Major Tweaks + SSF Removed + New Strict Level
This commit is contained in:
@ -32,5 +32,5 @@ using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
// You can specify all the values or you can default the Build and Revision Numbers
// by using the '*' as shown below:
// [assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
@ -12,7 +12,9 @@ namespace PoE_MxFilterGen.json
public string git { get; set; }
public string api { get; set; }
public int minimumValue { get; set; }
public int uniqueValue { get; set; }
public int fossilValue { get; set; }
public int cardValue { get; set; }
public bool verbose { get; set; }
public bool ssf { get; set; }
public string section { get; set; }
@ -20,28 +22,23 @@ namespace PoE_MxFilterGen.json
class settings
public static string GetGIT()
public static int GetUniqueValue()
SETTINGS j = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<SETTINGS>(File.ReadAllText("settings.json"));
return j.git;
return j.uniqueValue;
public static string GetAPI()
public static int GetFossilValue()
SETTINGS j = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<SETTINGS>(File.ReadAllText("settings.json"));
return j.api;
return j.fossilValue;
public static int GetMinimumValue()
public static int GetCardValue()
SETTINGS j = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<SETTINGS>(File.ReadAllText("settings.json"));
return j.minimumValue;
public static bool GetVerbose()
SETTINGS j = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<SETTINGS>(File.ReadAllText("settings.json"));
return j.verbose;
return j.cardValue;
public static string GetSection()
@ -50,22 +47,14 @@ namespace PoE_MxFilterGen.json
return j.section;
public static bool GetSSF()
SETTINGS j = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<SETTINGS>(File.ReadAllText("settings.json"));
return j.ssf;
public static void WriteSection(string section)
SETTINGS js = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<SETTINGS>(File.ReadAllText($@"settings.json"));
git = js.git,
api = js.api,
minimumValue = js.minimumValue,
verbose = js.verbose,
ssf = js.ssf,
uniqueValue = js.uniqueValue,
fossilValue = js.fossilValue,
cardValue = js.cardValue,
section = section
var raw = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(se, Formatting.Indented);
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Security.Policy;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Xml;
using static System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames;
namespace PoE_MxFilterGen
@ -17,7 +18,7 @@ namespace PoE_MxFilterGen
private static DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
public static string version = "8.0.0";
public static string version = "8.2.0";
public static string fDate = string.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}", dt.Day, dt.Month, dt.Year);
public static string api = "";
@ -68,10 +69,18 @@ namespace PoE_MxFilterGen
web.DownloadFile("", "settings.json");
//web.DownloadFile("", "PoE-MxFilterGen-Updater.exe");
//Update Logic
msg.CMW("Checking for update...",true,1);
string remote_version = web.ReadString(@"");
if (remote_version != version && deb == false)
web.DownloadFile("", "PoE-MxFilterGen-Updater.exe");
// Get current league from MxD
var ls = web.ReadString("");
REMVAR lj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<REMVAR>(ls);
@ -79,150 +88,135 @@ namespace PoE_MxFilterGen
api = $"";
msg.CMW(string.Format("GIT: {0}", json.settings.GetGIT()), true, 1);
msg.CMW(string.Format("API: {0}", json.settings.GetAPI()), true, 1);
msg.CMW(string.Format("League: {0}", league), true, 1);
msg.CMW(string.Format("Minimum Value: {0}c", json.settings.GetMinimumValue().ToString()), true, 1);
msg.CMW(string.Format("Verbose: {0}", json.settings.GetVerbose().ToString()), true, 1);
msg.CMW(string.Format("SSF: {0}", json.settings.GetSSF().ToString()), true, 1);
msg.CMW($"League: {league}", true, 1);
msg.CMW($"Min. Unique Value - {json.settings.GetUniqueValue()}c", true, 1);
msg.CMW($"Min. Fossil Value - {json.settings.GetFossilValue()}c", true, 1);
msg.CMW($"Min. Card Value - {json.settings.GetCardValue()}c", true, 1);
// Check for updates
string remote_version = web.ReadString(@"");
if (deb == false)
} else
// Check if all the required dir exists
msg.CMW($"Checking for required dirs...",true,1);
