1406 lines
64 KiB
1406 lines
64 KiB
World of Warcraft library for obtaining information about realms.
Copyright 2014-2018 Phanx <addons@phanx.net>
Zlib license. Standalone distribution strongly discouraged.
local MAJOR, MINOR = "LibRealmInfo", 12
assert(LibStub, MAJOR.." requires LibStub")
local lib, oldminor = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
if not lib then return end
local standalone = (...) == MAJOR
local realmData, connectionData
local Unpack
local function debug(...)
if standalone then
print("|cffff7f7f["..MAJOR.."]|r", ...)
local currentRegion
function lib:GetCurrentRegion()
if currentRegion then
return currentRegion
if Unpack then
local guid = UnitGUID("player")
if guid then
local server = tonumber(strmatch(guid, "^Player%-(%d+)"))
local realm = realmData[server]
if realm then
currentRegion = realm.region
return currentRegion
debug("GetCurrentRegion: could not identify region based on player GUID", guid)
local validRegions = { US = true, EU = true, CN = true, KR = true, TW = true }
function lib:GetRealmInfo(name, region)
debug("GetRealmInfo", name, region)
local isString = type(name) == "string"
if isString then
name = strtrim(name)
if type(name) == "number" or isString and strmatch(name, "^%d+$") then
return self:GetRealmInfoByID(name)
assert(isString and strlen(name) > 0, "Usage: GetRealmInfo(name[, region])")
if not region or not validRegions[region] then
region = self:GetCurrentRegion()
if Unpack then
for id, realm in pairs(realmData) do
if realm.region == region and (realm.api_name == name or realm.name == name or realm.latin_api_name == name or realm.latin_name == name) then
return id, realm.name, realm.api_name, realm.rules, realm.locale, realm.battlegroup, realm.region, realm.timezone, realm.connections, realm.latin_name, realm.latin_api_name
debug("No info found for realm", name, "in region", region)
function lib:GetRealmInfoByID(id)
debug("GetRealmInfoByID", id)
id = tonumber(id)
assert(id, "Usage: GetRealmInfoByID(id)")
if Unpack then
local realm = realmData[id]
if realm and realm.name then
return realm.id, realm.name, realm.api_name, realm.rules, realm.locale, realm.battlegroup, realm.region, realm.timezone, realm.connections, realm.latin_name, realm.latin_api_name
debug("No info found for realm ID", name)
function lib:GetRealmInfoByGUID(guid)
assert(type(guid) == "string", "Usage: GetRealmInfoByGUID(guid)")
if not strmatch(guid, "^Player%-") then
return debug("Unsupported GUID type", (strsplit("-", guid)))
local _, _, _, _, _, _, realm = GetPlayerInfoByGUID(guid)
if realm == "" then
realm = GetRealmName()
return self:GetRealmInfo(realm)
function lib:GetRealmInfoByUnit(unit)
assert(type(unit) == "string", "Usage: GetRealmInfoByUnit(unit)")
local guid = UnitGUID(unit)
if not guid then
return debug("No GUID available for unit", unit)
return self:GetRealmInfoByGUID(guid)
function Unpack()
debug("Unpacking data...")
for id, info in pairs(realmData) do
if not strfind(info, ",") then
-- This server doesn't belong to a specific realm
-- but may be used to temporarily host other realms
-- and can be used to determine the player's region.
realmData[id] = {
region = info,
-- Normal realm server
-- Aegwynn,PVP,enUS,Vengeance,US,CST
local name, rules, locale, battlegroup, region, timezone = strsplit(",", info)
local name, latin_name = strsplit("|", name)
realmData[id] = {
id = id,
name = name,
api_name = (gsub(name, "[%s%-]", "")),
rules = rules,
locale = locale,
battlegroup = battlegroup,
region = region,
timezone = timezone, -- only for US region realms
latin_name = latin_name, -- only for ruRU language realms
latin_api_name = latin_name and (gsub(latin_name, "[%s%-]", "")) or nil, -- only for ruRU language realms
for i = 1, #connectionData do
local connections = { strsplit(",", connectionData[i]) }
for j = 1, #connections do
local id = tonumber(connections[j])
connections[j] = id
realmData[id].connections = connections
connectionData = nil
Unpack = nil
debug("Done unpacking data.")
local auto = { GetAutoCompleteRealms() }
if #auto > 1 then
local id, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, connections = lib:GetRealmInfo(GetRealmName())
if not id then
if not connections then
print("|cffffff7fLibRealmInfo:|r Missing connected realm info for", id, GetRealmName())
for i = 1, #auto do
local name = auto[i]
auto[name] = true
auto[i] = nil
for i = 1, #connections do
local _, name = GetRealmInfo(connections[i])
if auto[name] then
auto[name] = nil
auto[name] = connections[i]
if next(auto) then
print("|cffffff7fLibRealmInfo:|r Incomplete connected realm info for", id, GetRealmName())
for name, id in pairs(auto) do
print(name, id == true and "MISSING" or "INCORRECT")
realmData = {
--{{ North America
[1136] = "Aegwynn,PVP,enUS,Vengeance,US,CST",
[1284] = "Aerie Peak,PVE,enUS,Vindication,US,PST",
[1129] = "Agamaggan,PVP,enUS,Shadowburn,US,CST",
[106] = "Aggramar,PVE,enUS,Vindication,US,CST",
[1137] = "Akama,PVP,enUS,Reckoning,US,CST",
[1070] = "Alexstrasza,PVE,enUS,Rampage,US,CST",
[52] = "Alleria,PVE,enUS,Rampage,US,CST",
[1282] = "Altar of Storms,PVP,enUS,Ruin,US,EST",
[1293] = "Alterac Mountains,PVP,enUS,Ruin,US,EST",
[3722] = "Aman'Thul,PVE,enUS,Bloodlust,US,AEST", -- US9 / new Oceanic datacenter
[1418] = "US", -- Aman'Thul / old US datacenter
[1276] = "Andorhal,PVP,enUS,Shadowburn,US,EST",
[1264] = "Anetheron,PVP,enUS,Ruin,US,EST",
[1363] = "Antonidas,PVE,enUS,Cyclone,US,PST",
[1346] = "Anub'arak,PVP,enUS,Vengeance,US,EST",
[1288] = "Anvilmar,PVE,enUS,Ruin,US,PST",
[1165] = "Arathor,PVE,enUS,Reckoning,US,PST",
[56] = "Archimonde,PVP,enUS,Shadowburn,US,CST",
[1566] = "Area 52,PVE,enUS,Vindication,US,EST",
[75] = "Argent Dawn,RP,enUS,Ruin,US,EST",
[69] = "Arthas,PVP,enUS,Ruin,US,EST",
[1297] = "Arygos,PVE,enUS,Vindication,US,EST",
[1555] = "Auchindoun,PVP,enUS,Vindication,US,EST",
[77] = "Azgalor,PVP,enUS,Ruin,US,CST",
[121] = "Azjol-Nerub,PVE,enUS,Cyclone,US,MST",
[3209] = "Azralon,PVP,ptBR,Shadowburn,US,US",
[1128] = "Azshara,PVP,enUS,Ruin,US,EST",
[1549] = "Azuremyst,PVE,enUS,Shadowburn,US,PST",
[1190] = "Baelgun,PVE,enUS,Shadowburn,US,PST",
[1075] = "Balnazzar,PVP,enUS,Ruin,US,CST",
[3723] = "Barthilas,PVP,enUS,Bloodlust,US,AEST", -- US9 / new Oceanic datacenter
[1419] = "US", -- Barthilas / old US datacenter
[1280] = "Black Dragonflight,PVP,enUS,Ruin,US,EST",
[54] = "Blackhand,PVE,enUS,Rampage,US,CST",
[1168] = "US", -- Blackmoore
[10] = "Blackrock,PVP,enUS,Bloodlust,US,PST",
[1347] = "Blackwater Raiders,RP,enUS,Reckoning,US,PST",
[1296] = "Blackwing Lair,PVP,enUS,Shadowburn,US,PST",
[1564] = "Blade's Edge,PVE,enUS,Vindication,US,PST",
[1353] = "Bladefist,PVE,enUS,Vengeance,US,PST",
[73] = "Bleeding Hollow,PVP,enUS,Ruin,US,EST",
[1558] = "Blood Furnace,PVP,enUS,Ruin,US,CST",
[64] = "Bloodhoof,PVE,enUS,Ruin,US,EST",
[119] = "Bloodscalp,PVP,enUS,Cyclone,US,MST",
[83] = "Bonechewer,PVP,enUS,Vengeance,US,PST",
[1371] = "Borean Tundra,PVE,enUS,Reckoning,US,CST",
[112] = "Boulderfist,PVP,enUS,Cyclone,US,PST",
[117] = "Bronzebeard,PVE,enUS,Cyclone,US,PST",
[91] = "Burning Blade,PVP,enUS,Vindication,US,EST",
[102] = "Burning Legion,PVP,enUS,Shadowburn,US,CST",
[3721] = "Caelestrasz,PVE,enUS,Bloodlust,US,AEST", -- US9 / new Oceanic datacenter
[1430] = "US", -- Caelestrasz / old US datacenter
[1361] = "Cairne,PVE,enUS,Cyclone,US,CST",
[88] = "Cenarion Circle,RP,enUS,Cyclone,US,PST",
[2] = "Cenarius,PVE,enUS,Cyclone,US,PST",
[1067] = "Cho'gall,PVP,enUS,Vindication,US,CST",
[1138] = "Chromaggus,PVP,enUS,Vengeance,US,CST",
[1556] = "Coilfang,PVP,enUS,Shadowburn,US,PST",
[107] = "Crushridge,PVP,enUS,Vengeance,US,PST",
[109] = "Daggerspine,PVP,enUS,Vengeance,US,PST",
[66] = "Dalaran,PVE,enUS,Rampage,US,EST",
[1278] = "Dalvengyr,PVP,enUS,Shadowburn,US,EST",
[157] = "Dark Iron,PVP,enUS,Shadowburn,US,PST",
[120] = "Darkspear,PVP,enUS,Cyclone,US,MST",
[1351] = "Darrowmere,PVE,enUS,Reckoning,US,PST",
[3735] = "Dath'Remar,PVE,enUS,Bloodlust,US,AEST", -- US9 / new Oceanic datacenter
[1434] = "US", -- Dath'Remar / old US datacenter
[1582] = "Dawnbringer,PVE,enUS,Ruin,US,CST",
[15] = "Deathwing,PVP,enUS,Shadowburn,US,MST",
[1286] = "Demon Soul,PVP,enUS,Shadowburn,US,EST",
[1271] = "Dentarg,PVE,enUS,Rampage,US,EST",
[79] = "Destromath,PVP,enUS,Ruin,US,PST",
[81] = "Dethecus,PVP,enUS,Shadowburn,US,PST",
[154] = "Detheroc,PVP,enUS,Shadowburn,US,CST",
[13] = "Doomhammer,PVE,enUS,Shadowburn,US,MST",
[115] = "Draenor,PVE,enUS,Cyclone,US,PST",
[114] = "Dragonblight,PVE,enUS,Cyclone,US,PST",
[84] = "Dragonmaw,PVP,enUS,Reckoning,US,PST",
[1362] = "Drak'Tharon,PVP,enUS,Reckoning,US,CST",
[1140] = "Drak'thul,PVE,enUS,Reckoning,US,CST",
[1139] = "Draka,PVE,enUS,Cyclone,US,CST",
[1425] = "Drakkari,PVP,esMX,Vindication,US,CST",
