local parent, ns = ... local oUF = ns.oUF local _FRAMES = {} local OnRangeFrame local UnitIsConnected = UnitIsConnected local tinsert, tremove, twipe = table.insert, table.remove, table.wipe local friendlySpells, resSpells, longEnemySpells, enemySpells, petSpells = {}, {}, {}, {}, {} local addSpellRetry = {} local SpellRange = LibStub("SpellRange-1.0") local function AddSpell(table, spellID) table[#table + 1] = spellID end local _,class = UnitClass("player") do if class == "PRIEST" then AddSpell(enemySpells, 585) -- Smite (40 yards) AddSpell(enemySpells, 589) -- Shadow Word: Pain (40 yards) AddSpell(friendlySpells, 2061) -- Flash Heal (40 yards) AddSpell(friendlySpells, 17) -- Power Word: Shield (40 yards) AddSpell(resSpells, 2006) -- Resurrection (40 yards) elseif class == "DRUID" then AddSpell(enemySpells, 8921) -- Moonfire (40 yards, all specs, lvl 3) AddSpell(friendlySpells, 8936) -- Regrowth (40 yards, all specs, lvl 5) AddSpell(resSpells, 50769) -- Revive (40 yards, all specs, lvl 14) elseif class == "PALADIN" then AddSpell(enemySpells, 20271) -- Judgement (30 yards) AddSpell(longEnemySpells, 20473) -- Holy Shock (40 yards) AddSpell(friendlySpells, 19750) -- Flash of Light (40 yards) AddSpell(resSpells, 7328) -- Redemption (40 yards) elseif class == "SHAMAN" then AddSpell(enemySpells, 188196) -- Lightning Bolt (Elemental) (40 yards) AddSpell(enemySpells, 187837) -- Lightning Bolt (Enhancement) (40 yards) AddSpell(enemySpells, 403) -- Lightning Bolt (Resto) (40 yards) AddSpell(friendlySpells, 8004) -- Healing Surge (Resto/Elemental) (40 yards) AddSpell(friendlySpells, 188070) -- Healing Surge (Enhancement) (40 yards) AddSpell(resSpells, 2008) -- Ancestral Spirit (40 yards) elseif class == "WARLOCK" then AddSpell(enemySpells, 5782) -- Fear (30 yards) AddSpell(longEnemySpells, 234153) -- Drain Life (40 yards) AddSpell(longEnemySpells, 198590) --Drain Soul (40 yards) AddSpell(longEnemySpells, 232670) --Shadow Bolt (40 yards, lvl 1 spell) AddSpell(petSpells, 755) -- Health Funnel (45 yards) AddSpell(friendlySpells, 20707) -- Soulstone (40 yards) elseif class == "MAGE" then AddSpell(enemySpells, 118) -- Polymorph (30 yards) AddSpell(longEnemySpells, 116) -- Frostbolt (Frost) (40 yards) AddSpell(longEnemySpells, 44425) -- Arcane Barrage (Arcane) (40 yards) AddSpell(longEnemySpells, 133) -- Fireball (Fire) (40 yards) AddSpell(friendlySpells, 130) -- Slow Fall (40 yards) elseif class == "HUNTER" then AddSpell(petSpells, 982) -- Mend Pet (45 yards) AddSpell(enemySpells, 75) -- Auto Shot (40 yards) elseif class == "DEATHKNIGHT" then AddSpell(enemySpells, 49576) -- Death Grip AddSpell(longEnemySpells, 47541) -- Death Coil (Unholy) (40 yards) AddSpell(resSpells, 61999) -- Raise Ally (40 yards) elseif class == "ROGUE" then AddSpell(enemySpells, 185565) -- Poisoned Knife (Assassination) (30 yards) AddSpell(enemySpells, 185763) -- Pistol Shot (Outlaw) (20 yards) AddSpell(enemySpells, 114014) -- Shuriken Toss (Sublety) (30 yards) AddSpell(enemySpells, 1725) -- Distract (30 yards) AddSpell(friendlySpells, 57934) -- Tricks of the Trade (100 yards) elseif class == "WARRIOR" then AddSpell(enemySpells, 5246) -- Intimidating Shout (Arms/Fury) (8 yards) AddSpell(enemySpells, 100) -- Charge (Arms/Fury) (8-25 yards) AddSpell(longEnemySpells, 355) -- Taunt (30 yards) elseif class == "MONK" then AddSpell(enemySpells, 115546) -- Provoke (30 yards) AddSpell(longEnemySpells, 117952) -- Crackling