LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MINBUTTONS = 8; LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MAXBUTTONS = 8; LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MAXLEVELS = 2; LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT = 16; LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_BORDER_HEIGHT = 15; -- The current open menu LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_OPEN_MENU = nil; -- The current menu being initialized LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_INIT_MENU = nil; -- Current level shown of the open menu LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_LEVEL = 1; -- Current value of the open menu LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_VALUE = nil; -- Time to wait to hide the menu LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_SHOW_TIME = 2; -- Default dropdown text height LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_DEFAULT_TEXT_HEIGHT = nil; -- List of open menus LIB_OPEN_DROPDOWNMENUS = {}; --used by UnitPopup only local Lib_UIDropDownMenuDelegate = CreateFrame("FRAME"); for i = 1, LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MAXLEVELS do local listFrameName = "Lib_DropDownList"..i; local f = CreateFrame("Button", listFrameName, nil, "Lib_UIDropDownListTemplate"); f:SetID(i); f:SetSize(180, 10); f:SetFrameStrata("FULLSCREEN_DIALOG"); local fontName, fontHeight, fontFlags = _G["Lib_DropDownList1Button1NormalText"]:GetFont(); LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_DEFAULT_TEXT_HEIGHT = fontHeight; for j = 1, LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MAXBUTTONS do local b = CreateFrame("Button", listFrameName.."Button"..j, f, "Lib_UIDropDownMenuButtonTemplate"); b:SetID(j); end --Allow closing with escape tinsert(UIMenus, listFrameName) end function Lib_UIDropDownMenuDelegate_OnAttributeChanged (self, attribute, value) if ( attribute == "createframes" and value == true ) then Lib_UIDropDownMenu_CreateFrames(self:GetAttribute("createframes-level"), self:GetAttribute("createframes-index")); elseif ( attribute == "initmenu" ) then LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_INIT_MENU = value; elseif ( attribute == "openmenu" ) then LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_OPEN_MENU = value; end end Lib_UIDropDownMenuDelegate:SetScript("OnAttributeChanged", Lib_UIDropDownMenuDelegate_OnAttributeChanged); function Lib_UIDropDownMenu_InitializeHelper (frame) -- This deals with the potentially tainted stuff! if ( frame ~= LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_OPEN_MENU ) then LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_LEVEL = 1; end -- Set the frame that's being intialized Lib_UIDropDownMenuDelegate:SetAttribute("initmenu", frame); -- Hide all the buttons local button, dropDownList; for i = 1, LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MAXLEVELS, 1 do dropDownList = _G["Lib_DropDownList"..i]; if ( i >= LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_LEVEL or frame ~= LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_OPEN_MENU ) then dropDownList.numButtons = 0; dropDownList.maxWidth = 0; for j=1, LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MAXBUTTONS, 1 do button = _G["Lib_DropDownList"..i.."Button"..j]; button:Hide(); end dropDownList:Hide(); end end frame:SetHeight(LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT * 2); end function Lib_UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(frame, initFunction, displayMode, level, menuList) frame.menuList = menuList; securecall("Lib_UIDropDownMenu_InitializeHelper", frame); -- Set the initialize function and call it. The initFunction populates the dropdown list. if ( initFunction ) then frame.initialize = initFunction; initFunction(frame, level, frame.menuList); end --master frame if(level == nil) then level = 1; end local dropDownList = _G["Lib_DropDownList"..level] dropDownList.dropdown = frame; dropDownList.shouldRefresh = true; -- Change appearance based on the displayMode if ( displayMode == "MENU" ) then local name = frame:GetName(); _G[name.."Left"]:Hide(); _G[name.."Middle"]:Hide(); _G[name.."Right"]:Hide(); _G[name.."ButtonNormalTexture"]:SetTexture(""); _G[name.."ButtonDisabledTexture"]:SetTexture(""); _G[name.."ButtonPushedTexture"]:SetTexture(""); _G[name.."ButtonHighlightTexture"]:SetTexture(""); local button = _G[name.."Button"] button:ClearAllPoints(); button:SetPoint("LEFT", name.."Text", "LEFT", -9, 0); button:SetPoint("RIGHT", name.."Text", "RIGHT", 6, 0); frame.displayMode = "MENU"; end end function Lib_UIDropDownMenu_RefreshDropDownSize(self) self.maxWidth = Lib_UIDropDownMenu_GetMaxButtonWidth(self); self:SetWidth(self.maxWidth + 25); for i=1, LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MAXBUTTONS, 1 do local icon = _G[self:GetName().."Button"..i.."Icon"]; if ( icon.tFitDropDownSizeX ) then icon:SetWidth(self.maxWidth - 5); end end end -- If dropdown is visible then see if its timer has expired, if so hide the