-- Simplified Menu Display System -- This is a basic system for displaying a menu from a structure table. -- -- See UIDropDownMenu.lua for the menuList details. -- -- Args: -- menuList - menu table -- menuFrame - the UI frame to populate -- anchor - where to anchor the frame (e.g. CURSOR) -- x - x offset -- y - y offset -- displayMode - border type -- autoHideDelay - how long until the menu disappears -- -- function Lib_EasyMenu(menuList, menuFrame, anchor, x, y, displayMode, autoHideDelay ) if ( displayMode == "MENU" ) then menuFrame.displayMode = displayMode; end Lib_UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(menuFrame, Lib_EasyMenu_Initialize, displayMode, nil, menuList); Lib_ToggleDropDownMenu(1, nil, menuFrame, anchor, x, y, menuList, nil, autoHideDelay); end function Lib_EasyMenu_Initialize( frame, level, menuList ) for index = 1, #menuList do local value = menuList[index] if (value.text) then value.index = index; Lib_UIDropDownMenu_AddButton( value, level ); end end end