-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- TradeSkillMaster -- -- https://tradeskillmaster.com -- -- All Rights Reserved - Detailed license information included with addon. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- --- Item Info Functions -- @module ItemInfo local _, TSM = ... local ItemInfo = TSM.Init("Service.ItemInfo") local L = TSM.Include("Locale").GetTable() local ItemClass = TSM.Include("Data.ItemClass") local VendorSell = TSM.Include("Data.VendorSell") local ItemString = TSM.Include("Util.ItemString") local Analytics = TSM.Include("Util.Analytics") local Database = TSM.Include("Util.Database") local Event = TSM.Include("Util.Event") local Delay = TSM.Include("Util.Delay") local TempTable = TSM.Include("Util.TempTable") local Math = TSM.Include("Util.Math") local String = TSM.Include("Util.String") local Log = TSM.Include("Util.Log") local Table = TSM.Include("Util.Table") local Settings = TSM.Include("Service.Settings") local private = { db = nil, pendingItems = {}, numRequests = {}, availableItems = {}, isRebuilding = false, settings = nil, infoChangeCallbacks = {}, hasChanged = false, } local ITEM_MAX_ID = 999999 local SEP_CHAR = "\002" local ITEM_INFO_INTERVAL = 0.05 local MAX_REQUESTED_ITEM_INFO = 50 local MAX_REQUESTS_PER_ITEM = 5 local UNKNOWN_ITEM_NAME = L["Unknown Item"] local PLACEHOLDER_ITEM_NAME = L["Example Item"] local DB_VERSION = 7 local ENCODING_NUM_BITS = 6 local ENCODING_NUM_VALUES = 2 ^ ENCODING_NUM_BITS local ENCODING_ALPHABET = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_" assert(#ENCODING_ALPHABET == ENCODING_NUM_VALUES) local ENCODING_TABLE = {} local ENCODING_TABLE_2 = {} local DECODING_TABLE = {} for i = 0, #ENCODING_ALPHABET - 1 do local encodedValue = strbyte(ENCODING_ALPHABET, i + 1, i + 1) ENCODING_TABLE[i] = encodedValue DECODING_TABLE[encodedValue] = i end for i = 0, ENCODING_NUM_VALUES ^ 2 - 1 do local value = i local charValue0 = value % 2 ^ ENCODING_NUM_BITS value = (value - charValue0) / 2 ^ ENCODING_NUM_BITS local charValue1 = value % 2 ^ ENCODING_NUM_BITS value = (value - charValue1) / 2 ^ ENCODING_NUM_BITS ENCODING_TABLE_2[i] = { ENCODING_TABLE[charValue0], ENCODING_TABLE[charValue1] } assert(value == 0) end local ENCODED_NIL_CHAR = ENCODING_TABLE[#ENCODING_ALPHABET - 1] local DECODED_NIL_VALUE = ENCODING_NUM_VALUES - 1 local RECORD_DATA_LENGTH_CHARS = 22 local FIELD_INFO = { itemLevel = { numBits = 12 }, minLevel = { numBits = 12 }, vendorSell = { numBits = 30 }, maxStack = { numBits = 12 }, invSlotId = { numBits = 6 }, texture = { numBits = 30 }, classId = { numBits = 6 }, subClassId = { numBits = 6 }, quality = { numBits = 6 }, isBOP = { numBits = 6 }, isCraftingReagent = { numBits = 6 }, } do local totalLengthChars = 0 for _, info in pairs(FIELD_INFO) do assert(info.numBits % ENCODING_NUM_BITS == 0) info.numChars = info.numBits / ENCODING_NUM_BITS totalLengthChars = totalLengthChars + info.numChars info.nilValue = 2 ^ info.numBits - 1 info.maxValue = 2 ^ info.numBits - 2 end assert(totalLengthChars == RECORD_DATA_LENGTH_CHARS) end local PENDING_STATE_NEW = 1 local PENDING_STATE_CREATED = 2 local ITEM_QUALITY_BY_HEX_LOOKUP = {} for quality, info in pairs(ITEM_QUALITY_COLORS) do ITEM_QUALITY_BY_HEX_LOOKUP[info.hex] = quality end -- URLs for non-disenchantable items: -- http://www.wowhead.com/items=2?filter=qu=2%3A3%3A4%3Bcr=8%3A2%3Bcrs=2%3A2%3Bcrv=0%3A0 -- http://www.wowhead.com/items=4?filter=qu=2%3A3%3A4%3Bcr=8%3A2%3Bcrs=2%3A2%3Bcrv=0%3A0 local NON_DISENCHANTABLE_ITEMS = { ["i:11290"] = true, ["i:11289"] = true, ["i:11288"] = true, ["i:11287"] = true, ["i:60223"] = true, ["i:52252"] = true, ["i:20406"] = true, ["i:20407"] = true, ["i:20408"] = true, ["i:21766"] = true, ["i:52485"] = true, ["i:52486"] = true, ["i:52487"] = true, ["i:52488"] = true, ["i:75274"] = true, ["i:84661"] = true, ["i:97826"] = true, ["i:97827"] = true, ["i:97828"] = true, ["i:97829"] = true, ["i:97830"] = true, ["i:97831"] = true, ["i:97832"] = true, ["i:109262"] = true, } -- ============================================================================ -- Module Loading -- ============================================================================ ItemInfo:OnSettingsLoad(function() private.settings = Settings.NewView() :AddKey("global", "internalData", "vendorItems") Event.Register("GET_ITEM_INFO_RECEIVED", function(_, itemId, success) if not success or itemId <= 0 or itemId > ITEM_MAX_ID or private.numRequests[itemId] == math.huge then return end private.availableItems[itemId] = true Delay.AfterFrame("ITEM_INFO_DELAY", 0, private.ProcessAvailableItems) end) -- load the item info database local names, itemStrings = nil, nil local build, revision = GetBuildInfo() local isValid = true if not TSMItemInfoDB or TSMItemInfoDB.version ~= DB_VERSION or TSMItemInfoDB.locale ~= GetLocale() or TSMItemInfoDB.build ~= build or TSMItemInfoDB.revision ~= revision then isValid = false elseif #TSMItemInfoDB.data % RECORD_DATA_LENGTH_CHARS ~= 0 then Analytics.Action("CORRUPTED_ITEM_INFO", "DATA", #TSMItemInfoDB.data) isValid = false else names = private.LoadLongString(TSMItemInfoDB.names) itemStrings = private.LoadLongString(TSMItemInfoDB.itemStrings) if #names ~= #itemStrings then Analytics.Action("CORRUPTED_ITEM_INFO", "NAMES_ITEM_STRINGS", #names, #itemStrings) isValid = false names = nil itemStrings = nil end end if not isValid then private.isRebuilding = true TSMItemInfoDB = { names = nil, itemStrings = nil, data = "", } private.hasChanged = true wipe(private.settings.vendorItems) -- delay this message to make it more likely to be seen Delay.AfterTime(3, function() Log.PrintUser(L["TSM is currently rebuilding its item cache which may cause FPS drops