6.0.1 commit

This commit is contained in:
mikx 2019-03-30 01:14:55 -04:00
parent 672b2133f6
commit b069e48fab
4 changed files with 106 additions and 83 deletions

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ namespace PoE_MxFilterGen
private static DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
public static string version = "5.2.1";
public static string version = "6.0.1";
public static string fDate = string.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}", dt.Day, dt.Month, dt.Year);
public static string section = "";
@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ namespace PoE_MxFilterGen
public static int sprog = 0;
public static int stotal = 0;
public static bool deb = false;
private static string giturl = "";
public class REMVAR
@ -87,7 +89,7 @@ namespace PoE_MxFilterGen
// Check for updates
string remote_version = web.ReadString(@"https://data.mxnet.xyz/poe/txt/mxfiltergen_version.txt");
if (version != remote_version)
if (version != remote_version && deb == false)
@ -110,25 +112,13 @@ namespace PoE_MxFilterGen
// Clean all generated data
msg.CMW($"Cleaning the base dirs...", true, 1);
DirectoryInfo dataDir = new DirectoryInfo(@"data\");
DirectoryInfo genDir = new DirectoryInfo(@"gen\");
DirectoryInfo strucDir = new DirectoryInfo(@"structure\");
foreach (FileInfo file in dataDir.GetFiles())
foreach (FileInfo file in genDir.GetFiles())
foreach (FileInfo file in strucDir.GetFiles())
// Clean the latest generated filter from settings path
msg.CMW($"Cleaning the last filter from path...", true, 1);
File.Delete($@"{path}\My Games\Path of Exile\MxFilter.filter");
File.Delete($@"{path}\My Games\Path of Exile\MxFilter_Normal.filter");
File.Delete($@"{path}\My Games\Path of Exile\MxFilter_Strict.filter");
if (File.Exists($@"{path}\My Games\Path of Exile\MxFilter.filter")) { File.Delete($@"{path}\My Games\Path of Exile\MxFilter.filter"); }
// Get latest poe.ninja api
msg.CMW($"Downloading the latest API data from poe.ninja...", true, 1);
@ -136,75 +126,82 @@ namespace PoE_MxFilterGen
web.SaveString(json.settings.GetAPI() + "GetUniqueWeaponOverview?league=" + league, "data/ninja.weapon.json");
web.SaveString(json.settings.GetAPI() + "GetUniqueAccessoryOverview?league=" + league, "data/ninja.accessory.json");
web.SaveString(json.settings.GetAPI() + "GetUniqueMapOverview?league=" + league, "data/ninja.map.json");
web.SaveString(json.settings.GetAPI() + "GetDivinationCardsOverview?league=" + league, "data/ninja.card.json");
// Setup basic variable
string structure_name = $"{league}";
string filter_name = "MxFilter";
// Get the structure list
var js = web.ReadString($@"{giturl}/PoE-MxFilter-Structure/master/{structure_name}.json");
RootStructure j = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<RootStructure>(js);
web.SaveString(json.settings.GetAPI() + "GetDivinationCardsOverview?league=" + league, "data/ninja.card.json");
// Get Theme File(s)
web.DownloadFile($@"{giturl}/PoE-MxFilter-Structure/master/{structure_name}/Chancing.json", @"structure\Chancing.json");
web.DownloadFile($@"{giturl}/PoE-MxFilter-Structure/master/Chancing.json", @"structure\Chancing.json");
// Read the structure one by one to process gen
// Generator (dlls) are downloaded from the web and executed in a separate AppDomain before the AD is unloaded to execute a new generator.
// As we CAN'T unload an assembly, using AppDomains is the only way we can load/unload multiple assembly in a row.
msg.CMW($@"Generating the filter using {j.structures.Count} source(s)...", true, 1);
ftotal = j.structures.Count;
foreach (var sec in j.structures)
string[] filters = { "Normal", "Strict" };
foreach(string f in filters)
if (sec.gen == true)
fprog = fprog + 1;
msg.drawProgress(fprog, ftotal);
//msg.CMW(string.Format("REMOTE_GEN {0}", sec.section), true, 1);
web.DownloadFile($@"{giturl}/PoE-MxFilter-Structure/master/{structure_name}/{sec.section}.dll", $@"structure\{sec.section}.dll");
var bytes = GenerateAssemblyAndGetRawBytes(sec.section);
// Setup basic variable
string filter_name = "MxFilter";
var appDomain = AppDomain.CreateDomain(sec.section, null, new AppDomainSetup
// Get the structure list
var js = web.ReadString($@"{giturl}/PoE-MxFilter-Structure/master/{f}.json");
RootStructure j = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<RootStructure>(js);
// Read the structure one by one to process gen
// Generator (dlls) are downloaded from the web and executed in a separate AppDomain before the AD is unloaded to execute a new generator.