if (!Directory.Exists(@"data\"))
// Check if all the required dir exists
msg.CMW($"Checking for required dirs...", true, 1);
if (!Directory.Exists(@"data\"))
if (!Directory.Exists(@"gen\"))
if (!Directory.Exists(@"structure\"))
// Clean all generated data
msg.CMW($"Cleaning the base dirs...", true, 1);
// Clean the latest generated filter from settings path
msg.CMW($"Cleaning the last filter from path...", true, 1);
File.Delete($@"{path}\My Games\Path of Exile\MxFilter_Normal.filter");
File.Delete($@"{path}\My Games\Path of Exile\MxFilter_Strict.filter");
File.Delete($@"{path}\My Games\Path of Exile\MxFilter_Strict_NSNLC.filter");
// Get latest api
msg.CMW($"Downloading the latest API data from", true, 1);
web.SaveString(api + $"itemoverview?league={league}&type=UniqueArmour&language=en", "data/ninja.armour.json");
web.SaveString(api + $"itemoverview?league={league}&type=UniqueWeapon&language=en", "data/ninja.weapon.json");
web.SaveString(api + $"itemoverview?league={league}&type=UniqueAccessory&language=en", "data/ninja.accessory.json");
web.SaveString(api + $"itemoverview?league={league}&type=DivinationCard&language=en", "data/ninja.card.json");
web.SaveString(api + $"currencyoverview?league={league}&type=Currency&language=en", "data/ninja.currency.json");
web.SaveString(api + $"itemoverview?league={league}&type=Fossil&language=en", "data/ninja.fossil.json");
// Generate Filter Array
string[] filters;
filters = new string[] { "Normal", "Strict", "Strict_NSNLC" };
foreach (string f in filters)
// Setup basic variable
string filter_name = "MxFilter";
// Get the structure list
var js = web.ReadString($@"{giturl}/PoE-MxFilter-Structure/master/{f}.json");
RootStructure j = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<RootStructure>(js);
// Read the structure one by one to process gen
// Generator (dlls) are downloaded from the web and executed in a separate AppDomain before the AD is unloaded to execute a new generator.
// As we CAN'T unload an assembly, using AppDomains is the only way we can load/unload multiple assembly in a row.
msg.CMW($@"Generating the {f} filter using {j.structures.Count} source(s)...", true, 1);
ftotal = j.structures.Count;
foreach (var sec in j.structures)
if (!Directory.Exists(@"gen\"))
if (!Directory.Exists(@"structure\"))
// Clean all generated data
msg.CMW($"Cleaning the base dirs...", true, 1);
// Clean the latest generated filter from settings path
msg.CMW($"Cleaning the last filter from path...", true, 1);
File.Delete($@"{path}\My Games\Path of Exile\MxFilter_Normal.filter");
File.Delete($@"{path}\My Games\Path of Exile\MxFilter_Strict.filter");
if (File.Exists($@"{path}\My Games\Path of Exile\MxFilter.filter")) { File.Delete($@"{path}\My Games\Path of Exile\MxFilter.filter"); }
// Get latest api
msg.CMW($"Downloading the latest API data from", true, 1);
web.SaveString(api + $"itemoverview?league={league}&type=UniqueArmour&language=en", "data/ninja.armour.json");
web.SaveString(api + $"itemoverview?league={league}&type=UniqueWeapon&language=en", "data/ninja.weapon.json");
web.SaveString(api + $"itemoverview?league={league}&type=UniqueAccessory&language=en", "data/ninja.accessory.json");
web.SaveString(api + $"itemoverview?league={league}&type=DivinationCard&language=en", "data/ninja.card.json");
web.SaveString(api + $"currencyoverview?league={league}&type=Currency&language=en", "data/ninja.currency.json");
web.SaveString(api + $"itemoverview?league={league}&type=Fossil&language=en", "data/ninja.fossil.json");
// Get Theme File(s)
web.DownloadFile($@"{giturl}/PoE-MxFilter-Structure/master/Chancing.json", @"structure\Chancing.json");
// Generate Filter Array
string[] filters;
if (json.settings.GetSSF()) { filters = new string[] { "SSF" }; } else { filters = new string[] { "Normal", "Strict" }; }
foreach(string f in filters)
// Setup basic variable
string filter_name = "MxFilter";
// Get the structure list
var js = web.ReadString($@"{giturl}/PoE-MxFilter-Structure/master/{f}.json");
RootStructure j = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<RootStructure>(js);
// Read the structure one by one to process gen
// Generator (dlls) are downloaded from the web and executed in a separate AppDomain before the AD is unloaded to execute a new generator.