and result in TSM not being fully functional until this process is complete. This is normal and typically takes less than a minute."]) end) end -- load hard-coded vendor costs for itemString, cost in VendorSell.Iterator() do private.settings.vendorItems[itemString] = private.settings.vendorItems[itemString] or cost end names = names or {} itemStrings = itemStrings or {} assert(#names == #itemStrings) local numItemsLoaded = #names Log.Info("Imported %d items worth of data", numItemsLoaded) if not Table.IsSorted(names, private.NameSortHelper) then -- we'll sort our data on logout to make ItemInfo.MatchItemFilter a bit more efficient private.hasChanged = true end -- The following code for populating our database is highly optimized as we're processing an excessive amount of data here private.db = Database.NewSchema("ITEM_INFO") :AddUniqueStringField("itemString") :AddStringField("name") :AddNumberField("itemLevel") :AddNumberField("minLevel") :AddNumberField("maxStack") :AddNumberField("vendorSell") :AddNumberField("invSlotId") :AddNumberField("texture") :AddNumberField("classId") :AddNumberField("subClassId") :AddNumberField("quality") :AddNumberField("isBOP") :AddNumberField("isCraftingReagent") :AddTrigramIndex("name") :Commit() private.db:BulkInsertStart() for i = 1, numItemsLoaded do local itemString = itemStrings[i] -- check the itemString if ItemString.Get(itemString) == itemString then -- load all the fields from the string local dataOffset = (i - 1) * RECORD_DATA_LENGTH_CHARS + 1 local b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8, b9, b10, b11, b12, b13, b14, b15, b16, b17, b18, b19, b20, b21, bExtra = strbyte(TSMItemInfoDB.data, dataOffset, dataOffset + RECORD_DATA_LENGTH_CHARS - 1) assert(b21 and not bExtra) -- load the fields local itemLevel = (b0 == ENCODED_NIL_CHAR and b1 == ENCODED_NIL_CHAR) and -1 or (DECODING_TABLE[b0] + DECODING_TABLE[b1] * 2 ^ ENCODING_NUM_BITS) local minLevel = (b2 == ENCODED_NIL_CHAR and b3 == ENCODED_NIL_CHAR) and -1 or (DECODING_TABLE[b2] + DECODING_TABLE[b3] * 2 ^ ENCODING_NUM_BITS) local vendorSell = nil if b4 == ENCODED_NIL_CHAR and b5 == ENCODED_NIL_CHAR and b6 == ENCODED_NIL_CHAR and b7 == ENCODED_NIL_CHAR and b8 == ENCODED_NIL_CHAR then vendorSell = -1 else vendorSell = DECODING_TABLE[b4] + DECODING_TABLE[b5] * 2 ^ ENCODING_NUM_BITS + DECODING_TABLE[b6] * 2 ^ (ENCODING_NUM_BITS * 2) + DECODING_TABLE[b7] * 2 ^ (ENCODING_NUM_BITS * 3) + DECODING_TABLE[b8] * 2 ^ (ENCODING_NUM_BITS * 4) end local maxStack = (b9 == ENCODED_NIL_CHAR and b10 == ENCODED_NIL_CHAR) and -1 or (DECODING_TABLE[b9] + DECODING_TABLE[b10] * 2 ^ ENCODING_NUM_BITS) local invSlotId = DECODING_TABLE[b11] if invSlotId == DECODED_NIL_VALUE then invSlotId = -1 end local texture = nil if b12 == ENCODED_NIL_CHAR and b13 == ENCODED_NIL_CHAR and b14 == ENCODED_NIL_CHAR and b15 == ENCODED_NIL_CHAR and b16 == ENCODED_NIL_CHAR then texture = -1 else texture = DECODING_TABLE[b12] + DECODING_TABLE[b13] * 2 ^ ENCODING_NUM_BITS + DECODING_TABLE[b14] * 2 ^ (ENCODING_NUM_BITS * 2) + DECODING_TABLE[b15] * 2 ^ (ENCODING_NUM_BITS * 3) + DECODING_TABLE[b16] * 2 ^ (ENCODING_NUM_BITS * 4) end local classId = DECODING_TABLE[b17] if classId == DECODED_NIL_VALUE then classId = -1 end local subClassId = DECODING_TABLE[b18] if subClassId == DECODED_NIL_VALUE then subClassId = -1 end local quality = DECODING_TABLE[b19] if quality == DECODED_NIL_VALUE then quality = -1 end local isBOP = DECODING_TABLE[b20] if isBOP == DECODED_NIL_VALUE then isBOP = -1 end local isCraftingReagent = DECODING_TABLE[b21] if isCraftingReagent == DECODED_NIL_VALUE then isCraftingReagent = -1 end -- store in the DB local name = names[i] private.db:BulkInsertNewRowFast13(itemString, name, itemLevel, minLevel, maxStack, vendorSell, invSlotId, texture, classId, subClassId, quality, isBOP, isCraftingReagent) end end private.db:BulkInsertEnd() private.DoInfoChangedCallbacks() -- process pending item info every 0.05 seconds Delay.AfterTime("PROCESS_ITEM_INFO", 0, private.ProcessItemInfo, ITEM_INFO_INTERVAL) -- scan the merchant when the goods are shown Event.Register("MERCHANT_SHOW", private.ScanMerchant) Event.Register("MERCHANT_UPDATE", private.UpdateMerchant) end) ItemInfo:OnModuleUnload(function() -- save the DB if not TSMItemInfoDB or not private.hasChanged then -- bailing if TSMItemInfoDB doesn't exist gives us an easy way to wipe the DB via "/run TSMItemInfoDB = nil" return end local names = {} local itemStrings = {} local dataParts = {} local rawData = private.db:GetRawData() local numFields = private.db:GetNumStoredFields() for i = 1, private.db:GetNumRows() do local startOffset = (i - 1) * numFields + 1 local itemString, name, itemLevel, minLevel, maxStack, vendorSell, invSlotId, texture, classId, subClassId, quality, isBOP, isCraftingReagent = unpack(rawData, startOffset, startOffset + numFields - 1) local b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8, b9 = ENCODED_NIL_CHAR, ENCODED_NIL_CHAR, ENCODED_NIL_CHAR, ENCODED_NIL_CHAR, ENCODED_NIL_CHAR, ENCODED_NIL_CHAR, ENCODED_NIL_CHAR, ENCODED_NIL_CHAR, ENCODED_NIL_CHAR, ENCODED_NIL_CHAR local b10, b11, b12, b13, b14, b15, b16, b17, b18, b19 = ENCODED_NIL_CHAR, ENCODED_NIL_CHAR, ENCODED_NIL_CHAR, ENCODED_NIL_CHAR, ENCODED_NIL_CHAR, ENCODED_NIL_CHAR, ENCODED_NIL_CHAR, ENCODED_NIL_CHAR, ENCODED_NIL_CHAR, ENCODED_NIL_CHAR local b20, b21 = ENCODED_NIL_CHAR, ENCODED_NIL_CHAR if itemLevel ~= -1 then local chars = ENCODING_TABLE_2[itemLevel] b0 = chars[1] b1 = chars[2] end if minLevel ~= -1 then local chars = ENCODING_TABLE_2[minLevel] b2 = chars[1] b3 = chars[2] end if vendorSell ~= -1 then local charValue0 = vendorSell % 2 ^ ENCODING_NUM_BITS vendorSell = (vendorSell - charValue0) / 2 ^ ENCODING_NUM_BITS local charValue1 = vendorSell % 2 ^ ENCODING_NUM_BITS vendorSell = (vendorSell - charValue1) / 2 ^ ENCODING_NUM_BITS local charValue2 = vendorSell % 2 ^ ENCODING_NUM_BITS vendorSell = (vendorSell - charValue2) / 2 ^ ENCODING_NUM_BITS local charValue3 = vendorSell % 2 ^ ENCODING_NUM_BITS vendorSell = (vendorSell - charValue3) / 2 ^ ENCODING_NUM_BITS local charValue4 = vendorSell % 2 ^ ENCODING_NUM_BITS vendorSell = (vendorSell - charValue4) / 2 ^ ENCODING_NUM_BITS if vendorSell ~= 0 then error("Invalid remainder") end b4 = ENCODING_TABLE[charValue0] b5 = ENCODING_TABLE[charValue1] b6 = ENCODING_TABLE[charValue2] b7 = ENCODING_TABLE[charValue3] b8 = ENCODING_TABLE[charValue4] end if maxStack ~= -1 then local chars = ENCODING_TABLE_2[maxStack] b9 = chars[1] b10 = chars[2] end if invSlotId ~= -1 then b11 = ENCODING_TABLE[invSlotId] end if texture ~= -1 then local charValue0 = texture % 2 ^ ENCODING_NUM_BITS texture = (texture - charValue0) / 2 ^ ENCODING_NUM_BITS local charValue1 = texture % 2 ^ ENCODING_NUM_BITS texture = (texture - charValue1) / 2 ^ ENCODING_NUM_BITS local charValue2 = texture % 2 ^ ENCODING_NUM_BITS texture = (texture - charValue2) / 2 ^ ENCODING_NUM_BITS local charValue3 = texture % 2 ^ ENCODING_NUM_BITS texture = (texture - charValue3) / 2 ^ ENCODING_NUM_BITS local charValue4 = texture % 2 ^ ENCODING_NUM_BITS texture = (texture - charValue4) / 2 ^ ENCODING_NUM_BITS if texture ~= 0 then error("Invalid remainder") end b12 = ENCODING_TABLE[charValue0] b13 = ENCODING_TABLE[charValue1] b14 = ENCODING_TABLE[charValue2] b15 = ENCODING_TABLE[charValue3] b16 = ENCODING_TABLE[charValue4] end if classId ~= -1 then b17 = ENCODING_TABLE[classId] end if subClassId ~= -1 then b18 = ENCODING_TABLE[subClassId] end if quality ~= -1 then b19 = ENCODING_TABLE[quality] end if isBOP ~= -1 then b20 = ENCODING_TABLE[isBOP] end if isCraftingReagent ~= -1 then b21 = ENCODING_TABLE[isCraftingReagent] end names[i] = name itemStrings[i] = itemString dataParts[i] = strchar(b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8, b9, b10, b11, b12, b13, b14, b15, b16, b17, b18, b19, b20, b21) if #dataParts[i] ~= RECORD_DATA_LENGTH_CHARS then names[i] = nil itemStrings[i] = nil dataParts[i] = nil end end if not Table.IsSorted(names, private.NameSortHelper) then -- sort all the data by the name to make ItemInfo.MatchItemFilter a bit more efficient in the future local lowerNames = {} local sortedIndexes = {} for i = 1, #names do if names[i] ~= nil then tinsert(sortedIndexes, i) lowerNames[i] = strlower(names[i]) end end Table.SortWithValueLookup(sortedIndexes, lowerNames) local newNames = {} local newItemStrings = {} local newDataParts = {} for i, oldIndex in ipairs(sortedIndexes) do newNames[i] = names[oldIndex] newItemStrings[i] = itemStrings[oldIndex] newDataParts[i] = dataParts[oldIndex] end names = newNames itemStrings = newItemStrings dataParts = newDataParts end TSMItemInfoDB.names = private.StoreLongString(names) TSMItemInfoDB.itemStrings = private.StoreLongString(itemStrings) TSMItemInfoDB.data = table.concat(dataParts) if #TSMItemInfoDB.data % RECORD_DATA_LENGTH_CHARS ~= 0 then TSMItemInfoDB = nil return end local build, revision = GetBuildInfo() TSMItemInfoDB.version = DB_VERSION TSMItemInfoDB.locale = GetLocale() TSMItemInfoDB.build = build TSMItemInfoDB.revision = revision end) -- ============================================================================ -- Module Functions -- ============================================================================ function ItemInfo.ClearDB() TSMItemInfoDB = nil ReloadUI() end --- Register a callback which is called when item info changes. -- @tparam function callback The function to be called function ItemInfo.RegisterInfoChangeCallback(callback) tinsert(private.infoChangeCallbacks, callback) end --- Store the name of an item. -- This function is used to opportunistically populate the item cache with item names. -- @tparam string itemString The itemString -- @tparam string name The item name function ItemInfo.StoreItemName(itemString, name) private.SetSingleField(itemString, "name", name) end --- Store information about an item from its link. -- This function is used to opportunistically populate the item cache with item info. -- @tparam string itemLink The item link function ItemInfo.StoreItemInfoByLink(itemLink) -- see if we can extract the quality and name from the link local colorHex, name = strmatch(itemLink, "^(\124cff[0-9a-z]+)\124[Hh].+\124h%[(.+)%]\124h\124r$") if name == "" or name == UNKNOWN_ITEM_NAME or name == PLACEHOLDER_ITEM_NAME then name = nil end local quality = ITEM_QUALITY_BY_HEX_LOOKUP[colorHex] local itemString = ItemString.Get(itemLink) if not itemString then return end if name then private.SetSingleField(itemString, "name", name) end if quality then private.SetSingleField(itemString, "quality", quality) end end --- Get the itemString from an item name. -- This API will return the base itemString when there are multiple variants with the same name and will return nil if -- there are multiple distinct items with the same name. -- @tparam string name The item name -- @treturn ?string The itemString function ItemInfo.ItemNameToItemString(name) local result = nil local query = private.db:NewQuery() :Select("itemString") :Equal("name", name) for _, itemString in query:Iterator() do if not result then result = itemString elseif result ~= ItemString.GetUnknown() then -- multiple matching items if ItemString.GetBase(itemString) == ItemString.GetBase(result) then result = ItemString.GetBase(itemString) else result = ItemString.GetUnknown() end end end query:Release() return result end function ItemInfo.GetDBForJoin() return private.db end --- Get the name. -- @tparam string item The item -- @treturn ?string The name function ItemInfo.GetName(item) local itemString = ItemString.Get(item) if not itemString then return end if itemString == ItemString.GetUnknown() then return UNKNOWN_ITEM_NAME elseif itemString == ItemString.GetPlaceholder() then return PLACEHOLDER_ITEM_NAME end local name = private.GetField(itemString, "name") if not name then -- we can fetch info instantly for pets, so try again afterwards ItemInfo.FetchInfo(itemString) name = private.GetField(itemString, "name") end if not name then -- if we got passed an item link, we can maybe extract the name from it name = strmatch(item, "^\124cff[0-9a-z]+\124[Hh].