frame function Lib_UIDropDownMenu_OnUpdate(self, elapsed) if ( self.shouldRefresh ) then Lib_UIDropDownMenu_RefreshDropDownSize(self); self.shouldRefresh = false; end if ( not self.showTimer or not self.isCounting ) then return; elseif ( self.showTimer < 0 ) then self:Hide(); self.showTimer = nil; self.isCounting = nil; else self.showTimer = self.showTimer - elapsed; end end -- Start the countdown on a frame function Lib_UIDropDownMenu_StartCounting(frame) if ( frame.parent ) then Lib_UIDropDownMenu_StartCounting(frame.parent); else frame.showTimer = LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_SHOW_TIME; frame.isCounting = 1; end end -- Stop the countdown on a frame function Lib_UIDropDownMenu_StopCounting(frame) if ( frame.parent ) then Lib_UIDropDownMenu_StopCounting(frame.parent); else frame.isCounting = nil; end end --[[ List of button attributes ====================================================== info.text = [STRING] -- The text of the button info.value = [ANYTHING] -- The value that UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_VALUE is set to when the button is clicked info.func = [function()] -- The function that is called when you click the button info.checked = [nil, true, function] -- Check the button if true or function returns true info.isNotRadio = [nil, true] -- Check the button uses radial image if false check box image if true info.isTitle = [nil, true] -- If it's a title the button is disabled and the font color is set to yellow info.disabled = [nil, true] -- Disable the button and show an invisible button that still traps the mouseover event so menu doesn't time out info.tooltipWhileDisabled = [nil, 1] -- Show the tooltip, even when the button is disabled. info.hasArrow = [nil, true] -- Show the expand arrow for multilevel menus info.hasColorSwatch = [nil, true] -- Show color swatch or not, for color selection info.r = [1 - 255] -- Red color value of the color swatch info.g = [1 - 255] -- Green color value of the color swatch info.b = [1 - 255] -- Blue color value of the color swatch info.colorCode = [STRING] -- "|cAARRGGBB" embedded hex value of the button text color. Only used when button is enabled info.swatchFunc = [function()] -- Function called by the color picker on color change info.hasOpacity = [nil, 1] -- Show the opacity slider on the colorpicker frame info.opacity = [0.0 - 1.0] -- Percentatge of the opacity, 1.0 is fully shown, 0 is transparent info.opacityFunc = [function()] -- Function called by the opacity slider when you change its value info.cancelFunc = [function(previousValues)] -- Function called by the colorpicker when you click the cancel button (it takes the previous values as its argument) info.notClickable = [nil, 1] -- Disable the button and color the font white info.notCheckable = [nil, 1] -- Shrink the size of the buttons and don't display a check box info.owner = [Frame] -- Dropdown frame that "owns" the current dropdownlist info.keepShownOnClick = [nil, 1] -- Don't hide the dropdownlist after a button is clicked info.tooltipTitle = [nil, STRING] -- Title of the tooltip shown on mouseover info.tooltipText = [nil, STRING] -- Text of the tooltip shown on mouseover info.tooltipOnButton = [nil, 1] -- Show the tooltip attached to the button instead of as a Newbie tooltip. info.justifyH = [nil, "CENTER"] -- Justify button text info.arg1 = [ANYTHING] -- This is the first argument used by info.func info.arg2 = [ANYTHING] -- This is the second argument used by info.func info.fontObject = [FONT] -- font object replacement for Normal and Highlight info.menuTable = [TABLE] -- This contains an array of info tables to be displayed as a child menu info.noClickSound = [nil, 1] -- Set to 1 to suppress the sound when clicking the button. The sound only plays if .func is set. info.padding = [nil, NUMBER] -- Number of pixels to pad the text on the right side info.leftPadding = [nil, NUMBER] -- Number of pixels to pad the button on the left side info.minWidth = [nil, NUMBER] -- Minimum width for this line ]] local Lib_UIDropDownMenu_ButtonInfo = {}; --Until we get around to making this betterz... local Lib_UIDropDownMenu_SecureInfo = {}; local wipe = table.wipe; function Lib_UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo() -- Reuse the same table to prevent memory churn if ( issecure() ) then securecall(wipe, Lib_UIDropDownMenu_SecureInfo); return Lib_UIDropDownMenu_SecureInfo; else return wipe(Lib_UIDropDownMenu_ButtonInfo); end end function Lib_UIDropDownMenu_CreateFrames(level, index) while ( level > LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MAXLEVELS ) do LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MAXLEVELS = LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MAXLEVELS + 1; local newList = CreateFrame("Button", "Lib_DropDownList"..LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MAXLEVELS, nil, "Lib_UIDropDownListTemplate"); newList:SetFrameStrata("FULLSCREEN_DIALOG"); newList:SetToplevel(true); newList:Hide(); newList:SetID(LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MAXLEVELS); newList:SetWidth(180) newList:SetHeight(10) for