--- = Background = -- Blizzard's IsSpellInRange API has always been very limited - you either must have the name of the spell, or its spell book ID. Checking directly by spellID is simply not possible. -- Now, in Mists of Pandaria, Blizzard changed the way that many talents and specialization spells work - instead of giving you a new spell when leaned, they replace existing spells. These replacement spells do not work with Blizzard's IsSpellInRange function whatsoever; this limitation is what prompted the creation of this lib. -- = Usage = -- **LibSpellRange-1.0** exposes an enhanced version of IsSpellInRange that: -- * Allows ranged checking based on both spell name and spellID. -- * Works correctly with replacement spells that will not work using Blizzard's IsSpellInRange method alone. -- -- @class file -- @name LibSpellRange-1.0.lua local major = "SpellRange-1.0" local minor = 11 assert(LibStub, format("%s requires LibStub.", major)) local Lib = LibStub:NewLibrary(major, minor) if not Lib then return end local tonumber = _G.tonumber local strlower = _G.strlower local wipe = _G.wipe local type = _G.type local GetSpellTabInfo = _G.GetSpellTabInfo local GetNumSpellTabs = _G.GetNumSpellTabs local GetSpellBookItemInfo = _G.GetSpellBookItemInfo local GetSpellBookItemName = _G.GetSpellBookItemName local GetSpellLink = _G.GetSpellLink local GetSpellInfo = _G.GetSpellInfo local IsSpellInRange = _G.IsSpellInRange local SpellHasRange = _G.SpellHasRange -- isNumber is basically a tonumber cache for maximum efficiency Lib.isNumber = Lib.isNumber or setmetatable({}, { __mode = "kv", __index = function(t, i) local o = tonumber(i) or false t[i] = o return o end}) local isNumber = Lib.isNumber -- strlower cache for maximum efficiency Lib.strlowerCache = Lib.strlowerCache or setmetatable( {}, { __index = function(t, i) if not i then return end local o if type(i) == "number" then o = i else o = strlower(i) end t[i] = o return o end, }) local strlowerCache = Lib.strlowerCache -- Matches lowercase player spell names to their spellBookID Lib.spellsByName_spell = Lib.spellsByName_spell or {} local spellsByName_spell = Lib.spellsByName_spell -- Matches player spellIDs to their spellBookID Lib.spellsByID_spell = Lib.spellsByID_spell or {} local spellsByID_spell = Lib.spellsByID_spell -- Matches lowercase pet spell names to their spellBookID Lib.spellsByName_pet = Lib.spellsByName_pet or {} local spellsByName_pet = Lib.spellsByName_pet -- Matches pet spellIDs to their spellBookID Lib.spellsByID_pet = Lib.spellsByID_pet or {} local spellsByID_pet = Lib.spellsByID_pet -- Updates spellsByName and spellsByID local function UpdateBook(bookType) local _, _, offs, numspells = GetSpellTabInfo(3) local max = offs -- The offset of the next tab is the max ID of the previous tab. if numspells == 0 then -- New characters pre level 10 only have 2 tabs. local _, _, offs, numspells = GetSpellTabInfo(2) max = offs + numspells end local spellsByName = Lib["spellsByName_" .. bookType] local spellsByID = Lib["spellsByID_" .. bookType] wipe(spellsByName) wipe(spellsByID) for spellBookID = 1, max do local type, baseSpellID = GetSpellBookItemInfo(spellBookID, bookType) if type == "SPELL" then local currentSpellName = GetSpellBookItemName(spellBookID, bookType) local link = GetSpellLink(currentSpellName) local currentSpellID = tonumber(link and link:gsub("|", "||"):match("spell:(%d+)")) local baseSpellName = GetSpellInfo(baseSpellID) if currentSpellName then spellsByName[strlower(currentSpellName)] = spellBookID end if baseSpellName then spellsByName[strlower(baseSpellName)] = spellBookID end if currentSpellID then spellsByID[currentSpellID] = spellBookID end if baseSpellID then spellsByID[baseSpellID] = spellBookID end end end end -- Handles updating spellsByName and spellsByID if not Lib.updaterFrame then Lib.updaterFrame = CreateFrame("Frame") end Lib.updaterFrame:UnregisterAllEvents() Lib.updaterFrame:RegisterEvent("SPELLS_CHANGED") local function UpdateSpells() UpdateBook("spell") UpdateBook("pet") end Lib.updaterFrame:SetScript("OnEvent", UpdateSpells) UpdateSpells() --- Improved spell range checking function. -- @name SpellRange.IsSpellInRange -- @paramsig spell, unit -- @param spell Name or spellID of a spell that you wish to check the range of. The spell must be a spell that you have in your spellbook or your pet's spellbook. -- @param unit UnitID of the spell that you wish to check the range on. -- @return Exact same returns as http://wowprogramming.com/docs/api/IsSpellInRange -- @usage -- -- Check spell range by spell name on unit "target" -- local SpellRange = LibStub("SpellRange-1.0") -- local inRange = SpellRange.IsSpellInRange("Stormstrike", "target") -- -- -- Check spell range by spellID on unit "mouseover" -- local SpellRange = LibStub("SpellRange-1.0") -- local inRange = SpellRange.IsSpellInRange(17364, "mouseover") function Lib.IsSpellInRange(spellInput, unit) if isNumber[spellInput] then local spell = spellsByID_spell[spellInput] if spell then return IsSpellInRange(spell, "spell", unit) else local spell = spellsByID_pet[spellInput] if spell then return IsSpellInRange(spell, "pet", unit) end end else local spellInput = strlowerCache[spellInput] local spell = spellsByName_spell[spellInput] if spell then return IsSpellInRange(spell, "spell", unit) else local spell = spellsByName_pet[spellInput] if spell then return IsSpellInRange(spell, "pet", unit) end end return IsSpellInRange(spellInput, unit) end end --- Improved SpellHasRange. -- @name SpellRange.SpellHasRange -- @paramsig spell -- @param spell Name or spellID of a spell that you wish to check for a range. The spell must be a spell that you have in your spellbook or your pet's spellbook. -- @return Exact same returns as http://wowprogramming.com/docs/api/SpellHasRange -- @usage -- -- Check if a spell has a range by spell name -- local SpellRange = LibStub("SpellRange-1.0") -- local hasRange = SpellRange.SpellHasRange("Stormstrike") -- -- -- Check if a spell has a range by spellID -- local SpellRange = LibStub("SpellRange-1.0") -- local hasRange = SpellRange.SpellHasRange(17364) function Lib.SpellHasRange(spellInput) if isNumber[spellInput] then local spell = spellsByID_spell[spellInput] if spell then return SpellHasRange(spell, "spell") else local spell = spellsByID_pet[spellInput] if spell then return SpellHasRange(spell, "pet") end end else local spellInput = strlowerCache[spellInput] local spell = spellsByName_spell[spellInput] if spell then return SpellHasRange(spell, "spell") else local spell = spellsByName_pet[spellInput] if spell then return SpellHasRange(spell, "pet") end end return SpellHasRange(spellInput) end end