// As we CAN'T unload an assembly, using AppDomains is the only way we can load/unload multiple assembly in a row.
msg.CMW($@"Generating the {f} filter using {j.structures.Count} source(s)...", true, 1);
ftotal = j.structures.Count;
foreach (var sec in j.structures)
if (sec.gen == true)
ShadowCopyFiles = "true",
LoaderOptimization = LoaderOptimization.MultiDomainHost
fprog = fprog + 1;
msg.drawProgress(fprog, ftotal);
//msg.CMW(string.Format("REMOTE_GEN {0}", sec.section), true, 1);
web.DownloadFile($@"{giturl}/PoE-MxFilter-Structure/master/{f}/{sec.section}.dll", $@"structure\{sec.section}.dll");
var bytes = GenerateAssemblyAndGetRawBytes(sec.section);
var assmblyLoaderType = typeof(AssmeblyLoader);
var assemblyLoader = (IAssemblyLoader)appDomain.CreateInstanceFromAndUnwrap(assmblyLoaderType.Assembly.Location, assmblyLoaderType.FullName);
var appDomain = AppDomain.CreateDomain(sec.section, null, new AppDomainSetup
ShadowCopyFiles = "true",
LoaderOptimization = LoaderOptimization.MultiDomainHost
fprog = fprog + 1;
msg.drawProgress(fprog, ftotal);
//msg.CMW($@"REMOTE_GET {sec.section}", true, 1);
web.SaveString($@"{giturl}/PoE-MxFilter-Structure/master/{structure_name}/{sec.section}.filter", $"structure/{sec.section}.filter");
var assmblyLoaderType = typeof(AssmeblyLoader);
var assemblyLoader = (IAssemblyLoader)appDomain.CreateInstanceFromAndUnwrap(assmblyLoaderType.Assembly.Location, assmblyLoaderType.FullName);
// Create the final filter.
msg.CMW($@"Creating the final filter...", true, 1);
foreach (var sec in j.structures)
if (sec.gen == true)
File.AppendAllText($@"{path}\My Games\Path of Exile\{filter_name}.filter", File.ReadAllText(string.Format("gen\\{0}.filter", sec.section)));
File.AppendAllText($@"{path}\My Games\Path of Exile\{filter_name}.filter", "" + Environment.NewLine);
File.AppendAllText($@"{path}\My Games\Path of Exile\{filter_name}.filter", "" + Environment.NewLine);
fprog = fprog + 1;
msg.drawProgress(fprog, ftotal);
//msg.CMW($@"REMOTE_GET {sec.section}", true, 1);
web.SaveString($@"{giturl}/PoE-MxFilter-Structure/master/{f}/{sec.section}.filter", $"structure/{sec.section}.filter");
// Create the final filter.
msg.CMW($@"Creating the final filter...", true, 1);
foreach (var sec in j.structures)
File.AppendAllText($@"{path}\My Games\Path of Exile\{filter_name}.filter", string.Format("# Section: {0}", sec.section) + Environment.NewLine);
File.AppendAllText($@"{path}\My Games\Path of Exile\{filter_name}.filter", "" + Environment.NewLine);
File.AppendAllText($@"{path}\My Games\Path of Exile\{filter_name}.filter", File.ReadAllText(string.Format("structure\\{0}.filter", sec.section)));
File.AppendAllText($@"{path}\My Games\Path of Exile\{filter_name}.filter", "" + Environment.NewLine);
File.AppendAllText($@"{path}\My Games\Path of Exile\{filter_name}.filter", "" + Environment.NewLine);
if (sec.gen == true)
File.AppendAllText($@"{path}\My Games\Path of Exile\{filter_name}_{f}.filter", File.ReadAllText(string.Format("gen\\{0}.filter", sec.section)));
File.AppendAllText($@"{path}\My Games\Path of Exile\{filter_name}_{f}.filter", "" + Environment.NewLine);
File.AppendAllText($@"{path}\My Games\Path of Exile\{filter_name}_{f}.filter", "" + Environment.NewLine);
File.AppendAllText($@"{path}\My Games\Path of Exile\{filter_name}_{f}.filter", string.Format("# Section: {0}", sec.section) + Environment.NewLine);
File.AppendAllText($@"{path}\My Games\Path of Exile\{filter_name}_{f}.filter", "" + Environment.NewLine);
File.AppendAllText($@"{path}\My Games\Path of Exile\{filter_name}_{f}.filter", File.ReadAllText(string.Format("structure\\{0}.filter", sec.section)));
File.AppendAllText($@"{path}\My Games\Path of Exile\{filter_name}_{f}.filter", "" + Environment.NewLine);
File.AppendAllText($@"{path}\My Games\Path of Exile\{filter_name}_{f}.filter", "" + Environment.NewLine);
ftotal = 0;
fprog = 0;
// Download the sounds from the remote list
msg.CMW($@"Downloading the latest sound...", true, 1);
@ -220,14 +217,7 @@ namespace PoE_MxFilterGen
// Clean all generated data
foreach (FileInfo file in genDir.GetFiles())
foreach (FileInfo file in strucDir.GetFiles())
@ -237,6 +227,39 @@ namespace PoE_MxFilterGen
var path = $@"{lp}\structure\{dll}.dll";
return File.ReadAllBytes(path);
public static void CleanDirData()
DirectoryInfo dataDir = new DirectoryInfo(@"data\");
DirectoryInfo genDir = new DirectoryInfo(@"gen\");
DirectoryInfo strucDir = new DirectoryInfo(@"structure\");
foreach (FileInfo file in dataDir.GetFiles())
foreach (FileInfo file in genDir.GetFiles())
foreach (FileInfo file in strucDir.GetFiles())
public static void CleanDir()
DirectoryInfo genDir = new DirectoryInfo(@"gen\");
DirectoryInfo strucDir = new DirectoryInfo(@"structure\");
foreach (FileInfo file in genDir.GetFiles())
foreach (FileInfo file in strucDir.GetFiles())
public interface IAssemblyLoader