+\124h%[(.+)%]\124h\124r$") if name == "" or name == UNKNOWN_ITEM_NAME or name == PLACEHOLDER_ITEM_NAME then name = nil end if name then private.SetSingleField(itemString, "name", name) end end return name end --- Get the link. -- @tparam string item The item -- @treturn string The link or an "Unknown Item" link function ItemInfo.GetLink(item) local itemString = ItemString.Get(item) if not itemString then return end local link = nil local itemStringType, speciesId, level, quality, health, power, speed, petId = strsplit(":", itemString) if itemStringType == "p" then local name = ItemInfo.GetName(item) or UNKNOWN_ITEM_NAME local fullItemString = strjoin(":", speciesId, level or "", quality or "", health or "", power or "", speed or "", petId or "") quality = tonumber(quality) or 0 local qualityColor = ITEM_QUALITY_COLORS[quality] and ITEM_QUALITY_COLORS[quality].hex or "|cffff0000" link = qualityColor.."|Hbattlepet:"..fullItemString.."|h["..name.."]|h|r" else local name = ItemInfo.GetName(item) or UNKNOWN_ITEM_NAME quality = ItemInfo.GetQuality(item) local qualityColor = ITEM_QUALITY_COLORS[quality] and ITEM_QUALITY_COLORS[quality].hex or "|cffff0000" link = qualityColor.."|H"..ItemString.ToWow(itemString).."|h["..name.."]|h|r" end return link end --- Get the quality. -- @tparam string item The item -- @treturn ?number The quality function ItemInfo.GetQuality(item) local itemString = ItemString.Get(item) if not itemString then return end local itemType, _, randOrLevel, bonusOrQuality = strsplit(":", itemString) randOrLevel = tonumber(randOrLevel) bonusOrQuality = tonumber(bonusOrQuality) local petDefault = itemType == "p" and (bonusOrQuality or 0) or nil local quality = private.GetFieldValueHelper(itemString, "quality", false, false, petDefault) if quality then return quality end if itemType == "i" and randOrLevel and not bonusOrQuality then -- there is a random enchant, but no bonusIds, so the quality is the same as the base item quality = ItemInfo.GetQuality(ItemString.GetBase(itemString)) elseif itemType == "i" and bonusOrQuality then -- this item has bonusIds local classId = ItemInfo.GetClassId(itemString) if classId and classId ~= LE_ITEM_CLASS_WEAPON and classId ~= LE_ITEM_CLASS_ARMOR then -- the bonusId does not affect the quality of this item quality = ItemInfo.GetQuality(ItemString.GetBase(itemString)) end end if quality then private.SetSingleField(itemString, "quality", quality) else ItemInfo.FetchInfo(itemString) end return quality end --- Get the quality color. -- @tparam string item The item -- @treturn ?string The quality color string function ItemInfo.GetQualityColor(item) local itemString = ItemString.Get(item) if itemString == ItemString.GetUnknown() then return "|cffff0000" elseif itemString == ItemString.GetPlaceholder() then return "|cffffffff" end local quality = ItemInfo.GetQuality(itemString) return ITEM_QUALITY_COLORS[quality] and ITEM_QUALITY_COLORS[quality].hex end --- Get the item level. -- @tparam string item The item -- @treturn ?number The item level function ItemInfo.GetItemLevel(item) local itemString = ItemString.Get(item) if not itemString then return end local itemLevel = private.GetField(itemString, "itemLevel") if itemLevel then return itemLevel end local itemType, _, randOrLevel, bonusOrQuality = strsplit(":", itemString) randOrLevel = tonumber(randOrLevel) bonusOrQuality = tonumber(bonusOrQuality) if itemType == "p" then -- we can fetch info instantly for pets so try again ItemInfo.FetchInfo(itemString) itemLevel = private.GetField(itemString, "itemLevel") if not itemLevel then -- just get the level from the item string itemLevel = randOrLevel or 0 private.SetSingleField(itemString, "itemLevel", itemLevel) end elseif itemType == "i" then if randOrLevel and not bonusOrQuality then -- there is a random enchant, but no bonusIds, so the itemLevel is the same as the base item itemLevel = ItemInfo.GetItemLevel(ItemString.GetBase(itemString)) end if itemLevel then private.SetSingleField(itemString, "itemLevel", itemLevel) end ItemInfo.FetchInfo(itemString) else error("Invalid item: "..tostring(itemString)) end return itemLevel end --- Get the min level. -- @tparam string item The item -- @treturn ?number The min level function ItemInfo.GetMinLevel(item) local itemString = ItemString.Get(item) if not itemString then return end -- if there is a random enchant, but no bonusIds, so the itemLevel is the same as the base item local baseIsSame = strmatch(itemString, "^i:[0-9]+:[%-0-9]+$") and true or false local minLevel = private.GetFieldValueHelper(itemString, "minLevel", baseIsSame, true, 0) if not minLevel and ItemString.IsItem(itemString) then local baseItemString = ItemString.GetBase(itemString) local canHaveVariations = ItemInfo.CanHaveVariations(itemString) if itemString ~= baseItemString and canHaveVariations == false then -- the bonusId does not affect the minLevel of this item minLevel = ItemInfo.GetMinLevel(baseItemString) if minLevel then