i=LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MINBUTTONS+1, LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MAXBUTTONS do local newButton = CreateFrame("Button", "Lib_DropDownList"..LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MAXLEVELS.."Button"..i, newList, "Lib_UIDropDownMenuButtonTemplate"); newButton:SetID(i); end end while ( index > LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MAXBUTTONS ) do LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MAXBUTTONS = LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MAXBUTTONS + 1; for i=1, LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MAXLEVELS do local newButton = CreateFrame("Button", "Lib_DropDownList"..i.."Button"..LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MAXBUTTONS, _G["Lib_DropDownList"..i], "Lib_UIDropDownMenuButtonTemplate"); newButton:SetID(LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MAXBUTTONS); end end end function Lib_UIDropDownMenu_AddSeparator(info, level) info.text = nil; info.hasArrow = false; info.dist = 0; info.isTitle = true; info.isUninteractable = true; info.notCheckable = true; info.iconOnly = true; info.icon = "Interface\\Common\\UI-TooltipDivider-Transparent"; info.tCoordLeft = 0; info.tCoordRight = 1; info.tCoordTop = 0; info.tCoordBottom = 1; info.tSizeX = 0; info.tSizeY = 8; info.tFitDropDownSizeX = true; info.iconInfo = { tCoordLeft = info.tCoordLeft, tCoordRight = info.tCoordRight, tCoordTop = info.tCoordTop, tCoordBottom = info.tCoordBottom, tSizeX = info.tSizeX, tSizeY = info.tSizeY, tFitDropDownSizeX = info.tFitDropDownSizeX }; Lib_UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, level); end function Lib_UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, level) --[[ Might to uncomment this if there are performance issues if ( not LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_OPEN_MENU ) then return; end ]] if ( not level ) then level = 1; end local listFrame = _G["Lib_DropDownList"..level]; local index = listFrame and (listFrame.numButtons + 1) or 1; local width; Lib_UIDropDownMenuDelegate:SetAttribute("createframes-level", level); Lib_UIDropDownMenuDelegate:SetAttribute("createframes-index", index); Lib_UIDropDownMenuDelegate:SetAttribute("createframes", true); listFrame = listFrame or _G["Lib_DropDownList"..level]; local listFrameName = listFrame:GetName(); -- Set the number of buttons in the listframe listFrame.numButtons = index; local button = _G[listFrameName.."Button"..index]; local normalText = _G[button:GetName().."NormalText"]; local icon = _G[button:GetName().."Icon"]; -- This button is used to capture the mouse OnEnter/OnLeave events if the dropdown button is disabled, since a disabled button doesn't receive any events -- This is used specifically for drop down menu time outs local invisibleButton = _G[button:GetName().."InvisibleButton"]; -- Default settings button:SetDisabledFontObject(GameFontDisableSmallLeft); invisibleButton:Hide(); button:Enable(); -- If not clickable then disable the button and set it white if ( info.notClickable ) then info.disabled = true; button:SetDisabledFontObject(GameFontHighlightSmallLeft); end -- Set the text color and disable it if its a title if ( info.isTitle ) then info.disabled = true; button:SetDisabledFontObject(GameFontNormalSmallLeft); end -- Disable the button if disabled and turn off the color code if ( info.disabled ) then button:Disable(); invisibleButton:Show(); info.colorCode = nil; end -- If there is a color for a disabled line, set it if( info.disablecolor ) then info.colorCode = info.disablecolor; end -- Configure button if ( info.text ) then -- look for inline color code this is only if the button is enabled if ( info.colorCode ) then button:SetText("|r"); else button:SetText(info.text); end -- Set icon if ( info.icon ) then icon:SetSize(16,16); icon:SetTexture(info.icon); icon:ClearAllPoints(); icon:SetPoint("RIGHT"); if ( info.tCoordLeft ) then icon:SetTexCoord(info.tCoordLeft, info.tCoordRight, info.tCoordTop, info.tCoordBottom); else icon:SetTexCoord(0, 1, 0, 1); end icon:Show(); else icon:Hide(); end -- Check to see if there is a replacement font if ( info.fontObject ) then button:SetNormalFontObject(info.fontObject); button:SetHighlightFontObject(info.fontObject); else button:SetNormalFontObject(GameFontHighlightSmallLeft); button:SetHighlightFontObject(GameFontHighlightSmallLeft); end else button:SetText(""); icon:Hide(); end button.iconOnly = nil; button.icon = nil; button.iconInfo = nil; if (info.iconInfo) then icon.tFitDropDownSizeX = info.iconInfo.tFitDropDownSizeX; else icon.tFitDropDownSizeX = nil; end if (info.iconOnly and info.icon) then button.iconOnly = true; button.icon = info.icon; button.iconInfo = info.iconInfo; Lib_UIDropDownMenu_SetIconImage(icon, info.icon, info.iconInfo); icon:ClearAllPoints(); icon:SetPoint("LEFT"); end -- Pass through attributes button.func = info.func; button.owner = info.owner; button.hasOpacity = info.hasOpacity; button.opacity = info.opacity; button.opacityFunc = info.opacityFunc; button.cancelFunc = info.cancelFunc; button.swatchFunc = info.swatchFunc; button.keepShownOnClick = info.keepShownOnClick; button.tooltipTitle = info.tooltipTitle; button.tooltipText = info.tooltipText; button.arg1 = info.arg1; button.arg2 = info.arg2; button.hasArrow = info.hasArrow; button.hasColorSwatch = info.hasColorSwatch; button.notCheckable = info.notCheckable; button.menuList = info.menuList; button.tooltipWhileDisabled = info.tooltipWhileDisabled; button.tooltipOnButton = info.tooltipOnButton; button.noClickSound = info.noClickSound; button.padding = info.padding; if ( info.value ) then button.value = info.value; elseif ( info.text ) then button.value = info.text; else button.value = nil; end -- Show the expand arrow if it has one if ( info.hasArrow ) then _G[listFrameName.."Button"..index.."ExpandArrow"]:Show(); else _G[listFrameName.."Button"..index.."ExpandArrow"]:Hide(); end button.hasArrow = info.hasArrow; -- If not checkable move everything over to the left to fill in the gap where the check would be local xPos = 5; local yPos = -((button:GetID() - 1) * LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT) - LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_BORDER_HEIGHT; local displayInfo = normalText; if (info.iconOnly) then displayInfo = icon; end displayInfo:ClearAllPoints(); if ( info.notCheckable ) then if ( info.justifyH and info.justifyH == "CENTER" ) then displayInfo:SetPoint("CENTER", button, "CENTER", -7, 0); else displayInfo:SetPoint("LEFT", button, "LEFT", 0, 0); end xPos = xPos + 10; else xPos = xPos + 12; displayInfo:SetPoint("LEFT", button, "LEFT", 20, 0); end -- Adjust offset if displayMode is menu local frame = LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_OPEN_MENU; if ( frame and frame.displayMode == "MENU" ) then if ( not info.notCheckable ) then xPos = xPos - 6; end end -- If no open frame then set the frame to the currently initialized frame frame = frame or LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_INIT_MENU; if ( info.leftPadding ) then xPos = xPos + info.leftPadding; end button:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", button:GetParent(), "TOPLEFT", xPos, yPos); -- See if button is selected by id or name if ( frame ) then if ( Lib_UIDropDownMenu_GetSelectedName(frame) ) then if ( button:GetText() == Lib_UIDropDownMenu_GetSelectedName(frame) ) then info.checked = 1; end elseif ( Lib_UIDropDownMenu_GetSelectedID(frame) ) then if ( button:GetID() == Lib_UIDropDownMenu_GetSelectedID(frame) ) then info.checked = 1; end elseif ( Lib_UIDropDownMenu_GetSelectedValue(frame) ) then if ( button.value == Lib_UIDropDownMenu_GetSelectedValue(frame) ) then info.checked = 1; end end end if not info.notCheckable then if ( info.disabled ) then _G[listFrameName.."Button"..index.."Check"]:SetDesaturated(true); _G[listFrameName.."Button"..index.."Check"]:SetAlpha(0.5); _G[listFrameName.."Button"..index.."UnCheck"]:SetDesaturated(true); _G[listFrameName.."Button"..index.."UnCheck"]:SetAlpha(0.5); else _G[listFrameName.."Button"..index.."Check"]:SetDesaturated(false); _G[listFrameName.."Button"..index.."Check"]:SetAlpha(1); _G[listFrameName.."Button"..index.."UnCheck"]:SetDesaturated(false); _G[listFrameName.."Button"..index.."UnCheck"]:SetAlpha(1); end if info.isNotRadio then _G[listFrameName.."Button"..index.."Check"]:SetTexCoord(0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5); _G[listFrameName.."Button"..index.."UnCheck"]:SetTexCoord(0.5, 1.0, 0.0, 0.5); else _G[listFrameName.."Button"..index.."Check"]:SetTexCoord(0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0); _G[listFrameName.."Button"..index.."UnCheck"]:SetTexCoord(0.5, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0); end -- Checked can be a function now local checked = info.checked; if ( type(checked) == "function" ) then checked = checked(button); end -- Show the check if checked if ( checked ) then button:LockHighlight(); _G[listFrameName.."Button"..index.."Check"]:Show(); _G[listFrameName.."Button"..index.."UnCheck"]:Hide(); else button:UnlockHighlight(); _G[listFrameName.."Button"..index.."Check"]:Hide(); _G[listFrameName.."Button"..index.."UnCheck"]:Show(); end else _G[listFrameName.."Button"..index.."Check"]:Hide(); _G[listFrameName.."Button"..index.."UnCheck"]:Hide(); end button.checked = info.checked; -- If has a colorswatch, show it and vertex color it local colorSwatch = _G[listFrameName.."Button"..index.."ColorSwatch"]; if ( info.hasColorSwatch ) then _G["Lib_DropDownList"..level.."Button"..index.."ColorSwatch".."NormalTexture"]:SetVertexColor(info.r, info.g, info.b); button.r = info.r; button.g = info.g; button.b = info.b; colorSwatch:Show(); else colorSwatch:Hide(); end width = max(Lib_UIDropDownMenu_GetButtonWidth(button), info.minWidth or 0); --Set maximum button width if ( width > listFrame.maxWidth ) then listFrame.maxWidth = width; end -- Set the height