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2020-11-13 14:13:12 -05:00
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --
-- TradeSkillMaster --
-- --
-- All Rights Reserved - Detailed license information included with addon. --
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --
local _, TSM = ...
local VendorSell = TSM.Init("Data.VendorSell")
-- ============================================================================
-- Vendor Sell Data
-- ============================================================================
-- Scraped from Wowhead using the following javascript and then manually pruned to remove limited quantity items and fill in missing prices:
-- x = listviewitems.sort((a,b) => -; for (i=0; i<x.length; i++) console.log("[\"i:"+x[i].id+"\"] = "+x[i].cost[0]+", -- "+x[i].name);
local VENDOR_SELL_PRICES = TSM.IsWowClassic() and {
["i:159"] = 25, -- Refreshing Spring Water
["i:1179"] = 125, -- Ice Cold Milk
["i:2320"] = 10, -- Coarse Thread
["i:2321"] = 100, -- Fine Thread
["i:2324"] = 25, -- Bleach
["i:2325"] = 1000, -- Black Dye
["i:2596"] = 120, -- Skin of Dwarven Stout
["i:2604"] = 50, -- Red Dye
["i:2605"] = 100, -- Green Dye
["i:2665"] = 20, -- Stormwind Seasoning Herbs
["i:2678"] = 10, -- Mild Spices
["i:2692"] = 40, -- Hot Spices
["i:2880"] = 100, -- Weak Flux
["i:2894"] = 50, -- Rhapsody Malt
["i:3371"] = 20, -- Empty Vial
["i:3372"] = 200, -- Leaded Vial
["i:3466"] = 2000, -- Strong Flux
["i:3713"] = 160, -- Soothing Spices
["i:3857"] = 500, -- Coal
["i:4289"] = 50, -- Salt
["i:4291"] = 500, -- Silken Thread
["i:4340"] = 350, -- Gray Dye
["i:4341"] = 500, -- Yellow Dye
["i:4342"] = 2500, -- Purple Dye
["i:4399"] = 200, -- Wooden Stock
["i:4400"] = 2000, -- Heavy Stock
["i:4470"] = 38, -- Simple Wood
["i:4536"] = 25, -- Shiny Red Apple
["i:5140"] = 25, -- Flash Powder
["i:6217"] = 124, -- Copper Rod
["i:6260"] = 50, -- Blue Dye
["i:6261"] = 1000, -- Orange Dye
["i:6530"] = 100, -- Nightcrawlers
["i:8343"] = 2000, -- Heavy Silken Thread
["i:8925"] = 2500, -- Crystal Vial
["i:10290"] = 2500, -- Pink Dye
["i:10647"] = 2000, -- Engineer's Ink
["i:10648"] = 500, -- Blank Parchment
["i:11291"] = 4500, -- Star Wood
["i:14341"] = 5000, -- Rune Thread
["i:16583"] = 10000, -- Demonic Figurine
["i:17020"] = 1000, -- Arcane Powder
["i:17021"] = 700, -- Wild Berries
["i:17026"] = 1000, -- Wild Thornroot
["i:17028"] = 700, -- Holy Candle
["i:17029"] = 1000, -- Sacred Candle
["i:17030"] = 2000, -- Ankh
["i:17031"] = 1000, -- Rune of Teleportation
["i:17032"] = 2000, -- Rune of Portals
["i:17033"] = 2000, -- Symbol of Divinity
["i:17034"] = 200, -- Maple Seed
["i:17035"] = 400, -- Stranglethorn Seed
["i:17036"] = 800, -- Ashwood Seed
["i:17037"] = 1400, -- Hornbeam Seed
["i:17038"] = 2000, -- Ironwood Seed
["i:17194"] = 10, -- Holiday Spices
["i:17196"] = 50, -- Holiday Spirits
["i:17202"] = 10, -- Snowball
["i:18256"] = 30000, -- Imbued Vial
["i:18567"] = 150000, -- Elemental Flux
["i:21177"] = 3000, -- Symbol of Kings
} or {
["i:159"] = 25, -- Refreshing Spring Water
["i:1179"] = 125, -- Ice Cold Milk
["i:2320"] = 10, -- Coarse Thread
["i:2321"] = 100, -- Fine Thread
["i:2324"] = 25, -- Bleach
["i:2325"] = 1000, -- Black Dye
["i:2593"] = 150, -- Flask of Stormwind Tawny
["i:2594"] = 1500, -- Flagon of Dwarven Mead
["i:2595"] = 2000, -- Jug of Badlands Bourbon
["i:2596"] = 120, -- Skin of Dwarven Stout
["i:2604"] = 50, -- Red Dye
["i:2605"] = 100, -- Green Dye
["i:2678"] = 10, -- Mild Spices
["i:2880"] = 100, -- Weak Flux
["i:2901"] = 81, -- Mining Pick
["i:3371"] = 150, -- Crystal Vial
["i:3466"] = 2000, -- Strong Flux
["i:3857"] = 500, -- Coal
["i:4289"] = 50, -- Salt
["i:4291"] = 500, -- Silken Thread
["i:4340"] = 350, -- Gray Dye
["i:4341"] = 500, -- Yellow Dye
["i:4342"] = 2500, -- Purple Dye
["i:4399"] = 200, -- Wooden Stock
["i:4400"] = 2000, -- Heavy Stock
["i:4470"] = 38, -- Simple Wood
["i:4537"] = 125, -- Tel'Abim Banana
["i:5956"] = 18, -- Blacksmith Hammer
["i:6217"] = 124, -- Copper Rod
