# Script edited with Filtration - https://github.com/ben-wallis/Filtration

    Class "Currency"
    BaseType "Scroll of Wisdom"
    SetTextColor 240 210 167
    SetBackgroundColor 54 32 3
    SetBorderColor 231 180 120
    SetFontSize 30
    PlayEffect Brown Temp
    CustomAlertSound "mx_scroll.mp3"

    Class "Currency"
    BaseType "Portal Scroll"
    SetTextColor 240 210 167
    SetBackgroundColor 54 32 3
    SetBorderColor 30 144 255
    SetFontSize 30
    PlayEffect Blue Temp
    CustomAlertSound "mx_scroll.mp3"

    BaseType "Timeworn Reliquary Key"
    SetTextColor 5 92 5
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
    SetBorderColor 5 92 5
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Green Star
    PlayEffect Green
    CustomAlertSound "mx_highvalue.mp3"

    Class "Currency"
    BaseType "Fishing Rod"
    SetTextColor 214 46 7
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
    SetBorderColor 210 0 0
    SetFontSize 45
    CustomAlertSound "mx_highvalue.mp3"

    Class "Currency"
    BaseType "Mirror of Kalandra"
    SetTextColor 214 46 7
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
    SetBorderColor 210 0 0
    SetFontSize 45
    PlayAlertSound ShMirror 300
    MinimapIcon 0 White Triangle
    PlayEffect White

    Class "Currency"
    BaseType "Exalted Orb"
    SetTextColor 214 46 7
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
    SetBorderColor 210 0 0
    SetFontSize 45
    PlayAlertSound ShExalted 300
    MinimapIcon 0 White Hexagon
    PlayEffect White

    Class "Currency"
    BaseType "Ancient Orb"
    SetTextColor 112 55 2
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
    SetBorderColor 112 55 2
    SetFontSize 40
    PlayAlertSound ShGeneral 300
    MinimapIcon 0 White Hexagon
    PlayEffect White

    Class "Currency"
    BaseType "Divine Orb"
    SetTextColor 255 165 0
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
    SetBorderColor 255 165 0
    SetFontSize 40
    PlayAlertSound ShDivine 300
    MinimapIcon 0 White Hexagon
    PlayEffect White

    Class "Currency"
    BaseType "Chaos Orb"
    SetTextColor 255 196 0
    SetBackgroundColor 54 32 3
    SetBorderColor 255 196 0
    SetFontSize 45
    PlayAlertSound ShChaos 300
    MinimapIcon 0 Yellow Hexagon
    PlayEffect Yellow

    Class "Currency"
    BaseType "Vaal Orb"
    SetTextColor 240 210 167
    SetBackgroundColor 54 32 3
    SetBorderColor 255 0 0
    SetFontSize 45
    PlayAlertSound ShVaal 300
    MinimapIcon 0 Red Hexagon
    PlayEffect Red

    Class "Currency"
    BaseType "Orb of Fusing"
    SetTextColor 240 210 167
    SetBackgroundColor 54 32 3
    SetBorderColor 255 255 255
    SetFontSize 45
    PlayAlertSound ShFusing 300
    MinimapIcon 0 White Square
    PlayEffect White Temp

    Class "Currency"
    BaseType "Regal Orb"
    SetTextColor 240 210 167
    SetBackgroundColor 54 32 3
    SetBorderColor 255 255 0
    SetFontSize 45
    PlayAlertSound ShRegal 300
    MinimapIcon 0 Yellow Square
    PlayEffect Yellow Temp

    Class "Currency"
    BaseType "Gemcutter's Prism"
    SetTextColor 227 204 171
    SetBackgroundColor 54 32 3
    SetBorderColor 30 144 255
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Blue Square
    PlayEffect Blue Temp
    CustomAlertSound "mx_currency_t1.mp3"

    Class "Currency"
    BaseType "Orb of Alchemy"
    SetTextColor 227 204 171
    SetBackgroundColor 54 32 3
    SetBorderColor 200 200 200
    SetFontSize 45
    PlayAlertSound ShAlchemy 300
    MinimapIcon 0 White Square
    PlayEffect White Temp