Jade Lightning (40 yards) AddSpell(friendlySpells, 116694) -- Effuse (40 yards) AddSpell(resSpells, 115178) -- Resuscitate (40 yards) elseif class == "DEMONHUNTER" then AddSpell(enemySpells, 183752) -- Consume Magic (20 yards) AddSpell(longEnemySpells, 185123) -- Throw Glaive (Havoc) (30 yards) AddSpell(longEnemySpells, 204021) -- Fiery Brand (Vengeance) (30 yards) end end local function getUnit(unit) if not unit:find("party") or not unit:find("raid") then for i=1, 4 do if UnitIsUnit(unit, "party"..i) then return "party"..i end end for i=1, 40 do if UnitIsUnit(unit, "raid"..i) then return "raid"..i end end else return unit end end local function friendlyIsInRange(unit) if CheckInteractDistance(unit, 1) and UnitInPhase(unit) then --Inspect (28 yards) and same phase as you return true end if UnitIsDeadOrGhost(unit) and #resSpells > 0 then for _, spellID in ipairs(resSpells) do if SpellRange.IsSpellInRange(spellID, unit) == 1 then return true end end return false end if #friendlySpells == 0 and (UnitInRaid(unit) or UnitInParty(unit)) then unit = getUnit(unit) return unit and UnitInRange(unit) else for _, spellID in ipairs(friendlySpells) do if SpellRange.IsSpellInRange(spellID, unit) == 1 then return true end end end return false end local function petIsInRange(unit) if CheckInteractDistance(unit, 2) then return true end for _, spellID in ipairs(friendlySpells) do if SpellRange.IsSpellInRange(spellID, unit) == 1 then return true end end for _, spellID in ipairs(petSpells) do if SpellRange.IsSpellInRange(spellID, unit) == 1 then return true end end return false end local function enemyIsInRange(unit) if CheckInteractDistance(unit, 2) then return true end for _, spellID in ipairs(enemySpells) do if SpellRange.IsSpellInRange(spellID, unit) == 1 then return true end end return false end local function enemyIsInLongRange(unit) for _, spellID in ipairs(longEnemySpells) do if SpellRange.IsSpellInRange(spellID, unit) == 1 then return true end end return false end -- updating of range. local timer = 0 local OnRangeUpdate = function(self, elapsed) timer = timer + elapsed if(timer >= .20) then for _, object in next, _FRAMES do if(object:IsShown()) then local range = object.Range local unit = object.unit if(unit) then if UnitCanAttack("player", unit) then if enemyIsInRange(unit) then object:SetAlpha(range.insideAlpha) elseif enemyIsInLongRange(unit) then object:SetAlpha(range.insideAlpha) else object:SetAlpha(range.outsideAlpha) end elseif UnitIsUnit(unit, "pet") then if petIsInRange(unit) then object:SetAlpha(range.insideAlpha) else object:SetAlpha(range.outsideAlpha) end else if friendlyIsInRange(unit) and UnitIsConnected(unit) then object:SetAlpha(range.insideAlpha) else object:SetAlpha(range.outsideAlpha) end end else object:SetAlpha(range.insideAlpha) end end end timer = 0 end end local Enable = function(self) local range = self.Range if(range and range.insideAlpha and range.outsideAlpha) then tinsert(_FRAMES, self) if(not OnRangeFrame) then OnRangeFrame = CreateFrame"Frame" OnRangeFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", OnRangeUpdate) end OnRangeFrame:Show() return true end end local Disable = function(self) local range = self.Range if(range) then for k, frame in next, _FRAMES do if(frame == self) then tremove(_FRAMES, k) frame:SetAlpha(1) break end end if(#_FRAMES == 0) then OnRangeFrame:Hide() end end end oUF:AddElement('Range', nil, Enable, Disable)