[3733] = "Dreadmaul,PVP,enUS,Bloodlust,US,AEST", -- US9 / new Oceanic datacenter
[1429] = "US", -- Dreadmaul / old US datacenter
[1377] = "Drenden,PVE,enUS,Reckoning,US,EST",
[111] = "Dunemaul,PVP,enUS,Cyclone,US,PST",
[63] = "Durotan,PVE,enUS,Ruin,US,EST",
[1258] = "Duskwood,PVE,enUS,Ruin,US,EST",
[100] = "Earthen Ring,RP,enUS,Vindication,US,EST",
[1342] = "Echo Isles,PVE,enUS,Cyclone,US,PST",
[47] = "Eitrigg,PVE,enUS,Vengeance,US,CST",
[123] = "Eldre'Thalas,PVE,enUS,Reckoning,US,EST",
[67] = "Elune,PVE,enUS,Ruin,US,EST",
[162] = "Emerald Dream,RPPVP,enUS,Shadowburn,US,CST",
[96] = "Eonar,PVE,enUS,Vindication,US,EST",
[93] = "Eredar,PVP,enUS,Shadowburn,US,EST",
[1277] = "Executus,PVP,enUS,Shadowburn,US,EST",
[1565] = "Exodar,PVE,enUS,Ruin,US,EST",
[1370] = "Farstriders,RP,enUS,Bloodlust,US,CST",
[118] = "Feathermoon,RP,enUS,Reckoning,US,PST",
[1345] = "Fenris,PVE,enUS,Cyclone,US,EST",
[127] = "Firetree,PVP,enUS,Reckoning,US,EST",
[1576] = "Fizzcrank,PVE,enUS,Vindication,US,CST",
[128] = "Frostmane,PVP,enUS,Reckoning,US,CST",
[3725] = "Frostmourne,PVP,enUS,Bloodlust,US,AEST", -- US9 / new Oceanic datacenter
[1133] = "US", -- Frostmourne / old US datacenter
[7] = "Frostwolf,PVP,enUS,Bloodlust,US,PST",
[1581] = "Galakrond,PVE,enUS,Rampage,US,PST",
[3234] = "Gallywix,PVE,ptBR,Ruin,US,US",
[1141] = "Garithos,PVP,enUS,Vengeance,US,CST",
[51] = "Garona,PVE,enUS,Rampage,US,CST",
[1373] = "Garrosh,PVE,enUS,Vengeance,US,EST",
[1578] = "Ghostlands,PVE,enUS,Rampage,US,CST",
[97] = "Gilneas,PVE,enUS,Ruin,US,EST",
[1287] = "Gnomeregan,PVE,enUS,Shadowburn,US,PST",
[3207] = "Goldrinn,PVE,ptBR,Rampage,US,US",
[92] = "Gorefiend,PVP,enUS,Shadowburn,US,EST",
[80] = "Gorgonnash,PVP,enUS,Ruin,US,PST",
[158] = "Greymane,PVE,enUS,Shadowburn,US,CST",
[1579] = "Grizzly Hills,PVE,enUS,Ruin,US,EST",
[1068] = "Gul'dan,PVP,enUS,Ruin,US,CST",
[3737] = "Gundrak,PVP,enUS,Vengeance,US,AEST", -- US9 / new Oceanic datacenter
[1149] = "US", -- Gundrak / old US datacenter
[129] = "Gurubashi,PVP,enUS,Vengeance,US,PST",
[1142] = "Hakkar,PVP,enUS,Vengeance,US,CST",
[1266] = "Haomarush,PVP,enUS,Shadowburn,US,EST",
[53] = "Hellscream,PVE,enUS,Rampage,US,CST",
[1368] = "Hydraxis,PVE,enUS,Reckoning,US,CST",
[6] = "Hyjal,PVE,enUS,Vengeance,US,PST",
[14] = "Icecrown,PVE,enUS,Vindication,US,MST",
[57] = "Illidan,PVP,enUS,Rampage,US,CST",
[3661] = "US", -- Internal Record 3661
[3675] = "US", -- Internal Record 3675
[3676] = "US", -- Internal Record 3676
[3677] = "US", -- Internal Record 3677
[3678] = "US", -- Internal Record 3678
[3683] = "US", -- Internal Record 3683
[3684] = "US", -- Internal Record 3684
[3685] = "US", -- Internal Record 3685
[3693] = "US", -- Internal Record 3693
[3694] = "US", -- Internal Record 3694
[3695] = "US", -- Internal Record 3695<new>[3729] = "US", -- Internal Record 3695 US9
[3697] = "US", -- Internal Record 3697<new>[3728] = "US", -- Internal Record 3697 US9
[1291] = "Jaedenar,PVP,enUS,Shadowburn,US,EST",
[3736] = "Jubei'Thos,PVP,enUS,Vengeance,US,AEST", -- US9 / new Oceanic datacenter
[1144] = "US", -- Jubei'Thos / old US datacenter
[1069] = "Kael'thas,PVE,enUS,Rampage,US,CST",
[155] = "Kalecgos,PVP,enUS,Shadowburn,US,PST",
[98] = "Kargath,PVE,enUS,Vindication,US,EST",
[16] = "Kel'Thuzad,PVP,enUS,Vindication,US,MST",
[65] = "Khadgar,PVE,enUS,Rampage,US,EST",
[1143] = "Khaz Modan,PVE,enUS,Cyclone,US,CST",
[3726] = "Khaz'goroth,PVE,enUS,Bloodlust,US,AEST", -- US9 / new Oceanic datacenter
[1134] = "US", -- Khaz'goroth / old US datacenter
[9] = "Kil'jaeden,PVP,enUS,Bloodlust,US,PST",
[4] = "Kilrogg,PVE,enUS,Bloodlust,US,PST",
[1071] = "Kirin Tor,RP,enUS,Rampage,US,CST",
[1146] = "Korgath,PVP,enUS,Vengeance,US,CST",
[1349] = "Korialstrasz,PVE,enUS,Reckoning,US,PST",
[1147] = "Kul Tiras,PVE,enUS,Vengeance,US,CST",
[101] = "Laughing Skull,PVP,enUS,Vindication,US,CST",
[1295] = "Lethon,PVP,enUS,Shadowburn,US,PST",
[1] = "Lightbringer,PVE,enUS,Cyclone,US,PST",
[95] = "Lightning's Blade,PVP,enUS,Vindication,US,EST",
[1130] = "Lightninghoof,RPPVP,enUS,Shadowburn,US,CST",
[99] = "Llane,PVE,enUS,Vindication,US,EST",
[68] = "Lothar,PVE,enUS,Ruin,US,EST",
[1173] = "Madoran,PVE,enUS,Ruin,US,CST",
[163] = "Maelstrom,RPPVP,enUS,Shadowburn,US,CST",
[78] = "Magtheridon,PVP,enUS,Ruin,US,EST",
[1357] = "Maiev,PVP,enUS,Cyclone,US,PST",
[59] = "Mal'Ganis,PVP,enUS,Vindication,US,CST",
[1132] = "Malfurion,PVE,enUS,Ruin,US,CST",
[1148] = "Malorne,PVP,enUS,Reckoning,US,CST",
[104] = "Malygos,PVE,enUS,Vindication,US,CST",
[70] = "Mannoroth,PVP,enUS,Ruin,US,EST",
[62] = "Medivh,PVE,enUS,Ruin,US,EST",
[1350] = "Misha,PVE,enUS,Vengeance,US,PST",
[1374] = "Mok'Nathal,PVE,enUS,Reckoning,US,CST",
[1365] = "Moon Guard,RP,enUS,Reckoning,US,CST",
[153] = "Moonrunner,PVE,enUS,Shadowburn,US,PST",
[1145] = "Mug'thol,PVP,enUS,Reckoning,US,CST",
[1182] = "Muradin,PVE,enUS,Vengeance,US,CST",
[3734] = "Nagrand,PVE,enUS,Bloodlust,US,AEST", -- US9 / new Oceanic datacenter
[1432] = "US", -- Nagrand / old US datacenter
[89] = "Nathrezim,PVP,enUS,Vengeance,US,MST",
[1169] = "US", -- Naxxramas
[1367] = "Nazgrel,PVE,enUS,Bloodlust,US,EST",
[1131] = "Nazjatar,PVP,enUS,Ruin,US,PST",
[3208] = "Nemesis,PVP,ptBR,Rampage,US,US",
[8] = "Ner'zhul,PVP,enUS,Reckoning,US,PST",
[1375] = "Nesingwary,PVE,enUS,Bloodlust,US,CST",
[1359] = "Nordrassil,PVE,enUS,Vengeance,US,PST",
[1262] = "Norgannon,PVE,enUS,Vindication,US,EST",
[1285] = "Onyxia,PVP,enUS,Vindication,US,PST",
[122] = "Perenolde,PVE,enUS,Cyclone,US,MST",
[5] = "Proudmoore,PVE,enUS,Bloodlust,US,PST",
[1428] = "Quel'Thalas,PVE,esMX,Vindication,US,CST",
[1372] = "Quel'dorei,PVE,enUS,Bloodlust,US,CST",
[1427] = "Ragnaros,PVP,esMX,Vindication,US,CST",
[1072] = "Ravencrest,PVE,enUS,Rampage,US,CST",
[1352] = "Ravenholdt,RPPVP,enUS,Shadowburn,US,EST",
[1151] = "Rexxar,PVE,enUS,Vengeance,US,CST",
[1358] = "Rivendare,PVP,enUS,Reckoning,US,PST",
[151] = "Runetotem,PVE,enUS,Vengeance,US,CST",
[76] = "Sargeras,PVP,enUS,Shadowburn,US,CST",
[3738] = "Saurfang,PVE,enUS,Vengeance,US,AEST", -- US9 / new Oceanic datacenter
[1153] = "US", -- Saurfang / old US datacenter
[126] = "Scarlet Crusade,RP,enUS,Reckoning,US,CST",
[1267] = "Scilla,PVP,enUS,Shadowburn,US,EST",
[1185] = "Sen'jin,PVE,enUS,Bloodlust,US,CST",
[1290] = "Sentinels,RP,enUS,Rampage,US,PST",
[125] = "Shadow Council,RP,enUS,Reckoning,US,MST",
[94] = "Shadowmoon,PVP,enUS,Shadowburn,US,EST",
[85] = "Shadowsong,PVE,enUS,Reckoning,US,PST",
[1364] = "Shandris,PVE,enUS,Cyclone,US,EST",
[1557] = "Shattered Halls,PVP,enUS,Shadowburn,US,PST",
[72] = "Shattered Hand,PVP,enUS,Shadowburn,US,EST",
[1354] = "Shu'halo,PVE,enUS,Vengeance,US,PST",
[12] = "Silver Hand,RP,enUS,Bloodlust,US,PST",
[86] = "Silvermoon,PVE,enUS,Reckoning,US,PST",
[1356] = "Sisters of Elune,RP,enUS,Cyclone,US,CST",
[74] = "Skullcrusher,PVP,enUS,Ruin,US,EST",
[131] = "Skywall,PVE,enUS,Reckoning,US,PST",
[130] = "Smolderthorn,PVP,enUS,Vengeance,US,EST",
[82] = "Spinebreaker,PVP,enUS,Shadowburn,US,PST",
[124] = "Spirestone,PVP,enUS,Reckoning,US,PST",
[160] = "Staghelm,PVE,enUS,Shadowburn,US,CST",
[1260] = "Steamwheedle Cartel,RP,enUS,Rampage,US,EST",
[108] = "Stonemaul,PVP,enUS,Cyclone,US,PST",
[60] = "Stormrage,PVE,enUS,Ruin,US,EST",
[58] = "Stormreaver,PVP,enUS,Rampage,US,CST",
[110] = "Stormscale,PVP,enUS,Reckoning,US,PST",
[113] = "Suramar,PVE,enUS,Cyclone,US,PST",
[1292] = "Tanaris,PVE,enUS,Shadowburn,US,EST",
[90] = "Terenas,PVE,enUS,Reckoning,US,MST",
[1563] = "Terokkar,PVE,enUS,Rampage,US,CST",
[3724] = "Thaurissan,PVP,enUS,Bloodlust,US,AEST", -- US9 / new Oceanic datacenter
[1433] = "US", -- Thaurissan / old US datacenter
[1344] = "The Forgotten Coast,PVP,enUS,Ruin,US,EST",
[1570] = "The Scryers,RP,enUS,Ruin,US,PST",
[1559] = "The Underbog,PVP,enUS,Shadowburn,US,CST",
[1289] = "The Venture Co,RPPVP,enUS,Shadowburn,US,PST",
[1171] = "US", -- Theradras
[1154] = "Thorium Brotherhood,RP,enUS,Bloodlust,US,CST",
[1263] = "Thrall,PVE,enUS,Rampage,US,EST",
[105] = "Thunderhorn,PVE,enUS,Vindication,US,CST",
[103] = "Thunderlord,PVP,enUS,Ruin,US,CST",
[11] = "Tichondrius,PVP,enUS,Bloodlust,US,PST",
[3210] = "Tol Barad,PVP,ptBR,Shadowburn,US,US",
[1360] = "Tortheldrin,PVP,enUS,Reckoning,US,EST",
[1175] = "Trollbane,PVE,enUS,Ruin,US,EST",
[1265] = "Turalyon,PVE,enUS,Vindication,US,EST",
[164] = "Twisting Nether,RPPVP,enUS,Shadowburn,US,CST",
[1283] = "Uldaman,PVE,enUS,Rampage,US,EST",
[1426] = "US", -- Ulduar
[116] = "Uldum,PVE,enUS,Cyclone,US,PST",
[1294] = "Undermine,PVE,enUS,Ruin,US,EST",
[156] = "Ursin,PVP,enUS,Shadowburn,US,PST",
[3] = "Uther,PVE,enUS,Vengeance,US,PST",
[1348] = "Vashj,PVP,enUS,Bloodlust,US,PST",
[1184] = "Vek'nilash,PVE,enUS,Bloodlust,US,CST",
[1567] = "Velen,PVE,enUS,Vindication,US,PST",
[71] = "Warsong,PVP,enUS,Ruin,US,EST",
[55] = "Whisperwind,PVE,enUS,Rampage,US,CST",