private.SetSingleField(itemString, "minLevel", minLevel) end end end return minLevel end --- Get the max stack size. -- @tparam string item The item -- @treturn ?number The max stack size function ItemInfo.GetMaxStack(item) local itemString = ItemString.Get(item) if not itemString then return end local maxStack = private.GetFieldValueHelper(itemString, "maxStack", true, true, 1) if not maxStack and ItemString.IsItem(itemString) then -- we might be able to deduce the maxStack based on the classId and subClassId local classId = ItemInfo.GetClassId(item) local subClassId = ItemInfo.GetSubClassId(item) if classId and subClassId then if classId == 1 then maxStack = 1 elseif classId == 2 then maxStack = 1 elseif classId == 4 then if subClassId > 0 then maxStack = 1 end elseif classId == 15 then if subClassId == 5 then maxStack = 1 end elseif classId == 16 then maxStack = 20 elseif classId == 17 then maxStack = 1 elseif classId == 18 then maxStack = 1 end end if maxStack then private.SetSingleField(itemString, "maxStack", maxStack) end end return maxStack end --- Get the inventory slot id. -- @tparam string item The item -- @treturn ?number The inventory slot id function ItemInfo.GetInvSlotId(item) local itemString = ItemString.Get(item) if not itemString then return end local invSlotId = private.GetFieldValueHelper(itemString, "invSlotId", true, true, 0) return invSlotId end --- Get the texture. -- @tparam string item The item -- @treturn ?number The texture function ItemInfo.GetTexture(item) local itemString = ItemString.Get(item) if not itemString then return end local texture = private.GetFieldValueHelper(itemString, "texture", true, false, nil) if texture then return texture end private.StoreGetItemInfoInstant(itemString) return private.GetField(itemString, "texture") end --- Get the vendor sell price. -- @tparam string item The item -- @treturn ?number The vendor sell price function ItemInfo.GetVendorSell(item) local itemString = ItemString.Get(item) if not itemString then return end local vendorSell = private.GetFieldValueHelper(itemString, "vendorSell", false, false, 0) return (vendorSell or 0) > 0 and vendorSell or nil end --- Get the class id. -- @tparam string item The item -- @treturn ?number The class id function ItemInfo.GetClassId(item) local itemString = ItemString.Get(item) if not itemString then return end local classId = private.GetFieldValueHelper(itemString, "classId", true, true, LE_ITEM_CLASS_BATTLEPET) if classId then return classId end private.StoreGetItemInfoInstant(itemString) return private.GetField(itemString, "classId") end --- Get the sub-class id. -- @tparam string item The item -- @treturn ?number The sub-class id function ItemInfo.GetSubClassId(item) local itemString = ItemString.Get(item) if not itemString then return end local subClassId = private.GetFieldValueHelper(itemString, "subClassId", true, true, nil) if subClassId then return subClassId end private.StoreGetItemInfoInstant(itemString) return private.GetField(itemString, "subClassId") end --- Get whether or not the item is bind on pickup. -- @tparam string item The item -- @treturn boolean Whether or not the item is bind on pickup function ItemInfo.IsSoulbound(item) local itemString = ItemString.Get(item) if not itemString then return end local isBOP = private.GetFieldValueHelper(itemString, "isBOP", true, true, false) if type(isBOP) == "number" then isBOP = isBOP == 1 end return isBOP end --- Get whether or not the item is a crafting reagent. -- @tparam string item The item -- @treturn boolean Whether or not the item is a crafting reagent function ItemInfo.IsCraftingReagent(item) local itemString = ItemString.Get(item) if not itemString then return end local isCraftingReagent = private.GetFieldValueHelper(itemString, "isCraftingReagent", true, true, false) if type(isCraftingReagent) == "number" then isCraftingReagent = isCraftingReagent == 1 end return isCraftingReagent end --- Get the vendor buy price. -- @tparam string item The item -- @treturn ?number The vendor buy price function ItemInfo.GetVendorBuy(item) local itemString = ItemString.Get(item) if not itemString then return end return private.settings.vendorItems[itemString] end --- Get whether or not the item is disenchantable. -- @tparam string item The item -- @treturn ?boolean Whether or not the item is disenchantable (nil means we don't know) function ItemInfo.IsDisenchantable(item) local itemString = ItemString.Get(item) if not itemString or NON_DISENCHANTABLE_ITEMS[itemString] then return nil end local quality = ItemInfo.GetQuality(itemString) local classId = ItemInfo.GetClassId(itemString) if not quality or not classId then return nil end return quality >= (TSM.IsShadowlands() and Enum.ItemQuality.Uncommon or LE_ITEM_QUALITY_UNCOMMON) and (classId == LE_ITEM_CLASS_ARMOR or classId == LE_ITEM_CLASS_WEAPON) end --- Get whether or not the item is a commodity in WoW 8.3 (and above). -- @tparam string item The item -- @treturn ?number The inventory slot id function ItemInfo.IsCommodity(item) if TSM.IsWowClassic() then return false end local stackSize = ItemInfo.GetMaxStack(item) if not stackSize then return nil end return stackSize > 1 end --- Get whether or not the item can have variations. -- @tparam string item The item -- @treturn ?boolean Whether or not the item can have variations function ItemInfo.CanHaveVariations(item) local classId = ItemInfo.GetClassId(item) if not classId then return nil end if classId == LE_ITEM_CLASS_ARMOR or classId == LE_ITEM_CLASS_WEAPON or classId == LE_ITEM_CLASS_BATTLEPET then return true elseif classId == LE_ITEM_CLASS_GEM then local subClassId = ItemInfo.GetSubClassId(item) if not subClassId then return nil end