// As we CAN'T unload an assembly, using AppDomains is the only way we can load/unload multiple assembly in a row.
msg.CMW($@"Generating the {f} filter using {j.structures.Count} source(s)...", true, 1);
ftotal = j.structures.Count;
foreach (var sec in j.structures)
if (sec.gen == true)
if (sec.gen == true)
fprog = fprog + 1;
msg.drawProgress(fprog, ftotal);
//msg.CMW(string.Format("REMOTE_GEN {0}", sec.section), true, 1);
web.DownloadFile($@"{giturl}/PoE-MxFilter-Structure/master/{f}/{sec.section}.dll", $@"structure\{sec.section}.dll");
var bytes = GenerateAssemblyAndGetRawBytes(sec.section);
var appDomain = AppDomain.CreateDomain(sec.section, null, new AppDomainSetup
fprog = fprog + 1;
msg.drawProgress(fprog, ftotal);
//msg.CMW(string.Format("REMOTE_GEN {0}", sec.section), true, 1);
web.DownloadFile($@"{giturl}/PoE-MxFilter-Structure/master/{f}/{sec.section}.dll", $@"structure\{sec.section}.dll");
var bytes = GenerateAssemblyAndGetRawBytes(sec.section);
ShadowCopyFiles = "true",
LoaderOptimization = LoaderOptimization.MultiDomainHost
var appDomain = AppDomain.CreateDomain(sec.section, null, new AppDomainSetup
ShadowCopyFiles = "true",
LoaderOptimization = LoaderOptimization.MultiDomainHost
var assmblyLoaderType = typeof(AssmeblyLoader);
var assemblyLoader = (IAssemblyLoader)appDomain.CreateInstanceFromAndUnwrap(assmblyLoaderType.Assembly.Location, assmblyLoaderType.FullName);
var assmblyLoaderType = typeof(AssmeblyLoader);
var assemblyLoader = (IAssemblyLoader)appDomain.CreateInstanceFromAndUnwrap(assmblyLoaderType.Assembly.Location, assmblyLoaderType.FullName);
fprog = fprog + 1;
msg.drawProgress(fprog, ftotal);
//msg.CMW($@"REMOTE_GET {sec.section}", true, 1);
web.SaveString($@"{giturl}/PoE-MxFilter-Structure/master/{f}/{sec.section}.filter", $"structure/{sec.section}.filter");
// Create the final filter.
msg.CMW($@"Creating the final filter...", true, 1);
foreach (var sec in j.structures)
if (sec.gen == true)
File.AppendAllText($@"{path}\My Games\Path of Exile\{filter_name}_{f}.filter", File.ReadAllText(string.Format("gen\\{0}.filter", sec.section)));
File.AppendAllText($@"{path}\My Games\Path of Exile\{filter_name}_{f}.filter", "" + Environment.NewLine);
File.AppendAllText($@"{path}\My Games\Path of Exile\{filter_name}_{f}.filter", "" + Environment.NewLine);
File.AppendAllText($@"{path}\My Games\Path of Exile\{filter_name}_{f}.filter", string.Format("# Section: {0}", sec.section) + Environment.NewLine);
File.AppendAllText($@"{path}\My Games\Path of Exile\{filter_name}_{f}.filter", "" + Environment.NewLine);
File.AppendAllText($@"{path}\My Games\Path of Exile\{filter_name}_{f}.filter", File.ReadAllText(string.Format("structure\\{0}.filter", sec.section)));
File.AppendAllText($@"{path}\My Games\Path of Exile\{filter_name}_{f}.filter", "" + Environment.NewLine);
File.AppendAllText($@"{path}\My Games\Path of Exile\{filter_name}_{f}.filter", "" + Environment.NewLine);
fprog = fprog + 1;
msg.drawProgress(fprog, ftotal);
//msg.CMW($@"REMOTE_GET {sec.section}", true, 1);
web.SaveString($@"{giturl}/PoE-MxFilter-Structure/master/{f}/{sec.section}.filter", $"structure/{sec.section}.filter");
ftotal = 0;
fprog = 0;
// Download the sounds from the remote list
msg.CMW($@"Downloading the latest sound...", true, 1);
var sl = web.ReadString("");
REMSND slj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<REMSND>(sl);
stotal = slj.sound.Count;
foreach (string s in slj.sound)
sprog = sprog + 1;
msg.drawProgress(sprog, stotal);
if (File.Exists($@"{path}\My Games\Path of Exile\{s}")) { File.Delete($@"{path}\My Games\Path of Exile\{s}"); }
web.DownloadFile($"{s}",$@"{path}\My Games\Path of Exile\{s}");
// Clean all generated data
// Create the final filter.