[159] = "Wildhammer,PVP,enUS,Shadowburn,US,CST",
[87] = "Windrunner,PVE,enUS,Reckoning,US,PST",
[1355] = "Winterhoof,PVE,enUS,Bloodlust,US,CST",
[1369] = "Wyrmrest Accord,RP,enUS,Cyclone,US,PST",
[1174] = "US", -- Xavius
[1270] = "Ysera,PVE,enUS,Ruin,US,EST",
[1268] = "Ysondre,PVP,enUS,Ruin,US,EST",
[1572] = "Zangarmarsh,PVE,enUS,Rampage,US,MST",
[61] = "Zul'jin,PVE,enUS,Ruin,US,EST",
[1259] = "Zuluhed,PVP,enUS,Shadowburn,US,EST",
--{{ Europe
[577] = "Aegwynn,PVP,deDE,Misery,EU",
[1312] = "Aerie Peak,PVE,enGB,Reckoning / Abrechnung,EU",
[518] = "Agamaggan,PVP,enGB,Reckoning / Abrechnung,EU",
[1413] = "Aggra (Português),PVP,ptPT,Misery,EU",
[500] = "Aggramar,PVE,enGB,Vengeance / Rache,EU",
[1093] = "Ahn'Qiraj,PVP,enGB,Vindication,EU",
[519] = "Al'Akir,PVP,enGB,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
[562] = "Alexstrasza,PVE,deDE,Sturmangriff / Charge,EU",
[563] = "Alleria,PVE,deDE,Reckoning / Abrechnung,EU",
[1391] = "Alonsus,PVE,enGB,Reckoning / Abrechnung,EU",
[601] = "Aman'thul,PVE,deDE,Reckoning / Abrechnung,EU",
[1330] = "Ambossar,PVE,deDE,Reckoning / Abrechnung,EU",
[1394] = "Anachronos,PVE,enGB,Reckoning / Abrechnung,EU",
[1104] = "Anetheron,PVP,deDE,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
[564] = "Antonidas,PVE,deDE,Vengeance / Rache,EU",
[608] = "Anub'arak,PVP,deDE,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
[512] = "Arak-arahm,PVP,frFR,Embuscade / Hinterhalt,EU",
[1334] = "Arathi,PVP,frFR,Sturmangriff / Charge,EU",
[501] = "Arathor,PVE,enGB,Vindication,EU",
[1302] = "Archimonde,PVP,frFR,Misery,EU",
[1404] = "Area 52,PVE,deDE,Embuscade / Hinterhalt,EU",
[536] = "Argent Dawn,RP,enGB,Reckoning / Abrechnung,EU",
[578] = "Arthas,PVP,deDE,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
[1406] = "Arygos,PVE,deDE,Embuscade / Hinterhalt,EU",
[1923] = "Ясеневый лес|Ashenvale,PVP,ruRU,Vindication,EU",
[502] = "Aszune,PVE,enGB,Reckoning / Abrechnung,EU",
[1597] = "Auchindoun,PVP,enGB,Vindication,EU",
[503] = "Azjol-Nerub,PVE,enGB,Cruelty / Crueldad,EU",
[579] = "Azshara,PVP,deDE,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
[1922] = "Азурегос|Azuregos,PVE,ruRU,Vindication,EU",
[1417] = "Azuremyst,PVE,enGB,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
[565] = "Baelgun,PVE,deDE,Reckoning / Abrechnung,EU",
[607] = "Balnazzar,PVP,enGB,Vindication,EU",
[566] = "Blackhand,PVE,deDE,Vengeance / Rache,EU",
[580] = "Blackmoore,PVP,deDE,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
[581] = "Blackrock,PVP,deDE,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
[1929] = "Черный Шрам|Blackscar,PVP,ruRU,Vindication,EU",
[1416] = "Blade's Edge,PVE,enGB,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
[521] = "Bladefist,PVP,enGB,Cruelty / Crueldad,EU",
[630] = "Bloodfeather,PVP,enGB,Cruelty / Crueldad,EU",
[504] = "Bloodhoof,PVE,enGB,Reckoning / Abrechnung,EU",
[522] = "Bloodscalp,PVP,enGB,Reckoning / Abrechnung,EU",
[1613] = "Blutkessel,PVP,deDE,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
[1924] = "Пиратская бухта|Booty Bay,PVP,ruRU,Vindication,EU",
[1625] = "Борейская тундра|Borean Tundra,PVE,ruRU,Sturmangriff / Charge,EU",
[1299] = "Boulderfist,PVP,enGB,Vindication,EU",
[1393] = "Bronze Dragonflight,PVE,enGB,Cruelty / Crueldad,EU",
[1081] = "Bronzebeard,PVE,enGB,Reckoning / Abrechnung,EU",
[523] = "Burning Blade,PVP,enGB,Reckoning / Abrechnung,EU",
[524] = "Burning Legion,PVP,enGB,Cruelty / Crueldad,EU",
[1392] = "Burning Steppes,PVP,enGB,Cruelty / Crueldad,EU",
[1381] = "C'Thun,PVP,esES,Cruelty / Crueldad,EU",
[1315] = "EU", -- Caduta dei Draghi
[3391] = "EU", -- Cerchio del Sangue
[1307] = "Chamber of Aspects,PVE,enGB,Misery,EU",
[1620] = "Chants éternels,PVE,frFR,Sturmangriff / Charge,EU",
[545] = "Cho'gall,PVP,frFR,Vengeance / Rache,EU",
[1083] = "Chromaggus,PVP,enGB,Vindication,EU",
[1395] = "Colinas Pardas,PVE,esES,Cruelty / Crueldad,EU",
[1127] = "Confrérie du Thorium,RP,frFR,Embuscade / Hinterhalt,EU",
[644] = "Conseil des Ombres,RPPVP,frFR,Embuscade / Hinterhalt,EU",
[525] = "Crushridge,PVP,enGB,Reckoning / Abrechnung,EU",
[1337] = "Culte de la Rive noire,RPPVP,frFR,Embuscade / Hinterhalt,EU",
[526] = "Daggerspine,PVP,enGB,Vindication,EU",
[538] = "Dalaran,PVE,frFR,Sturmangriff / Charge,EU",
[1321] = "Dalvengyr,PVP,deDE,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
[1317] = "Darkmoon Faire,RP,enGB,Cruelty / Crueldad,EU",
[631] = "Darksorrow,PVP,enGB,Cruelty / Crueldad,EU",
[1389] = "Darkspear,PVE,enGB,Cruelty / Crueldad,EU",
[1619] = "Das Konsortium,RPPVP,deDE,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
[614] = "Das Syndikat,RPPVP,deDE,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
[1605] = "Страж Смерти|Deathguard,PVP,ruRU,Vindication,EU",
[1617] = "Ткач Смерти|Deathweaver,PVP,ruRU,Vindication,EU",
[527] = "Deathwing,PVP,enGB,Vindication,EU",
[1609] = "Подземье|Deepholm,PVP,ruRU,Sturmangriff / Charge,EU",
[635] = "Defias Brotherhood,RPPVP,enGB,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
[1084] = "Dentarg,PVP,enGB,Reckoning / Abrechnung,EU",
[1327] = "Der Mithrilorden,RP,deDE,Embuscade / Hinterhalt,EU",
[617] = "Der Rat von Dalaran,RP,deDE,Embuscade / Hinterhalt,EU",
[1326] = "Der abyssische Rat,RPPVP,deDE,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
[582] = "Destromath,PVP,deDE,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
[531] = "Dethecus,PVP,deDE,Embuscade / Hinterhalt,EU",
[1618] = "Die Aldor,RP,deDE,Sturmangriff / Charge,EU",
[1121] = "Die Arguswacht,RPPVP,deDE,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
[1333] = "Die Nachtwache,RP,deDE,Embuscade / Hinterhalt,EU",
[576] = "Die Silberne Hand,RP,deDE,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
[1119] = "Die Todeskrallen,RPPVP,deDE,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
[1118] = "Die ewige Wacht,RP,deDE,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
[505] = "Doomhammer,PVE,enGB,Embuscade / Hinterhalt,EU",
[506] = "Draenor,PVE,enGB,Embuscade / Hinterhalt,EU",
[507] = "Dragonblight,PVE,enGB,Vindication,EU",
[528] = "Dragonmaw,PVP,enGB,Reckoning / Abrechnung,EU",
[1092] = "Drak'thul,PVP,enGB,Reckoning / Abrechnung,EU",
[641] = "Drek'Thar,PVE,frFR,Embuscade / Hinterhalt,EU",
[1378] = "Dun Modr,PVP,esES,Cruelty / Crueldad,EU",
[600] = "Dun Morogh,PVE,deDE,Embuscade / Hinterhalt,EU",
[529] = "Dunemaul,PVP,enGB,Vindication,EU",
[535] = "Durotan,PVE,deDE,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
[561] = "Earthen Ring,RP,enGB,Cruelty / Crueldad,EU",
[1612] = "Echsenkessel,PVP,deDE,Sturmangriff / Charge,EU",
[1123] = "Eitrigg,PVE,frFR,Embuscade / Hinterhalt,EU",
[1336] = "Eldre'Thalas,PVP,frFR,Vengeance / Rache,EU",
[540] = "Elune,PVE,frFR,Misery,EU",
[508] = "Emerald Dream,PVE,enGB,Embuscade / Hinterhalt,EU",
[1091] = "Emeriss,PVP,enGB,Reckoning / Abrechnung,EU",
[1310] = "Eonar,PVE,enGB,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
[583] = "Eredar,PVP,deDE,Vengeance / Rache,EU",
[1925] = "Вечная Песня|Eversong,PVE,ruRU,Vindication,EU",
[1087] = "Executus,PVP,enGB,Cruelty / Crueldad,EU",
[1385] = "Exodar,PVE,esES,Cruelty / Crueldad,EU",
[1611] = "Festung der Stürme,PVP,deDE,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
[1623] = "Дракономор|Fordragon,PVE,ruRU,Sturmangriff / Charge,EU",
[516] = "Forscherliga,RP,deDE,Embuscade / Hinterhalt,EU",
[1300] = "Frostmane,PVP,enGB,Misery,EU",
[584] = "Frostmourne,PVP,deDE,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
[632] = "Frostwhisper,PVP,enGB,Cruelty / Crueldad,EU",
[585] = "Frostwolf,PVP,deDE,Vengeance / Rache,EU",
[1614] = "Галакронд|Galakrond,PVE,ruRU,Sturmangriff / Charge,EU",
[1390] = "EU", -- GM Test realm 2
[509] = "Garona,PVP,frFR,Embuscade / Hinterhalt,EU",
[1401] = "Garrosh,PVE,deDE,Embuscade / Hinterhalt,EU",
[606] = "Genjuros,PVP,enGB,Cruelty / Crueldad,EU",
[1588] = "Ghostlands,PVE,enGB,Vindication,EU",
[567] = "Gilneas,PVE,deDE,Reckoning / Abrechnung,EU",
[1403] = "EU", -- Gnomeregan
[1928] = "Голдринн|Goldrinn,PVE,ruRU,Vindication,EU",
[1602] = "Гордунни|Gordunni,PVP,ruRU,Vindication,EU",
[586] = "Gorgonnash,PVP,deDE,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
[1610] = "Седогрив|Greymane,PVP,ruRU,Vindication,EU",
[1303] = "Grim Batol,PVP,enGB,Misery,EU",
[1927] = "Гром|Grom,PVP,ruRU,Vindication,EU",
[1325] = "EU", -- Grizzlyhügel
[587] = "Gul'dan,PVP,deDE,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
[646] = "Hakkar,PVP,enGB,Reckoning / Abrechnung,EU",
[638] = "Haomarush,PVP,enGB,Reckoning / Abrechnung,EU",
[1587] = "Hellfire,PVE,enGB,Vindication,EU",
[619] = "Hellscream,PVE,enGB,Vengeance / Rache,EU",
[1615] = "Ревущий фьорд|Howling Fjord,PVP,ruRU,Sturmangriff / Charge,EU",
[542] = "Hyjal,PVE,frFR,Misery,EU",