of the listframe listFrame:SetHeight((index * LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_BUTTON_HEIGHT) + (LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_BORDER_HEIGHT * 2)); button:Show(); end function Lib_UIDropDownMenu_GetMaxButtonWidth(self) local maxWidth = 0; for i=1, self.numButtons do local button = _G[self:GetName().."Button"..i]; if ( button:IsShown() ) then local width = Lib_UIDropDownMenu_GetButtonWidth(button); if ( width > maxWidth ) then maxWidth = width; end end end return maxWidth; end function Lib_UIDropDownMenu_GetButtonWidth(button) local width; local buttonName = button:GetName(); local icon = _G[buttonName.."Icon"]; local normalText = _G[buttonName.."NormalText"]; if ( button.iconOnly and icon ) then width = icon:GetWidth(); elseif ( normalText and normalText:GetText() ) then width = normalText:GetWidth() + 40; if ( button.icon ) then -- Add padding for the icon width = width + 10; end else return 0; end -- Add padding if has and expand arrow or color swatch if ( button.hasArrow or button.hasColorSwatch ) then width = width + 10; end if ( button.notCheckable ) then width = width - 30; end if ( button.padding ) then width = width + button.padding; end return width; end function Lib_UIDropDownMenu_Refresh(frame, useValue, dropdownLevel) local button, checked, checkImage, uncheckImage, normalText, width; local maxWidth = 0; local somethingChecked = nil; if ( not dropdownLevel ) then dropdownLevel = LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_LEVEL; end local listFrame = _G["Lib_DropDownList"..dropdownLevel]; listFrame.numButtons = listFrame.numButtons or 0; -- Just redraws the existing menu for i=1, LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MAXBUTTONS do button = _G["Lib_DropDownList"..dropdownLevel.."Button"..i]; checked = nil; if(i <= listFrame.numButtons) then -- See if checked or not if ( Lib_UIDropDownMenu_GetSelectedName(frame) ) then if ( button:GetText() == Lib_UIDropDownMenu_GetSelectedName(frame) ) then checked = 1; end elseif ( Lib_UIDropDownMenu_GetSelectedID(frame) ) then if ( button:GetID() == Lib_UIDropDownMenu_GetSelectedID(frame) ) then checked = 1; end elseif ( Lib_UIDropDownMenu_GetSelectedValue(frame) ) then if ( button.value == Lib_UIDropDownMenu_GetSelectedValue(frame) ) then checked = 1; end end end if (button.checked and type(button.checked) == "function") then checked = button.checked(button); end if not button.notCheckable and button:IsShown() then -- If checked show check image checkImage = _G["Lib_DropDownList"..dropdownLevel.."Button"..i.."Check"]; uncheckImage = _G["Lib_DropDownList"..dropdownLevel.."Button"..i.."UnCheck"]; if ( checked ) then somethingChecked = true; local icon = _G[frame:GetName().."Icon"]; if (button.iconOnly and icon and button.icon) then Lib_UIDropDownMenu_SetIconImage(icon, button.icon, button.iconInfo); elseif ( useValue ) then Lib_UIDropDownMenu_SetText(frame, button.value); icon:Hide(); else Lib_UIDropDownMenu_SetText(frame, button:GetText()); icon:Hide(); end button:LockHighlight(); checkImage:Show(); uncheckImage:Hide(); else button:UnlockHighlight(); checkImage:Hide(); uncheckImage:Show(); end end if ( button:IsShown() ) then width = Lib_UIDropDownMenu_GetButtonWidth(button); if ( width > maxWidth ) then maxWidth = width; end end end if(somethingChecked == nil) then Lib_UIDropDownMenu_SetText(frame, VIDEO_QUALITY_LABEL6); end if (not frame.noResize) then for i=1, LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MAXBUTTONS do button = _G["Lib_DropDownList"..dropdownLevel.."Button"..i]; button:SetWidth(maxWidth); end Lib_UIDropDownMenu_RefreshDropDownSize(_G["Lib_DropDownList"..dropdownLevel]); end end function Lib_UIDropDownMenu_RefreshAll(frame, useValue) for dropdownLevel = LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_LEVEL, 2, -1 do local listFrame = _G["Lib_DropDownList"..dropdownLevel]; if ( listFrame:IsShown() ) then Lib_UIDropDownMenu_Refresh(frame, nil, dropdownLevel); end end -- useValue is the text on the dropdown, only needs to be set once Lib_UIDropDownMenu_Refresh(frame, useValue, 1); end function Lib_UIDropDownMenu_SetIconImage(icon, texture, info) icon:SetTexture(texture); if ( info.tCoordLeft ) then icon:SetTexCoord(info.tCoordLeft, info.tCoordRight, info.tCoordTop, info.tCoordBottom); else icon:SetTexCoord(0, 1, 0, 1); end if ( info.tSizeX ) then icon:SetWidth(info.tSizeX); else icon:SetWidth(16); end if ( info.tSizeY ) then icon:SetHeight(info.tSizeY); else icon:SetHeight(16); end icon:Show(); end function Lib_UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedName(frame, name, useValue) frame.selectedName = name; frame.selectedID = nil; frame.selectedValue = nil; Lib_UIDropDownMenu_Refresh(frame, useValue); end function Lib_UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedValue(frame, value, useValue) -- useValue will set the value as the text, not the name frame.selectedName = nil; frame.selectedID = nil; frame.selectedValue = value; Lib_UIDropDownMenu_Refresh(frame, useValue); end