetBorderColor 0 0 255		
    BaseType "Gavel" "Rock Breaker" "Stone Hammer"
    Rarity Magic
    Quality > 15
	SetFontSize 25
	SetBorderColor 0 0 255
####### 6S/5L

    LinkedSockets >= 5
    SetBorderColor 255 0 0 
	SetFontSize 30
    Sockets 6
    SetBorderColor 255 0 0
	SetFontSize 30
    LinkedSockets >= 3
	ItemLevel < 20	
	########################### Normal Show Rules
    BaseType "Sai" "Moon Staff" "Maraketh Bow" "Tiger Hook" "Morning Star" "Tornado Wand" "Prophecy Wand" "Imbued Wand" "Infernal Sword" "Void Axe" "Jewelled Foil" "Harpy Rapier" "Judgement Staff" "Void Sceptre" "Midnight Blade" "Eternal Sword" "Harbinger Bow" "Imperial Claw" "Ambusher" "Platinum Kris" "Terror Claw" "Imperial Skean" "Demon Dagger" "Infernal Axe"
	SetFontSize 30 
### Show these whites up to 70
    BaseType "Terror Maul" "Vaal Rapier" "Imperial Staff" "Carnal Sceptre" "Imperial Bow" "Vaal Claw" "Thicket Bow" "Vaal Hatchet" "Royal Axe" "Nightmare Mace" "Vaal Blade" "Vaal Sceptre"
	Rarity Normal
	SetFontSize 30 
	ItemLevel <= 70
###### T1 Bases up to forever	
    Class "Bow" "Staves" "Two Hand Axes" "Claw" "One Hand Axe" "Wands" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "One Hand Mace" "Two Hand Mace" "Two Hand Sword" "Dagger" "Sceptre"
	DropLevel >= 68
	Rarity Normal
	SetFontSize 30 

### T2 Bases up to 70	
    Class "Bow" "Staves" "Two Hand Axes" "Claw" "One Hand Axe" "Wands" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "One Hand Mace" "Two Hand Mace" "Two Hand Sword" "Dagger" "Sceptre"
	ItemLevel <= 70
	DropLevel > 64
	Rarity Normal
	SetFontSize 30 

###### T3 Bases up to 65
    Class "Bow" "Staves" "Two Hand Axes" "Claw" "One Hand Axe" "Wands" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "One Hand Mace" "Two Hand Mace" "Two Hand Sword" "Dagger" "Sceptre"
	ItemLevel <= 65
	DropLevel > 59
	Rarity Normal
	SetFontSize 30 

#### t4 Bases up to 60
    Class "Bow" "Staves" "Two Hand Axes" "Claw" "One Hand Axe" "Wands" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "One Hand Mace" "Two Hand Mace" "Two Hand Sword" "Dagger" "Sceptre"
	ItemLevel <= 60
	DropLevel > 53
	Rarity Normal
	SetFontSize 30 

###### T5 up to 56

    Class  "Bow" "Staves" "Two Hand Axes" "Claw" "One Hand Axe" "Wands" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "One Hand Mace" "Two Hand Mace" "Two Hand Sword" "Dagger" "Sceptre"
	ItemLevel <= 56
	DropLevel > 49
	Rarity Normal
	SetFontSize 30 

##### t6 up to 50
    Class  "Bow" "Staves" "Two Hand Axes" "Claw" "One Hand Axe" "Wands" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "One Hand Mace" "Two Hand Mace" "Two Hand Sword" "Dagger" "Sceptre"
	ItemLevel <= 50
	DropLevel > 44
	Rarity Normal
	SetFontSize 30 
##### t7 up to 45
    Class "Bow" "Staves" "Two Hand Axes" "Claw" "One Hand Axe" "Wands" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "One Hand Mace" "Two Hand Mace" "Two Hand Sword" "Dagger" "Sceptre"
	ItemLevel <= 45
	DropLevel > 39
	Rarity Normal
	SetFontSize 30
##### t8 up to 39
    Class "Bow" "Staves" "Two Hand Axes" "Claw" "One Hand Axe" "Wands" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "One Hand Mace" "Two Hand Mace" "Two Hand Sword" "Dagger" "Sceptre"
	ItemLevel <= 39
	DropLevel > 33
	Rarity Normal
	SetFontSize 30 
##### t9 up to 34

    Class "Bow" "Staves" "Two Hand Axes" "Claw" "One Hand Axe" "Wands" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "One Hand Mace" "Two Hand Mace" "Two Hand Sword" "Dagger" "Sceptre"
	ItemLevel <= 34
	DropLevel > 28
	Rarity Normal
	SetFontSize 30 
#### t10 up to 30
    Class "Bow" "Staves" "Two Hand Axes" "Claw" "One Hand Axe" "Wands" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "One Hand Mace" "Two Hand Mace" "Two Hand Sword" "Dagger" "Sceptre"
	ItemLevel <= 30
	DropLevel > 27 
	Rarity Normal
	SetFontSize 30 
#t11 up to 29

