diff --git a/Event/PLAYER_MONEY.lua b/Event/PLAYER_MONEY.lua
index ff74be5..95998cd 100644
--- a/Event/PLAYER_MONEY.lua
+++ b/Event/PLAYER_MONEY.lua
@@ -17,11 +17,8 @@ PLAYER_MONEY_Frame:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...)
     if (DiffGold > 0) then -- Gold gain
-      local date = C_Calendar.GetDate()
-    	local weekday = date.weekday
-    	local month = date.month
-    	local day = date.monthDay
-    	local year = date.year
+      local date = C_Calendar.GetDate();
+    	local weekday, month, day, year = date.weekday, date.month, date.monthDay, date.year;
       -- Write to SavedVariables
       Farmer_Money_MonthGlobal = Farmer_Money_MonthGlobal + DiffGold;
diff --git a/Frame/MainFrame.lua b/Frame/MainFrame.lua
index 2a003cc..6bb7976 100644
--- a/Frame/MainFrame.lua
+++ b/Frame/MainFrame.lua
 local lootCollectedLastEntry = nil
 local mxwVersion = GetAddOnMetadata("MxW", "Version")
+local date = C_Calendar.GetDate();
+local weekday, month, day, year = date.weekday, date.month, date.monthDay, date.year;
 local backdrop = {
 		bgFile = [[Interface\Tooltips\UI-Tooltip-Background]],
 		edgeFile = [[Interface\Tooltips\UI-Tooltip-Border]],
@@ -28,25 +31,13 @@ local EditBoxMinAlert = AceGUI:Create("EditBox")
 function MX:ShowMainUI()
   local MAIN_UI = AceGUI:Create("Window")
-  MAIN_UI:SetHeight(80)
+  MAIN_UI:SetHeight(30)
   MAIN_UI:SetTitle("MxW " .. self.db.profile.version)
-	labDayCounter:SetFont("Interface\\Addons\\MxW\\Media\\Font\\Homespun.ttf", 10)
-  labDayCounter:SetColor(1, 1, 1)
-  labDayCounter:SetFullWidth(true)
-  MAIN_UI:AddChild(labDayCounter)
-	local labSpaceA = AceGUI:Create("Label")
-  labSpaceA:SetFont("Fonts\\FRIZQT__.TTF", 10)
-  labSpaceA:SetColor(1, 1, 1)
-  labSpaceA:SetFullWidth(true)
-  labSpaceA:SetText("  ")
-  MAIN_UI:AddChild(labSpaceA)
   labTodayGold:SetFont("Interface\\Addons\\MxW\\Media\\Font\\Homespun.ttf", 10)
   labTodayGold:SetColor(1, 1, 1)
@@ -162,19 +153,14 @@ end)
 local MainFrame_Event_PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD  = CreateFrame("Frame")
 MainFrame_Event_PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD :SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...)
-	local date = C_Calendar.GetDate()
-	local weekday = date.weekday
-	local month = date.month
-	local day = date.monthDay
-	local year = date.year
-  -- Init gold variable
+	-- Init gold variable
   CurrentGold = GetMoney()
 	-- Reset Global Daily Counter
 	if(DailyRecord == nil) then
 		DailyRecord = Farmer_Money_DayGlobal;
 		DailyRecordFlag = false;
-	if (Farmer_Logic_Day ~= day) then
+	if (day ~= 0 and Farmer_Logic_Day ~= day) then
 		if(DailyRecordFlag) then
 			DailyRecordFlag = false;
@@ -190,36 +176,22 @@ MainFrame_Event_PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD :SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event
 		DailyEighty = false;
 		DailyNinety = false;
 		DailyHundred = false;
-		DayCounter = DayCounter + 1;
-	end
-	if (DayCounter >= 31) then
-		Farmer_Money_MonthBack = Farmer_Money_MonthGlobal;
-		Farmer_Money_MonthGlobal = 0;
-		Farmer_Money_DayGlobal = 0;
-		DayCounter = 1;
-		DailyRecord = 1;
-		DailyRecordFlag = false;
-		DailyTen = false;
-		DailyTwenty = false;
-		DailyThirty = false;
-		DailyForty = false;
-		DailyFifty = false;
-		DailySixty = false;
-		DailySeventy = false;
-		DailyEighty = false;
-		DailyNinety = false;
-		DailyHundred = false;
+local MainFrame_Event_PLAYER_LEAVING_WORLD = CreateFrame("Frame")
+MainFrame_Event_PLAYER_LEAVING_WORLD:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...)
 function MX:UpdateMainUI()
 	local DayColor = "|cff1ead01";
 	local GoldMedian = floor(Farmer_Money_MonthGlobal / DayCounter);
   labTodayGold:SetText(format("%s (%s)", MX:FormatMoney(Farmer_Money_DayGlobal),L["MainForm_Label_Money_Lab_Today"]))
   labMonthGold:SetText(format("%s (%s)", MX:FormatMoney(Farmer_Money_MonthGlobal),L["MainForm_Label_Money_Lab_Month"]))
 	labDailyRecord:SetText(format("%s %s", MX:FormatMoneyGoldOnly(DailyRecord), L["Chat_ChatGuildDailyRecordUI"]))
-	labDayCounter:SetText(format("%s %s%i/30|r (~%s/%s)", L["MainForm_Label_DayCounter"], DayColor, DayCounter, MX:FormatMoneyGoldOnly(GoldMedian),L["MainForm_Label_Money_Lab_Today"]))
 function MX:ShowMain()
diff --git a/MxW.toc b/MxW.toc
index 7b11f0f..3eb42a7 100644
--- a/MxW.toc
+++ b/MxW.toc
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ## Interface: 80100
 ## Title: |cff1784d1MxW|r
-## Version: 1.6.1_8.1.0
+## Version: 1.7.0_8.1.5
 ## Author: mikx
 ## Notes: MxW Addon
 ## RequiredDeps: TradeSkillMaster
diff --git a/init.lua b/init.lua
index 9fdb1ab..752b5c1 100644
--- a/init.lua
+++ b/init.lua
@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@ local MX = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("MxW", "AceConsole-3.0", "AceEvent-3
 local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):GetLocale("MxW");
 local AceGUI = LibStub("AceGUI-3.0")
+local date = C_Calendar.GetDate();
+local weekday, month, day, year = date.weekday, date.month, date.monthDay, date.year;
 local MXLDB = LibStub("LibDataBroker-1.1"):NewDataObject("MxW", {
 	type = "data source",
 	text = "MxW",
@@ -27,7 +30,6 @@ local defaults = {
 function MX:OnInitialize()
 	self.db = LibStub:GetLibrary("AceDB-3.0"):New("MxWDB")
 	-- Init Saved Variables
 	if (Farmer_Logic_Day == nil) then
 	  Farmer_Logic_Day = day;
@@ -136,6 +138,9 @@ local function MyAddonCommands(msg, editbox)
 			DailyRecordFlag = false;
+	elseif (msg == 'resetd') then
+		Farmer_Money_DayGlobal = 0;
+		ReloadUI();
 	elseif (msg == 'alert') then
 		if (Settings_Alert_Enabled) then
 			Settings_Alert_Enabled = false;