option(SERVERS "Build worldserver and authserver" 1) option(SCRIPTS "Build core with scripts included" 1) option(UNIT_TESTS "Build unit tests" 0) option(TOOLS "Build map/vmap/mmap extraction/assembler tools" 0) option(USE_SCRIPTPCH "Use precompiled headers when compiling scripts" 1) option(USE_COREPCH "Use precompiled headers when compiling servers" 1) option(WITH_WARNINGS "Show all warnings during compile" 0) option(WITH_COREDEBUG "Include additional debug-code in core" 0) option(WITH_PERFTOOLS "Enable compilation with gperftools libraries included" 0) option(WITH_MESHEXTRACTOR "Build meshextractor (alpha)" 0) option(WITHOUT_GIT "Disable the GIT testing routines" 0) option(ENABLE_EXTRAS "Set to 0 to disable extra features optimizing performances" 1) option(ENABLE_VMAP_CHECKS "Enable Checks relative to DisableMgr system on vmap" 1) option(ENABLE_EXTRA_LOGS "Enable extra log functions that can be CPU intensive" 0) # Source tree in IDE set(WITH_SOURCE_TREE "hierarchical" CACHE STRING "Build the source tree for IDE's.") set_property(CACHE WITH_SOURCE_TREE PROPERTY STRINGS no flat hierarchical)