[541] = "Illidan,PVP,frFR,Sturmangriff / Charge,EU",
[3656] = "EU", -- Internal Record 3656
[3657] = "EU", -- Internal Record 3657
[3660] = "EU", -- Internal Record 3660
[3666] = "EU", -- Internal Record 3666
[3674] = "EU", -- Internal Record 3674
[3679] = "EU", -- Internal Record 3679
[3680] = "EU", -- Internal Record 3680
[3681] = "EU", -- Internal Record 3681
[3682] = "EU", -- Internal Record 3682
[3686] = "EU", -- Internal Record 3686
[3687] = "EU", -- Internal Record 3687
[3690] = "EU", -- Internal Record 3690
[3691] = "EU", -- Internal Record 3691
[3692] = "EU", -- Internal Record 3692
[3696] = "EU", -- Internal Record 3696
[3702] = "EU", -- Internal Record 3702
[3703] = "EU", -- Internal Record 3703
[3713] = "EU", -- Internal Record 3713
[3714] = "EU", -- Internal Record 3714
[1304] = "Jaedenar,PVP,enGB,Vindication,EU",
[543] = "Kael'thas,PVP,frFR,Embuscade / Hinterhalt,EU",
[1596] = "Karazhan,PVP,enGB,Vindication,EU",
[568] = "Kargath,PVE,deDE,Reckoning / Abrechnung,EU",
[1305] = "Kazzak,PVP,enGB,Misery,EU",
[588] = "Kel'Thuzad,PVP,deDE,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
[1080] = "Khadgar,PVE,enGB,Reckoning / Abrechnung,EU",
[640] = "Khaz Modan,PVE,frFR,Sturmangriff / Charge,EU",
[569] = "Khaz'goroth,PVE,deDE,Embuscade / Hinterhalt,EU",
[589] = "Kil'jaeden,PVP,deDE,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
[1311] = "Kilrogg,PVE,enGB,Misery,EU",
[537] = "Kirin Tor,RP,frFR,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
[633] = "Kor'gall,PVP,enGB,Cruelty / Crueldad,EU",
[616] = "Krag'jin,PVP,deDE,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
[1332] = "Krasus,PVE,frFR,Embuscade / Hinterhalt,EU",
[1082] = "Kul Tiras,PVE,enGB,Reckoning / Abrechnung,EU",
[613] = "Kult der Verdammten,RPPVP,deDE,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
[1086] = "La Croisade écarlate,RPPVP,frFR,Embuscade / Hinterhalt,EU",
[621] = "Laughing Skull,PVP,enGB,Vindication,EU",
[1626] = "Les Clairvoyants,RP,frFR,Embuscade / Hinterhalt,EU",
[647] = "Les Sentinelles,RP,frFR,Embuscade / Hinterhalt,EU",
[1603] = "Король-лич|Lich King,PVP,ruRU,Vindication,EU",
[1388] = "Lightbringer,PVE,enGB,Cruelty / Crueldad,EU",
[637] = "Lightning's Blade,PVP,enGB,Vindication,EU",
[1409] = "Lordaeron,PVE,deDE,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
[1387] = "Los Errantes,PVE,esES,Cruelty / Crueldad,EU",
[570] = "Lothar,PVE,deDE,Reckoning / Abrechnung,EU",
[571] = "Madmortem,PVE,deDE,Vengeance / Rache,EU",
[622] = "Magtheridon,PVE,enGB,Cruelty / Crueldad,EU",
[590] = "Mal'Ganis,PVP,deDE,Sturmangriff / Charge,EU",
[572] = "Malfurion,PVE,deDE,Reckoning / Abrechnung,EU",
[1324] = "Malorne,PVE,deDE,Reckoning / Abrechnung,EU",
[1098] = "Malygos,PVE,deDE,Reckoning / Abrechnung,EU",
[591] = "Mannoroth,PVP,deDE,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
[1621] = "Marécage de Zangar,PVE,frFR,Sturmangriff / Charge,EU",
[1089] = "Mazrigos,PVE,enGB,Cruelty / Crueldad,EU",
[517] = "Medivh,PVE,frFR,Vengeance / Rache,EU",
[1402] = "EU", -- Menethil
[1386] = "Minahonda,PVE,esES,Cruelty / Crueldad,EU",
[1085] = "Moonglade,RP,enGB,Reckoning / Abrechnung,EU",
[1319] = "Mug'thol,PVP,deDE,Embuscade / Hinterhalt,EU",
[1329] = "EU", -- Muradin
[1589] = "Nagrand,PVE,enGB,Misery,EU",
[594] = "Nathrezim,PVP,deDE,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
[1624] = "Naxxramas,PVP,frFR,Sturmangriff / Charge,EU",
[1105] = "Nazjatar,PVP,deDE,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
[612] = "Nefarian,PVP,deDE,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
[1316] = "Nemesis,PVP,itIT,Misery,EU",
[624] = "Neptulon,PVP,enGB,Cruelty / Crueldad,EU",
[544] = "Ner'zhul,PVP,frFR,Embuscade / Hinterhalt,EU",
[611] = "Nera'thor,PVP,deDE,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
[1607] = "Nethersturm,PVE,deDE,Sturmangriff / Charge,EU",
[618] = "Nordrassil,PVE,enGB,Cruelty / Crueldad,EU",
[1408] = "Norgannon,PVE,deDE,Embuscade / Hinterhalt,EU",
[574] = "Nozdormu,PVE,deDE,Embuscade / Hinterhalt,EU",
[610] = "Onyxia,PVP,deDE,Embuscade / Hinterhalt,EU",
[1301] = "Outland,PVP,enGB,Misery,EU",
[575] = "Perenolde,PVE,deDE,Embuscade / Hinterhalt,EU",
[1309] = "Pozzo dell'Eternità,PVE,itIT,Misery,EU",
[593] = "Proudmoore,PVE,deDE,Vengeance / Rache,EU",
[623] = "Quel'Thalas,PVE,enGB,Cruelty / Crueldad,EU",
[626] = "Ragnaros,PVP,enGB,Sturmangriff / Charge,EU",
[1322] = "Rajaxx,PVP,deDE,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
[642] = "Rashgarroth,PVP,frFR,Embuscade / Hinterhalt,EU",
[554] = "Ravencrest,PVP,enGB,Vengeance / Rache,EU",
[1308] = "Ravenholdt,RPPVP,enGB,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
[1616] = "Разувий|Razuvious,PVP,ruRU,Sturmangriff / Charge,EU",
[1099] = "Rexxar,PVE,deDE,Reckoning / Abrechnung,EU",
[547] = "Runetotem,PVE,enGB,Misery,EU",
[1382] = "Sanguino,PVP,esES,Cruelty / Crueldad,EU",
[546] = "Sargeras,PVP,frFR,Embuscade / Hinterhalt,EU",
[1314] = "Saurfang,PVE,enGB,Cruelty / Crueldad,EU",
[1096] = "Scarshield Legion,RPPVP,enGB,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
[602] = "Sen'jin,PVE,deDE,Embuscade / Hinterhalt,EU",
[2074] = "EU", -- Schwarznarbe
[548] = "Shadowsong,PVE,enGB,Reckoning / Abrechnung,EU",
[1598] = "Shattered Halls,PVP,enGB,Vindication,EU",
[556] = "Shattered Hand,PVP,enGB,Cruelty / Crueldad,EU",
[1608] = "Shattrath,PVE,deDE,Embuscade / Hinterhalt,EU",
[1383] = "Shen'dralar,PVP,esES,Cruelty / Crueldad,EU",
[549] = "Silvermoon,PVE,enGB,Misery,EU",
[533] = "Sinstralis,PVP,frFR,Vengeance / Rache,EU",
[557] = "Skullcrusher,PVP,enGB,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
[1604] = "Свежеватель Душ|Soulflayer,PVP,ruRU,Vindication,EU",
[558] = "Spinebreaker,PVP,enGB,Reckoning / Abrechnung,EU",
[1606] = "Sporeggar,RPPVP,enGB,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
[1117] = "Steamwheedle Cartel,RP,enGB,Reckoning / Abrechnung,EU",
[550] = "Stormrage,PVE,enGB,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
[559] = "Stormreaver,PVP,enGB,Reckoning / Abrechnung,EU",
[560] = "Stormscale,PVP,enGB,Vengeance / Rache,EU",
[511] = "Sunstrider,PVP,enGB,Vindication,EU",
[1331] = "Suramar,PVE,frFR,Vengeance / Rache,EU",
[628] = "Sylvanas,PVP,enGB,Sturmangriff / Charge,EU",
[1320] = "Taerar,PVP,deDE,Sturmangriff / Charge,EU",
[1090] = "Talnivarr,PVP,enGB,Vindication,EU",
[1306] = "Tarren Mill,PVP,enGB,Reckoning / Abrechnung,EU",
[1407] = "Teldrassil,PVE,deDE,Embuscade / Hinterhalt,EU",
[1622] = "Temple noir,PVP,frFR,Sturmangriff / Charge,EU",
[551] = "Terenas,PVE,enGB,Embuscade / Hinterhalt,EU",
[1415] = "Terokkar,PVE,enGB,Cruelty / Crueldad,EU",
[615] = "Terrordar,PVP,deDE,Embuscade / Hinterhalt,EU",
[627] = "The Maelstrom,PVP,enGB,Vindication,EU",
[1595] = "The Sha'tar,RP,enGB,Reckoning / Abrechnung,EU",
[636] = "The Venture Co,RPPVP,enGB,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
[605] = "Theradras,PVP,deDE,Embuscade / Hinterhalt,EU",
[1926] = "Термоштепсель|Thermaplugg,PVP,ruRU,Vindication,EU",
[604] = "Thrall,PVE,deDE,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
[643] = "Throk'Feroth,PVP,frFR,Embuscade / Hinterhalt,EU",
[552] = "Thunderhorn,PVE,enGB,Misery,EU",
[1106] = "Tichondrius,PVE,deDE,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
[1328] = "Tirion,PVE,deDE,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
[1405] = "Todeswache,RP,deDE,Embuscade / Hinterhalt,EU",
[1088] = "Trollbane,PVP,enGB,Vindication,EU",
[553] = "Turalyon,PVE,enGB,Embuscade / Hinterhalt,EU",
[513] = "Twilight's Hammer,PVP,enGB,Reckoning / Abrechnung,EU",
[625] = "Twisting Nether,PVP,enGB,Sturmangriff / Charge,EU",
[1384] = "Tyrande,PVE,esES,Cruelty / Crueldad,EU",
[1122] = "Uldaman,PVE,frFR,Embuscade / Hinterhalt,EU",
[1323] = "Ulduar,PVE,deDE,Reckoning / Abrechnung,EU",
[1380] = "Uldum,PVP,esES,Cruelty / Crueldad,EU",
[1400] = "Un'Goro,PVE,deDE,Embuscade / Hinterhalt,EU",
[645] = "Varimathras,PVE,frFR,Misery,EU",
[629] = "Vashj,PVP,enGB,Reckoning / Abrechnung,EU",
[1318] = "Vek'lor,PVP,deDE,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
[1298] = "Vek'nilash,PVE,enGB,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
[510] = "Vol'jin,PVE,frFR,Embuscade / Hinterhalt,EU",
[1313] = "Wildhammer,PVE,enGB,Misery,EU",
[2073] = "EU", -- Winterhuf
[609] = "Wrathbringer,PVP,deDE,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
[639] = "Xavius,PVP,enGB,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
[1097] = "Ysera,PVE,deDE,Reckoning / Abrechnung,EU",
[1335] = "Ysondre,PVP,frFR,Vengeance / Rache,EU",
[515] = "Zenedar,PVP,enGB,Cruelty / Crueldad,EU",
[592] = "Zirkel des Cenarius,RP,deDE,Embuscade / Hinterhalt,EU",
[1379] = "Zul'jin,PVP,esES,Cruelty / Crueldad,EU",
[573] = "Zuluhed,PVP,deDE,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