    Class "Currency"
    BaseType "Jeweller's Orb"
    SetTextColor 227 204 171
    SetBackgroundColor 54 32 3
    SetBorderColor 128 128 128
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 White Square
    PlayEffect White Temp

    Class "Currency"
    BaseType "Silver Coin"
    SetTextColor 227 204 171
    SetBackgroundColor 54 32 3
    SetBorderColor 128 0 128
    SetFontSize 45
    PlayAlertSound 10 300

    Class "Currency"
    BaseType "Orb of Horizons"
    SetTextColor 210 0 220
    SetBackgroundColor 54 32 3
    SetBorderColor 210 0 220
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 White Square
    PlayEffect Brown Temp
    CustomAlertSound "mx_rareorb.mp3"

    Class "Currency"
    BaseType "Prophecy"
    SetTextColor 107 0 112
    SetBackgroundColor 245 225 180
    SetBorderColor 107 0 112
    SetFontSize 35
    PlayEffect Brown Temp
    CustomAlertSound "mx_prophecy.mp3"

    Class "Currency"
    BaseType "Glassblower's Bauble"
    SetTextColor 227 204 171
    SetBackgroundColor 54 32 3
    SetBorderColor 210 0 220
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Red Square
    PlayEffect Red Temp

    Class "Currency"
    BaseType "Cartographer's Chisel"
    SetTextColor 219 182 127
    SetBackgroundColor 54 32 3
    SetBorderColor 219 182 127
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Brown Square
    PlayEffect Brown Temp
    CustomAlertSound "mx_currency_t1.mp3"

    Class "Currency"
    BaseType "Engineer's Orb"
    SetTextColor 219 182 127
    SetBackgroundColor 54 32 3
    SetBorderColor 219 182 127
    SetFontSize 40
    MinimapIcon 0 Brown Square
    PlayEffect Brown Temp
    CustomAlertSound "mx_currency_t1.mp3"

    Class "Currency"
    BaseType "Orb of Annulment"
    SetTextColor 30 144 255
    SetBackgroundColor 54 32 3
    SetBorderColor 30 144 255
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Blue Square
    PlayEffect Blue
    CustomAlertSound "mx_currency_t1.mp3"

    Class "Currency"
    BaseType "Orb of Regret" "Orb of Scouring"
    SetTextColor 255 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 54 32 3
    SetBorderColor 255 255 255
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 White Square
    PlayEffect White
    CustomAlertSound "mx_currency_t1.mp3"

    Class "Currency"
    BaseType "Chromatic Orb"
    SetTextColor 227 204 171
    SetBackgroundColor 54 32 3
    SetBorderColor 255 0 0
    SetFontSize 40
    MinimapIcon 0 Red Square
    PlayEffect Red Temp
    CustomAlertSound "mx_currency_t2.mp3"

    Class "Currency"
    BaseType "Orb of Chance"
    SetTextColor 227 204 171
    SetBackgroundColor 54 32 3
    SetBorderColor 29 122 55
    SetFontSize 40
    MinimapIcon 0 Green Square
    PlayEffect Green Temp
    CustomAlertSound "mx_currency_t2.mp3"

    Class "Currency"
    BaseType "Blessed Orb"
    SetTextColor 227 204 171
    SetBackgroundColor 54 32 3
    SetBorderColor 180 96 0
    SetFontSize 40
    MinimapIcon 0 Brown Circle
    PlayEffect Brown Temp
    CustomAlertSound "mx_currency_t2.mp3"

    Class "Currency"
    BaseType "Orb of Alteration"
    SetTextColor 227 204 171
    SetBackgroundColor 54 32 3
    SetBorderColor 24 105 184
    SetFontSize 40
    PlayEffect Brown Temp
    CustomAlertSound "mx_rareorb.mp3"

