#!/bin/bash # # * Copyright (C) 2007 - 2015 Hyperweb2 All rights reserved. # * GNU General Public License version 3; see www.hyperweb2.com/terms/ # # This file contains login/password information for accessing the MySQL database # and is used by all the mysql_* scripts. # # # MYSQL # # change these lines with your mysql config MYSQL_DB=test MYSQL_USER=usr MYSQL_PASS=pwd MYSQL_HOST=localhost #MYSQL_SOCK=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock # # File Options # # path of directory where extract separated tables ( without end slash ) TPATH=./tables # (boolean) clean directory before dump, in this way non-existant db tables will be deleted CLEANFOLDER=1 # path of file to extract database full dump FPATH=./full/full.sql # (boolean) switch to enable(1)/disable(0) the dump/import of full db file # ( you can do it manually using command parameters ) FULL=0 # (boolean) set 1 to enable --tab option for mysqldump and import data from it # it's very fast import/export process but doesn't utilize the insert query # NOTE: full db continue to be dumped with normal sql format # NOTE2: if you have problem with permissions ( mysql errorcode:13) mostly in linux # you should enable CHMODE config and disable/edit # some protections such as AppArmor in Ubuntu or SELinux in Fedora.. TEXTDUMPS=1 # (boolean) allow to change "TPATH" folder permissions to enable mysql server writing CHMODE=0 # # TOOLS OPTIONS # #number of threads you want to use in TEXT import mode ( you can safely set it to your number of processor increasing process speed ) THREADS=1 IMPORTOPTS_TEXT="--use-threads=$THREADS --local --compress --delete --lock-tables" DUMPOPTS="--skip-comments --skip-set-charset --extended-insert --order-by-primary --single-transaction --quick"