["i:6260"] = 50, -- Blue Dye
["i:6261"] = 1000, -- Orange Dye
["i:6530"] = 100, -- Nightcrawlers
["i:7005"] = 82, -- Skinning Knife
["i:8343"] = 2000, -- Heavy Silken Thread
["i:10290"] = 2500, -- Pink Dye
["i:10647"] = 2000, -- Engineer's Ink
["i:11291"] = 4500, -- Star Wood
["i:14341"] = 5000, -- Rune Thread
["i:17194"] = 10, -- Holiday Spices
["i:17196"] = 50, -- Holiday Spirits
["i:17202"] = 10, -- Snowball
["i:18567"] = 30000, -- Elemental Flux
["i:23572"] = 500000, -- Primal Nether
["i:27860"] = 6400, -- Purified Draenic Water
["i:30183"] = 700000, -- Nether Vortex
["i:30817"] = 25, -- Simple Flour
["i:34249"] = 1000000, -- Hula Girl Doll
["i:34412"] = 1000, -- Sparkling Apple Cider
["i:35948"] = 16000, -- Savory Snowplum
["i:35949"] = 8500, -- Tundra Berries
["i:38426"] = 30000, -- Eternium Thread
["i:39354"] = 15, -- Light Parchment
["i:39684"] = 9000, -- Hair Trigger
["i:40533"] = 50000, -- Walnut Stock
["i:43102"] = 750000, -- Frozen Orb
["i:44499"] = 30000000, -- Salvaged Iron Golem Parts
["i:44500"] = 15000000, -- Elementium-Plated Exhaust Pipe
["i:44501"] = 10000000, -- Goblin-Machined Piston
["i:44835"] = 10, -- Autumnal Herbs
["i:44853"] = 25, -- Honey
["i:44854"] = 25, -- Tangy Wetland Cranberries
["i:44855"] = 25, -- Teldrassil Sweet Potato
["i:46784"] = 25, -- Ripe Elwynn Pumpkin
["i:46793"] = 25, -- Tangy Southfury Cranberries
["i:46796"] = 25, -- Ripe Tirisfal Pumpkin
["i:46797"] = 25, -- Mulgore Sweet Potato
["i:49908"] = 1500000, -- Primordial Saronite
["i:52188"] = 15000, -- Jeweler's Setting
["i:58265"] = 20000, -- Highland Pomegranate
["i:58278"] = 16000, -- Tropical Sunfruit
["i:62323"] = 60000, -- Deathwing Scale Fragment
["i:65892"] = 50000000, -- Pyrium-Laced Crystalline Vial
["i:65893"] = 30000000, -- Sands of Time
["i:67319"] = 328990, -- Preserved Ogre Eye
["i:67335"] = 445561, -- Silver Charm Bracelet
["i:74659"] = 30000, -- Farm Chicken
["i:74660"] = 15000, -- Pandaren Peach
["i:74832"] = 12000, -- Barley
["i:74845"] = 35000, -- Ginseng
["i:74851"] = 14000, -- Rice
["i:74852"] = 16000, -- Yak Milk
["i:74854"] = 7000, -- Instant Noodles
["i:79740"] = 23, -- Plain Wooden Staff
["i:80433"] = 2000000, -- Blood Spirit
["i:83092"] = 200000000, -- Orb of Mystery
["i:85583"] = 12000, -- Needle Mushrooms
["i:85584"] = 17000, -- Silkworm Pupa
["i:85585"] = 27000, -- Red Beans
["i:102539"] = 5000, -- Fresh Strawberries
["i:102540"] = 5000, -- Fresh Mangos
["i:124436"] = 40000, -- Foxflower Flux
["i:127037"] = 5000, -- Runic Catgut
["i:127681"] = 5000, -- Sharp Spritethorn
["i:133588"] = 25000, -- Flaked Sea Salt
["i:133589"] = 25000, -- Dalapeño Pepper
["i:133590"] = 25000, -- Muskenbutter
["i:133591"] = 25000, -- River Onion
["i:133592"] = 25000, -- Stonedark Snail
["i:133593"] = 25000, -- Royal Olive
["i:136629"] = 173300, -- Felgibber Shotgun
["i:136630"] = 118500, -- "Twirling Bottom" Repeater
["i:136631"] = 450000, -- Surface-to-Infernal Rocket Launcher
["i:136632"] = 210800, -- Chaos Blaster
["i:136633"] = 25000, -- Loose Trigger
["i:136636"] = 57500, -- Sniping Scope
["i:136637"] = 11500, -- Oversized Blasting Cap
["i:136638"] = 89500, -- True Iron Barrel
["i:158186"] = 250, -- Distilled Water
["i:158205"] = 1000, -- Acacia Powder
["i:159959"] = 6000, -- Nylon Thread
["i:160059"] = 250, -- Amber Tanning Oil
["i:160298"] = 3000, -- Durable Flux
["i:160398"] = 25000, -- Choral Honey
["i:160399"] = 25000, -- Wild Flour
["i:160400"] = 25000, -- Foosaka
["i:160502"] = 11500, -- Chemical Blasting Cap
["i:160705"] = 50, -- Major's Frothy Coffee
["i:160709"] = 25000, -- Fresh Potato
["i:160710"] = 25000, -- Wild Berries
["i:160712"] = 25000, -- Powdered Sugar
["i:161131"] = 300000000, -- Barely Stable Azerite Reactor
["i:163569"] = 100, -- Insulated Wiring
-- ============================================================================
-- Module Functions
-- ============================================================================
function VendorSell.Iterator()
return pairs(VENDOR_SELL_PRICES)