--{{ Korea
[212] = "가로나,PVP,koKR,징벌의 전장,KR",
[215] = "굴단,PVP,koKR,징벌의 전장,KR",
[211] = "노르간논,PVP,koKR,격노의 전장,KR",
[207] = "달라란,PVP,koKR,격노의 전장,KR",
[2108] = "데스윙,PVP,koKR,격노의 전장,KR",
[210] = "듀로탄,PVP,koKR,징벌의 전장,KR",
[2106] = "렉사르,PVE,koKR,징벌의 전장,KR",
[264] = "말퓨리온,PVP,koKR,격노의 전장,KR",
[201] = "불타는 군단,PVE,koKR,격노의 전장,KR",
[2110] = "세나리우스,PVP,koKR,격노의 전장,KR",
[2111] = "스톰레이지,PVE,koKR,격노의 전장,KR",
[205] = "아즈샤라,PVP,koKR,징벌의 전장,KR",
[258] = "알렉스트라자,PVP,koKR,격노의 전장,KR",
[2079] = "와일드해머,PVE,koKR,징벌의 전장,KR",
[214] = "윈드러너,PVE,koKR,징벌의 전장,KR",
[2116] = "줄진,PVP,koKR,징벌의 전장,KR",
[2107] = "하이잘,PVP,koKR,격노의 전장,KR",
[293] = "헬스크림,PVP,koKR,격노의 전장,KR",
--{{ China
[925] = "万色星辰,PVE,zhCN,Battle Group 9,CN",
[922] = "世界之树,PVE,zhCN,Battle Group 9,CN",
[1494] = "丹莫德,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 13,CN",
[794] = "主宰之剑,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 4,CN",
[1696] = "亚雷戈斯,PVE,zhCN,Battle Group 16,CN",
[2124] = "亡语者,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 21,CN",
[1663] = "伊兰尼库斯,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 15,CN",
[790] = "伊利丹,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 4,CN",
[940] = "伊森利恩,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 10,CN",
[1694] = "伊森德雷,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 16,CN",
[746] = "伊瑟拉,PVE,zhCN,Battle Group 2,CN",
[1502] = "伊莫塔尔,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 14,CN",
[951] = "伊萨里奥斯,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 10,CN",
[944] = "元素之力,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 10,CN",
[864] = "克尔苏加德,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 8,CN",
[1207] = "克洛玛古斯,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 11,CN",
[1209] = "克苏恩,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 11,CN",
[1809] = "军团要塞,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 17,CN",
[2137] = "冬拥湖,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 21,CN",
[1693] = "冬泉谷,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 16,CN",
[1657] = "冰川之拳,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 15,CN",
[758] = "冰霜之刃,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 3,CN",
[852] = "冰风岗,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 7,CN",
[1794] = "凤凰之神,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 17,CN",
[863] = "凯尔萨斯,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 8,CN",
[814] = "凯恩血蹄,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 5,CN",
[867] = "利刃之拳,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 7,CN",
[1658] = "刺骨利刃,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 15,CN",
[927] = "加兹鲁维,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 9,CN",
[1498] = "加基森,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 13,CN",
[1944] = "加尔,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 19,CN",
[1499] = "加里索斯,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 13,CN",
[840] = "勇士岛,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 6,CN",
[828] = "千针石林,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 6,CN",
[771] = "卡德加,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 3,CN",
[720] = "卡德罗斯,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 1,CN",
[721] = "卡扎克,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 1,CN",
[1216] = "卡拉赞,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 11,CN",
[916] = "卡珊德拉,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 9,CN",
[1692] = "厄祖玛特,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 16,CN",
[1489] = "古加尔,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 13,CN",
[857] = "古尔丹,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 7,CN",
[1223] = "古拉巴什,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 12,CN",
[2127] = "古达克,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 21,CN",
[1808] = "哈兰,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 17,CN",
[1224] = "哈卡,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 12,CN",
[1971] = "嚎风峡湾,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 20,CN",
[718] = "回音山,PVE,zhCN,Battle Group 1,CN",
[714] = "国王之谷,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 1,CN",
[745] = "图拉扬,PVE,zhCN,Battle Group 2,CN",
[833] = "圣火神殿,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 6,CN",
[762] = "地狱之石,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 3,CN",
[761] = "地狱咆哮,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 3,CN",
[1496] = "埃克索图斯,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 13,CN",
[750] = "埃加洛尔,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 3,CN",
[797] = "埃德萨拉,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 5,CN",
[751] = "埃苏雷格,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 3,CN",
[846] = "埃雷达尔,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 7,CN",
[859] = "基尔加丹,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 7,CN",
[719] = "基尔罗格,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 1,CN",
[1512] = "塔纳利斯,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 14,CN",
[1687] = "塞拉摩,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 16,CN",
[1514] = "塞拉赞恩,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 14,CN",
[1820] = "塞泰克,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 18,CN",
[782] = "塞纳里奥,PVE,zhCN,Battle Group 4,CN",
[1949] = "壁炉谷,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 19,CN",
[781] = "夏维安,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 4,CN",
[1507] = "外域,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 14,CN",
[930] = "大地之怒,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 10,CN",
[1503] = "大漩涡,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 14,CN",
[1508] = "天空之墙,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 14,CN",
[1824] = "太阳之井,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 18,CN",
[1682] = "夺灵者,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 16,CN",
[1228] = "奈法利安,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 12,CN",
[734] = "奈萨里奥,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 2,CN",
[1965] = "奎尔丹纳斯,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 20,CN",
[1229] = "奎尔萨拉斯,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 12,CN",
[1505] = "奥妮克希亚,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 14,CN",
[2120] = "奥尔加隆,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 21,CN",
[757] = "奥拉基尔,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 3,CN",
[1506] = "奥斯里安,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 14,CN",
[850] = "奥特兰克,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 7,CN",
[706] = "奥蕾莉亚,PVE,zhCN,Battle Group 1,CN",
[705] = "奥达曼,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 1,CN",
[918] = "守护之剑,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 9,CN",
[1198] = "安其拉,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 11,CN",
[2122] = "安加萨,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 21,CN",
[952] = "安多哈尔,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 10,CN",
[704] = "安威玛尔,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 1,CN",
[1517] = "安戈洛,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 14,CN",
[2121] = "安格博达,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 21,CN",
[1199] = "安纳塞隆,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 11,CN",
[1933] = "安苏,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 19,CN",
[938] = "密林游侠,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 10,CN",
[858] = "寒冰皇冠,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 7,CN",
[710] = "尘风峡谷,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 1,CN",
[788] = "屠魔山谷,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 4,CN",
[740] = "山丘之王,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 2,CN",
[861] = "巨龙之吼,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 7,CN",
[1670] = "巫妖之王,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 15,CN",
[851] = "巴尔古恩,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 7,CN",
[1486] = "巴瑟拉斯,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 13,CN",
[1203] = "巴纳扎尔,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 11,CN",
[921] = "布兰卡德,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 9,CN",
[800] = "布莱克摩,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 5,CN",
[1501] = "布莱恩,PVE,zhCN,Battle Group 13,CN",
[1937] = "布鲁塔卢斯,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 19,CN",
[885] = "希尔瓦娜斯,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 8,CN",
[1819] = "希雷诺斯,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 18,CN",
[1676] = "幽暗沼泽,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 15,CN",