    Class "Bow" "Staves" "Two Hand Axes" "Claw" "One Hand Axe" "Wands" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "One Hand Mace" "Two Hand Mace" "Two Hand Sword" "Dagger" "Sceptre"
	ItemLevel <= 29
	DropLevel > 21
	Rarity Normal
	SetFontSize 30 
#t12 bases up to  27
    Class "Bow" "Staves" "Two Hand Axes" "Claw" "One Hand Axe" "Wands" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "One Hand Mace" "Two Hand Mace" "Two Hand Sword" "Dagger" "Sceptre"
	ItemLevel <= 27 
	DropLevel > 20
	Rarity Normal
	SetFontSize 30 
#T13 Bases up to 21
    Class "Body Armour" "Gloves" "Boots" "Belt" "Helm" "Shield" "Quiver" "Bow" "Staves" "Two Hand Axes" "Claw" "One Hand Axe" "Wands" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "One Hand Mace" "Two Hand Mace" "Two Hand Sword" "Dagger" "Sceptre"
	ItemLevel <= 21
	DropLevel > 15
	Rarity Normal
	SetFontSize 29
#### t14 up to 17

    Class "Body Armour" "Gloves" "Boots" "Belt" "Helm" "Shield" "Quiver" "Bow" "Staves" "Two Hand Axes" "Claw" "One Hand Axe" "Wands" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "One Hand Mace" "Two Hand Mace" "Two Hand Sword" "Dagger" "Sceptre"
	ItemLevel <= 17
	DropLevel > 10
	Rarity Normal
	SetFontSize 30 
####t15 up to 15

    Class "Body Armour" "Gloves" "Boots" "Belt" "Helm" "Shield" "Quiver" "Bow" "Staves" "Two Hand Axes" "Claw" "One Hand Axe" "Wands" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "One Hand Mace" "Two Hand Mace" "Two Hand Sword" "Dagger" "Sceptre"
	ItemLevel <= 14
	DropLevel > 7
	Rarity Normal
	SetFontSize 29
###t16 up to 10
    Class "Body Armour" "Gloves" "Boots" "Belt" "Helm" "Shield" "Quiver" "Bow" "Staves" "Two Hand Axes" "Claw" "One Hand Axe" "Wands" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "One Hand Mace" "Two Hand Mace" "Two Hand Sword" "Dagger" "Sceptre"
	ItemLevel <= 10
	DropLevel > 5
	Rarity Normal
	SetFontSize 29
####t17 up to 7

    Class "Body Armour" "Gloves" "Boots" "Belt" "Helm" "Shield" "Quiver" "Bow" "Staves" "Two Hand Axes" "Claw" "One Hand Axe" "Wands" "One Hand Swords" "Thrusting One Hand Swords" "One Hand Mace" "Two Hand Mace" "Two Hand Sword" "Dagger" "Sceptre"
	ItemLevel <= 7
	DropLevel >= 1
	Rarity Normal
	SetFontSize 29
	##################### WHITES RULES DONE
	#### Show rings at all levels for progression
Class Ring Amulet
ItemLevel < 70

Class Boots Gloves Helmet Shield Belt
Rarity Magic
SetFontSize 25
ItemLevel < 20

#### Cant get map based level highlighting to work, DropLevel does not work for maps

Class "Map Fragments" "Maps"

##### Flask based level visibility

### Small Flask to ~ End of A1N, REQ level 0
BaseType "Small Life Flask" "Small Mana Flask"
ItemLevel < 12
	SetFontSize 30 
    SetBorderColor 255 255 255
#### Medium Ends midway through a2, medium starts dropping around the same time as large, REQ LEVEL 4

	BaseType "Medium Life Flask" "Medium Mana Flask"
	ItemLevel < 19
	SetFontSize 30 
    SetBorderColor 255 255 255

#### Large Ends around the same time, these make mediums basically obsolete, i only keep mediums on because	of 3x vendor recipe for another large REQ LEVEL 14
	BaseType "Large Life Flask" "Large Mana Flask"
	ItemLevel < 20
	SetFontSize 30 
    SetBorderColor 255 255 255

####	Greater ends near the end of a2/beginning of a3  REQ LEVEL 18
	BaseType "Greater Life Flask" "Greater Mana Flask"
	ItemLevel < 24
    SetFontSize 30 
    SetBorderColor 255 255 255

	#### Hides Midway through A3N  REQ LEVEL 26
	BaseType "Grand Life Flask" "Grand Mana Flask"
	ItemLevel < 34
	SetFontSize 30 
    SetBorderColor 255 255 255
	####Hides Near the end of Normal difficulty REQ LEVEL 34

	BaseType "Giant Life Flask" "Giant Mana Flask"
	ItemLevel < 38
	SetFontSize 30 
    SetBorderColor 255 255 255

	####Hides somewhere at the start of cruel REQ LEVEL 37
	BaseType "Colossal Life Flask" "Colossal Mana Flask"
	ItemLevel < 45
	SetFontSize 30 
    SetBorderColor 255 255 255

	####### Hides Midway through cruel REQ LEVEL 45
	BaseType "Sacred Life Flask" "Sacred Mana Flask"
	ItemLevel < 49
   	SetFontSize 30 
    SetBorderColor 255 255 255
### REQ LEVEL 53

	BaseType "Hallowed Life Flask" "Hallowed Mana Flask"
	ItemLevel < 58
    SetFontSize 30 
    SetBorderColor 255 255 255

##### REQ LEVEL 60
BaseType "Sanctified Life Flask" "Sanctified Mana Flask"
 	ItemLevel < 70
	SetFontSize 30 
    SetBorderColor 255 255 255

### REQ LEVEL 65 and 70 Respectively 2 best bases in game, always show 
	BaseType "Divine Life Flask" "Eternal Life Flask" "Divine Mana Flask" "Eternal Mana Flask"
	SetFontSize 30 
    SetBorderColor 255 255 255
	SetFontSize 20
	SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 50