return subClassId == LE_ITEM_GEM_ARTIFACTRELIC else return false end end --- Fetch info for the item. -- This function can be called ahead of time for items which we know we need to have info cached for. -- @tparam ?string item The item function ItemInfo.FetchInfo(item) if item == ItemString.GetUnknown() or item == ItemString.GetPlaceholder() then return end local itemString = ItemString.Get(item) if not itemString then return end if ItemString.IsPet(itemString) then if not private.GetField(itemString, "name") then private.StoreGetItemInfoInstant(itemString) end return end private.pendingItems[itemString] = PENDING_STATE_NEW Delay.AfterTime("PROCESS_ITEM_INFO", 0, private.ProcessItemInfo, ITEM_INFO_INTERVAL) end --- Generalize an item link. -- @tparam string itemLink The item link -- @treturn ?string The generalized link function ItemInfo.GeneralizeLink(itemLink) local itemString = ItemString.Get(itemLink) if not itemString then return end if ItemString.IsItem(itemString) and not strmatch(itemString, "i:[0-9]+:[0-9%-]*:[0-9]*") then -- swap out the itemString part of the link local leader, quality, _, name, trailer, trailer2, extra = ("\124"):split(itemLink) if trailer2 and not extra then return strjoin("\124", leader, quality, "H"..ItemString.ToWow(itemString), name, trailer, trailer2) end end return ItemInfo.GetLink(itemString) end --- Match an item filter to the item info database. -- @tparam ItemFilter itemFilter The itemFilter object to match -- @tparam table result The table to populate with results function ItemInfo.MatchItemFilter(itemFilter, result) local query = private.db:NewQuery() :Select("itemString") :OrderBy("name", true) local str = itemFilter:GetStr() if str then if itemFilter:GetExactOnly() then query:Equal("name", str) else query:Contains("name", str) end end local minQuality = itemFilter:GetMinQuality() if minQuality then query:GreaterThanOrEqual("quality", minQuality) end local maxQuality = itemFilter:GetMaxQuality() if maxQuality then query:LessThanOrEqual("quality", maxQuality) end local minLevel = itemFilter:GetMinLevel() if minLevel then query:GreaterThanOrEqual("minLevel", minLevel) end local maxLevel = itemFilter:GetMaxLevel() if maxLevel then query:LessThanOrEqual("minLevel", maxLevel) end local minItemLevel = itemFilter:GetMinItemLevel() if minItemLevel then query:GreaterThanOrEqual("itemLevel", minItemLevel) end local maxItemLevel = itemFilter:GetMaxItemLevel() if maxItemLevel then query:LessThanOrEqual("itemLevel", maxItemLevel) end local classId = itemFilter:GetClass() if classId then query:Equal("classId", classId) end local subClassId = itemFilter:GetSubClass() if subClassId then query:Equal("subClassId", subClassId) end local invSlotId = itemFilter:GetInvSlotId() if invSlotId then query:Equal("invSlotId", invSlotId) end query:AsTable(result) query:Release() end -- ============================================================================ -- Helper Functions -- ============================================================================ function private.GetFieldValueHelper(itemString, field, baseIsSame, storeBaseValue, petDefaultValue) local value = private.GetField(itemString, field) if value ~= nil then return value end ItemInfo.FetchInfo(itemString) if ItemString.IsPet(itemString) then -- we can fetch info instantly for pets so try again value = private.GetField(itemString, field) if value == nil and petDefaultValue ~= nil then value = petDefaultValue private.SetSingleField(itemString, field, value) end end if value == nil and baseIsSame then -- the value is the same for the base item local baseItemString = ItemString.GetBase(itemString) if baseItemString ~= itemString then value = private.GetFieldValueHelper(baseItemString, field) if value ~= nil and storeBaseValue then private.SetSingleField(itemString, field, value) end end end return value end function private.ProcessItemInfo() if InCombatLockdown() then return end private.db:SetQueryUpdatesPaused(true) -- create rows for items which don't exist at all in the DB in bulk private.db:BulkInsertStart() for itemString, state in pairs(private.pendingItems) do if state == PENDING_STATE_NEW then local baseItemString = ItemString.GetBase(itemString) private.CreateDBRowIfNotExists(itemString, true) if baseItemString ~= itemString then private.CreateDBRowIfNotExists(baseItemString, true) end private.pendingItems[itemString] = PENDING_STATE_CREATED end end private.db:BulkInsertEnd() -- throttle the max number of item info requests based on the frame rate local framerate = GetFramerate() local maxRequests = nil if framerate < 30 then maxRequests = MAX_REQUESTED_ITEM_INFO / 5 elseif framerate < 60 then maxRequests = MAX_REQUESTED_ITEM_INFO / 3 elseif framerate < 100 then maxRequests = MAX_REQUESTED_ITEM_INFO / 2 else maxRequests = MAX_REQUESTED_ITEM_INFO end local toRemove = TempTable.Acquire() local numRequested = 0 for itemString in pairs(private.pendingItems) do local name = private.GetField(itemString, "name") local quality = private.GetField(itemString, "quality") local itemLevel = private.GetField(itemString, "itemLevel") if (private.numRequests[itemString] or 0) > MAX_REQUESTS_PER_ITEM then -- give up on this item if private.numRequests[itemString] ~= math.huge then private.numRequests[itemString] = math.huge local itemId = ItemString.IsItem(itemString) and ItemString.ToId(itemString) or nil if not TSM.IsWowClassic() then Log.Err("Giving up on item info for %s", itemString) end if itemId and itemString == ItemString.GetBaseFast(itemString) then private.numRequests[itemId] = math.huge end end tinsert(toRemove, itemString) elseif name and name ~= "" and quality and quality >= 0 and itemLevel and itemLevel >= 