[1226] = "库尔提拉斯,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 12,CN",
[723] = "库德兰,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 1,CN",
[766] = "弗塞雷迦,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 3,CN",
[2133] = "影之哀伤,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 21,CN",
[891] = "影牙要塞,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 8,CN",
[1214] = "德拉诺,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 11,CN",
[1488] = "恐怖图腾,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 13,CN",
[924] = "恶魔之翼,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 9,CN",
[1492] = "恶魔之魂,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 13,CN",
[767] = "戈古纳斯,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 3,CN",
[1947] = "戈提克,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 19,CN",
[793] = "战歌,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 4,CN",
[1695] = "扎拉赞恩,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 16,CN",
[1515] = "托塞德林,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 14,CN",
[1823] = "托尔巴拉德,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 18,CN",
[772] = "拉文凯斯,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 4,CN",
[1231] = "拉文霍德,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 12,CN",
[865] = "拉格纳洛斯,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 7,CN",
[1230] = "拉贾克斯,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 12,CN",
[954] = "提尔之手,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 10,CN",
[882] = "提瑞斯法,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 8,CN",
[1815] = "摩摩尔,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 18,CN",
[920] = "斩魔者,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 9,CN",
[878] = "斯坦索姆,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 8,CN",
[1240] = "无尽之海,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 12,CN",
[1803] = "无底海渊,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 17,CN",
[946] = "日落沼泽,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 10,CN",
[737] = "普瑞斯托,PVE,zhCN,Battle Group 2,CN",
[827] = "普罗德摩,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 6,CN",
[756] = "暗影之月,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 3,CN",
[849] = "暗影议会,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 7,CN",
[1821] = "暗影迷宫,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 18,CN",
[943] = "暮色森林,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 10,CN",
[708] = "暴风祭坛,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 1,CN",
[791] = "月光林地,PVE,zhCN,Battle Group 4,CN",
[792] = "月神殿,PVE,zhCN,Battle Group 4,CN",
[1827] = "末日祷告祭坛,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 18,CN",
[1939] = "末日行者,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 19,CN",
[959] = "朵丹尼尔,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 10,CN",
[802] = "杜隆坦,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 5,CN",
[1222] = "格瑞姆巴托,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 12,CN",
[1500] = "格雷迈恩,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 13,CN",
[1807] = "格鲁尔,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 17,CN",
[1212] = "桑德兰,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 11,CN",
[775] = "梅尔加尼,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 4,CN",
[776] = "梦境之树,PVE,zhCN,Battle Group 4,CN",
[1232] = "森金,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 12,CN",
[741] = "死亡之翼,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 2,CN",
[1802] = "死亡熔炉,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 17,CN",
[769] = "毁灭之锤,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 3,CN",
[928] = "水晶之刺,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 9,CN",
[956] = "永夜港,PVE,zhCN,Battle Group 10,CN",
[1236] = "永恒之井,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 12,CN",
[1970] = "沙怒,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 20,CN",
[960] = "法拉希姆,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 10,CN",
[787] = "泰兰德,PVE,zhCN,Battle Group 4,CN",
[1234] = "泰拉尔,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 12,CN",
[1227] = "洛丹伦,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 12,CN",
[2129] = "洛肯,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 21,CN",
[730] = "洛萨,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 2,CN",
[1225] = "海克泰尔,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 12,CN",
[768] = "海加尔,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 4,CN",
[1237] = "海达希亚,PVE,zhCN,Battle Group 12,CN",
[936] = "浸毒之骨,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 9,CN",
[1793] = "深渊之喉,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 17,CN",
[1659] = "深渊之巢,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 15,CN",
[926] = "激流之傲,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 9,CN",
[860] = "激流堡,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 7,CN",
[1664] = "火喉,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 15,CN",
[1662] = "火烟之谷,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 15,CN",
[770] = "火焰之树,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 3,CN",
[810] = "火羽山,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 5,CN",
[1484] = "灰谷,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 13,CN",
[727] = "烈焰峰,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 2,CN",
[1681] = "烈焰荆棘,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 16,CN",
[838] = "熊猫酒仙,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 6,CN",
[1221] = "熔火之心,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 11,CN",
[1941] = "熵魔,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 19,CN",
[829] = "燃烧之刃,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 6,CN",
[1206] = "燃烧军团,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 11,CN",
[738] = "燃烧平原,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 2,CN",
[755] = "爱斯特纳,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 3,CN",
[915] = "狂热之刃,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 9,CN",
[815] = "狂风峭壁,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 5,CN",
[731] = "玛多兰,PVE,zhCN,Battle Group 2,CN",
[773] = "玛法里奥,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 4,CN",
[2130] = "玛洛加尔,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 21,CN",
[732] = "玛瑟里顿,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 2,CN",
[869] = "玛诺洛斯,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 8,CN",
[822] = "玛里苟斯,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 6,CN",
[874] = "瑞文戴尔,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 8,CN",
[1513] = "瑟莱德丝,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 14,CN",
[1829] = "瓦丝琪,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 18,CN",
[1235] = "瓦拉斯塔兹,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 12,CN",
[1202] = "瓦里玛萨斯,PVE,zhCN,Battle Group 11,CN",
[835] = "甜水绿洲,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 6,CN",
[1934] = "生态船,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 19,CN",
[707] = "白银之手,PVE,zhCN,Battle Group 1,CN",
[1936] = "白骨荒野,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 19,CN",
[1948] = "盖斯,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 19,CN",
[786] = "石爪峰,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 4,CN",
[1685] = "石锤,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 16,CN",
[1208] = "破碎岭,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 11,CN",
[1519] = "祖尔金,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 14,CN",
[1830] = "祖阿曼,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 18,CN",
[941] = "神圣之歌,PVE,zhCN,Battle Group 10,CN",
[1813] = "穆戈尔,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 18,CN",
[803] = "符文图腾,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 5,CN",
[1672] = "米奈希尔,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 15,CN",
[742] = "索拉丁,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 2,CN",
[807] = "红云台地,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 5,CN",
[717] = "红龙军团,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 1,CN",
[806] = "红龙女王,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 5,CN",
[1239] = "纳克萨玛斯,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 12,CN",
[825] = "纳沙塔尔,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 6,CN",
[2123] = "织亡者,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 21,CN",
[729] = "罗宁,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 2,CN",
[841] = "羽月,PVE,zhCN,Battle Group 6,CN",
[1832] = "翡翠梦境,PVE,zhCN,Battle Group 18,CN",
[872] = "耐奥祖,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 8,CN",
[778] = "耐普图隆,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 4,CN",
