diff --git a/Home.md b/Home.md index 6e87ff6..03b2f66 100644 --- a/Home.md +++ b/Home.md @@ -3,7 +3,11 @@ * Extract the "mxfiltergen.exe" to a new folder with nothing else. * Execute it, everything is automaticaly set/downloaded. * Modify the "settings.json" to your liking. -* *minimumValue* = the thresold (in chaos) to set a unique base as "possibly valuable". +* *uniqueValue* = the thresold (in chaos) to set a unique base as "possibly valuable". +* *fossilValue* = the thresold (in chaos) to set a fossil as "valuable". +* *cardValue* = the thresold (in chaos) to set a card as "valuable". +* *ssf* = Might be removed in 8.2.0 as i am no longer using it. Set it at "false". +* *section* = Used by a software logic/method, don't touch it. #### RELEASE(s) **CURRENT VERSION:** 8.1.0 ([Releases](https://git.mikx.xyz/mikx/PoE-MxFilterGen/releases))