421 lines
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421 lines
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-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --
-- TradeSkillMaster --
-- https://tradeskillmaster.com --
-- All Rights Reserved - Detailed license information included with addon. --
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --
--- Public TSM API functions
-- @module TSM_API
local _, TSM = ...
local Money = TSM.Include("Util.Money")
local ItemString = TSM.Include("Util.ItemString")
local ItemInfo = TSM.Include("Service.ItemInfo")
local CustomPrice = TSM.Include("Service.CustomPrice")
local Inventory = TSM.Include("Service.Inventory")
TSM_API = {}
local private = {}
-- ============================================================================
-- UI
-- ============================================================================
--- Checks if a TSM UI is currently visible.
-- @within UI
-- @tparam string uiName A string which represents the UI ("AUCTION", "CRAFTING", "MAILING", or "VENDORING")
-- @treturn boolean Whether or not the TSM UI is visible
function TSM_API.IsUIVisible(uiName)
if uiName == "AUCTION" then
return TSM.UI.AuctionUI.IsVisible()
elseif uiName == "CRAFTING" then
return TSM.UI.CraftingUI.IsVisible()
elseif uiName == "MAILING" then
return TSM.UI.MailingUI.IsVisible()
elseif uiName == "VENDORING" then
return TSM.UI.VendoringUI.IsVisible()
error("Invalid uiName: "..tostring(uiName), 2)
-- ============================================================================
-- Groups
-- ============================================================================
--- Gets a current list of TSM group paths.
-- @within Group
-- @tparam table result A table to store the result in
-- @treturn table The passed table, populated with group paths
function TSM_API.GetGroupPaths(result)
if type(result) ~= "table" then
error("Invalid 'result' argument type (must be a table): "..tostring(result), 2)
for _, groupPath in TSM.Groups.GroupIterator() do
tinsert(result, groupPath)
return result
--- Formats a TSM group path into a human-readable form
-- @within Group
-- @tparam string path The group path to be formatted
-- @treturn string The formatted group path
function TSM_API.FormatGroupPath(path)
if type(path) ~= "string" then
error("Invalid 'path' argument type (must be a string): "..tostring(path), 2)
elseif path == "" then
error("Invalid 'path' argument (empty string)", 2)
return TSM.Groups.Path.Format(path)
--- Splits a TSM group path into its parent path and group name components.
-- @within Group
-- @tparam string path The group path to be split
-- @treturn string The path of the parent group or nil if the specified path has no parent
-- @treturn string The name of the group
function TSM_API.SplitGroupPath(path)
if type(path) ~= "string" then
error("Invalid 'path' argument type (must be a string): "..tostring(path), 2)
elseif path == "" then
error("Invalid 'path' argument (empty string)", 2)
local parentPath, groupName = TSM.Groups.Path.Split(path)
if parentPath == TSM.CONST.ROOT_GROUP_PATH then
parentPath = nil
return parentPath, groupName
--- Gets the path to the group which a specific item is in.
-- @within Group
-- @tparam string itemString The TSM item string to get the group path of
-- @treturn string The path to the group which the item is in, or nil if it's not in a group
function TSM_API.GetGroupPathByItem(itemString)
itemString = private.ValidateTSMItemString(itemString)
local path = TSM.Groups.GetPathByItem(itemString)
return path ~= TSM.CONST.ROOT_GROUP_PATH and path or nil
-- ============================================================================
-- Profiles
-- ============================================================================
--- Gets a current list of TSM profiles.
-- @within Profile
-- @tparam table result A table to store the result in
-- @treturn table The passed table, populated with group paths
function TSM_API.GetProfiles(result)
for _, profileName in TSM.db:ProfileIterator() do
tinsert(result, profileName)
return result
--- Gets the active TSM profile.
-- @within Profile
-- @treturn string The name of the currently active profile
function TSM_API.GetActiveProfile()
return TSM.db:GetCurrentProfile()
--- Sets the active TSM profile.
-- @within Profile
-- @tparam string profile The name of the profile to make active
function TSM_API.SetActiveProfile(profile)
if type(profile) ~= "string" then
error("Invalid 'profile' argument type (must be a string): "..tostring(profile), 2)
elseif not TSM.db:ProfileExists(profile) then
error("Profile does not exist: "..profile, 2)
elseif profile == TSM.db:GetCurrentProfile() then
error("Profile is already active: "..profile, 2)
return TSM.db:SetProfile(profile)
-- ============================================================================
-- Prices
-- ============================================================================
--- Gets a list of price source keys which can be used in TSM custom prices.