    Class "Currency"
    BaseType "Blacksmith's Whetstone" "Armourer's Scrap"
    SetTextColor 227 204 171
    SetBackgroundColor 54 32 3
    SetBorderColor 142 77 255
    SetFontSize 35
    PlayEffect Brown Temp
    CustomAlertSound "mx_currency_t2.mp3"

    Class "Currency"
    BaseType "Orb of Transmutation" "Orb of Augmentation"
    SetTextColor 227 204 171
    SetBackgroundColor 54 32 3
    SetBorderColor 24 105 184
    SetFontSize 35
    PlayEffect Brown Temp
    CustomAlertSound "mx_currency_t2.mp3"

    Class "Currency"
    BaseType "Exalted Shard" "Ancient Shard" "Mirror Shard"
    SetTextColor 214 46 7
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 220
    SetBorderColor 210 0 0
    SetFontSize 33
    MinimapIcon 1 White Hexagon
    PlayEffect White
    CustomAlertSound "mx_currency_t1.mp3"

    Class "Currency"
    BaseType "Chaos Shard"
    SetTextColor 255 196 0
    SetBackgroundColor 54 32 3
    SetBorderColor 255 196 0
    SetFontSize 33
    MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Hexagon
    PlayEffect Yellow
    CustomAlertSound "mx_currency_t1.mp3"

    Class "Currency"
    BaseType "Alchemy Shard"
    SetTextColor 200 200 200
    SetBackgroundColor 54 32 3
    SetBorderColor 200 200 200
    SetFontSize 30

    Class "Currency"
    BaseType "Horizon Shard" "Harbinger's Shard"
    SetTextColor 144 134 255
    SetBackgroundColor 54 32 3
    SetBorderColor 144 134 255
    SetFontSize 33

    Class "Currency"
    BaseType "Annulment Shard"
    SetTextColor 30 144 255
    SetBackgroundColor 54 32 3
    SetBorderColor 30 144 255
    SetFontSize 33

    Class "Currency"
    BaseType "Binding Shard"
    SetTextColor 255 230 93
    SetBackgroundColor 54 32 3
    SetBorderColor 227 204 171
    SetFontSize 30

    Class "Currency"
    BaseType "Engineer's Shard"
    SetTextColor 255 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 54 32 3
    SetBorderColor 227 204 171
    SetFontSize 30

    Class "Currency"
    BaseType "Shard"
    SetTextColor 227 204 171
    SetBackgroundColor 54 32 3
    SetBorderColor 227 204 171
    SetFontSize 30

    Class "Currency"
    BaseType "Splinter of Xoph"
    SetTextColor 255 40 0 220
    SetBackgroundColor 94 41 13
    SetBorderColor 255 40 0 220
    SetFontSize 45
    CustomAlertSound "mx_splinter.mp3"

    Class "Currency"
    BaseType "Splinter of Tul"
    SetTextColor 184 218 242
    SetBackgroundColor 69 36 19
    SetBorderColor 184 218 242
    SetFontSize 45
    CustomAlertSound "mx_splinter.mp3"

    Class "Currency"
    BaseType "Splinter of Esh"
    SetTextColor 30 144 255
    SetBackgroundColor 69 36 19
    SetBorderColor 30 144 255
    SetFontSize 45
    CustomAlertSound "mx_splinter.mp3"

    Class "Currency"
    BaseType "Splinter of Uul-Netol"
    SetTextColor 150 150 150
    SetBackgroundColor 69 36 19
    SetBorderColor 150 150 150
    SetFontSize 45
    CustomAlertSound "mx_splinter.mp3"

    Class "Currency"
    BaseType "Splinter of Chayula"
    SetTextColor 208 32 144
    SetBackgroundColor 94 41 13
    SetBorderColor 208 32 144
    SetFontSize 45
    CustomAlertSound "mx_splinter.mp3"

    Class "Currency" "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "Perandus Coin"
    SetTextColor 255 215 0
    SetBackgroundColor 31 31 31
    SetBorderColor 255 215 0
    SetFontSize 35

    Class "Currency" "Stackable Currency"
    SetTextColor 255 165 0
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0
    SetBorderColor 175 96 37
    SetFontSize 35