--[[----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TabGroup Container Container that uses tabs on top to switch between groups. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------]] local Type, Version = "TabGroup", 36 local AceGUI = LibStub and LibStub("AceGUI-3.0", true) if not AceGUI or (AceGUI:GetWidgetVersion(Type) or 0) >= Version then return end -- Lua APIs local pairs, ipairs, assert, type, wipe = pairs, ipairs, assert, type, wipe -- WoW APIs local PlaySound = PlaySound local CreateFrame, UIParent = CreateFrame, UIParent local _G = _G -- Global vars/functions that we don't upvalue since they might get hooked, or upgraded -- List them here for Mikk's FindGlobals script -- GLOBALS: PanelTemplates_TabResize, PanelTemplates_SetDisabledTabState, PanelTemplates_SelectTab, PanelTemplates_DeselectTab -- local upvalue storage used by BuildTabs local widths = {} local rowwidths = {} local rowends = {} --[[----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Support functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------]] local function UpdateTabLook(frame) if frame.disabled then PanelTemplates_SetDisabledTabState(frame) elseif frame.selected then PanelTemplates_SelectTab(frame) else PanelTemplates_DeselectTab(frame) end end local function Tab_SetText(frame, text) frame:_SetText(text) local width = frame.obj.frame.width or frame.obj.frame:GetWidth() or 0 PanelTemplates_TabResize(frame, 0, nil, nil, width, frame:GetFontString():GetStringWidth()) end local function Tab_SetSelected(frame, selected) frame.selected = selected UpdateTabLook(frame) end local function Tab_SetDisabled(frame, disabled) frame.disabled = disabled UpdateTabLook(frame) end local function BuildTabsOnUpdate(frame) local self = frame.obj self:BuildTabs() frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil) end --[[----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scripts -------------------------------------------------------------------------------]] local function Tab_OnClick(frame) if not (frame.selected or frame.disabled) then PlaySound(PlaySoundKitID and "igCharacterInfoTab" or 841) -- SOUNDKIT.IG_CHARACTER_INFO_TAB frame.obj:SelectTab(frame.value) end end local function Tab_OnEnter(frame) local self = frame.obj self:Fire("OnTabEnter", self.tabs[frame.id].value, frame) end local function Tab_OnLeave(frame) local self = frame.obj self:Fire("OnTabLeave", self.tabs[frame.id].value, frame) end local function Tab_OnShow(frame) _G[frame:GetName().."HighlightTexture"]:SetWidth(frame:GetTextWidth() + 30) end --[[----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Methods -------------------------------------------------------------------------------]] local methods = { ["OnAcquire"] = function(self) self:SetTitle() end, ["OnRelease"] = function(self) self.status = nil for k in pairs(self.localstatus) do self.localstatus[k] = nil end self.tablist = nil for _, tab in pairs(self.tabs) do tab:Hide() end end, ["CreateTab"] = function(self, id) local tabname = ("AceGUITabGroup%dTab%d"):format(self.num, id) local tab = CreateFrame("Button", tabname, self.border, "OptionsFrameTabButtonTemplate") tab.obj = self tab.id = id tab.text = _G[tabname .. "Text"] tab.text:ClearAllPoints() tab.text:SetPoint("LEFT", 14, -3) tab.text:SetPoint("RIGHT", -12, -3) tab:SetScript("OnClick", Tab_OnClick) tab:SetScript("OnEnter", Tab_OnEnter) tab:SetScript("OnLeave", Tab_OnLeave) tab:SetScript("OnShow", Tab_OnShow) tab._SetText = tab.SetText tab.SetText = Tab_SetText tab.SetSelected = Tab_SetSelected tab.SetDisabled = Tab_SetDisabled return tab end, ["SetTitle"] = function(self, text) self.titletext:SetText(text or "") if text and text ~= "" then self.alignoffset = 25 else self.alignoffset = 18 end self:BuildTabs() end, ["SetStatusTable"] = function(self, status) assert(type(status) == "table") self.status = status end, ["SelectTab"] = function(self, value) local status = self.status or self.localstatus local found for i, v in ipairs(self.tabs) do if v.value == value then v:SetSelected(true) found = true else v:SetSelected(false) end end status.selected = value if found then self:Fire("OnGroupSelected",value) end end, ["SetTabs"] = function(self, tabs) self.tablist = tabs self:BuildTabs() end, ["BuildTabs"] = function(self) local hastitle = (self.titletext:GetText() and self.titletext:GetText() ~= "") local status = self.status or self.localstatus local tablist = self.tablist local tabs = self.tabs if not tablist then return end local width = self.frame.width or self.frame:GetWidth() or 0 wipe(widths) wipe(rowwidths) wipe(rowends) --Place Text into tabs and get thier initial width for i, v in ipairs(tablist) do local tab = tabs[i] if not tab then tab = self:CreateTab(i) tabs[i] = tab end tab:Show() tab:SetText(v.text) tab:SetDisabled(v.disabled) tab.value = v.value widths[i] = tab:GetWidth() - 6 --tabs are anchored 10 pixels from the right side of the previous one to reduce spacing, but add a fixed 4px padding for the text end for i = (#tablist)+1, #tabs, 1 do tabs[i]:Hide() end --First pass, find the minimum number of rows needed to hold all tabs and the initial tab layout local numtabs = #tablist local numrows = 1 local usedwidth = 0 for i = 1, #tablist do --If this is not the first tab of a row and there isn't room for it if usedwidth ~= 0 and (width - usedwidth - widths[i]) < 0 then rowwidths[numrows] = usedwidth + 10 --first tab in each row takes up an extra 10px rowends[numrows] = i - 1 numrows = numrows + 1 usedwidth = 0 end usedwidth = usedwidth + widths[i] end rowwidths[numrows] = usedwidth + 10 --first tab in each row takes up an extra 10px rowends[numrows] = #tablist --Fix for single tabs being left on the last row, move a tab from the row above if applicable if numrows > 1 then --if the last row has only one tab if rowends[numrows-1] == numtabs-1 then --if there are more than 2 tabs in the 2nd last row if (numrows == 2 and rowends[numrows-1] > 2) or (rowends[numrows] - rowends[numrows-1] > 2) then --move 1 tab from the second last row to the last, if there is enough space if (rowwidths[numrows] + widths[numtabs-1]) <= width then rowends[numrows-1] = rowends[numrows-1] - 1 rowwidths[numrows] = rowwidths[numrows] + widths[numtabs-1] rowwidths[numrows-1] = rowwidths[numrows-1] - widths[numtabs-1] end end end end --anchor the rows as defined and resize tabs to fill thier row local starttab = 1 for row, endtab in ipairs(rowends) do local first = true for tabno = starttab, endtab do local tab = tabs[tabno] tab:ClearAllPoints() if first then tab:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", self.frame, "TOPLEFT", 0, -(hastitle and 14 or 7)-(row-1)*20 ) first = false else tab:SetPoint("LEFT", tabs[tabno-1], "RIGHT", -10, 0) end end -- equal padding for each tab to fill the available width, -- if the used space is above 75% already -- the 18 pixel is the typical width of a scrollbar, so we can have a tab group inside a scrolling frame, -- and not have the tabs jump around funny when switching between tabs that need scrolling and those that don't local padding = 0 if not (numrows == 1 and rowwidths[1] < width*0.75 - 18) then padding = (width - rowwidths[row]) / (endtab - starttab+1) end for i = starttab, endtab do PanelTemplates_TabResize(tabs[i], padding + 4, nil, nil, width, tabs[i]:GetFontString():GetStringWidth()) end starttab = endtab + 1 end self.borderoffset = (hastitle and 17 or 10)+((numrows)*20) self.border:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 1, -self.borderoffset) end, ["OnWidthSet"] = function(self, width) local content = self.content local contentwidth = width - 60 if contentwidth < 0 then contentwidth = 0 end content:SetWidth(contentwidth) content.width = contentwidth self:BuildTabs(self) self.frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", BuildTabsOnUpdate) end, ["OnHeightSet"] = function(self, height) local content = self.content local contentheight = height - (self.borderoffset + 23) if contentheight < 0 then contentheight = 0 end content:SetHeight(contentheight) content.height = contentheight end, ["LayoutFinished"] = function(self, width, height) if self.noAutoHeight then return end self:SetHeight((height or 0) + (self.borderoffset + 23)) end } --[[----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Constructor -------------------------------------------------------------------------------]] local PaneBackdrop = { bgFile = "Interface\\ChatFrame\\ChatFrameBackground", edgeFile = "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Border", tile = true, tileSize = 16, edgeSize = 16, insets = { left = 3, right = 3, top = 5, bottom = 3 } } local function Constructor() local num = AceGUI:GetNextWidgetNum(Type) local frame = CreateFrame("Frame",nil,UIParent) frame:SetHeight(100) frame:SetWidth(100) frame:SetFrameStrata("FULLSCREEN_DIALOG") local titletext = frame:CreateFontString(nil,"OVERLAY","GameFontNormal") titletext:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 14, 0) titletext:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", -14, 0) titletext:SetJustifyH("LEFT") titletext:SetHeight(18) titletext:SetText("") local border = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame) border:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 1, -27) border:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -1, 3) border:SetBackdrop(PaneBackdrop) border:SetBackdropColor(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.5) border:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.4, 0.4, 0.4) local content = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, border) content:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 10, -7) content:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -10, 7) local widget = { num = num, frame = frame, localstatus = {}, alignoffset = 18, titletext = titletext, border = border, borderoffset = 27, tabs = {}, content = content, type = Type } for method, func in pairs(methods) do widget[method] = func end return AceGUI:RegisterAsContainer(widget) end AceGUI:RegisterWidgetType(Type, Constructor, Version)