-- MxW (MxW Addon) -- By mikx -- https://git.mikx.xyz/wow/MxW_Addon -- Licensed under the GNU General Public License 3.0 -- See included License file for more informations. local MX = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon("MxW"); local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):GetLocale("MxW"); local PLAYER_MONEY_Frame = CreateFrame("Frame") PLAYER_MONEY_Frame:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_MONEY") PLAYER_MONEY_Frame:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...) local DiffGold = 0 local NewGold = GetMoney() -- Get the player gold after the event DiffGold = NewGold - CurrentGold -- Get the gold difference if (DiffGold > 0) then -- Gold gain local date = C_Calendar.GetDate(); local weekday, month, day, year = date.weekday, date.month, date.monthDay, date.year; -- Write to SavedVariables Farmer_Money_MonthGlobal = Farmer_Money_MonthGlobal + DiffGold; Farmer_Money_DayGlobal = Farmer_Money_DayGlobal + DiffGold; if(Farmer_Money_DayGlobal >= DailyRecord and DailyRecordFlag == false) then MX:ChatGuildDailyRecord(DailyRecord) DailyRecord = Farmer_Money_DayGlobal; DailyRecordFlag = true; end if(DailyRecordFlag) then DailyRecord = Farmer_Money_DayGlobal; end MX:UpdateMainUI() MX:ChatGuildDailyMoneyThresholdMessage(Farmer_Money_DayGlobal) elseif (DiffGold <= 0) then -- Gold lost end CurrentGold = GetMoney() DiffGold = 0 end)