mikx edited this page 2020-07-15 00:38:26 -04:00


  • Windows 10
  • .Net 4.7.2 (Only available on Windows 10 latest version.)
  • Latest Mono release on Linux. (Not tested, you are on your own.)


  • Download the latest release.
  • Extract the "mxfiltergen.exe" to a new folder with nothing else.
  • Execute it, everything is automaticaly set/downloaded.
  • Modify the "settings.json" to your liking.
  • uniqueValue = the thresold (in chaos) to set a unique base as "possibly valuable".
  • fossilValue = the thresold (in chaos) to set a fossil as "valuable".
  • cardValue = the thresold (in chaos) to set a card as "valuable".
  • section = Used by a software logic/method, don't touch it.