using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace Filtration.ObjectModel { public class ItemFilterBlockGroup { private bool _isChecked; public ItemFilterBlockGroup(string groupName, ItemFilterBlockGroup parent, bool advanced = false) { GroupName = groupName; ParentGroup = parent; Advanced = advanced; ChildGroups = new List<ItemFilterBlockGroup>(); } public event EventHandler BlockGroupStatusChanged; public string GroupName { get; } public ItemFilterBlockGroup ParentGroup { get; } public List<ItemFilterBlockGroup> ChildGroups { get; } public bool Advanced { get; } public bool IsChecked { get { return _isChecked; } set { if (value != _isChecked) { _isChecked = value; // Raise an event to let blocks that have this block group assigned that // they might need to change their Action due to the block group status changing. BlockGroupStatusChanged?.Invoke(null, null); } } } public override string ToString() { var currentBlockGroup = this; var outputString = (Advanced ? "~" : string.Empty) + GroupName; // TODO: This is retarded, fix this. if (currentBlockGroup.ParentGroup != null) { while (currentBlockGroup.ParentGroup.ParentGroup != null) { outputString = (currentBlockGroup.ParentGroup.Advanced ? "~" : string.Empty) + currentBlockGroup.ParentGroup.GroupName + " - " + outputString; currentBlockGroup = currentBlockGroup.ParentGroup; } } return outputString; } } }