# absolute root path of your azerothcore repository # It should not be modified if you don't really know what you're doing SRCPATH="$AC_PATH_ROOT" # absolute path where build files must be stored BUILDPATH="$AC_PATH_ROOT/var/build/obj" # absolute path where binary files must be stored BINPATH="$AC_PATH_ROOT/env/dist" # bash fills it by default with your os type. No need to change it. # Change it if you really know what you're doing. # OSTYPE="" # When using linux, our installer automatically get information about your distro # using lsb_release. If your distro is not supported but it's based on ubuntu or debian, # please change it to one of these values. #OSDISTRO="ubuntu" # absolute path where config. files must be stored # default: the system will use binpath by default # CONFDIR="$AC_PATH_ROOT/env/dist/etc/" ############################################## # # COMPILER_CONFIGURATIONS # ############################################## # Set preferred compilers. # To use gcc (not suggested) instead of clang change in: # CCOMPILERC="/usr/bin/gcc" # CCOMPILERCXX="/usr/bin/g++" # CCOMPILERC="/usr/bin/clang" CCOMPILERCXX="/usr/bin/clang++" # how many thread must be used for compilation ( leave zero to use all available ) MTHREADS=0 # enable/disable warnings during compilation CWARNINGS=ON # enable/disable some debug informations ( it's not a debug compilation ) CDEBUG=OFF # specify compilation type CTYPE=Release # compile scripts CSCRIPTS=ON # compile unit tests CUNIT_TESTS=OFF # compile server CSERVERS=ON # compile tools CTOOLS=OFF # use precompiled headers ( fatest compilation but not optimized if you change headers often ) CSCRIPTPCH=ON CCOREPCH=ON # Skip specific modules from compilation (cmake reconfigure needed) # use semicolon ; to separate modules CDISABLED_AC_MODULES="" # you can add your custom definitions here ( -D ) # example: CCUSTOMOPTIONS=" -DWITH_PERFTOOLS=ON -DENABLE_EXTRA_LOGS=ON" # CCUSTOMOPTIONS="" ############################################## # # DB ASSEMBLER / EXPORTER CONFIGURATIONS # ############################################## # # Basically you don't have to edit it # but if you have another database you can add it here # and create relative confiugurations below # DATABASES=( "AUTH" "CHARACTERS" "WORLD" ) OUTPUT_FOLDER="$AC_PATH_ROOT/env/dist/sql/" ####### BACKUP # Set to true if you want to backup your azerothcore databases before importing the SQL with the db_assembler # Do not forget to stop your database software (mysql) before doing so BACKUP_ENABLE=false BACKUP_FOLDER="$AC_PATH_ROOT/env/dist/sql/backup/" ####### # FULL DB DB_AUTH_PATHS=( $SRCPATH"/data/sql/base/db_auth/" ) DB_CHARACTERS_PATHS=( $SRCPATH"/data/sql/base/db_characters" ) DB_WORLD_PATHS=( $SRCPATH"/data/sql/base/db_world/" ) # UPDATES DB_AUTH_UPDATES_PATHS=( $SRCPATH"/data/sql/updates/db_auth/" $SRCPATH"/data/sql/updates/pending_db_auth/" ) DB_CHARACTERS_UPDATES_PATHS=( $SRCPATH"/data/sql/updates/db_characters/" $SRCPATH"/data/sql/updates/pending_db_characters/" ) DB_WORLD_UPDATES_PATHS=( $SRCPATH"/data/sql/updates/db_world/" $SRCPATH"/data/sql/updates/pending_db_world/" ) # CUSTOM DB_AUTH_CUSTOM_PATHS=( $SRCPATH"/data/sql/custom/db_auth/" ) DB_CHARACTERS_CUSTOM_PATHS=( $SRCPATH"/data/sql/custom/db_characters/" ) DB_WORLD_CUSTOM_PATHS=( $SRCPATH"/data/sql/custom/db_world/" ) ############################################## # # DB EXPORTER/IMPORTER CONFIGURATIONS # ############################################## # # Skip import of base sql files to avoid # table dropping # DB_SKIP_BASE_IMPORT_IF_EXISTS=true # # Example: # "C:/Program Files/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.6/bin/mysql.exe" # "/usr/bin/mysql" # "mysql" # DB_MYSQL_EXEC="mysql" DB_MYSQL_DUMP_EXEC="mysqldump" DB_AUTH_CONF="MYSQL_USER='acore'; \ MYSQL_PASS='acore'; \ MYSQL_HOST='localhost';\ " DB_CHARACTERS_CONF="MYSQL_USER='acore'; \ MYSQL_PASS='acore'; \ MYSQL_HOST='localhost';\ " DB_WORLD_CONF="MYSQL_USER='acore'; \ MYSQL_PASS='acore'; \ MYSQL_HOST='localhost';\ " DB_AUTH_NAME="acore_auth" DB_CHARACTERS_NAME="acore_characters" DB_WORLD_NAME="acore_world"