local parent, ns = ... local Private = ns.oUF.Private function Private.argcheck(value, num, ...) assert(type(num) == 'number', "Bad argument #2 to 'argcheck' (number expected, got "..type(num)..")") for i=1,select("#", ...) do if type(value) == select(i, ...) then return end end local types = strjoin(", ", ...) local name = string.match(debugstack(2,2,0), ": in function [`<](.-)['>]") error(("Bad argument #%d to '%s' (%s expected, got %s"):format(num, name, types, type(value)), 3) end function Private.print(...) print("|cff33ff99oUF:|r", ...) end function Private.error(...) Private.print("|cffff0000Error:|r "..string.format(...)) end