[856] = "耳语海岸,PVE,zhCN,Battle Group 7,CN",
[1942] = "能源舰,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 19,CN",
[843] = "自由之风,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 6,CN",
[754] = "艾森娜,PVE,zhCN,Battle Group 3,CN",
[847] = "艾欧纳尔,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 7,CN",
[1485] = "艾维娜,PVE,zhCN,Battle Group 13,CN",
[703] = "艾苏恩,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 1,CN",
[1495] = "艾莫莉丝,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 13,CN",
[753] = "艾萨拉,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 3,CN",
[1812] = "艾露恩,PVE,zhCN,Battle Group 17,CN",
[949] = "芬里斯,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 10,CN",
[929] = "苏塔恩,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 9,CN",
[1828] = "范克里夫,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 18,CN",
[1233] = "范达尔鹿盔,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 12,CN",
[1510] = "荆棘谷,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 14,CN",
[2131] = "莫德雷萨,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 21,CN",
[1241] = "莱索恩,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 12,CN",
[1497] = "菲拉斯,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 13,CN",
[1943] = "菲米丝,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 19,CN",
[2132] = "萨塔里奥,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 21,CN",
[830] = "萨尔,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 6,CN",
[739] = "萨格拉斯,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 2,CN",
[1969] = "萨洛拉丝,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 20,CN",
[1238] = "萨菲隆,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 12,CN",
[725] = "蓝龙军团,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 2,CN",
[709] = "藏宝海湾,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 1,CN",
[842] = "蜘蛛王国,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 6,CN",
[1946] = "血吼,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 19,CN",
[839] = "血牙魔王,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 6,CN",
[799] = "血环,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 5,CN",
[1205] = "血羽,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 11,CN",
[886] = "血色十字军,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 8,CN",
[1487] = "血顶,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 13,CN",
[1817] = "试炼之环,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 18,CN",
[826] = "诺兹多姆,PVE,zhCN,Battle Group 6,CN",
[1504] = "诺森德,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 14,CN",
[736] = "诺莫瑞根,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 2,CN",
[1950] = "贫瘠之地,PVE,zhCN,Battle Group 19,CN",
[933] = "踏梦者,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 10,CN",
[780] = "轻风之语,PVE,zhCN,Battle Group 4,CN",
[2125] = "达克萨隆,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 21,CN",
[1940] = "达基萨斯,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 19,CN",
[1938] = "达尔坎,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 19,CN",
[1490] = "达文格尔,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 13,CN",
[760] = "达斯雷玛,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 3,CN",
[711] = "达纳斯,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 1,CN",
[855] = "达隆米尔,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 7,CN",
[917] = "迅捷微风,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 9,CN",
[2135] = "远古海滩,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 21,CN",
[2118] = "迦拉克隆,PVE,zhCN,Battle Group 21,CN",
[1667] = "迦玛兰,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 15,CN",
[812] = "迦罗娜,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 5,CN",
[1945] = "迦顿,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 19,CN",
[712] = "迪托马斯,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 1,CN",
[1493] = "迪瑟洛克,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 13,CN",
[1511] = "逐日者,PVE,zhCN,Battle Group 14,CN",
[883] = "通灵学院,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 8,CN",
[887] = "遗忘海岸,PVE,zhCN,Battle Group 8,CN",
[1668] = "金度,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 15,CN",
[962] = "金色平原,rppvp,zhCN,Battle Group 10,CN",
[744] = "铜龙军团,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 2,CN",
[889] = "银月,PVE,zhCN,Battle Group 8,CN",
[888] = "银松森林,PVE,zhCN,Battle Group 8,CN",
[784] = "闪电之刃,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 4,CN",
[749] = "阿克蒙德,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 3,CN",
[1200] = "阿努巴拉克,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 11,CN",
[1482] = "阿卡玛,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 13,CN",
[1795] = "阿古斯,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 17,CN",
[844] = "阿尔萨斯,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 7,CN",
[1483] = "阿扎达斯,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 13,CN",
[1201] = "阿拉希,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 11,CN",
[845] = "阿拉索,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 7,CN",
[1935] = "阿斯塔洛,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 19,CN",
[1932] = "阿曼尼,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 19,CN",
[700] = "阿格拉玛,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 1,CN",
[1931] = "阿比迪斯,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 19,CN",
[1210] = "阿纳克洛斯,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 11,CN",
[748] = "阿迦玛甘,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 3,CN",
[931] = "雏龙之翼,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 9,CN",
[817] = "雷克萨,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 6,CN",
[816] = "雷斧堡垒,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 5,CN",
[1211] = "雷霆之怒,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 11,CN",
[726] = "雷霆之王,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 2,CN",
[818] = "雷霆号角,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 5,CN",
[1955] = "霍格,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 20,CN",
[877] = "霜之哀伤,PVE,zhCN,Battle Group 8,CN",
[876] = "霜狼,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 8,CN",
[764] = "风暴之怒,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 3,CN",
[953] = "风暴之眼,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 10,CN",
[1509] = "风暴之鳞,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 14,CN",
[2134] = "风暴峭壁,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 21,CN",
[765] = "风行者,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 3,CN",
[804] = "鬼雾峰,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 5,CN",
[1798] = "鲜血熔炉,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 17,CN",
[890] = "鹰巢山,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 8,CN",
[1810] = "麦姆,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 17,CN",
[774] = "麦维影歌,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 4,CN",
[870] = "麦迪文,PVE,zhCN,Battle Group 8,CN",
[808] = "黄金之路,PVE,zhCN,Battle Group 5,CN",
[1204] = "黑手军团,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 11,CN",
[805] = "黑暗之矛,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 5,CN",
[1801] = "黑暗之门,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 17,CN",
[1516] = "黑暗虚空,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 14,CN",
[932] = "黑暗魅影,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 9,CN",
[716] = "黑石尖塔,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 1,CN",
[1213] = "黑翼之巢,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 11,CN",
[1491] = "黑铁,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 13,CN",
[2126] = "黑锋哨站,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 21,CN",
[715] = "黑龙军团,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 1,CN",
[1215] = "龙骨平原,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 11,CN",
--{{ Taiwan
[982] = "世界之樹,PVE,zhTW,嗜血,TW",
[1038] = "亞雷戈斯,PVE,zhTW,嗜血,TW",
[977] = "冰霜之刺,PVP,zhTW,嗜血,TW",
[1001] = "冰風崗哨,PVP,zhTW,嗜血,TW",
[979] = "地獄吼,PVP,zhTW,嗜血,TW",
[1043] = "夜空之歌,PVP,zhTW,嗜血,TW",
[980] = "天空之牆,PVE,zhTW,嗜血,TW",
[1057] = "寒冰皇冠,PVP,zhTW,嗜血,TW",
[964] = "尖石,PVP,zhTW,嗜血,TW",
[1023] = "屠魔山谷,PVP,zhTW,嗜血,TW",
[966] = "巨龍之喉,PVP,zhTW,嗜血,TW",
[1049] = "憤怒使者,PVP,zhTW,嗜血,TW",
[978] = "日落沼澤,PVP,zhTW,嗜血,TW",
[963] = "暗影之月,PVE,zhTW,嗜血,TW",
[985] = "水晶之刺,PVP,zhTW,嗜血,TW",
[999] = "狂熱之刃,PVP,zhTW,嗜血,TW",
[1056] = "眾星之子,PVE,zhTW,嗜血,TW",
[1006] = "米奈希爾,PVP,zhTW,嗜血,TW",
[1046] = "聖光之願,PVE,zhTW,嗜血,TW",
[1037] = "血之谷,PVP,zhTW,嗜血,TW",
[1033] = "語風,PVE,zhTW,嗜血,TW",
[1048] = "銀翼要塞,PVP,zhTW,嗜血,TW",
[1054] = "阿薩斯,PVP,zhTW,嗜血,TW",
[3663] = "米奈希爾,PVP,zhTW,嗜血,TW",
[965] = "雷鱗,PVP,zhTW,嗜血,TW",
connectionData = {
--{{ North America
-- http://us.battle.net/wow/en/blog/11393305
