-- MxW (MxW Addon) -- By mikx -- https://git.mikx.xyz/wow/MxW_Addon -- Licensed under the GNU General Public License 3.0 -- See included License file for more informations. local MX = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon("MxW"); local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):GetLocale("MxW"); ----------------- -- Guild channel ----------------- ---- Loot Alert Guild Message function MX:ChatGuildLootMessage(link,value) if (Settings_GuildMessage_Enabled) then local msg = format("[MxW] %s [%s]",link,MX:FormatMoneyNoColor(value)); SendChatMessage(msg, "GUILD", nil); end end ---- Daily Record Guild Message function MX:ChatGuildDailyRecord(oldvalue) if (Settings_GuildMessage_Enabled) then local pname = UnitName("player") local ogv = floor(oldvalue / (COPPER_PER_SILVER * SILVER_PER_GOLD)) local msg = format("[MxW] %s %s %ig!",pname,L["Chat_ChatGuildDailyRecordA"],ogv); SendChatMessage(msg, "GUILD", nil); end end ---- Daily Money Threshold Guild Message function MX:ChatGuildDailyMoneyThresholdMessage(value) if (Settings_GuildMessage_Enabled) then local gv = floor(value / (COPPER_PER_SILVER * SILVER_PER_GOLD)) local post = false local msg local pname = UnitName("player") if(gv >= 10000 and DailyTen == false) then msg = format("[MxW] %s %s %ig!",pname,L["Chat_GuildDailyMoneyThresholdMessage"],10000); DailyTen = true; post = true; elseif(gv >= 20000 and DailyTwenty == false) then msg = format("[MxW] %s %s %ig!",pname,L["Chat_GuildDailyMoneyThresholdMessage"],20000); DailyTwenty = true; post = true; elseif(gv >= 30000 and DailyThirty == false) then msg = format("[MxW] %s %s %ig!",pname,L["Chat_GuildDailyMoneyThresholdMessage"],30000); DailyThirty = true; post = true; elseif(gv >= 40000 and DailyForty == false) then msg = format("[MxW] %s %s %ig!",pname,L["Chat_GuildDailyMoneyThresholdMessage"],40000); DailyForty = true; post = true; elseif(gv >= 50000 and DailyFifty == false) then msg = format("[MxW] %s %s %ig!",pname,L["Chat_GuildDailyMoneyThresholdMessage"],50000); DailyFifty = true; post = true; elseif(gv >= 60000 and DailySixty == false) then msg = format("[MxW] %s %s %ig!",pname,L["Chat_GuildDailyMoneyThresholdMessage"],60000); DailySixty = true; post = true; elseif(gv >= 70000 and DailySeventy == false) then msg = format("[MxW] %s %s %ig!",pname,L["Chat_GuildDailyMoneyThresholdMessage"],70000); DailySeventy = true; post = true; elseif(gv >= 80000 and DailyEighty == false) then msg = format("[MxW] %s %s %ig!",pname,L["Chat_GuildDailyMoneyThresholdMessage"],80000); DailyEighty = true; post = true; elseif(gv >= 90000 and DailyNinety == false) then msg = format("[MxW] %s %s %ig!",pname,L["Chat_GuildDailyMoneyThresholdMessage"],90000); DailyNinety = true; post = true; elseif(gv >= 100000 and DailyHundred == false) then msg = format("[MxW] %s %s %ig!",pname,L["Chat_GuildDailyMoneyThresholdMessage"],100000); DailyHundred = true; post = true; end if(post) then SendChatMessage(msg, "GUILD", nil); post = false; end end end