-- @within Price
-- @tparam table result A table to store the result in
-- @treturn table The passed table, populated with price source keys
function TSM_API.GetPriceSourceKeys(result)
if type(result) ~= "table" then
error("Invalid 'result' argument type (must be a table): "..tostring(result), 2)
for key in CustomPrice.Iterator() do
tinsert(result, key)
return result
--- Gets the localized description of a given price source key.
-- @within Price
-- @tparam string key The price source key
-- @treturn string The localized description
function TSM_API.GetPriceSourceDescription(key)
if type(key) ~= "string" then
error("Invalid 'key' argument type (must be a string): "..tostring(key), 2)
local result = CustomPrice.GetDescription(key)
if not result then
error("Unknown price source key: "..tostring(key), 2)
return result
--- Gets whether or not a custom price string is valid.
-- @within Price
-- @tparam string customPriceStr The custom price string
-- @treturn boolean Whether or not the custom price is valid
-- @treturn string The (localized) error message or nil if the custom price was valid
function TSM_API.IsCustomPriceValid(customPriceStr)
if type(customPriceStr) ~= "string" then
error("Invalid 'customPriceStr' argument type (must be a string): "..tostring(customPriceStr), 2)
return CustomPrice.Validate(customPriceStr)
--- Evalulates a custom price string or price source key for a given item
-- @within Price
-- @tparam string customPriceStr The custom price string or price source key to get the value of
-- @tparam string itemString The TSM item string to get the value for
-- @treturn number The value in copper or nil if the custom price string is not valid
-- @treturn string The (localized) error message if the custom price string is not valid or nil if it is valid
function TSM_API.GetCustomPriceValue(customPriceStr, itemString)
if type(customPriceStr) ~= "string" then
error("Invalid 'customPriceStr' argument type (must be a string): "..tostring(customPriceStr), 2)
itemString = private.ValidateTSMItemString(itemString)
return CustomPrice.GetValue(customPriceStr, itemString)
-- ============================================================================
-- Money
-- ============================================================================
--- Converts a money value to a formatted, human-readable string.
-- @within Money
-- @tparam number value The money value in copper to be converted
-- @treturn string The formatted money string
function TSM_API.FormatMoneyString(value)
if type(value) ~= "number" then
error("Invalid 'value' argument type (must be a number): "..tostring(value), 2)
local result = Money.ToString(value)
return result
--- Converts a formatted, human-readable money string to a value.
-- @within Money
-- @tparam string str The formatted money string
-- @treturn number The money value in copper
function TSM_API.ParseMoneyString(str)
if type(str) ~= "string" then
error("Invalid 'str' argument type (must be a string): "..tostring(str), 2)
local result = Money.FromString(str)
return result
-- ============================================================================
-- Item
-- ============================================================================
--- Converts an item to a TSM item string.
-- @within Item
-- @tparam string item Either an item link, TSM item string, or WoW item string
-- @treturn string The TSM item string or nil if the specified item could not be converted
function TSM_API.ToItemString(item)
if type(item) ~= "string" then
error("Invalid 'item' argument type (must be a string): "..tostring(item), 2)
return ItemString.Get(item)
--- Gets an item's name from a given TSM item string.
-- @within Item
-- @tparam string itemString The TSM item string
-- @treturn string The name of the item or nil if it couldn't be determined
function TSM_API.GetItemName(itemString)
itemString = private.ValidateTSMItemString(itemString)
return ItemInfo.GetName(itemString)
--- Gets an item link from a given TSM item string.
-- @within Item
-- @tparam string itemString The TSM item string
-- @treturn string The item link or an "[Unknown Item]" link
function TSM_API.GetItemLink(itemString)
itemString = private.ValidateTSMItemString(itemString)
local result = ItemInfo.GetLink(itemString)
return result
-- ============================================================================
-- Inventory
-- ============================================================================
--- Gets the quantity of an item in a character's bags.
-- @within Inventory
-- @tparam string itemString The TSM item string (note that inventory data is tracked per base item)
-- @tparam ?string character The character to get data for (defaults to the current character if not set)
-- @tparam ?string factionrealm The factionrealm to get data for (defaults to the current factionrealm if not set)
-- @treturn number The quantity of the specified item
function TSM_API.GetBagQuantity(itemString, character, factionrealm)
itemString = private.ValidateTSMItemString(itemString)
assert(character == nil or type(character) == "string")
assert(factionrealm == nil or type(factionrealm) == "string")
return Inventory.GetBagQuantity(itemString, character, factionrealm)
--- Gets the quantity of an item in a character's bank.