"1136,83,109,129,1142", -- Aegwynn, Bonechewer, Daggerspine, Gurubashi, Hakkar
"1129,56,1291,1559", -- Agamaggan, Archimonde, Jaedenar, The Underbog
"106,1576", -- Aggramar, Fizzcrank
"1137,84,1145", -- Akama, Dragonmaw, Mug'thol
"1070,1563", -- Alexstrasza, Terokkar
"52,65", -- Alleria, Khadgar
"1282,1264,78,1268", -- Altar of Storms, Anetheron, Magtheridon, Ysondre
"1293,1075,80,1344,71", -- Alterac Mountains, Balnazzar, Gorgonnash, The Forgotten Coast, Warsong
"1276,1267,156,1259", -- Andorhal, Scilla, Ursin, Zuluhed
"1363,116", -- Antonidas, Uldum
"1346,1138,107,1141,130", -- Anub'arak, Chromaggus, Crushridge, Garithos, Nathrezim, Smolderthorn
"1288,1294", -- Anvilmar, Undermine
"1165,1377", -- Arathor, Drenden
"75,1570", -- Argent Dawn, The Scryers
"1297,99", -- Arygos, Llane
"1555,1067,101", -- Auchindoun, Cho'gall, Laughing Skull
"77,1128,79,103", -- Azgalor, Azshara, Destromath, Thunderlord
"121,1143", -- Azjol-Nerub, Khaz Modan
"1549,160", -- Azuremyst, Staghelm
"1190,13", -- Baelgun, Doomhammer
"1280,1068,74", -- Black Dragonflight, Gul'dan, Skullcrusher
"54,1581", -- Blackhand, Galakrond
"1347,125", -- Blackwater Raiders, Shadow Council
"1296,81,154,1266,1295", -- Blackwing Lair, Dethecus, Detheroc, Haomarush, Lethon
"1353,1147", -- Bladefist, Kul Tiras
"1564,105", -- Blade's Edge, Thunderhorn
"1558,70,1131", -- Blood Furnace, Mannoroth, Nazjatar
"64,1258", -- Bloodhoof, Duskwood
"119,112,111,1357,108", -- Bloodscalp, Boulderfist, Dunemaul, Maiev, Stonemaul
"1371,85", -- Borean Tundra, Shadowsong
"117,1364", -- Bronzebeard, Shandris
"91,95,1285", -- Burning Blade, Lightning's Blade, Onyxia
"1430,1432", -- Caelestrasz, Nagrand
"1361,122", -- Cairne, Perenolde
"88,1356", -- Cenarion Circle, Sisters of Elune
"1556,1278,157,1286,72", -- Coilfang, Dalvengyr, Dark Iron, Demon Soul, Shattered Hand
"1351,87", -- Darrowmere, Windrunner
"1434,1134", -- Dath'Remar, Khaz'goroth
"1582,1173", -- Dawnbringer, Madoran
"15,1277,155,1557", -- Deathwing, Executus, Kalecgos, Shattered Halls
"1271,55", -- Dentarg, Whisperwind
"115,1342", -- Draenor, Echo Isles
"114,1345", -- Dragonblight, Fenris
"1139,113", -- Draka, Suramar
"1362,127,1148,1358,124,110", -- Drak'Tharon, Firetree, Malorne, Rivendare, Spirestone, Stormscale
"1140,131", -- Drak'thul, Skywall
"1429,1433", -- Dreadmaul, Thaurissan
"63,1270", -- Durotan, Ysera
"58,1354", -- Eitrigg, Shu'halo
"123,1349", -- Eldre'Thalas, Korialstrasz
"67,97", -- Elune, Gilneas
"96,1567", -- Eonar, Velen
"93,92,82,159", -- Eredar, Gorefiend, Spinebreaker, Wildhammer
"1565,62", -- Exodar, Medivh
"1370,12,1154", -- Farstriders, Silver Hand, Thorium Brotherhood
"118,126", -- Feathermoon, Scarlet Crusade
"128,8,1360", -- Frostmane, Ner'zhul, Tortheldrin
"7,1348", -- Frostwolf, Vashj
"1578,1069", -- Ghostlands, Kael'thas
"1287,153", -- Gnomeregan, Moonrunner
"158,1292", -- Greymane, Tanaris
"1579,68", -- Grizzly Hills, Lothar
"1149,1144", -- Gundrak, Jubei'Thos
"53,1572", -- Hellscream, Zangarmarsh
"1368,90", -- Hydraxis, Terenas
"14,104", -- Icecrown, Malygos
"98,1262", -- Kargath, Norgannon
"4,1355", -- Kilrogg, Winterhoof
"1071,1290,1260", -- Kirin Tor, Sentinels, Steamwheedle Cartel
"1130,163,1289", -- Lightninghoof, Maelstrom, The Venture Co
"1132,1175", -- Malfurion, Trollbane
"1350,1151", -- Misha, Rexxar
"1374,86", -- Mok'Nathal, Silvermoon
"1182,1359", -- Muradin, Nordrassil
"1367,1375,1184", -- Nazgrel, Nesingwary, Vek'nilash
"1372,1185", -- Quel'dorei, Sen'jin
"1072,1283", -- Ravencrest, Uldaman
"1352,164", -- Ravenholdt, Twisting Nether
"151,3", -- Runetotem, Uther
--{{ Europe
-- Current: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/8715582685
-- Upcoming: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/9582578502
-- English
-- PVE
"1082,1391,1394", -- Kul Tiras / Alonsus / Anachronos
"1081,1312", -- Bronzebeard / Aerie Peak
"1416,1298,1310", -- Blade's Edge / Vek'nilash / Eonar
"1313,552", -- Wildhammer / Thunderhorn
"1311,547,1589", -- Kilrogg / Runetotem / Nagrand
"500,619", -- Aggramar / Hellscream
"1587,501", -- Hellfire / Arathor
"633,630,1087,1392,556", -- Kor’gall / Bloodfeather / Executus / Burning Steppes / Shattered Hand
"503,623", -- Azjol-Nerub / Quel'Thalas
"1588,507", -- Ghostlands / Dragonblight
"1389,1415,1314", -- Darkspear / Terokkar / Saurfang
"502,548", -- Aszune / Shadowsong
"1080,504", -- Khadgar / Bloodhoof
"1393,618", -- Bronze Dragonflight / Nordrassil
"1388,1089", -- Lightbringer / Mazrigos
"1417,550", -- Azuremyst / Stormrage
"505,553", -- Doomhammer / Turalyon
"508,551", -- Emerald Dream / Terenas
-- PVP
"1598,607,1093,1088,1090,1083,1299,526,621,511", -- Shattered Halls / Balnazzar / Ahn'Qiraj / Trollbane / Talnivarr / Chromaggus / Boulderfist / Daggerspine / Laughing Skull / Sunstrider
"1091,518,646,525,522,513", -- Emeriss / Agamaggan / Hakkar / Crushridge / Bloodscalp / Twilight's Hammer
"1303,1413", -- Grim Batol / Aggra
"1596,637,527,627", -- Karazhan / Lightning’s Blade / Deathwing / The Maelstrom
"1597,529,1304", -- Auchindoun / Dunemaul / Jaedenar
"528,558,638,629,559", -- Dragonmaw / Spinebreaker / Haomarush / Vashj / Stormreaver
"515,521,632", -- Zenedar / Bladefist / Frostwhisper
"639,557,519", -- Xavius / Skullcrusher / Al'Akir
"631,606,624", -- Darksorrow / Genjuros / Neptulon
"1092,523", -- Drak’thul / Burning Blade
"1084,1306", -- Dentarg / Tarren Mill
-- RP
"1085,1595,1117", -- Moonglade / The Sha'tar / Steamwheedle Cartel
"1317,561", -- Darkmoon Faire / Earthen Ring
"1096,1308,636,1606,635", -- Scarshield Legion / Ravenholdt / The Venture Co / Sporeggar / Defias Brotherhood
-- French
-- PVE
"1620,510", -- Chants éternels / Vol'jin
"540,645", -- Elune / Varimathras
"1621,538", -- Marécage de Zangar / Dalaran
"1123,1332", -- Eitrigg / Krasus
"1331,517", -- Suramar / Medivh
"1122,641", -- Uldaman / Drek'Thar
-- PvE
"1620,510", -- Chants éternels / Vol'jin
"540,645", -- Elune / Varimathras
"1621,538", -- Marécage de Zangar / Dalaran
"1123,1332", -- Eitrigg / Krasus
"1331,517", -- Suramar / Medivh
"1122,641", -- Uldaman / Drek'Thar
-- PvP
"512,643,642,543", -- Arak-arahm / Throk'Feroth / Rashgarroth / Kael'Thas
"1624,1334,1622,541", -- Naxxramas / Arathi / Temple noir / Illidan
"546,509,544", -- Sargeras / Garona / Ner'zhul
"1336,545,533", -- Eldre'Thalas / Cho'gall / Sinstralis
-- RP
"1127,1626,647", -- Confrérie du Thorium / Les Clairvoyants / Les Sentinelles
-- RP PvP
"1086,1337,644", -- La Croisade écarlate / Culte de la Rive noire / Conseil des Ombres
-- German
-- PVE
"567,1323", -- Gilneas / Ulduar
"1401,1608,574", -- Garrosh / Shattrath / Nozdormu
"1607,562", -- Nethersturm / Alexstrasza
"1400,1404,602", -- Un'GoroArea 52 / Sen'jin
"1330,568", -- Ambossar / Kargath
"1097,1324", -- Ysera / Malorne
"1098,572", -- Malygos / Malfurion
"1106,1409", -- Tichondrius / Lordaeron
"1406,569", -- Arygos / Khaz'goroth
"1407,575", -- Teldrassil / Perenolde
"535,1328", -- Durotan / Tirion
"570,565", -- Lothar / Baelgun
"1408,600", -- Norgannon / Dun Morogh
"1099,563", -- Rexxar / Alleria
"593,571", -- Proudmoore / Madmortem
-- PVP
"1105,1321,584,573,608", -- Nazjatar / Dalvengyr / Frostmourne / Zuluhed / Anub'arak
"578,1318,1613,588,609", -- Arthas / Vek'lor / Blutkessel / Kel'Thuzad / Wrathbringer
"531,615,1319,605,610", -- Dethecus / Terrordar / Mug'thol / Theradras / Onyxia
"1612,1320,590", -- Echsenkessel / Taerar / Mal'Ganis
"1104,1611,1322,587,594,589", -- Anetheron / Festung der Stürme / Rajaxx / Gul'dan / Nathrezim / Kil'jaeden
"612,611,591,582,586", -- Nefarian / Nera'thor / Mannoroth / Destromath / Gorgonnash
"579,616", -- Azshara / Krag'jin
-- RP
"1118,576", -- Die ewige Wacht / Die Silberne Hand
"1405,592", -- Todeswache / Zirkel des Cenarius
"1327,617", -- Der Mithrilorden / Der Rat von Dalaran
"516,1333", -- Die Nachtwache / Forscherliga
"1121,1119,614,1326,613,1619", -- Die Arguswacht / Die Todeskrallen / Das Syndikat / Der abyssische Rat / Kult der Verdammten / Das Konsortium
-- Spanish
-- PVE
"1385,1386", -- Exodar / Minahonda
"1395,1384,1387", -- Colinas Pardas / Tyrande / Los Errantes
-- PVP
"1379,1382,1383,1380", -- Zul'jin / Sanguino / Shen'dralar / Uldum
-- Russian
-- PVP
"1924,1617", -- Booty Bay (RU) / Deathweaver (RU)
"1609,1616", -- Deepholm (RU) / Razuvious (RU)
"1927,1926", -- Grom (RU) / Thermaplugg (RU)
"1603,1610", -- Lich King (RU) / Greymane (RU)
--{{ Korea
-- https://github.com/phanx-wow/LibRealmInfo/issues/8
-- PVE
"201,2111", -- 불타는 군단 / 스톰레이지
"2106,2079,214", -- 렉사르 / 와일드해머 / 윈드러너
-- PVP
"258,2108", -- 알렉스트라자 / 데스윙
"2110,207,264,211", -- 세나리우스 / 달라란 / 말퓨리온 / 노르간논
"212,215,2116", -- 가로나 / 굴단 / 줄진
--{{ Taiwan
-- inferred by GUID sniffing, needs confirmation by GetAutoCompleteRealms
if standalone then
LRI_RealmData = realmData
LRI_ConnectionData = connectionData