function Lib_UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(frame, id, useValue) frame.selectedID = id; frame.selectedName = nil; frame.selectedValue = nil; Lib_UIDropDownMenu_Refresh(frame, useValue); end function Lib_UIDropDownMenu_GetSelectedName(frame) return frame.selectedName; end function Lib_UIDropDownMenu_GetSelectedID(frame) if ( frame.selectedID ) then return frame.selectedID; else -- If no explicit selectedID then try to send the id of a selected value or name local button; for i=1, LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MAXBUTTONS do button = _G["Lib_DropDownList"..LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_LEVEL.."Button"..i]; -- See if checked or not if ( Lib_UIDropDownMenu_GetSelectedName(frame) ) then if ( button:GetText() == Lib_UIDropDownMenu_GetSelectedName(frame) ) then return i; end elseif ( Lib_UIDropDownMenu_GetSelectedValue(frame) ) then if ( button.value == Lib_UIDropDownMenu_GetSelectedValue(frame) ) then return i; end end end end end function Lib_UIDropDownMenu_GetSelectedValue(frame) return frame.selectedValue; end function Lib_UIDropDownMenuButton_OnClick(self) local checked = self.checked; if ( type (checked) == "function" ) then checked = checked(self); end if ( self.keepShownOnClick ) then if not self.notCheckable then if ( checked ) then _G[self:GetName().."Check"]:Hide(); _G[self:GetName().."UnCheck"]:Show(); checked = false; else _G[self:GetName().."Check"]:Show(); _G[self:GetName().."UnCheck"]:Hide(); checked = true; end end else self:GetParent():Hide(); end if ( type (self.checked) ~= "function" ) then self.checked = checked; end -- saving this here because func might use a dropdown, changing this self's attributes local playSound = true; if ( self.noClickSound ) then playSound = false; end local func = self.func; if ( func ) then func(self, self.arg1, self.arg2, checked); else return; end if ( playSound ) then PlaySound("UChatScrollButton"); end end function Lib_HideDropDownMenu(level) local listFrame = _G["Lib_DropDownList"..level]; listFrame:Hide(); end function Lib_ToggleDropDownMenu(level, value, dropDownFrame, anchorName, xOffset, yOffset, menuList, button, autoHideDelay) if ( not level ) then level = 1; end Lib_UIDropDownMenuDelegate:SetAttribute("createframes-level", level); Lib_UIDropDownMenuDelegate:SetAttribute("createframes-index", 0); Lib_UIDropDownMenuDelegate:SetAttribute("createframes", true); LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_LEVEL = level; LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_VALUE = value; local listFrame = _G["Lib_DropDownList"..level]; local listFrameName = "Lib_DropDownList"..level; local tempFrame; local point, relativePoint, relativeTo; if ( not dropDownFrame ) then tempFrame = button:GetParent(); else tempFrame = dropDownFrame; end if ( listFrame:IsShown() and (LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_OPEN_MENU == tempFrame) ) then listFrame:Hide(); else -- Set the dropdownframe scale local uiScale; local uiParentScale = UIParent:GetScale(); if ( GetCVar("useUIScale") == "1" ) then uiScale = tonumber(GetCVar("uiscale")); if ( uiParentScale < uiScale ) then uiScale = uiParentScale; end else uiScale = uiParentScale; end listFrame:SetScale(uiScale); -- Hide the listframe anyways since it is redrawn OnShow() listFrame:Hide(); -- Frame to anchor the dropdown menu to local anchorFrame; -- Display stuff -- Level specific stuff if ( level == 1 ) then Lib_UIDropDownMenuDelegate:SetAttribute("openmenu", dropDownFrame); listFrame:ClearAllPoints(); -- If there's no specified anchorName then use left side of the dropdown menu if ( not anchorName ) then -- See if the anchor was set manually using setanchor if ( dropDownFrame.xOffset ) then xOffset = dropDownFrame.xOffset; end if ( dropDownFrame.yOffset ) then yOffset = dropDownFrame.yOffset; end if ( dropDownFrame.point ) then point = dropDownFrame.point; end if ( dropDownFrame.relativeTo ) then relativeTo = dropDownFrame.relativeTo; else relativeTo = LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_OPEN_MENU:GetName().."Left"; end if ( dropDownFrame.relativePoint ) then relativePoint = dropDownFrame.relativePoint; end elseif ( anchorName == "cursor" ) then relativeTo = nil; local cursorX, cursorY = GetCursorPosition(); cursorX = cursorX/uiScale; cursorY = cursorY/uiScale; if ( not xOffset ) then xOffset = 0; end if ( not yOffset ) then yOffset = 0; end xOffset = cursorX + xOffset; yOffset = cursorY + yOffset; else -- See if the anchor was set manually using setanchor if ( dropDownFrame.xOffset ) then xOffset = dropDownFrame.xOffset; end if ( dropDownFrame.yOffset ) then yOffset = dropDownFrame.yOffset; end if ( dropDownFrame.point ) then point = dropDownFrame.point; end if ( dropDownFrame.relativeTo ) then relativeTo = dropDownFrame.relativeTo; else relativeTo = anchorName; end if ( dropDownFrame.relativePoint ) then relativePoint = dropDownFrame.relativePoint; end end if ( not xOffset or not yOffset ) then xOffset = 8; yOffset = 