-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- TradeSkillMaster -- -- https://tradeskillmaster.com -- -- All Rights Reserved - Detailed license information included with addon. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- --- UI element functions. -- @module UIElements local _, TSM = ... local UIElements = TSM.Init("UI.UIElements") local ObjectPool = TSM.Include("Util.ObjectPool") local Table = TSM.Include("Util.Table") local private = { elementClasses = {}, objectPools = {}, namedElements = {}, activeFrameElementMap = {}, debugNameElementLookup = {}, } -- ============================================================================ -- Module Functions -- ============================================================================ --- Registers a UI Element subclass. -- @tparam Element class The element subclass function UIElements.Register(class) private.elementClasses[class.__name] = class end --- Creates a new UI element. -- @tparam string elementType The name of the element class -- @tparam string id The id to assign to the element -- @param ... Tags to set on the element -- @treturn Element The created UI element object function UIElements.New(elementType, id, ...) return private.NewElementHelper(elementType, id, nil, ...) end --- Creates a new named UI element. -- @tparam string elementType The name of the element class -- @tparam string id The id to assign to the element -- @tparam string name The global name of the element -- @treturn Element The created UI element object function UIElements.NewNamed(elementType, id, name, ...) assert(name) return private.NewElementHelper(elementType, id, name, ...) end --- Recycles a UI element. -- @tparam Element element The UI element object function UIElements.Recycle(element) private.activeFrameElementMap[element:_GetBaseFrame()] = nil if not Table.KeyByValue(private.namedElements, element) then private.objectPools[element.__class]:Recycle(element) end end --- Gets a UI element by its frame (for TSM's frame stack). -- @tparam table frame The frame -- @treturn ?Element The element or nil if the frame doesn't correspond to an element function UIElements.GetByFrame(frame) return private.activeFrameElementMap[frame] end --- Creates a WoW UI object and tracks it for easier debugging. -- @tparam Element element The TSM UI element object -- @tparam string frameType The type of the WoW UI object -- @tparam ?string frameName The global name -- @tparam ?table parentFrame The parent WoW UI object -- @tparam ?string inheritsFrame A WoW UI template to inherit from -- @treturn table The WoW UI object function UIElements.CreateFrame(element, frameType, frameName, parentFrame, inheritsFrame) local isNamed = frameName and true or false if not frameName then -- generate a debug name to aid in later lookup frameName = private.GetDebugName(element) end private.debugNameElementLookup[frameName] = element local frame = CreateFrame(frameType, frameName, parentFrame, inheritsFrame) if not isNamed then _G[frameName] = nil end return frame end --- Creates a WoW UI font string and tracks it for easier debugging. -- @tparam Element element The TSM UI element object -- @tparam table parentFrame The parent WoW UI frame -- @treturn table The WoW UI font string function UIElements.CreateFontString(element, parentFrame) local name = private.GetDebugName(element) private.debugNameElementLookup[name] = element local fontString = parentFrame:CreateFontString(name) _G[name] = nil return fontString end --- Gets the debug name translations. -- @tparam table result The result table function UIElements.GetDebugNameTranslation(result) for name, element in pairs(private.debugNameElementLookup) do result[name] = "<"..tostring(element)..">" end end -- ============================================================================ -- Private Helper Functions -- ============================================================================ function private.NewElementHelper(elementType, id, name, ...) local class = private.elementClasses[elementType] local element = nil if name then private.namedElements[name] = private.namedElements[name] or class(name) element = private.namedElements[name] assert(_G[name] == element:_GetBaseFrame()) else if not private.objectPools[class] then private.objectPools[class] = ObjectPool.New("UI_"..class.__name, class, 1) end element = private.objectPools[class]:Get() end private.activeFrameElementMap[element:_GetBaseFrame()] = element element:SetId(id) element:SetTags(...) element:Acquire() return element end function private.GetDebugName(element) return "TSM_UI_ELEMENT:"..element.__class.__name..":"..format("%06x", random(0, 2 ^ 24 - 1)) end