0 then -- we have info for this item tinsert(toRemove, itemString) private.numRequests[itemString] = nil else -- request info for this item if not private.StoreGetItemInfo(itemString) then private.numRequests[itemString] = (private.numRequests[itemString] or 0) + 1 numRequested = numRequested + 1 if numRequested >= maxRequests then break end end end end for _, itemString in ipairs(toRemove) do private.pendingItems[itemString] = nil end TempTable.Release(toRemove) if not next(private.pendingItems) then if private.isRebuilding then Log.PrintUser(L["Done rebuilding item cache."]) private.isRebuilding = nil end Delay.Cancel("PROCESS_ITEM_INFO") end private.db:SetQueryUpdatesPaused(false) end function private.ScanMerchant() for i = 1, GetMerchantNumItems() do local itemString = ItemString.Get(GetMerchantItemLink(i)) if itemString then local currentValue = private.settings.vendorItems[itemString] local newValue = nil local _, _, price, quantity, numAvailable, _, _, extendedCost = GetMerchantItemInfo(i) -- only store vendor prices for unlimited quantity items if numAvailable == -1 then -- bug with big keech vendor returning extendedCost = true for gold only items so need to check GetMerchantItemCostInfo if price > 0 and (not extendedCost or GetMerchantItemCostInfo(i) == 0) then newValue = Math.Round(price / quantity) end if newValue ~= currentValue then private.settings.vendorItems[itemString] = newValue private.DoInfoChangedCallbacks(itemString) end end end end end function private.UpdateMerchant() Delay.AfterTime(0.1, private.ScanMerchant) end function private.CheckFieldValue(key, value) if value == -1 then return end assert(value >= 0 and value <= FIELD_INFO[key].maxValue) end function private.GetField(itemString, key) local value = private.db:GetUniqueRowField("itemString", itemString, key) if value == -1 or value == "" then return nil end return value end function private.CreateDBRowIfNotExists(itemString, isBulkInsert) if private.db:HasUniqueRow("itemString", itemString) then return end if isBulkInsert then private.db:BulkInsertNewRow(itemString, "", -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1) else private.db:NewRow() :SetField("itemString", itemString) :SetField("name", "") :SetField("minLevel", -1) :SetField("itemLevel", -1) :SetField("maxStack", -1) :SetField("vendorSell", -1) :SetField("quality", -1) :SetField("isBOP", -1) :SetField("isCraftingReagent", -1) :SetField("texture", -1) :SetField("classId", -1) :SetField("subClassId", -1) :SetField("invSlotId", -1) :Create() end private.hasChanged = true end function private.SetSingleField(itemString, key, value) if type(value) == "boolean" then value = value and 1 or 0 end if key ~= "name" then private.CheckFieldValue(key, value) end if private.db:GetUniqueRowField("itemString", itemString, key) == value then -- no change return end private.CreateDBRowIfNotExists(itemString) private.db:SetUniqueRowField("itemString", itemString, key, value) private.hasChanged = true private.DoInfoChangedCallbacks(itemString) end function private.SetItemInfoInstantFields(itemString, texture, classId, subClassId, invSlotId) private.CheckFieldValue("texture", texture) private.CheckFieldValue("classId", classId) private.CheckFieldValue("subClassId", subClassId) private.CheckFieldValue("invSlotId", invSlotId) private.CreateDBRowIfNotExists(itemString) private.db:SetUniqueRowField("itemString", itemString, "texture", texture) private.db:SetUniqueRowField("itemString", itemString, "classId", classId) private.db:SetUniqueRowField("itemString", itemString, "subClassId", subClassId) private.db:SetUniqueRowField("itemString", itemString, "invSlotId", invSlotId) private.hasChanged = true private.DoInfoChangedCallbacks(itemString) end function private.StoreGetItemInfoInstant(itemString) local itemStringType, id, extra1, extra2 = strmatch(itemString, "^([pi]):([0-9]+):?([0-9]*):?([0-9]*)") id = tonumber(id) if private.GetField(itemString, "texture") and private.GetField(itemString, "invSlotId") then -- we already have info cached for this item return end extra1 = tonumber(extra1) extra2 = tonumber(extra2) if itemStringType == "i" then local _, classStr, subClassStr, equipSlot, texture, classId, subClassId = GetItemInfoInstant(id) equipSlot = equipSlot and equipSlot ~= "" and _G[equipSlot] or nil if not texture then return end -- some items (such as i:37445) give a classId of -1 for some reason in which case we can look up the classId if classId < 0 then classId = ItemClass.GetClassIdFromClassString(classStr) assert(subClassStr == "") subClassId = 0 end local invSlotId = equipSlot and ItemClass.GetInventorySlotIdFromInventorySlotString(equipSlot) or 0 private.SetItemInfoInstantFields(itemString, texture, classId, subClassId, invSlotId) local baseItemString = ItemString.GetBase(itemString) if baseItemString ~= itemString then private.SetItemInfoInstantFields(baseItemString, texture, classId, subClassId, invSlotId) end elseif itemStringType == "p" then if TSM.IsWowClassic() then return end local name, texture, petTypeId = C_PetJournal.GetPetInfoBySpeciesID(id) if not texture then return end -- we can now store all the info for this pet local classId = LE_ITEM_CLASS_BATTLEPET local subClassId = petTypeId - 1 local invSlotId = 0 local minLevel = extra1 or 0 local itemLevel = extra1 or 0 local quality = extra2 or 0 local maxStack = 1 local vendorSell = 0 local isBOP = 0 local isCraftingReagent = 0 private.SetItemInfoInstantFields(itemString, texture, classId, subClassId, invSlotId) private.SetGetItemInfoFields(itemString, name, minLevel, itemLevel, maxStack, vendorSell, quality, isBOP, isCraftingReagent) local baseItemString = ItemString.GetBase(itemString) if