22; end if ( not point ) then point = "TOPLEFT"; end if ( not relativePoint ) then relativePoint = "BOTTOMLEFT"; end listFrame:SetPoint(point, relativeTo, relativePoint, xOffset, yOffset); else if ( not dropDownFrame ) then dropDownFrame = LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_OPEN_MENU; end listFrame:ClearAllPoints(); -- If this is a dropdown button, not the arrow anchor it to itself local bname = button:GetParent():GetName() if bname:match("^Lib_DropDownList%d+$") then anchorFrame = button; else anchorFrame = button:GetParent(); end point = "TOPLEFT"; relativePoint = "TOPRIGHT"; listFrame:SetPoint(point, anchorFrame, relativePoint, 0, 0); end -- Change list box appearance depending on display mode if ( dropDownFrame and dropDownFrame.displayMode == "MENU" ) then _G[listFrameName.."Backdrop"]:Hide(); _G[listFrameName.."MenuBackdrop"]:Show(); else _G[listFrameName.."Backdrop"]:Show(); _G[listFrameName.."MenuBackdrop"]:Hide(); end dropDownFrame.menuList = menuList; Lib_UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(dropDownFrame, dropDownFrame.initialize, nil, level, menuList); -- If no items in the drop down don't show it if ( listFrame.numButtons == 0 ) then return; end -- Check to see if the dropdownlist is off the screen, if it is anchor it to the top of the dropdown button listFrame:Show(); -- Hack since GetCenter() is returning coords relative to 1024x768 local x, y = listFrame:GetCenter(); -- Hack will fix this in next revision of dropdowns if ( not x or not y ) then listFrame:Hide(); return; end listFrame.onHide = dropDownFrame.onHide; -- We just move level 1 enough to keep it on the screen. We don't necessarily change the anchors. if ( level == 1 ) then local offLeft = listFrame:GetLeft()/uiScale; local offRight = (GetScreenWidth() - listFrame:GetRight())/uiScale; local offTop = (GetScreenHeight() - listFrame:GetTop())/uiScale; local offBottom = listFrame:GetBottom()/uiScale; local xAddOffset, yAddOffset = 0, 0; if ( offLeft < 0 ) then xAddOffset = -offLeft; elseif ( offRight < 0 ) then xAddOffset = offRight; end if ( offTop < 0 ) then yAddOffset = offTop; elseif ( offBottom < 0 ) then yAddOffset = -offBottom; end listFrame:ClearAllPoints(); if ( anchorName == "cursor" ) then listFrame:SetPoint(point, relativeTo, relativePoint, xOffset + xAddOffset, yOffset + yAddOffset); else listFrame:SetPoint(point, relativeTo, relativePoint, xOffset + xAddOffset, yOffset + yAddOffset); end else -- Determine whether the menu is off the screen or not local offscreenY, offscreenX; if ( (y - listFrame:GetHeight()/2) < 0 ) then offscreenY = 1; end if ( listFrame:GetRight() > GetScreenWidth() ) then offscreenX = 1; end if ( offscreenY and offscreenX ) then point = gsub(point, "TOP(.*)", "BOTTOM%1"); point = gsub(point, "(.*)LEFT", "%1RIGHT"); relativePoint = gsub(relativePoint, "TOP(.*)", "BOTTOM%1"); relativePoint = gsub(relativePoint, "(.*)RIGHT", "%1LEFT"); xOffset = -11; yOffset = -14; elseif ( offscreenY ) then point = gsub(point, "TOP(.*)", "BOTTOM%1"); relativePoint = gsub(relativePoint, "TOP(.*)", "BOTTOM%1"); xOffset = 0; yOffset = -14; elseif ( offscreenX ) then point = gsub(point, "(.*)LEFT", "%1RIGHT"); relativePoint = gsub(relativePoint, "(.*)RIGHT", "%1LEFT"); xOffset = -11; yOffset = 14; else xOffset = 0; yOffset = 14; end listFrame:ClearAllPoints(); listFrame.parentLevel = tonumber(strmatch(anchorFrame:GetName(), "Lib_DropDownList(%d+)")); listFrame.parentID = anchorFrame:GetID(); listFrame:SetPoint(point, anchorFrame, relativePoint, xOffset, yOffset); end if ( autoHideDelay and tonumber(autoHideDelay)) then listFrame.showTimer = autoHideDelay; listFrame.isCounting = 1; end end end function Lib_CloseDropDownMenus(level) if ( not level ) then level = 1; end for i=level, LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MAXLEVELS do _G["Lib_DropDownList"..i]:Hide(); end end function Lib_UIDropDownMenu_OnHide(self) local id = self:GetID() if ( self.onHide ) then self.onHide(id+1); self.onHide = nil; end Lib_CloseDropDownMenus(id+1); LIB_OPEN_DROPDOWNMENUS[id] = nil; if (id == 1) then LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_OPEN_MENU = nil; end end function Lib_UIDropDownMenu_SetWidth(frame, width, padding) _G[frame:GetName().."Middle"]:SetWidth(width); local defaultPadding = 25; if ( padding ) then frame:SetWidth(width + padding); else frame:SetWidth(width + defaultPadding + defaultPadding); end if ( padding ) then _G[frame:GetName().."Text"]:SetWidth(width); else _G[frame:GetName().."Text"]:SetWidth(width - defaultPadding); end frame.noResize = 1; end function Lib_UIDropDownMenu_SetButtonWidth(frame, width) if ( width == "TEXT" ) then width = _G[frame:GetName().."Text"]:GetWidth(); end _G[frame:GetName().."Button"]:SetWidth(width); frame.noResize = 1; end function Lib_UIDropDownMenu_SetText(frame, text) local filterText = _G[frame:GetName().."Text"]; filterText:SetText(text); end function Lib_UIDropDownMenu_GetText(frame) local filterText = _G[frame:GetName().."Text"]; return