--[[ ItemSearch An item text search engine of some sort --]] local Search = LibStub('CustomSearch-1.0') local Unfit = LibStub('Unfit-1.0') local Lib = LibStub:NewLibrary('LibItemSearch-1.2-ElvUI', 6) if Lib then Lib.Filters = {} else return end --[[ User API ]]-- function Lib:Matches(link, search) return Search(link, search, self.Filters) end function Lib:Tooltip(link, search) return link and self.Filters.tip:match(link, nil, search) end function Lib:TooltipPhrase(link, search, allowPartialMatch) return link and self.Filters.tipPhrases:match(link, nil, search, allowPartialMatch) end function Lib:InSet(link, search) if IsEquippableItem(link) then local id = tonumber(link:match('item:(%-?%d+)')) return self:BelongsToSet(id, (search or ''):lower()) end end --[[ Basics ]]-- Lib.Filters.name = { tags = {'n', 'name'}, canSearch = function(self, operator, search) return not operator and search end, match = function(self, item, _, search) local name = item:match('%[(.-)%]') return Search:Find(search, name) end } Lib.Filters.type = { tags = {'t', 'type', 's', 'slot'}, canSearch = function(self, operator, search) return not operator and search end, match = function(self, item, _, search) local type, subType, _, equipSlot = select(6, GetItemInfo(item)) return Search:Find(search, type, subType, _G[equipSlot]) end } Lib.Filters.level = { tags = {'l', 'level', 'lvl', 'ilvl'}, canSearch = function(self, _, search) return tonumber(search) end, match = function(self, link, operator, num) local lvl = select(4, GetItemInfo(link)) if lvl then return Search:Compare(operator, lvl, num) end end } Lib.Filters.requiredlevel = { tags = {'r', 'req', 'rl', 'reql', 'reqlvl'}, canSearch = function(self, _, search) return tonumber(search) end, match = function(self, link, operator, num) local lvl = select(5, GetItemInfo(link)) if lvl then return Search:Compare(operator, lvl, num) end end } --[[ Quality ]]-- local qualities = {} for i = 0, #ITEM_QUALITY_COLORS do qualities[i] = _G['ITEM_QUALITY' .. i .. '_DESC']:lower() end Lib.Filters.quality = { tags = {'q', 'quality'}, canSearch = function(self, _, search) for i, name in pairs(qualities) do if name:find(search) then return i end end end, match = function(self, link, operator, num) local quality = link:sub(1, 9) == 'battlepet' and tonumber(link:match('%d+:%d+:(%d+)')) or select(3, GetItemInfo(link)) return Search:Compare(operator, quality, num) end, } --[[ Usable ]]-- Lib.Filters.usable = { tags = {}, canSearch = function(self, operator, search) return not operator and search == 'usable' end, match = function(self, link) if not Unfit:IsItemUnusable(link) then local lvl = select(5, GetItemInfo(link)) return lvl and (lvl ~= 0 and lvl <= UnitLevel('player')) end end } --[[ Tooltip Searches ]]-- local scanner = LibItemSearchTooltipScanner or CreateFrame('GameTooltip', 'LibItemSearchTooltipScanner', UIParent, 'GameTooltipTemplate') Lib.Filters.tip = { tags = {'tt', 'tip', 'tooltip'}, onlyTags = true, canSearch = function(self, _, search) return search end, match = function(self, link, _, search) if link:find('item:') then scanner:SetOwner(UIParent, 'ANCHOR_NONE') scanner:SetHyperlink(link) for i = 1, scanner:NumLines() do if Search:Find(search, _G[scanner:GetName() .. 'TextLeft' .. i]:GetText()) then return true end end end end } local escapes = { ["|c%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x"] = "", -- color start ["|r"] = "", -- color end } local function CleanString(str) for k, v in pairs(escapes) do str = str:gsub(k, v) end return str end Lib.Filters.tipPhrases = { canSearch = function(self, _, search) return self.keywords[search] end, match = function(self, link, _, search, allowPartialMatch) local id = link:match('item:(%d+)') if not id then return end local cached = self.cache[search][id] if cached ~= nil then return cached end scanner:SetOwner(UIParent, 'ANCHOR_NONE') scanner:SetHyperlink(link) local matches = false for i = 1, scanner:NumLines() do local text = _G['LibItemSearchTooltipScannerTextLeft' .. i]:GetText() text = CleanString(text) if search == text or (allowPartialMatch and text:find(search)) then matches = true break end end self.cache[search][id] = matches return matches end, cache = setmetatable({}, {__index = function(t, k) local v = {} t[k] = v return v end}), keywords = { [ITEM_SOULBOUND:lower()] = ITEM_BIND_ON_PICKUP, ['bound'] = ITEM_BIND_ON_PICKUP, ['bop'] = ITEM_BIND_ON_PICKUP, ['boe'] = ITEM_BIND_ON_EQUIP, ['bou'] = ITEM_BIND_ON_USE, ['boa'] = ITEM_BIND_TO_BNETACCOUNT, [GetItemClassInfo(LE_ITEM_CLASS_QUESTITEM):lower()] = ITEM_BIND_QUEST, [QUESTS_LABEL:lower()] = ITEM_BIND_QUEST, [TOY:lower()] = TOY, [MINIMAP_TRACKING_VENDOR_REAGENT:lower()] = PROFESSIONS_USED_IN_COOKING, ['reagent'] = PROFESSIONS_USED_IN_COOKING, ['crafting'] = PROFESSIONS_USED_IN_COOKING, ['naval'] = 'naval equipment', ['follower'] = 'follower', ['followe'] = 'follower', ['follow'] = 'follower', ["relic"] = (GetItemSubClassInfo(LE_ITEM_CLASS_GEM, 11)), ["reli"] = (GetItemSubClassInfo(LE_ITEM_CLASS_GEM, 11)), ["rel"] = (GetItemSubClassInfo(LE_ITEM_CLASS_GEM, 11)), ["power"] = ARTIFACT_POWER, ["powe"] = ARTIFACT_POWER, ["pow"] = ARTIFACT_POWER, } } --[[ Equipment Sets ]]-- if IsAddOnLoaded('ItemRack') then local sameID = ItemRack.SameID function Lib:BelongsToSet(id, search) for name, set in pairs(ItemRackUser.Sets) do if name:sub(1,1) ~= '' and Search:Find(search, name) then for _, item in pairs(set.equip) do if sameID(id, item) then return true end end end end end elseif IsAddOnLoaded('Wardrobe') then function Lib:BelongsToSet(id, search) for _, outfit in ipairs(Wardrobe.CurrentConfig.Outfit) do local name = outfit.OutfitName if Search:Find(search, name) then for _, item in pairs(outfit.Item) do if item.IsSlotUsed == 1 and item.ItemID == id then return true end end end end end else function Lib:BelongsToSet(id, search) for i = 1, GetNumEquipmentSets() do local name = GetEquipmentSetInfo(i) if Search:Find(search, name) or search == "matchall" then local items = GetEquipmentSetItemIDs(name) for _, item in pairs(items) do if id == item then return true end end end end end end Lib.Filters.sets = { tags = {'s', 'set'}, canSearch = function(self, operator, search) return not operator and search end, match = function(self, link, _, search) return Lib:InSet(link, search) end, }