# Filtration Filtration is an editor for Path of Exile item filter scripts. ## Current Release (Released 2018-08-30) <b>Installer</b> <a href="https://github.com/ben-wallis/Filtration/releases/download/0.19/filtration_0.19_setup.exe">filtration_0.19_setup.exe</a> <b>Zip File</b> <a href="https://github.com/ben-wallis/Filtration/releases/download/0.19/filtration_0.19.zip">filtration_0.19.zip</a> ## System Requirements Filtration requires .NET Framework 4.6.1 installed. ## Features * Quick and easy editing and creation of item filter scripts - no direct editing of scripts required * Full support for all item filter attributes * Visual preview of colour settings * Copy & paste filter blocks between scripts * The Theme Editor allows you to create themes for scripts that support them, allowing you to easily change the colours of item filter scripts. * The Replace Colors tool allows you to quickly replace all instances of particular color combinations throughout a script * The Block Group Browser allows users of your scripts to easily toggle Show/Hide for groups of blocks. ## Notes for Script Creators If you'd like to make your script fully compatible with Filtration, please take a look at the [Notes for Script Creators](https://github.com/ben-wallis/Filtration/wiki/Notes-for-Script-Creators) wiki page. ## Screenshots ##### Main Window <img src="http://i.imgur.com/eAsMoSo.png" /> ##### Theme Editor <img src="http://i.imgur.com/FJWJknO.png" /> ## Contact You can find me on irc.freenode.net in #filtration