filterText:GetText(); end function Lib_UIDropDownMenu_ClearAll(frame) -- Previous code refreshed the menu quite often and was a performance bottleneck frame.selectedID = nil; frame.selectedName = nil; frame.selectedValue = nil; Lib_UIDropDownMenu_SetText(frame, ""); local button, checkImage, uncheckImage; for i=1, LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MAXBUTTONS do button = _G["Lib_DropDownList"..LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_LEVEL.."Button"..i]; button:UnlockHighlight(); checkImage = _G["Lib_DropDownList"..LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_LEVEL.."Button"..i.."Check"]; checkImage:Hide(); uncheckImage = _G["Lib_DropDownList"..LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_LEVEL.."Button"..i.."UnCheck"]; uncheckImage:Hide(); end end function Lib_UIDropDownMenu_JustifyText(frame, justification) local text = _G[frame:GetName().."Text"]; text:ClearAllPoints(); if ( justification == "LEFT" ) then text:SetPoint("LEFT", frame:GetName().."Left", "LEFT", 27, 2); text:SetJustifyH("LEFT"); elseif ( justification == "RIGHT" ) then text:SetPoint("RIGHT", frame:GetName().."Right", "RIGHT", -43, 2); text:SetJustifyH("RIGHT"); elseif ( justification == "CENTER" ) then text:SetPoint("CENTER", frame:GetName().."Middle", "CENTER", -5, 2); text:SetJustifyH("CENTER"); end end function Lib_UIDropDownMenu_SetAnchor(dropdown, xOffset, yOffset, point, relativeTo, relativePoint) dropdown.xOffset = xOffset; dropdown.yOffset = yOffset; dropdown.point = point; dropdown.relativeTo = relativeTo; dropdown.relativePoint = relativePoint; end function Lib_UIDropDownMenu_GetCurrentDropDown() if ( LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_OPEN_MENU ) then return LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_OPEN_MENU; elseif ( LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_INIT_MENU ) then return LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_INIT_MENU; end end function Lib_UIDropDownMenuButton_GetChecked(self) return _G[self:GetName().."Check"]:IsShown(); end function Lib_UIDropDownMenuButton_GetName(self) return _G[self:GetName().."NormalText"]:GetText(); end function Lib_UIDropDownMenuButton_OpenColorPicker(self, button) CloseMenus(); if ( not button ) then button = self; end LIB_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_VALUE = button.value; OpenColorPicker(button); --remains shared through color picker frame end function Lib_UIDropDownMenu_DisableButton(level, id) _G["Lib_DropDownList"..level.."Button"]:Disable(); end function Lib_UIDropDownMenu_EnableButton(level, id) _G["Lib_DropDownList"..level.."Button"]:Enable(); end function Lib_UIDropDownMenu_SetButtonText(level, id, text, colorCode) local button = _G["Lib_DropDownList"..level.."Button"]; if ( colorCode) then button:SetText(colorCode..text.."|r"); else button:SetText(text); end end function Lib_UIDropDownMenu_SetButtonNotClickable(level, id) _G["Lib_DropDownList"..level.."Button"]:SetDisabledFontObject(GameFontHighlightSmallLeft); end function Lib_UIDropDownMenu_SetButtonClickable(level, id) _G["Lib_DropDownList"..level.."Button"]:SetDisabledFontObject(GameFontDisableSmallLeft); end function Lib_UIDropDownMenu_DisableDropDown(dropDown) local label = _G[dropDown:GetName().."Label"]; if ( label ) then label:SetVertexColor(GRAY_FONT_COLOR.r, GRAY_FONT_COLOR.g, GRAY_FONT_COLOR.b); end _G[dropDown:GetName().."Text"]:SetVertexColor(GRAY_FONT_COLOR.r, GRAY_FONT_COLOR.g, GRAY_FONT_COLOR.b); _G[dropDown:GetName().."Button"]:Disable(); dropDown.isDisabled = 1; end function Lib_UIDropDownMenu_EnableDropDown(dropDown) local label = _G[dropDown:GetName().."Label"]; if ( label ) then label:SetVertexColor(NORMAL_FONT_COLOR.r, NORMAL_FONT_COLOR.g, NORMAL_FONT_COLOR.b); end _G[dropDown:GetName().."Text"]:SetVertexColor(HIGHLIGHT_FONT_COLOR.r, HIGHLIGHT_FONT_COLOR.g, HIGHLIGHT_FONT_COLOR.b); _G[dropDown:GetName().."Button"]:Enable(); dropDown.isDisabled = nil; end function Lib_UIDropDownMenu_IsEnabled(dropDown) return not dropDown.isDisabled; end function Lib_UIDropDownMenu_GetValue(id) --Only works if the dropdown has just been initialized, lame, I know =( local button = _G["DropDownList1Button"]; if ( button ) then return _G["DropDownList1Button"].value; else return nil; end end --[[function OpenColorPicker(info) ColorPicker stuff not changed ColorPickerFrame.func = info.swatchFunc; ColorPickerFrame.hasOpacity = info.hasOpacity; ColorPickerFrame.opacityFunc = info.opacityFunc; ColorPickerFrame.opacity = info.opacity; ColorPickerFrame.previousValues = {r = info.r, g = info.g, b = info.b, opacity = info.opacity}; ColorPickerFrame.cancelFunc = info.cancelFunc; ColorPickerFrame.extraInfo = info.extraInfo; -- This must come last, since it triggers a call to ColorPickerFrame.func() ColorPickerFrame:SetColorRGB(info.r, info.g, info.b); ShowUIPanel(ColorPickerFrame); end function ColorPicker_GetPreviousValues() return ColorPickerFrame.previousValues.r, ColorPickerFrame.previousValues.g, ColorPickerFrame.previousValues.b; end]]