baseItemString ~= itemString then minLevel = 0 itemLevel = 0 quality = 0 private.SetItemInfoInstantFields(baseItemString, texture, classId, subClassId, invSlotId) private.SetGetItemInfoFields(baseItemString, name, minLevel, itemLevel, maxStack, vendorSell, quality, isBOP, isCraftingReagent) end else assert("Invalid itemString: "..itemString) end end function private.SetGetItemInfoFields(itemString, name, minLevel, itemLevel, maxStack, vendorSell, quality, isBOP, isCraftingReagent) private.CheckFieldValue("minLevel", minLevel) private.CheckFieldValue("itemLevel", itemLevel) private.CheckFieldValue("maxStack", maxStack) private.CheckFieldValue("vendorSell", vendorSell) private.CheckFieldValue("quality", quality) private.CheckFieldValue("isBOP", isBOP) private.CheckFieldValue("isCraftingReagent", isCraftingReagent) private.CreateDBRowIfNotExists(itemString) private.db:SetUniqueRowField("itemString", itemString, "name", name) private.db:SetUniqueRowField("itemString", itemString, "minLevel", minLevel) private.db:SetUniqueRowField("itemString", itemString, "itemLevel", itemLevel) private.db:SetUniqueRowField("itemString", itemString, "maxStack", maxStack) private.db:SetUniqueRowField("itemString", itemString, "vendorSell", vendorSell) private.db:SetUniqueRowField("itemString", itemString, "quality", quality) private.db:SetUniqueRowField("itemString", itemString, "isBOP", isBOP) private.db:SetUniqueRowField("itemString", itemString, "isCraftingReagent", isCraftingReagent) private.hasChanged = true private.DoInfoChangedCallbacks(itemString) end function private.StoreGetItemInfo(itemString) private.StoreGetItemInfoInstant(itemString) assert(ItemString.IsItem(itemString)) local wowItemString = ItemString.ToWow(itemString) local baseItemString = ItemString.GetBase(itemString) local baseWowItemString = ItemString.ToWow(baseItemString) local name, _, quality, itemLevel, minLevel, _, _, maxStack, _, _, vendorSell, _, _, bindType, _, _, isCraftingReagent = GetItemInfo(baseWowItemString) local isBOP = (bindType == LE_ITEM_BIND_ON_ACQUIRE or bindType == LE_ITEM_BIND_QUEST) and 1 or 0 isCraftingReagent = isCraftingReagent and 1 or 0 -- some items (i.e. "i:40752" produce a very high max stack, so cap it) maxStack = maxStack and min(maxStack, FIELD_INFO.maxStack.maxValue) or nil -- some items (i.e. "i:117356::1:573") produce an negative min level minLevel = minLevel and max(minLevel, 0) or nil -- store info for the base item if name and quality then private.SetGetItemInfoFields(baseItemString, name, minLevel, itemLevel, maxStack, vendorSell, quality, isBOP, isCraftingReagent) end -- store info for the specific item if it's different if itemString ~= baseItemString then -- get new values of the fields which can change from the base item local baseVendorSell = vendorSell name, _, quality, _, minLevel, _, _, _, _, _, vendorSell = GetItemInfo(wowItemString) -- some items (i.e. "i:130064::2:196:1812") produce a negative vendor sell, so just use the base one if vendorSell and vendorSell < 0 then vendorSell = baseVendorSell end -- some items (i.e. "i:117356::1:573") produce an negative min level minLevel = minLevel and max(minLevel, 0) or nil itemLevel = GetDetailedItemLevelInfo(wowItemString) if name or quality or itemLevel or maxStack then if name then private.CheckFieldValue("minLevel", minLevel) else name = "" minLevel = -1 end if quality then private.CheckFieldValue("quality", quality) else quality = -1 end if itemLevel then private.CheckFieldValue("itemLevel", itemLevel) else itemLevel = -1 end if maxStack then private.CheckFieldValue("maxStack", maxStack) private.CheckFieldValue("vendorSell", vendorSell) private.CheckFieldValue("isBOP", isBOP) private.CheckFieldValue("isCraftingReagent", isCraftingReagent) else maxStack = -1 vendorSell = -1 isBOP = -1 isCraftingReagent = -1 end private.SetGetItemInfoFields(itemString, name, minLevel, itemLevel, maxStack, vendorSell, quality, isBOP, isCraftingReagent) end end return name ~= nil end function private.ProcessAvailableItems() private.db:SetQueryUpdatesPaused(true) -- bulk insert items we didn't previously know about private.db:BulkInsertStart() for itemId in pairs(private.availableItems) do local itemString = "i:"..itemId private.CreateDBRowIfNotExists(itemString, true) end private.db:BulkInsertEnd() -- remove the items we process after processing them all because GET_ITEM_INFO_RECEIVED events may fire as we do this local processedItems = TempTable.Acquire() for itemId in pairs(private.availableItems) do processedItems[itemId] = true local itemString = "i:"..itemId if private.StoreGetItemInfo(itemString) then private.pendingItems[itemString] = nil end end for itemId in pairs(processedItems) do private.availableItems[itemId] = nil end TempTable.Release(processedItems) private.db:SetQueryUpdatesPaused(false) end function private.DoInfoChangedCallbacks(itemString) for _, callback in ipairs(private.infoChangeCallbacks) do callback(itemString) end end function private.NameSortHelper(a, b) return strlower(a) < strlower(b) end function private.LoadLongString(value) local result = {} if type(value) == "string" then String.SafeSplit(value, SEP_CHAR, result) elseif type(value) == "table" then for _, part in ipairs(value) do String.SafeSplit(part, SEP_CHAR, result) end else assert(value == nil) end return result end function private.StoreLongString(values) assert(type(values) == "table") -- store no more than 1000 values per string if #values == 0 then return nil elseif #values <= 1000 then return table.concat(values, SEP_CHAR) else local result = {} for i = 1, #values, 1000 do tinsert(result, table.concat(values, SEP_CHAR, i, min(i + 1000 - 1, #values))) end return result end end