-- @within Inventory
-- @tparam string itemString The TSM item string (note that inventory data is tracked per base item)
-- @tparam ?string character The character to get data for (defaults to the current character if not set)
-- @tparam ?string factionrealm The factionrealm to get data for (defaults to the current factionrealm if not set)
-- @treturn number The quantity of the specified item
function TSM_API.GetBankQuantity(itemString, character, factionrealm)
itemString = private.ValidateTSMItemString(itemString)
assert(character == nil or type(character) == "string")
assert(factionrealm == nil or type(factionrealm) == "string")
return Inventory.GetBankQuantity(itemString, character, factionrealm)
--- Gets the quantity of an item in a character's reagent bank.
-- @within Inventory
-- @tparam string itemString The TSM item string (note that inventory data is tracked per base item)
-- @tparam ?string character The character to get data for (defaults to the current character if not set)
-- @tparam ?string factionrealm The factionrealm to get data for (defaults to the current factionrealm if not set)
-- @treturn number The quantity of the specified item
function TSM_API.GetReagentBankQuantity(itemString, character, factionrealm)
itemString = private.ValidateTSMItemString(itemString)
assert(character == nil or type(character) == "string")
assert(factionrealm == nil or type(factionrealm) == "string")
return Inventory.GetReagentBankQuantity(itemString, character, factionrealm)
--- Gets the quantity of an item posted to the auction house by a character.
-- @within Inventory
-- @tparam string itemString The TSM item string (note that inventory data is tracked per base item)
-- @tparam ?string character The character to get data for (defaults to the current character if not set)
-- @tparam ?string factionrealm The factionrealm to get data for (defaults to the current factionrealm if not set)
-- @treturn number The quantity of the specified item
function TSM_API.GetAuctionQuantity(itemString, character, factionrealm)
itemString = private.ValidateTSMItemString(itemString)
assert(character == nil or type(character) == "string")
assert(factionrealm == nil or type(factionrealm) == "string")
return Inventory.GetAuctionQuantity(itemString, character, factionrealm)
--- Gets the quantity of an item in a character's mailbox.
-- @within Inventory
-- @tparam string itemString The TSM item string (note that inventory data is tracked per base item)
-- @tparam ?string character The character to get data for (defaults to the current character if not set)
-- @tparam ?string factionrealm The factionrealm to get data for (defaults to the current factionrealm if not set)
-- @treturn number The quantity of the specified item
function TSM_API.GetMailQuantity(itemString, character, factionrealm)
itemString = private.ValidateTSMItemString(itemString)
assert(character == nil or type(character) == "string")
assert(factionrealm == nil or type(factionrealm) == "string")
return Inventory.GetMailQuantity(itemString, character, factionrealm)
--- Gets the quantity of an item in a guild's bank.
-- @within Inventory
-- @tparam string itemString The TSM item string (note that inventory data is tracked per base item)
-- @tparam ?string guild The guild to get data for (defaults to the current character's guild if not set)
-- @treturn number The quantity of the specified item
function TSM_API.GetGuildQuantity(itemString, guild)
itemString = private.ValidateTSMItemString(itemString)
assert(guild == nil or type(guild) == "string")
return Inventory.GetGuildQuantity(itemString, guild)
--- Get some total quantities for an item.
-- @within Inventory
-- @tparam string itemString The TSM item string (note that inventory data is tracked per base item)
-- @treturn number The total quantity the current player has (bags, bank, reagent bank, and mail)
-- @treturn number The total quantity alt characters have (bags, bank, reagent bank, and mail)
-- @treturn number The total quantity the current player has on the auction house
-- @treturn number The total quantity alt characters have on the auction house
function TSM_API.GetPlayerTotals(itemString)
itemString = private.ValidateTSMItemString(itemString)
return Inventory.GetPlayerTotals(itemString)
--- Get the total number of items in all tracked guild banks.
-- @within Inventory
-- @tparam string itemString The TSM item string (note that inventory data is tracked per base item)
-- @treturn number The total quantity in all tracked guild banks
function TSM_API.GetGuildTotal(itemString)
itemString = private.ValidateTSMItemString(itemString)
return Inventory.GetGuildTotal(itemString)
-- ============================================================================
-- Private Helper Functions
-- ============================================================================
function private.ValidateTSMItemString(itemString)
if type(itemString) ~= "string" or not strmatch(itemString, "[ip]:%d+") then
error("Invalid 'itemString' argument type (must be a TSM item string): "..tostring(itemString), 3)
local newItemString = ItemString.Get(itemString)
if not newItemString then
error("Invalid TSM itemString: "..itemString, 3)
return newItemString
function private.CheckCallMethod(firstArg)
if firstArg == TSM_API then
error("Invalid usage of colon operator to call TSM_API function", 3)