msg.CMW($@"Creating the final filter...", true, 1);
foreach (var sec in j.structures)
if (sec.gen == true)
File.AppendAllText($@"{path}\My Games\Path of Exile\{filter_name}_{f}.filter", File.ReadAllText(string.Format("gen\\{0}.filter", sec.section)));
File.AppendAllText($@"{path}\My Games\Path of Exile\{filter_name}_{f}.filter", "" + Environment.NewLine);
File.AppendAllText($@"{path}\My Games\Path of Exile\{filter_name}_{f}.filter", "" + Environment.NewLine);
File.AppendAllText($@"{path}\My Games\Path of Exile\{filter_name}_{f}.filter", string.Format("# Section: {0}", sec.section) + Environment.NewLine);
File.AppendAllText($@"{path}\My Games\Path of Exile\{filter_name}_{f}.filter", "" + Environment.NewLine);
File.AppendAllText($@"{path}\My Games\Path of Exile\{filter_name}_{f}.filter", File.ReadAllText(string.Format("structure\\{0}.filter", sec.section)));
File.AppendAllText($@"{path}\My Games\Path of Exile\{filter_name}_{f}.filter", "" + Environment.NewLine);
File.AppendAllText($@"{path}\My Games\Path of Exile\{filter_name}_{f}.filter", "" + Environment.NewLine);
ftotal = 0;
fprog = 0;
// Download the sounds from the remote list
msg.CMW($@"Downloading the latest sound...", true, 1);
var sl = web.ReadString("");
REMSND slj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<REMSND>(sl);
stotal = slj.sound.Count;
foreach (string s in slj.sound)
sprog = sprog + 1;
msg.drawProgress(sprog, stotal);
if (File.Exists($@"{path}\My Games\Path of Exile\{s}")) { File.Delete($@"{path}\My Games\Path of Exile\{s}"); }
web.DownloadFile($"{s}", $@"{path}\My Games\Path of Exile\{s}");
// Clean all generated data
private static byte[] GenerateAssemblyAndGetRawBytes(string dll)
@ -264,6 +258,11 @@ namespace PoE_MxFilterGen
private static void AutoUpdater_ApplicationExitEvent()
public interface IAssemblyLoader
@ -280,8 +279,8 @@ namespace PoE_MxFilterGen
Type type = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().SelectMany(t => t.GetTypes()).Where(t => String.Equals(t.Name, "Generator", StringComparison.Ordinal)).First();
object o = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
MethodInfo mi = o.GetType().GetMethod("Gen");
Object[] ob = new object[] { json.settings.GetSection(), json.settings.GetAPI(), main.league, json.settings.GetMinimumValue() };
Object[] ob = new object[] { json.settings.GetSection(), "tobedeleted", main.league, json.settings.GetUniqueValue(), json.settings.GetFossilValue(), json.settings.GetCardValue() };
mi.Invoke(o, ob);
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -66,7 +66,6 @@ namespace PoE_MxFilterGen
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls
| SecurityProtocolType.Tls11
| SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
var str = "";
Uri uri = new Uri(url);
Reference in New Issue